RABBI’S REFLECTIONS “Getting to Know You” The synagogue is the Jewish communal center. One good way to measure its effectiveness is how well connected its members are to one another. Do we attend services together, take classes, enjoy social events and see each other outside the synagogue building? If the answer is yes, the shul truly is at the center of our lives. If not, we have to ask ourselves what will build meaningful connections to make it so. There is no more important way than for me to know you. In my June article last year I invited our members to call and make an appointment to visit with me as I completed my first year as rabbi of Beth Judea. Several did; others said hello at events; still others I met through life cycle events. Near the end my second year, I estimate that I now know at least one person in 300 Beth Judea households. But that is not good enough. I want to know every one of our members, adults and children, so I am now going to make it even easier for you to see me. On Mondays and Thursdays throughout the summer (unless I am away) I will have open hours in the lobby of the synagogue for drop in visits. Mondays and Thursdays from June 3rd until August 29th I will be downstairs and available to talk to anyone who comes into the building from 1-2:30 on Monday afternoons and from 10-11:30 on Thursday mornings. [Note that I will be away from July 7-20 and August 4-10 on vacation.] Feel free to stop in to introduce yourself and catch up on all the latest shul news. If those hours don’t work for you, we can of course still make an appointment for other times as well.
IN THIS ISSUE Rabbi’s Reflections …………………………………..….1 2013 Awards Shabbat Dinner ………………………… 2 Notes from the Cantor ….…………..…………………. 3 Special Events and Notices ………………………….. 3 High Holiday Information ……………………………… 4 Presidents Message ………………...…………………. 5 Bar Mitzvah Bios ………….……………………………. 7 Membership …………………………………..………… 8 Education ..……………………………………………... 9 Focus on Families ……………………………………… 11 Ritual ……………………………………………………. 11 BJE ……………………………………………………… 11 MT Nesters …………………………………………….. 11 Youth ……………………………………………………. 12 Sisterhood……………………………………………….. 14 Hesed Committee ……………………………………… 15 Mitzvah Mall …………………………………………….. 15 SHALVA ………………………………………………… 15 Adult Education ………………………………………… 16 Goodman Blog (Part 16) ……………………………... 17 Bikur Cholim …………………………………………….. 20 College Connections ……………….………………… 21 Community Connections ……………………………… 21 Sisterhood Gift Shop ………………………………….. 21 Birthdays and Anniversaries ………………………….. 25 Yahrzeits……………………………………………….… 26 Tributes……………………………………………….…. 28 Calendar ………….…………………………..……..….. 31 2013 – 2014 Newly Elected Officers and Directors .. 32 Save the Date …………………………………………. 33 Index of Flyers and Advertisers……………….……… 33
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers June 7, 2013 – 7:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of June will be recognized at our service on June 7th. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm and will conclude by 8:15 pm.
(continued on next page)
Children of every age are welcome!
UPSTAIRS THOUGHTS But I also want to move in the other direction. For those who cannot make it into the shul, for whatever reason, I will be calling you to ask for a home visit. This part of my efforts will mostly center on our older members; I will continue to learn the names of those with school-aged children during the school year through our many school-related activities. I will not feel that I am truly your rabbi unless I know every one of you by name and face. My hope is to get to know someone in at least 400 households by the end of the summer. Expect a call! My not-so-hidden agenda in all this is not simply to master a list of names or prove something to myself. My hope is to make Beth Judea an indispensable part of all of our lives. If the shul is not integral to who we are, our support for it will naturally fade. With so many things competing for our attention and our support, the American synagogue cannot afford to take its members for granted. It is only be nurturing our relationships with each and every one of our constituents that we will, in turn, be sustained by them.
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
2013 Awards Shabbat Dinner 2013 Awards Shabbat Dinner DATE: Friday, June 14, 2013 SHABBAT DINNER: 6:00 PM SHABBAT SERVICES: 7:30 PM Join us for a very special Shabbat Dinner (brisket and chicken catered by Shaevitz) as we honor:
Bruce Entman, Dr. Susan Weitzman Goldwasser, Ellene Lammers, Harold LeVine, Carrie Shultz and Harris Weiner: Outstanding Service Awards Gary Krugel: Board Member of the Year Ronna Leibach: Lifetime Achievement Award These congregants have honored us with service “above and beyond.” We hope you can honor them with your presence at this event. An extended oneg will follow Shabbat services. There is no charge for the oneg, but please indicate below how many will be attending. Even if you cannot attend the dinner please join us for services and the special oneg. Also consider becoming a sponsor or making a donation in honor of these deserving Beth Judea members. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Please reply by June 7 Last Name:___________________________________________________________
First Name(s):__________________________________________ (clearly, list all attendees)
Phone #_________________________ Email________________________________
______ Adults/($25) ______ Children 6-12/($10) ______ under 5 ($5)
______ Family Rate $70.00 (Immediate household family)
_______Yes, I would like the vegetarian option for dinner We would like to sit with:___________________________________________________ _____ # attending oneg (no cost)
During the summer, with less activity in our building, we are often in greater need of your assistance with our daily minyan. Sunday mornings, at 9:00AM, Monday mornings at 6:15AM, Monday through Thursday evenings at 7:30PM. Just showing up makes all the difference.
HELP THE OKLAHOMA TORNADO VICTIMS CHUSY Region is collecting various items to send down to Oklahoma to help them recover from the devastation of the tornado that struct them on May 20, 2013. That’s where we need YOU!
$____ I/we want to sponsor the oneg, for $36 _____ I/we would like to make a donation of $_____ in honor of our award recipients $______ Total Due: Yes, my check (Beth Judea) is enclosed or Charge to my credit card(please add in the 2.5% convenience fee if paying by credit card)
Download 2013 Awards Shabbat Dinner Flyer
NOTE: Reservations for the Awards Shabbat Dinner are due by June 7, 2013. We regret that no late
reservations may be accepted.
Donors to the Oneg will be listed in the next edition of The Word. Coming Up:
Click Here for a List of Items Needed and More Info _________________________________________ In addition, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago is partnering with the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma whereby 100% of all monetary donations go directly to aid those most grievously affected. Click Here to Read the Message from Rabbi Pivo
The Word June 2013
June 18, 2013 Premium Membership Dessert
June 21, 2013 Shabbat Service & Installation of New Executives and Board Members Page 2
NOTES FROM THE CANTOR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Jr. Yad Squad I Special opportunity for incoming BET Students to study with Hazzan Weisberg on Thursdays at 4:15!! Students who enjoy learning Hebrew and music are invited to get a head start using the ancient musical phrases known as the Trope System, taught by Hazzan Weisberg. After getting to know the trope signs, students will have a chance to prepare small portions in the Torah for Gan Shabbat services in 2014. There is a one-time $60 fee for texts/recordings.
High Holiday Choir Soon to Resume As summer begins, we are already busy getting ready for the upcoming High Holidays, so I will extend my usual invitation to any of you who may wish to participate in our volunteer High Holiday choir. Your involvement can enhance these Days of Awe not only for you, but for our entire membership. Our one-hour weekly rehearsals, beginning at the end of June or beginning of July, are always enjoyable – it’s a great way to strengthen your connection to fellow congregants as well as to the beauty of Jewish music and worship. Please contact either myself (hazzanweisberg@bethjudea.org) or Marty Karlin (karlin0704@gmail.com) for more details. MEGILLAT EICHA READING
SPECIAL EVENTS AND NOTICES Congregation Beth Judea’s 2014 Trip to Israel
Congregation Beth Judea’s 2014 Trip to Israel To anyone who expressed an interest (in our recent survey) for a 2014 Congregational trip to Israel, please plan to attend an informational meeting on June 6th 2013 at 8:00 pm (after Minyan). We would like to gauge exactly how many Congregants are truly interested and what type of trip they would prefer. We are not asking for any commitments that evening, rather to just establish an interest level.
Arnie Goldberg
Download Israel Meeting Flyer
Tisha B’Av - chanting EIKHAH The Book of Lamentations, or in Hebrew Eikhah, is traditionally chanted, using its unique, mournful trope melody, on Erev Tisha B’Av (the 9th of Av), as we begin a day of fasting in remembrance of the destruction of the First and Second Temples which stood in Jerusalem, in addition to the many other tragic events in Jewish history which have come to be associated with this day in our Hebrew Calendar. Traditional Jews do not eat or drink or wear leather shoes that day.
AIPAC Speaker
This year, Erev Tisha B’Av will take place on the evening of Monday, July 15. Following the evening service, we will sit along the steps of the bimah with candles and lowered lighting, enough to follow along as we chant the five moving chapters of Eikhah. The special Eikhah trope is not difficult to pick up, for those who sing, especially if you are already familiar with trope phrasing. I will be happy to assign a section for you if you are interested, and assist you in preparing it if you would like. Please contact me by June 14 at hazzanweisberg@bethjudea.org . Or chant MEGILLAT ESTHER next Purim! It may seem strange to be thinking about Purim during the summer, but this is actually the perfect time for those who enjoy chanting scripture to be acquiring this wonderful, tongue-in-cheek version of the tropes, in order to read from the Megillah next Purim (March 15, 2014 in the evening). It is such a dramatic story! The anticipation of everyone’s groggers, which surrounds each time the evil Haman is mentioned, makes it all the more exciting. If enough of you are interested, I will offer a class on Esther trope – I know of several already who have asked about it – or if not, then hopefully I can work with you individually. Be forewarned, however, that the Purim story is recited at breakneck speed, and should be read directly from the scroll, similar to Torah. Once again, if you are up for a fun challenge, please get in touch in the next week or two. To all of you, may your summer be restful and enjoyable! I look forward to seeing you in these weeks of sunlight and warmth. Hazzan Roger Weisberg
The Word June 2013
Download AIPAC Flyer
June 14, 2013 – This is the deadline to take advantage of the $25 Membership Discount. July 31, 2013 – This is the Deadline for the Book of Remembrance Forms
Page 3
HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS AND SCHOOL ADMIT CARDS! High Holiday Tickets and School Admit Cards will be available to be picked up in the synagogue office beginning
Monday, August 19, 2013
MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013 – 7:30 PM
As in the past, 1/3 of all dues must be paid before Holiday Tickets and School Admit Cards can be released, unless on Visa/MC or special payment plan.
If you have any questions, please call the synagogue office
at (847) 634-0777
Reminder: The deadline for the Book of Remembrance is July 31, 2013
Please call the office if you need a form
HOLIDAY DATES FOR 2013 – 2014 July 15, 2013 July 16, 2013
Erev Tisha B’Av Tisha B’Av
August 31, 2013
September 4, 2013 September 5 – 6, 2013 September 14, 2013 September 13, 2013 September 19 – 26, 2013 September 27, 2013
Erev Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Sukkot Simchat Torah
PRAYER BOOKS: Prayer books will NOT be available at services. If you have not yet purchased the new High Holiday Mahzor, Lev Shalem, that we began using last year, we have copies available in the synagogue office for purchase. The price is $36/book.
The Word June 2013
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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It is hard to believe that my two year term as President of Congregation Beth Judea is already coming to an end. Someone recently asked me how I was sleeping with all the pressures and obligations as synagogue President. I responded, “ever since I became President, I sleep like a baby. . . . ., I wake up every two hours and cry.” However, it has been an honor and pleasure to have served the congregation as President. Being your President has made me truly appreciate our synagogue, the Beth Judea family; and I have grown as a person and as a Jew, and will always cherish my experience. I want to thank my wife, Melissa, and my kids, Abigail and Jeremy, for allowing me the time away from my family and my business in order to fulfill my role and responsibilities as CBJ President. I also want to thank our professional staff, Board of Directors and Congregants for making Beth Judea such a warm, friendly and vibrant synagogue and community. I am proud to report that our kahila (congregation) is the premier conservative synagogue in the northwest suburban community of Chicago. During the last two years there are so many things that we accomplished as a synagogue. I would like to cite just a few of our myriad achievements and highlight programs and activities as follows:
RICK DRAZNER, PRESIDENT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA Office: 847-255-0500 Home: 847-537 3388 Cell: 847-208-3345 E-mail: rjdraz@rjdrazner.com
We brought in Rabbi Jeff Pivo as our new Rabbi, and transitioned him and his family into our community. Rabbi Pivo quickly acclimated himself to Beth Judea; met nearly all our members; shared our life cycle events; sent his children to Solomon Schechter Day School and to the Chicagoland Jewish High School, to Kadima and USY, and to Camp Ramah. Rabbi Pivo has already proven himself to be a wonderful spiritual leader, teacher, counselor and friend. We started a Planned Giving program, which goal is to secure the financial stability of Beth Judea for the next fifty years. A new sign will soon be erected on Rt. 83 with our new congregation logo.
MISSION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming, egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principles of the Conservative Movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of America and the State of Israel.
We had two balanced budgets in the last two years, and were able to maintain our excellence in programming, and to offer financial assistance to our members in need. We had a superb offering of adult education classes and had a record number of participants. Our Kol Nidre appeals were extremely successful bringing in record donations. Moreover, we started Spiritual Pledge Cards, allowing members to donate not just their money, but their time, efforts and talents to the synagogue as well. Attendance at Shabbat services and programs at the synagogue are at a high. Our auxillary groups such as Sisterhood, Men’s Club, MT Nesters and Kadima/USY have excelled. Our groups have received regional and national recognitions, and have become leaders on that level. BJUSY just brought home the distinction of being named Regional Chapter of the Year.
(continued on next page)
The Word June 2013
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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (continued from previous page) Focus on Families has continued programs for families with young children. Our membership has remained consistent and strong. We have participated in Buffalo Grove Days and other community outreach programs. The Purim Masquerade Balls set the bar for excellence in programming at Beth Judea, and also raised significant funds for the synagogue. Our Bnai Mitzvah students have been superbly prepared, and our resource of Torah readers is ever growing. We began a Past Presidents Council in order to benefit from the wisdom and experience of our past congregation Presidents, and keep these great resources active.
We will be a host site for the Florence Melton School of Adult Education for the 2013-2014 year, which will make Beth Judea a premier synagogue for adult education in the Northwest Community. We started a successful Premier Membership program Blessing of the Animals was a unique and fun program allowing congregants to give their pets a Hebrew name. Hosted author, Larry Tye, of Superman, who discussed Was Superman Jewish? Sisterhood hosted author, Ronald Balson, Once We Were Brothers. Hosted author, Rabbi Howard Lifshitz, who signed his new book on his sermons for the last thirty years. The Rick Recht Concert got the kids and adults alike jumping at their seats.
Members participated in Rav Yoga, lead by Rabbi Heather Altman. The USY Purim Carnivals are always a highlight of our Purim celebration. Men’s Club Sukkah, Scotch and Steak and Beef, Bourbon and Brew, along with their annual Poker Tournament are always great fun. The JUF, JNF and AIPAC programs were all educational and inspiring. Acquired new Machzor for our high holiday services. Inspiring program on Suicide Prevention, lead by Dr. Elizabeth Ladin-Gross. Sisterhood book club, Z’hava group, Vashti Gala, Wine Tasting with Men’s Club, Rummage Sale and other many socials are always a wonderful addition to CBJ. There are far too many achievements and fantastic programs and activities to list them all. The question is, did you participate in the majority or even some of these programs and events? The more you give of yourself to Beth Judea, the more you will get out of being a member of our synagogue. I challenge you all to be active members of our Beth Judea family. I wish a Mazel Tov to our next President, Debbie Dubin and to the Officers and Directors who will serve with her. I know we will benefit from their continued leadership. We should all do our part to help make their job a great success. Hazak, Hazak V’nithazek. Be strong, be strong, and Let us strengthen one another.
Rick Drazner CBJ President 2011 - 2013
The Word June 2013
A List of the Newly Elected Officers and Directors Can be Found on the Last Page of this Edition of The Word Page 6
B’NAI MITZVAH BIOS Zachary Weil will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, June 1, 2013 – his 13th birthday. Zachary is a 7th grader at Twin Groves Middle School. He enjoys playing basketball on the school’s basketball team. In the fall you can find him playing football for the Bills. When he is not playing sports he enjoys watching sports and hanging out with his friends. This summer Zachary will spend his fourth year at B’nai B’rith Beber Camp in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. Zachary is excited to share his special day with his parents, Sharon and Mike, his sisters Jessica and Rachel and his grandparents Elyse and Larry Stern and Steve and Judy Weil along with the rest of the family and friends. Zachary would like to thank Cantor Weisberg for helping him study for his Bar Mitzvah. Thank you to Rabbi Pivo, Anna Besser and all of his Hebrew School teachers for helping him prepare for this milestone. Haley Schwartz will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on June 9, 2013. Haley shares her simcha with her very proud parents, Faith and Matthew and her brothers Alexander and Joshua, and her grandparents Adair and Michael Gerstein and Fran and Ronald Schwartz. Haley is very involved with her activities. She enjoys Cheerleading, tumbling and tennis. She enjoyed being on Poms and in ski club this year. In the summer you will find Haley swimming, at the beach, on the trampoline and enjoying the beautiful summer days outside. In the winter Haley likes to sled and ski. Haley also likes to play games on her phone. Haley has a kind heart and likes to help kids in need, especially those that are sick. Haley sends thanks to Shira Sender, Hazzan Weisberg and Rabbi Pivo for helping her prepare for this very special day in her life. Also, all her teachers and Mrs. Besser for the wonderful education that helped her get to this amazing moment in her life. She also thanks her family and friends for their support and love.
The Word June 2013
Justin Joshua Gould will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, June 8, 2013. Justin is a 7th grade student at Woodlawn Middle School who balances school work with a busy schedule of activities, including playing BGRA Baseball, Bills Football and travel hockey for the Glacier Ice Dogs. In addition, he enjoys hanging out with friends, reading, archery and climbing any mountain he can. Sharing this special day with Justin are his proud parents, Alan and Camy, his brother Jacob and sister Jessica, his grandparents Chuck and Marilyn Gould, Dale Hall and Joyce Vail, along with aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Justin and his family are very appreciative of the spiritual guidance and teachings of the three wonderful Rabbis he has been lucky enough to study under, Rabbi Lifshitz, Rabbi Gamer and Rabbi Pivo. We also want to thank all his Hebrew School teachers and staff for providing him with a wonderful Jewish education. A big thank you to Hannah Mills for her time and assistance tutoring Justin these past few months. Lastly, we wish to extend a very special thank you to Cantor Weisberg for all his guidance and patience in preparing Justin for this special day. Eli Joshua Goldman will be called to the Torah on Saturday, June 15th as a Bar Mitzvah. Sharing in his simcha are his siblings: Shelby, Leah and Gabriel, parents: Ana and Fred and proud grandparents: Audrey Kirst, Paul & Sandi Goldman. Eli is a 7th grade National Junior Honor Student at Carl Sandburg M.S. For his Bar Mitzvah project, Eli is involved with Bernie’s Book Bank and will be collecting books for distribution to needy kids in Chicago area. Playing soccer since he was five, Eli is a standout defensive back and has earned the nickname “Chihuahua” for his scrappy and quick moves. Eli would like to thank Rabbi Pivo for his advcse, and Hazzan Weisberg for his many hours of tutoring in person and via Skype. A special todah to Anna Besser and teacher Mrs. Sussman and of course Tammy for all her personal kindness over the past 5 years.
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MEMBERSHIP Thank you to all the individuals of our Beth Judea community who willingly give their time/energy to ensure everyone who wishes finds a niche within our home. If your needs are not, per chance, getting met - call us!! *Suggestions Welcome* Thank you, as well, to all our members who have graciously donated their time & energy for the betterment of our Spiritual Home. I have enjoyed meeting each of you and welcoming you into the Beth Judea family, as well as my own. I’m very excited to stay connected to the Membership TEAM as I finish my term as Membership VP, and Michael Gluck takes on that important role. We make a TEAM: together each accomplishes more!! It is exciting to welcome the year with many fabulous programs such as the Masquerade Ball, Israel & L.I.F.E series speakers, Passover Seder and Rick Recht.
Every member in our shul is a stepping-stone in our never-ending Jewish journey. If you have any questions, call or email me at Beth Judea … my second home. Thank you for your continued dedication to Congregation Beth Judea, as you make it a caring home in which your friends and fellow congregants, instantly becoming family. It has been my honor to serve our Beth Judea for the past four years as your Membership Vice President. I will continue to be a smiling presence in and around shul as I step back onto the Board of Directors. Want to Chat? - cell 847/4170528 home 847/5773917 Ganden3@comcast.net
רדוו רלדו From generation to generation, Diane Ganden Membership VP Help us build our Beth Judea community by referring family, friends, and new neighbors. Please: Keep Congregation Beth Judea in mind when talking to others. YOU are our best means to advertise our shul.
The Word June 2013
Membership Opportunities
EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES for 2013 - 2014 *NEW membership opportunities for L’Dor v’dor* Your Family Can Be a Part of Beth Judea for the same COST of High Holiday Tickets. In the Past, Your Parents/Relatives gifted Tickets to YOU to Attend All High Holiday Services.
Take Ownership and Pride in your Jewish Roots - Join today Create and Grow from your past into your future - Your selection to Belong to the Beth Judea launches Generation to Generation L’Dor v’dor - Seize the Opportunity to Worship with your Extended Family – This offer is an incentive for young adults to take ownership of Beth Judea for their OWN synagogue membership. In addition, programming is being designed specifically for parents in Our Religious School. We are building our memberships with newly married congregants, singles, and young families parenting their Joyous Creations. This category has been designed specifically for YOU!! Are you under 30 years Young? Did our Clergy conduct your Marriage ceremony? Join Beth Judea NOW - For only $325single/$650couple Meet Young Families that share your same Values – Share the Social and/or Religious programming designed with You in Mind – Beth Judea has Youth and Adult Education for All ages – Bring Your Circle into Our Family – Did you know that Interfaith families make up a large portion of CBJ’s Membership? Get Flyer
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EDUCATION Confirmation Class of 5773 Congratulations to this year’s Confirmation Class: Daniel Balogh, Samantha Moskowitz, Samuel Sussman and Gabrielle Taxer. Over the years you have devoted yourselves to a lifetime of Jewish learning. How appropriate that your Confirmation happens on Shavuot, when we celebrate receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. The giving of the Torah was an event of awesome proportions that stamped the Jewish nation with a unique character, faith and destiny. And in the 3,300 years since this event, Torah ideals monotheism, justice, responsibility -- have become the moral basis for Western civilization. This Shavuot, we honor your commitment and dedication to Judaism. Mazel Tov - You have worked hard towards this goal!
18 + Shabbat Awards Each year there are certain students who go above and beyond the School Shabbat Service Requirement. We recognize those who have attended 18 or more Shabbat Services this year with a gift card to Barnes & Noble. They are: Charlie Appel Hannah Ernsteen Lauren Appel Alexander Goldwasser Molly Appel Samantha Harris Miriam Besser Eli Levsky Robbie Besser Jordyn Neiman Noah Brody Courtney Shub Samantha Brody Olivia Soble Talia Brody Ryan Sussman Aiden Ernsteen Ethan Zeidman Brielle Ernsteen Zachary Zeidman Yasher Koach for your accomplishments! Religious School Hours Please note that during the summer, the Religious School Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you have any concerns or would like to just visit, please do not hesitate to come in. Have a wonderful summer.
Thank You to our Teachers The 2012-2013 school year has come to a close. It has been a marvelous experience for students and teachers. I am always delighted to observe the learning and sincerity displayed by all of our students while they are here. Our students and teachers worked very hard and we are all proud of them. I would like to thank all our teachers who diligently taught our children this year. They are:
Yochi Eilian Mindy Gold Alina Groth Natalie Gurin Carrol Hilder Batya Kogan Norm Kurtz Jodi Levit
Lisa Ribot Tammy Scheibe Marc Sender Shira Sender Michele Sussman Peggy Weiner Debbie Weiss
Thank you also to Debbie Frager who tirelessly prepared anything and everything the teachers and I asked of her. Her dedication is second to none. I also want to thank our music teachers – Landen Rosenbloom and Sarah Steiner – for making music enjoyable and fun for all!
The Word June 2013
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EDUCATION Marvelous Mitzvot To Do All Summer Long (from the BJE Marshall Center) Now that formal classes are over, there are many things you can do to extend Jewish learning and celebration all summer long, especially by choosing to do mitzvot. Many Marvelous Mitzvot Tikkun Olam / Bal Taschit - (Not Destroying) "When in war against a city... you must not destroy its trees" (Deuteronomy 20:19)
Go to the Chicago Wilderness website and check out their list of volunteer opportunities around town. Recycling is part of Bal Tashchit. Collect 7 recyclable objects and make a sculpture or useful object. Make sure your camp recycles. If not, volunteer to start a recycling campaign. Go to JUF TOV Volunteer network website. Make a family commitment to help on a project.
Shalom Bayit - (Peace in the Home) "Peace be within your walls and prosperity within your palaces." (Psalms 122:7)
Give the family cook the night off! Volunteer to make an easy picnic dinner for your family. Set up a blanket in the backyard and enjoy a picnic dinner under the stars. Make a coupon book filled with household chores you will help with over the summer. On the first page, explain how this is related to shalom bayit. Give it to your mom or dad as a surprise present. Read a Jewish story book to a younger sister or brother.
Shabbat - "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy." (Exodus 20:8)
Check out a book from the library on paper flower making. Create a beautiful bouquet for your Sabbath table. Take a family outing to a fruit orchard Gather fresh fruit and make a scrumptious dessert for Shabbat dinner. Practice one of the brachot recited during Havdalah. Volunteer to lead the family in that part of the lovely, brief service. Take a Shabbat nature walk with a friend or family member. Compose a blessing for some wonder in nature that is new - a windflower or bird you have never seen before, or a bug that is new and different. After Shabbat, put together a personal book with your special blessings.
Best wishes for a very relaxing summer vacation. -Anna Besser
The Word June 2013
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Family Programs
Attention Torah Readers: In order to allow trained Torah Readers greater access to available Shabbat aliyot, we are trying a new system: A list of the upcoming dates and portions is available via this link (Torah Portions). If you see a portion you would like to read, send a note to Hazzan Weisberg identifying which date and portion that you would like to read. He will confirm your assignment. Hazzan will usually confirm within 3 days. If you have not received a response after 3 days, please send him a reminder along with a copy to Sandy Victor. As in the past, you need to check back with him about two weeks prior to the date you are reading to ensure that you have learned the portion. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sandy Victor Ritual Vice President
download flyer
rsvp by email
We’re still here!! We’re getting younger every year!! Where are you?
Click on the Links Below to View the Flyers Sunday July 7, 2013
12:30 PM Ravinia Concert (RSVP by June 7th)
Sunday Every Shabbat Morning 10:30 AM Gan Shabbat
Seriously – this is a great way to meet and hang out with your contemporaries. The MT Nesters is open to the community and our annual dues are still at $20. However, there’s a special deal for Beth Judea members – the dues for your first year membership in MT Nesters is NONE - - - ZERO. We meet once a month, usually on Sunday evening, except for February and the summer months. Call Carol at (847) 537-3566 or Sam at (847) 459-0316.
Check out our full calendar of events here. Like what you see in family programming and want to help keep it going? Please consider volunteering to help with one of our programs this year L’hitraot! See you soon! Click Here to Join us on Facebook
Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center! For information please visit our website at www.bjeecc.org or call Janet Sear at 847 634-0363.
The Word June 2013
Page 11
CONGRATULATIONS TO BJUSY YOUTH At this past weekend's Kinnus Spring Convention for USY the members of our USY chapter, BJUSY, had the most prestigious award possible presented to them.
Dear Beth Judea FamilyThis month I send out a huge thank you to all of the BJUSY stock shareholders for helping us raise over $2300. In addition I must take time to thank my two wonderful advisors Aaron Polonsky and Cheryl Meltzer for all of their hard work and effort the last six years. They will be missed next year but we wish them the best of luck in the new journeys in their lives. Finally please mark your calendars for Sunday night June 30th through Monday morning July 1st as we will once again be hosting a USY on Wheels bus. We are going to be looking for congregants who are willing to open up their homes and house teens from all across the country for that one evening. Congregants can sign up to host by going to http://tinyurl.com/wheelsbus. Finally I am leaving you below with a message from our outgoing president Cara Golberg as well as a message from one of our outgoing advisors Aaron Polonsky. Remember you can always stay up to date with all things BJUSY by going to our brand new and improved website www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com and you can sign up for membership by going to http://tinyurl.com/bethjudeayouth.
A hearty mazel tov goes out to each and every member of BJUSY USY. This award is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of each and every one of our members. I would like to send out a special thank you to the following people who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to make BJUSY the best in the region: First to the hard-working members of the BJUSY Executive Board Cara Golberg*, President Larry Bender, Communications VP Allison Goldstein, Israel Affairs VP Sarah Heiger, Membership/Kadima VP Samie Moskowitz, Programming VP Sam Sussman, Religion/Education VP Joel Spiegel, SA/TO VP *A VERY SPECIAL MAZEL TOV GOES TO CARA GOLBERG WHO ALSO WAS ELECTED TO THE CHUSY REGIONAL BOARD AS THE 2013-2014 MEMBERSHIP/KADIMA VP Additionally I would like to thank my two incredible and unbelievably dedicated Youth Advisors
B’Shalom, Marc Sender - Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea - 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: YouthDirector@bethjudea.org www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com Sign up for membership at http://tinyurl.com/bethjudeayouth Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel
Youth End of Year BBQ Bash USY Wheels Bus
Click here to visit our 2012-2013 Calendar
I would also like to thank our Youth Vice-President Joan Smith and the rest of the youth committee who work tirelessly behind the scenes to support our youth in every way possible. Finally a huge thank you goes out to the entire congregation. Through your support both financially and in so many other ways our youth group has been able to grow into the award winning program that it is today.
2013 – 2014 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2013-2014 BJUSY, Kadima & Kadinkers Online Membership Form 2013-2014 USY, Kadima and Kadinkers Membership Application
2013 – 2014 INSTALLATIONS INCOMING President Communications VP Israel Affairs VP Membership/Kadima VP Programming VP Religiion/Education VP Social Action/Tikun Olam VP
Cheryl Meltzer and Aaron Polonsky
Deepest Regards, Marc Sender Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea
SAVE THE DATE: June 2, 2013 June 30, 2013
Our USY won CHUSY Region Chapter of the Year
Joel Spiegel Danny Greenberg Carlene Rubin Sara Heiger Emily Magid Sam Sussman Abbie Malkin
OUTGOING Cara Golberg Larry Bender Allison Goldstein Miranda Brim Samie Moskowitz Sam Sussman Joel Spiegel
I would once again like to thank and congratulate the old board on an outstanding year and congratulate and welcome to the new board for 2013-2014. MARC SENDER – YOUTH DIRECTOR
The Word June 2013
On May 24, 2013 the BJUSY kids were written up for their award in the Daily Herald. Here is the link … http://www.dailyher ald.com/article/201 30508/submitted/7 05089794/
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As my time of presidency comes to a close, I have reflected on this past year. Winning Chapter of The Year for the CHUSY region is such an honor. BJUSY has expanded tremendously in this past year.
At our regional convention this past month, I remember looking at my chapter as the regional president, Elan Sykes, was about to announce the winner of the Chapter of the Year Award. And suddenly, I saw my chapter jump up, like we had just scored the final basket at the championship game. I walked up to grab the award, and my board, Larry Bender, Allison Goldstein, Sarah Heiger, Sam Sussman, Joel Spiegel and Samie Moskowitz, ran up there with me. We all were crying and hugging each other. All of our hard work had paid off. Today, I thought as I reflected on this year, I would share one my favorite accomplishments we had. This year, we created Creative Teen Themed Minyans once a month on Shabbat morning. Coming into the year, I knew this was something that would allow teens to connect to Judaism more, and through convincing, Marc Sender and I received the “okay” to start this program. Our services ranged from Ice Cream to Disney to Sports and it allowed every participant to connect to their prayer in different ways than they ever had before. My most prominent memory was at our Disney Minyan where every group of 3 or 4 was assigned a character, and the whole minyan they had to think of each prayer as their character would. I remember having a discussion with the Tinker Bell group and they expressed how Peter Pan was to Tinker Bell as G-d was to us. And right there was where I knew that I had made a difference in the youth of Beth Judea. Not only did I get the opportunity to connect with prayer more, but so did every person who walked into the room each month. Every minyan was a huge success and look out for more next year! These minyans are just one of the many improvements BJUSY had this year. None of this year would have been possible without the help of the Youth Committee, the Youth Vice President, Joan Smith, and our Youth Advisors Aaron Polonksy and Cheryl Meltzer. Aaron and Cheryl, you both will be missed tremendously. You both strongly influenced my involvement in USY as well as other USYer’s. Last, but certainly not least, a HUGE thank you goes out to our Youth Director Marc Sender for all of his hard work and time that he has put in to make this chapter the best chapter of the CHUSY region. As I move on to Regional Board as the Membership/Kadima Vice President, I know that BJUSY will always be my home, because, “once a purple elephant, always a purple elephant”. Cara Golberg 2012-2013 BJUSY President
This is a difficult letter for me to write because it is the beginning of the end. You have been a part of my life for a better part of thirteen years both as a participant and staff member. The opportunity to build memories and be a part of you has been a fixture in my life and I will never forget them. As I survey the other chapters in USY, I can’t help but see the greatness here. In the past seven years as a youth advisor or director, our chapter has won Chapter of the Year four times! Even though we have the hardware from the region to prove our greatness, it is the everyday operation of the program that needs to be highlighted. For starters, the BJUSY program is run by the USYers and supported by the staff. The dedicated board members plan the majority of the programs. The rest of the programs are planned and executed by a general board with the support of the chapter executive board. Additionally, members that have ideas for strengthening programs are heard each week through a suggestion box. There are even USYers not part of either board that plan programs. This empowerment sets BJUSY aside from all other programs. The tone is set early for the executive board. The summer leadership training led by the president and the staff really help to build the leadership skills needed in order to have a successful year. This also gives the board an opportunity to bond as a group to start the year off right. Yes, there are always going to be rocky moments in the year, but the boards over the years have always seemed to work together and build lasting memories for themselves as well as their participants. Expectations are very high for the board and the board members hold themselves accountable really well. I have been so proud of the seven boards I have seen grow as a youth advisor and director. It is truly amazing seeing the transformation over the span of the year. I just want to say a special thanks to Scottie Friedland, Seth Lerman, Jeremy Drazner, Ricky Brandt, Eric Golberg, Rachel Bikshorn, Adam Bender, and Cara Golberg for their leadership as Presidents over the last seven years. You truly made my job easy and enjoyable. Aside from the youth leaders, the staff has been a pleasure to work with over the years. I can’t help but thank Julie Marder for getting me back involved with USY. Without her leadership and support, I would not have stayed in the program for as long as I did. Marc, Cheryl, and I have been a dynamic team over the last six years. I know that part of the success of our program has been because of our leadership, but I feel that the motivation of the kids to act as leaders has really influenced us to stick together. Marc and Cheryl have truly made this job quite enjoyable for me and I am going to miss meeting with them weekly. I know that we will be friends for life, but will have less frequent visits. Beth Judea as a synagogue can not be ignored either. There are leaders in the building that have supported me throughout the years. Whether you are a lay leader, clergy member, staff member, or parent or congregant, you have made my time at BJUSY special. I just want to say a special thank you to Lisa Neiman, Rabbi Pivo, Rabbi Lifshitz, Hazzan Weisberg, Anna Besser, Manuel, Carlos, Debbie Frager, Rick and Melissa Drazner, Debbie Dubin, Bonnie Sender, Mitch and Anne Lerman, the entire Ganden family, Rhonda Wener, Bruce Darin, Sandy Victor, Evan Rumack, Fred Rabinowitz, Andy Bauman, Michael Gluck, Arnie Bender, Floyd Babbitt, Joan Smith, and Cindy Lipka. If I failed to mention your name here, please forgive me. You truly have made this experience meaningful for me! Finally, I’d like to thank my parents Beth and Mitchell Polonsky. You have been truly inspirational for me and I appreciate the support you have given to me. I love you very much. BJUSY truly feels like a home away from home. The youth lounge is the place to be on a Tuesday night. I know there is always something exciting happening in or around the synagogue when the kids plan a program. Having the opportunity to support the program has helped me to become a better leader and a better teacher. I am going to miss you and I look forward to seeing all of the great things you do in the future. With Love, Aaron Polonsky Youth Advisor 2006-2007 Youth Director 2007-2010 Youth Advisor 2010-2013
Taking Stock in Our Youth
The Word June 2013
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SISTERHOOD SOURCE May 5-7 was the Central Great Lakes Region (of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism) Conference in Deerfield and Northbrook. At the Sunday night dinner we honored our Valued Volunteer, Elizabeth Ladin-Gross. On Monday our Sisterhood received three awards from Women’s League: Award of Honor for reaching our goal for the Torah Fund Campaign, the Emerald Jewels in the Crown Award – the highest honors for programming, and a certificate for the 25th anniversary of our affiliation with Women’s League. Monday’s dinner was the Installation of the Region Board. Rhonda Cohn was discharged from her duties as Region President and Debbi Green was installed as the new Region President. Other members of our Sisterhood who were installed on the region board were Renee Kaplan as the new Area Director VP, and Laurie B. Davis as the Communications Chair for “The Wave.” Also Rhonda Cohn will be the Nominating Chair, Sisterhood Services Chair, and of course Past President. As Rabbi Pivo pointed out, the current and two previous region presidents have all been members of Beth Judea’s Sisterhood. Laurie B. Davis held the position prior to Rhonda Cohn. It was wonderful to have Rabbi Pivo, Rabbi Lifshitz, Chazzan Weisberg, and Audrey Weisberg join us for these special events. Special thanks to Laurie B. Davis and Gale Cook for chairing this conference. Our own elections took place on Monday, May 13. The new additions to our executive board are Elizabeth Ladin-Gross as co-president (to replace Debbi Green), Brenda Levin as programming vice-president (to replace Elizabeth,) and Ellen Antman as fundraising vice-president. Our executive board for the coming year is: Co-Presidents Fundraising VP Membership VP Programming VP Torah Fund VP Recording Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarians
Bobbi Goldenberg and Elizabeth Ladin-Gross Ellen Antman Heidi Sakol Brenda Levin Pam Herstein Merle Rumack Davida FInkle Debbi Green and Rhonda Cohn
Our installation dinner, a dairy pot-luck dinner, will be held on Monday June 17 at the home of one of our members. More information to come. We hope you can join us. We would like to thank all of you who have so generously contributed towards our Count Your Blessings campaign to purchase new Torah covers for our synagogue. Finally, our next Book Club meeting is scheduled for June 26th at Brenda Levin’s home. The book is Rashi’s Daughter Book 1:Joheved by Maggie Anton. Please watch synagogue emails for details. We hope all the mothers had a lovely Mothers’ Day and wish all of you dads a happy Fathers’ Day!
Debbi Green and Bobbi Goldenberg Sisterhood Co-Presidents
The Word June 2013
All Occasion Cards - click here for flyer L’Chaim Cookbook – click here to get your free recipe Torah Fund Pin – click here for flyer
Need some new ideas for everyday cooking? L’CHAIM, TOO! Can help! Click here to learn more and get your free recipe
Upcoming Events- Mark your calendars JUNE: June 10 Installation Event June 26 Book Club – Rashi’s Daughters by Maggie Anton
Sisterhood of CBJ Rummage Sale August 4th Profits from sale will benefit the Synagogue Donations of clothing, household items, dishes, kitchenware, books, toys, bikes, pictures, linens and SMALL furniture only! NO TELEVISIONS, COMPUTERS, UNDERWEAR, SWIMWEAR! Drop-offs at the synagogue start Sunday 7/28 until Thursday 8/1 (before 11am) NO DONATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED DAY OF SALE
If you are available to help or have questions call: Synagogue office (847-634-0777) cbj.sisterhood@gmail.com
The ARK is very pleased to announce the opening of The ARK Northwest: A Safe Harbor for the Jews of the Northwest Suburbs. The new office is located in the Dundee Place Corporate Center, 3100 Dundee Rd., Suite 204; Phone (773) 973-0011. This new satellite office, at the northeast corner of Dundee and Landwehr in Northbrook, will provide increased access to The ARK’s vital human services in the northwest suburbs-where the greatest growth in Chicagoland’s Jewish population has occurred in the past 10 years. Hours at the new location are: Monday, 9:00 am – 7:30 pm and Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
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SHALVA The Face of Domestic Abuse is not always easy to recognize. It could be your daughter, your sister, your best friend.
An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at elammers@comcast.net or call Rabbi Pivo. FOR A LIST OF EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS, AGENCIES AND RESOURCES click here
(when Religious School is in session) 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone at any time. One in four women will experience domestic abuse at some point in her lifetime. 90% of children are aware of the abuse directed at their mothers.
Abuse can take many forms: verbal, emotional, financial, sexual, physical and psychological.
SHALVA has helped over 4,000 Jewish women since 1986 and is specifically certified by the State of Illinois to provide domestic violence counseling. We are the oldest independent Jewish domestic violence agency in the United States.
SHALVA offers free confidential domestic abuse counseling services to the Chicago Jewish Community.
Click Here to Download Gift Card Order Form By using Gift Cards for all your everyday purchases and gift giving you help support Congregation Beth Judea
SHALVA’s free, confidential services include: 24 hour crisis-line 773-583-4673 (HOPE) Culturally sensitive individual & group counseling Legal information & court support Financial assistance Rabbinical & community advocacy & training
Information and referrals Community prevention & educational programs Flyer
Link to Taglit-Birthright Israel’s Website
Page 15 The Word June 2013
ADULT EDUCATION WEEKLY CLASSES These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
ADULT EDUCATION AT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA. Congregation Beth Judea offers a variety of meaningful Jewish learning opportunities through classes, lectures and informal sessions on Jewish Law, Torah, prayer and other topics of interest that will intrigue and inspire you. All classes (unless otherwise noted) are held at Congregation Beth Judea. For a listing of adult education classes offered here at CBJ, you can download our Adult Ed brochure by clicking here.
“When I pray, I speak to God;
When I study, God speaks to me.� -quote by Rabbi Louis Finkelstein
Interpretive Minyan in the Library
Words of My Mouth: Talmud Study Sunday mornings at 8 am The Talmud is a profoundly rich compilation of wisdom that has continued relevance to our contemporary search for meaning. This weekly class provides an examination of current understanding of Jewish law, secular law, sociology, mythology, or agadah, and often dwells on ques-tions incorporating current events. Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class)
Sweet Taste of Torah Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.
Service Leader: Norm Kurtz You are invited to join the Interpretive Minyan in the Library the first and third Shabbat of every month. Our minyan is designed to build community by providing a passionate, meaningful and spiritual Shabbat morning experience.
Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study Shabbat morning at 9 am Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.
This Shabbat morning service focuses on examining the structure of the prayer service, learning the major prayers and becoming more comfortable with the choreography and customs of the Shabbat morning service. Our minyan is friendly and welcoming to all who choose to attend. We meet in the synagogue library on the second floor from 10:30 until 11:45.
EDUCATION SERIES To register for classes or to find out more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at (847) 634-0777 or at besser@bethjudea.org
Shabbat shalom, Norm Kurtz
The Word June 2013
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s FROM ARLINGTON HTS, IL TO CAESEREA, ISRAEL (Part 16) L TO R: HOWIE GOODMAN, SUZANNE GOODMAN, AND BEVERLY GOODMAN TCHERNOV NEAR EILAT, ISRAEL Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog.
Aliyan in Our 60’s – Part 16 Our government is formed! For the first time in almost three decades, the ultra-orthodox parties were not asked to join the coalition. Sixty-one members are required to form a coalition and this majority coalition has sixty-eight members. Yair Lapid, who we mentioned in our last article, is the new finance minister. He has been criticized for avoiding using the Knesset for major speeches, as he had been using his Facebook page to communicate. April 23 he did present the issues that need to be addressed in the new budget. He was heckled by the ultra-orthodox who are now part of the opposition. Heckling is not uncommon in the Knesset or parliamentarian type governments. When the ultra-Orthodox yelled ,” the state needs to keep the children out of poverty”, Lapid countered with the following, "Our duty is to make sure no child goes hungry. But I want to remind you of one thing: The entity that is responsible for providing for children is called 'their parents.' When you bring a child to this world, MK Porush, you're the primary person responsible for him." We thought a response of this type would cause Lapid a backlash from the press and the general public. We could not imagine a person in the United States Congress making a similar response concerning family size. We see, in our small window of insight into Israeli attitudes, that many secular Israeli Jews are very concerned about their economic futures. The Israeli government has promoted more births per family by compensating for each child born. After the birth, the hospital notifies the National Insurance Institute, which directly deposits the appropriate amount. This is paid until age 18 as long as the children remain in Israel. Lapid is trying to reduce the amount of compensation and how many births would be compensated. The incentive was initiated to help increase the number of Israeli citizens versus the birthrate of Palestinians. The coalition is trying to break up some of the monopolies in Israel that cause unrealistic costs on items. For example, there are three million cars in Israel. However, only about one third of the people own vehicles. In the United States about eighty percent of eligible potential drivers own cars. The cost of cars in Israel is approximately twice the cost in the states. (continued on next page)
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) Bar Mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs are an amazing experience for the young person and their families. The studies and preparation for the event are usually a challenge and a major accomplishment for the child. However, what if you are the parents of a mentally and physically handicapped child? For these parents, their goal is to see that their children are happy and can learn the skills that will allow them to survive in life. They have children that don’t have speech skills, and they have trouble just getting through the day without too many “melt downs” and episodes. It would be a fantasy to think of their kids learning Torah and going through a bar or bat mitzvah. However, we attended a b’nai mitzvah at our synagogue where four such children experienced the joy of putting on talliot, wearing tefillim, saying the blessings, playing music, singing, and blessing the Torah. They went through their own bar or bat mitzvah. This was made possible through an arrangement between our synagogue, the Masorti Movement, our rabbi emeritus, and a special needs school. It was held on a Wednesday morning in our sanctuary and was attended by teachers and other children from the school, parents, and some members of Bet Israel Conservative Synagogue. The four children were seated together on the Bimah. Two of the girls could not speak and the two boys spoke with difficulty. The tallitot were placed on them. The children said the prayers with the help of adults. The tefillim was wrapped on the boys. Adults sang and other children played drums and cymbals. There was also recorded music. Each child went to the Bimah with their parents to do the Torah blessings. The boys were coached and the girls had a recording of the blessings played when they would be singing. The children showed such love of the Torah, and there was such joy that they were able to join the Jewish people and to have this experience. A woman member of our synagogue read the Torah portions between each blessing. The children danced on the Bimah. They gave their little speeches either with help or with a recording. The “shekianu" was said under a chuppah. After being praised by the rabbi, each child was given gifts. There was such pride in the eyes of the parents ,and they were very grateful to the synagogue and Masorti Movement for making this happen. We were so moved by this special event in Israel and hope that similar ceremonies are being done in the states. Being in Israel for Yom HaZikaron (Israel Remembrance Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day) is a very emotional experience. Before the holidays, Israeli flags appear everywhere. We had flags on our car windows and hanging outside our house. Streets are filled with flags. Yom HaZikaron, as all Jewish Holidays, begins with sundown on the evening before. A siren goes off at eight in the evening. Everyone stop what they were doing and stand silently. Cars on the freeway stop and passengers get out to stand in remembrance of soldiers killed in battle and people that have been murdured by terrorists. Almost everyone has relatives and friends that have died to make this country a reality. Most businesses and stores are closed. The day of the remembrance is very sad as the graves of soldiers are decorated with flowers and flags. The names of the dead are constantly shown on television. Normal entertainment channels leave the air for 24 hours. News channels show the ceremonies at Mount Herzl. Every community has its own ceremonies. We went to the Caesarea community memorial where we were surrounded by neighbors who wept over their losses. Descriptions of those lost were read and music played. Prayers were said. The next day at eleven in the morning there was another long two minutes of sirens while everyone stopped again to remember. At sundown of that day there is a switch as the celebration starts. The celebration is that for 65 years there has been an Israel. It is Independence Day and everyone is in the parks doing barbeques. There have been talks that it is too emotional to have the holidays back to back and maybe there should be a day in between. However, having the days together adds to the impact of each day. We enjoy going on tiyulim (day trips) in Israel. We travel by bus. Once the bus is on the highway the standard procedure is to say the Tefilot Haderech, The Traveler’s Prayer. The bus drivers have a copy of the prayer and someone reads it in Hebrew. The prayer asks G-d to guide us toward peace and make us reach our destination. It asks that we be protected from ambush, bandits, and wild animals along the way. It praises G-d and asks for peace, kindness, and mercy during our trip and our lives. It is a very nice way to start the journey. The most dangerous holiday in Israel is Lag B’Omer. The emergency medical services are ready for all the accidents that come with building bonfires. The most common injuries are from children stepping on hot coals and people catching fire. A common injury is the burning of mouths from biting into hot potatoes, which are roasted in the coals! The holiday was two days long this year. This was because it began Saturday night. The rabbis didn’t want people to rush after Shabbat. Kids were out of school for two days this year.
The Word June 2013
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) The Boston Marathon bombing took place right at the end of our Day of Remembrance. It was shocking to see another incident of terrorism happening in the United States. We read that the hospitals and doctors in Boston used techniques that were learned in treating victims of bombings in Israel. We watched Fox News and Sky News as the law enforcement shut down Boston and pursued the perpetrators of this hideous crime. We are so close in so many ways. Some of the newspapers here were bewildered that such a physically large area of Boston was virtually shut down. Here, the scene of the terrorism is usually reopened with in hours. Then you will see people enjoying outdoor cafes. Bus stops are cleaned and reopened the next day. There is an attitude that we won't although the perpetrators to make us victims twice. We are not saying Boston did the wrong thing. We are just saying it is handled differently here. On April 30, 2013, a West Bank Settler, Evyatar Borowsky, 31, father of five, was stabbed to death by a Palestinian. He was waiting near Tapuach Junction (Tapuach means open) for a ride. It is a spot for people to hitch hike. The family of the Palestinian considered him a hero. At our synagogue the following Shabbat our lay clergyman, Mike Garmase, gave a Dvar Torah. Although he lamented the terrorist stabbing death of Borowsky, Mike also berated the reaction of a small number of West Bank Jewish settlers. Five Yeshiva students attacked two people because they were speaking Arabic, assuming they were Arabs. It turned out they were Druze undercover police for Israel. Druze are very loyal to Israel. They are Israeli citizens. They serve in the IDF and have lost many of their people in the wars in Israel. Also, some settlers uprooted Palestinian olive trees. A bus carrying Arab school children was stoned. Six settlers were detained concerning the incidents. We were proud that words were spoken against the Jewish perpetrators. We would hope the guilty would be punished. We also hope that a similar talk would be given in the Palestinian and Israeli Arab mosques concerning the person who stabbed to death Borowsky. We won't hold our breath. Our friend, Judy Meservey, a past co-president of Sisterhood, will be visiting here in a couple weeks. We are looking forward to seeing her. We hope we will see many of our friends at Beth Judea when we come back in July.
Shalom and our love to Beth Judea! Howie and Suzanne Goodman
The Word June 2013
We hope you enjoy the tenth installment from the Goodmans, who have graciously agreed to blog for our congregation their experiences as Olim in Israel. If you there are specific topics that you are interested in hearing about of if you just want to stay in touch with Howie and Suzanne, you can reach them at: HOWIEG@aol.com
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WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Bikur Cholim committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.
We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the committee members below.
Rabbi Pivo Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack
Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.
Hesed (Caring) Committee Congregation Beth Judea Hesed (Caring) Committee Please complete the following form to notify the committee of a person who is ill, hospitalized or in a rehabilitation facility,
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Location ______________________________________________________________________________
Contact person/phone number: ____________________________________________________________ Your name: ___________________________________________________________________________
â–Ą Please contact this person â–Ą Please ask the clergy to contact this person Please return this card to the office before or after Shabbat. You may also fax the information to (847) 634-8055, call the Rabbi or contact our committee chairs,
Wendy Wunsch
The Word June 2013
Evan Rumack (847) 253-4130 evanbr1@comcast.net
Beth Judea Office (847) 6 34-0777 info@bethjudea.org
Page 20
Koach Outreach Program for College Students
JUF Right Start is a gift program that gives a one-time grant of up to $2000 per family to offset the cost of tuition to a local Jewish preschool made the first year a child is enrolled. It is not based on need. For more information go to http://www.juf.org/rightstart or see the ad on the following page.
Koach is the Conservative Movements' outreach program for college students. The Koach website at www.koach.org always has interesting and helpful information.
For those of you who are about to begin your college experience, Koach has produced a wonderful guide that you should view and refer to in the coming weeks. You will find it at www.koach.org/guide.htm.
Helpful Links and Resources JUF JVS
Jewish United Fund Jewish Vocational Services Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Jewish Child and Family Services Jewish Community Centers Council for Jewish Elderly
JUF Northwest Suburban News
For a more detailed list of resources please click here for a list from our Hesed (Caring) Committee‌remember, in an emergency dial 9-1-1
SISTERHOOD GIFTSHOP Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder plates, Chanukah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games and teacher gifts and nonreligious gift items. They carry Gary Rosenthal, Nambe and a large number of items that are imported directly from Israel. The shop also carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, they can special order about anything you may want. Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager. The Gift Shop has lots of new merchandise, including great High Holiday and other holiday gift items, as well as Bat/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift items. Check out their own L'CHAIM TOO! Cookbook, filled with special recipes for all your holiday needs or as a great gift for any occasion. They accept MC, VISA. and Discover.
The Word June 2013
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items. Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires June 30, 2013 COUPON
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The Word June 2013
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The Word June 2013
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The Word June 2013
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JUNE BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: June 1
Brian Dembo Gary Harris Stuart Schwartz
June 9
June 2
Gary Ernsteen Gail Gerber Ed Kaufman
June 10 Bruce Horwitz Jeffrey Schechter Mitchell Schwerdlin Susan Shub
June 3
Joel Brodsky Debra Dubin Julie Korol Mitch Lerman Leslie Neimark
June 4
Bonnie Lane
June 5
Deborah Karp Bob Silverstone
June 6
David Alhadeff Betsy Haberman
June 7
June 8
Stephen Gladdin Joyce Levinstein Rachel Scherer Allen Shub
June 11
Robert Handler Sandy Moses Sally Sherman
Susan Rabinowitz
June 12 Debra Brodsky Sherry Krawitz Layne Pollard Lori Thalheimer June 13 Alina Greenhill Renee Haskell David Pine Carol Rosen June 14 Andrew Gill Steven Shapiro June 15 Julia Lyubomirsky Evan Rumack Rhonda Wener
June 16 Dustin Epstein Miriam Spickard Marilyn Victor Roberta Zarchy June 17 Mitchell Feiger Mark Zorfas June 18 Cheryl Barnett Michael Drazin June 19 Holly Aronoff Robert Dritz Michael Gomberg Susan Hershinow Rachel Jordan Merle Kalisky June 20 Rachel Grossman Norm Kurtz Elena Riber Phillip Samuels June 21 Tara Arnold Ronald Bloom Rena Feinberg June Lieberman
Sue Levin David Sherman Stacy Shub
June 23 Harold Harris Bruce Nixon June 24 Warren Elisco Craig Kowitt Karen Saharack Randi Simon June 26 Jan Adelman Carey Bacalar Kimberly Granoff Steve Simons June 27 Louise Barnett Peggy Kaplan Morry Levin Susan Silver June 28 Rhonda Schwartz June 29 Sara Kalina Alan Rosenbaum Marc Singer June 30 Norma Cohen Deborah Fishman Gary Frager Linda Portnoy
JUNE ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: June 1
Ted and Marla Goldberg Michael and Helene Miller
June 2
Jeffrey and Melinda Fine Gregory and Julie Harris Howard and Michele Sussman
June 3
David and Cheryl Levsky Lawrence and Ilene Schneider
June 4
Tom Lillien and Linda Rothnagel Morry and Geri Rosenblatt
June 5
Marshall and Cheryl Brownfield Erwin and Andi Dolgin
June 6
Nate and Natalie Solomon Sandy and Marilyn Victor
June 7
Jeffrey and Eva Feldman Neal and Laurie Ford Jeffrey and Barbara Julis
June 13 Wes and Renee Brown Robert and Geri Friedman Myron and Janet Reicher Ronald and Jean Friedman Michael and Leslie Golde Joseph and Sheila Koek Josh and Erin Weisberg June 15 Irving and June Lieberman Orin and Denise Rotman June 16 Jeff and Gayle Brim Gary and Deborah Cortes Sheldon and Barbara Robbins June 17 Steve and Joan Attenberg Michael and Erin Drazin Richard and Miriam Krieberg Carey and Joan Rosemarin June 18 Sergio and Donielle Escalante Marvin and Rena Feinberg Robert and Nori Spiro
June 8
Martin and Barbara Stern
June 9
Robert and Ellen Antman Arnold and Deborah Bender
June 19 Charles and Renee Lustig Glenn and Randi Simon Marc and Ellen Singer
June 11 Mitch and Karen Grobman Ted Mellow and Beth Silver Carl and Randee Weiss June 12 Brian and Fern Dembo Sam and Sharon Kleinerman
June 25 Adam and Laura Barshefsky Michael and Alison Berg Ken and Marla Brandt Jerry and Helen Brin Ross and Amy Gluck Herbert and Kathleen Kanter Ira and Linda Lippman Sid and Rita Mathias June 26 Louis and Louise Barnett Martin and Rosita Rothenberg Stewart and Robin Steres June 27 Michael and Sheryl Bauer David and Pamela Kahn David and Jodi Pine Evan and Rachel Scherer James and Robin Tehrani
June 21 Rickey and Arlene Ament Steven and Abby Golberg
June 28 Ryan and Holly Aronoff Richard and Ellen Chappe Craig and Jill Kowitt Arthur and Lois Mills Robert and Rhonda Schwartz
June 22 Joel and Linda Fisher Martin and Nanci Karlin Robert and Rachel Ragland Jerrold and Susan Silver
June 29 Jeremy and Dana Clorfene Steven and Betty Kolko Morry and Marti Rizman Martin and Sandra Rockwell
June 23 Sam and Leah Chiprin Matthew and Rana Dragon Ron and Susan Shoffet Harris and Sharon Weiner
June 30 Brian and Natalie Gurin Ronald and Deborah Kovich
June 20 Hugh and Arlene Block
June 10 Larry and Marilyn Fagin Alan and Dorinne Palmer
June 24 Michael and Helaine Damsky Jeffrey and Ellen Gluskin Jason and Andrea Heiger Michael and Renee Klass Murray and Helene Lewison
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word June 2013
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration.
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Maurice Baygood* Estelle Eisenberg Evelyn Hortick Harry Kamen* Barbara Levy* Jacob Magill Sidney Rudolph Harry Watchman
Allan Brandt Saul Fagan Gertrude Horwitz* Esther Kintz* Lois Lichtenstein Charlotte Nothmann* Shirley Shifrin* Lynn Zacherl*
Hyman Brody* Rose Falk* Margot Isenberg Betty Lazar* Sara Liebovitz* Sid Pollans Lewis Spivak*
Sam Burkin* Anna Feld Pearl Kahalnik* Mollie Levine* Shirley Lipscher* Sol Polonsky Solomon Springer*
June 14
George Altman Abe Cohn Henry Feld Arnold Klass* Ronald Pinkus* Harry Shavitz* Marvin Udany*
Leonard Altman* Dottie Dicker Alex Feldman* Jennie Lipsel Norman Rabinowitz* Stephan Shiffers Rose Waldman*
Jerry Belsky* Ira Drazner Al Jacobs Joanne Miller Rose Rosenthal* Estelle Slivinsky
Marion Block Ida Feinstone Jack Kersky Norman Moses* Simon Rubinstein* Lawrence Tepper
June 21
Sol Atern Irvin Elkins Rose Gurin Annette Movitz* Louis Pressberg Abe Sachs Albert Soll* Ron Weiner
Al Berk Jack Goldberg* Jean Kalisky Raya Nochimson* Fannie Rabinowitz* Kalman Sachs Seymour Taradash
Seymour Brownstein Sherry Esther Goldman* Rose Kriegler Gerhard Nothmann * Linda Ragins Beverly Settler* Jacob Tominberg*
Miriam Drory Aaron Greenberg* Faye Lifshitz Abbie E. Portnoy* Adele Revzin Harry Silverstone John Wallach*
June 28
Florence Bankendorf* Faye Bloom Lillian Cohen* Reva Gorin* Delores Hillman Marilyn Margules Helen Stolman Morrie Zucker
Norberg Becker Edith Borkan* Anne Damsky Barbara Haag Fannie Keifsky Solomon Mordoh Irving Wein*
Brett Berlant* Pauline Brill Stanley Ferrari* Harriet Handler Marvin Lewison Clara Salavitch* Netty Zakaman
Alice Bloom Ann Buzil* Irwin Gerber* Max Hiller* Pauline Margolis Isadore Serbin* Adolfo Zemchuch
The Word June 2013
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Lillian Caplan * Joseph Fagelson Celia Holman Harvey Levy Ida Rosemarin Morris Shapiro * Eli Waldman *
Morey Coleman Helen Flint Patti Jones * Michael Pearl Seymour Rosen * Estelle Shub * Evelyn Watchman
Ardmore Myles Essrig * Harry Goldberg Naomi Knable Trudy Pollack * Sam Sar William Silver Irving Zissman *
Norman Faber * Gary Goroff Morey Lenhoff * Melville Reichlin Morris Schwartz * Alex Stein
July 12
Morris Barasch Sylvia Elisco Eva Grobman * Tom Krulewich Henry Levin * Geroge Moline David Shaffer Hyman Somach * Sydney Weinbergber
Shirley Braiman Stuart Flack * Maurice Harvis * Brian Ladin Rose Luciano * Barry Raften * Eli A. Shifrin * Rose Stark *
Bernard Cohen Pauline C. Fox * Barbara Isaacson * Vera Lavin Eileen Magesis * Muriel Rosemarin Dora Shikafsky * Aaron Jacob Stelzer
Barbara Levinson Dragon Rose Goldwasser * Jeanette Kaufman * David Levin Shirley Mandelblatt David Rosenston Harriet Simon Samuel Wasserman
July 19
Abraham Bankendorf * Alan M. Coady * Rae Feldman Sidney Jacobson * Joseph Mandel * Anne Pearl Joseph Sabel * ` Charlotte Sheim * Robert Yablon
Sandra Berenson Joseph Cohen * Samuel Feldman Martin Lafer David Movitz Elizabeth Pressberg Walter Scholl Joseph Simon
Leah Bransky Alice Crocker Florence Frankel * Marvin Levin Ethel Rose Newman * Ira Pulver Sally Schwartz William Spiegel
Henry Chiprin * Ruth Dolgin Rose Goldman * Jack M. Levitt Sonia Nimzin * Joseph Rotberg Harold Joe Shefsky * Isadore Teplinksy
July 26
Samuel Becker * Isadore Cohen Oscar Fischman * Joseph Gardberg * Fanie Loiben Judy Metz Toby Rockwell Susan Spivak * Abraham Weitzman
Hele Berkovitz Marlene Cohen * Jennie Frost Herb Grossman ` Daniel Luciano Ben Osgrove Ernest Shaw * Sheldon Manny Stern
Abraham Brin * Bessie Cohen Sydney S. Entman * Sara Epstein Gloria Maria Garcia/Chamber Gloria Beinice Hecht Phyllis Kramer Samuel Manewith Lena Mathias * Harry Pinzur Shirley Pulver Abe Silberberg Shirley Smith Sam A. Tepper * Elaine Weiner
The Word June 2013
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TRIBUTES FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FUNDS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGES 51, 52 & 53 OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Prayers have been said for the recovery of: Jennifer Margolis Phil Selman Philip Shefren Norm Kurtz
Condolences upon the death of: Dr. Spencer Block Brother of Gloria Secler Alice Cohen Mother of Darlene Tominberg
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Bea Bauer, in loving memory of our Nana. Scott, Alex, Jake and Brett Bauer
In Appreciation of: With deep gratitude to Rabbi Pivo for the informative and challenging “Lunch and Learn” Series. Evan & Merle Rumack
Bernard Rich, beloved brother. Sylvia Polakow
RABBI LIFSHITZ DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: Herb Kanter Mitch & Ann Lerman
Vivian Oscherwitz Mother of Marlyn Spivak
Congratulations to: Suzi & Bruce Darin on the engagement of Lindsey to Brian Dexl.
In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Sheryl & Michael Bauer on the birth of their grandson, Ryan Jacob Rotman. Bonnie Lane Upon the Yahrzeit of: Sol Pinsker, loving father and grandfather. Mimi Spickard and Shana Cooper Stuart Weiner, in loving memory of a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. Janice Weiner Melissa, Jason and Shauna Allen Jennifer, Steve and Charlie Gotkin Susan, Justin and Asher Newman
In appreciation to Rabbi Pivo for making my father, Harvey Pyes’ “2nd Bar Mitzvah” such a wonderful memory. Steve & Joanne Dicker In appreciation to Rabbi Pivo for making Sam’s Bar Mitzvah day so special. Eddie & Elisa Nusinow In Honor of: Ilyssa Muise on her Bat Mitzvah. Wendi Muise Ryan Jacob Rotman’s bris. Michael & Sheryl Bauer Orin & Denise Rotman Mazel Tov to Jeff and Rhonda Wener on Scott’s graduation and new job. Ron & Debra Kovich Upon the Yahrzeit of: Muriel Brown, beloved mother. Renee & Wes Brown Max Greenhill Neil & Alina Greenhill
Sylvia Ludwig Michael, Gayle, Ian Leah and Jamie Ludwig Al Wolf Rona Wolf
The Word June 2013
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TRIBUTES CANTOR WEISBERG’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: In appreciation to Cantor Weisberg for making Sam’s Bar Mitzvah day so special. Eddie & Elisa Nusinow Cantor Weisberg for making my father, Harvey Pyes’ “2nd Bar Mitzvah” such a wonderful memory. Steve & Joanne Dicker
In Honor of: Ilyssa Muise on her Bat Mitzvah. Wendi Muise Ryan Jacob Rotman’s bris. Michael & Sheryl Bauer Orin & Denise Rotman
Upon the Yahrzeit of: William Kamerling Renee & Wes Brown Sylvia Ludwig Michael, Gayle, Ian Leah and Jamie Ludwig Phyllis Geltner Cheryl & Leonard Levine
In Memory of: Dr. Spencer Block, brother of Gloria Secler. Elliott & Carla Bankendorf Michael & Susan Mangurten Les & Miriam Spickard
In Appreciation of: Bruce Darin for your dedication and commitment to Beth Judea Religious School. The Aleph & Bet Religious School Families
Our beloved parents: Abe Orloff Fannie Orloff Alex Hortick Evelyn Hortick Chuck & Sarajane Orloff
In Honor of: Suzi and Bruce Darin in honor of Lindsey’s engagement. David & Maureen Stolman
Vivian Oscherwitz, mother of Marlyn Spivak. Erwin and Andrea Dolgin Andi & Al Carrino Upon the Yahrzeit of: Rose Babbitt Jeanne S. Babbitt and Family Bernhard Edelstein Robert & Marcia Weissman Irma Reicher, beloved mother. Myron Reicher Molly Springer, beloved mother. Janet Reicher
Ari Weiss becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Staci, Michael, Abby and Steven Levy In Memory of: Vivian Oscherwitz, mother of Marlyn Spivak. Michael & Renee Klass and Family
Carol & Harold Rosen Uriel Yakubov Avnun Yakubov
Sam Remer and Alex Kaufman Ed & Ronne Kaufman W. William Travis, we miss you dad. Claudia & Mark Travis
In honor of the birth of Ryan Jacob Rotman, grandson of Denise & Orin Rotman and son of Mindy & Ben Rotman. Pam & Dennis Sender
Marci Sussman’s stepfather. Marcie, Alan and Ross Marcus
Max Rosen William Goldstein, our beloved “Zaydee Bill” Ken & Marla Brandt
Josh and Amy Kahn in honor of Izaac’s Bar Mitzvah. David & Maureen Stolman
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Jenny Gardberg Rita & Glen Gardberg Irving Katz, lovingly remembered on this 15th anniversary of his passing. Stephen, Nate & Lilly Katz and Barb Buhai
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Morris Rich Sylvia Polakow
The Word June 2013
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TRIBUTES KIDDUSH FUND In Honor of: Mazel Tov to father and grandfather, Harvey Pyes, for his “2nd” Bar Mitzvah at age 83! Love, Steve, Joanne, Adam and Scott Dicker Upon the Yahrzeit of: Esther Klein, beloved mother /grandmother of Francine, Scott, Ryan and Stephanie. Fran & Scott Eisner
USY/KADIMA SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Marc Sender on his graduation. Seth, Marla and Ted Goldberg Upon the Yahrzeit of: Jerry Blustein, in loving memory of my beloved husband. Renee Blustein Arthur Seres, in loving memory of my beloved father. Renee Blustein
Celia Mirotsnic Fran & Scott Eisner Abe Greenberg Michael Nusinow Sharon Nusinow Eddie & Elisa Nusinow and Family
SISTERHOOD FUND In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Rona Wolf on the birth of her granddaughter Sophia Joy Citron. Lauri & Stan Rosenbloom Upon the Yahrzeit of: Arthur Karns Laura, Stan, Michael and David Zoller
Upon the Yahrzeit of: June Mattson Joan & Norm Kurtz
JUDY WALCER MEMORIAL FUND Upon the Yahrzeit of: Ralph Barnett, beloved father and grandfather. Lou & Louise Barnett Charles Davis Chuck Walcer
RACHEL HIRSHMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: BJUSY winning CHUSY Chapter of the Year. Debbie & Arnie Bender Upon the Yahrzeit of: Maurice Bender Debbie & Arnie Bender
SOCIAL ACTION FUND In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Ronna Leibach on receiving the CBJ Lifetime Achievement Award. Ron & Debbi Kovich
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Martin Berenson, devoted father, grandfather and husband. Jeff, Melinda, Jonathan and Elizabeth Fine
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Arthur Karns Laura, Stan, Michael and David Zoller
The Word June 2013
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JUNE 2013 Sunday
Saturday 01 9:00 am Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah 10:30 amGan Shabbat 10:30 am Interpret Svc
8:00 am Talmud Study 7:30 pm Minyan 9:00 am Minyan 6:15 am Minyan 12:00 pm Youth BBQ Bash 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Education Mtg.
7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Torah Study
7:30 pm Minyan 10:00 am JCares 9:00 am Torah Study 8:00 pm Youth Mtg. 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs 8:00 pm Israel Trip w/AIPAC 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah Meeting Speaker 10:30 amGan Shabbat Candle Ltg. 8:08 pm
8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am
Talmud Study Minyan Men’s Club Mtg. Bat Mitzvah .
16 8:00 am 9:00 am
Talmud Study Minyan
23 8:00 am 9:00 am
Talmud Study Minyan
6:15 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Ways&Means 8:00 pm Ritual Mtg. Mtg. 8:00 pm MembershipMtg Sisterhood Installation .
Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan 6:00 pm Awards 9:00 am Torah Study Torah Study 8:00 pm Exec. Mtg. Dinner 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Communications 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah Mtg. 10:30 amGan Shabbat 10:30 am Interpret.Svc Candle Ltg. 8:12 pm
6:15 am Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Program Mtg.
7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Premium Membership Dessert
7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Torah Study 8:00 pm Finance Mtg. .
7:30 pm Minyan 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Torah Study 8:00 pm Sisterhd Mtg. & Installation 9:00 am Shabbat Svcs. 10:30 amGan Shabbat 7:30 pm Bowling Candle Ltg. League 8:14 pm
6:15 am Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Social Action Mtg.
7:30 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Torah Study 8:00 pm Torah Study 8:00 pm Board Mtg. 9:30 am Shabbat Svc 8:00 pm Sisterhood Book 10:30 amGan Shabbat Club Candle Ltg. 8:15 pm
30 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm
Talmud Study Minyan Membershp Mtg Wheels BusDinnedr
IMPORTANT DEADLINES: June 7 June 7 The Word June 2013
RSVP Due for Ravinia RSVP Due for Award Shabbat Dinner Page 31
2013 – 2014 Newly Elected Officers and Directors
2013 – 2014 Newly Elected Officers and Directors Officers – Two year terms from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015 President – Debbie Kreisman Dubin Executive VP – Arnie Goldberg Education VP – Gary Ernsteen Facilities VP – Dana Polonsky Finance VP – Steve Limer Membership VP – Michael Gluck Ritual VP – Mark Sheft Programming VP – Fred Rabinowitz Social Action/Israeli Affairs VP – Bruce Arenson Ways & Means VP – Brian Gurin Youth VP – Joan Smith Secretary – Arnie Bender
At-Large Directors Three year terms from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016 Tammy Brody Debbie Medansky Dubin Scott Eisner Diane Ganden Allen Harris Carey Rosemarin Two year terms from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015 Phyllis Dritz Michael Gomberg Sidney Mathias Rick Drazner – Immediate Past President
The Word June 2013
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PAGE We Need Your Help
American Matress
Help the Oklahoma Tornado Victims
Gatto Construction
2013 Awards Shabbat Dinner
PaNosh Catering
Shabbat Service and Installation of New Executives and Board Members
Camp Ramah
2 Shalom Memorial
Announcements From the Cantor: Religious School Enrichment Program High Holiday Choir Megillat Eicha Reading: Tisha B’Av – chanting EIKHAH or MEGILLAT ESTHER next Purim
2014 CBJ Trip to Israel Informational Meeting
CJE Senior Life
AIPAC Speaker on June 7th
Helpful Links and Resources
Important Deadlines
College Connections
High Holiday Information
JUF Right Start
Mission Statement
Focus on Families – A Day at Ravinia
Sisterhood Rummage Sale
Mitzvah Mall
Taglit-Birthright Israel
Adult Education
Goodman Blog
We Would Like to Know…
Sisterhood Gift Shop Coupon
2013-2014 Newly Elected Officers and Directors
Save the Date
CBJ CALENDAR You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
SAVE THE DATE: July 15 July 16 July 28 July 29
Erev Tisha B’Av - Services at 7:30 pm Tisha B’Av Rummage Sale Drop Offs Begin Rummage Sale Drop Offs End
August 4 August 9 August 18 August 19 August 23 August 25 August 31
Sisterhood Rummage Sale Israel Speaker During Oneg MC vs Youth Softball Mini Mitzvah Day/School Ice Cream Social Shabbat Under the Stars Jack Rizman Golf Outing Selichot
September 22 – Blessing of the Animals
The Word June 2013
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CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: info@bethjudea.org Website: http://www.BethJudea.org Rabbi Jeff Pivo Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Rick Drazner Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg Monday Minyan……………………....... 6:15 a.m. Daily Minyan…………………………....7:30 p.m. Friday Night Services…………………...7:30 p.m. Saturday Services………………………. 9:30 a.m. Sunday Services…………………………9:00 a.m.
Candle Lighting Times Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28
………….…......................... .………….………………… ………………….………….. .…………………………. . ..
8:08 8:12 8:14 8:15
p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.