WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!! With gratitude we welcome the following individuals and their children who have recently become part of our Beth Judea family: Jordan Baich Mark & Karen Baich Larry Bender Shelly Bender Matthew & Stacy Ellington Steve & Bonnie Fischoff Sarah Goldenberg Yigal & Stella Greener Michael & Carisa Jacobs Chuck & Roberta Kamen Boris & Julia Lyubomirsky Steve Malkin & Pamela Weiner Craig & Dena Newman Jason & Sarah Polakow Marni Polakow Beth Rose Eudice Rosenblatt Harold Rothschild Richard & Susan Russell Jerry Savitt Scott & Amanda Shulman Jason & Hannah Thalheimer Brian & Robin Udany Joel & Kristy Yashinsky
Welcome New Members!! .................................... 1 High Holiday Updates .......................................... 2 Beth Judea Israel Trip ......................................... 2 Rabbi’s Reflections ………………………………..….3 Sefer Torah .......................................................... 4 Notes from the Cantor ........................................... 5 Religious School Enrichment Program .................. 6 Blessing of the Animals ........................................ 6 President’s Message ............................................ 7 Israel Committee Special Events ......................... 8 AIPAC Policy Conference JNF Guest Speaker USCJ Scholar in Residence Life in Israel – The Goodman’s Blog .................... 9 B’Nai Mitzvah Bios................................................ 10 Religious School ................................................... 11 Youth ................................................................... 12 Adult Education …………………….……….……...…14 Focus on Families ............................................... 18 Sisterhood ............................................................ 20 Men’s Club ........................................................... 21 Hesed Committee ................................................ 25 Social Action ....................................................... 25 Divorce Support Group ......................................... 25 Birthdays and Anniversaries ………………………….. 27 Yahrzeits……………………………………………….… 29 Tributes……………………………………………….….31
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers October 10, 2014 – 7:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of October will be recognized at our service on October 10th. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm.
Children of every age are welcome!
BETH JUDEA ISRAEL TRIP Dear Congregants, The Beth Judea Israel Trip is quickly approaching. Those who are not able to be with us can send notes destined for the Western Wall in Jerusalem or money to be distributed as tzedakah to Rabbi Pivo until October 21.
Rabbi Pivo was featured in the September 24, 2014 Edition of the Daily Herald. If you missed the article, you can access it by clicking here.
HIGH HOLIDAY UPCOMING DATES October 3 October 4 October 4 October 8 October 9 October 10 October 16 October 16 October 17
Kol Nidre Yom Kippur (Yizkor) Community Yizkor Service Erev Sukkot Sukkot – Day I Sukkot – Day II Shemini Atzeret (Yizkor) Erev Simchat Torah Simchat Torah
HIGH HOLIDAY EVENTS October 4 – Community Yizkor - Flyer The community Yizkor Service will be on Yom Kippur Day at 12:45 pm at Buffalo Grove High School in the cafeteria following the family service. This is the ONLY Yizkor Service that is open to all; all other Services and Yizkor require tickets. October 12 – Steak & Scotch in the Sukkah – Flyer October 16 – Simchat Torah Flag Parade – Flyer October 16 – Kindergarten Consecration - Flyer
Photo from Hazzan Weisberg’s Trip
To Our Beth Judea Trip Attendees May G_d watch over you and protect you as you embark on this journey home to Israel. May you be protected from all dangers and have a safe, peaceful and rewarding experience.
HIGH HOLIDAY GUIDE Please remember you can always access our High Holiday Guide for additional information by clicking here.
The Word October 2014
Have a safe trip.
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UPSTAIRS THOUGHTS RABBI’S REFLECTIONS “The Learning Has Begun” We are off to a great start of this Shanah Torah/Year of Torah! I am among those who believe that sacred study is the highest mitzvah, because it leads to all the other mitzvot. When we learn Torah, we are changed for the better. Let’s learn something easy right now: We all know that there are five books of the Torah. But do we know their names in English, Hebrew, or both? We must! They are: Genesis/Bereshit; Exodus/Shemot; Leviticus/Vayikra; Numbers/Bemidbar; Deuteronomy/Devarim. Repeat that list aloud several times, right now. I’ll wait…OK, now that you know the names of the books well, we can move ahead in my November article. Each month in this space I will be highlighting the month’s Torah-related activities. We will begin the annual reading of the Torah at our evening Simhat Torah service on October 16, when we will also have Consecration for our Kindergarten students and publicly unveil the fantastic new Torah mantles designed and created by our members Beth Polonsky and Ronna Leibach. Our adult education classes have begun, including our two year Adult B’nei Mitzvah class. The great news is how easy we have made it for you to learn a bit of Torah this year. Every day of the week – you did not misread that – we are offering at least one class or brief discussion on some aspect of Torah learning. Whether you are interested in an ongoing class, a one-time session or a few minutes after minyan, words of Torah will be a constant feature at Beth Judea on a daily basis. There are too many to list in this space, but I urge you to check the Word, the website and weekly e-mail to find the day or days that work for you. In addition, mark your calendar for the first of several public events celebrating the writing of the Charman Torah Scroll. The first will be October 19th, when we welcome Rabbi Yochanan Nathan, a professional scribe, who will teach us about the art of sacred calligraphy, and display panels from the Torah scroll that have been completed. We will all have a chance to try our hands at Hebrew calligraphy as well. Plan on arriving for minyan at 9 that morning, staying for a session with Rabbi Nathan on tefillin at 10, and then move into the main event at 11 for learning and practice the art of sacred writing. I’ll end with yet another plea to make sacred learning and sacred time part of your week’s rhythm. We now have daily minyan seven mornings a week and five evenings a week. This is exactly the kind of thing that a shul like ours should be doing. Minyan is a chance to reflect, to learn Hebrew, to reconnect with friends, and to make it possible for mourners to recite kaddish. Several people from the area who are not members have benefitted from morning minyan, and are very grateful to us for organizing it, but there are days when we are just shy of ten Jews. I need two more people to become regulars each day of the week Tuesday through Friday at 7:30 a.m. Choose one day, come each week on that day, and help make what began as a help to me when my mother died a regular feature of your own Judaism. I look forward to seeing you in minyan, in class, and on October 19th.
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
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Sefer Torah/Shanah Torah During this year of learning, Congregation Beth Judea is offering numerous opportunities to engage in Torah learning on a daily basis. In small groups, ongoing classes and from the bimah, we will drink deeply from the well of Jewish tradition. The highlight of our Shanah Torah, a Year of Torah, will be the dedication of the Charman Family Torah Scroll. Jan Charman and his family have commissioned a sefer Torah in memory of Jan’s late wife Estelle z�l, which will be housed in the beit midrash, and have invited us all to celebrate the creation of that scroll. There will be three events this year, during which we will learn how a sefer Torah is created and what the work of a scribe entails. Mark your calendars now for these three important dates, when the entire community will come together for learning and celebration. October 19, 2014 and February 15, 2015: Our scribe, Rabbi Yochanan Nathan, will join us to teach us about how tefillin are made, as well as teaching us about his work creating sacred scrolls. During these school wide and communal events, all religious school classes, their families, and the congregation at large will take part in handson training in the art of scribal calligraphy. We will also see portions of the Charman scroll that have been completed. Spring 2015: As we conclude religious school for the year, we also celebrate the completion of the Charman scroll with food, dance and celebration. Visit and check the weekly e-mail for details as we approach these wonderful events.
Sefer Torah/Shanah Torah Flyer
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UPSTAIRS THOUGHTS NOTES FROM THE CANTOR “Coming to KOL NIDREI” There is no more poignant moment in all of Jewish prayer than Kol Nidrei. The Torah scrolls are solemnly removed from the Ark and held before the entire congregation. People make every effort to be present at that moment, to hear the chant, melancholy and magnificent, which has been passed down through the centuries. Yet Kol Nidrei is one of the most difficult and enigmatic passages in Jewish liturgy: First, it is written in Aramaic, the language of Jewish legal documents, rather than in Hebrew; Second, even in translation, it seems to defy explanation, to violate our principles! Aren’t we expected to honor our commitments, our promises? The halakhic nature of the text is unmistakable – in reciting the Kol Nidrei, we are, by way of jewish law, retracting in advance any and all vows we make to ourselves and to Gd in this coming year. The Aramaic term Nidrei comes from the Hebrew word “neder”, a vow. In the Bible, this referred to the act of dedicating something or someone to Gd. The rabbis extended the meaning to include a prohibitive vow, so that item or person could no longer serve other, non-religious purposes. Kol Nidrei means “all vows”, and the six added synonyms in the opening line of the passage total seven terms. As our new mahzor tells us, seven represents completion – thus this prayer is meant to cover every kind of vow between Gd and human being. Some have suggested that this prayer was necessary for Jews living in precarious circumstances, such as the Marranos, who were compelled in medieval times to disavow their faith on penalty of death. Whether or not that was the case, it would seem that the power of Kol Nidrei, no doubt originally found in the text, today is felt particularly through its unique musical setting (at least in the Ashkenazic world, since the melody we know is not used in most Sephardic synagogues). Like some other High Holiday melodies we know, the Kol Nidrei is among the oldest and most recognized of Jewish prayer music. It was first seen in manuscript in 1765, some 250 years ago, transcribed by Aron Beer, a more ornate version than what we use. The standard version was published a century later in Berlin by synagogue composer and director Louis Lewandowski. Our choral version was arranged in the early 20th century by Henry A. Russotto. As we know, the Kol Nidrei became part of American pop culture through the movie The Jazz Singer, where Jakie Rabinowitz, son of a cantor who abandons his religious training, returns to chant the Kol Nidrei for his congregation when his father is no longer able to do so. It served to remind Jewish audiences of the conflict we have continually felt between modern American culture and Jewish tradition. As we enter this New Year 5775, may we, like Jakie Rabinowitz, find the strength to return to our roots, may we strengthen our commitment to Jewish learning. And despite our recitation of Kol Nidrei, may we see this commitment through to fulfillment in the year ahead. G’mar Hatimah Tovah – may you be sealed for a good year, Hazzan Roger Weisberg
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UPSTAIRS THOUGHTS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM – Jr. Yad Squad for Beginners & Advanced Special opportunity for accelerated incoming BET students to learn how to read Torah with Hazzan Weisberg on Thursdays at 4:15!! Students who enjoy learning Hebrew and music are invited to get a head start using the ancient musical phrases known as the Trope System, taught by Hazzan Weisberg. After getting to know the trope signs, students will have a chance to prepare small portions in the Torah for Gan Shabbat services in 2015. There is a one-time $60 fee for texts/recordings for first time students. Returning Jr. Yad Squad members will be able to continue their Torah-reading studies and receive new assignments in the 5:05-5:45 time slot on Thursdays. To sign up or if you have any further questions contact Hazzan Weisberg at Classes Begin Thursday, October 23, 2014. The DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS OCTOBER 14, 2014!!!
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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As you would expect, I have had many conversations with many people over my 1+ years as President at Congregation Beth Judea. A bit surprising to me, however, has been the amount of time I have spent mediating conflict between people. But even more surprising to me is the realization that often time the conflict is a result of miscommunication rather than different points of view. The disconnect appears to occur when the expectations of the speaker and/or the listener are not met. For instance, the speaker has something to say and the listener expects to hear a certain message. If the speaker does not say the “right” words, or say them in a certain way, the listener does not “hear” the message.
MISSION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming, egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principles of the Conservative Movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of America and the State of Israel.
The Word October 2014
I have become a better listener as a result of this observation. I realize that people do not always say things the way that I would say them. But that is okay. I should not discount the message because of that. I take great care to discern the message and try to disregard the “noise” surrounding it. I concentrate on the intent of the message, not on the words. I try to get others to subscribe to this too, especially when resolving conflict. Hopefully, it has also made me a more thoughtful speaker. This is a good time of year to reflect on the messages and the words that we use. I personally would like to ask for forgiveness from all of those whom I may have hurt with my words or my actions, intentionally or unintentionally. I am truly sorry. From my family to yours, we wish you a Shana Tovah. Sincerely, Debbie Kreisman Dubin President
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Join fellow members of Beth Judea in our Nation’s Capitol for three of the most important days affecting Israel’s future. For more information about Beth Judea’s delegation, or to register for the AIPAC POLICY CONFERENCE contact AIPAC’s Chicago Area Director, Eili Wald at 312-2538994 or
SPECIAL DISCOUNT ENDS Friday, November 14, 2014 click here for flyer
Click here for flyer
USCJ SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Scholar in Residence - Rabbi Peretz Rodman Tuesday, November 11, 2014 following Minyan at 7:30 pm Rabbi Peretz Rodman will speak about: Prayers that Annoy, Prayers that Amuse: Reading the Siddur with Open Eyes and Tongue in Cheek Download flyer
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LIFE IN ISRAEL – THE GOODMAN’S BLOG Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog.
In this issue, they continue to shared their thoughts and feelings about the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas. Below is an excerpt of their blog:
“L’Shanah Tovah! We hope you are enjoying the holidays and had a great summer.
While it is still lovely living in Caesarea, Israel, we have had a very difficult summer. Had you visited us, we could have done pretty much the normal fun stuff. However, all of Israel is now suffering after 50 days of fighting the latest conflict, or "Operation Protective Edge“. And as Joan Rivers said, “They started it,” and we had to respond to protect innocent Israelis.
A song frequently played on the radio stations this summer was, “I Have No Other Country, Even If My Land Is Burning”. A good analogy might be that we live in a beautiful neighborhood but we surrounded by wild jungle, and this summer we were attacked...
Tens of thousands came to pay their respects to lone soldier Max Steinberg in his funeral in Mount Hertzel earlier today in Jerusalem. Max came alone to Israel and joined the IDF. Israelis from all walks of life came to honor him today in his funeral, sending a clear message -- lone soldiers are a part of us forever, they will never be alone.
Lone Soldier is Not Alone – 30,000 Honor Max Steinberg at Funeral Click Here To View Video
.... click here to continue to share their experience. “I Have No Other Country, Even If My Land Is Burning” with English Translation.
Click Here For The You Tube Song and Video
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B’NAI MITZVAH BIOs Sari Marissa Gluck will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, October 11, 2014. Sari is an honor student at Hawthorn Middle School in Vernon Hills. She is involved in many school activities including North’s Theater, Chorus, Poms and Student Council. Sari loves to act and sing! Being on stage in front of a big audience makes her so happy! Some of her past acting roles include Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, Jasmine in Aladdin, Ursula in Little Mermaid and Sharpay Evans in High School Musical. Sari spends her free time writing and choreographing music, painting nails and spending time with her friends. Along with other Mitzvot projects over the last year, Sari painted nails over a few weekend days to help raise money for The Zack Tran Memorial Fund (A fund that provides youth access to worthwhile educational, athletic, and artistic activities for those in our community whose opportunities are limited. In memory of Zack, the fund delivers an avenue for young people to experience and participate in many of life's offerings. Please see for more information) Sari looks forward to celebrating this special milestone with her proud parents, Michael and Rachael Gluck, her two sisters, Talia and Arielle, very proud grandparents, Linda and Jay Gluck and Katherine and Meyer Abarbanel, aunts, uncles, extended family and friends.
Sari would like to give a special thanks to Hazzan Weisberg and Rabbi Pivo for helping her prepare for her special day, Anna Besser and the team of CBJ educators for giving her a strong Jewish education and of course, her AMAZING Bat Mitzvah tutor Andrea Dickson.
Andrew Eric Siegel will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 25, 2014. Andy is a 7th grade high honor roll student at Cooper Middle School and plays the drums in Jazz Band I and Symphonic winds. He enjoys baseball, basketball, playing the drums, and spending time with his friends. Andy also enjoys travelling and has travelled with his family on many car trips. He especially enjoys Boston, New York, Hilton Head Island, Niagara Falls, and, of course, the Wisconsin Dells.
Andy is looking forward to his 3rd summer at Camp Chi after many summers at Camp Henry Horner. For his mitzvah project Andy assisted in the Keshet Buddy Baseball program. Andy will be sharing his special day with his parents Ben and Michelle, his older sister Margie, and grandma Charlotte Siegel. Andy is also thrilled that Uncle Russell, Aunt Laura, Uncle Shell, and Aunt Linda and cousins Matt, Steve, and Alan will be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah with him. He is excited that his extended family of cousins and friends from all over the country are coming to celebrate with him. Andy and his family would like to thank Rabbi Pivo, Anna Besser, all his Hebrew school teachers, and Hannah Mills for all their help, guidance, and support. A special thank you to Cantor Weisberg for not only preparing Andy for his Bar Mitzvah, but also for encouraging and teaching Andy so much in Meshorarim and Yad Squad.
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EDUCATION After the seriousness of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Sukkot is a fun festival that we can all enjoy with laughter, friends, and great food (of couse!). In ancient times, an annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem was made at Sukkot. We would present our finest offerings and the Sukkot week would culminate with a vibrant happy occasion; a fitting conclusion to the festive month of Tishrei. Today, we come together as a community in prayer, build Sukkot, adorn them with lights and decorations and enjoy our meals in them for 7 days. As we enjoy our nights in the Sukkah, we remember that in spite of all of our technological advances and sophistication, we are still very much dependent upon God’s blessings for our survival. May your nights in the Sukkah be star-filled and joyous. Kindergarten Consecration Please join us for our annual Congregation Beth Judea Kindergarten Consecration on Erev Simchat Torah, Thursday, October 16th at 7 pm when we welcome our Kindergarten students to a lifetime of Jewish Learning! Heh Tallit Project On Sundays, Sept. 28th & October 12th, the Heh students will work with Rabbi Pivo and Orin Rotman to create their own Tallitot. Thank you to Jayme Ernsteen and Sandra Zussman for their sewing skills! Dinner with the Clergy Clergy Dinners are an opportunity for Aleph & Bet students to experience a traditional Shabbat with the clergy and their families. Following dinner, the students will join their parents and the congregation for Friday night services at 7:30 pm. October 24th
Bet 1 & 2 at Beth Judea with Hazzan Weisberg at 6:15 pm
November 21st
Aleph 1 & 2 at Beth Judea with Rabbi Pivo at 6:15 pm
SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER: October: Saturday 10/4 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL – Yom Kippur Sunday 10/5 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Thursday 10/16 Kindergarten Consecration (part of Simchat Torah evening service) Friday 10/24 Bet Clergy Dinner – at Beth Judea Sunday 10/26 Bet Family Program November: Sunday Friday Saturday Monday Sunday Friday Monday
11/2 11/7 – 11/8 11/10 11/16
Mitzvah Day
Gimel-Dalet Kallah No Beyachad classes 2nd Grade Family Program 6th Grade Family Program 11/21 Aleph Clergy Dinner – at Beth Judea 11/24 – Sunday 11/30 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL or Beyachad - Thanksgiving Break
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YOUTH WHAT’S UP IN THE WORLD OF OUR YOUTH??? Make sure to be on the lookout for some new faces in the Hebrew School classrooms this year. As part of a new joint initiative between the youth department and the education department, we have paired a USY board member with each of our Hebrew School classes. Throughout the year the partner USYers will be helping with class projects, hanging out with the students, getting to know the students, and chatting with them about upcoming youth programs. In addition, we are starting a class competition where each student can earn points for their class by doing a variety of things. Attending programs, bringing new friends, doing social action projects, bringing in Israel updates, attending services, and so much more will earn students various points for their Hebrew School Judaica class. At the end of the year the class with the most points will be rewarded with a whole class pizza party. Our goal with this new program is to allow our younger youth members to build connections, to learn more about youth programs available to them, and to learn about the synagogue in general. KADINKERS (3rd-5th grade) Our kadinkers group had their first program in September, and we had an incredible turnout. We headed up to Apple Holler in Wisconsin for an afternoon of apple picking and fun festival times. The day was incredible, and everybody came home with a bag of apples that they picked to have mom and dad cook up into delicious dishes for Rosh Hashanah. KADIMA (6th-8th grade) Our Kadima group joined our Kadinkers group at a joint apple picking event in September. Everybody had a great time and it was a great way to get us in the mood for Rosh Hashanah. Make sure to be on the lookout for Kadima Board applications for the 2014-2015 year. We are looking forward to having a large amount of Kadimaniks be able to help decide the programming for the upcoming year
USY (BJUSY) (9th-12th grade) Our high school group has been incredibly busy. With our leaders attending a leadership training seminar and everybody participating in some rousing Tuesday evening programs including a BBQ, Ikea Scavenger Hunt, a casino night, and a minute to win it evening, things are off to a great start. In addition our USYers are jumping right into helping out the synagogue with participation in building and decorating the Sukkah as well as helping out once a month with Bingo at the Gidwitz Senior Center. All of this plus some great High Holiday services to top things off. Remember you can always stay up to date with all things BJUSY throughout the entire year by visiting our new and improved website, and you can sign up for membership by going to B’Shalom,
Marc Sender Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: Sign up for membership at Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel.
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Pizza in the Hut Party
BJUSY, USY & Kadinkers
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Get Flyer
October 12
Corn Maize & Weenie Roast
BJUSY, USY & Kadima
5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Get Flyer
Download Flyer
October 22 – Highland Park
October 27 – Long Grove
The Word October 2014
October 29 – Evanston Click Here for Flyer
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ADULT EDUCATION WEEKLY CLASSES These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes unless specifically noted.
ADULT EDUCATION AT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA. Congregation Beth Judea offers a variety of meaningful Jewish learning opportunities through classes, lectures, and informal sessions on Jewish Law, Torah, prayer, and other topics of interest that will intrigue and inspire you. All classes (unless otherwise noted) are held at Congregation Beth Judea. Our 2014-2015 program is being finalized. Please watch for the announcement of classes.
“When I pray, I speak to God; When I study, God speaks to me.” - Rabbi Louis Finkelstein
Interpretive Minyan in the Library
Talmud & Jewish Life: Grappling with Life, Law, and Innovation Sunday mornings at 8 am Participate in a lively discussion of the Talmud and its relevance for us today. No prior knowledge is required and texts will be provided. We are working our way through the fascinating array of topics in the Tractate Ketubot (Marriage Contracts). Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for this class) Sweet Taste of Torah Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years, Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again. Parsha Perspectives Thursday evenings after minyan (7:45—8:00 pm) Beginning Sept. 4, 2014 Do you have 10 minutes to spare? It only takes 10 minutes to get started on a lifelong journey. Spend each Thursday after Minyan learning about the upcoming Parsha with Rabbi Pivo, and before you know it you'll have completed hours of Torah study.
Service Leader: Norm Kurtz You are invited to join the Interpretive Minyan in the Library the first and third Shabbat of every month. Our growing minyan is focused on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience.
Our minyan is friendly and welcoming to all. Join us for prayer/discussion/learning and stay for Kiddush/lunch after services. We meet in the synagogue library on the second floor from 10:30 until 11:45. We look forward to welcoming you to our community. Shabbat shalom,
Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study Shabbat morning at 9 am Join a study/discussion of the week’s parsha. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.
Adult Education
Anna Besser
Hebrew School
Anna Besser
Anna Besser
Community Jewish High School
Norm Kurtz
EDUCATION SERIES To register for classes or to find out more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at (847) 634-0777 or at
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Adult Education Series October 2014
Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at
Lunch & Learn: ‘A La Carte’ (a bag of lunch, current events and Jewish ethics) Taught by Rabbi Pivo
Bring your lunch and join Rabbi Pivo for a discussion of current events and Jewish ethics in the modern world. We’ll talk about a little bit of this and a little bit of that as we look at what’s happening in and around the Jewish world. Monday, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Dates: Oct. 13, 20, 27, Nov. 3, 10, 17, Dec. 1 & 8 LOCATION: Sunset Foods 2nd Floor Conference Room (corner of Rt. 83 & Aptakisic) Bring Your Own Lunch
Judaism 101: 5 Books in 4 Weeks! Taught by Rabbi Pivo
In this mini-course, offered three times this year, we will immerse ourselves in the Torah’s five books content and structure. The course fulfills requirements for our Adult B’nei Mitzvah, but is open to all. COST: Free for members; $5 for non-members Sunday mornings; 11:00 am FALL SESSION: Sept. 21st – Oct. 12th
Synagogue Skills 201 The Preliminary Service (Birkhot Hashahar thru Pesukei D’Zimrah) Taught by Hazzan Weisberg
Whether a weekday or Shabbat, the prayers which open our morning services follow the same basic outline. As we gain insights into this expressive liturgy, we will also learn to lead the davening through the Az Yashir prayer, leading into the Bar’khu. (This course require moderate to good Hebrew reading proficiency and practice between weekly sessions.) Monday evenings 7:30 – 7:20 pm Dates: Oct. 6th – Nov. 17th
Talmud & Jewish Life: Grappling with Life, Law and Innovation Taught by Orin Rotman
Sunday mornings at 8 am Participate in a lively discussion of the Talmud and its relevance for us today. No prior knowledge required and texts will be provided. We are working our way through fascinating array of topics. Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class)
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Adult Education Series October 2014
Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at
The World of Kabbalah: From Early Mystics to Madonna Taught by Hazzan Weisberg
Based on the Hazzan’s course at the Hebrew University this past July, this class will explore the role which Kabbalah has played in shaping Jewish theology and prayers, as well as the universe, the human body and many other areas. How did it develop in various stages of Jewish history? Who were the main thinkers and proponents of this mystical practice? Why has Kabbalah recently appealed to both Jews and non-Jews who are looking for new ways to find spirituality? Tuesday: Evenings 6:30-7:20 pm Dates: Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28; Nov. 4, 11, 18
Caffeine for the Soul: Morning Torah Study Taught by Rabbi Pivo
Linger after morning minyan for a light breakfast and a bit of Torah, as we spend a few minutes together looking at the weekly parshah with Rabbi Pivo. Tuesday mornings after minyan Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 14 8:10 am
Noteworthy (and Nosh-worthy!) News: Coexistence in the Middle East Taught by Hazzan Weisberg
Whether or not you’ve had your coffee and nosh already, join with Hazzan Weisberg in gaining a better understanding of the newest challenges and opportunities arising for Israel as well as its neighbors. New alliances are swiftly taking shape - are the prospects of a lasting peace greater or are they becoming further diminished? How can we get more honest perspectives from our media sources? What Jewish values and religious principles can be seen when Israel’s leaders are dealing with the Palestinians, with the growing number of Islamic extremist groups, with the Arab world, with the greater international community? We will explore these matters in the months ahead, as events continue to unfold. Tuesdays 8:45-9:30 AM Oct. 14 – Dec. 9, 2014
TAP the Torah:
Taught by Orin Rotman
Sponsored by Men’s Club Join us on or a lively Torah study, a while we down some beer at The Continental Restaurant. COST: $5 donation Oct. 30, 2014
The Continental Restaurant (788 S Buffalo Grove Rd BG) 8:00 pm
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Jewish Nobel Prize Winners in Medicine whose innovations and discoverie have bennefitted mankind
Presented by Leah Polin Wednesday, November 4, 2014
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Contemporary Controversial Issues in Medical Ethics Through a Jewish Lens
Presented by Marianne Novak
The Adult Jewish Education Co-op (AJEC) is committed to providing relevant programs of vital interest to all. Programs will generate open and honest discussions, as well as focus on personal connections to the topics. Both programs are at Congregation Beth Judea
SISTERHOOD FUNDRAISERS Please continue to support Sisterhood programs as well as projects such as Torah Fund, all occasion cards, and the L'CHAIM COOKBOOK.
Mourning the death of a spouse can present many challenges. Learn what to expect from your grief, seek and give encouragement, learn coping skills, and adapt to changing relationships. This group is for those who are mourning the loss of their spouse or partner within the past year and a half. Date: Tuesdays, October 21 – November 25, 2014 Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM Place: Temple Chai, 1670 Checker Rd., Long Grove Fee: No Fee Contact: Rosalie Greenberger, LCSW, at JCFS Phone: 224-625-2819 Email:
JHNC is administered by Jewish Child & Family Services in collaboration with CJE SeniorLife, the Chicago Board of Rabbis & Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation. JCFS is a partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation.
All Occasion Cards
The Word October 2014
Loss of Spouse or Partner
One-stop, toll-free access for help. Call 855-ASKJCFS (855- 275-5237), email or visit
Click here for full flyer
Torah Pin Fund
Northwest Suburban Jewish Grief Support
Healing Hearts is a partnership of Temple Chai, Congregation Beth Judea, Congregation Beth Am, Chicago Jewish Funerals, Goldman Funeral Group, Piser Funeral Services, Shalom Memorial Funeral Home.
Please Pre-Register to Linda Magad
Healing Hearts
L’Chaim Cookbook (get your free recipe by clicking here)
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SISTERHOOD SOURCE Sisterhood Update - September 2014 A happy, healthy, peaceful, and prosperous New Year to all! We hope that the High Holidays were meaningful for you and yours. Our next major festival is Sukkot - a harvest holiday - an ingathering. It is our hope that we can gather more participation in Sisterhood events more visibility in our synagogue more programs that you will enjoy and more pleasure from lasting friendships.
Sisterhood had a really fun and useful September 9th program at Sunset Foods - a lesson in flower arranging . We did an arrangement of fall flowers and had such a delightful time working together and eating Brenda Levin's scrumptious brownies. It was amazing that we all used the same materials, yet each vase was unique. Excellent work ladies! Congratulations to our Men's Club on their victory in the Men's Club/USY softball game! Congratulations also to USY for making the men work for that victory! They also received a beautiful trophy for their victory in the Midwest Region softball league. We are planning our annual Sisterhood Membership Dinner for Monday, November 10th, and we hope to see as many of you as possible. The theme is "Books," and we are having Susan Stone, a storytelller, who has planned a wonderful program. We have planned a delicious menu and anticipate a delightful evening. Please look for the flyer which will be E-mailed soon. Our new tagline is "Sisterhood - where every woman's voice is heard". We welcome your participation and your ideas. We thank everyone for all you have done for our Sisterhood and our synagogue in the past, and all you will do in the future. -Merle Rumack, Secretary
UPCOMING EVENTS October 29 November 10
Estate Planning (open to the community) Sisterhood Membership Dinner
SISTERHOOD GIFTSHOP STOP IN AND SEE OUR NEW AND UNIQUE ITEMS We’ve Got Great Gifts for Any Occassion Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder plates, Hanukkah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games, teacher gifts, and nonreligious gift items. The shop carries Gary Rosenthal, Nambe, and a large number of items imported directly from Israel. The shop also carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, you can special order about anything you may want. Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager. The Gift Shop has lots of new merchandise, including great High Holiday and other holiday gift items, as well as Bat/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift items. Check out Sisterhood’s own L'CHAIM TOO! Cookbook, filled with special recipes for all your holiday needs or as a great gift for any occasion. MC, VISA. and Discover accepted
The Word October 2014
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items. Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires October 31, 2014 COUPON
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MEN’S CLUB The mission of the Men’s Club is to involve Jewish men in Jewish lives. Our club serves Congregation Beth Judea by meeting the diverse educational, religious and social needs of Jewish families in the modern Jewish world.
A recent Federation of Jewish Men’s Club initiative is a Wellness Program. We seek to increase awareness of health and wellness issues to all members of our congregation. On August 31, over a dozen members of Congregation Beth Judea participated in the Buffalo Grove Stampede. Participants either walked or ran in a 5K race or ran in the 10K race. Congratulations to all who participated. The annual building of the Sukkah, under the direction of crew chief Sandy Victor, took place Sunday September 28. Final completion and decoration will take place after Yom Kippur with the assistance of the Hebrew School students and members of USY. Thank you to all who worked to construct and complete the Congregation Beth Judea Sukkah. Men’s Club had the opportunity to celebrate the success of our softball team this summer with a night out at the Beer Market in Vernon Hills. The trophy, which had been presented to the Men’s Club Board on September 6, was displayed to all of our members. We hope to make this an annual event!
2014 Buffalo Grove Stampede participants (right to left) Sandy Victor, Gary Malkin, Ron Friedman and Eric Yegelwel.
The men’s club's most popular event, Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah, is scheduled for Sunday evening October 12. This dinner has always been Men’s Club most popular activity. Please see the following page for flyer. Our next Tap the Torah discussion, lead by Orin Rotman, is scheduled for Thursday evening at 8:00 PM October 30 at the Continental Restaurant in Buffalo Grove. Join us for a lively Torah discussion on a timely and entertaining topic over a beer or any beverage of your choice. We have scheduled several exiting events over the next few months. On February 7- 8, 2015 Congregation Beth Judea’s Men’s Club is planning a weekend retreat at the Geneva Ridge Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. It will be a great weekend filled with ruach and fun. All men’s club members (and those thinking of joining) are encouraged to attend. Please save the date. More information will follow.
2014 Buffalo Grove Stampede participants (right to left) Sandy Victor, Ron Friedman, Dan Weinberger, Sherry Weinberger, Bruce Hoffman, Kitty Hoffman and Eric Yegelwel. Participated but not pictured Larry Wollheim
Another date to save on your calendar is Monday evening, December 15. We will join the Chai Guys Brotherhood members of Temple Chai and the Bears for Monday night football at The Rack House in Arlington Heights. All Congregation Beth Judea Men’s Club members are encouraged to join us, even Packer fans. Have an easy and meaningful fast,
Eric Yegelwel
Zahava, Ephriam and Raya Volkov. Not pictured: Zayde and Bubbe David and Rhonda Cohen
The Word October 2014
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Tzedakkah Fund The Men's Club has made donations from the minyan tzedakah box to: Keshet Chai Lifetime Shalva Maot Chitim Presentation of Men's Club League Championship Trophy by Midwest Regional FJMC President Michael Greenberg and Baseball Commissioner Michael Salberg to CBJ Men's Club VP Programming and Coach Allen Harris and Club President Eric Yegelwel
We thank all those who have contributed to the tzedakkah fund administered by Men's Club.
Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives.
TAP the Torah Taught by Orin Rotman Sponsored by Men’s Club
October 30, 2014 Join us on Thursday night at 8pm for a lively Torah study while we down some beer! Location details to follow! Location details to follow.
Download Flyer
The Word October 2014
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MEN’S CLUB CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA Jack Rizman Memorial Golf Outing The 19th annual Jack Rizman memorial golf outing was held at the Buffalo Grove CC on August 24th. Teams led by Ron Kovich (with Alan Green,David Pinzur and Rob Geltner), Stu Rizman, and Mike Rizman all tied for the low net. The Stu Rizman group won the low gross with a great 64! The outing was a fun and financial success for the Men's Club and the Jack Rizman fund at CBJ.
Picture of Larry Feldman, Allen Harris, Todd Lichtenstein, Jeff Kostis with Rabbi Pivo on the first tee of the CBJ golf outing on 8/24/2014.
Thanks to the committee of David Granoff, Allen Harris, Fred Rabinowitz, Keith Rizman, and Morry Rizman for their help in making this event happen so smoothly. Thank you also to the many congregants and local businesses that donated prizes or sponsored a hole for the outing and helped make this a memorable day. Chuck Walcer
CONGRATULATIONS TO CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA MEN’S CLUB WINNERS OF THE INITIAL FJMC 12” SOFTBALL LEAGUE Beth Judea Men’s Club competed against the following teams: Congregation Beth Shalom, North Shore Suburban Beth El (2), Temple Chai & Temple Beth EL in Northbrook TOP ROW – LEFT TO RIGHT: Mike Gomberg, Bob Fisher, Greg Schwartz, Evan Harris, Larry Bender, Lance Pacernik, Arnie Bender, Steve Limer SECOND ROW – LEFT TO RIGHT: Allen Harris, Eric Marder, Cliff Silk, Adam Bender, Ken Goldstein, Bryan Schwartz NOT SHOWN: Russ Barnett, Max Fisher, David Granoff, , Jeff Kotsis , Fred Rabinowitz, Ken Redfern, Marlon Suskin, Eric Yegelwel
The Word October 2014
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WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement, or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Hesed (Caring) committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.
We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the Hesed (Caring) committee members below:
Rabbi Pivo Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack
Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.
Hesed (Caring) Committee Congregation Beth Judea Hesed (Caring) Committee Please complete the following form to notify the committee of a person who is ill, hospitalized or in a rehabilitation facility,
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Location ______________________________________________________________________________
Contact person/phone number: ____________________________________________________________ Your name: ___________________________________________________________________________
â–Ą Please contact this person â–Ą Please ask the clergy to contact this person Please return this card to the office before or after Shabbat. You may also fax the information to (847) 634-8055, call the Rabbi or contact our committee chairs,
Wendy Wunsch
The Word October 2014
Evan Rumack (847) 253-4130
Beth Judea Office (847) 634-0777
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October 5 - 3:30 pm (Sunday) Bingo at Friend Center October 12- New Time: 1:30 pm (Sunday) Bring Your Dogs to Visit the Elderly at Alden of Long Grove. October 12- Walk to End Alzheimers
Experiencing a divorce can be one of the most difficult and stressful transitions in life, affecting adults, children, and extended family. We are reaching out as a synagogue community to those who are in the process of divorcing, or have recently gone through a divorce, to offer support at this extremely stressful time. This group, designed for both men and women, would meet weekly with our member Ellene Lammers, a trained therapist, and Rabbi Pivo.
Get Flyer
SAVE THE DATE Veteran's Day Shabbat - November 7, 2014 If you or any of your family members, friends or neighbors are a veteran or are actively serving in the service, we are in the process of planning a very special Shabbat in their honor. More info to follow. For further information on any of the above, please contact Scott Eisner at .
Please contact: Ellene at or Rabbi Pivo at for further information.
Download Flyer
An Important Announcement
Upon three things the world is based:
Upon Torah,
The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at or call Rabbi Pivo.
Upon Divine Service and Upon the Practice of Charity
The Word October 2014
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The Word October 2014
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BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: October 1
October 3
October 4
October 5
October 6
Sergio Escalante Larry Isaacson Jeffrey Karp Todd Pollard Judy Rabin Pamela Sender Harold LeVine Bryan Mosak Rick Drazner Davida Finkle Jeffrey Greenberg Melinda Grossman Sandra Nissenberg
Michael Levy Amy Sachs
October 16
Deborah Moskowitz Phyllis Udany David Warren
October 17
Stacy Sachs Brian Schwartz Marc Spivak
October 18
Judy Goldstein Nanci Karlin
October 19
Judy Fisher Jean Friedman Paul Saharack Vicki White
Ira Finn Eileen Spiegel Marlyn Spivak
October 20
Michael Kaplan Rachel Ragland Pamela Rosenbaum Pamela Weiner
Melissa Drazner Melinda Fine Randy Kramer Jeffrey Spitz
October 21
Steven Appelbaum Erica Veronie
October 22
Carol Levin
October 23
Joni Altman Michael Besser Rita Spitz
October 24
Rosalind Eisner Dana Lerner Margaret Lichtenstein Sanford Ramras
October 25
Arlen Shub
October 26
Michael Friedland Wendy Sabbath Steven Spitz Eric Yegelwel
October 7
Devida Braverman Mark Dubin Fay Lemberg
October 8
Melissa Allen Jayme Ernsteen Dana Goldstein David Schuster
October 9
October 15
Robert Block Sue-Ellen Duboe Vicki Fabian Arthur Mills Paula Spitz Philip Spitz
October 10
Jacki Unger Todd Waldrop
October 11
Neil Borkan Peggy Weiner
October 27
Allen Groner Richard Russell
October 12
Patti Davis Alyssa Duvel Eric Katzman Kimberley Levy Ted Mellow Mary Wernick
October 28
Renee Blustein Steven Levit Cindy Lipka Michael Miller Carol Rubin
October 29
October 13
Sheryl Cutler Pamela Polakow Ina Ramras
Fred Fingerhut Judy Harris Stephanie Rubenstein
October 30
October 14
Julie Marder Robin Riebman Neal Siegellak
Joseph Koek William Uhler
October 31
Jill Aranyi Jennifer Brown
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration. NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word October 2014
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ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy ANNIVERSARY to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: October 2
Jeffrey & Pamela Brown
October 3
Ben & Michelle Siegel
October 4
Arthur & Mari Cohen Glenn & Penny Pinkus
October 5
October 16
Richard & Jan Adelman David & Lauren Gordon
October 17
Myron & Bonnie Glickman Michael & Leslie Neimark Stephen & Faye Wasserman
Michael & Ellen Kaplan
October 18
David & Tammy Brody
October 9
Keith & Susan Mann
October 19
Allen & Janice Cohen
October 10
Noah & Jennifer Ban Brad & Rachael Finkel Jeff & Marcy Kostis Arthur & Anita Nemoy
October 20
Jordan & Harriet Krugel Steven & Ellene Lammers Jeffrey & Linda Spitz Gary & Nancy Watts
October 12
Jerrold & Cynthia Lazar Michael & Jill Rosenbaum
October 26
Andrew & Sandra Nissenberg Eric Yegelwel & Gail Gerber
October 13
Jeffrey & Deborah Karp Marlon & Laura Suskin
October 27
Kurt & Helene Fliegel David & Amy Hafft
October 29
Lawrence & Rebecca Feldman Steven & Kimberly Shapiro
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration. NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word October 2014
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Faye Angell * Marianne Brenner * Dorothy Feldheim * Norman Friedman Etta Greenberg * Louis Lerner * Max Pander Celia Schreibman * Gerszon Weiskopf *
Frances S. Barnett * Bernard Cutler * Suzanne Fine Morris Ginsberg Sol Kessler * Pearl Margolis Morris Roden Harriette Silverman * Adolf Wolff
Louis Bloom David S. Eisenberg Sandra Fooden Leon Goldberg Katrien Koekkoek Ruth Mason Lillian Rosenston Genevieve Vizansky
Barney Bograd Louis Elgenson Faye Frank David Goldbogen * Philip Koekkoek Lisa Newman Jessie Rubinstein * Sol Weinberg *
October 10
Isaac Appel Jeffrey Caplan * Solly Gordon * Hyman Molotsky Millard Oscherwitz * Bernard Resnick * Roman Stupel
Arnold Block Yale Gerol * Hyman Hundert * Rochelle Mosoff Phyllois Oster Maurice Saltzman Ida Sulak
Symon Bows * Philip Gluskin * Debrah Margolis Richard Nathan * Eva Pander Betty Skalaki Anna Wortell *
David Brodsky * Rose Goldberg * Esther Mendelsohn Philip Nemser * Sam Rabin Fraqnces Spiegel *
October 17
Sidney Ament Jack Brill Charles Feldman Eugenia Green Holmes Harry Leonard Richard Paley Meriel Schneider
Albert Atlas Donna Bryant * Allen Guttenberg Norman Isaacson Yetta Levy * Philip Rich Lillian Seres
Esther Attenberg Carol Caplan Lewis Heiber Dora Kahn * William Meyers * Howard Riebman Babette Strauss
Herman Barrier * Harold Falcon * Marilyn Holman Diane Kovich * Shalom Nahum * Arman Schafgfer Carolyn Wolff
October 24
Joseph Abraham * Barney Cole * Thelma Geiger Alice Gordon Michael Hoffman Meyer Kavitt Sidney Ratskoff Armand Zucker
Seymour Berkovitz Bernard Dessauer * Doris Gerchikov Theodore Gottlieb * Lester Jacobs * Florence Levitt Edward Rosenbaum *
Reba Broodno * Ethelo Ellis * Betty Glassman Esther Halperin * Elliot Kalina * Sidney London Sophie Sherman
Alice Chiprin * Marcella Entman Shirley Goldberg Gerald Hauser * Haskell Kasanov Miya Nagel Sylvan Smith
October 31
Bernice Abrams * Clara Chappe Gloria Greenberg Rose Levin Herman Rothenberg * Leonard Shapiro * Reva White
Milton Behn Leah Dungz Minnie Mae Hammer Harry Meyerowitz * Rose Rubin Estelle Shelley Lester Witkov *
George Brenghause * Steve Gold * Jerome Horwitz * Harry Oster Beverly Rudolph Erie Shimizu Stuart Wolf *
Barnett Brody * George Goldenberg Annette Lerman * Burton Perlman David Salavitch * Rayna Wasserman Freda Wolinsky *
The Word October 2014
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November 7
Gladys Bayer Brenda Chait * Samuel Feldstein Jane Markowitz * Joe Dean Ritter * David Robert Rumack * Frances Spiegel Robert Zakaman
Max Bender Bernard Cohen Kathryn Ferrari * Roland Medansky Brian Robbins Jack Schiffman * Harry Stein * Milton Zeff
Alex Berk * Jean Davis * Edith Kowalsky * Kay Nixon * Eva Rosenberg Herman Schwartz Mollie Stein *
Sol Boten Arthur Dunn Larry Kowalsky * Lawrence Portnoy Harold Rosenbloom * Frank Singer Harry Stern *
November 14
Lester Abelson * Reuben Dannen * Alexander Gluzman Jack Karchmar * Yetta Schuster Levy Iris L. Pollack * Goldie Stein *
Jean Bloom * David Fine * Charlotte Goldberg * Victor Kessler * Bernard Miner Susan Schiffman * Sally Tepper *
Robert Buzil * Ida Fischer * Harry Hershinow * Morris Klein * David Neubauer * Jeanne Silverstone Minnie Weinberg *
Yvette Cutler Roberta Gerol * Ruth Feinberg Kamensky Stephen Klein * Gertie Nidetz * Abe Sobol *
November 21
Shari Alarcon * Philip Bordy Morris Chappe Alvin H. Friedman * Toby Gottlieb Joel LeVine Dorothy Moss * Edythe Rosen * Samuel Sher
Dorothy Bakst * Bernice Boten Ernest Cohen Temmie Goldstein * William Hesser Sally Mangurten David Nechamkin * Ruth Sabol Sara Sherman *
Jerome Berenson Melvin Bransky Fannie Cole * Lillian Goldwasser Stella Hiller * Michael Marks * Walter Rice Hyman Schechter George Uhler
Roberta Berks Benjamin Carpet * Maynard Duboe Morris Gordon Hyman Holman Davida Mayeroff Sam Rizman * Helen Seff * Jean Zoller *
November 28
Norman Abrams * Sol Feinberg Mildred Freid Ethel Kaplan Walter Levi * Murray Pollack * Sylvia Solomon * Larry Weinberger *
Seymour Chappe Morrie Finkle Danielle Goldberg * Joseph Kronowitz Samuel Jay Mandel * Sol Rubin Suzanne Stark Rebecca Weitzman
Melvin Dolgin Frederick Fleiss Robert Grossman Lena Kronowitz Larry Morgan Sam Schneider Shirley Stern Annetta Zelson
Bernard Ellis * H.R. Ford Doris Harris Rose Lettvin Diane Nathan Harry Shkolnik Judy Walcer *
The Word October 2014
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TRIBUTES FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FUNDS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGES 51, 52 & 53 OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Prayers have been said for the recovery of: Joan Attenberg Steve Dunn Aiden Ernsteen Neal Friedman Lori Geraty Susan Goldwasser Art Greenbert Kay Jaffe Sylvia Polakow Martin Rockwell Shaina Stelzer Albert Stark Jack Wernick Mary Wernick
Congratulations to: Arlene & Rickey Ament on the birth of their granddaughter Harper Louise Gorden. Renee Haskell on the birth of her granddaughter Riley Sloane Neiman. Lois & Stew Margolis on the birth of their granddaughter Samantha Brooke Margolis. Steve & Betty Kolko on the birth of their grandson Nathan Joshua Scherer. Ilene & Larry Schneider on the birth of their grandson Beckett Beers Schneider. Hyman & Robin Riebman on the upcoming marriage of their son Elliott to Sarah Sobotka on October 25th.
RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND Condolences upon the death of: Gloria Chappe Congregant and Mother of Richard Chappe Rose Edelstein Mother of Marcia Weissman
In Memory of: Eve Mellow, mother of Ted Mellow. Stan & Laura Zoller
In Appreciation of: Rabbi Pivo for being there for the funeral and during our time of need. The Ban Family In Memory of: William Horwitz, father of Bruce Horwitz. Geri & Robert Friedman William Horwitz, my beloved father. Bruce Horwitz Zig Price, father of Liz Schachter. Stuart & Fran Gordon Upon the Yahrzeit of: Arnold Block Harold & Gloria Secler and Family Louis Bloom, you are in our memory every day. Ron & Davita Bloom
Stanley Ferrari, beloved father, papa and great-grandfather. Joel, Pam, Jason, Sarah, Marni, Celia and Evan Polakow Fay Frank Morris Ginsberg Edward & Roberta Ginsberg
Beverly Goldstein Mother of Glenn Goldstein Lenore Shapiro Mother of Michael Shapiro
The Word October 2014
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In Appreciation of: Cantor Weisberg with deep gratitude for your phone calls, hospital and rehab visits, and prayers. You lifted Albert’s spirits. Albert & Linda Stark
In Honor of: Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to Michele & Howard Sussman. Esther Mosak
In Honor of: Sandy Victor’s reading from the Torah. Shirley Fisher
Cantor Weisberg for the service he performed for Art’s sister, Barbara. Arthur & Marlene Greenberg Cantor Weisberg’s menschlekeit. Hesh Lyons
In Honor of: The birth of Nathan Joshua Scherer. Mazel Tov to the Kolko and Scherer Families. Gayle & Rick Pervos
The engagement of Joel to Talya Arbisser. Mazel Tov to the Gluskin Family. Gayle & Rick Pervos
In Memory of: Gloria Chappe, beloved congregant and mother of Richard Chappe. Marty & Nanci Karlin William Horwitz, my beloved father. Bruce Horwitz Upon the Yahrzeit of: Isadore Cohen Eli & Charlotte Seltzer Rae Kubiak, beloved grandmother and great-grandmother. Joel, Pam, Jason, Sarah, Marni, Celia and Evan Polakow Ruth Levy The Dritz Family William Meyers, with loving memory of our wonderful father and grandfather. The Levit Family Lil Shugan Bill & Roberta Uhler
The Word October 2014
In Memory of: Gloria Chappe, with fond memories. MT Nesters
In Memory of: Gloria Chappe, beloved congregant and mother of Richard Chappe. With our deepest condolences to the entire Chappe family. Floyd & Frances Babbitt
SOCIAL ACTION FUND Upon the Yahrzeit of: Esther Attenberg Steve & Joan Attenberg
EDUCATION FUND In Honor of: Ross’ Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to Allen & Marcie Marcus. Esther Mosak
Jerome Cohen, with our deepest condolences to his son, Dr. Allen Cohen, a member of our school faculty. Boston Latin School Charlene Hirsch, Sister-in-law of Maynard and Carole Hirsch. Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel Donna Truger, our beloved mother and nana. Aileen & Steven Simons and Family
The birth of Harper Louise Gorden. Mazel Tov to Arlene & Rickey Ament on the birth of their granddaughter. Jeff & Ellen Gluskin
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Philip Gluskin Jeff, Ellen, Joel, Talya, Michael, Taryn and Karen Gluskin
In Memory of: Jeff Shultz, with our deepest sympathy to the Shultz Family Janet & Owen Greenberg and Family
Rose Goldberg Leon Goldberg beloved parents of Helen Peters and grandparents of Evan Peters. Helen Peters
KIDDUSH FUND In Honor of: The birth of Samantha Brooke Bargolis. Mazel Tov to Stew & Lois Margolis on the birth of their granddaughter. Myron & Janet Reicher Upon the Yahrzeit of: David Brodsky, remembering our father with an abundance of love. Joel & Debbie Brodsky
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Speedy Recovery Wishes: Albert Stark, our prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel
USY/KADIMA SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Ira & Bonnie Sender’s wedding anniversary. Andrew, Kim and Noah Bernstein Marsha & Chuck Bernstein
In Honor of: Ross Marcus’ Bar Mitzvah Debbie & Arnie Bender
The Word October 2014
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TRIBUTES JERRY BERENSON MEMORIAL FUND Upon the Yahrzeit of: Suzanne Fine Jeff, Melinda, Jonathan, and Elizabeth Fine
ETHAN LEVITAN MEMORIAL FUND Upon the Yahrzeit of: Alan Nisenbaum, our beloved father and grandfather. Bill, Judy, Hayley and Ashley Levitan
JACK RIZMAN MEMORIAL FUND Upon the Yahrzeit of: In loving memory of Marilyn Holman. Neil, Mollie and Daniel Holman
A SPECIAL MESSAGE “Its okay, the children aren’t affected” But what if you knew they were? Shalva clients will often say that they can withstand their husband’s abuse as long as he never directs his anger toward their children. What many women don’t understand is that children are the silent victims of abuse and that they often repeat the behaviors they have seen. According to a recent study, over 90% of children are aware of domestic abuse in their home. These children are affected emotionally, cognitively, and physically. They are at great risk and often experience low self-esteem, shame, fear and guilt. Many distrust adults, fail to thrive or suffer from depression and anxiety. What can we do? The issue of domestic abuse is not just a women’s issue; it affects the entire family as well as our Jewish community. SHALVA offers free counseling to Jewish women who are or were in an intimate partner relationship. If you or someone you know needs our help, call 773-583-4673.
JUDY WALCER MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: The birth of Nathan Joshua Scherer. Mazel Tov to Steve and Betty Kolko on the birth of their grandson. Arthur & Marlene Greenberg Upon the Yahrzeit of: Alex Greenberg, beloved father of Arthur (Marlene) Greenberg. Arthur & Marlene Greenberg
The Word October 2014
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CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: Website: Rabbi Jeff Pivo Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Debbie Kreisman Dubin Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender Editor Evan Rumack
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg
Candle Lighting Times Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. October 3 .....KOL NIDRE ............ light before. 6:10 p.m.
Shabbat Evening Services ........................................ 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Morning Services ....................................... 9:30 a.m. Gan Shabbat – Shabbat Mornings ............................ 10:30 a.m.
Weekday Morning Minyan: Sunday .................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Monday ................................................................ 6:15 a.m. Tuesday through Friday ........................................ 7:30 a.m.
October 8 ......SUKKOT ................. light before 6:01 p.m. October 9 ......SUKKOT ..................... light after7:03 p.m October 10 ........................................................... 6:01 p.m. October 16 ..SHEMINI ATZERET....light before 5:50 pm October 17 ..SIMCHAT TORAH..........light after 6:52 pm October 24 ........................................................... 5:39 p.m
Weekday Evening Minyan: Monday through Thursday .................................... 7:30 p.m.
October 31 ........................................................... 5:29 p.m
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.