Congregation Beth Judea Program Guide 2013/2014

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C o n g r e g at i o n B e t h J u d e a 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4

P r o g r a m

G u i d e

MISSION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principles of the Conservative Movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of America, and the State of Israel.

VISION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea's goal is to be the vibrant, focal point of Conservative Jewish life in our community.

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Calendar of Events

Page 3

Message from Rabbi & President

Page 4

Israel Committee

Page 5

MT Nesters

Page 5

Social Action Focus on Families

Page 8

Youth: USY, Kadima & Kadinkers

Page 9


Page 10

Men’s Club

Page 11

Synagogue Programs

Page 12

Adult Education Special Programs & Florence Melton School

Pages 13—20 Page 13—14

Weekly Classes

Page 14

Jewish Film Series

Page 15

Hebrew & Synagogue Skills

Page 16

Education Series Shabbat Services Page 2

Pages 6—7

Page 17—19 Page 19




8:00 pm

Sisterhood Social Program


8:00 pm

Hebrew Literacy I begins

8:00 pm

Sisterhood Book Club



12:00 pm

Lunch & Launch Blessing Of The Animals: A Family Pet Event

5:00 pm

Men’s Club Steak & Scotch

6:00 pm

Simchat Torah Flag Parade & Kindergarten Consecration


8:00 pm

Hebrew Literacy II begins


9:30 am

Sisterhood Shabbat


8:00 pm

Tap the Torah


6:30 pm

FOF Magical Havdalah


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Art Program


10:30 am

Teen Minyan

7:00 pm

HSPP: Hebrew School Parent Program Social Evening


OCTOBER 2013 3

8:00 pm

Tap the Torah


6:00 pm

New Member Shabbat Dinner


10:30 am

HSPP: Hebrew School Parent Program Breakfast Social


12:00 pm

Lunch & Learn Fall Series begins (@ Sunset Foods)


7:00 pm

Melton begins


6:30 pm

Jewish Film Series (@ the Continental)


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Education Program


10:30 am

Teen Minyan


8:00 pm

AIPAC Speaker



8:30 am

World Wide Wrap


Super Bowl Party


12:00 pm

Lunch & Learn Spring Series begins (@ Sunset Foods)

6:00 pm

Jewish Film Series (@ Beth Judea)


7:00 pm

Sisterhood Nosh-a-Nite


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Book Club


8:00 pm

Purim Masquerade Ball


6:00 pm

Sisterhood Vashti Event

MARCH 2014 3

6:00 pm

Jewish Film Series (@ Beth Judea)


3:00 pm

Wine Tasting

HSPP: Hebrew School Parent Program Wine Night


7:00 pm

Purim Megillah Reading

11:00 am



10:00 am

Shushan Wonderland

12:00 pm

FOF: Mitzvah Day & Rosh Hodesh Family Program

11:00 am



8:00 pm

USCJ Scholar-in-Residence

8:00 pm

Sisterhood Education Program


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Book Club


7:30 pm

Veteran’s Day Shabbat


9:30 am

Youth Shabbat

11:00 am

CONtext: Jewish University for a Day (@ Solomon Schechter Day School)


6:00 pm

Men’s Club Poker Tournament


8:00 pm

Tap the Torah


9:30 am

Men’s Club Shabbat


7:00 pm

Yom HaShoah Commemoration @ Beth Judea


8:00 pm

Hebrew Literacy III


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Book Club




7:30 pm

8:00 pm

Sisterhood Book Club & Spertus Event Author Jami Attenberg


6:30 pm

Jewish Film Series (@ the Continental)


10:30 am

Teen Minyan


9:00 am

Hanukkah Bazaar


7:00 pm

Sisterhood Membership Dinner



APRIL 2014

MAY 2014 3

10:30 am

Teen Minyan


11:00 am

Israel Solidarity Day @ Ravinia


Men’s Club Lox Box Delivery & Pick Ups


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Program & Gift Exchange


7:30 pm

Youth Shabbat



6:30 pm

Jewish Film Series (@ the Continental)


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Social Program

10:30 am

HSPP: Hebrew School Parent Program Breakfast Social


12:00 pm

Family Lag B’Omer Picnic


6:00 pm

USY Installation Dinner


7:30 pm

Hebrew Literacy I Graduation Shabbat


8:00 pm

Annual Meeting


6:00 pm

Family Havdalah Pajama Night & Scavenger Hunt


8:00 am

Men’s Club Blood Drive


7:00 pm

Israel Bond Night


7:00 pm

Tikkun Leil


7:30 pm

Confirmation as part of Shavuot Services


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Installation Dinner


6:00 pm

Synagogue Installation & Awards Dinner


8:00 pm

Sisterhood Book Club


Please note: Schedule changes can occur & will be publicized with as much advance notice as possible.

JUNE 2014

A Message from the Rabbi & Synagogue President Dear Congregants, The synagogue has been at the center of Jewish life for two thousand years. Its two main functions are to serve as beit kenesset, a meeting place for prayer, and beit midrash, a meeting place for study. In the pages of this booklet you will find that in addition to fulfilling our obligation to be a place of prayer, Beth Judea has a tremendous amount to offer as a beit midrash. There is truly something for everyone here, from tots to our elders, on weekdays and weekends, and on every conceivable topic (but if you think of one that is not here, let us know!).

The former Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, once memorably said “When I pray, I speak to God; when I study, God speaks to me.” We hear God’s voice emerge from classical Jewish texts, from modern commentaries on them and from our discussions of both. I invite our members to engage in the sacred process of study in order to learn, to do and meet one another.

I look forward to seeing you in class and in shul!

Rabbi Jeff Pivo

Dear Congregants,

Please enjoy reading the Beth Judea 2013-2014 Program Guide. Thank you to Anna Besser, our Education Director, for coordinating this guide. As you read through the many activities and events that our congregation has to offer, please try to get more involved in the synagogue and take advantage of attending these programs. This guide does not even include everything that we have planned for you, but certainly provides you with an excellent summary of all of Congregation Beth Judea’s programs planned to date. I would encourage you to further follow-up with the updates of our programs on our congregation’s website: and in our weekly e-mail blast, “News from Beth Judea.”

Sign up for something, you will be glad that you did!

I also encourage you to help plan the programs that interest you, or find your passion by joining one of our many committees. When you go on the website, click on “Beth Judea Community,” and then click on “Committees” for a list and description of all our committees. Your input and involvement are always welcome. Also, if you know any families who are looking to join our Beth Judea family, please let us know. May we go from strength to strength.

Debbie Kreisman Dubin CBJ President

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Israel Committee For more information, please contact Ed Hockfield at or Cathy Feiger at Congregation Beth Judea has continually demonstrated its support of Klal Yisrael or the Community of Israel because we see ourselves as a part of the larger worldwide Jewish community. Naturally, the State of Israel is central to this vision. We embrace Israel from an historical, spiritual, educational, and cultural basis at the synagogue and in our homes. The role of the Israel Committee is to maintain awareness and support of Israel among our congregants. We intend to accomplish this by providing news of what is happening in Israel via internet website links; planning congregational trips to Israel and providing speakers at the synagogue to discuss topics related to Israel. Additionally, we hope to help congregants hone their advocacy skills on behalf of Israel and to encourage them to contact the media and our elected representatives to garner their support of Israel. We encourage congregants to join various organizations that vigorously work on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people. The committee is tentatively scheduled to meet on the first Thursday of the month at the synagogue immediately following minyan.


Congregational Israel Trip (for Adults)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Late Spring 2014

AIPAC Presentation

ISRAEL Bond Night

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sunday, June 1, 2014

JNF Congregational Breakfast Sunday, November 3, 2013

MT Nesters For programming information, contact Carrol Schechter at 847-537-3566 or Sam Chiprin at 847-459-0316. The MT Nesters is a group comprised of seniors, the majority of which are members of Congregation Beth Judea. The group meets at the synagogue once a month and continues to celebrate many years of coordinating activities for seniors in our community. Activities are normally planned for the Second Sunday of each month and may include a Chanukah Party, an Evening with the Clergy, taking in a Theatre play, a visit to a museum, a night at Ravinia, hosting professional entertainment, having a Educational/Cultural program, and sometimes just an informal get together for coffee. Current annual dues are free for the first year if member of Beth Judea and then only $20.00 per year per person. Page 5

Social Action For more information, contact Bruce Arenson at or 315-383-4560 The Social Action Committee generally meets the fourth Monday of each month at 8:00 p.m. or directly following minyan at the synagogue. Please check with the synagogue office to confirm the next meeting date.

SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE sponsors many Tikkun Olam Mitzvah Day programs to “spark the spirit” within the Synagogue and community. We invite you to join us for fun and to volunteer to perform a mitzvah!

TIKKUN OLAM MITZVAH DAY, Maot Chitim August 18th, Sunday 12:45-1:30 pm Pre-pack food boxes; 5990 W. Touhy St. Niles Volunteers needed, Contact Bruce Arenson, TIKKUN OLAM MINI-MITZVAH DAY, August 19th, Monday 6:30 pm Collection and packing of donated school supplies into backpacks for needy children in cooperation with Jewish Child & Family Services. Please consider donating inexpensive supplies. List at Synagogue or “Word”. Ronna Leibach, Chairperson TIKKUN OLAM MITZVAH DAY, Maot Chitim, August 25th, Sunday, 10:20-11:30 am Food box delivery; 99 Phillip, Vernon Hills Volunteers needed, contact Bruce Arenson, TIKKUN OLAM MITZVAH DAY, Alzheimer's Walk, September 15th, Sunday, 10:00 am (walk begins) Join the Beth Judea Team! To walk or donate go to website: Harper College, 1200 W. Algonquin St, Palatine TIKKUN OLAM MITZVAH DAY, November 3rd, Sunday Beth Judea Volunteers needed to pack food boxes for soldier's families! Time to be announced in “Word”

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Social Action


BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS, September 22nd, Sunday, 12:30 pm Synagogue parking lot. All Beth Judea congregants ages 1-100. Bring your pet(s) each year to receive Rabbi's blessing and Hebrew name! Open to community synagogues. Free and fun for all!

VETERAN'S DAY SHABBAT, November 8th, Friday evening services. Be present to hear the experiences and thank Beth Judea and area military veterans for their service and sacrifice. Great time for relatives (adults and children) and friends to show their gratitude to those who have kept our country free!

BINGO AT FRIEND CENTER, 1st Sunday of each month. Be a mitzvah volunteer to help at resident senior’s bingo game! Fun for all! 1601 Lakecook Road, Deerfield

ARK FAMILY Once a month through volunteer efforts we provide groceries for needy Jewish family. If you would like to help with a $25 donation, please contact: Bruce Arenson 313-383-4560

YEKATARINBURG Congregation Beth Judea has assisted Yekaterinburg, a community of 10,000 Jews in the Ural Mountains. We help support 1 week youth summer camp to enrich Jewish education and make it possible for the community to have a model Passover Seder with our donations. We speak with community leaders monthly to discuss their needs and monitor anti-Semitism. To participate please call Bruce Arenson.

CHANUKAH GIFTS TO NEEDY CHILDREN Several weeks before Chanukah, Congregation Beth Judea participates in the 7+1 Wish List project as well as the general 7+1 campaign, both sponsored by the Jewish Children’s Bureau. 7+1 stands for seven days of Chanukah and one for a needy child. Please bring a gift to Synagogue to donate to a child less fortunate. Donation date to be announced in Word

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Focus on Families Event Calendar Congregation Beth Judea’s Focus on Families is dedicated to enriching families’ connections to Judaism and our Jewish community through services and programs specifically designed for children, infant through 2 nd grade. Focus on Families programs captivate young children’s interest in the joys and excitement of Judaism and Jewish holiday celebration.

For more Focus on Families programming information, contact Allyson Marcus at

Focus on Families Programs for 2013- 2014 Date, Time*

Holiday / Event

Monday, Aug. 19

Mini-mitzvah Evening &

6:30 pm Friday, Aug. 23

Ice Cream Social

6:00 pm

Shabbat Under the Stars Lunch & Launch:

Sunday, Sept. 22 12 pm – 2:00 pm

a Sukkot Kite Flying Event AND

Thursday, Sept. 26

Simchat Torah

6:00 pm Sunday, Nov. 3

Celebration & Parade Mitzvah Day &

TBD Saturday, Dec. 14

Rosh Chodesh Program Havdalah Pajama Night &

6:00 pm Saturday, Jan. 18

Scavenger Hunt

Megillah Reading Shushan Wonderland &

10:00 am Thursday, Apr. 10

Purim Carnival Tot Hour Matzah Making

6:30 pm Sunday, May 18

Evening Challah Chaverim

10:30 am – 12 noon 3rd Thurs. of the month, Oct. – June 2:00 – 2:45 pm

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and Tot High Holiday Services: More information can be found on the Beth Judea High Holiday Schedule.

Gan Shabbat: Saturday Morning Family Shabbat Service geared towards children ages 9 and under and their families Every Shabbat Saturday Morning, 10:30 am


Shalom: Gan Shalom is a monthly preKindergarten program focusing on Jewish holidays, heroes, and mitzvot for children 5 years old and under accompanied by an adult. 2nd Sunday of the month, Oct. – May, 10:30 am – 12:00 noon (Occasional 1st Sundays due to Holidays, check schedule on website for details)

Magical Havdalah

7:00 pm Sunday, March 16

12 noon – 2:00 pm 2nd Sun. of the month, Oct. -May


Blessing of the Animals: A Family Pet Event

6:30 pm Saturday, March 15

We are proud to offer:

Family Lag B’Omer Program Gan Shalom (PreK and under) Challah Chaverim


Chaverim: Monthly parentchild activity for toddlers through Kindergarteners that includes challah baking, story time, and a Shabbat song session 3rd Thursday of the month, Oct. – June, 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm *** Apr. date is evening time – 6:30 pm *** Please note: Schedule changes can occur & will be publicized with as much advance notice as possible.

THE YOUTH Kadinkers, Kadima and USY For more information about any of the youth programs contact Youth Director Marc Sender @ or BJUSY President Joel Spiegel @



For 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders, Beth Judea’s Youth Program offers Kadinkers. Members gather together after Sunday school to bond and create new friendships with fun activities such as apple picking, corn maize’s and laser tag. Our first Kadinkers program will be on Sunday September 22nd. We invite you to first join us at blessing of the animals then take your animals home and leave your Kadinkers with us as we head off to bounce and go crazy at an open gym with our opening program called Many More Monkeys Jumping on a Trampoline!!!

For 6th 7th and 8th graders, members will stay after Sunday school to further their friendships with other people their age in social and Judaic ways. Previous programs have included make your own ice cream and bowling. Our first program will be our Maccabia competition on Sunday September 15th beginning at 11am.

BJUSY This program is for high school students (9th-12th graders). BJUSY meets on most Tuesdays, usually from 7-9p. USYers gather together to focus on topics such as religion, Israel, and charity along with social activities. Some programs BJUSY has previously had include Sex in the Text, Israeli Iron Chef, and traveling to places like Whirly Ball and Pump It Up. Can’t wait to see you on Tuesday nights!


SISTERHOOD C a l e n d a r

o f

e v e n t s

Mission statement Congregation Beth Judea Sisterhood strives to foster and further the highest ideals of Conservative Judaism, as expressed by the Synagogue, serving as a center of religious, charitable, educational and social activities for the women of the Synagogue. For more Sisterhood information, contact Bobbi Goldenberg at or Elizabeth Ladin-Gross at

September 2013

January 2014


Morke’s Chocolate


Sisterhood Shabbat


Book Club


Judaic Arts program

October 2013 23

Meet the Author Maggie Anton, author of Rashi’s Daughter

February 2014 8



Book Club


Vashti Event

March 2014 November 2013


Wine Tasting with Men’s Club


Book Club


A Jew in Israel presented by


Spertus Book Event Jami Attenberg, author of The Middlesteins

Rabbi Lifshitz April 2014 30


Hanukah Bazaar


Membership Dinner

Book Club

May 2014 14

Elections and Social Program

December 2013

June 2014



Fashion Show & Tea


Installation Dinner


Book Club

Page 10

Hanukkah program

Mission statement Our objective is to foster and further the highest ideals of Judaism, as expressed through the Synagogue, and to promote closer relationships among its members. In cooperation with the congregation, Men's Club shall be a center for religious, cultural, social and educational activities. For more Men’s Club information, contact David Granoff at

Calendar of events Sept. 22 — Steak & Scotch in the Sukkah Dec. 13 — Hebrew Literacy Graduation (part of Shabbat Services) Dec. 15 — Blood Drive Feb. 2 — World Wide Wrap at 8:30 am Super Bowl Party March 9— Men’s Club / Sisterhood Passover Wine Tasting April 6 — Poker Event April 19 — Men’s Club Shabbat May 11 — Lox Box Delivery & Pick Ups

World Wide Wr ap Sunday, February 2, 2014 8:30 am Learn the tradition, history, and symbolism of wearing tefillin. Men’s Club members will be on hand to assist in putting tefillin on. We will then join the congregation in the lay-led Sunday Morning Minyan.

S u p e r B ow l Pa r t y Sunday Afternoon, February 2, 2014 Join us to watch the Super Bowl. Food & fun for all.

Men’s Club Shabbat Pa s s ov e r W i n e Ta s t i n g Sunday, March 9, 2014 at 3 pm Joint Men’s Club and Sisterhood program. Taste various Passover Kosher wines and see which one will make it to your Seder Table this year.

Shabbat, April 19, 2014 Men’s Club members join in and participate in the Shabbat service. The Men’s Club Shabbat service is always filled with RUACH!

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Synagogue Programs For more program information, contact Fred Rabinowitz at

Bowling League: 4th Saturday of each month starting Sept. 28th; 8 pm Brunswick Zone at Deerpark (21080 N. Rand Rd.) Do you like to bowl? Then join the synagogue bowling league. They bowl on the 4th Saturday of each month. Cost is $20 per /month per person. Contact Arnie Bender for more information.

Blessing of the Animals:

Sunday Afternoon , September 22nd

Dogs, cats and fish, Oh My! Even your pets can have a Hebrew name. Bring your pets (leash/carrier required) for a special blessing from Rabbi Pivo and to receive their Hebrew name. Please consider your pet's disposition around other animals when attending.

New Member Shabbat Dinner:

Friday Night, October 4th

Welcome New Members! Join us for a special dinner and Kabbalat Shabbat services as we welcome our new members. All members are encouraged to attend.

Shabbat Honoring Veterans:

Friday Night, November 8th

Join us as we offer thanks and express gratitude to all veterans for the gift of freedom at a special Veteran's Day Shabbat Service. Great time for relatives (adults and children) and friends t support those who have kept our country free.

Purim Masquerade Party:

Saturday Night, February 22nd

Dinner! Dancing! Great Food! Purim Ruach! This event is quickly becoming a Beth Judea favorite! Our 3rd annual Purim Masquerade and Auction promises to be even more memorable than the past! It is a time for our community to join together and celebrate Beth Judea. Watch for our early bird registration in December! This event will fill up, so register early! Friends are welcome!

Lag B’Omer Family Fun:

Sunday, May 18th

Join us as we celebrate Lag B'Omer! Enjoy lunch, field day games and crafts, inflatables, music, face painting and cotton candy galore! Great fun for the WHOLE FAMILY! All are welcome!

Introducing . . .(CBJHSPP) The Congregation Beth Judea Hebrew School Parent Program We’re excited to announce the formation of the Congregation Beth Judea Hebrew School Parent Program (Sunday/ Hebrew School parents)! Over the course of the year, we’re going to organize a few special programs for our parents to get together socially. The following is the 2013/2014 schedule:

October 6th: 10:30am Pancake Breakfast

November 2nd: 7:30 pm Wine Tasting Party

Decorate your own pancakes, mingle with other CBJ parents & have a cup of coffee or glass of juice!

This event promises to be a synagogue favorite! Join us to taste wines, eat appetizers/ desserts and celebrate a night out!

December 8th: 10:30 am Breakfast event

January 25th: TBD Social evening program

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C o n g r e g at i o n B e t h J u d e a Adult Education For more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at 847-634-0777 or at All programs and classes are free of charge unless specifically noted.



Wednesday, Nov 6, 2013 Time: 8:00 pm

Rabbi Joel Levy Rabbi Joel Levy is currently the Dean of the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem where he has taught for over ten years. Joel is a Cambridge graduate in Natural Sciences. He was the director of NOAM, the UK Masorti Youth Movement, and program chair of Limmud Conference, before making aliya. He is the Rabbi of Kol Nefesh, the UK's first fully egalitarian Masorti synagogue. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife, daughters and a badly behaved dog.

The largest showcase of Israeli films in the Midwest in venues such as The Chicago Cultural Center, AMC Loews, 600 N. Michigan Avenue, and AMC Northbrook Court 14. Find the features, documentaries, shorts and more on the dates you want to see them under Films by going to


CONtext: JEWISH UNIVERSITY FOR A DAY Sunday, April 27, 2014 7:00 pm A Program of the Institute for Jewish Learning of JTS

Join us at the annual community commemoration that will take place at Congregation Beth Judea.

Sunday, Nov 10, 2013 Time: 11 am – 4:45 pm

Solomon Schechter Day School (Northbrook) Understanding our past. Contextualizing the present. Facing the future. Join us as the Institute for Jewish Learning brings the educational excellence of The Jewish Theological Seminary to the Chicago community. Designed to meet the diverse Jewish learning needs of adults, Context programs allow learners with diverse backgrounds study together with scholars who are enriching the landscape of contemporary Judaism. Leading scholars from JTSA will be joined by outstanding Chicago based instructors to form the core faculty for this very special adult Jewish learning event.

ISRAEL SOLIDARITY DAY Sunday, May 4, 2014 11:00 am Ravinia Festival Grounds Join the Northwest community in their annual Israel celebration.

TIKKUN LEIL Tuesday, June 3, 2014 7 pm Tikkun Leil Celebrate the giving of the Torah with an evening of Jewish learning. Refreshments will be provided.

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FLORENCE MELTON SCHOOL of ADULT JEWISH LEARNING Wednesday Evenings 7:00—9:15 pm Beginning Oct. 9, 2013 Together with local synagogues the BJE is offering an innovative two-year program consisting of 30 classes each year, held weekly for two hours. The Melton school encourages students to increase participation in Jewish life through systematically planned lessons exploring many aspects of Judaism, and extracurricular activities including holiday workshops and celebrations, guest lecturers and field trips. There are no exams, grades, or prerequisites. The first year courses include The Rhythms of Jewish Living and The Purposes of Jewish Living, while the second year courses cover The Ethics of Jewish Living and The Dramas of Jewish Living. For more information about the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning, call Rolly Cohen or Paula Spitz at 847-291-7788, ext. 1321 or at

GABBAI INSTRCUTION SERIES ORIN ROTMAN Wednesday Evenings Oct 9,16, 23, 30

6:30—7:15 pm A GABBAI is the stage manager and choreographer of the centerpiece Torah Service. The role requires skills in Hebrew, trope, tradition, logistics and people management. The skills engage the kahal, give support to those with honors, and motivate our Torah readers to be the best they can be. If these are skills you want to develop, then this is the class for you! RSVP by 10/1/13 to Orin Rotman: Adults and teens with previous Hebrew and Torah trope skills are welcome to participate.

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WEEKLY CLASSES These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.

Parsha Perspectives Thursday evenings after minyan (7:45—8:00 pm) Beginning Oct. 10, 2013 Do you have 10 minutes to spare? It only takes 10 minutes to get started on a lifelong journey. Spend each Thursday after Minyan learning about the upcoming Parsha with Rabbi Pivo, and before you know it you'll have completed hours of Torah study.

Talmud & Jewish Life: Grappling with Life, Law and Innovation Sunday mornings at 8 am Participate in a lively discussion of the Talmud and its relevance for us today. No prior knowledge required and texts will be provided. We are working our way through the fascinating array of topics in the Tractate Ketubot (Marriage Contracts). Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class)

Sweet Taste of Torah Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.

Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study Shabbat morning at 9 am Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.

Interpretive Shabbat Service Shabbat morning at 10:30 am every 1st & 3rd Shabbat of the month

Norm Kurtz facilitates this Shabbat morning service that focuses on examining the structure of the prayer service, learning the major prayers and becoming more comfortable with the choreography and customs of the Shabbat morning service.

Adult Education JEWISH FILM SERIES Do you like film? Do you like Jewish film? Funny, uplifting, sad, introspective, off the beaten path Jewish films? So do we! Join us for several evenings of thought-provoking, varied, entertaining films, including refreshments & optional discussion group.

Jewish Immigration and the American Experience Discussion Leader: Raymond Benson

Joint Program with Congregation Beth Am

HESTER STREET October 14, 2013



November 11, 2013

December 7, 2013

LOCATION: The Continental Restaurant (788 S Buffalo Grove Rd BG) TIME: 6:30 pm Door Open (Al a carte cash menu & bar from Continental Menu) 7:15 pm Movie Starts followed by discussion COST: $5/member; $8/non-member

Woody Allen Discussion Leader: Raymond Benson Congregation Beth Judea Program



February 3, 2014

March 3, 2014

LOCATION: Beth Judea TIME: 6:00 pm

COST: $10/member; $12/non-member (cost includes dinner)

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Hebrew Literacy I C o - s p o n s o r e d

b y

M e n ’ s


C l u b

Eric Yegelwel & Jerry Sakol Dates: Sept. 17—Dec.10

Tuesdays at 8 pm

Service Skills: Weekday Ma’ariv

Want a proven successful opportunity to learn how to read Hebrew in a friendly environment? Then join this class. Hebrew Literacy I is designed to teach those with no previous (or forgotten) knowledge of Hebrew how to read. The 12-week course focuses on learning to read the words used in the Friday Night service.

Hazzan Weisberg Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, Nov. 5, 12 Tuesday Evenings 6:30—7:15 pm

COST: $30 fee for course materials Graduation – Friday Night Service on Dec. 13, 2013

Haftarah Trope

Hebrew Literacy II C o - s p o n s o r e d

b y

M e n ’ s

The weekday Ma’ariv is a basic and essential component of Jewish worship. Whether at a shiva home or attending our daily minyan for a yahrzeit, with practice you can attain this skill and daven with proper nusach in less than two months.

C l u b

Norm Kurtz & Eric Yegelwel Jan. 7—Feb. 25

Tuesdays at 8 pm Don’t miss this opportunity to learn core prayers! For those who have taken Hebrew Literacy I and want to continue learning, then this is for you! This 8-week class will focus on teaching the prayers from the Saturday morning service while incorporating parts of the Understanding Prayer curriculum at the same time.

Hebrew Literacy III Amidah - Stand and Understand C o - s p o n s o r e d

b y

M e n ’ s

C l u b

Norm Kurtz & Eric Yegelwel Apr. 29—May 20

Tuesdays at 8 pm The Amidah is often called “HaTefillah” – the prayer. Our rabbis compiled 18 pearls of prayer, strung together into a necklace of standing contemplation. Join us to learn more about the Amidah.

Hazzan Weisberg Begins Oct. 8, 2013 Ends Jan. 21, 2014 Tuesday Evenings 8 pm COST: $30 Would you like to learn how to read Haftarah? This class is intended for those who have already learned Torah trope, who enjoy singing and would like to expand their horizons to Haftarah. Also for those who may have studied the tropes for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah but have not tried it since! We will learn the distinctive melodies which are associated with chanting the various books of the Prophets, as well as the blessings before and after the Haftarah. Prerequisite: Ability to read Hebrew

ADULT SHABBATON Joint Program with Congregation Beth Shalom JUNE 2014 This wonderful weekend is for adults with an AARP card only will be held during the summer of 2014 (watch for more information on the exact date). This unique venture is a collaboration between Congregation Beth Judea and Congregation Beth Shalom. We join together for a Shabbat of shared worship, learning and plenty of SOCIALIZING!

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EDUCATION SERIES Blend It Up with Rabbi Pivo

“Judaism: A Starter Kit” 2nd Thursday of the month 9:30 am Caribou Coffee 4196 Rt. 83, Long Grove (in the Sunset Foods Plaza) Corner of Rt. 83 & Aptakisic Whether you are new to Jewish living or never really got a good grounding in basic beliefs, this is your chance to catch up. One Thursday morning a month Rabbi Pivo will discuss an essential theme in Jewish identity from spiritual and practical points of view.

Nov 14, 2013 Shabbat Unplugged: The original weekend, the Sabbath, the day of rest – What it means to live a radically different life every seventh day.

Dec 12, 2013 Images of God: The limits of our language are the limits of our world – Expanding our conceptions of the divine through an exploration of God-language.

Jan 9, 2014 Mindful Eating: We do and don’t eat things for all sorts of reasons – what Jewish values are expressed through food?

Feb 13, 2014 Basic Texts: How to tell a siddur from a mahzor from a haggadah and on down the line.

March 13, 2014 Passover and Redemption: One of Judaism’s most constant themes is redemption, but what does it even mean? Let’s find out together.

Apr 10, 2014 Eternal Israel: Jews have an unbreakable connection to the Land of Israel, but what about our relationship to the State of Israel?

May 8, 2014


CRASH COURSE IN JEWISH HISTORY Rabbi Lifshitz Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, March 6 Thursday Evenings 8:00 pm Come join us for a discussion that will span the ages and will impact on the choices we make everyday. You’ll learn four thousand years of Jewish history in this five part lecture series. Learn about key dates and events that have shaped both Jewish and world history. Develop an appreciation for the richness of our Jewish heritage.

COOKING CLASSES Our Jewish Heritage Through Root Vegetables Sandra Zussman Oct. 9, 16, & 23 Wednesday Evenings 6:00—7:15 pm Cost: $15 for the series; $5 for each class Forget apples—the best of Fall is found not on trees, but right in the ground. Root vegetables can serve as the center of delicious dishes that paint a vivid picture of Judaism throughout the Diaspora. Together we’ll explore Jewish roots with vegetables like beets, parsnip, carrots and many more!

Sephardic Flavors Sandra Zussman May 14, 21, & 28 Wednesday Evenings 6:00—7:15 pm Cost: $15 for the series; $5 for each class What is Jewish cooking? Most of us think of Eastern European-born fare. But there's a second Jewish food tradition--the cuisine of the Mediterranean Sephardim. Join us as we explore cuisines of the Middle East.

Jewish Identity Here and Now: Judaism isn’t just different from a hundred years ago; it’s changing almost too rapidly to keep up. Who are we now?

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To register for classes or to find out more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at 847-634-0777 or at All programs and classes are free of charge unless specifically noted.

Mondays 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm

PEACE?: Inside the Israeli– Palestinian Negotiations Rabbi Pivo March 11, 18 & 25 Tuesday Evenings 8:00 pm Here we go again. In September, the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations began. During this series, we will look at what has been accomplished to date. Where do the negotiations stand now? Have the talks yielded anything new? What is at stake for both sides if negotiations fail, and what is at stake if they succeed? Join Rabbi Pivo for an engaging conversation about the current status of the peace talks.

Sunset Foods 2nd floor Conference Room (corner of Rt. 83 & Aptakisic)

Hot Topics for Adults Jewish law is constantly growing and evolving. How does a Jew know what to do? Since the time of the rabbinic sages, a Jew who had a serious ethical or legal problem would send a written question to a rabbi. In this class we will study a different rabbinic responsum (teshuvah) each week from the sages in our movement.

Dates: Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11 & 18 Dates: Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, March 10, 17, March 31, Apr. 7

Passover Boot Camp Rabbi Pivo April 1 & 8 Tuesday Evenings 8:00 pm Passover starts at sundown April 14 - are you ready? Whether you're a Passover veteran or planning your first seder, Rabbi Pivo will walk you through it all, from the steps of the seder to common tunes and strategies for keeping everyone involved throughout the evening. Don’t let yourself becomes a slave to a boring or meaningless seder; come out of Mitzrayim!

TAP the Torah Sponsored by Men’s Club Join us on Thursday nights at 8pm for a lively Torah study while we down some beer! Location details to follow.

Dates: October 3, 2013 January 16, 2014 April 10, 2014

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C o n g r e g at i o n B e t h J u d e a Adult Education SHABBAT SERVICES EDUCATION SERIES (continued) SHABBAT...A GIFT TO YOURSELF The experience of Shabbat is an experience of and for a lifetime. It is a gift you will give yourself and one which you will want to share.


Life 101 Once a Month on Thursdays

Our Friday evening service, which includes Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv, begins at 7:30 pm. Responsive English readings are incorporated as part of the Friday night service. This service usually is less than an hour in length.

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm On life’s journey, each of us will have our share of missed connections, breakdowns and fears for the next stop. But we are not alone on that trip. In this series of discussions, we will address a number of life’s challenges from both a therapeutic and a Jewish point of view, gaining insight from the experts and from each other.

Facilitated by:

Dr. Susan Weitzman Goldwasser and featuring Rabbi Pivo and Guest Speakers Topics: Oct. 17:

We are All under Barometric Pressure!: Deal-

ing adaptively with stress and pressures in everyday life

Nov. 7:

The Healing Powers of Connection: The im-

SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES In our main sanctuary, Shabbat morning services begin at 9:30 A.M. and last about 2 hours.

GAN SHABBAT GAN SHABBAT offers a participatory Shabbat Service for families with children, ages 9 and under. Our service is filled with singing, stories and learning. We meet every Shabbat morning in the Beit Midrash on the Religious School level. Our service begins at 10:30 AM and concludes around 11:30 AM. After Gan Shabbat all families are encouraged to join the main service and the community Kiddush.

portance and ways to forge ties, bonds, affiliations and be part of community

Jan. 9:

Road not Yet Travelled: Enjoying and redefining

midlife and adult aging as chance opportunities during the second and third "chapters" of your life

March 6:

One Step at a Time: Dealing with the vicissi-

tudes of aging, as well as aging and/or ailing parents

Apr. 3: Raising Happy and Self Confident Children May 15:

INTERPRETIVE SHABBAT SERVICE Join us on the 1st and 3rd Shabbat of each month at 10:30 am, as Norm Kurtz facilitates this Shabbat morning service. We will examine the structure of the prayer service, learning the major prayers and becoming more comfortable with the choreography and customs of the Shabbat morning service.

Necessary Losses: The everyday life losses we

must endure

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5304 RFD Rte. 83 & Hilltop Rd. Long Grove, IL 60047 Phone: 847-634-0777 Fax: 847-634-8055 E-mail:

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