Happy Hanukkah
December 3-10
חג אורים שמח
Clergy Installation Weekend December 7-8, 2018
Hazzan Gil Ezring
Rabbi Morris Zimbalist
5304 RFD, Hilltop Rd. & Route 83, Long Grove, IL 60047 Phone: 847-634-0777 www.bethjudea.org
FROM THE RABBI AM I MY BROTHER’S KEEPER? Below is my message from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Celebration:
God needing Cain to take responsibility for his actions, God asks Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” Cain replies, “Lo yadati – I don’t know. Hashomeir achi anochi – Am I my brother’s keeper?” The Bible leaves that question unanswered. But that’s the exact question we must ask ourselves this evening and answer. There is no doubt that God knew the answer to this question. I believe God was looking for
Good evening. Am I my brother’s keeper? As students of the Bible, many of us may recall the setting of this famous passage which encompasses RABBI our theme tonight. Cain and Abel, the MORRIS ZIMBALIST sons of Adam and Eve, worked in the fields. Cain tilled the ground. Abel was a shepherd. One day the brothers brought something more from Cain, the “something more” offerings to God, and God found more favor in that is a catalyst for our evening together at our Abel’s offering than Cain’s. Cain was upset. interfaith Thanksgiving service. I believe that God God assured him that with self-improvement needed Cain to take responsibility for himself, things would be better, but that involved responsibility for his actions and responsibility for making good decisions, and at times, as we all what happened to his brother. So too must we know – good decisions, or the right decisions, take responsibility for our personal and communal can be the hardest to make. The Bible records words, deeds and actions. Tonight – in solidary – Cain speaking with Abel, but what they said is the question of “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” – unknown. I hope that loving and supportive words were shared, but I doubt that was the cannot remain unanswered. Rather, tonight we case, because the next thing recorded in our must join hands, link arms, and walk side-by-side sacred text is that Cain rose up against his with a resounding “yes” – we are all brothers and brother Abel and killed him. sisters and we are all united in our collective responsibility to keep each other safe, to speak We know this wasn’t the purpose behind God’s with each other respectfully, to treasure our creation of humankind. I can’t imagine in similarities and celebrate our differences, and to God’s Divine plan that people were created to be thankful for the freedoms of religion, life, do each other harm. People were created to liberty, and pursuit of happiness that are the love and tend to nature, to take care of the animals, and to protect the beautiful foliage fundamental principles of our great nation. and gardens that were created by God for us to Tonight, and every night moving forward, we must enjoy. People were created to love each other, stand together. to support and help each other, to stand sideby-side and take care of those who are ill, in That said, sadly, we know there is still hate in the need, orphaned and widowed. But now, from world, and we feel it very close to home. We within the beauty of creation, an evil arose that don’t have to look much further than the evening pitted brother against brother and resulted in news to learn about the daily consequences of murder. I can only imagine the shock, outrage, hate. Every day, hate snuffs out life, hope, and disappointment that God must have felt as God viewed the horror and devastation that goodness, and promise for too many people, and can ensue as a result of hate. it must end. Just over three years ago, at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in God, having witnessed the first murder in our downtown Charleston, South Carolina, nine collective history; God, having seen the beauty worshippers were slaughtered. The cause of the of his creation destroy the very same beauty of senseless hatred in that devastating massacre – his creation; God, recognizing senseless racism. Almost two years ago, just across our hatred and knowing exactly what happened; (continued)
The Word – December 2018
FROM THE RABBI AM I MY BROTHER’S KEEPER (continued) northern border in Quebec City in Canada, a gunman stormed into the Islamic Cultural Centre and murdered six worshippers. The cause of the senseless hatred in that mass murder – Islamophobia. And like many of you, I watched in horror just 22 days ago as the details emerged regarding the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh, where eleven worshippers were murdered. The cause of the senseless hatred in that mass murder – antiSemitism. Ignorance, extremism, and hate know no boundaries and do not discriminate based on faith, color, or creed. Tonight, and every night, I pray that we stand united in the hope and belief that there is more good in the world than evil. We must pause, recognize the goodness within our lives, within our families, within our houses of worship and within our greater community. We are thankful for the goodness that surrounds us and in order to bring a greater peace to the world, we must stand together. On the Sabbath following the shooting at Tree of Life Congregation, faith communities from across the nation came together and worshipped together on what is now known as “Solidarity Shabbat.” At my synagogue, I offered these words to all those who gathered together to pray, as the sanctuary was filled with Jews, Christians, and Muslims sitting side-by-side. I said, “When I look out and see everyone today,” and this applies to what I see right now standing at the dais of this beautiful church – this sacred and holy house of God – “I see a subset of the multicultured, multi-colored, and multi-ethnic country that we live in. I see unity. I see so many
different parts of the dreams that the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. imagined in his prophetic speeches. And as I look out and see you, and as you look around and see each other, I respectfully ask that you hear these words clearly: There is no room for hate in any place of worship – whether it is a synagogue, church, or mosque – there is no room for hate. Hate cannot fill our homes. Hate cannot fill our schools. And the words that we speak to each other, whether we look the same or extremely different, whether we are strangers or best of friends, whether our beliefs follow the sacred teachings of Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, or any other sacred prophet, our words to each other must be spoken with respect, kindness, tolerance, understanding, and compassion… I can only imagine that to God, we are all brothers and sisters – and we must get along – if not for ourselves and our world, then for the world we leave for our children, and for the world that God created for us to take care of. We can, and we must, make this world a better place. And we can only do that together.” May God bless us and grant us the strength needed to be responsible for ourselves and each other. May we be united our efforts to bring a greater sense of love and peace to our community, our nation, and the greater world. And may God grant us the opportunity to stand together in solidarity and celebration for countless generations to come. Rabbi Morris Zimbalist
Interfaith Clergy at Thanksgiving Celebration
The Word – December 2018
To Our Congregants, We extend to you our deepest gratitude For being part of the Beth Judea Family. As we celebrate this season of miracles We wish you joy, blessings and peace during Hanukkah and throughout the year.
May you always be blessed with the rich and Bountiful gifts of life!
Happy Hanukkah, From the entire staff and leadership of Congregation Beth Judea:
In This Issue Rabbi’s Reflections Calendar President’s Message SPECIAL EDITION PHOTOS Clergy Installation CBJ Mission Statement Hanukkah Information & Events Special Upcoming Events B’Nai Mitzvah Bios Ways & Means Update New Advertising Opportunity Religious Education Youth Adult Education Sisterhood Sisterhood Book Club
The Word - December 2018
Page 2 5 6 7 8 8 9 13 15 16 17 18 20 24 27 28
Sisterhood Gift Shop Men’s Club Interfaith Council Photos EVENT PHOTOS BJE Early Childhood SHALVA Membership Alternative Minyan The Goodman’s Blog The Helping Hand Plan Hesed NEW: Business Directory Birthdays & Anniversaries Yahrzeits Tributes
Page 29 30 32 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 38 39 41 44
CALENDAR HANUKKAH Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 5 Dec. 5
Hanukkah Information Debunked: Hanukkah Vodka & Latkes Hanukkah Happenings at Hawthorn Mall HUGS Hanukkah Party Sisterhood Hanukkah Program
Programming Dec. 7 Jan. 18 Feb. 15-17
Clergy Installation Shabbat Services Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. CAMP CBJ
Adult Education Our regular weekday and Shabbat classes continue to meet – see our Adult Education page for details December
Hebrew Boot Camp Ulpan 2 Talmud Study Sweet Taste of Torah Hebrew Literacy I Rockin’ Our Tradition Teen Yad Squad Click Here for Full List of Classes for December 2018
Be Sure To Check Out Our New Business Directory Section
Please contact Lisa Neiman at lneiman@bethjudea.org or 847-634-0777 if you need any special accommodations, including transportation, to participate in our program.
Sisterhood Dec. 5 Dec. 12
Sisterhood Hanukkah Program Sisterhood Book Club
Men’s Club Jan. 12-13
Men’s Club Retreat
Religious School Dec. 1 & 15
Junior Congregation
Youth IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUTH View our calendar online at http://tinyurl.com/BJUSYCalendar
Meetings Please check website PHOTOS IN THIS EDITION Support from the Community Josh Warshawsky Event Photos Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers December 7, 2018 – 7:30 p.m. Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of NDecember will be recognized at our service on December 7th. Our worship will begin at 7:30 p.m. Children of every age are welcome!
The Word - December 2018
President’s Message I hope everyone who attended had a wonderful time at the Josh Warshawsky weekend as well as a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. I want to inform our membership that the Board of Directors at our November meeting authorized staff to hire a security firm who will have an armed guard in our building at various times. A separate email letter was sent. with more details (a copy is included at the end of my article). Since this expenditure was not budgeted, I kindly ask all of our members, if they are financially able, to send voluntary payments to cover the cost of our new security arrangement. SIDNEY MATHIAS CBJ PRESIDENT
Hopefully everyone has had an opportunity to meet our wonderful new clergy in person since July 1. Please join me on December 7th and December 8th as Congregation Beth Judea hosts a formal Installation weekend for Rabbi Morris Zimbalist and Hazzan Gil Ezring. Our Installation events commence with a Shabbat dinner, services and Oneg on Friday, December 7th. Then it continues with Shabbat morning services and a Kiddush lunch on Saturday, December 8th. Our Installation weekend concludes on Saturday evening with Havdalah, a formal installation ceremony, a reception and then a concert and celebration. Please RSVP, and for event pricing, details and sponsorship opportunities, at www.CBJnext50.com or by calling the synagogue office at (847) 634-0777. I also want to mention another event that I hope you will attend. On Saturday, December 1st at 7:30pm, the Men’s Club, Sisterhood and CBJ are hosting, “Vodka, Latkes, and Family Feud.” This event is for 21 and over. It must be the latkes. There will be a dairy dinner, latkes, drinks, and entertainment. Please register online at https://tinyurl.com//YCLVHUVD or email Brandt Rosen at BDR8586@yahoo.com.
Safety & Security at CBJ At Congregation Beth Judea, your safety and security is of the utmost importance. As we are approaching the end of Sheloshim (first 30 days of mourning) for the victims of the shooting at Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh, we have updated and increased our security systems and protocols at CBJ. We continue to receive letters and calls of support from the greater community and we have continued to remain strong. That said, we also recognize that ensuring the safety and security of the synagogue and its congregants will require ongoing vigilance. The Facilities Committee, Executive Board and Board of Directors have conducted several meetings to discuss security and how best to proceed. A notable and visible change is that an armed security guard is now present in the building during Religious School on Tuesdays and Sundays, at Shabbat services and at congregational events. Having an armed guard is a significant expense that was not part of our 2018-19 budget, however, all concur that in this case the security of our loved ones is worth the unforeseen strain on our finances. That said, the Board of Directors maintains the commitment that Congregation Beth Judea must run in a fiscally responsible manner, so we are asking you - the greater membership of the congregation - to help off-set the additional costs of security. If you are able to, please send a check made payable to Congregation Beth Judea, with "security" noted on the memo line. Every contribution makes an invaluable difference and is much appreciated.
May the warmth and glow of each candle you light make your heart and home happy and your Hanukkah bright.
As always, we appreciate your help and support. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, and I will keep you informed regarding any further updates.
L'Shalom, Sid Mathias, President of Congregation Beth Judea
Sidney Mathias CBJ President
The Word – December 2018
COMMUNITY SUPPORT I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our friends and neighboring organizations for their outpouring of support for Congregation Beth Judea in response to the Pittsburgh Massaqure.
Sid Mathias CBJ President
Photos of just some of the letters, cards, flowers, and support from our community.
Click the link below to register: https://www.cbjnext50.com
December 1 December 2 December 3 December 3 December 5 December 5 December 7 December 14 December 22 December 23 December 23 December 24
Vodka & Latkes Hanukkah Happenings (Hawthorn Mall) Hanukkah Begins Debunked: Hanukkah Sisterhood Hanukkah Program HUGS Program (at Beth El) Clergy Installation Weekend Young Family Shabbat 90’s Bash Theatre Program USY International Convention Is Comedy Dead Fundraiser
January 13 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 22 January 24 January 25 January 26 January 26 January 30
JNF Speaker Lunch & Learn – New Series Begins MLK Service with Temple Chai at CBJ Sisterhood Shabbat Practical Halacha Drinks & Drash USY Midwinter Convention Shabbat Services led by Dalet Young Family Shabbat Havdalah Sisterhood Program
Congregation Beth Judea Mission Statement Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principals of the Conservative movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of American and the State of Israel. 8
HANUKKAH Hanukkah Blessings for 5779 Each winter we light the Hanukkiah for eight nights, remembering the miracle of the oil in the ancient Temple and the miracle of the Maccabees’ victories. Hanukkah begins on the 25th of Kislev (the night of Dec. 2 this year); we light the shamash first, recite the three blessings below, then use the shamash to light one candle on the far right of the Hanukkiah. Each night we add one additional candle, corresponding to the day of Hanukkah. While candles are placed on the right side, they are customarily lit left to right, giving that day’s candle the honor of being lit first. After the first night we recite only the first two blessings.
Dec. 2
Sunset at 5:10 pm
2nd Night
Dec. 3
Sunset at 5:10 pm
3rd Night
Dec. 4
Sunset at 5:10 pm
4th Night
Dec. 5
Sunset at 5:10 pm
5th Night
Dec. 6
Sunset at 5:10 pm
Dec. 7
Shabbat begins at 4:01 pm (light Hanukkah candles before Shabbat candles)
The Hanukkah Blessings The first is a blessing over the candles themselves:
Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner shel Hanukkah. Praised are You, Adonai, Our God, Sovereign of the universe, who makes us holy through mitzvot and commands us to light the Hanukkah candles.
Shabbat ends at 5:09 pm
7th Night
Dec. 8
(light Hanukkah candles after Havdalah candle)
8th Night
Dec. 9
Sunset at 5:09 pm
The second blessing expresses thanks for the "miracle" of deliverance:
Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha-olam, she'asah nissim la'avoteinu ba-yamim ha-hem baz'man ha-zeh. Praised are You, Adonai, Our God, Sovereign of the universe, who did wondrous things for our ancestors in former times at this season. The third blessing is chanted only on the first night:
Barukh atah Adonai, Elohenu melekh ha'olam, she-heheheyanu, v'kiy'manu, v'higiyanu la-z'man hazeh. Praised are You, Adonai, Our God, Sovereign of the universe, who keeps us alive, sustains us, and brought us to this occasion.
The Word – December 2018
RESCHEDULED FOR: MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2018 8:00 pm Taught by Hazzan Ezring
What’s really going on with our holidays?
Not sure why we do what we do?
Ever think there’s something someone’s not telling you about our tradition?
Well…get ready to have your mind blown!
Join Hazzan Ezring as we discover the truth behind our customers, our stories, and our traditions.
December 1, 2018 7:30 pm at CBJ AGES 21 AND OVER
Dinner (Dairy), Latkes, Drinks and Entertainment Included
Bring Your Friends!! Members and Non-Members are Invited
$25 at the door Questions? – Contact Brandt Rosen at BDR8586@Yahoo.com
RSVP to Anna Besser at abesser@bethjudea.org
Click Here for Flyer
Click Here for Flyer
Click Here for Flyer
CBJ Sisterhood
Chanukah Party
Happy Chanukah! Please join us at 8pm on Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 at Congregation Beth Judea. We will be having a traditional white elephant gift exchange! Please gift wrap something new or slightly used that you already own and know someone else may love. We will provide dessert, nosh, camaraderie, and a game. Please RSVP by Dec. 1st to Rebecca Schlichting at cbjsisterhoodmail@gmail.com There is no cost for the event! Looking forward to seeing you there! “Sisterhood – Where every woman’s voice is heard”
Saturday, December 22nd - 8:00 pm at Congregation Beth Judea Open to members and non-members! This event is for young, Jewish adults over the age of 21. IDs will be checked at the door. You do not need to be a member of Congregation Beth Judea or affiliated with any synagogue to join the fun. If you have any questions about the event, please contact Rebecca & Sandy at jewcrewevents@gmail.com Cost: $12/person by December 17th $15/person at the door
B’nei Mitzvah Bios Amanda Rose Turofsky is looking forward to her upcoming Bat Mitzvah on December 15, 2018. She has worked long and hard towards her special day, and she's so excited to share it with her family and friends. When Amanda is not studying for her upcoming bat mitzvah, she spends her time playing softball, which is her passion. She plays on a travel team called “Vernon Hills Stingers,” and her favorite position on the team is being the catcher because she loves the challenges of that position as well as being involved in every play in the game. We are so fortunate that her grandparents will be able to celebrate with her on her special day. Her grandparents: Susan & Allen Hymen and Marla & Melvin Turofsky. Amanda's sixteen-year-old brother, Brandon has also been looking forward to this day for his little sister. Amanda will also be joined by her Uncle Mark Kreger and her Uncle Jeff & Aunt Dana Turofsky, as well as countless members of our family and friends. In May of 2015, Amanda's Auntie, Robyn Kreger, lost her battle with breast cancer. While she physically won't be present with her on her very special day, she’ll be with Amanda in her heart, memory, and spirit.
Her parents, Steve and Staci Turofsky are so proud of Amanda and all her accomplishments. Amanda is an amazing and strong kid who is able to take on all different challenges that she is faced with. Her hard work, positive attitude, and perseverance have always been the keys toward her success, and we all couldn’t be more proud of her today and every day!
Click here for details. Enroll now! New campers entering grades K, 1 and 2 in Fall 2019 can also get an additional savings of $1,000 off an eight-week session and $500 off a 4-week session! Plus all first time campers will receive an awesome Ramah Day Camp sleeping bag! Located in Wheeling, IL, the day camp encompasses all to which Ramah is committed: fun and learning in an environment where Hebrew and Jewish values are integrated into the daily camp activities of swimming, sports and making friends. For children who will be in kindergarten through 6th grade next fall. For more information, contact info@ramahday.com or 312-606-9316 and check out the website at www.ramahday.com. Ramah Day Camp...where fun and friendship build Jewish lives.
Ramah Special Upcoming Events for 2nd – 5th Graders Jan. 12 – Machane Movie Nite
A Hearty Mazel Tov to all our December B’nei Mitzvah
from the Beth Judea Family. The Word - December 2018
WAYS & MEANS UPDATE Greetings fellow congregants! I would like to take this opportunity to update you on fundraising efforts this past year at CBJ, thank you for your contributions, and invite you to help plan and participate in future events. Monies raised through fundraising efforts are assumed in our budget each year critical to help cover operating expenses of the synagogue. More than that, fundraising events are a great way for members to get involved. Planning committees have been vehicles for members to get to know one another better and to volunteer their time, skills, and ideas to help the synagogue grow. We are raising funds, but also strengthening community and helping to ensure firm footing for the future of the congregation. The synagogue holds a major fundraiser each spring. This past spring, we were thrilled to have our 50th Anniversary celebration! This event was a huge success. The outpouring of support, participation, and attendance was phenomenal. The event raised almost $70,000, a testament to the love and dedication of the membership toward CBJ! I am happy to let you know that photos from this event are available for viewing and downloading at no cost. Please view photos at https://happy.zenfolio.com. Select the Client Galleries and then select the Gallery for Beth Judea Judea 50 Year Celebration. The password for access is BJ18. Enjoy!
This past month, we also held an Israeli Art Fair. CBJ earned a percentage of each piece of art sold. This was a fantastic event! The planning was a joint effort of CBJ's Ways & Means Committee and the synagogue's Israel Committee. Two of our neighboring congregations - Congregation Beth Am and Temple Chai - joined as co-sponsors of the event, and CBJ earned over $6000 from this fundraiser. This was a great event, showcasing art from a diverse group of Israeli artists. Almost 70 pieces of art were sold during this multi-day fair. We are in the midst of planning many more exciting events. Our large fundraising event for the spring will be a Purim Masquerade.... back by popular demand! We are putting together our planning committee now, and I welcome your participation! Email me at leslieabella@outlook.com to let me know of your interest, and I will be sure to reach out to you. General Ways & Means committee meetings are held at 8pm on the 3rd Monday of the month. Please join us or contact me with your interest! And, as always, don't forget to use Amazon Smile for your Amazon purchases (and name CBJ as the designated recipient of the Amazon donation) and purchase gift cards through the synagogue office for your everyday purchases! Every fundraising effort is valuable, and I thank you for your participation in these programs! Leslie Abella – Ways & Means VP
PILL BOTTLE COLLECTION Used Pill Bottle Collection click for flyer
Visit CBJs FB Page 16
Shiva Baskets
Sunshine Fund
CBJ Business Directory Advertising Opportunity
The primary purpose of the shiva tradition, or "sitting shiva," is to create an environment of comfort and community for mourners; it helps guide friends and family members through the loss of a loved one. Throughout the weeklong shiva period, mourners come together in one family’s home to offer their condolences and support. From a practical standpoint, the shiva process and practices associated with Jewish mourning add comfort to the life of a mourner following a death. In the period after suffering a loss, a mourner may be comforted by the structure and routines prescribed by traditional Jewish mourning laws. Historically, the Board of Directors of Congregation Beth Judea has sent shiva baskets to the immediate family of Board members; parents, spouses, siblings and G-d forbid, children. We would like to extend this gesture to the entire congregation.
Advertise your business in our new Business Directory section of The Word! $120 for a year (one-year term) Submit a high resolution graphic of your business card to Lisa Neiman at lneiman@bethjudea.org. Subscription payment must be received to activate term. Leslie Abella
Donations may be sent the shul attention Lisa Neiman. Thanking you in advance for you generous donations. Respectfully, Lisa Neiman
Gift Cards SUPPORT BETH JUDEA BY PURCHASING GIFT CARDS Purchasing gift cards is one of the easiest ways to support Beth Judea.
The Congregation earns a rebate from the vendors when you utilize the gift cards, so there is no cost to you. Gift cards can be utilized the same as cash, there are no restrictions.
Did you know that when you shop on Amazon you can support Congregation Beth Judea at the same time? It's very simple, Amazon smile will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible amazon purchases to Congregation Beth Judea. Here is the link: Click here to Shop The Word - December 2018
If you are shopping for groceries or clothes, going to a movie or traveling, you can help support our Congregation. Order forms for Gift Cards are available in the office or in the Lobby on Sunday morning. They can be purchased with cash, check, or credit cards (a 2.5% convenience fee will be added when paying with a credit card). Click Here to Download Form
Religious Education ACTS OF KINDNESS
Anna Besser Education Director
An act of kindness is a precious gift -- with potential to change a life. Our children learn a lasting set of morals and values from their families – parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and more! A child’s natural curiosity should be fed with a lot of attention and positive interactions. What better way to feed into this than to find quality time to do good in the world?
Finding time to do acts of loving kindness helps our children develop positive behavior, forge stronger relationships with one another, and build their self-esteem. Being able to create happy memories through these actions is priceless. The lasting effects of this can be applied in so many situations. It gives our children motivation and good days to look back on during trying times. It also encourages them to build a beautiful childhood for their kids in the future as well. This doesn't just stop once our children have become adults—family time is one of the most invaluable things children at any age will surely treasure. I hope the calendar on the next page inspires all of us to do Gemilut Hasadim as a family.
December 2018 Event 2
January 2019
Dalet Parents B’nai Mitzvah Program Aleph – Heh Family Shabbat Dinner
11:00 am
6:15 pm
No Beyahad Classes
Event Time Beyahad Classes Resume 6:30 – 8:30pm (Temple Chai location)
4:15 – 6:15 pm 8
Religious School (Aleph – Dalet) Classes Resume 6:15 – 8:00pm
(Finals Week)
No Religious School / No Beyahad Classes Winter Break: Sunday. Dec. 23 – Sunday, Jan. 6
Sunday School Classes Resume (K – 2nd Grade)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
No Beyahad Classes (MLK Jr. Day)
Dalet Shabbat 26
The Word – December 2018
Dalet leading Robbins Sanctuary service
9:30 am
K – 1st Grade Parents join in Family Program at 10:30 am Heh Holocaust Field Trip
9 am – 12:45 pm
Youth WHAT’S UP IN THE WORLD OF OUR YOUTH??? Sacred, Grateful, Hopeful! This past month was one unlike any that I have ever experienced. It is for that reason that I am going to share my words and reflections in this article instead of news of our youth group programs. I am also going to share an incredibly powerful prayer written by my friend and colleague, Daniel Warshawsky, that I believe resonates with so many! Around 1 month ago, I was at services at Beth Judea as the news of a shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh started to trickle in through the grapevine. As more and more information came out throughout the evening, I found myself overcome with emotions. Another shooting??? Another act of hate that I would need to find a way to explain to my teens and my own children. Another senseless act of violence in a world so full of hate. As the news continued to pour in throughout the evening of the multiple congregations that were attacked within the Tree of Life Or L’Simcha building, my instincts took over and I started to react. I conversed with Rabbi Zimbalist and the rest of our CBJ professional staff to figure out proper responses and make sure we had as much in place as we could to not only secure our own facility but comfort and support our CBJ community. I reached out to friends, USYers, and colleagues who were directly affected in the area. I put out posts, messages, texts, and more to my USY teens in BJUSY and across the country to help support them as they dealt with the events and tried to process what they meant. I worked with our CBJ staff and other Jewish professionals across the country to coordinate responses. We coordinated a special minyan at Beth Judea - as did others across the country. A vigil was coordinated within the Pittsburgh community and thousands of people turned out at a moment’s notice for it. As the weekend concluded and we moved forward into the week, I started to realize something. I have instincts of what to do after a mass shooting. That should NOT be something I know how to do. While still not fully processing what this meant, I started to realize the anger inside me that this is what our world had come to. As a youth professional, I would now regularly deal with coordinating responses and comforting teens after a bunch of people get senselessly murdered! I love what I do. I get the honor every single day of getting to help the next generation of Jewish leaders realize their potential. This should not include the need to rise up to fight out of touch adults to gain common sense gun laws. This should not include having to learn how to comfort their friends and families who have been affected by another mass shooting, and this absolutely should never include the fear that they themselves may one day be the victim of one of these senseless acts of hate. As I sat on a Google Hangout with some USYers in Pittsburgh discussing ways we could come together and help the community heal, I realized that I still was not processing anything that happened. I could not let myself full feel the emotion. Too many others needed me to be there and be strong. I had too much coordination to do, responses to send, and people to comfort to have time to deal with the emotions that were creeping into me more and more each day. I pushed them down and carried on. (continued)
Youth WHAT’S UP IN THE WORLD OF OUR YOUTH??? Sacred, Grateful, Hopeful! (continued) By a couple of days after the shooting, my colleagues and I decided that we wanted to bring our teens together for comfort, support, and an opportunity to try to turn the page and move forward. We thought of no more appropriate time to do this than at Havdalah, the Jewish ceremony of separation, separating Shabbat from the new week ahead. This seemed like the most appropriate opportunity to help our teens move forward. We needed to help them move forward. On Thursday, 5 days after the shooting, I drove across the country to go be with the Pittsburgh community for Solidarity Shabbat and the teen community havdalah in Pittsburgh while we had simultaneous ones going across the country (including in the Chicago area). I am not sure what exactly I expected to see and feel when I came into the Squirrel Hill community of Pittsburgh, but I can assure you I had no idea what I was about to find. Every single place I went I found a community that was coming together. I walked down the street wearing my kippah and was approached on multiple occasions by complete strangers who were telling me that they supported me and my community. Complete strangers were coming up and telling me they would stand with me… simply because I was wearing my kippah. I got news from back home that more strangers had shown up at Beth Judea and left flowers to show they supported us. Grocery stores, book stores, buses, and more were covered with signs of support. I could not believe how much support was pouring in from all across the country and especially in the Squirrel Hill community in Pittsburgh. Friday night I went to Tree of Life Or LSimcha’s Shabbat service held inside Rodef Shalom. I listened as Rabbi Jeff Myers explained that as a congregation we were going to skip Kabbalat Shabbat because as a community we were in mourning. I sat next to the families of victims and prayed for peace. I listened intently as Rabbi Meyers read messages of support he had received from all over the world. It was during one of these readings that something happened to me that I never ever thought would ever happen to me in my life. Fear… For the first time ever in my life, I felt fear while davening in a synagogue. The feeling was short lived but strong and powerful nonetheless. In the brief moment of fear that raced through my body, I found myself actually picturing what I should do if somebody walked into the room with a gun. I have grown up in synagogues all my life (primarily at Beth Judea for the last 30 years). I have never felt scared inside a synagogue. The synagogue is my safe space, my place of comfort, my place of belonging. The synagogue is my second home. Though brief, the fact that I now felt fear in a place that was supposed to be my refuge just felt so wrong! How could it ever go back? This feeling is one that has now stuck in my head for weeks. Shabbat morning, I davened with over 2000 other people at Congregation Beth Shalom in Squirrel Hill, just a few blocks from where the shooting occurred. The tension in the room was palpable, but so was the ruach and spirit that emanated from each voice davening together. We listened to comforting words, we sang, we prayed, we cried, and we hoped together. The sound of the Shema resonating from 2000 people all at once is a powerful one indeed. All that said, I still could not get over the idea in the back of my mind of that fear that had crept into my head. (continued)
Youth WHAT’S UP IN THE WORLD OF OUR YOUTH??? Sacred, Grateful, Hopeful! (continued) Saturday night, nearly 250 teens came together for an opportunity to heal and move forward. It was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. I had spent the week figuring out what I was supposed to say to my own children, how I was supposed to let them know that they were going to be raised in a world filled with such hate. The havdalah service is where my feelings of anger and fear changed to feelings of hope and gratitude. I watched as teen after teen stepped up and talked about their experience. I listened as my teens showed me that there is a ton of hope in this world. They spoke about a bright future, they spoke about eradicating hate, they spoke in one voice. It did not matter what group each teen was part of. Every single teen joined arm in arm and promised to make the future a better one and stop the endless cycle of violence, and I believed them! The following weekend, I was able to once again escape with 100 teens to Lake Delton, Wisconsin for CHUSYFest. I made sure to step back at multiple points throughout the weekend to see the incredible things our teens were doing. They studied together, they taught each other, they gave divrei Torah, and davened services. They came together and led the most spiritual and ruach filled Shabbat service that I have ever been a part of. It was through all of this that I stopped Saturday night and just said thank you to all of them. I thanked them for giving me a world that my kids could grow up in. I thanked them for being the hope that this world needs. I thanked them for teaching me so much and restoring my hope in the future. No matter how long I have worked with teens, I have found that they never fail to impress me. I learn new things each and every year, and I feel incredibly blessed to be able to be given hope by this next set of Jewish leaders. It is because of each of them and the remarkable spirit that they carry with them that I know our world will be alright and the good will outweigh the evil. Remember, you can always stay up to date with all things BJUSY throughout the entire year by visiting our new and improved website www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com as well as our calendar http://tinyurl.com/BJUSYcalendar. You can sign up for membership by going to http://tinyurl.com/CBJYouth .
B’Shalom, Marc Sender Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: YouthDirector@bethjudea.org www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com Sign up for membership at http://tinyurl.com/bethjudeayouth Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel (continued)
Youth Prayer for Hope courtesy of Daniel Warshawsky Prayer can be incredibly powerful. It has the ability to connect us to something greater than ourselves. We sing together with our communities and pray. We pray for change, for healing, and for life. We pray in thanks, we pray in hope, and we pray in pain. Prayer can also be deeply personal. In those moments of pain when we may lack faith, we often look to Jewish liturgy for words of healing. The last few years I’ve been on a journey, and I’ve been searching for words in my own faith to describe some of what I’ve felt and what those close to me have felt. I’ve seen מי שברךprayers for healing the body, for protecting soldiers, for someone who’s read torah, for someone who’s given birth recently, and so many more. Something I didn’t see was a prayer for healing our souls. For giving hope when there is none. For finding light in darkness. I was inspired by Josh Warshawsky's music and the meaning behind it. It helped me start writing, and this is what came from it. The holiday season can be difficult for those who are struggling. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve can be points of deep pain for those with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance use disorders, and so much more. I wrote this prayer for them. I wrote this prayer for me. I wrote this prayer for you.
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at abesser@bethjudea.org.
Adult Education Series Ongoing Classes WEEKLY CLASSES:
These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
Talmud Study: Tractate Sukkah Sunday mornings at 8 a.m.
These Saturday morning classes are ongoing. Please join at any time.
Weekly Parsha Study Facilitated by Orin Rotman
Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Taught by Rabbi Zimbalist This year we will delve into Tractate Sukkah. We will study the scope of the obligation to live in a Sukkah, the difference between a temporary and fixed structure, the commandments surrounding the lulav and etrog, and so much more! Join us for a lively discussion with Rabbi Zimbalist on Sunday mornings.
Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants. Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Sweet Taste of Torah: Chronicles Taught by Orin Rotman
Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.
Alternative Shabbat Service Facilitated by Norm Kurtz
Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning Norm Kurtz facilitates this Shabbat morning service that focuses on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. Join this innovative, creative, and different minyan each Shabbat morning at 10:30 am in Room 1. Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning
The Word – December 2018
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at abesser@bethjudea.org.
Adult Education Series December 2018
Rockin’ Our Tradition Taught by Hazzan Ezring
Tuesday evenings, 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Dates: Now – Dec. 18, 2018 Rock out with our traditional prayers and texts! There’s so much new music for our liturgy, and we’re going to groove to it! Join Hazzan Ezring as we explore new melodies in current musical styles for our prayers! We’ll blow the roof off the shul as we Rock Our Tradition!
A New Take on the Classic Trope Taught by Hazzan Ezring
Want to learn how to read Torah or Haftarah? Just feeling rusty? Work with Hazzan Ezring and learn or refresh your leyning skills! Schedule by appointment.
The Word – December 2018
ADULT EDUCATION – HEBREW CLASSES Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at abesser@bethjudea.org.
Adult Education Series 2018 - 2019
HEBREW CLASSES Hebrew Literacy I Taught by Jerry Sakol & Eric Yegelwel Sponsored by Men’s Club
Tuesday evenings: 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Dates: Oct. 9, 2018 – Jan. 8, 2019 Want a proven successful opportunity to learn how to read Hebrew in a friendly environment? Then join this class. Hebrew Literacy I is designed to teach those with no previous (or forgotten) knowledge of Hebrew how to read. The 12-week course focuses on learning to read the words used in the Friday Night service. Graduation & Homecoming – Friday Night Service on Jan. 11, 2019 COST: $30 fee for course materials
Download Flyer
Hebrew Boot Camp
Ulpan 2
Taught by Lee Goldberg
Taught by Lee Goldberg
Textbook Fee: $20 Thursday evenings: 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Beginning Sept. 27, 2018
Textbook Fee: $20 Thursday evenings: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Beginning Sept. 27, 2018
You’ve learned to recognize the shapes and sounds of the Aleph-Bet and become comfortable sounding out some of the key recurring words and phrases. This class will take your knowledge to the next level. We will work on developing reading fluency and understanding of Hebrew word and sentence structures. We will then move into Hebrew grammar and learn to converse: how to order food in a restaurant, shop, and tell the doctor what hurts and have fun doing it, with songs, word games, and imagery. The ability to read basic Hebrew is required.
In this course we will continue from where we left off last year. We'll continue learning Hebrew grammar while learning to order food in a restaurant, shop, and tell the doctor what hurts and have fun doing it, with songs, word games, and imagery. The ability to read Hebrew is required.
The Word – December 2018
Sisterhood Happy December! What a fun month with wonderful things to celebrate! So, let’s get started, shall we? On the very FIRST day of December, Sisterhood and Men’s Club are co-hosting our 2nd annual Vodka & Latkes Event. Remember all the fun we had last year playing a Jewish game of Clue? Well this year we will be playing… wait for it… Family Feud!!! This fun event is for all ages from 21 to 101! The evening starts at 7:30 and includes a dairy dinner, latkes, drinks, AND entertainment. This is not a couple’s event, so don’t feel bad if you’re a single. New friends are waiting to be made that evening. And feel free to invite your old friends, even if they are not Beth Judea members (and why wouldn’t they want to be?), as all are welcome.
On Wednesday, December 5th, will be Sisterhood’s annual Hanukah party. The theme this year will be a white elephant sale. As of this writing, details are still being worked out, so watch for the weekly announcements from the synagogue, as well as our flyer. What I can tell you is that this program is always a fan favorite, no matter what the details and/or theme. There is no cost, so mark your calendars and come ready to have fun! On Saturday morning, January 19th is Sisterhood Shabbat. With the guidance of the great Phyllis Udany; she puts together a very meaningful service where you have a chance to participate in any form you choose. Feel ready
to read from the Torah? Call Phyllis and she will set you up with a Torah portion. If you feel your Hebrew is good enough to lead a prayer, let Phyllis know and she’ll assign you one. Only feel comfortable reading something in English, then again, let Phyllis know. But what about those of you who aren’t comfortable speaking at all in front of a congregation, then Phyllis has some non-speaking assignments for you too, such as ark openings and closings, among others. So you see, Sisterhood members of all skill levels have the opportunity to participate in Sisterhood Shabbat. Please join us on January 19th, even if your participation level is to attend the service. Your attendance at Sisterhood Shabbat, especially during these turbulent times, shows a great solidarity with your fellow women at Beth Judea and everywhere else too. Finally, we’d like to thank Ann Lerman and Karen Nagel and their committee with the fantastic job they did with our annual Hanukah Bazaar. This is a huge undertaking and cannot be done by two people alone. It took a village, and one came together! Thank you to the committee AND to all who shopped!! Rhonda Cohn & Sarah Goldenberg Co-Sisterhood Presidents Contact Information: Rhonda Cohn: funnymom@cohn1.com Sarah Goldenberg: sarahbgoldenberg@gmail.com
Get Your Free Sisterhood Hanukkah Recipe by Clicking Here
Sisterhood Sisterhood Where every woman’s voice is heard
Men’s Club
“COUNT ME IN” 2019 3rd Biennial CBJ Men’s Club Retreat
Come Join Us As We Discuss
The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok 20 years has passed & Asher Lev is a renowned artist living in France with his family but still unsure of his artistic direction. When Asher's beloved uncle passes away, Asher & his family return to Brooklyn & back to a world he thought he left behind. It's a story of confrontation and discovery as Asher purges his past in search of new inspiration for his art and begins to understand the true meaning of sacrifice and the painful joy in sharing the most precious gift of all.
Book Discussion will be on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
NEW LOCATION: Sunset Foods Community Room – 2nd Floor
Post Shabbat January 12-13, 2019 The Ridge Hotel, Lake Geneva $125 Shared Room $180 Single Occupancy Room Food, Drinks, and Fun Included Great Programming – Camaraderie Learning – Fitness – Ritual Activities A Complete Men’s Club Experience
Hospitality Suite with Snacks, Beverages and Games
This event is open to Sisterhood and CBJ Women
Online at https://tinyurl.com/ycq9k6ke or email for more info: Rob Lipka: ralipka@aol.com
Download Flyer
Click here for flyer
Please RSVP to brendaclevin@gmail.com
The Word – December 2018
Sisterhood Gift Shop The Sisterhood of Beth Judea proudly shares about our renowned Judaica Shop! Our Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of items and gifts with continually updated inventory. Stop by and take a look at many of the following types of items: *Tallitot *Kippot *Women’s Head Coverings *Seder Plates *Hanukkah Menorahs *Shabbat Candlesticks *Kiddush Cups *Tzedakah Boxes *Wedding Gifts * Shofars *Bar & Bat Mitzvah Gifts *Mezuzah Cases and Kosher Scrolls *Yahrzeit Candles *Jewish Children’s Books *Wall Home Blessings *Hostess Gifts *Wedding Glasses *Decorative items……..and so much more! Come and browse our amazing collections of beautiful Judaic Jewelry – for both Men and Women! We have countless Hamsas, Chais, Stars and Hoshens. You will love our special designer pieces. Also our non-Judaic jewelry can make a special gift as well.! You will find many price points to meet all budgets. Our extensive collection of tallitot, for both men and women, is a specialty we are known for in the Chicagoland area! We always have approximately 100 of the tallitot in stock…most of them made in Israel! If the choices are overwhelming – or you wish to simply allow a family member or friend choose on their own – a Gift Certificate may be the wise choice for you – any denomination – anytime. We make it easy for you too – as we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover! So stop by and visit us to see for yourself why all of the talk! Our hours when Hebrew School is in session are: Tuesdays – 4 pm to 8 pm
Sundays – 9 am to 12:30 pm
We also will gladly make appointments to meet with you at your convenience – simply contact: Karen Nagel; 847-722-6621; geniuspkn2@aol.com Ann Lerman; 847-373-8640;annlerman325@gmail.com Have the Judaica Shop be a go-to spot for all your Judaic needs – please come visit us soon!
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls. One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires December 31, 2018 COUPON
Men’s Club On the heels of a very exciting and event filled November, December should be equally as much fun. The month started with the second annual Vodka & Latkes, a joint program of the Men’s Club and Sisterhood. In addition to tasty drinks and delicious food, the evening also included a laugh filled game of Family Feud. Then on December 3 we began observing Chanukah. With apologies for being redundant, the annual Men’s Club letter enclosed with the candles that were delivered last month had the following message: “On Chanukah, we recall the exploits of the Maccabees, who defended Jewish tradition during dark times. We also recall the light that miraculously burned for eight days in the reclaimed Temple when there was only sufficient oil for one day. These two memories – the battle for religious freedom and the ritual that celebrates its victory – are intertwined one with the other. We invoke these memories by kindling lights each year in the winter, thereby bringing light to dark nights the way that the efforts of the Maccabees brought light to times of religious darkness. By lighting candles on this holiday, we perpetuate the link between the generations and remind us that we’ve all come from a common place with a shared tradition.” During these sometimes dark and trying times, and despite the hatred that frequently challenges us, it’s critical that we as Jews continue the ageold tradition of kindling the Chanukah lights just as our ancestors have done for centuries. Jean joins me in wishing everyone a very Happy Chanukah. May your homes be filled with much joy, warmth, and most of all, peace!
The Word – December 2018
Coming up on Friday, January 11, this year’s Hebrew Literacy I graduation is shaping up to be a grand affair. We’re planning a Shabbat meal before the service to which all past graduates of the Hebrew Literacy class will be invited. Hopefully, everyone will have the chance to reflect on how the class helped them become more comfortable with Hebrew so they were better able to follow the services. And some will even be able to report how they went on to leyn torah! Then over the next day and a half, January 12 & 13, the biennial Men’s Club retreat at The Point in Lake Geneva will be held. This always proves to be a meaningful and fun filled 18 hours of incomparable camaraderie. Hopefully, everyone who wants to go had the chance to sign up but if not, please contact me to see what kind of last-minute arrangements can be made. It is with great pleasure that I can announce that this year’s Man of the Year is Brandt Rosen. Congratulations Brandt on this welldeserved recognition. And you’ll want to mark your calendars now for the annual Man of the Year/Youth of the Year dinner. The event will be held on March 3, 2019 at Anshe Emet in Chicago. This marks a new venue for the event that is sure to be as exciting and fun filled as past year’s festivities.
Congratulations to Brandt Rosen – CBJ Men’s Club 2019 Man of the Year 30
Men’s Club SECEMBER MEN’S CLUB SPOTLIGHT MEMBER: SANDY VICTOR The Men’s Club spotlight this month is shining on Sandy Victor. Sandy and his wife Marilyn have been married for 42 years; they joined CBJ 32 years ago and have three children. Sandy is one of those soft spoken, modest individuals who never looks for attention yet can always be counted on to pitch in any way he can. Among his many contributions to CBJ are his 22 years of service on the Board of Directors, his regular attendance at morning and evening minyan, and his role as a shiva service leader. Sandy was also instrumental in designing and building the sanctuary handicap ramp leading to the bimah. He also helped add additional levels of timbers in the front of the synagogue below the Memorial Garden. Sandy has been the President of CBJ’s Men’s Club as well as President of the FJMC Midwest region. He also served on the International FJMC Board of Directors, including chairing the World Wide Wrap. His contributions to our men’s club include designing and helping to build the Sukkah, supervising its annual construction and take down, and preparing the B’nai Mitzvah packets that are sent to each upcoming celebrant. Sandy is a chemical engineer who has recently decided to retire at year end after 44 years in the petroleum industry with such companies as ARCO, AMOCO and UOP. His professional duties have frequently involved foreign travel that took him to over 30 countries including India, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. He is a certified hypnotherapist, which he plans to pursue actively in the future. Both he and his wife have traveled to all 50 states. His hobbies include stamp collecting, attending live musical theater, and he is a big movie buff. Ron Friedman Men’s Club President
The Word – December 2018
Tzedakah Fund The Men's Club has made donations from the minyan tzedakah box: Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh We thank all those who have contributed to the tzedakah fund administered by Men's Club.
HELP THE ELDERLY ATTEND SERVICES Once a month, the Beth Judea Men’s Club volunteers at the Lieberman Geriatric Center and helps the elderly get to and from services. If you are interested in helping please contact Sandy Ramas.
Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives.
Men’s Club Hanukkah Candles This year as in years past, Beth Judea Men’s Club delivered Hanukkah candles to help in your festive celebration. Within our community, one way we can keep a link between us is to light our candles that have all come from one common place and share in that ancient tradition together. Along with the candles was a donation envelope. The funds raised will go toward the purchase of Siddurim for the Aleph class and to support our youth groups (USY and Kadima). Please consider sending a donation to Men’s Club to help support these important programs and keep the spark of Jewish life and traditions glowing in the hearts of our children. On behalf of our Beth Judea Men’s Club, I would like to wish you and your family a safe, happy, and fulfilling holiday. Happy Hanukkah The Festival of Lights.
INTERFAITH COUNCIL News from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council by Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox, Beth Judea representatives to the Council
We want to thank everyone who participated and attended our annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Our theme this year was “Am I my Brother’s Keeper?” (Yes, we are!) We had a wonderful time joining with our neighbors in prayer, song, and celebration. A special thank you to Rabbi Zimbalist, who spoke on our theme, and Cantor Ezring for his solo, “Modim Anachu Lach” and participation in the praise band. After the program, we socialized over home baked and donated pastries and drinks from Contintental Restaurant, Deerfield’s Bakery, Leonard’s Bakery, Mariano’s, Market Square Restaurant, the Original Bagel and Bialy, Shalom Bakery, and Sunset Foods. Our left- over refreshments were then donated to the USO at O’Hare to give our traveling servicemen and servicewomen some treats. The Thanksgiving Celebration was also a time for reflection on these unsettling times. We wanted to share with you a copy of the statement from the Interfaith Council that was printed in the Daily Herald following the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue: “Unbelievably, yet another mass murder has occurred in a place of worship: Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. The dead included a Bubbie (grandma) to her family and community, a healing doctor that ran out to help the wounded at the shooting, two gentle spirited brothers who never missed a service, a President of the congregation who provided services to the elderly community, a dentist who treated immigrants and refugees who had never been to a dentist in their lives, a retired research specialist who contributed to learning and development research, a retired accountant who could lead services whenever needed, an all American couple that had ‘Support our Troops’, ‘God Bless America,’ and ‘America the Beautiful’ stickers on their front door and a regular worshiper who gave generously of his time to the synagogue and welcomed strangers. People of faith who loved God, improved the world for others and lived lives that mattered. At the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council, we mourn each of these individuals that perished at the hands of evil and hatred. O LORD Almighty, our souls are in anguish and our wearied spirits cry out to you. Yet in this despair we renew our resolve to make this earth a better place by joining hands with our interfaith brothers and sisters. May we be witnesses of hope and comfort that only you can provide in trying times such as this. Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council by Jay Jayapalan, President” We hope and pray for a peaceful holiday season. Let us care of each other and watch over our family, friends, and neighbors. The Council provides food for our four food pantries located at Beth Am, Kingswood Methodist, St. Alphonsus, and St. Mary Parish. Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox
The Word – December 2018
INTERFAITH COUNCIL News from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council (Continued)
Please remember the less fortunate who live in our community throughout the year. Donations may be made directly to: Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council 1282 Green Knolls Drive Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 For more information on any of our programs please contact: nwsinterfaith@gmail.com or by telephone at: 224-699-0386 or visit our website at: http://www.northwestsuburbaninterfaith.or g or your council representatives: Joanne Dicker: joannedicker@comcast.net Helene Fox: helene125125@gmail.com
The Word – December 2018
Photos from the Weekend with Josh Warshawsky
https://www.facebook.com/bethjudea/video s/vb.122690652579/2349907601750508/?t ype=2&theater
BJE Early Childhood Centers
MT Nesters The MT Nesters are starting our 25th year. But our dues are still the same -- $20/year (no senior discounts). However, membership in the MT Nesters for your first year is free if you are currently a member of Beth Judea. We are continuing to hold our monthly program/meetings on Sundays, usually in the afternoon, and sometimes outside of the synagogue. For additional information contact Carol Schechter at 847-537-3566 or Sam Chiprin at 847-459-0316.
Did You Know... Do you know of information that would be of interest to our congregants? If so, please let us know.
Registration for 2018-2019
Cell Phone Drop-Off Box In Synagogue Office! Help domestic abuse victims by donating your old cell phones.
Registration at the Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center at Beth Judea is well under way. Registration for our 2018-2019 school year has begun. Schedule a visit to one of our classes: New Steps (parent/caregiver and toddler), More Steps (2 year olds), Kadima (3 year olds) and Pre-K, and learn about our amazing curriculum. Call us at 847634-0363 to begin your child’s preschool journey. Come and see what we’re all about!
The Word – December 2018
Each phone raises money for domestic abuse crisiscounseling services in the Jewish community! SHALVA offers free counseling to Jewish women who are or were in an intimate partner relationship. If you or someone you know needs our help, call 773-583-4673.
New Membership Programs Beth Judea Announces Exciting New Membership Programs:
Alternative Shabbat Service Alternative Shabbat Service Service Leader: Norm Kurtz
1. Referral Program Gift of Membership 3. STEPS to Membership
Every Shabbat Morning 10:30 am until 11:45 am.
We're very excited to announce new membership programs for our community! We're making it easy and rewarding for you to help spread the word about our synagogue community to your family, friends, and Jewish families that might have moved into the neighborhood! Click Here for Full Details
Planned Giving Is Beth Judea a Part of Your Estate?
Help ensure the future of Congregation Beth Judea. From Generation to Generation “Making a Difference in the Lives that Follow”
You are invited to join the Alternative Shabbat Service which meets every Shabbat morning. Our growing interpretive minyan (prayer group) is focused on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. We are innovative, creative, and different from the traditional service. We are friendly and welcoming to all. Being nonjudgmental and accessible, we are interested in creating a meaningful spiritual community where joyful prayer and spirited Torah discussion is experienced, accompanied by camaraderie and friendship. Join us for prayer/discussion/ learning and stay after services for Kiddush/lunch with the entire Congregation. We meet in the former youth lounge on the lower level of the Synagogue (which is accessible to the physically challenged) from 10:30 am until 11:45 am. Bring a friend with you. We look forward to welcoming you to our community. Shabbat Shalom,
LIFE IN ISRAEL THE GOODMAN’S BLOG Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog.
To learn more about the Goodman’s life in Israel click here to share their experience.
Norm Kurtz Service Leader For further information: cbjoffice@bethjudea.org
Upon three things the world is based: Upon Torah, Upon Divine Service and Upon the Practice of Charity
The Word - December 2018
The Helping Hand Plan
The Helping Hand Plan A Project of Congregation Beth Judea Hesed Committee • •
Do you need some help? Do you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment? Do you need a ride to services at Beth Judea?
WHAT IS THE HELPING HAND PLAN? Beth Judea has a group of volunteers who are ready, willing, and able to lend a hand. Just call or e-mail if you need some assistance. WHO DO I CONTACT TO REQUEST SOME HELP? Please call Larry Wollheim at 847-6349399 or e-mail Larry at lwollheim45@gmail.com to request help. It’s a Mitzvah to help someone. Please allow us to help you.
You Make A Difference We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved.
If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the Hesed (Caring) committee members below: Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack Larry Wolheim
The Word - December 2018
Hesed Committee
An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at elammers@comcast.net or call the Rabbi. FOR A LIST OF EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS, AGENCIES AND RESOURCES click here
We Would Like To Know WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement, or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Hesed (Caring) committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.
Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff. 37
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accounting Services
Advertise your business! Advertise your business in our new Business Directory section of The Word.
Funeral Services
Handmade Gifts
$120 for a year a one-year term Submit your original or clearly scanned copy of your business card to the CBJ office (email to LNeiman@bethjudea.org).
Subscription payment must be received to activate term.
Term can commence at any time. One year term is 10 issues.
click here for full flyer and details
DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: December 19
Ruby Korn Allyson Marcus Heidi Schrage Robert Schwartz Daniel Silberman
Laura Barshefsky Jerome Gothelf Andrea Hockfield
December 20
Rebecca Andreoli Arnold Bender Steven Golberg
Renee Malter Natalie Pesin
December 21
Kristie Fingerhut Neil Margolis Becky Savlin
December 22
Harriette Elisco Gil Ezring
December 23
Philip Andreoli Neil Jordan Ronald Kovich Alfred Levinson Neal Resnik
December 24
Laurie Ford Rachel Gottfried
December 25
Jeanne Krulewich
December 26
Howard Ganden
December 27
Bruce Darin Arthur Freedman Rita Mathias Maureen Stolman Suzanne Waitz Andrew Zarchy
December 28
Edward Grossman Jill Kronowitz Gary Malkin Tim Scheibe
December 1
Heidi Sakol
December 2
Kim Bauman Leonard Manewith
December 3
December 4 December 5
Leah Chiprin Harold Rosen
December 6
Julie Cohen Carl Weiss
December 7
Marah Altenberg Kenneth Stolman
December 8
Ann Lesley Rosen
December 9
Sharon Harris Eric Marder Randee Weiss
December 10
Jamie Breslaw Jeffrey Brown Mark Sheft David Waitz
December 11
Andrew Bauman
December 12
Harvey Brickman Benjamin Dubin Casey Spitz
December 13
Steven Kwasman
December 14
Jeffrey Julis Sharon Weil Corey Zussman
December 30
Noah Ban
December 15
Rebecca Schlichting
December 31
Evelyn Gibbs
December 17
James Hyman Boris Lyubomirsky Robert Muise
December 18
Gary Cortes
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – December 2018
DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: December 1
Stacy & Arlen Shub
December 2
Carrie & Michael Shultz
December 3
Myra & Neil Borkan Diane & Howard Gordon Staci & Michael Levy
December 4
Marcie & Alan Marcus Deborah & Howard Tolsky
December 10
Teri & Owen Pulver Carol & Sheldon Rubin
December 11
Lisa & Jason Neiman
December 12
December 18
Sandra & Paul Drizner Lynn & Arthur Freeman Erica & Gary Krugel
December 19
Susan & Aaron Hershinow Lois & Stewart Margolis
December 21
Kathryn & Gary Harris Gayle & Richard Pervos Jackie & Brian Solway
December 22
Carol & Harold Rosen
December 23
Trudy & Robert Balogh Rachel & Marc Gottfried
Susan & Norman Rabinowitz
December 26
Tammy & Tim Scheibe
December 13
Rebecca & Philip Andreoli
December 27
December 14
Miriam & Leslie Spickard
Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe Marla & Bruce Horwitz Joy & Neil Margolis Laura & Stanford Zoller
December 16
Pamela & Joel Polakow Marny & Brian Schwartz
December 17
Debra & Benjamin Dubin Cheryl & Leonard Levine Margaret & Todd Lichtenstein Sally & David Sherman
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – December 2018
Bernice Altman Lillian Elgenson Asna Fagin* Max Halperin* Ellen Klein* Hyman Loeb* Emanuel Pearl Jacqueline Pollard Ben Shugan Robert Weiss
Frieda Borenstein Louis Elisco Abraham Fuhrman* Arline Holman Elynor Klein* Mae Mandel Edward Platt Joseph Pressburger Lila Treadwell Charles Wolf*
Lawrence Elauser Ruth Fagan* Louis Goldberg* Bella Jacobs Jack Lato* Dorothy Patt Benjamin Levi Plaut Maurice Settler Edward Warman Max Zakaman*
December 14 Violet Barrier* Maxwell Clamage Edward Ginsberg Beverly Guttenberg Israel Levine* Stephanie Lustig* Lewis Pervosky Philip Rockwell Gertrude Salzenstein Yisrael Shalem Toby Charlene Swichkow* Newton Truger* Mildred Wittlin* Tillie Yublosky*
Mildred Berngard Ruth Duboe Harvey Gold Doris Kalina* Marilyn Levit Bruce Minnick* Sylvia Polakow* Sylvia Rubin* Mabelle Schero Peter Stark Janet Thomas Louis Vicker* Leona Wolf* Samuel Zablen*
Carly Berns* Jack Frost Joseph Green Sol Kaufman* Helen Lindenbaum* Sophie Momet Sheldon Robbins Theodore Sakol* Rose Schwartz* Harriet Sumner* William Toch* Harry Weinstein* Abe Wolinsky*
December 21 Margaret Atlas Robert Allan Brown Sam Chibnik Shirley Dubin Ida Glickman Lillian Goroff* Audrey Kirst Marvin Miller Maury Platt* Dr. Jack Rizman* Muriel Sachsel* Larry Silver* Sylvia Travis*
Fannie Barasch Elizabeth Buff Samuel Chiet* Carol Feldman* Christina Marie Goldberg Samuel Kanter* Joe Koek Fannie Orloff Michelle Rappaport Sherwin Rosenfeld* Yetta Sanders Samuel Silver* Bernard Weisel*
Richard Brown Robert Buhai Samuel Dicker Martin Garson* Jeri Ann Goldman Patricia Kaplan Irwin Lipka Gertrude Trudy Paley Diana Ratskoff Ruth Rotman Ilse Sender* Faye Singer*
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2018
December Yahrzeits (Cont) YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AND ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS December 28 Dorothy Aronoff Daniel Brown Alfred Feiger Marilyn Gould Sandee Grossman Linda Katz Sol Kravitz* Michael Linderman* Herman Morgenstein* Seymour Nagel Bessie Shavitz* Celia Spivak* Morris Weiner*
Irving H. Babbitt Irving Coady* Jane Friedland* Lorin Greenberg Hannah Hockfield* Mollie Kleinman Shirley Kriegler* Arlen Litwin Betsy Mosak Louis Newman* Morris Sherman* June Walcer* Shirley Wolf*
Erwin Berenson Samuel Cooper* Andrea Gordon Bernice Gross* Michael Jaffe* Joseph Kolner* Ann Linderman* Mina Magarici Fred Moskowitz Michael Schwartz Harvey Shiffman* Alfred Weiner
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2018
Harriet Ament Walter Berkley* William Frankel* Herbert Kahn Norman Levsky* Louis Lifshitz* Louis Margolis Dorinne Palmer* David Resnick* Irene Sandler* Hilda Tominberg*
Ralph Barnett Sarah Deicher James Glickman Seymour Klein* Irving Levy* Barry Mandelblatt Philip Meltzer* Ida Polansky Joseph Rosenfeld* Milton Silverstein* Evelyn Weisel*
Lauri Bauer Herman Feldman* Paul Goldman Ruth Kurtz* June Lieberman Lorraine Margolis Harry Minnick* Irene Ramras Berel Sales* Robert Silverstone
January 11
Wally Arbetter Adele Chubin Janette Friedman Morris Lessin* Sheila Moskowitz William Rubenstein* Gertrude Schoeneman* Ruth Zeiger
Marion Bordon Bella Cohen* Miles Klein* Gertrude Manewith Darrell Pollack* Eva Sanes* Ethan Noah Sulkin
Sandy Caplan* Alexander Davis* Oscar Krawitz Leonard Meltzer Bernice Rothenberg* Harvey Schmall Evelyn Torres*
January 18
Anna Berkovitz* Diane Brown* Sarah Feinstone Samuel Goldman* Charlotte Herstein Ann Karno Annette Kessler* Alex Lustig* Margaret Pinkus* Helen Schwartz* Betty Wasserman
Roselin Berman Sidney Bulmash Edward Vincent Fojtik Era Greiman* Joe Holman Irv Kaufman Herbert Levine* June Pearlman* Ida Pollack Morris Spiegel* Janice Weiner*
Gerald Bernstein Abe Cooper* Charles Frank John Harrington Robert Isenberg Estelle Kerstein Ethan Levitan* Mandel Perl* Shirley Schechtman Dora Stein* Benjamin Weisman
January 25
David Appel Gregorio Copelovitz Edward Ernstein Anna Herstein David Polakow* David Rosenfeld* Sam Rothnagel Rose Secler* Pearl Smiler
Alfred Braun* Mitch Davis* Ceil Feldstein Stuart Julis Hymen Polonsky Elizabeth Rosenthal* Minnette Rothstein Rose Sher Clara Weisberg
Robert Cohen* Florence Deckowitz John Joseph Harrington Hyman Karafin Jacob Rizman* Jack Rosenthal Lauren Salzenstein Gordon* Seymour Shub*
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – December 2018
TRIBUTES FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FUNDS, PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE PRAYERS HAVE BEEN SAID FOR THE RECOVERY OF: Andrea Dickson Carol Schechter Michael Alan Schnitzer Condolences Upon the Death of: Marilyn Cooper Mother of Judy Greenberg Perry Lerner Father of Ellen Gluskin
Barbara Pressberger Our Congregant Congratulations upon Births: Miriam & Richard Krieberg upon the birth of their grandson, Greyson Rhys Adler Brenda & Jay Levin upon the birth of their granddaughter, Davie Lara Klein Rachel & Bob Ragland upon the birth of their grandson, Caleb Ethan Berzenski Lenie & Larry Schneider upon the birth of their grandson, Robbie Shane Kornblatt Casey & Kevin Spitz upon the birth of their daughter and Linda & Jeff Spitz upon the birth of their granddaughter, Morgan Evelyn Spitz Congratulations upon Engagements: Darlene & Barry Bikshorn upon the engagement of their son, Jacob Bikshorn to Rachel Zidar Judy & Bill Levitan upon the engagement of their daughter, Ashley Cara Levitan to Brett Alexander Kane
The Word – December 2018
IN HONOR OF: The B’nai Mitzvah of Raya Resnik and Bennett Resnik. Susan Adleman
SPEEDY RECOVERY WISHES TO: Gail Lifshitz. Get well soon. Andrea & Ed Hockfield
The Auf Ruf of Scott Wener and Kim Koloms. Rhonda & Jeff Wener
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Charlotte Ander, beloved mom. grandma and great grandma. Carol & Craig Levin and Family
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Harry Hershinow Sue & Aaron Hershinow
HAZZAN EZRING DISCRETIONARY FUND UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Hattie Levi Plaut, beloved grandmother. Susan Adleman RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND SPEEDY RECOVERY WISHES TO: Gail Lifshitz. Get well extra fast. Leah & Sam Chiprin INCLUSION FUND IN HONOR OF: Darlene & Barry Bikshorn upon the engagement of their son, Jacob Bikshorn to Rachel Zidar. Renee & Michael Klass and Family UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Benjamin Levi Plaut, beloved father. Susan Adleman
Nathan Ander, beloved father, papa and great papa. Carol & Craig Levin and Family Phyllis Shatz, beloved aunt. The Brandt Family
CANTOR WEISBERG DISCRETIONARY FUND IN MEMORY OF: The 11 individuals who perished on Saturday, October 27 at the Tree of Life Congregation and praying for recovery of those injured. Renee & Mike Malter UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Marilyn Levit Jodi & Steven Levit and Family Newton Truger, in loving memory of our beloved father and papa. Aileen & Steve Simons SECURITY FUND Lenie & Larry Schneider upon the birth of their grandson, Robbie Shane Kornblatt Judy & Steve Greenberg
TRIBUTES GENERAL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Bruce Darin leading minyan at the Shiva for my father. We very much appreciated his leadership and effort to be there for us. Ellen & Jeff Gluskin IN HONOR OF: The Bar Mitzvah of Elijah Ban. Janice Goldsmith The Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Besser. Susan Adleman The Bar Mitzvah of Elijah Ban. Susan Adleman Bobbie & Floyd Babbitt upon the Bat Mitzvah of your granddaughter, Samantha Lerner. Jean & Ron Friedman Darlene & Barry Bikshorn upon the engagement of their son, Jacob Bikshorn to Rachel Zidar. Jean & Ron Friedman Debbie & Ron Kovich Rita & Sid Mathias Brenda & Jay Levin upon the birth of their granddaughter, Davie Lara Klein. Sandy & Andy Levitt Judy & Bill Levitan upon the engagement of their daughter, Ashley Cara Levitan to Brett Alexander Kane. Rita & Sid Mathias David Stolman on his 70th birthday. Sandy & Andy Levitt
The Word – December 2018
IN MEMORY OF: Marilyn Cooper. Beloved mother of Judy Greenberg. Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel Rita & Sid Mathias
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Bernard Epton, beloved father and grandfather. The Pulver Family
Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother of Rob & Geri Friedman and Family. Marlene & Bruce Saltzberg Rhonda & Jeff Wener Perry Lerner, beloved father of Ellen & Jeffrey Gluskin. Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel Bruce J. Minnick Janice & Craig Minnick and Family UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Roberta Berks Carla & Elliott Bankendorf Morrie Mangurten, beloved father and grandfather. Michael, Susan, Lauren & Steven Mangurten Sylvia Solomon Carla & Elliott Bankendorf MEN’S CLUB FUND IN MEMORY OF: The Fallen of Tree of Life Synagogue. Sherry & Dan Weinberger SISTERHOOD FUND IN HONOR OF: Brenda & Jay Levin upon the birth of their granddaughter, Davie Lara Klein. Kim & Skip Mann
SOCIAL ACTION FUND UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Elynor Klein, beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Bobbie & Floyd Babbitt
LINDA & ALBERT STARK FUND UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Sidney Stark, our fun-loving uncle. Albert & Linda Stark and Family
EDUCATION FUND IN MEMORY OF: Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Rob & Geri Friedman. Nancy & Lenny Manewith Perry Lerner, beloved father of Ellen & Jeffrey Gluskin. Susan & Fred Rabinowitz
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Ida Levin, beloved sister-in-law and aunt. The Halperin Family Max Halperin, beloved father and grandfather. The Halperin Family
SPEEDY RECOVERY WISHES: Carol Schechter, best wishes for a rapid recovery. Leah & Sam Chiprin
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Jerry Berenson Sarah Singer Jeff, Melinda, Jonathan & Elizabeth Fine
IN HONOR OF: Sheree & Lee Arbus upon the birth of their grandson, Max Jack Arbus. Ann & Mitch Lerman
IN HONOR OF: Darlene & Barry Bikshorn upon the engagement of their son, Jacob Bikshorn to Rachel Zidar. Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe
IN MEMORY OF: Sam Rizman, beloved father, father-in-law; adored grandfather and great grandfather. May his memory be a blessing. Marti & Morry Rizman
Judy & Bill Levitan upon the engagement of their daughter, Ashley Cara Levitan to Brett Alexander Kane. Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe Renee & Michael Klass and Family
Sophie L. Harvis, beloved mother, mother-in-law, adored grandmother and great grandmother. May her memory be a blessing. Marti & Morry Rizman
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Maynard Duboe Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Sam Rizman, our wonderful fatherin-law, grandfather and great grandfather. Susan Rizman and Family
Darlene & Barry Bikshorn upon the engagement of their son, Jacob Bikshorn to Rachel Zidar. Ann & Mitch Lerman Leslie & Steven Peck upon the birth of their grandson, James Rowan Peck-Kamuda. Ann & Mitch Lerman IN MEMORY OF: Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Robert & Geri Friedman. Andrea & Ed Hockfield Ann & Mitch Lerman UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Florence Kanter Kathy & Herb Kanter Marvin Rose Andrea & Ed Hockfield Louis Schnabel, beloved grandfather. The Kersky Family
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Judy Walcer Louise & Lou Barnett Nancy & Burt Litwin Rhonda & Larry Wollheim
The Word – December 2018
CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: info@bethjudea.org Website: http://www.BethJudea.org Rabbi Morris Zimbalist Hazzan Gil Ezring Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Hazzan Emeritus Roger J. Weisberg President Sidney Mathias Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender Editor Evan Rumack
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Candle Lighting Times
Worship Schedule
Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes
Conducted by before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. Rabbi Morris Zimbalist and Hazzan Gil Ezring Shabbat Evening Services ......................................... .7:30.p.m. Shabbat Morning Services ........................................ 9:30 a.m. Gan Shabbat – Shabbat Mornings .............................10:30 a.m. Junior Congregation (1st & 3rd Shabbat monthly .... 10:30 a.m. Alternative Shabbat Service (Interpretive Minyan).. 10:30 a.m. Weekday Morning Minyan: Sunday .................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Monday ................................................................ 6:15 a.m. Tuesday through Friday ........................................ 7:30 a.m.
December 7 ............................................. 4:01 p.m. December 14 .............................................. 4:02 p.m. December 21 ............................................. 4:05 p.m. December 28 ............................................. 4:09 p.m.
Weekday Evening Minyan: Monday through Thursday .................................... 7:30 p.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.