The word may 2015 volume 36 issue 5

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5304 RFD, Hilltop Rd. & Route 83, Long Grove, IL 60047 Phone: 847-634-0777


Rabbi's Reflections Celebrating Our Year and Welcoming a Torah It is difficult to overstate the importance of Torah to the Jewish people. As a book, it is the first and oldest text of our culture, the original story of our origins and the first source for understanding our relationship with God. As a symbol of deep learning, Torah has been at the center of Jewish classrooms, academies, and homes for thousands of years. In every generation, Torah has shaped how we have thought, believed, acted, and seen ourselves. In short, we are who we are because of Torah. We are now approaching the conclusion of our Shanah Torah, Year of Torah, in which we focused a great deal of attention on the words, content, and values of the Torah itself. We studied Torah in a variety of ways and places. In this space we learned details about the content of the books of the Torah. On Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings after minyan, I took a few minutes to discuss the parshah of the week. Hazzan and I taught adult classes about the Torah, the commentator Rashi’s words on the Torah, and on mysticism. We saw how a scribe does his work on a special day of learning with Rabbi Yohanan Nathan. Our volunteer teachers, including Rabbi Lifshitz, Orin Rotman, Norm Kurtz, Eric Yegelwel, Jerry Sakol, and Gloria Hernandez, continue to deepen our members’ Jewish skills and understanding through ongoing courses in Jewish literacy, history, and issues (for which I thank them profusely!) And of course we continued to learn Torah on Shabbat and holidays during services.

Having applied ourselves so diligently to the sacred task of learning, we will now celebrate our Shanah Torah with a siyyum, a concluding ritual during which we welcome a new Torah scroll into our community. This sefer Torah, which was commissioned by Jan Charman and his family and written during this year of learning, will be housed and used in our Beit Midrash. We invite the entire community to celebrate the conclusion of our Shanah Torah and to welcome this new scroll into our synagogue on Sunday May 17 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The siyyum will include the marching in of the Torah and the filling in of its final letters, as we dance to the music of the Maxwell Street Klezmer band and enjoy lunch together. Please respond to the invitation you received so that we can plan appropriately; there is no charge. It has pleased me no end to see so many of our members take part in classes and programs in order to learn Torah. I look forward to seeing all of you at the siyyum as we celebrate a year of connection and a new scroll that will enhance our lives, just as the words of Torah have for so many centuries. I also hope that those who have not yet taken advantage of all we offer to our members to do so in the year to come. There is no substitute for serious learning, and I remain convinced that there is no better way to find the inspiration to living an active Jewish life. Having learned so much, we cannot but help but yearn for more ways for Judaism to bring sanctity into our lives and teach us how to bring sanctity into the world.

Rabbi Jeff Pivo

The Word – May 2015




CBJ ONLINE Congregation Beth Judea has recently purchased a software update to our Membership Management software program. This is an interactive software package which permits our Members to log in to the site and accomplish many tasks. A member can:  Look up directory information on any fellow Congregant  Update their own profile  Register for events  Make a Donation online  Fill out next year’s membership forms starting in May  View Yahrzeit information By getting full utilization of the software package, Beth Judea will be able to save several thousands of dollars and have accurate information. Several months ago every member received a user id and password. If you have misplaced your user id or password please contact Lisa at 847-634-0777. Thanks Arnie Goldberg Executive Vice President

Lisa Neiman Executive Director

In This Issue Rabbi’s Reflections Sefer Torah Dedication CBJ Online Calendar Lag B’Omer/Shavuot Notes from the Cantor Annual Meeting B’nai Mitzvah Bio Israel Committee Invite Focus on Families Religious Education

The Word - May 2015

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Page Adult Ed 15 Sisterhood 17 Men’s Club 19 Goodman’s Blog 21 Israel Committee 21 Did You Know... 23 Hesed 24 Programming 25 Social Action 26 Birthdays & Anniversaries 27 Yahrzeits 28 Tributes 30 4

CALENDAR Social Action

Special Events / Holidays May 3 May 7 May 17 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 28

Israel Solidarity Day Israel Committee Meet & Greet Sefer Torah Dedication & Celebration Erev Shavuot / Tikkun Leil Shavuot Shavuot – Confirmation Services Shavuot Services with Yizkor Congregation Beth Judea Annual Meeting

May 3 May 10

Focus on Families May 3 May 21

Men’s Club Sunday May 31

Softball League Moo & Brew

Sisterhood Social Program & Elections Book Club – Mornings in Jenin

Programming June 2

IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUTH View our calendar online at

Community May 5 May 9 June 14 June 28

Loss of Spouse or Partner Stamp Out Hunger Flag Day Celebration iWalk

Meetings Please check website

Dinner & Conversation with Rabbi

Adult Ed May 3

Israel Solidarity Day Challah Chaverim


Sisterhood May 7 June 18

Bingo at Friends Center Pet Visit to Alden Center

Judaism 101: 5 Books in 4 Weeks


Be Sure To Check Out Our New Section: “Did You Know...” on page 23 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers May 1, 2015 – 7:30 pm


Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of Mayl will be recognized at our service on May 1st. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm.

See page 14 for details

Children of every age are welcome!

The Word - May 2015




The "Counting of the Omer," which is a mourning period of sorts between Passover and Shavuot originated as an agricultural tradition but became associated with tragic memories in history. Jews suspend the mourning period for one day during the Omer. This day is the Jewish holiday of Lag B'Omer.

In the course of the long centuries of exile, the days between Passover and Shavuot have, on many occasions, been periods of distress and misfortune for the Jewish people. In the Middle Ages, the Crusader massacre of the Jews of Jerusalem took place and one of Rabbi Akiba's students, who had been sentenced to die, hid in a cave until the 18th day of the Jewish month of Iyar, when he learned that the enemy had been defeated. Lag B'Omer is known as the Scholar's Festival, and children throughout the world hold special celebrations to mark the occasion.


Erev Shavuot – Saturday, May 23, 2015 Candle Lighting – Light Candles after 8:56 pm Erev Shavuot Services – 7:30 pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot Learning Lesson – 7:30 pm (see below) Shavuot I– Sunday, May 24, 2015 Candle Lighting after 8:57 pm Shavuot – Confirmation Services – 9:30 am Shavuot II– Monday, May 25, 2015 (Office Closed) Shavuot Services with Yizkor – 9:30 am

TIKKUN L’EIL SHAVUOT LEARNING LESSON Saturday Evening May 23, 2015 7:30 pm Join us for a night of study. At Shavuot we remember and re-enact the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. As we celebrate that event we teach and learn deep into the night, staying awake in anticipation of the moment we came face to face with God. The evening will be full of learning with the clergy from Congregation Beth Judea and learned guest teachers.

Mazel Tov to the following Confirmation Class who will be confirmed on:

Sunday, May 24, 2015 – 9:30 am (as part of the morning services):

Adam Gurin Sydney Pacernick Paige Reinstein

The Word - May 2015

To: Our Beth Judea Family and Friends: On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff of Congregation Beth Judea, we wish you and yours a very happy Shavuot blessed with peace, prosperity and good health on this holiday and always.


NOTES FROM THE CANTOR SUMMER MONTHS soon to arrive!! Many opportunities for service participation! Summer is the perfect time to take up or revitalize synagogue skills. We have ample openings for both adults and young adults who know how to leyn Torah. Or perhaps you have learned to lead some of our services, whether weekday mornings or evenings or on Shabbat? Do not let these abilities go to waste!! When was the last time you were called up to the Torah for an aliyah or a related Torah honor? We even have opportunities for learning and taking part in the unique chanting of the Book of Eicha which is read on Erev Tisha B’Av (the evening of July 25th this year). How can we make your role in our synagogue service more fulfilling, more meaningful? I am ready and happy to work with you and provide you with recordings to help strengthen you in whatever area you would like to participate – I just need to hear from you!! 5776 HIGH HOLIDAY CHOIR – Another opportunity for those who are musically inclined is our High Holiday Choir that rehearses on Tuesday evenings beginning usually in early July. If you are interested in joining us this year, please contact either me ( or Marty Karlin ( for details. The rehearsal schedule for the 2015 season will be available soon! 5776 HIGH HOLIDAY TORAH READING I will begin assigning Torah portions for the upcoming High Holidays the week of May 11-16. Those who read Torah last year should contact me ASAP to let me know whether they wish to continue reading their assigned section. For those NOT planning to read again this September, an email to confirm would be appreciated. This will allow me to include new readers without giving your reading away unintentionally. With that in mind, those who have NOT read before but would like to try a reading should also send me a note – please indicate which location you attend and whether you could take a reading on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, should we have an opening then. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM – Jr. Yad Squad for Beginners & Advanced Special opportunity for accelerated incoming BET Students to learn how to read Torah with Hazzan Weisberg on Thursdays, 4:15 - 5:00 pm!! Students who enjoy learning Hebrew and music are invited to get a head start using the ancient musical phrases known as the Trope System. After getting to know the trope signs, students will have a chance to prepare small portions in the Torah for Gan Shabbat services in early 2016, for the Bet Class Shabbat and Alef/Bet Kallah that spring. There is a one-time $60 fee for texts/recordings. Returning Jr. Yad Squad members will be able to continue their Torah-reading studies and receive new assignments in the 5:05 - 5:45pm time slot on Thursdays. Please me at (847) 634-0777 or to sign up or for more info.


The Cantors Assembly, the largest organization of hazzanim in the world, will be holding its annual convention in Chicago May 3-7. Along with nightly concerts members of Beth Judea’s Men’s Club who have completed a special shiva-leading program will be receiving special recognition as well.

The Word - May 2015



SAVE THE DATE Congregation Beth Judea Annual Meeting Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 8:00 PM Vice Presidents’ Reports DEBBIE KREISMAN DUBIN CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA E-mail:

Budget Approval

Election of Executive Committee V.P.’s & At-large Directors Please join us for Minyan at 7:30 PM

MISSION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming, egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principles of the Conservative Movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of America and the State of Israel.

The Word - May 2015

Dear Congregants, By now you should have received in the mail a detailed letter regarding the above notice of the annual review. If you have not, the letter is included in it’s entirety on the following page. 8


April 24, 2015 Dear Congregants, Please take note of the important nature of the enclosed information. This is the official notice of the Annual Meeting of Congregation Beth Judea. It will be held on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 8:00 pm in the synagogue sanctuary. Please join us at 7:30 pm before the meeting for our daily Minyan. The Nominating Committee presented the following slate of Officers and Directors to fill vacant and/or expiring Officer and Board positions. The Board of Directors approved the slate at its April 23, 2015 meeting. The election of Officers and At-large directors will take place at the Annual Meeting, as well as approving the 2015-2016 budget and the amendment to the constitution dated May 29, 2015 enclosed. This is the official notice of the slate of officers and directors. 2015/2016 Slate of Officers and Directors

President Executive VP Education VP Facilities VP Finance VP Membership VP Planned Giving VP

Officers – Two year terms from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017 Arnold Goldberg Programming VP Sidney Mathias Ritual VP Lance Pacernick Secretary Dana Goldstein Social Action/Israeli Affairs VP Gary Krugel Ways & Means VP Michael Gluck Youth VP Arnold Bender At-Large Directors:

Tammy Brody Bruce Darin Mark Sheft Scott Eisner Steve Limer Andrew Bauman

One year term from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Marah Altenberg Herbert Finn Two year term from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017 Jason Heiger Merle Rumack Stewart Margolis Three year terms from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 Brad Finkel Mitch Hecht Ron Friedman Ken Redfern Brian Gurin Lewis Smith

NOTE: Debbie Kreisman Dubin will serve as immediate past president from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017. Any member in good standing may also run independently for a position. You must submit a petition bearing the signatures of not less than ten General Members in good standing, to the President or Secretary, no later than May 13, 2015. Please - join us for the Annual Meeting. Your Board has many responsibilities in respect to guiding the direction of Congregation Beth Judea – you have the privilege and responsibility of voting in that respect! Sincerely,

Arnold J. Bender, Secretary

B’nai Mitzvah Bio Daniel Joshua Dahan will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Thursday, May 7, 2015. Daniel is a seventh grader at Twin Groves Middle School. Daniel is a Tae Kwon Do brown belt and enjoys improving his tennis game and playing the piano. Daniel is also an avid gamer. Daniel enjoys spending His summers at overnight camp and is ready for the next camp euchre tournament. Daniel had an opportunity to deliver Passover food boxes to families in need this year, which he found extremely meaningful and fulfilling. Daniel is pleased to celebrate his bar mitzvah with his parents, Leslie and Yosef, his sister Noa, grandparents Carol Linn and Jack Abella, and his uncle David Abella. Daniel would like to thank Anna Besser and his religious school teachers, as well as Rabbi Pivo, Hazzan Weisberg, and Kim Abern for their continued teaching, guidance, and support. In addition, many thanks to the members at morning minyan who so generously helped Daniel learn to don his tefillin. Abbey Finn will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, May 16th, 2015. Abbey is a seventh grader at Cooper Middle School and been part of the Beth Judea family since pre-school. Her favorite activities include singing and dancing and, of course, hanging out with her friends. Abbey has spent the past 3 summers at Camp Chi which is her home away from home. Abbey is a great big sister to Allison and Charley and has wonderful grandparents, Bruce and Barbara Finn and Alan and Leslie Raffel and wishes to thank them and her parents, Ira and Michelle Finn, as well as all her family for the support and love they have given to her. In addition to all of her studies with the synagogue in preparation for her Bat Mitzvah, Abbey has been participating in the Bat Mitzvah Experience through the L’Chaim Center which empowers Jewish girls to become strong, smart and spiritual individuals. Abbey thanks everyone for their help in making her Bat Mitzvah so meaningful.

The Word - May 2015

Madelyn Reese Zussman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 9 , 2015. Madelyn is a 7th grader at London Middle School. She plays clarinet in the school’s band and is on Poms. Her favorite sport is soccer, and she enjoys dance, playing the clarinet, piano, taking photographs, and spending time with her dogs Jack and Lulu. Madelyn has organized a group of friends and family to volunteer at Feed my Starving Children. Madelyn is sharing her special day surrounded by her loving and supportive family and friends. They include her proud parents, Sandra and Corey, her supportive sister Camey, grandparents Norman and Ilene Iglarsh and Jack and Beverly Zussman, aunts, uncles, and cousins from near and far. Madelyn and her family would like to thank Rabbi Pivo, Cantor Weisberg, Andrea Dickson, Natalie Gurin, Anna Besser, and all of her Hebrew School teachers for providing guidance and her Jewish education throughout the years. Tess Louise Clorfene will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, May 30th 2015. Tess is a 7th grade student at Quest Academy in Palatine. Outside school, Tess spends time doing gymnastics. She also sings in her school choir and loves hanging out with her friends. She has spent a large part of this last school year working on a National History Fair Project titled, “Erna Gans: How Her Leadership and Legacy Changed Holocaust Education,” and her project has made it to the regional competition this month. Tess looks forward to summers at B’nai B’rith Beber Camp. For her Mitzvah Project, Tess is collecting new stuffed animals for local children’s hospitals. Tess will be celebrating this milestone with her parents, Dana and Jeremy, her brother Jacob and sister Romy, her grandparents Anthea and Ernest Slotar , Liane Casten, and Bruce Clorfene. Tess and her family would like to thank all her teachers, Anna Besser, Hazzan Weisberg, and Rabbi Pivo for their diligent guidance throughout her Jewish Education. A very special thank you to her patient, kind, and supportive bat mitzvah tutor, Andrea Dickson. 10

Israel Committee

Israel Solidarity Day

PLEASE JOIN THE ISRAEL COMMITTEE ON Thursday, May 7th at 8:00 pm for a

MEET AND GREET!!!!! We would love to have more congregants participate in this committee. Socialize! Eat! Lively discussion!! The Israel Committee meets the first Thursday night of every month at 8:00. The role of the Israel Committee is to maintain awareness and support of Israel among our congregants. We intend to accomplish this by providing news of what is happening in Israel, by planning trips to Israel, by inviting speakers to discuss topics related to Israel, and by familiarizing our congregation with a wide variety of Jewish organizations. We hope to see you May 7!!

Please RSVP to Lisa Neiman at Thank you! Ed Hockfield, Cathy Feiger and the members of the committee

Click Here for Flyer The Word - May 2015


Focus on Families Congregation Beth Judea Family Events: May 2015 x .

All events are open to the community and are free of charge (unless otherwise noted). For more details & to RSVP for all programs, contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777 or visit

May 3

11:00 am Israel Solidarity Day @ Ravinia Festival in Highland Park JUF’s Israel Solidarity Day is the community's annual celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). The event will kick start with a concert featuring Rick Recht. Ongoing family-friendly activities will take place following the concert. Event highlights also include the Walk with Israel, exciting all-day entertainment featuring The Jamman Drum Circle, The Maccabeats, and Hadag Nachash. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE

May 21

2:00 pm – Challah Chaverim Join us for challah making, story time with Rabbi Pivo and a Shabbat song session with Hazzan Weisberg. Registration is required by May 18.

For more information about family programming, please contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777.

Congregation Beth Judea, 5304 RFD, Long Grove, IL - 847-634-0777

Focus on Families - May Flyer

Mitzvah Club MITZVAH CLUB - PROGRAM FOR YOUNG CHILDREN AGES NINE AND YOUNGER Dozens of families with young children are coming together to teach the important lesson of helping others through mitzvot. As a group, families are volunteering six times this year for a variety of non-profits across Chicagoland. All activities are geared toward ages nine and younger. Children will receive a “Mitzvah Club” card. Please Watch Your Weekly Emails for Future Upcoming Events

The Word - May 2015


EDUCATION It’s hard to believe how fast this school year has gone. As we bring a close to our school year, we need to thank our teachers, who make every effort to reach each of our students on an individual level. Thank you to Yochi Eilian, Megan Ernsteen, Natalie Gurin, Judy Jury, Batya Kogan, Norm Kurtz, Jodi Levit, Samie Moskowitz, Paige Reinstein, Lisa Ribot, Tammy Scheibe, Marc Sender, Shira Sender, Carrie Shapiro, Michele Sussman, Erica Veronie, Peggy Weiner, Debbie Weiss, and Sandra Zussman for the amazing work you do. They plan superb lessons so that our students can learn about, appreciate, and thrive in their Judaism. Our students are very well prepared to face the world as knowledgeable Jews. And . . . such enthusiastic students we have! It is a pleasure to observe them in their studies and their informal gatherings. During the year, every Jewish holiday was celebrated in a way that our students could experience the joy and the meaning behind each one – apples & honey for Rosh Hashanah, visiting the Sukkah for Sukkot, games, dreidels, and more for Hanukkah, sederim for Tu B’Shevat, masks and hamantaschen for Purim, songs and sederim for Passover, and many more! Our Kallot provided opportunities to learn, pray and play together, creating memories that will last a lifetime. This is a good ending of a school year because we have many students who are being promoted to the high school program and several students who are confirming their Jewish identity as they leave our school to continue their studies. For the good year and the good ending of the year, the teachers join me in saying:

aeh lkd aeh seq (SOF TOV HAKOL TOV) Thank you and see you next year. Have a safe and restful summer.

Anna Besser

The Word - May 2015


EDUCATION END OF YEAR SCHOOL EVENTS: Please take a look at what is happening this month as we conclude our school year. For more information, please contact the school office. 1. Israel Solidarity Day will be on Sunday, May 3rd. The fun event will take place at Ravinia this year. There will be Religious School that day, but we will have an EARLY DISMISSAL at 11 am so that everyone can get to Ravinia for the celebration. To pre-register for the program click on this link: 2. Heh End of the Year Program will take place on Tuesday, May 12 th at 6:30 pm. More information to follow soon! 3. Gimel Shabbat – we invite all parents to join us on the last day of Gimel Shabbat (May 16 th) to celebrate the year and daven together as a community. This is your opportunity to see what your children have learned during the course of the year with Norm & Marc. 4. Second Grade Graduation will take place on Sunday, May 17 th at 10:00 am. We invite all families to join us for this wonderful occasion! More details to come.

School Calendar: May: Friday 5/8 Monday 5/11 Tuesday 5/12 Shabbat 5/16 Sunday 5/17

Gimel & Dalet Family Shabbat Dinner Last Beyachad class Heh End of Year Program; Last Tuesday class session Last Gimel Shabbat LAST DAY of School: 2nd Grade End of Year Program


Calendar Contest: Each year, many Beth Judea students participate in the Shalom Memorial Calendar Contest. Shalom Memorial is celebrating their NINTH year of producing this unique Jewish calendar that features original artwork created by our local Jewish students. The contest runs through June 1, 2015 and is open to ALL grade levels. Contest details and registration are attached. The odds of “winning” in this contest are good as entries will be limited to students attending either a local Hebrew School or Day School. Quite simply:  Artwork must be original.  Artwork must depict some aspect of Jewish life .  Deadline for submission is June 1st.

The Word - May 2015

Download Calendar Contest Rules Download Calendar Contest Entry Form


ADULT EDUCATION WEEKLY CLASSES These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes unless specifically noted.

ADULT EDUCATION AT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA. Congregation Beth Judea offers a variety of meaningful Jewish learning opportunities through classes, lectures, and informal sessions on Jewish Law, Torah, prayer, and other topics of interest that will intrigue and inspire you. All classes (unless otherwise noted) are held at Congregation Beth Judea. You can view all our upcoming classes on our website; however, schedules are subject to change so please check our home page for updates.

“When I pray, I speak to God; When I study, God speaks to me.” - Rabbi Louis Finkelstein

Interpretive Minyan in the Library Service Leader: Norm Kurtz You are invited to join the Interpretive Minyan in the Library the first and third Shabbat of every month. Our growing minyan is focused on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. Our minyan is friendly and welcoming to all. Join us for prayer/discussion/learning and stay for Kiddush/lunch after services. We meet in the synagogue library on the second floor from 10:30 until 11:45. We look forward to welcoming you to our community. Shabbat shalom, Norm Kurtz


TALMUD STUDY Talmud & Jewish Life: Grappling with Life, Law, and Innovation Sunday mornings at 8 am Participate in a lively discussion of the Talmud and its relevance for us today. No prior knowledge is required and texts will be provided. We are working our way through the fascinating array of topics in the Tractate Ketubot (Marriage Contracts). Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for this class) MORNING TORAH STUDY Caffeine for the Soul (Rabbi Pivo) Tuesday Mornings after Minyan Linger after morning minyan for a light breakfast and a bit of Torah, as we spend a few minutes together looking at the weekly parshah with Rabbi Pivo. HUMASH w/RASHI Judaism 201: `What’s Bugging Rashi?’ (Rabbi Pivo) Tuesday Evenings at 8:00 pm begins Nov. 4, 2014 -May For nearly a thousand years, Jews have understood the Torah through the eyes of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki, or Rashi. His commentary has been the indispensable source for beginners and expert students alike to understand Torah. Rashi’s brief, clear comments are the best starting point for an in-depth study of our most vital texts. The course is open to all but with advanced students in mind; we will use the Hebrew text as much as possible. TASTE OF TORAH: Sweet Taste of Torah: Kohelet & Song of Songs Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years, Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again. Parsha Perspectives Thursday evenings after minyan (7:45—8:00 pm) Do you have 10 minutes to spare? It only takes 10 minutes to get started on a lifelong journey. Spend each Thursday after Minyan learning about the upcoming Parsha with Rabbi Pivo, and before you know it you'll have completed hours of Torah study. PARSHA OF THE WEEK Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study Shabbat morning at 9 am Join a study/discussion of the week’s parsha. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.

To register for classes or to find out more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at (847) 634-0777 or at

The Word - May 2015


Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at

Adult Education Series May 2015 Judaism 101: 5 Books in 4 Weeks! Taught by Rabbi Pivo

In this mini-course, offered three times this year, we will immerse ourselves in the Torah’s five books content and structure. The course fulfills requirements for our Adult B’nei Mitzvah, but is open to all. COST: Free for members; $5 for non-members Sunday mornings; 11:00 am SPRING SESSION: May 3

Tikkun Leil Saturday Evening May 23, 2015 7:30 pm Join us for a night of study. At Shavuot we remember and re-enact the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. As we celebrate that event we teach and learn deep into the night, staying awake in anticipation of the moment we came face to face with God. The evening will be full of learning with the clergy from Congregation Beth Judea and learned guest teachers.

Sweet Taste of Torah: Kohelet & Song of Songs Taught by Orin Rotman

Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. We are studying Kohelet and Song of Songs. Join us each week as we read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.

JUDAISM 201: "What's Bugging Rashi?" Taught by Rabbi Pivo

Tuesday evenings @ 8 pm For nearly a thousand years, Jews have understood the Torah through the eyes of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki, or Rashi. His commentary has been the indispensable source for beginners and expert students alike to understand Torah. Rashi's brief, clear comments are the best starting point for an in-depth study of our most vital texts. The course is open to all but with advanced students in mind; we will use the Hebrew text as much as possible.

Talmud & Jewish Life: Grappling with Life, Law and Innovation Taught by Orin Rotman

Sunday mornings at 8 am Participate in a lively discussion of the Talmud and its relevance for us today. No prior knowledge required and texts will be provided. We are working our way through a fascinating array of topics. Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class)

The Word - May 2015


Sisterhood Sisterhood Update - May 2015 Happy spring! We hope everyone had a meaningful Pesach holiday. Our 3/16/15 Women's Seder was beautiful. The food, decorations, Haggadah, and most of all, the company were just delightful. We extend our many thanks to Laurie B. Davis, Renee Kaplan, and their hard-working committee.

• the Palmach division of Haganah was established on Lag B'Omer 1941; • the Israeli government's order creating the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) was issued on Lag B'Omer 1948; • and in 2004, the Israeli government designated Lag B'Omer as a day for saluting the IDF reserves.

Pesach is over, and now that spring is here, we look forward to several holidays and/or events, all of which have a rich history:

Also, Sisterhood is having our board election and a salsa dancing lesson that evening.

 May 2, 2015 – Sisterhood Shabbat Sisterhood Shabbat is May 2, and we thank all those who agreed to participate- including our Men's Club members- who volunteered to help with chores Kiddush set- up and clean-up.

 May 10 - Mother's Day. Our "modern" Mother's Day is about 101 years old in the United States but celebrations can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, Romans and Christians.

 May 7, 2015 – Lag B’ Omer Sisterhood Event & Elections Lag B’Omer, celebrated on the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, is May 7. Although its origins are unclear, the Talmud says that during the counting of the Omer, 24,000 of Rabbi Akiba's students perished from a divinely-sent plague, allegedly because the students didn't show proper respect to one another. He was left with only five students, one of whom was Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, reputed to have been one of the greatest teachers of Torah in his generation.

 May 17- Sefer Torah Dedication This is our synagogue's Torah dedication day, so please join us and look for the special treats at the Sisterhood table

According to the Zohar, on the day of his death, he revealed the deepest secrets of Kabbalah, and his hillulah (like a Yahrzeit only it was a celebration instead of mourning), was celebrated on Lag B’Omer. During the Middle Ages, Lag B’Omer became a special holiday (Scholar's Day") for rabbinical students to celebrate through outdoor sports. Additionally, several other interesting historical events have happened on this: day: • the Palmach division of Haganah was established on Lag B'Omer 1941;

The Word - May 2015

 May 23- Shavuot Shavuot, (the Hebrew word for "weeks"), is the Jewish festival marking the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, which occurs seven weeks after Passover. Begun as an ancient agricultural festival, Shavuot marked the end of the spring barley harvest and the beginning of the summer wheat harvest when, for this pilgrimage festival, April 13, 2015 the Israelites brought crop offerings to the Temple 8:00 pm in Jerusalem. We hope you were able to join us for our March education program featuring Cyndee Schaffer, the author of MOLLIE'S WAR. Her mother, Molly Weinstein Schaffer, became one of the few Jewish WAC's in WWII. This event was open to the whole community. Please continue to consult the weekly on-line announcements and the monthly WORD for notices of future Sisterhood events. As always, we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. L'hit-ra-ot, - Merle Rumack, Secretary



MORNINGS IN JENIN by Susan Abulhawa

Where every woman’s voice is heard

SISTERHOOD SOCIAL PROGRAM Salsa/Latin Dance Lesson May 7, 2015 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm (lesson) Refreshments & Elections to follow

A powerful novel portraying the "other side" of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict-the viewpoint of Palestinian refugees uprooted in 1948. An intimate look at their existence by Amal, the granddaughter of the patriarch. Amal' s story threads through 6 decades of Palestine-Israeli tension and is a story of love & loss, of childhood, marriage, parenthood and finally the need to share her history with her daughter. Richly told & full of humanity.

Fred Astaire Dance Studio 404 W. Half Day Road Buffalo Grove, Illinois Reservations Required by May 4th See Flyer for Details

JUNE 18, 2015 – 7:00 PM

Download Flyer

Download Flyer

SISTERHOOD FUNDRAISERS Torah Pin Fund All Occasion Cards Entertainment Books

L’Chaim Cookbook (click here for your free recipe)

SISTERHOOD GIFTSHOP STOP IN AND SEE OUR NEW AND UNIQUE ITEMS We Have Great Gifts for Any Occassion Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder plates, Hanukkah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games, teacher gifts, and nonreligious gift items. The shop carries Gary Rosenthal, Nambe, and a large number of items imported directly from Israel. The shop also carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, you can special order about anything you may want. Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Tuesdays when Religious School is in session and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager. The Gift Shop has lots of new merchandise, including great High Holiday and other holiday gift items, as well as Bat/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift items. Check out Sisterhood’s own L'CHAIM TOO! Cookbook, filled with special recipes for all your holiday needs or as a great gift for any occasion. MC, VISA. and Discover accepted

The Word - May 2015

Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)

20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items. Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires May 31, 2015 COUPON


Men’s Club The month of May begins with the formal recognition of five of our Men’s Club members at the annual Cantor’s Assembly Convention in Rosemont on May 3rd. Norm Kurtz, Mitch Lerman, Jerry Sakol, Sandy Victor and I have completed the “Leading a Shiva Minyan” course taught by Hazzan Roger Weisberg. This is a pilot course cosponsored by Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs and the Cantor’s Assembly. The goal of the course is to fill a gap in our community by teaching men how to lead a shiva minyan. The graduates of Congregation Beth Judea, along with the graduates of Congregation Beth Shalom in Northbrook, will help lead the ma’ariv service at the Cantor’s Assembly convention. The third and final Hebrew Literacy course ended last month. Congratulations to Debbie Dubin, Robert Muise, Craig Cohn, Gayle Pervos, Barbara Cohen, Diane Ganden, Karri Spiegel, Susan Weitzman Goldwasser, and Steve Perlis, who completed the course. We wish them all the best on their ongoing journey. The Craft Beer and Burger event has been rescheduled. Due to several issues including kashrut (not all beer is kosher! who knew?), the Men’s Club Craft Beer and Burger Dinner has been rescheduled for Sunday May 31st. Please save the date, more information will follow. Play ball! Softball season began April 26th. The Men’s Club Softball league has expanded from six to twelve teams. The CBJ Men’s Club Softball team, the defending champions, will play ten regular season games this year. Games this year will be played in Northbrook. You must be a paid member of Men’s Club to be eligible to play. Contact Allen Harris if you are interested in playing for the team. Even if you don’t play softball, consider coming out to the park to cheer on your team.

The 2015 FJMC Convention will be held in Miami Beach, Florida July 8 to July 12. The theme of the convention is Engage! At the convention you can engage with the top thinkers and leaders in Conservative Judaism, engage your body and spirit, engage with Jewish Men, Women, and Congregational leaders from around the globe in camaraderie, education, leadership development and fun. Visit the website at for more information. Our own Sandy Victor will be honored at the FJMC Convention when he receives the Midwest Region Ma’asim Tovim Award. The Ma’asim Tovim Award is the highest recognition a region can give to one if its own members. It is given to an individual who has worked on behalf of the region for many years. Sandy has served on the Congregation Beth Judea Men’s Club Board for 25 years. He was involved in many of the Men’s Club synagogue projects around our shul including landscaping, paneling the Bet Hamidrash, designing and building the CBJ Sukkah. Sandy also has served on our Congregation’s Board of Directors for 20 years including terms as Facilities VP, Ritual VP, Parliamentarian, Constitution Committee Chairman and Co-Chairman of the Rabbi Search Committee. You can honor Sandy by placing a tribute on the on line journal at Yasher Koach to Sandy on this well deserved honor! Eric Yegelwel

Tzedakah Fund The Men's Club has made donations from the minyan tzedakah box to: The ARK American Friends of Magen David Adom Jewish National Fund We thank all those who have contributed to the tzedakah fund administered by Men's Club.

The Word - May 2015


Men’s Club CONGRATULATIONS TO SANDY VICTOR WINNER OF THE MIDWEST REGION MA’ASIM TOVIM AWARD Sandy Victor was born in Madison, Wisconsin and lived there until he was eight. He spent the rest of his formative years in Milwaukee. Sandy studied engineering at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee, receiving his BS and MS degrees in 1974. He took a break during his sophomore year to join the US Air Force Reserve, where he served for six years. After graduation, Sandy moved to the Chicago south suburb of Park Forest to begin a career in the refinery and petrochemicals business. He worked for Atlantic Richfield, Amoco Oil Company, and is currently with UOP. During his career he worked in the areas of process design, project engineering, research and development, and heat transfer equipment. In addition to engineering, Sandy began studying hypnosis after graduating college. After years of practice, he became a Certified Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists in 1992. Sandy's hypnosis practice is geared to helping individuals deal with or overcome a wide variety of issues. After moving to Chicagoland, Sandy met Marilyn, a native of the south side of Chicago. They were married in June 1976. Sandy and Marilyn have three children: Jeff is an illustrator living in Los Angeles; Debbie is a pediatric occupational therapist in Chicago; and David is a middle school orchestra teacher in the far northwest suburbs. Sandy had his Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Ner Tamid in Milwaukee. He was active in both AZA and USY in high school. After moving to Buffalo Grove in 1986, Sandy and Marilyn affiliated with Congregation Beth Judea.

Almost immediately, Sandy joined the Beth Judea Men's Club that was just restarting and rebuilding itself. He got involved in many of the Men's Club projects around the shul, such as landscaping, building a handicapped access ramp to the bima, paneling the Bet Hamidrash, and designing and building the synagogue's sukkah. He served on the Men's Club Board of Directors for about 25 years, including terms as Secretary, Vice President of House, Vice President of Ways and Means, First Vice President, and eventually, President. At the same time, he served on the shul's Board of Directors for over twenty years, including terms as Facilities Vice President, Ritual Vice President, Parliamentarian, Constitution Committee chairman, and co-chairman of the Rabbi Search committee. After serving as the Beth Judea Club President, Sandy got involved with the Midwest Region. He served as Secretary, Vice President for several terms, Executive Vice President and President in 2006-2008. The highlight of his term was being President during the FJMC Convention in Chicago in 2007. Upon completing his term as regional President, Sandy got more involved in the International FJMC. He has served as chairman of the World Wide Wrap, Quality Club Award, and the Training Reference Materials committee, which updated the Club and Regional President manuals. Sandy loves traveling. He has been in all 50 states and 27 countries. He also loves going to concerts, movies, and musical theater performances. Place an ad for Sandy Victor

The Ma'asim Tovim Award is the highest recognition a Region can give to one of its members. It is usually given to individuals who have worked on behalf of the region for many years. It is presented at the FJMC Convention. This year's well as short bios tell why they are to be so honored. Their awards will be presented at the 2015 Convention in Miami Beach, Florida. To really understand the impact our past honorees have made on FJMC members in their communities and regions, watch this video.

The Word - May 2015


Men’s Club Thank you to the following people who helped with the preparation, packing and delivery of the Yellow Yom Hashoah candles: Elliot Bankendorf Noah Brody Craig Cohn Dustin Cohn Gary Ernsteen Ron Friedman

Joey Gluck Michael Gomberg Stone Gomberg David Granoff Matthew Greenberg Norm Kurtz

Rob Lipka Fred Rabinowitz Sandy Ramras Orin Rotman Evan Rumack Jerry Sakol Ben Stark

The Men’s Club also donated a Yellow Candle to the Writer’s Theatre in Glencoe to be used on Yom HaShoah in their performance of The Diary of Anne Frank. Below is a message from them. Yom HaShoah in Glencoe Beth Judea Men’s Club donated a Yellow Candle to Writer’s Theatre in Glencoe to be lit for their Yom HaShoah performance of The Diary of Anne Frank. The cast lit the candle before the performance, and the staff was on hand to discuss the candle and Yom HaShoah with the audience. Men’s Club received the following message from Writer’s Theatre: Thank you again for providing the information and candle, which gave us the opportunity to participate in this important event. The candle was lit by the cast and was in the lobby with patrons leading up to the beginning of the performance. We did receive some lovely comments from audience members that night regarding the candle. We were honored to be able to participate. As we discussed, I wanted to follow up with a couple of photos, which are attached. Mike Shaw, Box Office & Sales Manager

We were thrilled to have the opportunity to help others remember the Holocaust. May the memory of those who perished be a reminder that all humanity must say “NEVER AGAIN!”

The Word - March 2015


Men’s Club

BETH JUDEA MEN’S CLUB INVITES YOU TO JOIN US ON SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015 at 5:00 pm FOR OUR 1st ANNUAL BEER AND BURGER TASTING EVENT OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY – ADULTS 21 AND OVER By popular demand, Beth Judea Men’s Club is pleased to host our first annual beer and burger tasting on Sunday, May 31 at 5:00 pm. RSVP no later than May 20 Please click here for the reservation form and additional informaiton.: Contact: David Granoff at or Allen Harris at



Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives.

The Word - May 2015

Questions – contact Allen Harris at

HELP THE ELDERLY ATTEND SERVICES Once a month, the Beth Judea Men’s Club volunteers at the Lieberman Geriatric Center and helps the elderly get to and from services. We need volunteers for May 9.


Did You Know... This new article is to share congregants achievements/accomplishments. If you would like to share something, please contact the synagogue office.

High School Senior Sendoff Shabbat Dear CBJ Families, It’s so hard to believe it – but it seems your child(ren)’s high school years are at an end and they’re getting ready to move on to a new stage in their lives. Mazel Tov to your child(ren) on their upcoming graduation, you should feel very proud of them and, I’m sure, excited about what comes next.

Rabbi Pivo in the News Read Rabbi Pivo's Moving Article about the Song of Songs Published in the FJMC's Publication Dear Fellow Congregants: Rabbi Pivo recently had this interesting and moving article about the Song of Songs published in the FJMC's publication "The Unraveller." This is not the first time Rabbi Pivo has had an article published in "The Unraveller" and we thought you would like to know this. To Read Rabbi Pivo's Article Featured In "The Unraveller“ click here. "The Unraveller" is published every week and is delivered only to subscribers directly to their email. If you are interested in subscribing, you can click below to sign up for automatic delivery to your email box click here. Beth Judea Men's Club

The Word - May 2015

We here at Congregation Beth Judea take a great deal of pride in their accomplishments and want to honor your children here at a special service we’re calling our “Senior Sendoff Shabbat.” On Friday, May 29, 2015, we’d like to call up our graduating seniors to be honored and blessed before the congregation. Won’t you and your graduating seniors come and be honored on this very special evening. Services for Friday, May 29, 2015 begin at 7:30 pm. Please email ( or call the synagogue office (847-634-0777) and let us know if you’ll be able to join us. Rabbi Pivo, Hazzan Weisberg, Lisa Neiman and I look forward to sharing this great evening with you. If you would like to sponsor the oneg, please contact our Executive Director, Lisa Neiman ( Warmly, Anna Besser Education Director

LIFE IN ISRAEL THE GOODMAN’S BLOG Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can a all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog. In this issue, they talk about the election results and their latest day trip. .Click here to share their experience.


SHALVA “Its okay, the children aren’t effected” But what if you knew they were? Shalva clients will often say that they can withstand their husband’s abuse as long as he never directs his anger toward their children. What many women don’t understand is that children are the silent victims of abuse and that they often repeat the behaviors they have seen. According to a recent study, over 90% of children are aware of domestic abuse in their home. These children are affected emotionally, cognitively, and physically. They are at great risk and often experience low selfesteem, shame, fear and guilt. Many distrust adults, fail to thrive or suffer from depression and anxiety. What can we do? The issue of domestic abuse is not just a women’s issue; it affects the entire family as well as our Jewish community. SHALVA offers free counseling to Jewish women who are or were in an intimate partner relationship. If you or someone you know needs our help, call 773-583-4673.

We Would Like To Know WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement, or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Hesed (Caring) committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records. Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.


An Important Announcement YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the Hesed (Caring) committee members below: Rabbi Pivo Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack

The Word - May 2015

CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at or call Rabbi Pivo. FOR A LIST OF EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS, AGENCIES AND RESOURCES click here



PROGRAMMING We are trying to get people with common interests together.


Join Rabbi Pivo For Dinner and Conversation Tuesday June 2, 2015 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Topic: Ask the Rabbi 5 Questions Cost for Dinner: $12/pp Reservations required to click here for flyer

If you like a game or activity that others may enjoy let us know.

Are you interested in: Bridge


Mah Jongg Klucke/Kalookie

Or are you interested in just joining people for: Breakfast


Sports or Sharing your interests and hobbies?

All suggestions are WELCOME!! We are interested in getting new ideas for Programming. If you have any ideas or have seen good programs at other synagogues, please share them with us.

PROGRAMMING It is my goal to make sure that we have programs that are of interest to all the different congregants of the synagogue and to get people to help plan and volunteer to help with those programs. I invite you to join the Programming Committee. If you can’t attend but would like to be involved call or email me. Any ideas for new programs are welcome!!

Please contact Fred Rabinowitz at

Upon three things the world is based: Upon Torah, Upon Divine Service

Fred Rabinowitz Vice President - Programming

The Word - May 2015

and Upon the Practice of Charity


Interfaith Council

Social Action

As Beth Judea is a member of the Interfaith Council, we ask for your assistance in supporting the following programs:

May 3 – Bingo at Friend Center 3:30 pm 1st Sunday of each month from 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm We meet the first Sunday of every month from 3:30 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. . Volunteers are needed to help Friend Center at Gidwitz Place (1551 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield) residents play Bingo. Assistance from all congregants is welcome.

May 9 – Stamp Out Hunger Click for Flyer The US Postal Service will collect non-perishable food from your mailboxes to help fill our food pantries.

May 10 – Pets to Visit Alden Retirement Ctr. 2nd Sunday of each month from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Bring your pet to visit the residents of Alden Retirement Center in Long Grove.

June 28 – iWalk – Click for Flyer A 5K family event to help feed our community’s hungry.

May 18– Social Action Meeting Last Monday of each month at 8:00 pm Please join us for the 7:30 pm minyan just before our 8:00 pm committee meeting every month.

August 4 – National Night Out – Click for Flyer FREE Food, Entertainment and Giveaways 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm - Food and freebies 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Live Music w/Neverly Brothers

The Social Action Committee meets on the last Monday of each month. WE WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN US!!

Disability Awareness

For further information on any of the above, please contact Scott Eisner at .

Thank you to Marc Sender and the USYers for painting beautiful flower pots to be donated as raffle prizes to Jewish Child and Family Services Spring Fling. We truly appreciate your effort and artistic talent and your help to support individuals with disabilities.

Renee Klass

Loss of Spouse or Partner Healing Hearts Northwest Suburban Jewish Grief Support Held at Temple Chai from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Tuesdays, May 5 – June 9, 2015 Click here for flyer

JCC Grandparents Weekend Create Special Memories to Treasure Forever JCC Perlstein Resort Grandparents Weekend L’Dor Va-Dor June 19 – 21, 2015 Click here for flyer

Upon three things the world is based: Upon Torah, Upon Divine Service, and Upon the Practice of Charity.

Cell Phone Drop-Off Box In Synagogue Office! Help domestic abuse victims by donating your old cell phones. Each phone raises money for domestic abuse crisis-counseling services in the Jewish community! There is a collection box in the synagogue office. The Word - May 2015


BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: May 11

Charles Braverman Robin Fingerhut Manny Ribot Howard Spiegel

May 12

Debra Steiner Joel Yashinsky

May 1

Lisa Kaufman Craig Minnick Dennis Sender Barbara Silver Rebecca Zeidman

May 2

Debra Dubin Herbert Finn David Lorber Nathan Schwarz

May 13

Jennifer Ban Michael Rosenbaum

May 3

Scott Fishman

May 14

May 4

Michael Kaplan

Adam Barshefsky Suzanne Eisenberg Richard Krieberg Deborah Mills

May 5

Matthew Kudlowitz Sandy Stelzer Rona Wolf

May 6

Renee Klass Lillian Landau Sherri Lieberman Michael Movitz Judd Sackheim

May 15

Barbara Levenstein Laura Suskin Sandra Zussman

May 16

Elliott Bankendorf Nancy Manewith Jason Thalheimer

May 22

Jeanne Babbitt Aaron Hershinow Erica Krugel Anita Nemoy Ronald Nisson

May 23

Jay Levin Linda Lippman Dorinne Palmer Alan Ratskoff Cheryl Sturt

May 24

Bryan Fooden Murray Lewison

May 25

Sharon Kleinerman

May 26

Gerald Brin Michael Brown Fred Goldman Jerry Patt Martin Stern

May 27

Gayle Brim Jodi Pine

May 28

Ian Goldberg

May 29

Stacy Groner Emanuel Krakauer William London Renee Segal Amanda Shulman

May 17 Debbie Chorpash Ross Gluck Marc Posner Howard Sussman Harriet Zablen

Evy Gurin Robert Vinikoor

May 18

Marla Feld Heather Melnick Kimberly Shapiro

May 8

Joanne Dicker

May 19

May 9

Neil Greenhill Philip Wein

Scott Eisner Robert Hunter Orin Rotman

May 20 May 10

Steven Greenberg Yigal Greener Sheldon Robbins Mark Zolno

Leslie Peck Steven Turofsky

May 30

Deborah Kovich Robert Ragland Tammy Scheibe

Trudy Balogh Phyllis Faber Sandra Nisson

May 31

Yosef Dahan Chuck Orloff Jon Soble Nancy Watts

May 7

May 21

ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: May 1

Michael and Jennifer Brown Steven and Jodi Levit

May 2

Fred and Jackie Strauss

May 6

Steven and Leslie Peck

May 8

Todd and Elli Waldrop

May 9

Scott and Deborah Fishman Michael and Hillary Savitt

May 10

Arthur and Marlene Greenberg

May 16

Lorne and Julie Cohen Barry and Kendra Rosen

May 18

Jason and Hannah Thalheimer

May 19

Richard and Susan Russell Alan and Dassi Sklan Mitchell and Debbie Weiss

May 20

Manny and Lisa Ribot

May 27

Steve and Bonnie Fischoff

May 22

Randy and Betsy Haberman David and Michelle Reinstein

May 28

May 23

Bradley and Tara Arnold Craig and Janice Minnick Barry and Barbra Stark

Michael and Peggy Kaplan Andrew and Sandra Levitt Jonathan and Sheri Lippman David and Bonnie Spangler Roger and Audrey Weisberg

May 29

May 24

Seth and Rosalind Eisner

May 25

Jerry and Terri Behn David and Nicole Colen Dustin and Jamie Epstein Josh and Elonna Finkle Steven and Judy Greenberg Philip and Karen Nagel

Steven and Eve Appelbaum Charles and Devida Braverman Alan and Eileen Spiegel Kevin and Adriane Zucker

May 30

Myles and Cynthia Bauer Andrew and Kim Bauman Allen and Sharon Harris

May 31

Michael and Sharon Shapiro

May 26

Joel and Kristy Yashinsky Andrew and Roberta Zarchy

We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration. NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.

The Word - May 2015



Harry Bauer Merrill Cohen Janice Gottlieb * Ione Ilvenne Max Kriegler Sadie Marcus Sol Pinsker Marsha Rosen * Sam Wolf *

Anna Brody * Malva Dobrikin * Goldie Graff * Lisa Jacobs Richard Krivitzky * Benjamin Margules Orville Ragoven Eva Rosenblatt

Harry J. Caplan * Martha Forman Rami Greener Nancy Joy Karlin Carol Joy Lazar * Harry Markowitz Clara Ramras George Schallman

Baruch Cohen Jenny Gardberg * Harold Hennes Harry Kintz * Merrill Litwin Walter Mendelsohn Ricki Reznick * Joseph Schwartz

May 8

Phyllis Appel Doris Byk Morris P. Cohen * Nathan Goldie * Arthur Karns * Manuel Litwin Sylvia Ludwig Sharon Nusinow Ida Rice Molly Springer *

Spencer Block * Barry Citrow Marvin Cutler Rosalyn Grossman * Leonard Lavin Lois London Alan Momet Louis Pieter * Edward Robbin

Iris Bloom Marshall Coady * Bobbie Frances Fischer * Lillian Horwitz * Edward Leibowitz Irving Lozowski Theodore Munn * Edith Platt * Burton Rosenbaum *

Alice H. Braun * Alice Cohen * Martha Gindin Lynne Isaacson * Joseph Levin * Benjamin Ludwig * Frank Neubauer Shirley Prosansky * Mark Sachs *

May 15

Rebecca Berger * Sara Cohen * Virginia Friedman Elsie Halperin * Ezra Levin Edward Momet Bernard Rich Gail Schwab Max Wasserman

Jerry Blustein * Bernhard Edelstein * Phyllis Geltner * Jerome Hirshman * Fay Lewis * Vivian Oscherwitz * Nita Ritov Sam Shiner * Stuart Weiner *

Eli Brickman * Emanuel Feinstone Irvin Greiman * Esther Klein * David Magill Bertha Pander William Schero Harry Stone * Mary Yatkowsky *

Geraldine Burdeen * Sylvia Frager Max Grossman Benjamin LeVine David Momet Herman Ramras Bertha Schnabel Frances Taler

May 22

Joseph Albun * Riley Grace Bernstein Charles Drobny * Henry Graff * Bonnie Kaufman * Irma Reicher * Joseph Sabol Arthur Seres Joseph Wishnick

Rose Babbitt Arthur Bloom Philip Goldberg Abe Greenberg Brenda Levitt * Sam Remer * Shel Schuster Sam Shapiro Al Wolf *

Ralph Barnett Muriel Brown * Edward Gordon Meyer Herman * Lionel Minnen Betty Robbin Earl H. Segal Sarah Simons * Uriel Yakubov

Martin Berenson * Howard Coady * Morris Goroff * Eva Hershinow Johnson * Leonard Powell * Belle Rubenstein * Ethel Serbin * Sol Weiss

May 29

Shelley F. Bregman Charles Davis * Robert Halperin * Milton Kane Bob Lonz Ruth Moline * Donald Sherman * Roman Stupel

Walter Brin * Donald Goldstein Fannie Herman * Irving Katz Ernest Mathias * Harvey Peck * Donald Siegel * Esther Zelson

Maurice Chorney * William Goldstein Andrea Israel * Alex Kaufman * June Mattson Julius Polansky Sabrin Siegel *

Sol Chubin Max Greenhill Harry Johnson Tilly Kohl Sheldon Mills Nelson Rafal Edward Stolman

* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.

The Word - May 2015




Bea Bauer * Edna Krassek * Alan Medansky Jane Rosenberg Scott Taxer

Rachel Hershman * Pauline Krivitzky * Denise Posner * Eric Schweitzer William Travis *

Janice Jacobson * Rosalyn Levin * Lorraine Ramras Ruth Silberstein Bernard Yegelwel *

William Kamerling * Morris Linderman * David Rosenbaum * Raymond Simons * Dolly Zucker

June 12

Abe Bangelsdorf * Bernice Cohen * Gilbert Fooden Evelyn Hortick Arnold Klass * Victor Lichtenstein * Max Rosen * Janis Siegellak Lynn Zacherl *

Adrienne Bauman` Judith Drobner Aileen Gold * Gertrude Horwitz * Betty Lazar * Jacob Magill Sidney Rudolph Lewis Spivak *

Hyman Brody * Estelle Eisenberg Randy B. Goldberg Pearl E. Kahalnik * Morris Levin Sid Pollans Bertha Sabol Solomon Springer *

Betty Chorpash Saul Fagan Osna Goldstein Harry Kamen * Steven Levy Morris Rich Marc Schwartz Nathan Stoller *

June 19

John Alterman Dorothy Block Estelle Charman Anna Feld Esther Kintz * Sara Liebovitz * Charlotte Nothmann * Anita Alberta Schoen * Harry Watchman

George Altman Edward Bower Abe Cohn Henry Feld Mollie E. Levine * Shirley Lipscher * Ronald Pinkus * Shirley Shifrin *

Maurice Baygood * Allan Brandt Rose Falk * Margot Isenberg Barbara Levy * Jennie Lipsey Sol Polonsky Lawrence Tepper

Rachel Bernstein Sam Burkin * Ida Feinstone Al Jacobs Lois Lichtenstein Norman Moses * Norman Rabinowitz * Marvin Udany *

June 26

Leonard Altman * Ira Drazner Jean Kalisky Annette Movitz * Fannie Rabinowitz * Abe Sachs Stephan Shiffers Rose Waldman *

Jerry Belsky * Alex Feldman * Jack Kersky Raya Nochimson * Adele Revzin Kalman Sachs Harry Silverstone John Wallach *

Marion Block * Jack Goldberg * Stuart Kreisman Gerhard Nothmann * Rose Rosenthal * Irene Schweitzer Estelle Slivinsky

Dottie Dicker Aaron Greenberg * Joanne Miller Richard Peck Simon Rubinstein * Harry Shavitz * Jacob Tominberg *

* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.

The Word - May 2015


TRIBUTES FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FUNDS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGES 51, 52 & 53 OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Prayers have been said for the recovery of: Irving Adelstein Marilyn Balan Joel Brazeman Michael Jaffe Perry Katz Barbara Marcus Esther Mosak Joan Smith Lee Taxer Robert Victor Larry Wollheim

RABBI LIFSHITZ DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Gail & Rabbi Lifshitz on the birth of their grandson, Chase Louis Goldstein. Marlene & Louis Grossman Ann & Mitch Lerman Susie & Bob Pinzur The Kovich & Brown Families Upon the Yahrzeit of: Sylvia Ludwig Michael, Gayle, Ian, Leah and Jamie Ludwig

RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND Condolences upon the death of: Dorothy Brooks Mother of Renee Haskell Robyn Kreger

In Honor of: Gail & Rabbi Lifshitz on the birth of their grandson, Chase Louis Goldstein. Rhonda & Jeff Wener Rona Wolf

Sister of Staci Turofsky Upon the Yahrzeit of: Arthur Karns, loving father and grandfather. Laura, Stan, Mike and David Zoller Congratulations to: Alyssa & Scott Horwitz on the birth of their daughter, Kara Elizabeth Horwitz, and to proud grandparents, Marla & Bruce Horwitz, Tina Gross Isaacson and Larry Isaacson. Barbara & Jeffrey Julis on the engagement of their daughter Rachel to Michael Collart. Gail & Rabbi Howard Lifshitz on the birth of their grandson Chase Louis Goldstein. Amanda & Scott Shulman on the birth of their son, Samuel Meyer Shulman.

Sylvia Ludwig Michael, Gayle, Ian, Leah and Jamie Ludwig

RABBI PIVO’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Rabbi Pivo in gratitude for his blessings said in honor of my 70th birthday. Avnun Yakubov Upon the Yahrzeit of: Sylvia Ludwig Michael, Gayle, Ian, Leah and Jamie Ludwig

The Word - May 2015

CANTOR WEISBERG’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: Cantor Weisberg for the warm and moving service he performed for the dedication of my mother’s gravestone. Alina Greenhill In Honor of: Audrey & Cantor Weisberg on the birth of their grandson, Owen Bradley Eisner. Janice Weiner & Lou Seif In Memory of: Samuel Dicker, beloved father and zaide. Joanne & Steve, Adam & Scott Dicker

Eli Seltzer, beloved husband of Charlotte, father of Barbara Levenstein and grandfather of Erin Weisberg. Dan Weisberg & David Klingenberger Upon the Yahrzeit of: Dr. Spencer J. Block, beloved brother and uncle. Gloria, Harold, Ross and Rachel Secler Gerald Brownfield Marshall Brownfield Barbara Greenberg Morley, beloved sister and aunt. Marlene & Arthur Greenberg

Fannie Kaner, beloved mother and grandmother of Sheldon and Carol Kaner and Family. Sheldon and Carol Kaner and Family Samuel Lettvin, my beloved grandfather. Judy Goldstein Sylvia Ludwig Michael, Gayle, Ian, Leah and Jamie Ludwig Irving Markowitz Hadrian & Randy Markowitz




In Honor of: Gail & Rabbi Lifshitz on the birth of their grandson, Chase Louis Goldstein. Maureen & David Stolman

In Honor of: Gail & Rabbi Lifshitz on the birth of their grandson, Chase Louis Goldstein. Janet & Myron Reicher

Upon the Yahrzeit of: Gilbert Agrest, our beloved father and papa. Jan & Craig Minnick and Family

Ron Friedman receiving Beth Judea Men’s Club Man of the Year Award. Helene Fox

Mary Berman Oscar R. Berman Leona Wolf Charles Wolf

In Memory of: Isabelle Victor, beloved mother of Sandy Victor. Ann & Mitch Lerman Marla & Mel Wolf

Betty J. Isaacson, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. With much love, Larry Isaacson and Family

Upon the Yahrzeit of: Iris Bloom, my dear beloved mother. Sherry Weinberger Harry J. Caplan, my beloved father. Ron Caplan

Max Kriegler Suzanne Reingold Molly Springer, beloved mother. Janet Reicher Joseph Wishnick Harold Rothschild

The Suskin Family

Upon the Yahrzeit of: Ellen Coltman, in loving memory of the best friend I ever had. Starky

The Word - May 2015


In Honor of: Ann & Mitch Lerman on the marriage of their daughter Ashley to Michael Berman. Rona Wolf In Memory of: In loving memory of Ethan on his upcoming birthday. Dr. Kenneth & Marla Levitan

USY/KADIMA SCHOLARSHIP FUND Speedy Recovery Wishes: Joan Smith, wishing you and your car a quick and painless recovery. Debbie & Mark Dubin

In Appreciation of: Bruce Darin saying Kaddish for my father on his Yahrzeit when I was unable to do so. Dana Goldstein

JACK RIZMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Pola Rizman, with our deepest condolences to the entire Rizman Family. Helene Fox Francine, Sam, David and Naomi Ephraim


Eli Seltzer Marlon, Laura, Mark and Max Suskin


In Memory of: Harry, the father of Carole Goodman Melinda, Jeff, Jonathan and Elizabeth Fine

Upon the Yahrzeit of: Ethan Levitan, in loving memory of your beloved son. Marilyn & Ken Fried

EDUCATION FUND In Memory of: Bill Brogadir


In Honor of: Gail & Rabbi Lifshitz on the birth of their grandson Chase Louis Goldstein. Marsha & Chuck Bernstein

Upon the Yahrzeit of: Jenny Gardberg Rita & Glen Gardberg

Karen & Phil Nagel on the engagement of their daughter Julia to Mark Sobin. Ann & Mitch Lerman


CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: Website: Rabbi Jeff Pivo Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Debbie Kreisman Dubin Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender Editor Evan Rumack

From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.

Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg Shabbat Evening Services ........................................ 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Morning Services ....................................... 9:30 a.m. Gan Shabbat – Shabbat Mornings ............................ 10:30 a.m. Weekday Morning Minyan: Sunday .................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Monday ................................................................ 6:15 a.m. Tuesday through Friday ........................................ 7:30 a.m.

Candle Lighting Times Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. May 1 .......................................................... 7:33 p.m. May 8

......................................................... 7:41 p.m.

May 15 ......................................................... 7:48 p.m. May 22 .......................................................... 7:55 p.m. May 23 ... Erev Shavuot -light candles after.. 8:56 p.m. May 24 ... ........ Shavuot -light candles after.. 8:57 p.m.

Weekday Evening Minyan: Monday through Thursday .................................... 7:30 p.m.

May 29 ........................................................... 8:01 p.m

The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.

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