The Word - May 2016

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Sisterhood Shabbat

‫שַׁ בָּת הַ אֲ חָ יוֹת‬ May 6, 2016

Men’s Club Moo and Brew May 22, 2016

Adult B’nei Mitzvah May 28, 2016

5304 RFD, Hilltop Rd. & Route 83, Long Grove, IL 60047 Phone: 847-634-0777


Rabbi’s Reflections WHERE WE’RE GOING The period between Pesakh and Shavuot, Judaism’s two great spring festivals, is a time of transition and growth, much like the season in which they occur. Having left mitzrayim, both communal and personal, we are liberated. As we journey toward the new life we will merit upon receiving the Torah at Shavuot, we more fully appreciate just how far we have travelled to get where we’re going. At Beth Judea, we move toward the conclusion of another year of learning for our children and adults, mastering the skills and knowledge that we need for Jewish living. We mark the many happy simhas that we have enjoyed together at baby namings, b’nei mitzvah, weddings and other shared celebrations, including the achievements of our adult b’nei mitzvah class, whom we will honor on the Shabbat of May 28. We fondly recall the 5th annual Purim Masquerade, another huge success. We celebrate a second year of fundraising in our Me’ah campaign, looking ahead to fully funding our endowment as we approach our 50th anniversary as a synagogue in 2018. In these ways and so many others, our lives have been enriched, our time sanctified, by being together. Between leaving mitzrayim and arriving at Sinai, we also reflect on the lives of those whom we have lost. Both these holidays conclude with the yizkor service, as we remember family and friends whose love and lives made us who we are. It is a time of poignant memory; we are grateful for having had them in our lives, at the same time we regret the fact of their absence. In a fitting coincidence, the Israeli and American

Memorial Days, modern holidays, also occur at this time of year, providing an opportunity to remember national losses together, in sacred convocation. The seven weeks from Pesakh to Shavuot are known as the omer, named for the barley offering brought to the Jerusalem Temple at this time of year when our ancestors were a settled people in the Holy Land. Over time, the omer period took on the patina of semi-mourning; weddings were traditionally not held at this time of the year, and some took on the practice of not cutting their hair as a folk custom to ward off evil. Perhaps the interstice between liberation from servitude and the exaltation of the Torah’s revelation at Sinai created anxiety: things are better than they were; will we be alright? As we remember the challenges we have overcome this year, and as we look forward to the time when we celebrate Torah again, we should recall how much we have to be thankful for, how much we have achieved, and how many great blessings we are yet to inherit because of the hard work and devotion our members have shown each other. As Shavuot leads us into summer, we are already planning another year of learning, celebration, and community building. I hope that each one of us uses this time to reflect on one concrete difference we can make in the life of the community, by attending minyan morning or evening, by learning a new Jewish skill, inspired by the memory of where we have come from and where we would like to be in the new year to come. Rabbi Jeff Pivo

The Word – May 2016



CBJ ONLINE Congregation Beth Judea purchased a software update to our Membership Management software program. This is an interactive software package which permits our Members to log in to the site and accomplish many tasks. A member can:  Look up directory information on any fellow Congregant  Update their own profile  Register for events  Make a Donation online  Fill out membership forms  View Yahrzeit information By getting full utilization of the software package, Beth Judea will be able to save several thousands of dollars and have accurate information. If you have misplaced your user id or password please contact Lisa at 847-634-0777. Thanks Arnie Goldberg President

Lisa Neiman Executive Director

In This Issue Page Rabbi’s Reflections 2 CBJ Online 3 Calendar 4 President’s Message 5 Yom Ha’Shoah 6 Special Upcoming Events 6 Annual Meeting 7 CBJ Mission Statement 7 Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class 8 Goodman’s Blog 8 HUGS (Inclusion Program) 10 Alternative Shabbat Service 10 Planned Giving 10 Religious Education 11 BJE Early Childhood Center 12 The Word - May 2016

Page Focus on Families 12 Youth 12 Adult Education 13 Men’s Club 15 Torah Fund Appeal 16 Sisterhood 17 Interfaith Council 20 MT Nesters 20 Save the Date 20 The Helping Hand Plan 21 Hesed 21 SHALVA 22 Birthdays & Anniversaries 23 Yahrzeits 25 Tributes 27 3

CALENDAR Special Events May 6 May 9 May 26 May 28

Seis de Mayo Shabbat Dinner followed by Sisterhood Shabbat Friends of the Israel Defense Forces Annual Meeting Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class

Sisterhood May 2 May 6 May 10 May 11 May 17

Sisterhood Spring Social Sisterhood Shabbat & Torah Fund Speaker Sisterhood Meeting & BG Mikvah Speaker Sisterhood Book Club & Meet the Author Speaker Scott Turk on Identity Theft

Men’s Club May 1 May 7 May 22

Yom HaShoah May 4

Community Yom Ha’Shoah Service

For Our Congregants The Helping Hand Plan Hesed SHALVA

Religious School May 1 May 1 May 1 May 10 May 10 May 13-14 May 15 May 15

Softball Season Begins!! Lieberman Center Moo & Brew

Meeting with 2nd Grade Families Kallah Info Meeting Aleph Siyum Religious School Heh Graduation Aleph Bet Kallah Last Day of Religious School 2nd Grade Graduation

Focus on Families May 20

Tot Shabbat

Social Action May 14

Stamp Out Hunger

HUGS Inclusion Programs May Events

Youth IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUTH View our calendar online at

See Our Information Sheet

Meetings Adult Ed Through May Until May 10

Text and Context: Pirkei Avot Hebrew Literacy III Hebrew Ulpan Hebrew 102: Let’s Continue Weekly Classes Visit Our Adult Education Page

Please check website BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers May 6, 2016 – 7:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of Mayl will be recognized at our service on May 6th. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm. Children of every age are welcome!

The Word - May 2016


President’s Message I hope everyone enjoyed their Passover holiday amongst friends and family. As we enter the month of May, we are nearing the end of our fiscal year and the first year of my two-year term as president of the congregation. Many exciting and important things have occurred at CBJ over the last 36 months. We have done some significant

The success of the campaign could not have been achieved without the hard work of the Me’ah committee and its cochairs Mitch Lerman and Natalie Solomon.

On behalf of the congregation, I cannot thank them enough for their tireless ARNIE GOLDBERG efforts. At the end of our fiscal year, CBJ PRESIDENT Mitch and Natalie’s term as co-chairs renovations to our building, both externally and will expire and they are being succeeded by our internally: new chairs, new carpets, new Torah newly elected co-chairs Steve Limer and Paul covers, new roof, repaved parking lot, refurbished Saharack. Over the course of the next several playground and parsonage, and hopefully stopped months, we will be trying to contact the remainder the water leak in the basement and repaired the of our Congregants asking them to participate in damage. the campaign. Each congregant will be receiving correspondence with further details. We have initiated a new “Focus on Families” June 30, 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of program and hired a new coordinator for this Congregation Beth Judea. I would be remiss if I program, Brad Egel. With the guidance of the did not report that while we have been able to membership committee, the clergy, our education present a balance budget and maintain our and youth directors, and the assistance of the dues standards of excellence in our religious, social, and the finance committees, we have formulated a educational, and youth programs, we have had to program with an appropriate dues structure that cut expenses in many areas. This fiscal year we will make Beth Judea the preferred location for are running a small cash deficit of around $25 young families seeking a Jewish affiliation. These thousand. We will be presenting all the financial young families are clearly our future and will help and budget information at our annual meeting on Beth Judea be the Conservative congregation of May 26th. We will be voting on our new Board the Northwest Suburbs for many years to come. slate and an overview of current conditions and challenges that CBJ faces in the future. The next Two years ago, we initiated a major fund raising few years will present several challenges for our campaign called Me’ah. This campaign has been congregation, as we will be required to make discussed several times by Rabbi and me from the decisions regarding the way our congregation is bima. As of this date, we have approached structured for the future. These decisions will approximately one third of our congregants and affect our sustainability for the long term. I have secured pledges of over $2 million. These encourage every congregant to attend our Annual monies will be ear-marked for future major building Meeting as we look into our future challenges. renovations and for an endowment fund to secure our financial future. Arnie Goldberg President CBJ

The Word - May 2016


Special Events

Seis de Mayo Shabbat Dinner Celebrate Shabbat – Mexican Style Friday, May 6, 2016 6:15pm Shabbat Services led by the Sisterhood 7:30 pm The menu includes: Taco & fajita bar, tortilla chips, guacamole, salsa & rice Sponsored by Congregation Beth Judea, Congregation Beth Am, Temple Chai, and AJEC

The cost is: $50.00 per Family or $18.00/Adult, $12.00 for children (6-12) and $5.00 for children 5 and under _________________________________

May 6th Seis De Mayo Shabbat Dinner


Please join us on May 6th Featuring Guest Speaker, Edna Schrank Edna will talk about how Sisterhood supports the Conservative Seminaries that educate our rabbis, cantors, and educators through the Torah Fund. Click Here for the Sisterhood Invite

RSVP’S due by Sunday, May 1, 2016 Name:_______________________________ Phone:_______________________________ _____ Family Rate $50.00 (Please indicate how many people will be attending)

_____ # Adults (12 & over) $18.00 _____ # Children (6-12) $12.00 _____ #Children (5 & under) $5.00 _____ # of Vegetarian Meals We would like to sit with: _____________________________ _____________________________

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Friends of Israel Defense Forces

Annual Meeting

IMPORTANT NOTICE Congregation Beth Judea

Annual Meeting Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 8:00 PM

Please join us for Minyan at 7:30 pm The official notice of the Annual Meeting and the slate of officers and directors was sent to all congregants on Tuesday, April 26, 2016.

Download Flyer


Click Here for a copy of that email

Congregation Beth Judea Mission Statement Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principals of the Conservative movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of American and the State of Israel. The Word - May 2016


Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class

Congratulations to the following students who will be celebrating their B’nei Mitzvah during services on May 28th. Names from left to right: Hazzan Weisberg, Diane Ganden, Karri Spiegel, Debbie Dubin, Bob Muise, Gayle Pervos, Barbara Cohen, Manny Ribot, Fran Eisner, Rabbi Pivo


LIFE IN ISRAEL THE GOODMAN’S BLOG Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog. To learn more about the Goodman’s life in Israel .click here to share their experience.

The Word - May 2016


B’nei Mitzvah Bios Joshua Andrew Lerner will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, May 7, 2016. Josh is a 7th grader at Woodlawn Junior High in Long Grove, where he plays on the school’s soccer and volleyball teams. He also plays travel soccer for Ela Soccer Club. In his free time, Josh plays video games and enjoys hanging out with his friends. He has attended B’nai B’rith Beber Camp in Mukwonago, Wisconsin the past three summers and looks forward spending another summer there this year. For his mitzvah project, Josh spent a week volunteering at various locations in the Chicago area through JUF teen program Camp TOV. He enjoyed helping at Bernie’s Book Bank, The ARK, Ethiopian Community Association of Chicago, Northern Illinois Food Bank, CJE Senior Life, and PAWS. Josh would like to thank all those who have helped him on his journey to become a Bar Mitzvah: his grandpa Floyd Babbitt, his tutor Kim Abern, Rabbi Pivo, Cantor Weisberg, Anna Besser, and all the wonderful Hebrew school teachers he has had over the past seven years.

May 26, 2016 HEALING HEARTS GRIEF SUPPORT Loss of a Spouse or Partner Begins May 17th at Congregation Beth Am Click here for details

The Word - May 2016

Eli Harrison (Meir) Levsky, a 7th grader at Walter R. Sundling Junior School in Palatine, will be called to Torah as Bar Mitzvah on May 14, 2016. Eli lives in Palatine, Illinois though he was born in Evanston. Eli’s hobbies include playing with Legos, collecting different rubber ducks, reading almanacs; and infographic books is also one of his favorite pastimes. His favorite books are “Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library” and “Talk Nerdy to Me.” He is also a Star scout in Boy Scout Troop 91; he has earned two religious badges, one with the help of Rabbi Pivo. Eli’s favorite movie is the Pixar movie “Cars.” His favorite animal are frogs; he has a frog necklace that he considers as his lucky charm that he wears every day. Eli has three pets: an anole named Noly, and two frogs, Froggy and Sir Jumpcelot. Eli’s favorite time period is 1929 to 1945, which includes the Great Depression, World War II, and the Holocaust; he has read many books on this era. Eli likes learning “random facts” and sharing them with his family. He also loves making random lists of topics such as types of U.S. currency, partly because he is a numismatologist. He also loves the musical “Hamilton,” and has memorized a lot of the lines. Eli’s favorite subjects are sicence, especially biology, and math. He also plays Baritone in his school’s concert band; he also has played B♭ clarinet and B♭ bass clarinet. He was also the Sign in his school play, “Chasing Charming.” Eli enjoys sketching imaginary creatures and people that he often names creatively. Eli is the creator of The Box, which is a list written on a Ritz cracker box of at least seventy things he finds awesome. Joining Eli for this milestone celebration are his parents, Cheryl and David, his sister Hannah, and his maternal grandparents, Rochelle Lichterman and Burton Lichterman; his paternal grandparents are the late Enid and the late Morris Levsky.



Alternative Shabbat Service Alternative Shabbat Service Service Leader: Norm Kurtz

.Congregation Beth

Judea is now part of the HUGS* partnership between several North Shore Conservative Synagogues. HUGS* is an innovative program to provide religious programming for families with special needs. All programs are free of charge. Sponsorship of future programs would be welcome. Our Beth Judea representatives to the HUGS initiative are

Renee Klass & Seth Goldberg The Torah teaches that humanity was created in the divine image. Jewish tradition teaches that we are therefore obligated to treat every person with the love and dignity due them. For further information contact: Renee Klass at

Every Shabbat Morning 10:30 am until 11:45 am. You are invited to join the Alternative Shabbat Service which meets every Shabbat morning. Our growing interpretive minyan (prayer group) is focused on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. We are innovative, creative and different from the traditional service. We are friendly and welcoming to all. Being non-judgmental and accessible, we are interested in creating a meaningful spiritual community where joyful prayer and spirited Torah discussion is experienced, accompanied by camaraderie and friendship. Join us for prayer/discussion/ learning and stay after services for Kiddush/lunch with the entire Congregation. We meet in the former youth lounge on the lower level of the Synagogue (which is accessible to the physically challenged) from 10:30 am until 11:45 am. Bring a friend with you. We look forward to welcoming you to our community. Shabbat Shalom, Norm Kurtz Service Leader For further information:



Planned Giving

Congregation Beth Judea | 5304 RFD | Long Grove, IL 847-634-0777 |http://

Is Beth Judea a Part of Your Estate?

UPCOMING EVENTS: May 13 – Simchat Shabbat May 20 – ShabbaTONE Happening May 28 – Shabbat Inclusion Service June 10 – Simchat Shabbat HUGS* PROGRAM LOCATIONS & INFO

The Word - May 2016

Help ensure the future of Congregation Beth Judea. ARNIE BENDER CBJ VP of PLANNED GIVING

From Generation to Generation “Making a Difference in the Lives that Follow”


Religious Education A Play on Words It's called "America's Good Time Game," but Israelis are wild about Scrabble too. While millions of North Americans take part in the worldwide phenomenon of playing Scrabble, the game’s popularity in Israel often surprises those who encounter it. People hailing from all parts of Israel come together to do battle with words. In fact, the world's largest Scrabble club meets in Jerusalem. Every Tuesday night, some 50 people bring their obscure vocabularies and their game boards to the third floor of the Beit Ha'am Municipal Library to lay out their wooden tiles in a fierce battle of words. There are nine Scrabble clubs in Israel, a country whose official languages are Hebrew and Arabic, not English. This leads to laughable mistakes when someone tries to play a Hebrew word, like "tankist," (tank crew member) that sounds like it could be English, but isn't. Why don't Israelis play Scrabble in their native language? The game has been translated into Hebrew, German, Italian, Spanish, French and Braille. Two Hebrew versions of the game do exist, but the lack of vowels in the alef-bet means that almost any string of letters (or tiles) makes a valid word. And one of the Scrabble versions leaves out the letter k (khaf). English is the language used by serious players and in tournaments. So why do Israelis play at all? It gives them a chance to refresh their English, be social and most importantly, have fun! In a politically charged country, the players leave their opinions outside. “The most divisive problem we have is not Arabs vs. Jews or religious vs. secular, but pro- and anti-air conditioner,” the Jerusalem club’s web site declares. From beginners to experts, Israel’s Scrabblers have proven that one doesn’t need English as a first language to meet and share appreciation for a game played by millions around the world.

The Word - May 2016

CBJ School Year It’s hard to believe how fast this school year has gone. As we bring a close to our school year, we need to thank our teachers who make every effort to reach each of our students on an individual level. Thank you to Megan Ernsteen, June Fox, Natalie Gurin, Judy Jury, Batya Kogan, Norm Kurtz, Jodi Levit, Lisa Ribot, Tammy Scheibe, Marc Sender, Shira Sender, Michele Sussman, Erica Veronie, Peggy Weiner, Debbie Weiss, and Sandra Zussman for the amazing work you do. They plan superb lessons so that our students can learn about, appreciate, and thrive in their Judaism. Our students are very well prepared to face the world as knowledgeable Jews. And such enthusiastic students we have! It is a pleasure to observe them in their studies and their informal gatherings. During the year, every Jewish holiday was celebrated in a way that our students could experience the joy and the meaning behind each one – apples & honey for Rosh Hashanah, visiting the Sukkah for Sukkot, games, dreidels and more for Hanukkah, sederim for Tu B’Shevat, masks and hamantaschen for Purim, songs and sederim for Passover, and many more! Our Kallot provided opportunities to learn, pray, and play together, creating memories that will last a lifetime. This is a good ending of a school year because we have many students who are being promoted to the high school program and several students who are confirming their Jewish identity as they leave our school to continue their studies. For the good year and the good ending of the year, the teachers join me in saying:

aeh lkd aeh seq (SOF TOV HAKOL TOV) Thank you and see you next year. Have a safe and restful summer.

Anna Besser



Religious Education SCHOOL CALENDAR:

BJE Early Childhood Centers Registration for 2016-2017 Is under way!!

May Event


Meeting with 2nd Grade Families 1 Kallah Info Meeting Aleph Siyum

9:00 am 10:15 am 11:00 am 4:15 – 6:15 pm

Religious School Heh Graduation


(Aleph – Dalet)

6:15 – 8:00pm (Heh)

Aleph Bet Kallah 15

Religious School – Last Day 2nd Grade Graduation

Friday, May 13Saturday, May 14 9:00 am

SHALOM MEMORIAL PARK and FUNERAL HOME CUSTOME CALENDAR ART CONTEST Each year, many Beth Judea students participate in the Shalom Memorial Calendar Contest. Shalom Memorial is celebrating their TENTH year of producing this unique Jewish calendar that features original artwork created by our local Jewish students. The contest runs through June 1, 2016 and is open to ALL grade levels. Attached are the contest details and registration. The odds of “winning” in this contest are good as entries will be limited to students attending either a local Hebrew School or Day School. Quite simply: Artwork must be original. Artwork must depict some aspect of Jewish life – Jewish Holidays, Jewish Symbols, Jewish Rituals (Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, etc.), Israel. Deadline for submission is June 1st. I encourage each and every one of our students to participate in both contests. B’SHALOM! -Anna Shalom Memorial Calendar Contest: Details & Rules Jewish Art Contest Registration Form

The Word - May 2016

Classes at the Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center at Beth Judea are well under way. We kicked off the school year with a Family Rosh Hashanah event featuring games, crafts, apple and honey tasting, and hearing Rabbi Pivo blow the shofar. Since the Fall holidays, individual classes have learned about their Jewish home, life cycle events, and nature explorations. Come and see what we’re all about! Registration for our 2016-2017 school year is under way. Schedule a visit to one of our classes: New Steps (parent/caregiver and toddler), More Steps (2 year olds), Kadima (3 year olds), and Pre-K, and learn about our amazing curriculum. Call us at 847-634-0363 to begin your child’s preschool journey.

Focus on Families May 20 – Tot Shabbat with Brad Egel Go to our website at for the latest updates and details. Visit Focus on Families on Facebook:

Youth Save the Date: We will once again be hosting a USY on Wheels Bus. Please save the date of Sunday, June 26th for hosting. More details will be sent out as we get closer.


ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at

Adult Education Series May & June 2016 Lunch & Learn: Hot Topics Taught by Rabbi Pivo

Bring lunch and an appetite for discussion as we examine current events in the Jewish world. Participants are encouraged to share news articles about Jews, Israel, religion or any topic of interest that we can view through a Jewish lens. Monday, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Dates: May 2 – May 23, 2016 LOCATION: Sunset Foods 2nd Floor Conference Room (corner of Rt. 83 & Aptakisic) Bring Your Own Lunch

Tikkun Leil Saturday Evening June 11, 2016 7:30 pm

Join us for a night of study. At Shavuot we remember and re-enact the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. As we celebrate that event, we teach and learn deep into the night, staying awake in anticipation of the moment we came face to face with God. The evening will be full of learning with the clergy from Congregation Beth Judea and learned guest teachers.

Text and Context: Pirkei Avot Taught by Rabbi Pivo

What are the ethics that shaped ancient Judaism, and how do they stand up today? In this class we will study the Hebrew text of Pirkei Avot, dating back to the early rabbinic period, and explore the limits of applying ancient traditions to modern Jewish life. Ending June 9, 2016

Thursday lunchtime; 12:00 – 1:00 pm Thursday evenings; 8:00—9:00 pm (Through June 9) (will not meet on monthly Board Meeting nights)

SAVE THE DATE: TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 – 10:00 am AJEC presents Lunch and Learn at The Arboretum Club L’Dor V’Dor, the Passing of Jewish Traditions: Why Today, Why Now? No Walk-In’s Allowed. Click here for further details and to rsvp

The Word - May 2016


ADULT EDUCATION HEBREW CLASSES: Conversational Hebrew Ulpan for Beginners Taught by Lee Goldberg

Mah Yaish? Want to be able to speak b'ivrit with family and friends in Israel? Understand the words to your favorite Hebrew song? Here is your chance! We'll learn the basics of Hebrew grammar while learning to order food in a restaurant, shop, and tell the doctor what hurts and have fun doing it, with songs, word games, and imagery. The ability to read the aleph-bet is required. Cost: Members - $15; Non Members - $25 Thursday evenings; 6:30 – 7:30 pm Hebrew 102: Let’s Continue Taught by Lee Goldberg

In this course, students will develop greater reading fluency and understanding of Hebrew word and sentence structures. They will also learn to recognize and translate key vocabulary in blessings and prayers. The course is open to all, including our Adult B’nei Mitzvah students. COST: Members – FREE; Non-Members - $36 for series Thursday evenings; 8:00 – 9:00 pm

WEEKLY CLASSES: These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted. Let’s Talk Talmud: Grappling with Life, Law and Innovation Taught by Orin Rotman Sunday mornings at 8 am The Talmud is a profoundly rich compilation of wisdom that has continued relevance to our contemporary search for meaning. It addresses eternal questions of ethics, human nature and our relationship to the Divine. Participate in a lively discussion of the Talmud and its relevance for us today. No prior knowledge required and texts will be provided. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class) Israel Matters Taught by Hazzan Weisberg Tuesday mornings after minyan (8:30 –9:15 am) Join Hazzan Weisberg in gaining a better understanding of the newest challenges and opportunities arising for Israel as well as its neighbors. What Jewish values and religious principles can be seen when Israel’s leaders are dealing with the Palestinians, with the growing number of Islamic extremist groups, with the Arab world, with the greater international community? Sweet Taste of Torah: Psalms Taught by Orin Rotman Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again. 14

Men’s Club Play ball! Softball season began May 1. The Congregation Beth Judea’s Men’s Club Softball team has grown. We will now field two teams led by Coaches Mike Levy and Ken Goldstein and Coach Allen Harris. All games are played on Sundays at Northbrook Field in Northbrook. You must be a paid member of Men’s Club to be eligible to play. Contact Allen Harris if you are interested in playing for the team. Even if you don’t play softball, consider coming out to the park to cheer on your team.

By now most of you have received the Yellow Yom Hashoah candles. The candles are distributed by Congregation Beth Judea Men’s Club members every year. Yom Hashoah falls on May 5 this year. The lighting of a memorial candle for the dead is a long held Jewish tradition. We ask that you light the candles on the evening of May 4 and join us on May 5 at Beth Judea at 7 PM for the Community Yom Hashoah service. The memory, lessons, and magnitude of the Holocaust inconceivably continue to fade away and are even denied by some as having occurred. We commemorate this meaningful, historic occasion with the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs Yellow Candle Program. This is a vital, important, and symbolic way to show our solidarity and resolve that we will never forget! Please attend the service and consider making a donation to offset the cost of providing these candles.

By popular demand, Beth Judea’s Men’s Club is pleased to host our 2nd annual beer and burger tasting on Sunday May 22 at 5:00 PM. Led by a certified cicerone (that’s a beer tasting and food pairing professional), we will be tasting a variety of craft brews from the Chicago area and around the country. We will also pair these with amazing, over-the-top burgers all done up in your choice of beef, lamb or turkey. This event is open to the community to adults over 21 years of age. We expect this event to draw a larger crowd than our annual Steak and Scotch, event so please RSVP no later than May 8. See the attached flyer in this issue of the Word. One of the most important things Congregation Beth Judea Men's Club participates in is helping the residents at the Lieberman Center Home in Skokie. Every fourth Shabbat morning, CBJ Men's Club members (as well as anyone else interested in helping others) assist the residents to and from services and assist as needed during the Shabbat service. This is a very rewarding experience. The program began in 2008. Four clubs from the Midwest Region rotate attendance for this program. Beth Judea Men’s Club members Jerry Sakol, Ron Friedman, Maynard Hirsch, Ron Kovich, and Craig Cohn recently had the opportunity to assist the residents on a very special Shabbat when there was a double bar bitzvah of twin great-grandsons of one of the residents! We received a very heartfelt note from the staff of the Lieberman Center thanking our “wonderful” volunteers! Yasher Koach gentlemen! Eric Yegelwel - Men’s Club President

Men’s Club members and volunteers packing Yellow Yom HaShoah and getting them ready for delivery.

The Word - May 2016


Men’s Club

Sisterhood Torah Fund

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED HELP THE ELDERLY ATTEND SERVICES Once a month, the Beth Judea Men’s Club volunteers at the Lieberman Geriatric Center and helps the elderly get to and from services. We need volunteers for May 7, 2016.

Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives.

Tzedakkah Fund The Men's Club has made donations from the minyan tzedakah box to: Keshet Mazon

You are invited to join us as Congregation Beth Judea celebrates Sisterhood Shabbat on Friday, May 6, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. Edna Schrank, Women’s League Central Great Lakes Region President and former Region Vice-President of Torah Fund, will share information about the valuable support that Sisterhood Torah Fund provides to the Conservative seminaries that train our rabbis, cantors & educators. While we cannot accept donations on Shabbat, we hope you will mail your contribution by June 15, 2016. Come join us & celebrate Shabbat!

We thank all those who have contributed to the tzedakkah fund administered by Men's Club.

Be a part of our Torah Fund appeal! Chai _________$18

Benefactor _____$180

Double Chai ____$36


Triple Chai _____$54

Assoc Patron____$600

Mitzvah ____ _$72


Koach ________$90

Other ______



Get Flyer and RSVP Form

The Word - May 2016


Donors at the Benefactor level and above receive the beautiful pin shown on the front as a thank you gift from Women’s League. Please make checks out to TORAH FUND and send to Beth Judea, 5304 RFD, Long Grove, IL 60047, Attn: Torah Fund. 16

Sisterhood SPRING AT LAST! A ROUTINE FOR ALL SEASONS After all the preparations for Pesach have passed, life settles down a bit for most of us. We suddenly realize the aftermath of the winter – the extra pounds, the lack of exercise and a general feeling of sluggishness. Spring is a good time to take account of one’s physical health and to recommit to improving exercise and wellness. We know we need to develop a routine good for all types of weather, but the reality is that spring and early summer are more conducive to walking and outside activities than the stormy days of winter. During this period of the Omer, we are counting up to another big holiday. The sense of time passing is a hallmark of this season, which provides an incentive for setting aside time to exercise, to meditate, to communicate, and to grow.

Whatever one’s age, the need to establish a routine to support one’s health is vitally important. Everyone messes up now and again. If your health activities and exercise schedule are good and feel supportive, you will more likely keep to it because the benefits are so rewarding. Wellness and learning are about trying new things and returning to the old ones that work. As spring blossoms around you, take the time to smell the flowers and set your own path for continued Health and wellness.

“Don’t step on it – it makes you cry.”

Schedule some time for Sisterhood activities. Mark your calendars for:

Many wellness experts urge people to set schedules – daily, weekly, and monthly routines for their health. Such a schedule might include yoga twice a week, several days of aerobics for 20 minutes or more, and strength training. Recognizing that each day offers the opportunity to start again is great, but sticking to a plan is far more useful. Time management has its own rules and produces positive outcomes, but focusing on the impact of the wellness activities may create an attitude that is more motivating than setting time slots and achievement goals. At the end of the effort – walking, yoga, bike riding, whatever − one should feel good and good about herself.

May 2, 2016

Sisterhood’s Spring Social & Elections

May 6, 2016

Sisterhood Shabbat – volunteer to lead a portion of the service

The Mayo Clinic advises individuals to include four types of exercise: cardio or aerobic, balance, strength, and flexibility. The schedule of exercise should vary by day, week, and season, and should always include a warm-up and cool down. Stretching and cooling down muscles is equally vital to improving one’s health. Whether you exercise alone or in group, it's important to set a schedule. Many people do best when challenged in a group, and the rigor of getting to a yoga class on time makes the activity more important.

June 6, 2016 Sisterhood Installation Dinner

The Word - May 2016

May 10, 2016 Sisterhood Meeting – speaker, Elisa Zehnwirth on the new BG Mikvah May 11, 2016 Sisterhood Book Club and Meet the Author May 17, 2016 Guest Speaker Scott Turk on Identity Theft

July 12, 2016 Sisterhood Meeting – speaker Shelley Welch from WINGS Program, Inc., BE A PART OF SOMETHING BIGGER! Sherry Krawitz and Kitty Hoffman Sisterhood Co-Presidents



SISTERHOOD SPRING SOCIAL May 2, 2016 7:30 pm at Congregation Beth Judea

SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB Special Event!! Wednesday, May 11th at 7:30 pm at Brenda Levin’s Home MEET THE

Come enjoy an evening of ice cream, planting roots & discovering each other’s roots. We will make potted spring plants while discussing each other’s family backgrounds & then enjoy an ice cream sundae bar!

Elections will also be held at this time RSVP to Brenda at

The Word - May 2016

Meet Author Deby Eisenberg and discuss her latest book Protecting Paige

Please RSVP by May 4th to Click Here for Flyer and Full Details




Beth Judea’s Sisterhood invites you to join us on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 8:00 pm for a special presentation on: Identity Theft Prevention Presented by Assistant State’s Attorney Scott Turk Scott will discuss the basics of identity theft, common schemes, ways to protect yourself, and what to do if you become a victim.

Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder plates, Hanukkah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games, teacher gifts, and nonreligious gift items. The shop carries Gary Rosenthal, Nambe, and a large number of items imported directly from Israel. The shop also carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, you can special order just about anything you may want. Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Tuesdays when Religious School is in session and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager.

RSVP by May 13 to or call 847-634-0777.

Coupon Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)



Congregation Beth Judea – 5304 RFD – Long Grove, Illinois

Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items.

SUPPORT BETH JUDEA BY PURCHASING GIFT CARDS Purchasing gift cards is one of the easiest ways to support Beth Judea. The Congregation earns a rebate from the vendors when you utilize the gift cards, so there is no cost to you. Gift cards can be utilized the same as cash, there are no restrictions.

Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply –

Expires December 31, 2016

If you are shopping for groceries or clothes, going to a movie or traveling, you can help support our Congregation.


Order forms for Gift Cards are available in the office or in the Lobby on Sunday morning. They can be purchased with cash, check, or credit cards (a 2.5% convience fee will be added when paying with a credit card)

The Gift Shop has lots of new merchandise, including great High Holiday and other holiday gift items, as well as Bat/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift items.

Click Here to Download Form

The Word - May 2016

Check out Sisterhood’s own L'CHAIM TOO! Cook-book, filled with special recipes for all your holiday needs or as a great gift for any occasion. MC, VISA. and Discover accepted


INTERFAITH COUNCIL News from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council

by Joanne Dicker, President

Our spring activities are beginning with programs to help our community. 1.


Join the annual US Postal letter carriers’ “Stamp out Hunger!” campaign on Saturday, May 14, 2016. Place nonperishable food items in your mailbox for collection by your postal worker. All food collected from Buffalo Grove, Wheeling, Lincolnshire, Deerfield, Skokie, and Northbrook will go to our food pantries here in our community. Our food pantries are located at Congregation Beth Am, St. Mary Parish, Kingswood, and St. Alphonsus Liguori Church. Click Here for Flyer Participate in the “I-walk against hunger” on Sunday, June 26, 2016 by walking and/or donating money for our food pantries. All food and donations remain in our community. This family 5 k walk goes from St. Mary Parish to Hope Lutheran Church and back. At Hope Lutheran there will be refreshments for the walkers and entertainment for all ages.

The IFC is participating in a service trip to Detroit from July 20-24 to help frame homes being built under the auspices of Cass Community Social Services. The estimated cost is $400 per volunteer. For more information on any of our programs please contact: or by telephone at: 224-699-0386 or visit our website at: or your council representatives: Joanne Dicker: Helene Fox:

Did You Know... Do you know of information that would be of interest to our congregants? If so, please let us know.

The Word - May 2016

Interfaith Council Upcoming Events AUGUST - National Night Out: A summer food drive with the Park District. SEPTEMBER - Buffalo Grove Days: A collection food and donations during the parade. NOVEMBER 20, 2016 - Thanksgiving Celebration An interfaith service sharing our common beliefs, praising G-d through song and prayer, and gathering together as a community.

MT Nesters The MT Nesters are in the middle of our 22nd year. But our dues are still the same -- $20/year (no senior discounts). However, membership in the MT Nesters for your first year is free if you are currently a member of Beth Judea. We are continuing to hold our monthly program/meetings on Sundays, usually in the afternoon, and sometimes outside of the synagogue. For additional information contact Carol Schechter at 847-537-3566 or Sam Chiprin at 847-459-0316. May 1, 2016 – 3:00 pm Prairie Lakes Community Theatre presents “Cabaret”

Save the Date May 6 – Seis de Mayo Dinner May 6 – Shabbat Service led by Sisterhood May 9 – Friends of IDF May 10 – Heh Graduation May 11 – Israel Remembrance Day May 12 – FJMC Retreat May 12 – Israel Independence Day May 15 – Last Day Religious School May 15 – 2nd Grade Graduation May 17 – Identity Theft Program May 20 – Tot Shabbat May 22 – Men’s Club Moo & Brew May 26 – Annual Meeting May 26 – Lag B’Omer May 28 – Adult B’Nai Mitzvah


The Helping Hand Plan

The Helping Hand Plan A Project of Congregation Beth Judea Hesed Committee   

Do you need some help? Do you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment? Do you need a ride to services at Beth Judea?

WHAT IS THE HELPING HAND PLAN? Beth Judea has a group of volunteers who are ready, willing, and able to lend a hand. Just call or e-mail if you need some assistance. WHO DO I CONTACT TO REQUEST SOME HELP? Please call Larry Wollheim at 847-6349399 or e-mail Larry at or call Rabbi Pivo at 847-634-0777 or e-mail Rabbi Pivo at to request help. It’s a Mitzvah to help someone. Please allow us to help you.

You Make A Difference We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the Hesed (Caring) committee members below: Rabbi Pivo Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack

The Word - May 2016

Hesed Committee

An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at or call Rabbi Pivo. FOR A LIST OF EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS, AGENCIES AND RESOURCES click here

We Would Like To Know WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement, or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Hesed (Caring) committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records. Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.


SHALVA “Its okay, the children aren’t effected” But what if you knew they were?

Did you Know……… SHALVA Collects Cellphones?

Shalva clients will often say that they can withstand their husband’s abuse as long as he never directs his anger toward their children. What many women don’t understand is that children are the silent victims of abuse and that they often repeat the behaviors they have seen.

For quite a few years now, Congregation Beth Judea has been generously collecting cell phones for SHALVA.

According to a recent study, over 90% of children are aware of domestic abuse in their home. These children are affected emotionally, cognitively, and physically. They are at great risk and often experience low selfesteem, shame, fear and guilt. Many distrust adults, fail to thrive or suffer from depression and anxiety. What can we do? The issue of domestic abuse is not just a women’s issue; it affects the entire family as well as our Jewish community. SHALVA offers free counseling to Jewish women who are or were in an intimate partner relationship. If you or someone you know needs our help, call 773-583-4673.

We thought you’d enjoy knowing a bit about how this process works. After we gather the phones you put into the collection box, we ship them to a recycling operation in Florida, Shelter Alliance . They pay us according to the “blue book”value of each phone. In processing the thousands of phones we send them every year, they wipe clean all your personal data and either refurbish your phones, recycle the parts or melt them down. Each year SHALVA receives around $40005,000 just by collecting your old or broken cellphones. All of these dollars go directly to help our clients. Recently Shelter Alliance has expanded their recycling program and now accepts Ipods, Ipads, and Readers. So, the next time you pass by the synagogue office and see the SHALVA collection box, think about all those old cellphones, ipads and ipods taking up space in your drawer or closet, and help us turn them into dollars for clients.

Upon three things the world is based: Upon Torah, Upon Divine Service, and Upon the Practice of Charity.

Cell Phone Drop-Off Box In Synagogue Office! Help domestic abuse victims by donating your old cell phones. Each phone raises money for domestic abuse crisis-counseling services in the Jewish community! There is a collection box in the synagogue office. The Word - May 2016


BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: May 1

Lisa Kaufman Craig Minnick Dennis Sender Barbara Silver Rebecca Zeidman

May 16

Nancy Manewith

May 17

Eva Gurin Robert Vinikoor

May 18

Marla Feld Heather Melnick Kimberly Shapiro Sharon Weiner

May 19

Scott Eisner Robert Hunter Orin Rotman

May 2

Debra Dubin Herbert Finn Aleksey Neiman

May 3

Scott Fishman Susan Sheft

May 4

Michael Kaplan Andrew Marcus

May 20

May 5

Matthew Kudlowitz Sandy Stelzer Rona Wolf

Kim Neiman Leslie Peck Steven Turofsky

May 21

Deborah Kovich Robert Ragland Tammy Scheibe

May 22

Aaron Hershinow Erica Krugel Anita Nemoy Ronald Nisson

May 23

Jay Levin Linda Lippman Dorinne Palmer Alan Ratskoff Cheryl Sturt

May 24

Bryan Fooden Murray Lewison

May 26

Gerald Brin Michael Brown Fred Goldman Jerry Patt Martin Stern

May 6

Renee Klass Lillian Landau Sherri Lieberman Michael Movitz Judd Sackheim

May 7

Debbie Chorpash Ross Gluck Marc Posner Howard Sussman Harriet Zablen

May 8

Joanne Dicker

May 9

Neil Greenhill Philip Wein

May 10

Steven Greenberg Yigal Greener Sheldon Robbins Mark Zolno

May 11

Charles Braverman Noam Davidoff Robin Fingerhut Manny Ribot Howard Spiegel

May 27

Gayle Brim Jodi Pine

May 28

Ian Goldberg Jimena Goldstine

May 12

Debra Steiner Joel Yashinsky

May 29

May 13

Jennifer Ban Michael Rosenbaum

Stacy Groner Emanuel Krakauer William London Renee Segal Amanda Shulman

May 14

Adam Barshefsky Susan Eisenberg Richard Krieberg Deborah Mills

May 30

Trudy Balogh Phyllis Faber Sandra Nisson

May 31

May 15

Barbara Levenstein Laura Suskin Sandra Zussman

Chuck Orloff Jon Soble Nancy Watts

We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration.

NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.

The Word May 2016


ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy ANNIVERSARY to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: May 1

Jennifer and Michael Brown Jodi and Steven Levit

May 2

Jackie and Fred Strauss

May 6

Leslie and Steven Peck

May 8

Elli and Todd Waldrop

May 9

Deborah and Scott Fishman Hillary and Michael Savitt

May 10

Marlene and Arthur Greenberg

May 16

Julie and Lorne Cohen Kendra and Barry Rosen

May 19

Susan and Richard Russell Dassi and Alan Sklan Deborah and Mitchell Weiss

May 25

Terri and Jerrold Behn Karen and Mark Charman Nicole and David Colen Jamie and Dustin Epstein Judy and Steven Greenberg Karen and Philip Nagel

May 26

Anna and Michael Besser Kristy and Joel Yahsinsky Roberta and Andrew Zarchy

May 27

Bonnie and Steve Fischoff

May 28

Peggy and Michael Kaplan Sandra and Andrew Levitt Sheri and Jonathan Lippman Bonnie and David Spangler Audrey and Roger Weisberg

May 29

Eve and Steven Appelbaum Devida and Charles Braverman Eileen and Alan Spiegel Adriane and Kevin Zucker

May 20

Lisa and Manny Ribot

May 22

Betsy and Randy Haberman Michelle and David Reinstein

May 30

Tara and Bradley Arnold Janice and Craig Minnick Barbra and Barry Stark

Cynthia and Myles Bauer Kim and Andrew Bauman Sharon and Allen Harris

May 31

Sharon and Michael Shapiro

May 23

May 24

Rosalind and Seth Eisner Fay and Steve Lemberg

We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration.

NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.

The Word May 2016



May 6

Sidney Attenberg

William Barston*

Hylda Ida Bauer*

Mary Berman*

Oscar R. Berman* Aaron Fox* Goldie Jacobs* Mike Margolis Arnold Moskowitz Thelma Schwartz*

Shirley Dicker Larry Fox* David Kaufman Irving Markowitz* Anna Offstein* Ruth Steres*

Marcella Edelberg* Ruth Groner* Leon Korol Rose Meskin* Philip Pinckus* Kathryn Weisbard

Dolores Fine Betty Isaacson Florence Lippman Esther Meyer Morris Schwartz

May 13

Rose Ban Sarabelle Fishman Stuart Kaufman Milton Levinson Morris Rovin* Paul Spangler Ada Weiss

Rose Becker* Carl Freedman* Robyn Kreger Elaine Moffett Ida Schiffman* Anita Spiegel

Dorothy Brooks Howard Jaffe Samuel Lettvin Mildred Starkman Pessis Emanuel Seider Bernard Turovitz*

Bill Carol* Fannie Kaner* Max Levine* Martha Rosenbaum* Joseph Shikafsky* Gladys Wallach*

May 20

Harry Bauer Merrill Cohen Janice Gottlieb* Ione Ilvenne Max Kriegler Benjamin Margules Clara Ramras Gertrude Savetsky

Anna Brody* Malva Dobrikin* Goldie Graff* Lisa Jacobs Richard Krivitzky* Harry Markowitz Ricki Reznick* Joseph Schwartz

Harry J. Caplan* Martha Forman Rami Greener Nancy Joy Karlin Carol Joy Lazar* Walter Mendelsoh n Marsha Rosen* Sam Wolf*

Baruch Cohen Jenny Gardberg* Harold Hennes Harry Kintz* Merrill Litwin Sol Pinsker Eva Rosenblatt

May 27

Phyllis Appel Alice H. Braun* Alice Cohen* Martha Gindin Lynne Isaacson* Joseph Levin* Benjamin Ludwig* Frank Neubauer Shirley Prosansky * Mark Sachs*

Anna Barnett Doris Byk Morris P. Cohen* Nathan Goldie* Arthur Karns* Manuel Litwin Sylvia Ludwig Sharon Nusinow Ida Rice Molly Springer*

Spencer Block* Barry Citrow Marvin Cutler Rosalyn Grossman* Leonard Lavin Lois London Alan Momet Louis Pieter* Edward Robbin

Iris Bloom Marshall Coady* Bobbie Frances Fischer* Lillian Horwitz* Edward Leibowitz Irving Lozowski Theodore Munn* Edith Platt* Burton Rosenbaum*

* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.

The Word May 2016



Rebecca Berger* Eli Brickman* Bernhard Edelstein* Phyllis Geltner* Jerome Hirshman* Fay Lewis* Edward Momet Herman Ramras William Schero Sam Shiner* Max Wasserman

Jerry Blustein* Geraldine Burdeen* Emanuel Feinstone Irvin Greiman* Esther Klein* David Magill Vivian Oscherwitz* Bernard Rich Bertha Schnabel Harry Stone* Stuart Weiner*

Jeanette Bograd Sara Cohen* Virginia Friedman Elsie Halperin* Benjamin LeVine David Momet Bertha Pander Nita Ritov Gail Schwab Frances Taler Mary Yatkowsky*

June 10

Joseph Albun* Martin Berenson* Muriel Brown* Philip Goldberg Henry Graff* Eva Hershinow Johnson* Brenda Levitt* Irma Reicher* Belle Rubenstein* Earl H. Segal Sam Shapiro Joseph Wishnick

Rose Babbitt Riley Grace Bernstein Howard Coady* Edward Gordon Abe Greenberg Peretz Katz* Lionel Minnen Sam Remer* Joseph Sabol Ethel Serbin* Sarah Simons* Al Wolf*

Ralph Barnett Athur Bloom Charles Drobny* Morris Goroff* Meyer Herman* Bonnie Kaufman* Leonard Powell* Betty Robbin Shel Schuster Arthur Seres Sol Weiss

June 17

Shelley F. Bregman* Sol Chubin Max Greenhill Andrea Israel* Irving Katz Francine Malkin Sheldon Mills Esther Petrynek* Donald Sherman* Edward Stolman

Walter Brin* Charles Davis* Robert Halperin* Harry Johnson Alex Kaufman* Ernest Mathias* Ruth Moline* Julius Polansky Donald Siegel* Roman Stupel

Maurice Chorney* William Goldstein Fannie Herman* Milton Kane Tilly Kohl June Mattson Harvey Peck* Nelson Rafal Sabrin Siegel*

June 24

Bea Bauer* Kay Jaffe Pauline Krivitzky* Alan Medansky David Rosenbaum* Ruth Silberstein William Travis*

Rachel Hershman* William Kamerling* Rosalyn Levin* Denise Posner* Jane Rosenberg Raymond Simons* Bernard Yegelwel*

Janice Jacobson* Edna Krassek* Morris Linderman* Lorraine Ramras Eric Schweitzer Scott Taxer Dolly Zucker

* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.

The Word – June 2016



PRAYERS HAVE BEEN SAID FOR THE RECOVERY OF: Jerry Belonsky Sydney Brodsky Marla Goldberg Richard Goldwasser Melvin Michalski Henry Parrilli Sylvia Shore CONDOLENCES UPON THE DEATH OF: Louis Grossman Brother-in-law of Randi and Glenn Simon Ruth Peck Mother of Steven Peck

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Birth: Geri and Robert Friedman on the birth of their granddaughter, Ava Hailey Friedman Ellen and Jeffrey Gluskin on the birth of their granddaughter, Reese Hudson Gluskin Miriam and Richard Krieberg on the birth of their granddaughter, Scarlett Anne Taustein Jeanie and Michael Rosenfeld on the birth of their grandson, Jayden Riley Rosenfeld

Ilene and Larry Schneider on the birth of their granddaughter, Jordyn Spencer Wallenstein

The Word – May 2016

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Engagement: Marla and Ken Brandt upon the engagement of their son, Ricky to Jacklyn Gelman


IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Pivo for the Mi Shebeirach said for my mother, Beverly Weiner and for her funeral. Marla & Ken Brandt and Family Rabbi Pivo for his involvement with the Weitzmann event. Rona Wolf Rabbi Pivo and the congregation for their support during a difficult time. Marlene & Jerry Gothelf, Dana, Jacob & Brooke Lerner UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Isador Rothschild Harold Rothschild


IN MEMORY OF: Faye Hefler, beloved wife of Herman Hefler. Our condolences to the Hefler family. Leah & Sam Chiprin


IN APPRECIATION OF: Cantor Weisberg for the Mi Shebeirach said for my mother, Beverly Weiner and for her funeral. Marla & Ken Brandt and Family Cantor Weisberg and the congregation for their support during a difficult time. Marlene & Jerry Gothelf, Dana, Jacob & Brooke Lerner Cantor Weisberg for his continued assistance. Hesh Lyons UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Dorothy Brooks, beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. The Haskell and Neiman Families PRAYER BOOK FUND

IN MEMORY OF: Beverly Weiner, beloved mother of Marla and Ken Brandt and Family. Ann & Mitch Lerman and Family Judi Zelson Ann & Mitch Lerman and Family



IN APPRECIATION OF: Congregation Beth Judea Susan & Allen Shub Congregation Beth Judea members for the delicious hamantaschen and beautiful Schlach Manot bags. Hennie Elisco Rona Wolf Lee Goldberg for her Hebrew Ulpan Class. Steve Gerber Lou Rabin and Ira Sender for leading the minyan at the shiva for my mother. Marla & Ken Brandt and Family IN HONOR OF: Debbie and Arnie Bender, with our very best wishes to the welldeserved Queen and King of the 2016 Purim Masquerade. May your reign be peaceful and happy. Kol HaKavod! Jean & Ron Friedman IN MEMORY OF: Ruth Peck, beloved mother of Steven & Leslie Peck. Ellen & Peter Hodes UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Louis Berman, beloved father and grandfather. Carol Kaner and Family Carl Freedman Lynn & Art Freedman Lenore Gluskin, beloved mother and grandmother. Jeff, Ellen, Joel, Talya, Michael, Taryn & Karen Gluskin

The Word – April 2016


IN HONOR OF: Bonnie and Ira Sender upon the birth of their granddaughter, Naomi Samara Sender. Mazel tov and may she bring you and the whole family continued pride and joy. Jean & Ron Friedman


IN HONOR OF: Marvin Adleman’s birthday. Susan Adleman IN MEMORY OF: Ruth Peck, beloved mother of Steven & Leslie Peck. Susan & Marvin Adleman


IN MEMORY OF: Ruth Peck, beloved mother of Steven and Leslie Peck. May her memory be for a blessing. Heidi & Jerry Sakol MEN’S CLUB FUND

IN MEMORY OF: Howard Malkin, beloved father of Gary & Lisa Malkin and Steve Malkin & Pamela Weiner. Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel Robert Victor, beloved father of Sandy and Marilyn Victor Alan, Marcie & Ross Marcus


IN APPRECIATION OF: Congregation Beth Judea Susan & Allen Shub FOCUS ON FAMILIES FUND

IN HONOR OF: Geri and Rob Friedman on the birth of their granddaughter, Ava Hailey Friedman. Sharon & Joel Schwartz IN MEMORY OF: Ruth Peck, beloved mother of Steven and Leslie Peck. Karen & Phil Nagel Robert Victor, beloved father of Sandy and Marilyn Victor. Karen & Phil Nagel UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Gilbert Agrest, beloved father and papa. Jan & Craig Minnick and Family EDUCATION FUND

IN HONOR OF: Miriam and Robbie Besser on their beautiful B’nai Mitzvah. Mazel tov to the Besser Family! Bobbie & Floyd Babbitt Lee & Arnie Goldberg Joan & Norm Kurtz UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Rochelle Lerner, beloved mother and grandmother. Ellen, Jeff, Joel, Talya, Michael, Taryn & Karen Gluskin




UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Ellen Coltman, always my best friend. “Starky"

IN MEMORY OF: Howard Malkin, beloved father of Steve Malkin & Pam Weiner and Family. Alyssa & Jim Duvel


IN HONOR OF: BJUSY and all the USY’ers who attended Kinnus. Aaron Polonsky Marc Sender for all of his wonderful efforts and programmng for CBJ’s “kids” of all ages. Bobbie & Floyd Babbitt Shira and Marc Sender on the birth of their daughter, Naomi Samara Sender. Mazel tov! Marcie, Alan & Ross Marcus

UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Fannie Kaner, beloved mother and grandmother. Sheldon Kaner & Family

Alex Lerman, beloved father and grandfather. Ann & Mitch Lerman and Family

The Word – March 2016

IN APPRECIATION OF: Congregation Beth Judea for the wonderful Schlach Manot bags. Beth & Mitch Polonsky The family who brought LARRY home for Purim so he could attend the Purim masquerade. Deborah & Arnold Bender Andrew Bauman, Michael Gluck, Lisa Neiman, and the entire Purim Masquerade Committee. Deborah & Arnold Bender


UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Ethan Levitan, in memory of our beloved Ethan on his 20th birthday. Bill, Judy, Hayley & Ashley Levitan Ethan Levitan, in loving memory upon Ethan’s birthday. Marla & Kenneth Levitan

UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Howard Epstein, beloved father and grandfather. Ann & Mitch Lerman and Family Jerry Kaplan, our beloved father and grandfather. Dana, Ken, Allison & Sari Goldstein



UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Rena Lichtenstein, my beloved mother. Alina Greenhill

IN HONOR OF: The B’nai Mitzvah of Miriam and Robbie Besser. Deborah & Arnold Bender IN MEMORY OF: Ruth Peck, beloved mother of Steven & Leslie Peck. Lee & Arnie Goldberg ON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Maurice Bender, beloved father. Deborah & Arnold Bender


UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Deborah Semel, beloved mother and grandmother. Louise & Lou Barnett and Family

Dr. Jack Rizman, beloved brother, brother in law, uncle and great uncle. May his memory be for a blessing. Marti & Morry Rizman and Family


CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: Website: Rabbi Jeff Pivo Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Arnie Goldberg Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender Editor Evan Rumack

From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.

Candle Lighting Times

Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg

Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time.

Shabbat Evening Services ........................................ 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Morning Services ....................................... 9:30 a.m. Gan Shabbat – Shabbat Mornings ............................ 10:30 a.m. Alternative Shabbat Service (Interpretive Minyan).. 10:30 a.m.

Weekday Morning Minyan: Sunday .................................................................. . 9:00 a.m. Monday ................................................................ 6:15 a.m. Tuesday through Friday ........................................ 7:30 a.m.

May 6

...................................................... 7:40 p.m.

May 13

...................................................... 7:47 p.m.

May 20

...................................................... 7:54 p.m.

May 27 ....................................................... 8:00 p.m.

Weekday Evening Minyan: Monday through Thursday .................................... 7:30 p.m.

The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.

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