Kristallnacht November 9, 1938
!לעולם לא עוד Never Again!
Israel Committee presents “Our Boys” November 16 Veterans’ Shabbat November 10, 7:30 PM
Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration Sunday, November 19; 7:00 PM Temple Chai
5304 RFD, Hilltop Rd. & Route 83, Long Grove, IL 60047 Phone: 847-634-0777
FROM THE RABBI BACK TO THE FUTURE (rabbis’ and cantors’ terms, building A wise rabbi once told me that a rabbi dates, etc.). A second timeline will list has to love not only Jewish tradition, but developments in the world at large, so also love Jews, each of whom has his that we can see how CBJ was affected or her own path in life. In the short time by larger trends (for example, the that I’ve been here at CBJ, many of you introduction of bat mitzvah celebrations have shared your life stories and and women’s aliyot to the Torah). On a spiritual journeys with me. I’ve also third timeline, you will be asked to mark heard stories about the congregation, important dates in your personal both good and bad, but (truthfully!) RABBI DAVID KLATZKER involvement with the congregation (for more good than bad. I’ve learned how CBJ has overcome challenges in the past, how example, the introduction of bat mitzvah deeply you care about the shul, and how willing celebrations and women’s aliyot to the Torah). you are to work for its future. On a third timeline, you will be asked to mark important dates in your personal involvement As part of my work as transitional rabbi (which is with the congregation (for example, “My son really a process, not a program), I’d like to became bar mitzvah here in 2002,” or “I involve more of you in remembering the past became Youth chairman in 2010”). and refocusing on the core values of the congregation. This transitional period is an Creating these timelines is not meant as an opportune time for us to define what is unique, exercise in details or facts. Rather, it is an beloved, and life-giving about CBJ. exercise in perspective and remembrance. We will listen to and tell each other our stories. “A The first step of this will be a session to which Morning to Remember” will help us carry the you are all cordially invited—veteran members best parts of our past into the future. It will and newcomers, active participants and more encourage new conversations, based on our occasional contributors, of all ages (teens values as a congregation and on the most included) and backgrounds. The date is positive aspects of our life together. Sunday, December 3, 10:00 am-12:30 pm. We will provide breakfast and babysitting (if you So please mark the date! I am excited about it request it). and look forward to going “back to the future” with you. At this gathering, we will ask you to reflect on the history of the congregation, both past and Best of Life, present. We will first create a timeline of Rabbi David Klatzker formative events in the fifty-year history of CBJ
The Word – November 2017
SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, December 3, 2017 A DAY TO REMEMBER
Rabbi David Klatzker
Hazzan Roger Weisberg
Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz
Anna Besser Education Director Lisa Neiman Executive Director
Happy Thanksgiving Sidney Mathias CBJ President
From the entire staff and leadership of Congregation Beth Judea:
Marc Sender Youth Director
In This Issue Rabbi’s Reflections Calendar Happenings With Hazzan CBJ Mission Statement President’s Message Hanukkah Bazaar Welcome New Members Dinner & Conversation w/Rabbi Veterans Day Shabbat Interfaith Thanksgiving Chanukah Upcoming Events 7+1 Gift Drive for JCFS B’Nai Mitzvah Bios Building Jerusalem Israel Committee Special Events CBJ 50th Anniversary Religious Education The Word - November 2017
Page 2 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 17
Youth Adult Education Men’s Club Sisterhood Meet the Author Event Sisterhood Gift Shop CBJ Community News BJE Early Childhood SHALVA Membership Alternative Minyan The Goodman’s Blog The Helping Hand Plan Hesed Birthdays & Anniversaries Yahrzeits Tributes
Page 18 21 25 27 27 28 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 33 35 38e 3
CALENDAR Sisterhood
Special Events Nov. 5 Nov. 10 Nov. 17 Nov. 19 Nov. 28 Dec. 15
Sisterhood Hanukkah Bazaar Veterans Day Shabbat Shirat Shabat Service Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration 7+1 Wish List Gifts Due in Office Beth Judea Chanukah Shabbat Dinner CBJ Torah Readers Project
Nov. 1 Nov. 5 Nov. 8
College Student Addresses Due Sisterhood Hanukkah Bazaar Sisterhood Program: Meet the Author
Men’s Club Nov. 18 Nov. 27
Programming Nov. 2 Nov. 14 Nov. 25
Dinner & Conversation with Rabbi Klatzker Building Jerusalem one Brick at a Time Bowling League
Israel Committee Nov. 2 Nov. 16
“Ask AIPAC Anything” Program “Our Boys” special presessntation
Adult Ed November November November November November November Nov. 1 Nov. 9 Nov. 27
Hebrew: Ulpan 2 Lunch ‘n Learn Melton Hebrew: Ulpan 1 Hebrew Literacy 1 Chicago Israeli Film Festival Starts Mussar: How to Live a Balanced & Responsible Life AJEC: All Paths Can Lead to Joy Tap the Torah
ATTN: PARENTS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS Please send us your college students addresses. You can email them to by Nov. 1
Please contact Lisa Neiman at or 847-634-0777 if you need any special accommodations, including transportation, to participate in our program. The Word - November 2017
Men’s Club at Lieberman Tap the Torah (at the Continental)
Religious School Nov. 14
Building Jerusalem One Lego at a Time (a Congregational Event)
Youth IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUTH View our calendar online at
Meetings Please check website See Our Photos on Page 26
Be Sure To Check Out Our New Section “Beth Judea Community News Page 30 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers November 3, 2017 – 7:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of November will be recognized at our service on November 3rd. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm. Children of every age are welcome!
HAPPENINGS WITH HAZZAN Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration 2017 November 19, 2017 at Temple Chai in Long Grove On Sunday evening, November 19 at 7:00 PM, this year’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration will take place at Temple Chai on Checker Road off Arlington Heights Road here in Long Grove. It’s a beautiful event and often draws more than 1000 people from our community.
text with English and adding in some choral parts. I am looking forward to this very kind honor which the community has offered me as well.
I hope you will be able to join Rabbi Klatzker and me for this year’s special Interfaith Hazzan Thanksgiving Celebration, guaranteed to Roger Weisberg brighten your spirits as each of us prepares As those of us who have attended in the past for our own Thanksgiving Celebration, well know, we are treated to such interesting and guaranteed to brighten your spirits as each of us enjoyable presentations as Kingswood prepares for our own Thanksgiving holiday later Methodist Church’s “Glory Fingers,” along with that week. The event concludes with light, interfaith choral music, a bell choir, an donated refreshments, during which we have a instrumental band, and more. Some of our chance to interact socially with friends and members will be participating, and if you are neighbors. Please bring a few non-perishable musically inclined and interested, it may not be pre-expiration food items or paper goods, too late to join in this regard – please let me collected at the door, and I would suggest that know! you try to arrive at least 20 minutes early, as it is sometimes difficult to find parking close by. If you Rabbi Stephen Hart, the senior rabbi at Temple see Joanne Dicker at the synagogue, of course, Chai, will be retiring next spring and will be one feel free to ask her for further information about of the speakers that evening. Since I too will be the many other worthy endeavors in which the soon retiring, I was invited to sing something Interfaith Council is involved. special. I adapted a composition which I’d written when my youngest son, Yoni, became a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours – Bar Mitzvah in early 2003, replacing the Hebrew Hazzan Roger Weisberg
Congregation Beth Judea Mission Statement Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principals of the Conservative movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of American and the State of Israel.
The Word - November 2017
President’s Message Our 50th Anniversary committee is see them. I would also like to thank all of moving along with plans for our our members who turned in their financial special upcoming year. They have and spiritual pledge cards. Your meaningful scheduled monthly events starting gifts of your dollars and your volunteer time in December. The first event is on are valued and appreciated. If you Sunday, December 3rd with a volunteered your time, you will be program, "Morning to Remember." SIDNEY MATHIAS contacted in the near future. If you have not CBJ PRESIDENT Rabbi Klatzker will lead this returned your pledge cards and you are program. We will remember and able to give of your time or funds or both, review Congregation Beth Judea's historyplease send them in to Lisa at the office. My Yom including how we began and evolved. We Kippur appeal is on the website at will discuss some key decision points and Just click on sermons and how we have overcome numerous then High Holiday sermons and finally 5778. You challenges. A topic of discussion will also can also view Rabbi Klatzker's and Rabbi be, "what can we learn from the past." Our Lifshitz's High Holiday sermons on the same next event will be on Saturday, January 13th page. with a lunch and study session. This will follow with an event on February 11th. The For those of us, including many children, who Israel Committee will lead this program with attended the erev Simchat Torah celebration will a movie and there will be a connection with agree that it was spectacular. The services were our founding year, 1968. On Friday, March full of dancing and singing. We unraveled one of 2nd, we will have a special Shabbat service. our torahs and it almost completely encircled our The culmination of our events will be on sanctuary. All members were honored with Sunday, April 29th with a very special 50th various Hakafot, and members carried the torah Anniversary celebration. There will be more while dancing. Thank you to Arnie Bender for details to follow, and I will keep you updated organizing the Hakafot. We also celebrated our each month in my Word article. In order to newest members to Sunday School with a plan all of these events, the 50th Consecration ceremony. Anniversary committee needs more volunteers. Please contact me if you are I also want to thank Orin Rotman for making our interested in serving on the planning morning Simchat Torah services very special. committee or would like to volunteer for any You had to be there to fully appreciate it. We of the specific events, especially our April were met by a goat as we entered the building. 29th celebration. We all sang and danced and everyone was called up to the torah in groups for an aliyah. I I would like to again thank all our hope that next year you can all join us for both of volunteers, clergy, and professional staff these memorable and fun services. who made our High Holiday services so very special. I listed their names in my October Sidney Mathias Word article. Please thank them when you CBJ President
If you have any memorabilia from our synagogue history such as pictures, flyers, or anything else from the past, please contact me.
Set your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep on Saturday evening, November 4th
Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 am Sunday, November 5th. Please remember to turn your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep on Saturday, November 4th.
IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES AT BETH JUDEA NOVEMBER November 1 November 2 November 2 November 4 November 5 November 8 November 10 November 10 November 12 November 14 November 16 November 17 November 18 November 19 November 19 November 21 November 22 November 27 November 28
Student Addresses Due Dinner & Conversation w/Rabbi AIPAC Program USY Pray & Play Sisterhood Chanukah Bazaar Meet the Author Event Veteran’s Day Shabbat USY Chusyfest MT Nesters Building Jerusalem Israel Committee , “Our Boys” Shirat Shabbat Service Men’s Club at Lieberman Dalet Family Program BM Series Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 7+1 Wish Gifts Drop Offs Begin USY Turkey Dance Tap the Torah (at Continental) 7+1 Wish Gifts Due in Office 7
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!! With gratitude we welcome the following individuals and their children who have recently become part of our Beth Judea family: Rachel Baker & Oren Graupe Paula & Jeff Carter Gayle & Harold Cohen Stephanie & Joshua Ebner Elliott Englander Jenita Fischoff & Alex Raab Andrew Goulston Amy Green & Nevo Band Cecily Kanter & Scott Berlant Jenny Korshak & Filipp Kirik Melissa Levin Debbie & Wes Morris Carol Olbur Louis Seif Jenny & Jon Share Lynn & Anthony Veprinsky
WITH GRATITUDE AND THANKS TO OUR NEW MEMBER FAMILY ONEG SPONSORS With gratitude, we would like to thank the following sponsors and donors for their contribution to the special Oneg on Friday, October 27th held in honor of our New Member Families:
Bruce & Kitty Hoffman Marty & Sherry Krawitz Mischa & Rebecca Schlichting Howard & Karri Spiegel
We are the Share Family! Jon is a National Account Executive at CareerBuilder. Jenny is a Stay at Home Mom. Emily is 5 1/2 years old and attends kindergarten at Willow Grove. Elliott is 19 1/2 months old and attends a once a week Mom/Tot class at BJE. Shalom!
Join Rabbi Klatzker for Dinner and Conversation Thursday November 2, 2017 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Topic: “White privilege, or how I stopped worrying and learned to love discussing race” RSVP required to Cost: $12/pp (dinner & dessert)
Join us as we salute those who courageously served in the military to keep us free.
Thank you for your sacrifice and military service! ALL MILITARY VETERANS INVITED 9
INTERFAITH COUNCIL THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION News from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council by Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox, Beth Judea representatives to the Council L’Shanah Tovah! Chag Sameach! It is a wonderful time of year. We have the upcoming fundraiser: November 14-15, 2017: Sunset Food shop and share dates. Please print out the attached coupons and shop for Thanksgiving for yourself and others. Click Here for Sunset Food Coupon Please join us for our annual Thanksgiving Celebration, which will be held at Temple Chai on Sunday, November 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. It is a wonderful time to get together with your neighbors in prayer, song, and celebration. Rabbi Hart from Temple Chai will be our main speaker. Cantor Roger Weisberg will also play a special role. We will have two interfaith choirs: one for adults and one for kids. The Glory Finger puppets and bell choir will once again charm us. After the program, there will be refreshments. If you are interested in being part of the interfaith adult or children’s choir, please contact the cantor. Further details will be available shortly. If you play an instrument and wish to participate, contact Joanne Dicker or Cantor Simon at Temple Chai for more information. If you are a baker, your treats are always welcome! We are accepting donations of non-perishable foods for those in need. Please see the attached flyer.
Interfaith Council Upcoming Events NOVEMBER 19, 2017 – 7:00 pm Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration Service Temple Chai – 1670 Checker Rd, Long Grove, IL An interfaith service sharing our common beliefs, praising G-d through song and prayer, and gathering together as a community.
The Word – November 2017
Click here for flyer Please remember the less fortunate who live in our community throughout the year. Donations may be made directly to: Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council 1282 Green Knolls Drive Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 For more information on any of our programs please contact: or by telephone at: 224-699-0386 or visit our website at: or your council representatives:
Joanne Dicker: Helene Fox:
CHANUKAH UPCOMING EVENTS Looking for a Way to Give Back this Hanukkah? Join CBJ in our Annual “7+1” Gift Drive for Jewish Child and Family Service
Come Celebrate Chanukah With Your Family and Your Beth Judea Family December 15th Dinner at 6:00 PM Sing and Play Dreidel Services at 7:30 PM RSVP December 8th CBJ Office (847-634-0777) Email Chicken Nuggets•Deli•Latkes•Vegetables•Salad
_____# of Adults $15 _____# of Youth (6 to 12) $7 _____# of Children (5 & under) $5 _____Family $36 ___ #Adults ___ #Children _____# of Vegetarian Request
Join CBJ in our Annual “7+1” Gift Drive for Jewish Child and Family Service Celebrate 7 days of Hanukkah and donate one day of gifts for a child from JCFS. We have holiday wish slips for 60 children receiving services from JCFS available for you to shop for or you can donate new games, toys, gifts cards or electronics to a general gift collection. Each child’s story is unique, but each child is part of a family that is experiencing such financial difficulty that holiday gifts are just not a possibility. Thank you for making this possible.
Click here for flyer or find full details in our “Community News” Section
Men’s Club Hanukkah Candles This year as in years past, Beth Judea Men’s Club delivered Hanukkah candles to help in your festive celebration. Within our community, one way we can keep a link between us is to light our candles that have all come from one common place and share in that ancient tradition together. Along with the candles was a donation envelope. The funds raised will go toward the purchase of Siddurim for the Aleph class and to support our youth groups (USY and Kadima). Please consider sending a donation to Men’s Club to help support these important programs and keep the spark of Jewish life and traditions glowing in the hearts of our children. On behalf of our Beth Judea Men’s Club, I would like to wish you and your family a safe, happy, and fulfilling holiday. Happy Hanukkah The Festival of Lights.
B’nei Mitzvah Bios Sophia Alyssa Kowitt will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, November 18, 2017. Sophia has been part of the Beth Judea community since preschool. She considers it her home away from home. Sophia is a kind, thoughtful, and generous seventh grader at Middle School North in Lake Zurich, where she is a member of the choir. She has also been a Girl Scout, where she has learned much about leadership and providing service to her community, since kindergarten. Sophia has enjoyed volunteering at many different organizations. For her mitzvah project, she is collecting nonperishable food to help stock the food pantry in Lake Zurich. Sophia is looking forward to celebrating her Bat Mitzvah with parents, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. She is very thankful to those who have traveled from out of town to celebrate with her. The family would like to thank Rabbi Klatzker, Cantor Weisberg, Kim Abern, Anna Besser along with all her Hebrew School teachers for providing guidance and an excellent Jewish education leading up to this milestone, along with preparing her for becoming an active member in the Jewish community this day forward.
A Hearty Mazel Tov to all our November B’nei Mitzvah
from the Beth Judea Family.
The Word - November 2017
Bradley Harris Schwartz will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday evening, November 18, 2017. Bradley is a 7th grader at Hawthorn Middle School South in Vernon Hills. He enjoys spending time with his family and playing video games with his friends. Bradley plays on the park district basketball team and has been doing so for the past four years. He is also a part of the Pep Club at school and looks forward to helping out with all school assemblies. For his mitzvah project, Bradley has chosen to make dogs’ beds to donate to animal shelters. Bradley enjoys sewing and loves dogs, so he put those two interests together and created a wonderful mitzvah project. His family and friends have the opportunity to donate materials money towards materials, or their time to help with the sewing. After his Bar Mitzvah date, those who have requested will get together to complete the project. Bradley will be sharing his special day with his family from near and far. He is blessed to be joined with guests from right around the corner to as far away as Coral Springs, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada. Near or far, we appreciate everyone’s good wishes and support. The Schwartz family would like to thank all those who have helped Bradley on his journey to become a Bar Mitzvah. This day would not be possible without the wonderful teaching from all the Hebrew School teachers at Beth Judea. A special thank you to Anna Besser, Rabbi Klatzker, Hazzan Weisberg, and Andrea Dickson for preparing him for his special day.
B’nei Mitzvah Bios Anna Kudlowitz will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, December 2, 2017. Anna is a 7th grader at Daniel Wright Jr. High School where she enjoys playing clarinet in the Daniel Wright 7th grade band. Anna is happy to be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah with her parents, Matt and Effie, her older brother Aaron, her younger brother Max, and her grandparents, Shlomith Cohen and Barry and Sharon Kudlowitz. Anna would also like to thank her aunts, uncle, cousins, and other friends and family who have traveled to celebrate with her today. She also remembers all those who cannot be with her to celebrate today. Anna would like to thank Anna Besser, Rabbi Klatzker, and all her Hebrew school teachers for all they have done to help her reach this day. Anna would especially like to thank Hazzan Weisberg for all the work he has done with her during her time in Yad Squad as well as helping her to prepare for this special occasion.
Shirat Shabbat
Join us on Friday November 17th at 7:30 pm as we celebrate
SHIRAT SHABBAT Musical ShaBBaT Celebration!!!
The Word - November 2017
Building Jerusalem Congregation Beth Judea presents
Building JERUSALEM “one LEGO at a time” Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
During Religious School Time Open to the Entire Congregation Sponsored by the Lifshitz Legacy Fund & Israel Committee Brought by Stephen W. Schwartz AIA, Architect of SWS Architects, Livingston, NJ CBJ Families (children, parents, grandparents) are invited to join us as we build Jerusalem ONE LEGO AT A TIME! The Old city of Jerusalem comes alive as we work together on a 20 foot by 20 foot drawing creating the city, brick by brick. Once complete we will explore the Walls, 8 gates into the city, the Kotel, King David’s Tower, the Beit Hamikdash, and other important landmark elements. Please RSVP to by Thursday, Nov. 9. CHILDREN AGE 8 & UNDER can participate with adult
Shiva Baskets
Gift Cards
Sunshine Fund
The primary purpose of the shiva tradition, or "sitting shiva," is to create an environment of comfort and community for mourners; it helps guide friends and family members through the loss of a loved one. Throughout the weeklong shiva period, mourners come together in one family’s home to offer their condolences and support. From a practical standpoint, the shiva process and practices associated with Jewish mourning add comfort to the life of a mourner following a death. In the period after suffering a loss, a mourner may be comforted by the structure and routines prescribed by traditional Jewish mourning laws. Historically, the Board of Directors of Congregation Beth Judea has sent shiva baskets to the immediate family of Board members; parents, spouses, siblings and G-d forbid, children. We would like to extend this gesture to the entire congregation. Donations may be sent the shul attention Lisa Neiman. Thanking you in advance for you generous donations. Respectfully, Lisa Neiman
Did You Know... Do you know of information that would be of interest to our congregants? If so, please let us know.
The Word - November 2017
Purchasing gift cards is one of the easiest ways to support Beth Judea. The Congregation earns a rebate from the vendors when you utilize the gift cards, so there is no cost to you. Gift cards can be utilized the same as cash, there are no restrictions. If you are shopping for groceries or clothes, going to a movie or traveling, you can help support our Congregation. Order forms for Gift Cards are available in the office or in the Lobby on Sunday morning. They can be purchased with cash, check, or credit cards (a 2.5% convenience fee will be added when paying with a credit card). Click Here to Download Form
Did you know that when you shop on Amazon you can support Congregation Beth Judea at the same time? It's very simple, Amazon smile will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible amazon purchases to Congregation Beth Judea. Here is the link: Click here to Shop
Thursday, November 2, 2017 - 8:00 pm at Congregation Beth Judea THE AMERICAN ISRAEL PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE AIPAC and Congregation Beth Judea cordially invite you to
Ask AIPAC Anything An exclusive briefing to ask your most important questions and learn more about Policy Conference Click here for further details and to register
Thursday, November 16, 2017 at Congregation Beth Judea
Click here for further details and to register
OCTOBER 25 — NOVEMBER 5, 2017 The annual Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema (CFIC) showcases a love and appreciation of Israeli culture. Screenings take place at various venues in the Chicago metropolitan area. Shown are Israel’s most current, internationally award-winning feature films, documentaries, shorts and TV shows, with guest appearances by Israeli filmmakers, film scholars, film critics and other film experts.
Find the features, documentaries, shorts and more on the dates you want to see them under Films by going to:
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2017 – 10:00 am – 12:30 pm A Day to Remember The Word - November 2017
Religious Education Mitzvah: A Commandment There are 613, not just 10. How many times have you heard someone say, “It’s a mitzvah!” Usually it refers to a charitable act performed by another person. Mitzvah isn’t just “a good deed,” it literally means “commandment.” From the Torah, we know there are 613 mitzvot divided into positive and negative commandments. While some commandments can’t be done since the Beit HaMikdash isn’t in existence, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to do more mitzvot.
Anna Besser Education Director
While the Torah explains that we should observe the mitzvot simply because we’re commanded to do so, some of us choose to observe mitzvot because it helps us identify and feel part of the larger Jewish community. Whatever reason motivates us to observe mitzvot, in Jewish tradition it is less important than the actual performing of the mitzvot themselves. Mitzvot deal with every aspect of how one should go about leading a Jewish life. They range from observing Shabbat, to tzedakah, to visiting the sick, to clothing the naked to feeding the poor. The choices are numerous. The key is to begin with one and continue to build. Click this link to see a list of Mitzvot that can help us grow the next generation of Mitzvah-doers. Jewish Values for Growing Outstanding Jewish Children.
November Event
CBJ Sisterhood Hanukkah Students will be able to attend Bazaar AFTER classes Heh Field Trip
9 am – 12 pm
Second Grade Family Program
Parents join in at 10:30 am
Dalet B’nei Mitzvah Program
Parents join in at 11 am
Aleph – Heh Family Shabbat Dinner
6:15 pm
No Beyahad Classes (Finals Week)
No Religious School / No Beyahad Classes Winter Break: Sunday. Dec. 24 – Sunday, Jan. 7
No Religious School / No Beyahad Classes Thanksgiving Break: Monday, Nov. 20 – Sunday, Nov. 26 27
Beyahad Classes Resume 6:30 – 8:30 pm 4:15 – 6:15 pm
Religious School Classes Resume
(Aleph – Dalet)
6:15 – 8:00pm (Heh)
The Word – November 2017
Goats!! About a week or so after Yom Kippur, animal control cars could be seen pulling into the CBJ parking lot. After someone spoke to them it turned out they were looking for the old greenhouse right down the block on route 83. Now the fact that animal control accidentally came to CBJ instead of the greenhouse is nothing that peculiar, their reason for going to the greenhouse, however, was. Turns out there was a goat sighting… That’s right folks, a goat sighting. Multiple people had called in to say they saw a goat or two running loose along 83 near the greenhouse. The temptation immediately came to inform animal control not to be concerned that it was just the scapegoat we had just used during Yom Kippur. So many other jokes and puns came to mind, but ultimately the situation was still that they had come to a synagogue right after Yom Kippur (when we read all about the scapegoat) looking for a lost wandering goat. The whole situation got me thinking. I thought about the idea of putting our sins on a goat and letting it free; I thought about the idea of having a lost goat. I thought about being the goat and being lost and wandering around. When I got to that third thought I really started to ponder. How many of us are lost and wandering like that goat? How many of us are looking for a place to belong, a place to be accepted? Ultimately, I think that we are all part of the CBJ family to be able to stop wandering and stop feeling lost. No matter how long it has been since you have come by CBJ, you can always come by to feel a little less lost. Come in to a place where you will feel purpose and feel accepted. Don’t be the wandering goat down the block. To that end, it is important to get involved in all CBJ has to offer. Find yourself a place to feel at home and stop feeling lost. Remember you can always stay up to date with all things BJUSY throughout the entire year by visiting our new and improved website as well as our calendar You can sign up for membership by going to B’Shalom, Marc Sender, Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea - 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 - Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: Sign up for membership at Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel ***Whether you are going to International Convention or not make sure to come join us for an amazing Pre-Convention Experience. BJUSY is hosting TWO regions, EPA/Hagesher and Hagalil. That means over 100 USYers all gathering together at BJUSY from Thursday 12/21 to Sunday 12/24. Highlights include Whirlyball, Milt’s BBQ, Zoo Lights, Museum of Science and Industry, and so much more!!! Cost for Pre-convention is only $195!!! Even Better!!! If you are attending International Convention CBJ will pay the $195 for you making Preconvention completely FREE!!! Pre-Convention is open to all 8th-12th grade Jewish teens!!! Sign up today using
See the following page for more info!
Youth Below are the links to the Youth flyers: Kadima & Kadinkers Columbus Day Apple Picking Flyer BJUSY Flyer | Pray and Play Flyer | Kadima Flyer | Kadinkers Flyer | IC Chicago Flyer CBJ Youth Membership!!! CBJ Youth Membership Registration 2017-2018 IC Chicago Promo Video link USY IC is returning to Chicago and we need your help! USY International Convention 2017 will take place from December 24th - 28th at the Sheraton Grand Hotel downtown. Since one of our top priorities is the safety of the participants at this event, we’ll need local volunteers to help chaperone. We’ll need them for Sunday afternoon, Monday afternoon, Tuesday all day, Wednesday all day, and Thursday morning. If you think you will be able to help during any of those times please let us know by clicking here. ( Questions? Please contact the USY International Convention Chaperone Office at or via phone at 847-714-9130. Watch for news about the Alumni Event! Ongoing House Wish List: Below is a list of top need items that we would still love for the Youth House. There is also a link to a live document that can give an ongoing list of needs. Feel free to continue to shop our registries at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond for specific needs. As always, gift cards to places like Target purchased from the synagogue are a great way to help us out twice!!! Youth House Wish List Items needed for the youth house: Purple Bathroom Set Area Rugs Bean Bag Chairs for the basement Havdallah Set
Shout Outs: BJUSY sends a shoutout to all of our incredible Kadinkers (3rd-5th graders) who have gotten so involved!!! BJUSY sends a shoutout to the Groth family, the Neiman family, the Sender (Bonnie and Ira) family, the Sender (Shira and Marc) family, and the Appel family for hosting BJUSY for our annual Sukkah hop!!!
Want to send a shout out to someone??? Send Marc an email at
Youth HOUSING HELP NEEDED FOR IC CHICAGO PRECONVENTION The USY International Convention is coming to Chicago!!! Congregation Beth Judea is going to be hosting around 100 teens from Thursday, December 21st through Sunday, December 24th!!! We need housing help for all these teens!!!
CBJ USY (BJUSY) is hosting a preconvention for USYers from EPA/Hagesher (Eastern Pennsylvania) and Hagalil (New Jersey) regions. Prior to an incredible International Convention hosted at the Sheraton in Chicago from 12/24-12/28 we will be having nearly 100 teens from these two regions staying with us and participating in activities from Thursday, December 21st through Sunday, December 24th! We need help to be able to provide housing for all these teens and staff. We are therefore reaching out to you to open your home and take in at least two USYers (no USYers can be housed alone). If you are able to house USYers please click the link below to sign up with your information. Responsibilities of host families and a link to a tentative schedule is included below: IC Preconvention Host Family RSVP We will give preference to families that have USYers attending preconvention. Next preference is given to families with USY age or close to USY aged children around during the breaks, however due to the large number of USYers that we will be hosting we are looking for anybody who can host regardless of if they have children around or not. WHAT WILL BE NEEDED OF HOSTS? Thursday: Pickup begins late Thursday night (aound 10:30pm). USYers go back to your houses and sleep Friday: Feed USYers breakfast. Drop USYers back off at CBJ at 9am. Pick USYers back up at 3pm to get ready for Shabbat. Drop USYers back off at CBJ at 6pm. Pick USYers up for the night at 9:45pm Saturday: Feed USYers breakfast. Drop USYers off at CBJ at 9:30am. Pick USYers back up at 3pm to get ready for evening activity. Drop USYers off at 5pm at CBJ. Pick USYers back up at CBJ at 10:45pm for the night. Sunday: Feed USYers breakfast. Drop USYers off at CBJ at 8am. Preconvention Tentative Schedule If you have any questions about housing please contact Marc Sender at
AJEC presents All Paths Can Lead to Joy Presented by Mendy Hart Mendy Hart, Life Empowerment Coach, personal coach and holistic therapist, demonstrates passion for personal growth issues and helping others achieve a wide range of succcess in their lives.
Whether you are overwhelmed, or you are experiencing stress, disappointment, or heartbreak, there is a path forward. Through mindfulness and other spiritual principles and technques, come and find your way back to the joy you so richly deserve in life.
Thursday, November 9, 2017 1:00 pm—3:00 pm Program held at Temple Chai 1670 Checker Road, Long Grove, Illinois Cash or Check $15 per person Walk-Ins Welcome As Thanksgiving approaches, please bring a non-perishable food item for our local food pantry. For more information, please contact AJEC @ (847) 363-0000 AJEC (Adult Jewish Education Co---op) is committed To providing relevant programs of vital interest to all. Programs will generate open and honest discussion, as well as focus on personal connections to the topics.
Download Flyer
Download Flyer
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at
Adult Education Series November 2017 Lunch & Learn: Sex and Jewish Ethics in the Age of Snapchat Taught by Rabbi Klatzker Sex is powerful and can lead to good or evil. But with the decline of conservative taboos, what standards can still guide us? Bring lunch and an appetite for discussion as we examine our theme for each series. Wednesday, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Dates: Oct. 18 – Nov. 15, 2017 LOCATION: Sunset Foods 2nd floor conference room (corner of Rt. 83 & Aptakisic) COST: Members – FREE; Non-Members - $18 for series OR $5 per session Bring Your Own Lunch
Mussar: How to Live a Balanced and Responsible Life Taught by Rabbi Klatzker
Wednesday evenings, 8:00 – 9:00 pm Dates: Nov. 1 – Dec. 20, 2017 (no classes Nov 8 & 22) Bring your everyday into alignment with your values through Mussar, an old-new Jewish practice of awareness and character development. Recommended text: Alan Morinis, Everyday Holiness (not to be confused with another of his books, Every Day, Holy Day).
Dinner & Conversation: White Privilege “How I stopped worrying & learned to love discussing race” Facilitated by Rabbi Klatzker Thursday, November 2, 2017, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Cost: $12 pp (dinner & dessert) RSVP by Oct. 27 to
Tap the Torah: Shylock Revisited Taught by Orin Rotman Sponsored by the Men’s Club Join us for a drink, lively discussion, enormous amount of knowledge, and great company! LOCATION: The Continental Restaurant, 788 S Buffalo Grove Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL
Monday, November 27, 2017 7:45 pm – 9:15 pm
Hebrew Classes Hebrew Literacy I Taught by Jerry Sakol & Eric Yegelwel Sponsored by Men’s Club Tuesday evenings; 8:00 – 9:00 pm Dates: Oct. 24, 2017 – Jan. 16, 2018 Want a proven successful opportunity to learn how to read Hebrew in a friendly environment? Then join this class. Hebrew Literacy I is designed to teach those with no previous (or forgotten) knowledge of Hebrew how to read. The 12-week course focuses on learning to read the words used in the Friday Night service. Graduation – Friday Night Service on Jan. 19, 2018 COST: $30 fee for course materials
Ulpan 1
Ulpan 2
Taught by Lee Goldberg
Taught by Lee Goldberg
In this course, students will develop reading fluency and understanding of Hebrew word and sentence structures. We will then move into Hebrew grammar and learn to converse: how to order food in a restaurant, shop, and tell the doctor what hurts and have fun doing it, with songs, word games, and imagery. The ability to read basic Hebrew is required.
In this course we will continue from where we left off last year. We'll continue learning Hebrew grammar while learning to order food in a restaurant, shop, and tell the doctor what hurts and have fun doing it, with songs, word games, and imagery. The ability to read Hebrew is required.
Textbook Fee: $20 Thursday evenings 8:00 – 9:00 pm Beginning Oct. 19, 2017
Thursday evenings 6:30 – 7:30 pm Beginning Sept. 14, 2017
MELTON Taught by BJE Melton Staff Sponsored by Men’s Club
Come experience a Melton class and see for yourself what high-quality, meaningful adult Jewish learning is all about. A two-year educational program designed to offer adults well-rounded, in-depth study of Judaism in a user-friendly environment. Join learners from diverse backgrounds to learn about our heritage and culture in an intellectually stimulating, non-denominational environment. YEAR 2: Ethics of Jewish Living: examines the relationship between Jewish life and ethical behavior. Crossroads of Jewish History spotlights defining period in Jewish history and emphasizes the richness of Jewish memory.
WHEN? Tuesday evenings 7:00 pm – 9:15 pm, Begins 10/24/17
WHERE? BJE Campus, 3320 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL
FACULTY? Rabbi David Rosenberg, Rabbi Moshe Simkovich
HOW MUCH? Beth Judea Members: $570 Non-Members: $670 (stipends available)
TO REGISTER: Click HERE to complete form OR register online
QUESTIONS? Contact Rolly Cohen at or 847-291-7788 X1304
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at
Adult Education Series Ongoing Classes These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
Israel Matters
Taught by Hazzan Weisberg Join Hazzan Weisberg in gaining a better understanding of the newest challenges and opportunities arising for Israel as well as its neighbors. What Jewish values and religious principles can be seen when Israel’s leaders are dealing with the Palestinians, with the growing number of Islamic extremist groups, with the Arab world, with the greater international community?
Tuesday mornings after minyan (8:30 –9:15 am)
Diving Into Talmud: Grappling with Life, Law and Innovation Taught by Orin Rotman
The Talmud is a profoundly rich compilation of wisdom that has continued relevance to our contemporary search for meaning. It addresses eternal questions of ethics, human nature and our relationship to the Divine. Participate in a lively discussion of the Talmud and its relevance for us today. No prior knowledge required and texts will be provided. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class) Sunday mornings at 8:00 am
Sweet Taste of Torah: Psalms Taught by Orin Rotman
For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again. Wednesday evenings at 8 pm
These Saturday morning classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
Weekly Parsha Study Facilitated by Orin Rotman Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants. Shabbat morning at 9:00 am every Shabbat morning
Alternative Shabbat Service Facilitated by Norm Kurtz Norm Kurtz facilitates this Shabbat morning service that focuses on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. Join this innovative creative and different minyan each Shabbat morning at 10:30 am in Room 1. Shabbat morning at 10:30 am every Shabbat morning
Men’s Club Ladies and Gentlemen of Beth Judea, As the migratory birds and snowbirds alike fly to their winter abodes, we who stay behind to keep the home fires burning, settle in, anticipating our changing seasons. Those of you who didn’t come to the Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah missed a great event. Good food, great spirits, a most enjoyable trivia game, and a generally wonderful helping of comradery were shared by all. Orin Rotman was our whiskey expert; he described, facilitated, and enhanced our better understanding of all the nuances of these exotic beverages. Our esteemed brother Brandt Rosen emceed the trivia game with great aplomb, leaving us all laughing and awakening no small amount of thoughtful dialog. I would be remiss if I did not also thank quite the cast of coconspirators, all of whom generously devoted their time to make this event a hamish fest. Sandy Victor, Rob Lipka, Norm Kurtz, Evan Rumack, Bruce Darin and Arnie Bender, (Master Chefs), Allen Harris (Fest master General), Fred Rabinowitz, Sarah Goldenberg (a gal Friday who works on Sundays), all pitched in to lighten one another’s tasks. Let’s not forget to mention, Lisa, Karen and Manny, our energetic and quality driven staff. The event was very well attended, and today may not be too early to reserve your spot for next year. This year the sukkah may have seemed a little bit different. That is because it was totally rebuilt, erected, and then dismantled, and stored away for next year by your Men’s Club. Under Sandy Victor’s foremanship, over several Sundays (braving some blazingly hot days), we made all new panels and, not too surprisingly, everything fit together. I hope everyone in our congregation had a chance to see and spend some time in the Beth Judea sukkah. Built by Alan Marcus, Eric Yegelwel, Maynard Hirsch, Ron Friedman, Orin Rotman, Dan Weinberger, Fred Rabinowitz, Daniel Landau, Aubrey Landau, Norm Kurtz, Evan Rumack, Zach Pesin, Brandt Rosen, Sandy Victor, and me. There may be some names missing on this list, most regrettably yours. If you are reading this and think there may be a place in
The Word - November 2017
our Men’s Club for you, why not join us? It’s certainly not too late to join in the fun. 11-18-2017: Our Men’s Club once again will assist the Lieberman Nursing Home with a Saturday morning service. Everyone in the congregation is welcome to participate in this activity. Men and woman alike have helped to enhance our more elderly brethren to observe the Sabbath. Anyone interested should contact me by email at 11-27-2017, 7:45 PM at Continental Restaurant there is a Tap the Torah event, led by Orin Rotman. We will be absorbing wisdom while quaffing ales; an event that will leave you wanting for more. As Hanukkah is swiftly approaching, I would like to remind everyone that there are still candle routes to be delivered. Your Men’s Club and many other volunteers generously donate their time and cars to personally hand deliver a box of candles to every family in the area. You meet the finest people sometimes. I look forward to some old friends and some whom I have never had an encounter with. This is a great way to involve your spouse or children in a relatively short but meaningful mitzvah. I would like to take this opportunity to announce that Rob Lipka is our Man of the Year for 2018. Next year we will get the chance to show our appreciation for all the time, hours, work, and support he has selflessly given to our Men’s Club, and the synagogue for more than a few years. Yasher Koach to you Rob, we are all grateful to you for the honor you bring to us with your talents and your generosity. Your involvement with the congregation is a blessing to all of us. That’s about all I can think of for now, so good health to you, safe travels, and I’ll see you in shul. Jerry Sakol, Men’s Club President
Men’s Club Tzedakah Fund The Men's Club has made donations from the minyan tzedakah box: Please check here next month for a list of the recipients of the donations. We thank all those who have contributed to the tzedakah fund administered by Men's Club.
Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives. HELP THE ELDERLY ATTEND SERVICES
2017 Steak in the Sukkah
Once a month, the Beth Judea Men’s Club volunteers at the Lieberman Geriatric Center and helps the elderly get to and from services. If you are interested in helping please contact Sandy Ramas. MEN’S CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
Monday, November 27, 2017 7:45 pm to 9:15 pm TAP THE TORAH TOPIC: “Shylock Revisited”
Men’s Club Softball Trophies 2014, 2016, 2017 Champions
Facilitated by Orin Rotman
Click here for details The Word – November 2017
Sisterhood Dear Sisters, Sisterhood sponsors a book club, and this month, while it is no exception, it is also very special. On Thursday, October 25th, we discussed the book Jumping Over Shadows by Annette Gendler. But wait! There’s more! On Wednesday, November 8th, you will have the opportunity to actually meet the author as Sisterhood presents an evening with Annette Gendler at Beth Judea. Please join us for what will be a very special event and one you won’t want to miss. You will need to RSVP to Lisa Neiman by November 1st, as there is limited seating. This event is free to CBJ members and $5.00 for all others.
Do you have any occasions coming up? Perhaps a wedding, bar/bat mitzvah, or a birthday? Please consider shopping for that special gift at our Beth Judea Judaica Shop. Ably run by the fantastic duo of Karen Nagel and Ann Lerman, these ladies manage to purchase only the finest items you could ever want, either for yourself or for that special someone else. Hours are on Tuesdays from 4-8 and Sundays from 9-12:30 when Hebrew school is in session. They are also happy to set up a private appointment to meet with you at your convenience. Contact Karen at 847-722-6621 or Ann at 847-373-8640. And if you would like to volunteer your time, they are always happy to have more workers. Won’t you give them a call? And speaking of our Judaica Shop, don’t forget that the annual Sisterhood Hanukkah Bazaar will be held on Sunday, November 5th. One of the wonderful benefits of shopping for and purchasing your holiday AND all-occasion gifts at the bazaar is that you get free gift wrapping with all purchases! The variety of gift choices runs the gamut from specifically for Hanukkah to toys and books and that oh-so-perfect hostess gift. And did I mention the jewelry??!! Gorgeous!!! Come and shop with your friends and family. You will NOT walk away empty handed!!
Congregation Beth Judea Sisterhood presents Wednesday, November 8th at 8:00 pm at Congregation Beth Judea MEET THE
“In this extraordinary work, Annette Gendler illuminates the borders and meeting points between Judaism and Christianity, Germans and Jews, American Jews and Israeli Jews. Writing with eloquent precision, she reminds us why converts to Judaism are among the most precious gifts to the Jewish people. This book confirms Annette Gendler as an indispensable Jewish voice for our time.”
Yossi Klein Halevi, author of Like Dreamers, Senior fellow, Shalom Hartman Institute, Jerusalem
OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY COST: Free for CBJ Members | Non-Members $5/pp
Please RSVP by November 1st to
Rhonda Cohn and Heidi Sakol Sisterhood Co-Presidents Download Flyer
Sisterhood Gift Shop The Sisterhood of Beth Judea proudly shares about our renowned Judaica Shop! Our Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of items and gifts with continually updated inventory. Stop by and take a look at many of the following types of items: *Tallitot *Kippot *Women’s Head Coverings *Seder Plates *Hanukkah Menorahs *Shabbat Candlesticks *Kiddush Cups *Tzedakah Boxes *Wedding Gifts * Shofars *Bar & Bat Mitzvah Gifts *Mezuzah Cases and Kosher Scrolls *Yahrzeit Candles *Jewish Children’s Books *Wall Home Blessings *Hostess Gifts *Wedding Glasses *Decorative items……..and so much more! Come and browse our amazing collections of beautiful Judaic Jewelry – for both Men and Women! We have countless Hamsas, Chais, Stars and Hoshens. You will love our special designer pieces. Also our non-Judaic jewelry can make a special gift as well.! You will find many price points to meet all budgets. Our extensive collection of tallitot, for both men and women, is a specialty we are known for in the Chicagoland area! We always have approximately 100 of the tallitot in stock…most of them made in Israel! If the choices are overwhelming – or you wish to simply allow a family member or friend choose on their own – a Gift Certificate may be the wise choice for you – any denomination – anytime. We make it easy for you too – as we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover! So stop by and visit us to see for yourself why all of the talk! Our hours when Hebrew School is in session are: Tuesdays – 4 pm to 8 pm
Sundays – 9 am to 12:30 pm
We also will gladly make appointments to meet with you at your convenience – simply contact: Karen Nagel; 847-722-6621; Ann Lerman; 847-373-8640; Have the Judaica Shop be a go-to spot for all your Judaic needs – please come visit us soon!
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls. One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires December 31, 2017 COUPON
Looking for a Way to Give Back this Hanukkah? Join CBJ in our Annual “7+1” Gift Drive for Jewish Child and Family Service Join CBJ in our Annual “7+1” Gift Drive for Jewish Child and Family Service Celebrate 7 days of Hanukkah for your children/grandchildren and donate one day of gifts for a child from JCFS. Involve your children or grandchildren in the Mitzvah of giving by including them in the shopping process. We have holiday wish slips for 60 children receiving services from JCFS available for you to shop for or you can donate new games, toys, gifts cards or electronics to a general gift collection. Each child’s story is unique, but each child is part of a family that is experiencing such financial difficulty that holiday gifts are just not a possibility. Whether their need is a result of a recent job loss, divorce, death or other tragedy, JCFS is proud to able to provide a bright spot for these families. Thank you for making this possible. Please read the instructions carefully. • You may spend up $50 per child or donate a gift card for them to use. Gift cards can be purchased through the synagogue – so it is one stop shopping. • Please email Debbie Limer at in order to receive the wish list. I will need to know how many children you want to shop for, if you have a gender or age preference, or if you want to purchase gift cards. I will also be at the synagogue on Sunday, Nov. 12 from 9:30am12:00pm. • Gifts must be new and unwrapped. • You need not purchase everything on a child’s list. JCFS limits each child to a maximum of $50 worth of gifts. • Please do not purchase “R” rated movies or music with a parent’s advisory label. If you choose, you may substitute an appropriate gift card. • Gifts should be unwrapped and placed in closed plastic bags. Wish slips should be taped or attached securely to each client’s gift bag. • There will be a box in the synagogue office from November 21st to the 28th for drop offs. • Please return the purchased gifts to the synagogue before Tuesday, November 28. • If you choose to get a gift card, you can do a double mitzvah and order it at the synagogue through the office. You can order a gift card for your child, and the synagogue will take care of making sure it gets put in the collection!
BJE Early Childhood Centers
MT Nesters The MT Nesters are in the middle of our 22nd year. But our dues are still the same -$20/year (no senior discounts). However, membership in the MT Nesters for your first year is free if you are currently a member of Beth Judea. We are continuing to hold our monthly program/meetings on Sundays, usually in the afternoon, and sometimes outside of the synagogue. For additional information contact Carol Schechter at 847-537-3566 or Sam Chiprin at 847-459-0316.
Registration for 2017-2018
Cell Phone Drop-Off Box In Synagogue Office! Help domestic abuse victims by donating your old cell phones.
Registration at the Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center at Beth Judea is well under way. Registration for our 2017-2018 school year has begun. Schedule a visit to one of our classes: New Steps (parent/caregiver and toddler), More Steps (2 year olds), Kadima (3 year olds) and Pre-K, and learn about our amazing curriculum. Call us at 847634-0363 to begin your child’s preschool journey. Come and see what we’re all about!
Each phone raises money for domestic abuse crisiscounseling services in the Jewish community! SHALVA offers free counseling to Jewish women who are or were in an intimate partner relationship. If you or someone you know needs our help, call 773-583-4673.
New Membership Programs Beth Judea Announces Exciting New Membership Programs:
Alternative Shabbat Service Alternative Shabbat Service Service Leader: Norm Kurtz
1. Referral Program Gift of Membership 3. STEPS to Membership
Every Shabbat Morning 10:30 am until 11:45 am.
We're very excited to announce new membership programs for our community! We're making it easy and rewarding for you to help spread the word about our synagogue community to your family, friends, and Jewish families that might have moved into the neighborhood! Click Here for Full Details
Planned Giving Is Beth Judea a Part of Your Estate? Help ensure the future of Congregation Beth Judea. From Generation to Generation “Making a Difference in the Lives that Follow”
You are invited to join the Alternative Shabbat Service which meets every Shabbat morning. Our growing interpretive minyan (prayer group) is focused on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. We are innovative, creative, and different from the traditional service. We are friendly and welcoming to all. Being nonjudgmental and accessible, we are interested in creating a meaningful spiritual community where joyful prayer and spirited Torah discussion is experienced, accompanied by camaraderie and friendship. Join us for prayer/discussion/ learning and stay after services for Kiddush/lunch with the entire Congregation. We meet in the former youth lounge on the lower level of the Synagogue (which is accessible to the physically challenged) from 10:30 am until 11:45 am. Bring a friend with you. We look forward to welcoming you to our community. Shabbat Shalom,
LIFE IN ISRAEL THE GOODMAN’S BLOG Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog. To learn more about the Goodman’s life in Israel click here to share their experience.
Norm Kurtz Service Leader
For further information:
Upon three things the world is based: Upon Torah, Upon Divine Service and Upon the Practice of Charity
The Word - November 2017
The Helping Hand Plan
The Helping Hand Plan A Project of Congregation Beth Judea Hesed Committee
Do you need some help? Do you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment? Do you need a ride to services at Beth Judea?
WHAT IS THE HELPING HAND PLAN? Beth Judea has a group of volunteers who are ready, willing, and able to lend a hand. Just call or e-mail if you need some assistance. WHO DO I CONTACT TO REQUEST SOME HELP? Please call Larry Wollheim at 847-6349399 or e-mail Larry at or call Rabbi Klatzker at 847-634-0777 or e-mail Rabbi Klatzker at to request help. It’s a Mitzvah to help someone. Please allow us to help you.
You Make A Difference We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the Hesed (Caring) committee members below: Rabbi Klatzker Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack
The Word - November 2017
Hesed Committee
An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at or call Rabbi Pivo. FOR A LIST OF EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS, AGENCIES AND RESOURCES click here
We Would Like To Know WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement, or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Hesed (Caring) committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records. Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.
NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: November 1
Jeffrey Brim
November 14
November 2
Jenita Fischoff Joan Smith David Spangler
Marci Fooden Cheryl Levsky Aaron Polonsky
November 15
Nevo Band Bonnie Neubauer
Jill LeVine Albert Stark
November 16
Susan Heald
November 3 November 4
Steven Lammers Pamela Landau Aileen Simons
November 17
Marc Gottfried Morrie Lieberman Anthony Veprinsky
November 5
Herman Hefler Gerald Sakol
November 18
Barbara Robbins
November 20
Carol Schechter
November 6
Jean Appel November 22
November 7
Gordon Kasper Michael Klass Daniel Weinberger
Michael Neimark Michael Schrimmer
November 23
Audrey Friedland Michael Mangurten Richard Reingold
David Cohen Steven Frost Suzanne Reingold
November 24
Gayle Cohen Steven Kolko David Stolman
November 25
Howard Tolsky
November 26
Helene Fox Thomas Lilien Michelle Siegel
November 28
Philip Nagel
November 29
Susan Liebovitz
November 30
Leslie Abella Larry Bernstein Michael Weil
November 8
November 9
Anna Besser Rhonda Cohn Sidney Mathias Gary Schachter
November 10
Harold Cohen
November 11
Jake Arndt Helene Miller Susan Schuster
November 12
Solomon Fridland
November 13
Rebecca Feldman David Heald James Tehrani
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – November 2017
NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: November 2
Deborah & Gary Mills
November 3
Davida & Scott Finkle
November 4
Alyssa & Jim Duvel
November 6
Tatyana & Zakhar Pesin
November 7
Lori & Carey Bacalar
November 8
Andrea & David Warren
November 9
Robyn & Michael Gomberg Debra & Wesley Morris Kim & Aleksey Neiman
November 12
Heidi & Gerald Sakol
November 13
Allyson & Andrew Marcus
November 14
Nelli & David Ban Lindsay & Monty Mittelman Shelley & Kenneth Stolman
November 16
Jill & Harold LeVine Renee & Michael Malter
November 18
Carol & Craig Levin Paula & Philip Spitz
November 19
Gayle & Harold Cohen Sari & William London
November 20
Heidi & Joel Robbins
November 21
Rachael & Michael Gluck
November 22
Diane & Howard Ganden
November 23
Judy & Robert Fisher Joan & Lewis Smith
November 24
Sandra & Ronald Nisson
November 25
Susan & Howard Eisenberg Gloria & Harold Secler
November 26
Suzi and Bruce Darin Marlene & Stacy Sachs
November 28
Rebecca & Marc Zeidman
November 29
Susan & Fred Rabinowitz Aileen & Steve Simons Sherie & Paul Zucker
November 30
Susanne & Robert Pinzur
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – November 2017
Gladys Bayer Sol Boten Jean Davis* Kathryn Ferrari* Leonard Gordon Israel Magarici Joan Miller* Kay Nixon* Joel Dean Ritter* Harold Rosenbloom* Frank Singer Mollie Stein* Dorothy SwetinEichner
Max Bender Brenda Chait* Arthur Dunn Florette Gaines Edith Kowalsky* Jane Markowitz* Ruth Miller Nelli Polyakov Brian Robbins David Robert Rumack* Frances Spiegel Ben Stelzer Robert Zakaman
Alex Berk* Bernard Cohen Samuel Feldstein Mary Goldberg* Larry Kowalsky* Roland Medansky Ilamae Miner Dr. Lawrence Portnoy* Eva Rosenberg Jack Schiffman* Harry Stein* Harry Stern* Milton Zeff
November 10
Lester Abelson* Reuben Dannen* Roberta Gerol* Harry Hershinow* Jack Karchmar* Stephen Klein* Bernard Miner Iris L. Pollack* Jeanne Silverstone Sally Tepper*
Jean Bloom* David Fine* Alexander Gluzman Edythe Johnson Victor Kessler* Bernard Lerner* David Neubauer* Abe Sanders Abe Sobol* Minnie Weinberg*
Robert Buzil* Ida Fischer* Charlotte Goldberg* Ruth Feinberg Kamensky Morris Klein* Yetta Schuster Levy Gertie Nidetz* Susan Schiffman* Goldie Stein* Marjorie Zarchy
November 17
Shari Alarcon* Roberta Berks Philip Bordy Charles Bregman Morris Chappe Warren Elisco Toby Gottlieb Joel LeVine Davida Mayeroff Walter Rice Ruth Sabol Samuel Sher George Uhler
Dorothy Bakst* Dorothy Bikshorn Bernice Boten Ira Bulmash Fannie Cole* Alvin H. Friedman* Stella Hiller* Sally Mangurten Dorothy Moss* Sam Rizman* Hyman Schechter Sara Sherman* Jean Zoller*
Jerome Berenson Isadore Bikshorn Melvin Bransky Benjamin Carpet* Maynard Duboe Temmie Goldstein* Hyman Holman Michael Marks* David Nechamkin* Edythe Rosen* Helen Seff* Charles Stern
November 24
Norman Abrams* Judith Bregman Morrie Finkle Danielle Goldberg* Ethel Kaplan Rose Lettvin Fred Platchek Sam Schneider Sylvia Solomon* Judy Walcer*
Jeanne Babbitt* Bernard Ellis* H.R. Ford Robert Grossman Joseph Kronowitz Walter Levi* Murray Pollack* Bette Segal Suzanne Stark Larry Weinberger*
Sam Belsky* Sol Feinberg Mildred Freid Doris Harris Lena Kronowitz Samuel Jay Mandel* Sol Rubin Arnost Siegellak Shirley Stern
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2017
Sylvia Bordy Sylvia Dammers* Don Fischoff Rhonda Gerchikov Martin Heller* Irving Kolko Enid Levsky Pearl Palmer Enrique Ribot Herbert Rosenblatt Harold Schwartz* David Skerker* Sydney Witlin*
Lionel Brazen Martin Dubin Donald Fischoff Judith Hafley Harry Isenberg Anita Kreisman Ellyn Lockwood Scot Patner* Marvin Rose* Anna Schechter Sidney Schwartz* Frieda Skerker*
Jean Brenghause* Blanche Elvove* Anna Fuhrman* Sophie Harvis* Florence Kanter* Muriel Landy Irwin Mandelblatt Rivka Polakow Marvin Rosenberg Louis Schnabel Phyllis Shatz* Irving Tolsky
December 8
Nathan Ander Ann Bernstein* Bruce Clorfene Michael Feldman* Lynn Clifford Golberg Lee (Lena) Meyer Katz* Herman Leavitt* Morrie Mangurten Esther Morgenstein* Sylvia Rabin Silvie Serbin* Elsa Spitz Sofia Sznaper* H Jack Zussman*
Florence Balfour* Pearl Brickman* Moshe Elbaum* Nathan Finn Samuel Gold* Clara Kersky* Fern LeVine Donald Maslov Sara Lee Perlman Pearl Rizman* Jack Singer* Sidney Stark Florence Wasserman
Esther Bergman* Celia Burg* Bernard Epton Nathan Gladstein* Charlotte Guttenberg* Bertha Kravitz* Ida Levin Gail Moffett Khaim Pesin Florence Robinson* Sarah Singer* Louis Stein* Gilbert Wernick
December 15
Rochelle Adelman Ruth Fagan* Bella Jacobs Harold Mayeroff Benjamin Levi Plaut Sidney Prosansky* Maurice Settler Dr. Maurice Slivnick Bessie Weiner* Max Zakaman*
Frieda Borenstein Abraham Fuhrman* Elynor Klein* Dorothy Patt Jacqueline Pollard Sam Rubenstein* Lisa Shiffers Rose Toch* Robert Weiss
Lawrence Elauser Louis Goldberg Mae Mandel Edward Patt Joseph Pressburger Nathan Schwartz Ben Shugan Edward Warman Charles Wolf*
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2017
Bernice Altman Carly Berns* Lillian Elgenson Jack Frost Max Halperin* Sol Kaufman* Helen Lindenbaum* Emanuel Pearl Philip Rockwell Peter Stark William Toch* Mildred Wittlin* Samuel Zablen*
Violet Barrier* Maxwell Clamage Louis Elisco Joseph Green Arline Holman Israel Levine* Hyman Loeb* Sylvia Polakow* Sylvia Rubin* Toby Charlene Swichkow* Newton Truger* Abe Wolinsky*
Mildred Berngard Ruth Duboe Asna Fagin* Beverly Guttenberg Doris Kalina Marilyn Levit Barry Mark Sheldon Robbins Yisrael Shalem Janet Thomas Harry Weinstein* Tillie Yublosky*
December 29
Margaret Atlas Robert Allan Brown Samuel Chiet* Ida Glickman Jeri Ann Goldman Joe Koek Marvin Miller Gertrude Trudy Paley Michelle Rappaport Sherwin Rosenfeld* Theodore Sakol* Mabelle Schero Samuel Silver Shirley Sussman Leona Wolf*
Fannie Barasch Elizabeth Buff Samuel Dicker Harvey Gold Samuel Kanter* Irwin Lipka Bruce Minnick* Lewis Pervosky Diana Ratskoff Ruth Rotman Gertrude Salzenstein Rose Schwartz* Faye Singer* Louis Vicker*
Richard Brown Robert Buhai Martin Garson* Christina Marie Goldberg Audrey Kirst Stephanie Lustig* Sophie Momet Maury Platt* Dr. Jack Rizman* Muriel Sachsel* Yetta Sanders Ilse Sender* Harriet Sumner* Bernard Weisel*
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2017
TRIBUTES FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FUNDS, PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE PRAYERS HAVE BEEN SAID FOR THE RECOVERY OF: Dr. Aronson Corey Barnett Ariella Duvel Joseph Ernsteen Stella Greener Jaclyn Jacobson Ronna Leibach Rabbi Lifshitz Rose Price Sam Wener Condolences Upon the Deaths of: Dorothy Brown Mother of Susan Rabinowitz Bertram Eisner Father of Scott Eisner Jack Weinger Father of Wendy Weinger
Congratulations upon: Birth: Joanne & Steve Dicker upon the birth of their grandson, Zachary James Dicker Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe upon the birth of their grandson, Tanner Beck Duboe Heidi & Jerry Sakol upon the birth of their grandson, Ryan Andrew Bolger
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Stuart Wolf Rona Wolf
RABBI KLATZKER DISCRETIONARY FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Klatzker for the meaningful discussion on life’s transitions. Chavurah Aleph PRAYER BOOK FUND IN MEMORY OF: Bertram Eisner, beloved father of Scott Eisner. Sherry & Marty Krawitz Jack Weinger, beloved father of Wendy Weinger. CBJ Sisterhood Jack Weinger, beloved father and grandfather of Wendy Weinger & Richard Ward and Family. Sherry & Marty Krawitz
CANTOR WEISBERG DISCRETIONARY FUND IN HONOR OF: Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe upon the birth of their grandson, Tanner Beck Duboe. Andrea & Ed Hockfield Heidi & Jerry Sakol upon the birth of their grandson, Ryan Andrew Bolger. Gayle & Rick Pervos IN MEMORY OF: Bertram Eisner, beloved father of Scott Eisner. Gayle & Rick Pervos UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Kay Nixon Rhonda & Bob Schwartz Rose Rubin Roberta & Andrew Zarchy Marjorie Zarchy Roberta & Andrew Zarchy
USY/KADIMA SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: Anne & Lance Pacernick upon Grant Pacernick becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Dana & Ken Goldstein Stacy Sachs upon his birthday. Marsha & Chuck Bernstein
Jan & Mike Schrimmer upon the birth of their granddaughter, Kalena Schrimmer Rubin
The Word – November 2017
TRIBUTES GENERAL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Congregation Beth Judea. John Ioanes Congregation Beth Judea for the beautiful community yizkor service. Vickie Saunders
GENERAL FUND (Cont.) IN MEMORY OF: Bertram Eisner, beloved father of Scott Eisner. Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel Rachel & Neil Jordan Rita & Sid Mathias Morris Joe Weiner Wendy & Michael Baygood
IN HONOR OF: Merle & Evan Rumack Bonnie & Ira Sender Laura & Stan Zoller Susan Adleman
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Philip Gluskin Jeffrey & Ellen Gluskin and Family
Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe and ourselves upon the birth of our grandson, Tanner Duboe. Cindy & Bruce Lubin
Marcus Julis, beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather. Barb & Jeffrey Julis and Family
Heidi & Jerry Sakol upon the birth of their grandson, Ryan Andrew Bolger. Rita & Sid Mathias Jan & Mike Schrimmer upon the birth of their granddaughter, Kalena Schrimmer Rubin. Rita & Sid Mathias
SPEEDY RECOVERY WISHES TO: Ronna Leibach Rita & Sid Mathias IN MEMORY OF: Dorothy Brown, beloved mother of Susan & Fred Rabinowitz. Rita & Sid Mathias
The Word – November 2017
Jane Markowitz Hadrian & Randy Markowitz
SOCIAL ACTION FUND IN MEMORY OF: Bertram Eisner, beloved father of Scott Eisner. Dana & Ken Goldstein David Rebnord & Marilyn Green Karri & Howard Spiegel UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Gerszon Weiskopf, beloved father. Barb & Lee Silver
KIDDUSH FUND IN MEMORY OF: Jack Weinger, beloved father of Wendy Weinger & Richard Ward and Family. Jean & Ron Friedman
EDUCATION FUND IN HONOR OF: Harriet & Jordan Krugel upon their anniversary. Eudice Rosenblatt Heidi & Jerry Sakol upon the birth of their grandson, Ryan Andrew Bolger. Karri & Howard Spiegel IN MEMORY OF: William Dunn, beloved father of Debbie Weiss. Trudy & Robert Balogh and Family Bertram Eisner, beloved father of Scott Eisner. Marlene & Stacy Sachs UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Jack Brill, beloved father and grandfather. Marlene & Stacy Sachs Jerome Horwitz Rita Gardberg
SISTERHOOD FUND IN HONOR OF: Heidi & Jerry Sakol upon the birth of their grandson, Ryan Andrew Bolger. Marsha & Chuck Bernstein The Zoller Family. Maxine Karns MEN’S CLUB FUND IN HONOR OF: Heidi & Jerry Sakol upon the birth of their grandson, Ryan Andrew Bolger. Marsha & Chuck Bernstein Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Suzanne Fine Frank Singer Melinda, Jeff, Jonathan & Elizabeth Fine
IN HONOR OF: Heidi & Jerry Sakol upon the birth of their grandson, Ryan Andrew Bolger. Eileen & Alan Spiegel
IN HONOR OF: Heidi & Jerry Sakol upon the birth of their grandson, Ryan Andrew Bolger. Susie Rizman
IN MEMORY OF: Bertram Eisner, beloved father of Scott & Fran Eisner. Renee & Michael Klass
IN MEMORY OF: Jack Rizman, beloved husband, father and grandfather. D.M. Ephraim Family Foundation
IN MEMORY OF: Bertram Eisner, beloved father of Scott & Fran Eisner. Lee & Arnie Goldberg Ben Saypol, our dear friend. May his memory be for a blessing. Chavurah Aleph Lee & Arnie Goldberg Marcie, Alan & Ross Marcus Marilyn & Sandy Victor
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Charlotte Goldberg Lee & Arnie Goldberg
The Word – November 2017
CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: Website: Rabbi David Klatzker Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Sidney Mathias Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender Editor Evan Rumack
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Worship Schedule
Candle Lighting Times
Conducted by Rabbi David Klatzker and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg
Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time.
Shabbat Evening Services ..........................................7:30.p.m. Shabbat Morning Services ......................................... 9:30 a.m. Gan Shabbat – Shabbat Mornings ..............................10:30 a.m. Junior Congregation ...................................................10:30 a.m. Alternative Shabbat Service (Interpretive Minyan).. 10:30 a.m.
November 3.......................................................5:24 pm November 10.................................................... 4:16 pm November 17.................................................... 4:10 pm November 24 ....................................................4:05 pm
Weekday Morning Minyan: Sunday .................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Monday ................................................................ 6:15 a.m. Tuesday through Friday ........................................ 7:30 a.m. Weekday Evening Minyan: Monday through Thursday .................................... 7:30 p.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.