Kristallnacht November 9/10, 1938
5304 RFD, Hilltop Rd. & Route 83, Long Grove, IL 60047 Phone: 847-634-0777
FROM THE RABBI TREE OF LIFE SYNAGOGUE - PITTSBURGH We joined together the evening of October 28th at Congregation Beth Judea - 150 people. We prayed. We sang. We mourned. And we embraced each other. We shared our emotions fear, anger, uncertainty, and hope - and we held hands. We are here for each other, and we are here for the Jewish community at Tree of Life Congregation and in greater Pittsburgh.
safe in our homes, in our schools, in our synagogues, and in our country. We are Jews. We cannot hide. We should never hide. Rather, we should stand proud, tall, and strong together because we are Jews. And just like every other religion in our blessed country, we have the right of freedom of RABBI religion, to practice our beliefs assured MORRIS ZIMBALIST of safety and security within our synagogues, sanctuaries, and other holy sites.
Below are some of the remarks I shared... "There are no unacceptable.
The Torah recounts for us how Aaron responded when his sons Nadav and Avihu were killed for reasons still uncertain. The Torah states (Vayikra 10:3), “Vayidom Aharon – And Aaron was silent.” And though commentators explain that Aaron was weeping uncontrollably and Moses’ words of comfort silenced his cries, tonight – tonight we weep, and tonight we cannot be silent. That said, silence is a powerful form of communication. When we initially heard of the shooting at Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh, our lack of words – our silence – represented shock, disbelief, horror, and list goes on. As the details unfolded, our silence transformed to anger, frustration, and even rage at how hate, anti-Semitism, ignorance, and cowardice in the United States of America could lead to an attack on a synagogue on Shabbat. And as Pittsburgh’s finest – the police officers and SWAT teams – arrived at the scene of devastation, which is being reported as the deadliest attack on Jews in United States history, we are left needing help because our voices must be heard, our cries must be answered, and we cannot be left with only silence, or worse yet, inaction. We’ve gathered together tonight because “kol Yisrael areivim zeh bazeh” – All of Israel is responsible for each other. We are hurt. We need help. We need assistance that we are
Yesterday morning, a group of Jews gathered together at Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh to do just that – to pray, to celebrate, and to be part of something much greater than themselves. As they left for shul, Joyce Feinberg, Richard Gottfried, Rose Mallinger, Jerry Rabinowitz, Cecil Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Bernice Simon, Sylvan Simon, Daniel Stein, Melvin Wax, and Irving Younger were no different than me and no different than you. But unlike all of us here tonight, none of them returned home. Tonight, we remember them. Tonight, we bring our fears, concerns, anger, hurt, and frustration to our greater community. Tonight, we are reminded of and embrace the ageless teaching of the Sage Hillel, and I pray we use it as our collective call to action: “Im lo achshav, eimatai – If not now, when?” When will the senseless hatred end? And our collective answer must be “now.” Right now! I am so proud of the professional staff, Board of Directors, lay leaders, and greater membership of Congregation Beth Judea. It is truly a privilege to be your rabbi. When the news of the events in Pittsburgh reached our bima, our staff and lay leadership worked together quickly to ensure that everyone gathered together in sacred prayer here in our sanctuary and greater building was safe. After Shabbat, our leadership brainstormed on the most effective ways to keep everyone in our building safe and comforted during religious (continued)
The Word – November 2018
TREE OF LIFE SYNAGOGUE – PITTSBURGH (continued) school, and we succeeded. We have been in touch with local authorities, and we will have an increased police presence during religious school, on Shabbat, and as needed for other programs and events. Lockdown protocols are in place and updated. Many from our greater membership have openly shared their concerns with me and have been comforted by the actions taken to make Congregation Beth Judea safe and secure. Thank you, Congregation Beth Judea! All of that said, we must also take care of our Jewish friends in Pittsburgh. I have reached out directly to Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, a friend of mine whom I got to know through AIPAC, and left word that we are here to listen, to help, and to support in any way that we can. And although I don’t expect to hear from Rabbi Myers immediately, I know that our sentiments were appreciated, and I hope that they added a semblance of comfort during this unimaginable time. Kol Yisrael areivim zeh bazeh. Together, we will take care of each other. Together, we will extend that love and support to our fellow Jews at Tree of Life Congregation and in the greater Pittsburgh community. And together, we will move forward."
Rabbi Morris Zimbalist
Music has a way of moving us in ways no other form of art or entertainment can. It can take us from joy to sadness and back in an instant. It can inspire and excite. It can be reverent or can incite protest. It can start fires within our souls. Because of this, music has
become an integral part of Jewish life. We pray, eat, celebrate, mourn, and learn with music. The music and melodies we hear in the synagogue as a child stay with us all our lives. Currently, we are in the midst of a new renaissance of Jewish music. Through technology, camps, conferences, and music professionals, we now have access to Jewish music that can light a fire within or soothe the soul. Some of this music has been introduced at CBJ through Shabbat services, Shabbat Under the Stars, and in my new class, Rockin’ Our Tradition, where we sing some of the popular new melodies to many of our favorite texts. This coming month we also welcome Rabbinical student and musician, Josh Warshawsky, to share the music which has moved him. I hope you will all join me in singing with Josh on November 15-18. Hazzan Gil Ezring
Congregation Beth Judea Mission Statement Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principals of the Conservative movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of American and the State of Israel. The Word – November 2018
Rabbi Morris Zimbalist
Hazzan Gil Ezring
Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz
Anna Besser Hazzan Emeritus Lisa Neiman Education Director Roger Weisberg Executive Director
Happy Thanksgiving
Sidney Mathias CBJ President
From the entire staff and leadership of Congregation Beth Judea:
Marc Sender Youth Director
In This Issue Rabbi’s Reflections Notes from Hazzan CBJ Mission Statement Calendar Artist in Residence Special Event President’s Message Special Upcoming Events B’Nai Mitzvah Bios Social Action New Advertising Opportunity Ways & Means Religious Education Youth Focus on Families Adult Education Sisterhood Sisterhood Book Club The Word - November 2018
Page 2 3 3 5 7 8 9 10 12 14 14 15 17 18 19 23 24
Sisterhood Gift Shop Men’s Club Interfaith Council BJE Early Childhood SHALVA Membership Alternative Minyan The Goodman’s Blog The Helping Hand Plan Hesed NEW: Business Directory Birthdays & Anniversaries Yahrzeits Tributes Calendar Download
Page 25 26 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 33 35 39 42
Hanukkah Bazaar 7 + 1 Annual Hanukkah Gift Drive Vodka & Latkes
Programming Nov. 9 Nov. 15 Dec. 7
Sisterhood Nov. 4 Dec. 12
Hanukkah Bazaar Sisterhood Book Club
Men’s Club November
Veterans Day Shabbat Service Josh Warshawsky Artist in Residence Clergy Installation
RSVP for MC Retreat Hanukkah Candle Delivery
Social Action
Interfaith Nov. 18
Nov. 25
Bring Your Dog to Brentwood Nursing Home
Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration at St. Mary’s
Religious School Adult Education Our regular weekday and Shabbat classes continue to meet – see our Adult Education page for details November
Hebrew Boot Camp Ulpan 2 Talmud Study Sweet Taste of Torah Lunch & Learn at Sunset Hebrew Literacy I Rockin’ Our Tradition Teen Yad Squad Click Here for Full List of Classes for November 2018
Please contact Lisa Neiman at or 847-634-0777 if you need any special accommodations, including transportation, to participate in our program.
Nov. 3 & 27
Junior Congregation
Youth IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUTH View our calendar online at
Meetings Please check website
Be Sure To Check Out Our New Business Directory Section BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers November 2, 2018 – 7:30 p.m. Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of November will be recognized at our service on November 2nd. Our worship will begin at 7:30 p.m. Children of every age are welcome!
The Word - November 2018
Set your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep on Saturday evening, November 3rd
Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 am Sunday, November 4th. Please remember to turn your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep on Saturday, November 3rd.
IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES AT BETH JUDEA November 4 November 9 November 9 November 12 November 13 November 15 November 16 November 18 November 21 November 21 November 24 November 25 November 27 November 28
Hanukkah Bazaar USY Chusyfest Veterans Day Shabbat Navigating the Talmud class begins AJEC Program JUF Hanukkah Coat Club Purchase Due Josh Warshawsky Musican in Residence Interfaith Community Thanksgiving 7+1 Gift Drive Drop Offs Begin USY Turkey Dance Men’s Club at Lieberman Bring Your Dogs to Brentwood 7+1 Wish Gifts Due in Office Debunked: Hanukkah
December 1 December 3 December 5 December 7 December 14 December 22
Vodka & Latkes Hanukkah Begins Sisterhood Hanukkah Program Clergy Installation Young Family Shabbat Matza Ball Dance
NOVEMBER 16 - 18
Sponsored by the Jack Rizman Memorial Fund
Please be sure to use the link above to rsvp to any of the events you will be attending. Every event is free for the weekend, except Shabbat Dinner.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday, November 16 Challah Bake and Sing-A-Long - 10:15 a.m. Tot Shabbat - 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Dinner (costs apply) - 6:15 p.m. Friday Evening Services - 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 17 Saturday Morning Services - 9:30 a.m. Saturday Evening Concert - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, November 18 Hebrew School Celebration - 11:15 a.m. (RSVPs for your Hebrew School Children is not needed) Links to Josh Warshawsky's Music: Spotify YouTube Click for flyer
President’s Message A MESSAGE ABOUT THE PITTSBURGH TRAGEDY To All Members of Congregation Beth Judea On October 28th, Rabbi Zimbalist shared the following words on Facebook: SIDNEY MATHIAS CBJ PRESIDENT
"This should never happen. Not in our homes. Not in our schools. Not in our places of worship. Not anywhere.
“By now, all of us have heard the devastating news and learned of the tragedy at Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh. Our heartfelt prayers go out to all the victims, their families, and the greater Pittsburgh community. As a rabbi, faith leader, and believer in peace and tolerance, I condemn in the strongest of terms sinat chinam - the senseless hatred and anti-Semitism that was the catalyst of the shooting today, which continues to plague our country. At the same time, I want to commend with boundless praise the actions of Pittsburgh law enforcement who rushed to the scene, risked their own lives, and saved countless others. At a time when words seem insufficient and silence is not an option, I reflect on the hope-filled sentiments I shared over Rosh Hashanah: "What a difference it would make... Imagine turning on the evening news and, through a lens of hope and optimism, learning of all the good things that happened in the world that day. Through a lens of acceptance, we could see people helping people regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. Through a lens of understanding, we could watch people resolve their differences by listening to each other and working together. And through a lens of peace, we could witness different nations existing harmoniously, utilizing the art of communication and diplomacy to remain safe and secure. Those lenses exist. And they are attainable.’ We must unite together to ensure that gun violence, anti-Semitism, and all forms of hate end. Today. To do so, now is the time to take a stand and let your voice be heard. America is better than this! Over the coming days and weeks, we will learn more about what Tree of Life Congregation needs to mourn, grieve, and heal. We must be there for them and we must stay strong together.“ As I said in my message to the Congregation last Motzei Shabbos, "I want to ensure you that the clergy, Board of Directors, professional staff and lay leaders at Congregation Beth Judea take very seriously the safety and security of our membership and everyone who enters our building.” We have security monitors at all entrances, and visitors may not enter the building without being buzzed in by staff. We have been working on our security at CBJ for several years, knowing that the world is no longer the safe place that we once thought it was when we were growing up. We have received grants from both the Jewish United Fund and the Department of Homeland Security. We have and will continue to use grant monies to enhance our building security. As we continue to review our safety procedures we will have an armed security guard in the building during religious school next Tuesday and Sunday and at Shabbat services this weekend. The Lake County Sheriff has agreed to increase police presence at the synagogue with additional drive-throughs and with a conspicuously parked vehicle in our lot at various times. I will update you on any new changes to our security arrangements. I want to thank Rabbi Zimbalist and Hazzan Ezring for the beautiful and inspiring Ma'ariv Service last Sunday evening. I know that all who attended on short notice were comforted and united. Please feel free to reach out to me or Rabbi Zimbalist with any questions or concerns. L'Shalom, Sid Mathias, President of Congregation Beth Judea
The Word – November 2018
Join us as we salute those who courageously served in the military to keep us free.
Thank you for your sacrifice and military service! Click the link below to register:
B’nei Mitzvah Bios Samantha Jordan Lerner will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, November 10, 2018.
Samantha is a 7th grader at Woodlawn Middle School in Long Grove, where she participates in cross country. She also plays travel soccer for Hawthorn Woods Elite Soccer Club. In her free time, Samantha loves to read, swim, ride bikes, and hang out with her friends. For her mitzvah project, Samantha spent the past six months working on a fundraiser for an organization called Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). CAF has an Operation Rebound program which focuses on veterans who have service related disabilities. This annual event is in memory of her grandfather, Bernie Lerner, who served in Vietnam. She assisted tremendously in obtaining donations, selling raffle tickets, and putting together baskets for the silent auction. She set up the room and assisted throughout the entire day and evening of the event. All of her hard work helped raise $27,000 for CAF Operation Rebound. Samantha will be celebrating with her proud parents Ellen and Adam and her brother Josh. Her grandparents, Floyd and Bobbie Babbitt, and Bobbi Lerner; her aunts, uncles, and cousins will also be there along with many other family and friends to help celebrate this special day. Samantha would like to thank all those who have helped her in her journey to become a Bat Mitzvah. A very special thank you to her AMAZING Hebrew tutor, Kim Abern. Also, thank you to her Hebrew school teachers, Rabbi Zimbalist, and Hazzan Ezring for preparing her for her special day.
The Word - November 2018
With great joy, Liana Faye Rosen will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on November 24, 2018. Liana is a 7th grader at Twin Groves Middle School. She is active in the school's band, creative arts club, and acceptance club. She is also on the cross country, wrestling, and track and field teams. When she is not busy with school activities, Liana enjoys reading, writing, drawing, and hiking with her family. Liana spends her summers at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, which is her second home, and she has been there every summer since she was two years old!
Joining Liana on her special day are her parents Scott and Ann Lesley, siblings Gillian, Asher, and Amira, grandparents Aaron and Paula Hamvas and Howard and Lynn Rosen, and lots of aunts, uncles and cousins. Instead of having a traditional party, Liana will be bringing her family and friends together for an evening of service, during which they will complete projects for Keshet, Heartland Animal Shelter, Project Linus, and more. Liana (along with her sister Gillian) also runs a bake sale each year to raise funds for No Kid Hungry. Liana and her family thank Rabbi Zimbalist, Hazzan Ezring, Hazzan Weisberg, Kim Abern, Anna Besser, and everyone who has helped her along her Jewish education journey and helped to prepare her for this special occasion.
B’nei Mitzvah Bios Romy Clorfene will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, December 1, 2018.
Romy is a seventh grader at Woodlawn Middle School in Long Grove. Romy spends most of her free time figure skating at Twin Rinks. She performs in their ice shows and competes locally. She enjoys hanging out with friends, reading, shopping, and baking. Romy looks forward to spending a month each summer at her favorite place, Beber Camp in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. For her mitzvah project, Romy is collecting toys and crafts for patients at Lurie Children’s Hospital. She knows that being healthy is a gift and wants to try and give back to kids fighting for better health. Romy shares this simcha with her proud parents Dana and Jeremy, her brother Jacob, sister Tess, and grandparents Anthea and Ernest Slotar and Liane Casten, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Romy and her family would like to thank Rabbi Zimbalist, Hazzan Ezring, Anna Besser, and all the Beth Judea teachers who have guided her throughout her Jewish education. A special thank you to her tutor Kim Abern, who greeted her with a smile each week and helped her diligently prepare for this special day.
A Hearty Mazel Tov to all our November B’nei Mitzvah
from the Beth Judea Family.
The Word - November 2018
Click here for details. Enroll now and take advantage of Ramah Day Camp's early registration discount! Now through November 15, you can save $250 off an eightweek session and $125 off a four-week session. New campers entering grades K, 1 and 2 in Fall 2019 can also get an additional savings of $1,000 off an eight-week session and $500 off a 4-week session! Plus all first time campers will receive an awesome Ramah Day Camp sleeping bag! Located in Wheeling, IL, the day camp encompasses all to which Ramah is committed: fun and learning in an environment where Hebrew and Jewish values are integrated into the daily camp activities of swimming, sports and making friends. For children who will be in kindergarten through 6th grade next fall. For more information, contact or 312-606-9316 and check out the website at Ramah Day Camp...where fun and friendship build Jewish lives.
Ramah Special Upcoming Events for 2nd – 5th Graders Nov. 17 – Camp Crafts Jan. 12 – Machane Movie Nite
Social Action
Bring Your Dogs to Brentwood Nursing Home
Looking for a Way to Give Back this Hanukkah? Join CBJ in our Annual “7+1” Gift Drive for Jewish Child and Family Service Join CBJ in our Annual “7+1” Gift Drive for Jewish Child and Family Service Celebrate 7 days of Hanukkah for your children/grandchildren and donate one day of gifts for a child from JCFS. Involve your children or grandchildren in the Mitzvah of giving by including them in the shopping process.
We have holiday wish slips for 60 children receiving services from JCFS available for you to shop for or you can donate new games, toys, gifts cards or electronics to a general gift collection. Each child’s story is unique, but each child is part of a family that is experiencing such financial difficulty that holiday gifts are just not a possibility. Whether their need is a result of a recent job loss, divorce, death or other tragedy, JCFS is proud to able to provide a bright spot for these families. Thank you for making this possible.
We know you have friendly dogs. . . we’ve seen them!
Please read the instructions carefully. •
Please bring your dogs to visit elderly residents at Brentwood North Nursing Home on Sunday, November 25th from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. The address is 3705 Deerfield Road, Riverwoods. The only requirement is that your dog is friendly. Let us know if you are coming! Please email Cathy Feiger, Vice President of Social Action, at:
• • • • • •
DO YOU NEED SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS? Please contact Lisa Neiman at or (847) 634-0777 if you need any special accommodations, including transportation, to participate in any of our programs.
You may spend up $50 per child or donate a gift card for them to use. Gift cards can be purchased through the synagogue – so it is one stop shopping. Please email Debbie Limer at in order to receive the wish list. I will need to know how many children you want to shop for, if you have a gender or age preference, or if you want to purchase gift cards. Gifts must be new and unwrapped. You need not purchase everything on a child’s list. JCFS limits each child to a maximum of $50 worth of gifts. Please do not purchase “R” rated movies or music with a parent’s advisory label. If you choose, you may substitute an appropriate gift card. Gifts should be unwrapped and placed in closed plastic bags. Wish slips should be taped or attached securely to each client’s gift bag. There will be a box in the synagogue office from November 20st to the 27th for drop offs. Please return the purchased gifts to the synagogue before Tuesday, November 27th. If you choose to get a gift card, you can do a double mitzvah and order it at the synagogue through the office. You can order a gift card for your child, and the synagogue will take care of making sure it gets put in the collection!
Please email Debbie with any questions. Thank you!
click for flyer
click for flyer 12
THANK YOU WITH GRATITUDE AND THANKS TO OUR NEW MEMBER FAMILY ONEG SPONSORS With gratitude, we would like to thank the following sponsors and donors for their contribution to the special Oneg on Friday, October 12th held in honor of our New Member Families:
Kristallnacht November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht is literally translated to 'Night of Crystal' and refers to the 'Night of Broken Glass'. The Night of Broken Glass was a wave of violent anti-Jewish attack that resulted in shattered glass from Jewishowned homes, synagogues, and businesses lining the streets of Germany. Close to 100 Jews were killed and some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps. Learn More: stallnacht
Darlene & Barry Bikshorn Lee & Arnie Goldberg Dana & Ken Goldstein Sherry & Marty Krawitz Ann & Mitch Lerman Rhonda & Jeff Wener
PILL BOTTLE COLLECTION Used Pill Bottle Collection click for flyer
!לעולם לא עוד Never Again! Visit CBJs FB Page 13
Shiva Baskets
Sunshine Fund
CBJ Business Directory Advertising Opportunity
The primary purpose of the shiva tradition, or "sitting shiva," is to create an environment of comfort and community for mourners; it helps guide friends and family members through the loss of a loved one. Throughout the weeklong shiva period, mourners come together in one family’s home to offer their condolences and support. From a practical standpoint, the shiva process and practices associated with Jewish mourning add comfort to the life of a mourner following a death. In the period after suffering a loss, a mourner may be comforted by the structure and routines prescribed by traditional Jewish mourning laws. Historically, the Board of Directors of Congregation Beth Judea has sent shiva baskets to the immediate family of Board members; parents, spouses, siblings and G-d forbid, children. We would like to extend this gesture to the entire congregation.
Advertise your business in our new Business Directory section of The Word! $120 for a year (one-year term) Submit a high resolution graphic of your business card to Lisa Neiman at Subscription payment must be received to activate term. Leslie Abella
Donations may be sent the shul attention Lisa Neiman. Thanking you in advance for you generous donations. Respectfully, Lisa Neiman
Gift Cards SUPPORT BETH JUDEA BY PURCHASING GIFT CARDS Purchasing gift cards is one of the easiest ways to support Beth Judea.
The Congregation earns a rebate from the vendors when you utilize the gift cards, so there is no cost to you. Gift cards can be utilized the same as cash, there are no restrictions.
Did you know that when you shop on Amazon you can support Congregation Beth Judea at the same time? It's very simple, Amazon smile will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible amazon purchases to Congregation Beth Judea. Here is the link: Click here to Shop The Word - November 2018
If you are shopping for groceries or clothes, going to a movie or traveling, you can help support our Congregation. Order forms for Gift Cards are available in the office or in the Lobby on Sunday morning. They can be purchased with cash, check, or credit cards (a 2.5% convenience fee will be added when paying with a credit card). Click Here to Download Form
Anna Besser Education Director
According to our tradition, after lighting the Shabbat candles, parents bless their children. The blessings are inspired by the biblical story of Jacob blessing his children. For centuries, parents have blessed their children by invoking the names of the forefathers and foremothers in Judaism in hopes that they too will grow into loving, strong, generous people. To bless boys, the Biblical blessing "God make you like Ephraim and Menashe" is invoked. For girls, Ephraim and Menasha are replaced with the foremothers Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.
It seems strange that the blessing for boys singles out Ephraim and Menashe instead of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The view most commonly held is that Ephraim and Menashe are the first pair of brothers in the Bible who do not see each other as competitors. They do not struggle for power, and their dynamic as a family never seems to be the source of great difficulty in either of their lives. By blessing our children to be like Ephraim and Menashe, we seek to bestow upon our children the legacy of peace and harmony between brothers. As for our daughters, we bless them to be like our Jewish matriarchs: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah. All known as wonderful role models. In spite of living lives filled with challenge and hardship, they maintained faith in God. These women all shared a special relationship with God and devoted their lives for the good of others and for the Jewish people. When we bless our daughters on Friday night, we are asking God to endow them with the qualities of their foremothers, and we remind ourselves what real giving is all about. Whether you light candles or are able to sit down for a family Shabbat dinner, think about ways to incorporate an expanded idea about blessing into your life.
Add to the list of names you use to bless your children. Choose historical men and women you or your children have learned about and admired. In Tamara Cohen’s article of the Ma'yan's (Spring 1998 edition of Journey), she spoke about how her parents always added names to the traditional list of "May you be like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah." They wanted to offer their daughters a larger horizon by blessing girls with the names of women who had public lives as well as private ones, women who are remembered not only or primarily as mothers, but also as leaders of Israel.
One does not have to be a parent in order to give blessings or a child to receive them. Widen the circle of who gives and receives blessings.
Instead of blessing a child or adult to be like someone they may not aspire to be like at all, let the recipient of the blessing be an active participant in her own blessing. Have them suggest a person they admire and then use that historical or biblical figure as part of the blessing. By creating a blessing this way, you honor the person who your child (or other recipient of blessing) actually is rather than simply projecting on to them an idea of who you would like them to become.
Blessing our children each Friday night binds us as family, and our family to our Jewish heritage. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I hope that as my children grow up, it will become one of their warmest memories of Shabbat. I hope to be able to continue this ritual for years to come.
The Word – November 2018
Religious Education
JUNIOR CONGREGATION 1st & 3rd Shabbat of the month November 3rd & 17th Shabbat is an important part of our school curriculum. We teach our students about the joys and beauty of Shabbat. We train them to become proficient members of our community. It is a Shabbat service run by kids, for kids for ages 7 – 13 in the Beit Midrash. Children end the morning in the Robbins sanctuary where they help lead Ein Keloheinu, Aleinu and Adon Olam on non-Bar/Bat Mitzvah mornings. Children are invited to join Shabbat Kiddush following services.
November Event
CBJ Sisterhood Hanukkah Bazaar
Students will be able to attend AFTER classes
Heh Field Trip
9 am – 12 pm
Second Grade Family Program
Parents join in at 10:30 am
No Religious School / No Beyahad Classes Thanksgiving Break: Monday, Nov. 19 – Sunday, Nov. 25 26
Beyahad Classes Resume
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Religious School Classes Resume
4:15 – 6:15 pm (Aleph – Dalet) 6:15 – 8:00pm (Heh)
The Word – November 2018
Dalet Parents B’nai Mitzvah Program
11:00 am
Aleph – Heh Family Shabbat Dinner
6:15 pm
No Beyahad Classes (Finals Week)
No Religious School / No Beyahad Classes Winter Break: Sunday. Dec. 23 – Sunday, Jan. 6
Youth WHAT’S UP IN THE WORLD OF OUR YOUTH??? Leading today for a better tomorrow! As the colder weather has come, things have really started to heat up for our youth programs. USYers spent the month of October cooking up Israeli food (they made delicious shakshuka and falafel from scratch), they attended an incredible CHUSY family Shabbat at Anshe Emet; we painted up a storm over at Painted Penguin, and then we gave back by volunteering at Feed My Starving Children. In addition, while all this has been going on, our president, Abbey Finn, has been hard at work planning an incredible CHUSYFest convention for November that currently over 20 of our own BJUSY teens are signed up for.
Everybody remember to join us for all of the great activities that will be going on the weekend of November 16th-18th as we welcome in Josh Warshawsky for an amazing weekend of ruach and song!
Remember you can always stay up to date with all things BJUSY throughout the entire year by visiting our new and improved website as well as our calendar You can sign up for membership by going to B’Shalom,
In our younger youth groups, we have had an amazing Fall Backyard lounge night - complete with pumpkins and decorated cookies. We also took a trip to Bella’s Bouncies and had an amazing time jumping, sliding, balancing (and in my case falling), and hanging with friends. As we head into these colder months, we have a ton of incredible programming lined up. Both our 9th-12th graders and our 6th-8th graders have regional conventions coming up in November and December, our high schoolers will be escaping to Orlando, Florida over winter break to attend International Convention, and we have trips planned to Morke’s Chocolate, Zoo lights, and even a night of baking fresh warm Challah right at home at CBJ.
Marc Sender - Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea, 5304 RFD, Long Grove, IL Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 | Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: | Sign up for membership at Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel
Kadima Konvention and 8th Grade Shabbaton for 6th-8th grade: Shabbaton 2018: Incredibles 2 Kadima Konvention/8th Grade 2 Incredible(s) conventions in 1 Incredible(s) weekend
Youth CHUSYfest 2018: Our very own BJUSY President, Abbey Finn, is helping co-chair this incredible weekend in the Wisconsin Dells. The theme this year is CHUSY’s Big 11. We will be spending 3 days and 2 nights at the Camp Chi Perlstein Resort in the beautiful Wisconsin Dells. The trip includes an outing to the amusement park, water park, and bowling alley at Kalahari, as well as coach bus transportation to and from the Wisconsin Dells and all lodging and meals. The trip is open to all Jewish 9th-12th graders. Sign up can be found at
IC Orlando Promo Video and sign up link-
Shout Outs: BJUSY sends a shout-out to Anshe Emet for hosting an awesome CHUSY Family Shabbat.
Want to send a shoutout to someone??? Send Marc an email at
Click to view our calendar
JOIN CBJ FOCUS ON FAMILIES (families with children in 2nd grade or younger) Friday, November 16th – 10:15 am – Callah Bake and Sing Along Friday, November 16th – 5:30 pm – Young Family Shabbat Sunday, November 18th – Young Family & Hebrew School Concert with Josh Warshawsky! SAVE THE DATE: December 2nd CBJ Young Families will help co-sponsor HanukkahHappenings at Hawthorn Mall from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. The day will include FREE family fun including crafts and a concert by Jeanie B! More details about that day will be coming soon.. For questions contact Marc Sender at
The Word – November 2018
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at
Adult Education Series Ongoing Classes WEEKLY CLASSES:
These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
Talmud Study: Tractate Sukkah Sunday mornings at 8 a.m.
These Saturday morning classes are ongoing. Please join at any time.
Weekly Parsha Study Facilitated by Orin Rotman
Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Taught by Rabbi Zimbalist This year we will delve into Tractate Sukkah. We will study the scope of the obligation to live in a Sukkah, the difference between a temporary and fixed structure, the commandments surrounding the lulav and etrog, and so much more! Join us for a lively discussion with Rabbi Zimbalist on Sunday mornings.
Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.
Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Sweet Taste of Torah: Chronicles Taught by Orin Rotman
Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.
Alternative Shabbat Service Facilitated by Norm Kurtz
Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning Norm Kurtz facilitates this Shabbat morning service that focuses on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. Join this innovative, creative, and different minyan each Shabbat morning at 10:30 am in Room 1.
Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning
The Word – November 2018
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at
Adult Education Series November 2018
Lunch & Learn: Names in the Bible –A Behind the Scenes Look Taught by Rabbi Zimbalist In this series, we will explore the lives of Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Moses, and Miriam. We have met them through our sacred texts and learned of their accomplishments as leaders; however, who were these great prophets as people? Were they as faithful as they appear in our history? Were they fearful, selfish, and/or heroic? Could it be possible that these extraordinary people were very similar to ordinary folks like you and me?
Mondays, 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Dates: Oct. 8 – Nov. 19, 2018 LOCATION: Sunset Foods 2nd Floor Conference Room (corner of Rt. 83 & Aptakisic) COST: Members – FREE; Non-Members - $18 for series OR $5 per session Lunch can be purchased at Sunset (No outside food, please)
Navigating the Talmud Taught by Rabbi Zimbalist A careful study of Mishna and Talmud texts from Tractate Sukkah. No prior Talmud study required and texts will be taught in both Hebrew and English.
Monday evenings, 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Dates: Nov. 12 – Dec. 17, 2018
Debunked: Hanukkah Taught by Hazzan Ezring
Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 8:00 pm Ever wonder what’s really going on with our holidays? Not sure why we do what we do? Ever think there’s something someone’s not telling you about our tradition? Well…get ready to have your mind blown! Join Hazzan Ezring as we discover the truth behind our customs, our stories, and our traditions.
The Word – November 2018
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at
Adult Education Series November 2018
AJEC presents #Metoo as a Jew? Tuesday, November 13, 2018 1:00 – 3:00 pm Congregation Beth Judea
From then until now: join us in a discussion of historical #metoo moments and what our traditions have to say about harassment and discrimination of any nature. Cash or Check $15 per person
Walk-Ins Welcome; No preregistration required Presented by Marianne Novak
Marianne Novak has a law degree and is an educator, lecturer, and blogger. She has taught and developed curriculum for the Florence Melton School for over 20 years, and is a tutor for Bar and Bat Mitzvah students. Marianne is currently enrolled in her third year of Rabbinic school at Yeshivat Maharat.
Rockin’ Our Tradition Taught by Hazzan Ezring
Tuesday evenings, 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Dates: Oct. 16 – Dec. 18, 2018 **No class Thanksgiving week** Rock out with our traditional prayers and texts! There’s so much new music for our liturgy, and we’re going to groove to it! Join Hazzan Ezring as we explore new melodies in current musical styles for our prayers! We’ll blow the roof off the shul as we Rock Our Tradition!
A New Take on the Classic Trope Taught by Hazzan Ezring
Want to learn how to read Torah or Haftarah? Just feeling rusty? Work with Hazzan Ezring and learn or refresh your leyning skills! Schedule by appointment.
The Word – November 2018
ADULT EDUCATION – HEBREW CLASSES Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at
Adult Education Series 2018 - 2019
HEBREW CLASSES Hebrew Literacy I Taught by Jerry Sakol & Eric Yegelwel Sponsored by Men’s Club
Tuesday evenings: 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Dates: Oct. 9, 2018 – Jan. 8, 2019 Want a proven successful opportunity to learn how to read Hebrew in a friendly environment? Then join this class. Hebrew Literacy I is designed to teach those with no previous (or forgotten) knowledge of Hebrew how to read. The 12-week course focuses on learning to read the words used in the Friday Night service. Graduation & Homecoming – Friday Night Service on Jan. 11, 2019 COST: $30 fee for course materials
Download Flyer
Hebrew Boot Camp
Ulpan 2
Taught by Lee Goldberg
Taught by Lee Goldberg
Textbook Fee: $20 Thursday evenings: 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Beginning Sept. 27, 2018
Textbook Fee: $20 Thursday evenings: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Beginning Sept. 27, 2018
You’ve learned to recognize the shapes and sounds of the Aleph-Bet and become comfortable sounding out some of the key recurring words and phrases. This class will take your knowledge to the next level. We will work on developing reading fluency and understanding of Hebrew word and sentence structures. We will then move into Hebrew grammar and learn to converse: how to order food in a restaurant, shop, and tell the doctor what hurts and have fun doing it, with songs, word games, and imagery. The ability to read basic Hebrew is required.
In this course we will continue from where we left off last year. We'll continue learning Hebrew grammar while learning to order food in a restaurant, shop, and tell the doctor what hurts and have fun doing it, with songs, word games, and imagery. The ability to read Hebrew is required.
The Word – November 2018
Sisterhood It’s November, the month of Thanksgiving. And let’s start by thanking Leslie Peck and her entire Membership Dinner Committee for the fine job they did in creating a fun, delicious, and memorable evening. This is a committee with members who enjoyed working together towards this goal – and it showed! When people enjoy what they’re doing, you can see it in the finished product. There’s just something a little extra in what they do. If you were at the dinner, we know you must have had a marvelous time with old friends and possibly some new ones. We’d like to thank Rabbi Zimbalist for being such a good sport in answering our questions during the entertainment portion of the evening. We hope you learned some fun and interesting facts about our new rabbi. He’s a great guy and a mensch!! Sunday, November 4th will be our annual Hanukkah Bazaar, which is run by the incomparable Ann Lerman and Karen Nagel. They and their committee put together tables and tables and tables of amazing products with prices ranging from a few dollars to… well… let’s say MORE than a few dollars. But the selection!!! Do you maybe want a new
menorah? How to decide when there are SO many wonderful choices??!! What about a seder plate? Or jewelry? Or a hostess gift? Or some kids’ books or games? Or… or… or…! You get the idea! Tell your family and friends to come on by and be prepared to buy, buy, buy!! (Free gift wrapping is available too!) Looking a little bit ahead, Saturday, December 1st will be the second annual Sisterhood/Men’s Club Vodka and Latkes Event. Last year we played a game of Clue to figure out who the murderer was of our esteemed synagogue president (don’t worry, he’s fine). We had an amazing time sampling a variety of latkes and vodka. As of this writing, I can’t tell you what game we will be playing that night, but trust me, you do NOT want to miss it! So, mark your calendars NOW before you accidentally make other plans. See ya there! Rhonda Cohn & Sarah Goldenberg Co-Sisterhood Presidents Contact Information: Rhonda Cohn: Sarah Goldenberg:
Men’s Club
“COUNT ME IN” Where every woman’s voice is heard
2019 3rd Biennial CBJ Men’s Club Retreat
Come Join Us As We Discuss
The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok 20 years has passed & Asher Lev is a renowned artist living in France with his family but still unsure of his artistic direction. When Asher's beloved uncle passes away, Asher & his family return to Brooklyn & back to a world he thought he left behind. It's a story of confrontation and discovery as Asher purges his past in search of new inspiration for his art and begins to understand the true meaning of sacrifice and the painful joy in sharing the most precious gift of all.
Book Discussion will be on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
NEW LOCATION: Sunset Foods Community Room – 2nd Floor Please RSVP to This event is open to Sisterhood and CBJ Women
Download Flyer The Word – November 2018
Post Shabbat January 12-13, 2019 The Ridge Hotel, Lake Geneva REGISTRATION EXTENDED – RSVP NOW $125 Shared Room $180 Single Occupancy Room Food, Drinks, and Fun Included Great Programming – Camaraderie Learning – Fitness – Ritual Activities A Complete Men’s Club Experience Hospitality Suite with Snacks, Beverages and Games Online at or email for more info: Rob Lipka: Click here for flyer 24
Sisterhood Gift Shop The Sisterhood of Beth Judea proudly shares about our renowned Judaica Shop! Our Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of items and gifts with continually updated inventory. Stop by and take a look at many of the following types of items: *Tallitot *Kippot *Women’s Head Coverings *Seder Plates *Hanukkah Menorahs *Shabbat Candlesticks *Kiddush Cups *Tzedakah Boxes *Wedding Gifts * Shofars *Bar & Bat Mitzvah Gifts *Mezuzah Cases and Kosher Scrolls *Yahrzeit Candles *Jewish Children’s Books *Wall Home Blessings *Hostess Gifts *Wedding Glasses *Decorative items……..and so much more! Come and browse our amazing collections of beautiful Judaic Jewelry – for both Men and Women! We have countless Hamsas, Chais, Stars and Hoshens. You will love our special designer pieces. Also our non-Judaic jewelry can make a special gift as well.! You will find many price points to meet all budgets. Our extensive collection of tallitot, for both men and women, is a specialty we are known for in the Chicagoland area! We always have approximately 100 of the tallitot in stock…most of them made in Israel! If the choices are overwhelming – or you wish to simply allow a family member or friend choose on their own – a Gift Certificate may be the wise choice for you – any denomination – anytime. We make it easy for you too – as we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover! So stop by and visit us to see for yourself why all of the talk! Our hours when Hebrew School is in session are: Tuesdays – 4 pm to 8 pm
Sundays – 9 am to 12:30 pm
We also will gladly make appointments to meet with you at your convenience – simply contact: Karen Nagel; 847-722-6621; Ann Lerman; 847-373-8640; Have the Judaica Shop be a go-to spot for all your Judaic needs – please come visit us soon!
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls. One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires December 31, 2018 COUPON
Men’s Club This month is relatively quiet for the Men’s Club since there are no events taking place. Thus, it is a good time to reflect on recent past activities and look forward to future ones. Last month we took down the Sukkah that had been brightly and festively decorated by our school youth, thus enhancing everyone’s experience while celebrating this joyous festival. The Hebrew Literacy I commenced with Eric Yegelwel and Jerry Sakol again leading the class. Orin Rotman led another thought provoking and inspirational Tap the Torah entitled “The Trial of Moses – Part 1.” We can’t wait for the next installment. And we packed Chanukah candles for delivery to our congregant families. That reference to Chanukah candle packing gives me the opportunity to remind everyone that this year we’ve added a new feature!! The person who completes the most candle delivery routes will be awarded a bottle of adult beverage of their choice up to a $50 value. WHAT?! You haven’t
The Word – November 2018
delivered any candles yet? No sweat; there is still plenty of time for you to get some routes completed and be in contention for this wonderful prize. Just look for the route maps, delivery instructions, and candles in classroom #1 downstairs at CBJ and be sure to write your name next to the route(s) you’re delivering in the route delivery record sheet. Good luck and many thanks for helping. Next month the Men’s Club and Sisterhood combine their efforts to present Vodka and Latkes on December 1. This is sure to be every bit as successful and as much fun as last year’s inaugural event.
Looking ahead a little more, our Men’s Club biennial retreat will be held in Lake Geneva on the evening of January 12 and through middayJanuary 13. Based on preliminary planning sessions this will be an event you’ll not want to miss. Registration is now open at and check out the flyer for more info.
Men’s Club NOVEMBER MEN’S CLUB SPOTLIGHT MEMBER: DR. EVAN RUMACK This month's featured Men's Club member is Dr. Evan Rumack. Evan and Merle, his wife of 49 years, joined CBJ in 1976. They have three children and are the proud grandparents of four. Evan is now retired after 38 years of endodontic practice. His involvement in Men's Clubs includes being a past President of our Men's Club and also the FJMC’s Midwest Region. Evan continues to be very active in our club and also maintains his ties with FJMC’s Midwest Region by his position on their board. . Furthermore, he remains active on the FJMC International level where he is currently a co-chair for one of the tracks for the Leadership Development Institute. Evan's many contributions to CBJ include 25 year's service on the Board of Directors (OMG, how did he do that!!), he leyns Torah, and is one of the morning minyan stalwarts. He also currently helps Theresa prepare the monthly WORD by reviewing articles and helping design the front cover. Evan is an avid and accomplished photographer and spends as much time as possible with his family making sure to attend all his grandkid's milestone events whenever possible and performances whenever possible. He and Merle are frequent theater goers who appreciate a wide range of dramatic offerings. They are also world travelers who have visited some very exotic and remote places. He is obviously quite a guy and a valuable asset for our club and shul. Ron Friedman Men’s Club President
The Word – November 2018
Tzedakah Fund The Men's Club has made donations from the minyan tzedakah box: Hillel International Council for Jewish Elderly – Roth Kiddush Fund We thank all those who have contributed to the tzedakah fund administered by Men's Club.
HELP THE ELDERLY ATTEND SERVICES Once a month, the Beth Judea Men’s Club volunteers at the Lieberman Geriatric Center and helps the elderly get to and from services. If you are interested in helping please contact Sandy Ramas.
Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives.
Men’s Club Hanukkah Candles This year as in years past, Beth Judea Men’s Club delivered Hanukkah candles to help in your festive celebration. Within our community, one way we can keep a link between us is to light our candles that have all come from one common place and share in that ancient tradition together. Along with the candles was a donation envelope. The funds raised will go toward the purchase of Siddurim for the Aleph class and to support our youth groups (USY and Kadima). Please consider sending a donation to Men’s Club to help support these important programs and keep the spark of Jewish life and traditions glowing in the hearts of our children. On behalf of our Beth Judea Men’s Club, I would like to wish you and your family a safe, happy, and fulfilling holiday. Happy Hanukkah The Festival of Lights.
INTERFAITH COUNCIL News from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council By Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox, Beth Judea representatives to the Council Please join us for our annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Our theme this year is: “Am I my brother’s keeper? Yes, I am!” St. Mary Parish is our hosting member. It is a wonderful time to gather together with your neighbors in prayer, song, and celebration. Clergy from our 10 member congregations will be participating (including Rabbi Zimbalist and Cantor Ezring.) We have two interfaith choirs: one for adults and one for kids. A bell choir will welcome everyone. There will be an interfaith orchestra and the praise band. After the program, meet your neighbors while snacking upon treats and refreshments donated from many of our local businesses and exceptional bakers in our own congregations. How can you help? If you are interested in being part of the interfaith adult or children’s choir or play an instrument, please contact the cantor. If you are a baker, your treats are always welcome and should be dropped off at St. Mary’s that Sunday afternoon. If possible, bring a donation of non-perishable foods to the celebration for those in need. We distribute the food through our four local food pantries. Please see the attached flyer. We look forward to seeing you there! Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox
Interfaith Council Upcoming Events NOVEMBER 18, 2018 – 7:00 p.m. Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration Service St. Mary Parish – 10 N. Buffalo Grove Rd – Buffalo Grove, IL
An interfaith service sharing our common beliefs, praising G-d through song and prayer, and gathering together as a community.
The Word – November 2018
Please join us for the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council’s Thanksgiving Celebration Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 7 p.m. St. Mary Parish 10 North Buffalo Grove Road Buffalo Grove, IL
FEATURING: Interfaith Choir Interfaith Children’s Choir Interfaith Orchestra Praise Band and Bell Choir Please bring non-perishable Food Donations, which will be distributed to area food pantries Sponsored by the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council For more information, call: 224-699-0386
click here to download flyer
Donations may be made directly to: Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council 1282 Green Knolls Drive Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 For more information on any of our programs please contact us by email or telephone: or by telephone at: 224699-0386 or visit our website at: or your council representatives: Joanne Dicker: Helene Fox:
BJE Early Childhood Centers
MT Nesters The MT Nesters are starting our 25th year. But our dues are still the same -- $20/year (no senior discounts). However, membership in the MT Nesters for your first year is free if you are currently a member of Beth Judea. We are continuing to hold our monthly program/meetings on Sundays, usually in the afternoon, and sometimes outside of the synagogue. For additional information contact Carol Schechter at 847-537-3566 or Sam Chiprin at 847-459-0316.
Did You Know... Do you know of information that would be of interest to our congregants? If so, please let us know.
Registration for 2018-2019
Cell Phone Drop-Off Box In Synagogue Office! Help domestic abuse victims by donating your old cell phones.
Registration at the Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center at Beth Judea is well under way. Registration for our 2018-2019 school year has begun. Schedule a visit to one of our classes: New Steps (parent/caregiver and toddler), More Steps (2 year olds), Kadima (3 year olds) and Pre-K, and learn about our amazing curriculum. Call us at 847634-0363 to begin your child’s preschool journey. Come and see what we’re all about!
The Word – November 2018
Each phone raises money for domestic abuse crisiscounseling services in the Jewish community! SHALVA offers free counseling to Jewish women who are or were in an intimate partner relationship. If you or someone you know needs our help, call 773-583-4673.
New Membership Programs Beth Judea Announces Exciting New Membership Programs:
Alternative Shabbat Service Alternative Shabbat Service Service Leader: Norm Kurtz
1. Referral Program Gift of Membership 3. STEPS to Membership
Every Shabbat Morning 10:30 am until 11:45 am.
We're very excited to announce new membership programs for our community! We're making it easy and rewarding for you to help spread the word about our synagogue community to your family, friends, and Jewish families that might have moved into the neighborhood! Click Here for Full Details
Planned Giving Is Beth Judea a Part of Your Estate? Help ensure the future of Congregation Beth Judea. From Generation to Generation “Making a Difference in the Lives that Follow”
You are invited to join the Alternative Shabbat Service which meets every Shabbat morning. Our growing interpretive minyan (prayer group) is focused on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. We are innovative, creative, and different from the traditional service. We are friendly and welcoming to all. Being nonjudgmental and accessible, we are interested in creating a meaningful spiritual community where joyful prayer and spirited Torah discussion is experienced, accompanied by camaraderie and friendship. Join us for prayer/discussion/ learning and stay after services for Kiddush/lunch with the entire Congregation. We meet in the former youth lounge on the lower level of the Synagogue (which is accessible to the physically challenged) from 10:30 am until 11:45 am. Bring a friend with you. We look forward to welcoming you to our community. Shabbat Shalom,
LIFE IN ISRAEL THE GOODMAN’S BLOG Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog. To learn more about the Goodman’s life in Israel click here to share their experience.
Norm Kurtz Service Leader
For further information:
Upon three things the world is based: Upon Torah, Upon Divine Service and Upon the Practice of Charity
The Word - November 2018
The Helping Hand Plan
The Helping Hand Plan A Project of Congregation Beth Judea Hesed Committee
Do you need some help? Do you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment? Do you need a ride to services at Beth Judea?
WHAT IS THE HELPING HAND PLAN? Beth Judea has a group of volunteers who are ready, willing, and able to lend a hand. Just call or e-mail if you need some assistance. WHO DO I CONTACT TO REQUEST SOME HELP? Please call Larry Wollheim at 847-6349399 or e-mail Larry at to request help. It’s a Mitzvah to help someone. Please allow us to help you.
You Make A Difference We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the Hesed (Caring) committee members below: Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack Larry Wolheim
The Word - November 2018
Hesed Committee
An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at or call the Rabbi. FOR A LIST OF EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS, AGENCIES AND RESOURCES click here
We Would Like To Know WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement, or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Hesed (Caring) committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records. Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accounting Services
Advertise your business! Advertise your business in our new Business Directory section of The Word.
Funeral Services
Handmade Gifts
$120 for a year a one-year term Submit your original or clearly scanned copy of your business card to the CBJ office (email to
Subscription payment must be received to activate term.
Term can commence at any time. One year term is 10 issues.
click here for full flyer and details
NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: November 1
Jeffrey Brim Elise Kleinman
November 14
Cheryl Levsky Aaron Polonsky
November 2
Jenita Fischoff Joan Smith
November 15
Nevo Band Bonnie Neubauer
November 3
Jill LeVine Albert Stark
November 16
Susan Heald
November 17 November 4
Steven Lammers Pamela Landau Aileen Simons Michelle Wasielewski
Marc Gottfried Morrie Lieberman Anthony Veprinsky
November 18
Jason Kramer Barbara Robbins
Herman Hefler Gerald Sakol
November 20
Carol Schechter
November 22
Michael Neimark
November 5 November 6
Jean Appel Gabriel Salimi
November 23 November 7
Gordon Kasper Michael Klass Daniel Weinberger
Steven Frost Suzanne Reingold
November 24
Audrey Friedland Michael Mangurten Richard Reingold
Gayle Cohen Steven Kolko David Stolman
November 25
Howard Tolsky
November 26
Helene Fox Thomas Lilien Michelle Siegel
November 28
Philip Nagel
November 29
Susan Liebovitz
November 30
Leslie Abella Larry Bernstein Michael Weil
November 8
November 9
Anna Besser Rhonda Cohn Sidney Mathias Gary Schachter
November 10
Harold Cohen
November 11
Jake Arndt Helene Miller Susan Schuster
November 12
Solomon Fridland
November 13
Rebecca Feldman David Heald James Tehrani
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – November 2018
NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: November 2
Deborah & Gary Mills
November 3
Davida & Scott Finkle
November 4
Alyssa & Jim Duvel
November 6
Tatyana & Zakhar Pesin
November 7
Lori & Carey Bacalar
November 8 November 9
November 19
Gayle & Harold Cohen Sari & William London
November 21
Rachael & Michael Gluck
November 22
Diane & Howard Ganden
November 23
Judy & Robert Fisher Joan & Lewis Smith
Andrea & David Warren
November 25
Robyn & Michael Gomberg Debra & Wesley Morris Kim & Aleksey Neiman
Sandra & Howard Citron Susan & Howard Eisenberg Gloria & Harold Secler
November 26
Suzi & Bruce Darin Marlene & Stacy Sachs
November 28
Heidi & Joel Robbins Rebecca & Marc Zeidman
November 12
Heidi & Gerald Sakol
November 13
Allyson & Andrew Marcus
November 14
Shelley & Kenneth Stolman
November 29
November 16
Marla & Brian Drucker Jill & Harold LeVine Renee & Michael Malter
Susan & Fred Rabinowitz Aileen & Steve Simons Sherie & Paul Zucker
November 30
Susanne & Robert Pinzur
November 18
Carol & Craig Levin Paula & Philip Spitz
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – November 2018
Lester Abelson* Jean Bloom* Robert Buzil* Warren Elisco Alexander Gluzman Toby Gottlieb Ruth Feinberg Kamensky Stephen Klein* Yetta Schuster Levy Iris L. Pollack* Samuel Sher Charles Stern Minnie Weinberg*
Dorothy Bakst* Charles Bregman Morris Chappe David Fine* Charotte Goldberg* Harry Hershinow* Victor Kessler* Larry Landfield Michael Marks* Abe Sanders Jeanne Silverstone Sally Tepper* Jean Zoller*
Jerome Berenson* Ira Bulmash Reuben Dannen* Roberta Gerol* Temmie Goldstein* Edythe Johnson Morris Klein* Sylvia Landfield David Nechamkin* Susan Schiffman* Abe Sobol* George Uhler
November 9
Shari Alarcon* Dorothy Bikshorn Bernice Boten Fannie Cole* Alvin H. Friedman* Hyman Holman Gloria Magence Dorothy Moss* Walter Rice Ruth Sabol Sara Sherman* Judy Walcer*
Sam Belsky* Isadore Bikshorn Melvin Bransky Maynard Duboe Doris Harris Helga Kroll* Sally Mangurten Fred Platchek Sam Rizman* Hyman Schechter Arnost Siegellak
Roberta Berks Philip Bordy Benjamin Carpet* Morrie Finkle Stella Hiller* Joel LeVine Davida Mayeroff Murray Pollack* Edythe Rosen* Helen Seff* Suzanne Stark
November 16
Norman Abrams* Sylvia Bordy Sylvia Dammers* Sol Feinberg Danielle Goldberg* Ethel Kaplan Lena Kronowitz Rose Lettvin Hattie Levi Plaut Sam Schneider Sidney Shapiro Irving Tolsky
Charlotte Ander Judith Bregman Bernard Ellis* H.R. Ford Robert Grossman Anita Kreisman Muriel Landy Walter Levi* Herbert Rosenblatt Harold Schwartz* Sylvia Solomon* Larry Weinberger*
Jeanne Babbitt* Jean Brenghause* Blanche Elvove* Mildred Freid Judith Hafley Joseph Kronowitz Sherri Leonard* Samuel Jay Mandel* Sol Rubin Bette Segal Shirley Stern
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2018
Florence Balfour* Bernard Epton Anna Fuhrman* Samuel Gold* Harry Isenberg Ida Levin Irwin Mandelblatt Scot Patner* Enrique Ribot William Rubin* Sidney Schwartz* David Skerker* Louis Stein*
Lionel Brazen Don Fischoff Rhonda Gerchikov Sophie Harvis* Florence Kanter* Enid Levsky Morrie Mangurten Rivka Polakow Marvin Rose* Anna Schechter Phyllis Shatz* Frieda Skerker* Sydney Witlin*
Martin Dubin Donald Fischoff Lynn Clifford Golberg Martin Heller* Irving Kolko Ellyn Lockwood Donald Maslov Sylvia Rabin Marvin Rosenberg Louis Schnabel Sarah Singer* Elsa Spitz
November 30
Rochelle Adelman Ann Bernstein* Bruce Clorfene Michael Feldman* Allen Goodman Clara Kersky* Fern LeVine Esther Morgenstein* Khaim Pesin Florence Robinson* Silvie Serbin* Sidney Stark Florence Wasserman Helene Yassinger
Nathan Ander Pearl Brickman* Lenore Darin Nathan Finn Charlotte Guttenberg* Bertha Kravitz* Harold Mayeroff Pearl Palmer Sidney Prosansky* Sam Rubenstein* Jack Singer* Sofia Sznaper* Bessie Weiner* H. Jack Zussman*
Esther Bergman* Celia Burg* Moshe Elbaum* Nathan Gladstein* Lee Meyer Katz* Herman Leavitt* Gail Moffett Sara Lee Perlman Pearl Rizman* Nathan Schwartz Dr. Maurice Slivnick Rose Toch* Gilbert Wernick
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2018
Bernice Altman Lillian Elgenson Asna Fagin* Max Halperin* Ellen Klein* Hyman Loeb* Emanuel Pearl Jacqueline Pollard Ben Shugan Robert Weiss
Frieda Borenstein Louis Elisco Abraham Fuhrman* Arline Holman Elynor Klein* Mae Mandel Edward Platt Joseph Pressburger Lila Treadwell Charles Wolf*
Lawrence Elauser Ruth Fagan* Louis Goldberg* Bella Jacobs Jack Lato* Dorothy Patt Benjamin Levi Plaut Maurice Settler Edward Warman Max Zakaman*
December 14 Violet Barrier* Maxwell Clamage Edward Ginsberg Beverly Guttenberg Israel Levine* Stephanie Lustig* Lewis Pervosky Philip Rockwell Gertrude Salzenstein Yisrael Shalem Toby Charlene Swichkow* Newton Truger* Mildred Wittlin* Tillie Yublosky*
Mildred Berngard Ruth Duboe Harvey Gold Doris Kalina* Marilyn Levit Bruce Minnick* Sylvia Polakow* Sylvia Rubin* Mabelle Schero Peter Stark Janet Thomas Louis Vicker* Leona Wolf* Samuel Zablen*
Carly Berns* Jack Frost Joseph Green Sol Kaufman* Helen Lindenbaum* Sophie Momet Sheldon Robbins Theodore Sakol* Rose Schwartz* Harriet Sumner* William Toch* Harry Weinstein* Abe Wolinsky*
December 21 Margaret Atlas Robert Allan Brown Sam Chibnik Shirley Dubin Ida Glickman Lillian Goroff* Audrey Kirst Marvin Miller Maury Platt* Dr. Jack Rizman* Muriel Sachsel* Larry Silver* Sylvia Travis*
Fannie Barasch Elizabeth Buff Samuel Chiet* Carol Feldman* Christina Marie Goldberg Samuel Kanter* Joe Koek Fannie Orloff Michelle Rappaport Sherwin Rosenfeld* Yetta Sanders Samuel Silver* Bernard Weisel*
Richard Brown Robert Buhai Samuel Dicker Martin Garson* Jeri Ann Goldman Patricia Kaplan Irwin Lipka Gertrude Trudy Paley Diana Ratskoff Ruth Rotman Ilse Sender* Faye Singer*
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2018
December Yahrzeits (Cont) YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AND ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS December 28 Dorothy Aronoff Daniel Brown Alfred Feiger Marilyn Gould Sandee Grossman Linda Katz Sol Kravitz* Michael Linderman* Herman Morgenstein* Seymour Nagel Bessie Shavitz* Celia Spivak* Morris Weiner*
Irving H. Babbitt Irving Coady* Jane Friedland* Lorin Greenberg Hannah Hockfield* Mollie Kleinman Shirley Kriegler* Arlen Litwin Betsy Mosak Louis Newman* Morris Sherman* June Walcer* Shirley Wolf*
Erwin Berenson Samuel Cooper* Andrea Gordon Bernice Gross* Michael Jaffe* Joseph Kolner* Ann Linderman* Mina Magarici Fred Moskowitz Michael Schwartz Harvey Shiffman* Alfred Weiner
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – November 2018
TRIBUTES FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FUNDS, PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE PRAYERS HAVE BEEN SAID FOR THE RECOVERY OF: Barry Bickshorn Valery Green Marshe Siegel Michael Allen Schnitzer Ronald Waller Harriet Waller
Condolences Upon the Deaths of: Geri M. Friedman Mother of Robert Friedman Evelyn Warren Mother of David Warren Congratulations upon Births: Sheree & Lee Arbus upon the birth of their grandson, Max Jack Arbus Ellen & Jeff Gluskin upon the birth of their granddaughter, Billie Lauren Gluskin Jodi & Steven Levit upon the birth of their granddaughter, Ava Wynter Silver Paula & Jeffrey Carter upon the birth of their daughter and Jan & Craig Minnick upon the birth of their granddaughter, Hadley Addison Carter Leslie & Steven Peck upon the birth of their grandson, James Rowan Peck-Kamuda
The Word – November 2018
IN MEMORY OF: Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Robert & Geri Friedman. Maureen & David Stolman and Family
IN MEMORY OF: Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Robert & Geri Friedman. Cheryl & Leonard Levine
Riva Weissbrot Estelle & David Karp
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Dorothy Swetin Eichner, beloved mother and grandmother. Miriam Spickard
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Charlotte Goldberg, in memory of my beloved mother. Lee & Arnie Goldberg Gerald M. Hauser Ilene Hauser
Rose Rubin Roberta & Andrew Zarchy Sol Rubin Roberta & Andrew Zarchy Frances Spiegel, our beloved mother and mother-in-law. Eileen & Alan Spiegel Sally Tepper, beloved mother. Renee & Wes Brown Marjorie Zarchy Roberta & Andrew Zarchy Armand Zucker Sherie & Paul Zucker RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Stuart H. Wolf Rona Wolf INCLUSION FUND Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Robert & Geri Friedman. Renee & Michael Klass
Elliot Kalina, loving husband, father and grandfather. Sara Kalina CANTOR WEISBERG DISCRETIONARY FUND IN MEMORY OF: Karyn Rudy Kamen, beloved daughter and mother of Thelma & Stuart Rudy and Family. Renee & Mike Malter Rick & Rosalie Malter UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Stella Hiller Ellene & Steven Lammers and Family Jane Markowitz Hadrian & Randy Markowitz William Meyers Steve & Jodi Levit and Family PRAYER BOOK FUND
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Betty T. Glassman, beloved mother. Rachel & Bob Ragland
IN APPRECIATION OF: Congregation Beth Judea for permitting me to attend Rosh Hashana services. Elliott Landon
IN HONOR OF: Sarah Esther Besser upon her Bat Mitzvah. Lee & Arnie Goldberg
IN HONOR OF: Jennifer & Brandt Rosen upon the baby naming of Sia Rosen. Marcie & Alan Marcus
Anna & Michael Besser upon the Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Esther Besser. Dana & Ken Goldstein
IN MEMORY OF: Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Robert & Geri Friedman. Gayle & Richard Pervos
Congregation Beth Judea for my honor of opening the Ark on Yom Kippur. Rona Wolf IN HONOR OF: Leslie & Steven Peck upon the birth of their grandson, James Rowan Peck-Kamuda. Kitty & Bruce Hoffman Sandy & Andy Levitt IN MEMORY OF: Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Robert & Geri Friedman. Cathy & Mitch Feiger Rona Wolf Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Bernice Boten Sol Boten Judy Rabin Jerome Horwitz Rita & Glen Gardberg Marcus Julis Barbara & Jeffrey Julis Irving Kolko, beloved uncle. Betty & Steve Kolko and Family
Sally Mangurten, beloved mother and grandmother. Michael, Susan, Lauren & Steven Mangurten
The Word – November 2018
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Joseph Ernsteen Leonard Gordon Helen Schmarak Jayme & Gary Ernsteen and Family Esther Halperin, beloved mother and grandmother . The Halperin Family Haskell Kasanov, remembering our beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather. The Silverstone Family Mia Nagel, beloved mother and grandmother. Karen & Philip Nagel SOCIAL ACTION FUND IN HONOR OF: Kenneth Dondero, father of Candace Ben Hur. Teri & Owen Pulver UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Erwin Karlin Nanci & Marty Karlin SISTERHOOD FUND IN HONOR OF: Leslie & Steven Peck upon the birth of their grandson, James Rowan Peck-Kamuda. Kim & Stewart Mann
KIDDUSH FUND IN HONOR OF: Jean Friedman upon her birthday. Lee & Arnie Goldberg IN MEMORY OF: Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Robert & Geri Friedman. Rita & Steven Spitz UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Carol Caplan, beloved sister-inlaw. Ron Caplan Jeffrey Caplan, beloved brother. Ron Caplan LINDA & ALBERT STARK FUND UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Suzanne Stark, beloved niece and cousin. Linda & Albert Stark and Family SUNSHINE FUND UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Harry Stern, beloved father and grandfather. Debbi & Alan Green and Family
BEN SAYPOL MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Ann & Mitch Lerman upon the birth of their grandson, Brody Austin Berman. Marlene & Stacy Sachs
JACK RIZMAN MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Dr. Jack Rizman Donald M. Ephraim Family Foundation
IN MEMORY OF: Geri M. Friedman, beloved mother of Robert & Geri Friedman. Marlene & Stacy Sachs
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Jack Brill, beloved father and grandfather. Marlene & Stacy Sachs Brenda Chait, beloved sister and aunt. Marlene & Stacy Sachs Marilyn Holman Neil, Mollie & Daniel Holman
The Word – November 2018
NOVEMBER 2018 Sunday
Thursday 01
Friday 02
Saturday 03
7:30 am Minyan 7:30 am Minyan 8:00 am Weekly Parsha 6:00 pm Teen Yad Sq 7:30 pm Shabbat Serv 9:30 am Shabbat Svc 6:45 pm Israel Mtg 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah 7:30 pm Minyan 9:30 am Baby Naming 8:00 pm Hebrew Boot Candle Ltg. 10:30 am Gan Shabbat Camp 5:25 pm 10:30 am Interpret Svc 8:00 pm Exec Mtg.. 10:30 am Jr. Congregat 04 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 7:00 pm
Talmud Study Hanukkah Bazaar Religious School Minyan New Member Coffee(@Krawitz)
6:15 am Minyan 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn (Sunset Foods) 6:30 pm Beyahad 7:30 pm Minyan
7:30 am 4:15 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
8:00 am Talmud Study 6:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Religious School 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn (Gr 2 Family Prog) (Sunset Foods) 9:00 am Minyan 6:30 pm Beyahad 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Navigating the Talmud 8:00 pm Membership/ Program Mtg.
7:30 am 1:00 pm 4:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
07 Minyan 7:30 am Religious Sch 7:30 pm Heh 8:00 pm USY Board Mtg 8:00 pm Minyan Hebrew Lit I Rockin’ Trad Ritual Mtg
09 KRISTALLNACHT 10 REMEMBRANCEDAY 7:30 am Minyan Minyan 8:00 am Weekly Parsha 6:00 pm Teen Yad Sq 7:30 am Minyan Minyan 9:30 am Shabbat Svc 6:30 pm Ulpan 2 Facilities Mtg 4:00 pm USY 9:30 am Bat Mitzvah Taste of Torah 6:30 pm Inclusion Mtg CHUSYfest 10:30 am Gan Shabbat 7:30 pm Minyan 7:30 pm Veterans Day 10:30 am Interpret Svc 8:00 pm Hebrew Boot Shabbat Serv Camp 8:00pm ConstitutiomMt Candle Ltg. 8:00 pm Men Club Mtg 4:17 pm 8:00 pm Youth Mtg.
Minyan 7:30 am Minyan AJEC (at CBJ) 7:30 pm Minyan 7:30 am Minyan 7:30 am Minyan 8:00 am Weekly Parsha Religious Sch 8:00 pm Finance Meeting 6:00 pm Teen Yad Sq 10:15amChalllah Bak 9:30 am Shabbat Svc (*) Heh 8:00 pm Social Action 6:30 pm Ulpan 2 /Sing-a-Long(*) 9:30 am Bat Mitzvah USY Meeting 7:30 pm Minyan 5:30 Tot Shabbat(*) 10:30 am Gan Shabbat Minyan 8:00 pm Taste of Torah 8:00 pm Hebrew Boot 6:15 Shabbat Dinner 10:30 am Interpret Svc Hebrew Lit I Camp (*) RSVP req 10:30 am Jr. Congreg (*) Rockin’ Trad 8:00 pm Board Mtg. 7:30 Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm Community Education Mtg 8:00 pm USY Prog(*) & Oneg (*) Havdallah & Sisterhood Mtg Concert (*) Candle Ltg. 4:11 pm
18 JOSH WARSHWASKY 19 VISIT (* event) 6:15 am Minyan 8:00 am Talmud Study 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 9:00 am Religious School (Sunset Foods) 9:00 am Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan 11:15 am Josh Warshawsky 8:00 pm Navigating the Hebrew School Talmud Celebration* 8:00 pm Ways & Means 2:30 pm MT Nesters Prog. Mtg. 7:00 pm Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration (at St. Mary’s) 25 26
8:00 am Talmud Study 6:15 am Minyan 9:00 am Minyan 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 1:00 pm Dogs to Brentwood (Sunset Foods) 6:30 pm Beyahad 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Navigating the Talmud
7:30 am 4:15 pm 5:45 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
7:30 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
21 Minyan Minyan Hebrew Lit I Constitution Mtg.
7:30 am Minyan 9:00 am Minyan. 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm USY Turkey Dance 8:00 pm Taste of Torah
7:30 am Minyan 8:00 am Weekly Parsha 7:30 pm Shabbat Serv 9:30 am Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Bat Mitzvah Candle Ltg. 10:30 am Gan Shabbat 4:06 pm 10:30 am Interpret Svc
Minyan 7:30 am Minyan Religious Sch 7:30 pm Minyan School Tefillah 8:00 pm Taste of Torah Heh Minyan Hebrew Lit I Rockin’ Trad
7:30 am Minyan. 7:30 am Minyan 6:00 pm Teen Yad Sq 7:30 pm Shabbat Serv 6:30 pm Ulpan 2 7:30 pm Minyan Candle Ltg. 8:00 pm Hebrew Boot 4:03 pm Camp 8:00 pm Debunked Hanukkah
By clicking here on your iphone, ipad, android or computer you can save this calendar as a PDF for quick access to our schedule. You will not download the entire edition of THE WORD – only this calendar. Please note that schedules are subject to change. Please check our website for the latest updates.
CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: Website: Rabbi Morris Zimbalist Hazzan Gil Ezring Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Hazzan Emeritus Roger J. Weisberg President Sidney Mathias Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender Editor Evan Rumack
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Candle Lighting Times
Worship Schedule
Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes
Conducted by before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. Rabbi Morris Zimbalist and Hazzan Gil Ezring Shabbat Evening Services ......................................... .7:30.p.m. Shabbat Morning Services ........................................ 9:30 a.m. Gan Shabbat – Shabbat Mornings .............................10:30 a.m. Junior Congregation (1st & 3rd Shabbat monthly .... 10:30 a.m. Alternative Shabbat Service (Interpretive Minyan).. 10:30 a.m. Weekday Morning Minyan: Sunday .................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Monday ................................................................ 6:15 a.m. Tuesday through Friday ........................................ 7:30 a.m.
November 2 ............................................. .5:25 p.m. November 9 .............................................. 4:17 p.m. November 16 ............................................. 4:11 p.m. November 23 ............................................. 4:06 p.m. November 30 ............................................. 4:03 p.m.
Weekday Evening Minyan: Monday through Thursday .................................... 7:30 p.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.