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Mission Statement
Dear Congregants, We hope you and your families are doing well during the quarantine. As the virus numbers in the state are beginning to rise again, it is important that we recognize that many of our congregants are feeling more isolated than ever. Perhaps you know of members who would benefit from ongoing contact from a caring congregant or perhaps you wish for this outreach. If so, please let us know, and we will have a volunteer contact you on a regular basis. We cannot do this, however, unless you let us know. Please let us help you if you- or someone you know- need it! We don’t want you to feel alone.
We continue to reach out to congregants to mark happy milestones, such as birthdays and anniversaries. We want you to know you are being thought of during these happy occasions. If you would like to help make these calls, please contact Marilyn or Evan.
If you need assistance with technology to participate in the synagogue offerings or if you need a cloth mask, please let us know!
Finally, we would like to welcome all the new members to our Beth Judea family. Thank you for recognizing CBJ as a warm and welcoming community. While we cannot congregate in person, there are many opportunities for you to become involved. If joining our committee is enticing, please call or mail us. Our email address is listed below.
If you would be interested in helping us in the future or have suggestions on how to best meet the needs of congregants, please contact us at hesed.cbj@gmail.com.
We wish each of you the best. Please stay safe and use all reasonable precautions to remain healthy. We are one family and need to take care of each other.
Evan Rumack Marilyn Green-Rebnord
Congregation Beth Judea Mission Statement
Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members.
Consistent with the principals of the Conservative movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of America and the State of Israel.