3 minute read
President’s Message
I don’t know about you, but I am always glad when the calendar turns to February. One more winter month is over for the year!! I am a spring/summer person, so I am looking forward to seeing the thermometer rise. Only two more months of winter!! The good news is that our second home, Congregation Beth Judea, has lots of programming during the month
I always mention in these articles about the programming from our fabulous auxiliary organizations. The Men’s Club and the Sisterhood have many events planned in February. I am so impressed by the creativity of the events that are occurring!! Please continue to read your weekly emails and the co-presidents’ articles in The Word for more information!!
of February!! One would think that our programming would have slowed down during the pandemic, but that is not the case!!
I hope you are all planning on joining me at the Pajama Ball on February 20. This is the synagogue’s large fundraiser for the year!! While we are unable to gather in our Social Hall as we have done in past years, the committee has been so creative in their planning of this event. There will be a comedian and dueling pianos!! There is also a 50/50 raffle and the opportunity to participate in an auction. Even if you are unable to make the event, you can still participate in the raffle and the auction. In order for the synagogue to continue to support all its members in a fiscally responsible manner, we need our congregation to support this fundraiser. Please register today to participate. If you would like to be a sponsor, it is not too late –contact Lisa Neiman or Brian Gurin for more information. Special thanks to the entire committee for all your efforts on what will be an outstanding evening!!
As you know, the synagogue typically has its large fundraiser around Purim time – hence the Purim Masquerade and Roaring 20s evenings of the past. Rabbi Zimbalist, Arnie Bender, and the Ritual Committee are planning Purim now. It is not too late to get involved in these holiday plans. Please contact Rabbi Zimbalist if you would like to participate in the service. Do you have an idea for a program that you would like to see? Did you know that the synagogue has a committee dedicated to programming? If you think of a programming idea that you would like to attend, I bet others would want to attend it too!! Please contact Diane Ganden with any programming ideas or if you would like to join the committee. All committees welcome new members and are open to new ideas!!
I want to remind you that a great way to connect to CBJ is to join the Board. The Nominating Committee, which is being led by Sid Mathias, is meeting now to form the slate of new Executive Committee and Board Members which will be voted on at the Annual Meeting in May. If you have any interest in joining the Board, please contact either Sid or me. I would be happy to discuss what it means to be a member of the Board of Directors. Serving as a volunteer for the synagogue has become such a part of my life and has been very meaningful to me. As I said in my State of the Synagogue speech, being the president has taken more time and patience then I originally thought but has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I would love to share that experience with you!!
On behalf of the clergy, staff, Board of Directors, my family, and myself, I wish all of you a Happy Purim!!