Homosexual Marriage and the Christian Dr. Ritch Boerckel
Senior Pastor
Missions Over the Coffee Cup Youth News 5 Life After Work Rafting Trip Serving BCC 6 April Calendar 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries 8 Children’s Ministry 9 Women’s Ministries College Care Packages 10 Singles Ministry Love Packages Update GriefShare Open Hearts Open Homes 11 Adult Bible Communities Small Groups 12 First Prayer Annual Meeting
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“As the present now will later be past, the order is rapidly fadin'. . . . For the times they are a changin’.” Perhaps no recent cultural trend confirms the prophetic truth of Bob Dylan’s 1963 ballad more than the reversal of society’s views regarding homosexual marriage. The most recent ABC News poll reveals that 58% of Americans think that homosexual marriage should be legal. Less than ten years ago, only 36% of Americans agreed with this idea. The demographics of this study point to a continued growing embrace of homosexuality as a positive good in the years ahead. Indeed, the times they are a changin’! Our nation’s embrace of homosexual marriage will have growing significant impact upon followers of Jesus and upon God’s church. Once the definition of marriage is changed in our nation’s laws, the gloves will come off in the abuse of the minority who disagree. The world will not be content to simply enjoy the newly established legal rights of homosexual marriage. The world even now demands that everyone celebrate the ideals that it celebrates. No tolerance will be given for dissenting views . . . not in our children’s schools, not in the workplace, not in government and not in our churches. Since faithful disciples of Jesus cannot celebrate anything that our Savior forbids, we can expect to be demonized, berated, threatened, and intimidated for agreeing with God’s Word that marriage is defined by God as a union of one man and one woman in covenant relationship with each other. The Church must be ready to be the Church in the face of persecution. We are ordained by God to proclaim His worth amongst people who despise Him. Jesus told us, “Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. . . . In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 15:20; John 16:33) In the past three months, I have had three church families ask me the question, “Should a Christian attend a wedding for a homosexual relative?” This is no longer a question that is hypothetical and can be ignored. This situation is likely to become more commonplace and produces grievous consequences for family relationships. For instance, some children threaten to cut off all relationship with his/her parents if they do not attend their wedding to their homosexual partner. This new dilemma creates a pressing emotional tension for God’s people. We are called to love God first with all our being and to love others even as much as we love ourselves. Out of love for the person, should we attend a homosexual wedding that we do not agree with? What counsel would you give to parents facing this problem? Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1 I believe that Scripture gives us a clear answer to that question. Please follow with me through five biblical truths that inform us how we can glorify God in the face of this dilemma
children will rise against parents and have them put to death, and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:21-22)
Truth #1: We are right to humble ourselves before God recognizing our need for His mercy. If we are invited to a wedding of a homosexual friend or relative, we rightly resist any self-righteous response that sets us above those who are enslaved to sin. This invitation helps us to think of God in grace delivering us from the kingdom of darkness and transferring us into the kingdom of His Son. We are not different from those whose minds and hearts are enslaved to the sin of homosexuality. Enslaved to sin we once were, and that is where we would presently be apart from Jesus’ saving power. When we see others bound by sin, we are right to set aside fleshly anger that is rooted in our pride. Instead, we ask God to help us to repent of our own sins and to possess eyes of compassion for those whose souls are darkened by sin and in need of a Savior.
Truth #4: We are right to hate sin in all forms. God hates sin and so must we. God hates sin because sin defies His authority, conceals His beauty, and destroys the people whom He created in His image. Sin robs precious life from all who cling to it. Our love for those who sin leads us to hate the very thing that is destroying their soul. Such a one may yearn for us to affirm the goodness of the sin that is destroying them. But we cannot do that! Love for them forbids it.
Truth #2: We are right to love those who pursue sin. God loves sinners and so must we. We ourselves would not experience God’s love if He did not love us at the very time we pursued our rebellion against Him. The ground of God’s love toward us is not our obedience toward Him. The ground of His love for us is His perfect, unchanging nature. In view of God’s sovereign love for us, we would be wrong to withhold love from another person on the basis of their actions. Glorifying God in our lives means that we pursue loving those who pursue sin. We avoid derision, name-calling, and disrespect of those captured in the strong prison of homosexuality. We pursue goodness, mercy and kindness toward them in demonstration of the Gospel. Truth #3: We are right to love God first and foremost. We love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Our first priority is to please Him, before we consider how we might please others. Jesus calls us to give Him preeminence in all things. God knows that our allegiance to Him may ruin our relationships with others in our physical families. This is not because we withdraw our love from them, but because they may demand that we choose them over Christ. Jesus predicted this when he said, “Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and
Truth #5: We are right to avoid the sin of sacrilege. Sacrilege is the violation or misuse of anything that is consecrated to God. In the Scripture, we see God responding with holy zeal against sins that involved sacrilege. When Aaron led Israel to worship God by using a golden calf, the Lord said to Moses, “Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them, in order that I may make a great nation of you.” Moses interceded for the people, but 3000 people died for participating in this sacrilege. When Nadab and Abihu offered unauthorized fire in the worship of God, God struck them both dead. Well-intentioned Uzzah died when he touched the ark of the covenant because he violated the holiness of this sacred piece. In the New Testament, Ananias and Sapphira and Simon Magnus are illustrations of the fearful response of God to the sin of sacrilege. A wedding is a worship service in which we call upon God to bless a couple as He unites them together as husband and wife. A marriage between two of the same sex asks God to bless a union that is an open rejection of His creative purposes for them. This kind of marriage misuses a sacred gift from God and distorts the image of God that marriage is designed to reflect. For this reason, such a service is a sacrilege. Thus it is wrong and harmful for us to attend. I believe that we invite God’s displeasure upon our lives when we do not consider first the honor of His name, especially in relationship to ceremonies of worship. Our world is growing darker with sin. The King is not long in returning. Let us remain faithful to him even as it becomes more costly for us to do so.
Short-Term Missions: Me? By Steve Hornbrook, Missions Minister
Did you know that Bethany has a goal for you to have a cross-cultural missions experience at least once in ten years? Why does Bethany care that you have that experience, and what is the church doing to make it possible? In early 2000 Pastor Ritch became convinced from his own experience that everyone would benefit in their own Christian walk by spending time out of their own comfort zone, observing up-close and personal how God is working through His people to accomplish the Great Commission across the globe. A pastor from a poor church in Ecuador told Pastor Ritch, “I am glad you are with us brothers, because our hearts do not feel what our eyes have not seen.” While we are called to live lives of faith, God uses the experiences He sends to strengthen our faith. We gain courage to believe God will work where we have not been by seeing Him work in the places where we have been. This is an ongoing process for us; part of God’s sanctifying work in the lives of His children. One short-term mission trip may not be sufficient; God may call you to go again and again—partly to work on you, partly to use you to work in others. “Alright,” you might be saying, “so what is the church doing to help me accomplish the goal?” If you are realizing that this won’t happen unassisted, you are quite right. On the average, we need to be sending about 10% of the adults on a cross-cultural mission trip annually, and for the three churches in our fellowship combined— that is something around 150 adults every year! We have
Missionary Updates Jan Roys (1946-2013) former missionary to Macau, China Jan went to the arms of Jesus at 5:40pm on Monday, January 21. Thank you all for your prayers for Jan and her family. Bob Tyler (retiring from CEF of Houston this April after 35 years) “I said, ‘Never Lord!’ but God had other plans.” -Bob Tyler Challenged in 1977 to pray about serving with CEF, Bob struggled. God reminded him how he had wished someone had reached out to him as a child. Still dragging his feet, Bob started his ministry with CEF in Central Illinois in June of 1977. Eleven years later he took over the directorship in Houston, Texas, where he has served for 24 years until his retirement this month. For more on Bob’s story, pick up his recent newsletter along the Missionary Wall.
gotten close some years, but “...our hearts do we have always fallen a little not feel what our bit short. To address this short-coming, the Missions eyes have not Committee has formed a seen.” planning team that is focused on short-term missions and they have asked Carol Hornbrook to serve as the Short-Term Coordinator. She has begun working with short-term team leaders to more effectively communicate the guidelines and procedures that help us get teams to the field and back again as efficiently as possible while accomplishing worthwhile objectives as effectively as possible. While each trip is different, each team has some common goals. They seek to glorify God by their actions and words; they maximize ministry effectiveness of our vocational missionaries by encouraging them in their work and assisting them in accomplishing it as God gives opportunity. They also help to prepare fertile soil for the seed of the Gospel by demonstrating the love of Christ to the people to whom they minister, even when they might not speak the same language. Our missions efforts are shared among Bethany Baptist and the two churches that God has allowed us to plant so far: Living Hope in Bartonville and Bethany Community in Washington. The Missions Committee is made up of representatives from each of these churches. Is God calling you to consider a missions trip this year? Teams are already forming. Watch church communications for details and opportunities.
The following trips are currently open: Czech Republic (August 1-13) led by Pastor Fred; serving at a camp for Short-Term Trips youth. Guatemala (August 3-11) led by Pastor Jerry; this will be a trip to visit and serve at an orphanage. Ethiopia (November 8-19) led by our missionary, Gary Losey; trip will include outreach and evangelistic festival. Application deadline: May 1.
Saturday, April 27, 2013 Registration 8:00am Walk Begins 8:30am Walks in Peoria, Pekin, Morton & Washington to benefit Peoria Rescue Ministries Esther House and Women’s Pregnancy Center Additional details available at: www.peoriarescue.org/walk
Youth News
We went grocery shopping today, and I think we got all the items on the list. Our list seems to get shorter all the time. One reason is that our son and daughter-in-law have been giving us prepared frozen meals. They are used frequently and are so good. They are spoiling us! When you are shopping for groceries, do you sometimes stop and talk to people? That is always fun! One lady admired my old jacket, blue on the outside and deep rose on the other side. It is reversible. I thanked her and told her that I got it when Noah got off the ark! In other words, it had been around forever. It was fun to chat awhile. Another African American lady said, “Hello! How are you?” We chatted awhile, and as we left, she said, “God bless you.” I said, “May the good Lord bless you and keep you!” We hugged, and went away rejoicing as I felt we were both children of the King. One little boy came up to me and showed me his treat, but didn’t share it. He smiled and patted me on the arm. I said, “Jesus loves you!” He gave me a big hug. Mom and Dad watched all this with pride. That’s probably why I sometimes don’t get everything on my list, but I had a great time there while shopping! We also saw Connie from our church that day, and were truly blessed. What can we glean from all of this as we drink our coffee together? There is always an individual, from the youngest to the oldest, who wants to hear of the love of Jesus. When Jesus said, “Go into all the world to share the Gospel,” did He have the Kroger store in mind? Yes, I’m sure He did! At one time early in my life, I wanted to be a missionary. I couldn’t, because of many health problems which still exist. So God led me into writing, teaching Sunday School, missions, and yes, the Kroger store. Lord, help me to always to be ready to share the Gospel for You!
This month we are hosting our second annual Youth and Parent Purity Seminar. It will be at Bethany Baptist Church on Saturday, April 20, from 8:30am to 1:30pm. A continental breakfast as well as snacks will be provided. We have added several new things to this year’s seminar and believe it will be beneficial for all our 6th-12th grade youth and their parents. We have several age- and gender-specific sessions (Dads with sons and Moms with daughters) dealing with the following topics: thinking Biblically about purity, physical issues of purity, and practical issues of purity. The last session of the seminar will include a pastoral challenge to all of the youth from Pastor Ritch, while all of the parents are able to ask a range of questions from a panel of parents and pastors. We are very excited about this purity seminar and hope you will consider joining us if you have a youth between 6th-12th grade. Please feel free to invite other non-Bethany families to this seminar as well. If you are interested in more specific purity seminar information please stop by the church office or visit the Sr. High ministry section of our church website. <>< , Dan Wilton
Youth Minister Meet & Greet The Elders have approved moving forward on the plan that was approved last year to bring Josh Beakley on as Youth Minister in June. Dan Wilton, our interim Youth Minister will have a time of overlap to help with the transition. Josh and his wife Janea will be here Sunday, April 7, for you to meet and ask questions during the Sunday School hour. See Jerry Sanderson with any questions. There will be a congregational vote on Josh at the April 28 congregational meeting.
Life After Work—A Kingdom Vision There will be a lunch for anyone (singles or couples) who is retired or is thinking ahead about retirement. Come hear Pastor Ritch give a vision of life for the glory of God in retirement. Join us for lunch after the second worship service at 12:30pm on May 19 in the Sr. High Room. To sign up, contact the church office at 692-1755.
Rafting Trip We’re heading to wild West Virginia from October 3-6, 2013, for some Gauley River rafting and New River Gorge hiking and rappelling. During our time, we will also be taking a closer look at Hebrews 11 and how we can apply this passage to our adventures. This river is ranked among the top ten best whitewater rivers in the world! With over 100 rapids, including 10 rapids that are class V or V+, it’s no wonder the Gauley is called “The Beast of the East.” (Prior rafting experience is strongly recommended.) Game Plan: Thursday, October 3: Travel Friday, October 4: Raft Saturday, October 5: Hike and Rappel Sunday, October 6: Travel Home Cost: Cost is $300 plus some meals (3 dinners and 1 lunch). Our adventures and lodging (hotel/lodge style) will be with Alpine Adventures. Response: We have a limited number of spots held and space is limited for Gauley rafting. Please contact Pastor Lyall (lyall@bethanycentral.org) or Kari Rabenhorst (kari@bethanycentral.org) if you are interested in going. A $100 deposit will be due by April 15.
An opportunity to serve and bless Bethany Community Church
Biblical Stewardship Conference Friday, April 26 6:00-9:15pm Saturday, April 27 8am-3pm (includes lunch)
Want to see THINGS differently? Come learn how to develop a lifestyle that sees God as the owner of everything and that encompasses not only how to manage God’s money, but all that He has entrusted to you. The Biblical Stewardship Series is one of the most comprehensive study courses of its kind. This conference will help you unlock the biblical keys to a powerful Christian mindset. It is immersed in Scripture, biblical principles and practical applications concerning money and possessions. The six sessions include laying the foundation, debt, investing, giving, estate planning, and culture. Are you ready to: Eliminate financial stress from your life. Achieve financial contentment. Avoid financial quicksand.
We are excited about what God is doing at Bethany Community Church! Bethany Community Church is holding a banquet to kick-off the start of their project to build facilities on their property. We have the opportunity to help them by providing childcare during their banquet which is scheduled Sunday, April 21, from 4:30 to 8:00pm at Five Points in Washington. A light meal and snacks will be provided for you. Please see Jerry Sanderson to help (jerry @bethanycentral.org).
Cost: $15 per attendee (for the set of six workbooks) Free childcare will be provided. Register online at www.bethanycentral.org.
April 2013 Sun
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Men’s Bible Study
No Wednesday Evening Activities
7:00pm Baby Shower for Steph Catey & Baby Sidney
12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
9:00am MOPS B
11:00am Women’s Spring Tea
7:00pm Men’s Bible Study (No Ladies Bible Studies)
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 4:00pm Children’s Choir 4:07pm Teen Choir
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 12:30pm Ladies Bible Study 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Gondolas) 6:15pm AWANA 6:30pm First Prayer Youth at First Prayer 7:45pm Choir
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am WOTO meeting and lunch 12:30pm Newcomer’s Lunch 4:00pm Children’s Choir 4:07pm Teen Choir
11:00am PrimeTime Fellowship 7:00pm Women Helping Women Men’s Basketball
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 12:30pm Ladies Bible Study 6:30pm Hats of Hope Worknight 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
5:00-5:45pm Last Family Meal (Pizza) 6:15pm AWANA Youth Group Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 12:30pm Ladies Bible Study 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
6:15pm AWANA Carnival Youth Group Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Child Dedication Class 2:00-4:00pm Dave Perry’s *Surprise 70th Birthday Open House 4:00pm Children’s Choir 4:07pm Teen Choir
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Congregational Mtg. 4:00pm Children’s Choir 4:07pm Teen Choir
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Ladies Bible Study Men’s Bible Study 12:30pm Ladies Bible Study 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
6:30-8:30pm Special Needs Date Night
9:00am MOPS A
8:30am Youth and Parent Purity Seminar
9:00am MOPS B
8:00am - 3:00pm Stewardship Conference
6:00-9:15pm Stewardship Conference
6:00pm Sr. High at The Barn
April 2013 Birthdays & Anniversaries 1
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Karen Brust Ann Bryant Zachary Carter Paul Hake Dan & Debbie Good Lucy Boerckel Brandon Carlson Daisy Davidson Keely Deutsch Deb Graham Fawn Kieser Rich Layne Brad Moore Tom Carlile Max Finney Jacob Rumbold Ashley Shaffer C. Rick Smith Abby Loental Morris Webb Ryan & Jacquelyn Servey Grace Loental Carol Parsons Ethan Scholl Kelly Stegall Sue Bonnell Taylor Burke August Dornon William Dornon Brock Hamm Carol Hornbrook Matt Morgan Dwight & Bernice King Doug & Karen Oberlander Jo Ann Brush Mike Hintz William Sharkey Rich Sturhahn Brody Tyre Laura Wichael Ellie Wirtz Jim & Vickie Elsasser Adam & Margo Marx Mark & Marsha Zielinski Chloe Donnelli George Lin Deanna Marquette Wesley Phillips Lee Randall Karye Setterlund Becky Unsicker Kevin & Karen Hart
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Jordan Conner Emeline Schurter Ginny Smith Lona Hudson Nelson Jones Dede & Vince Warner Brinlee Bauman Jenni Burnham Colton Mason Peter Huang Eli Petrany Kyle Scholl Tom Holtz Adrielle Hoyt Justin Locher Juliette Paquette Blake Schroeder Daren Yergler Maya McRaven Matthew Rosete Michaela Wilton Robbie Hutton Kevin & Cindy King Dennis Brown Albert Walton Micah Weidner Olivia Wolven John Zimmerman Jacob Bobchik Debbie Chowaniak Jim Crain, Sr. Baxter Fite Aaron Kern Brandon Park Sharie Cain Ashley McClelland Travis Powers Chris Siebenborn Dale & Mary Myers Amelia Barber Reuben Corder Stephanie Nelson Dave Perry Brian & Angel Langley Phillip & Jane Perkins Lori Havenga Marilyn Hutton Shawn & Michelle Mason Henry Lied Cara Traeger Steve Yanko Bill & Diana Weber
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Laura Haupt Brie Lawson LeAnne Padiak John Gail Patroff Debbie Pinkney Katelyn Warfield Josh & Liz Evans Angie Brock Jose De Leon Dawn Korf Jeannie Quick Jiwon Smith Matt & Becky Freckleton Mark & Shelli Hoerr Makenna Hintz Gary Hutton Marilynn Perry Cory DeBacker Melissa Doty Josh Evans Irelynn Honegger Tracy Parrish Joe Unseth Jeremiah Waller Ayodeji Adedoyin Allison Aupperle Gordon Cross Courtney Hannah Kristie Moorman Jody Sauder Joe Smith Charlie Waibel Nick Yonke Julie Philyaw Mark Schellenberg Becca Van Meter Ben Dobra Tracy Kramer-Ensor John Lonergan Anita Sharkey Mathias Wolven Carol Ausfahl Lisa Jacobson Olivia Jacobson Kayla Phillips Allison Ramsay Blake & Rachel Graham James & Mandy Locher Taliah Siebenthal Dotun Taiwo Emery Baumann Denny Unsicker Judah Wilmoth Danny & Diane Schell
Children’s Ministry Sunday School
Pastor Kevin
In April, we will be finishing our study in Samuel and beginning to look at 1 Kings. We encourage parents to seek opportunities to highlight these Scriptures with their children. The Scriptures covered in April by our Generations of Grace Sunday School curriculum are: 7 14 21 28
God’s Gracious Promise to David – 2 Samuel 7 God Forgives David — 2 Samuel 11-12 God Gives Solomon Wisdom – 1 Kings 2:1-4; 3:1-15 God’s Glory Fills the Temple – 1 Kings 8:1-9:9
Children’s Church
Pastor Kevin
We are excited to announce a brand new digital curriculum for our Children’s Church! We are thrilled about how this new Gospel Project Curriculum will help us teach the Scriptures to our children in a way that is Christ-centered, chronological (teaching the whole story of Scripture every three years), and compelling. Our K-6th graders in Children’s Church will start benefiting from this new curriculum this month, and we plan to introduce this curriculum to our 3- and 4-year-olds and Pre-K students sometime in the next several weeks. (The new Children’s Church curriculum will NOT change our SS curriculum; we remain very enthusiastic about the Generations of Grace curriculum that we use in our Children’s Sunday School ministry.) Our adoption of this new curriculum will also NOT change where parents drop off/pick up their children. Please continue to drop-off and pick up your children in their normal SS classroom. During the children’s church hour, our children will experience both a large group (in a combined classroom) and small group (in their individual SS classroom) teaching time. Scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit www.gospelproject.com/kids to learn more and preview the new curriculum. Please join us in praying for God’s blessing upon our teaching of God’s Gospel in our Children’s Church ministries!
Pastor Jerry
On Wednesday, April 24, our Awana clubbers will celebrate with a year-end Carnival. There will be no meal at the church that night to allow us to setup for the carnival. There will be carnival games, bounce houses, face painting, prizes, music, and a skit. We are seeking volunteers to staff carnival booths. Candy donations are also being accepted. Contact Rod Abel (253-1618, rodbonabel@comcast.net) if you would like to help. Our AWANA year concludes on May 1 with Awards Night. Please note: The last family meal for the season will be served Wednesday, April 17.
Children’s Choir Lets Rock! Live it all for Jesus
Pastor Fred
All kids age 4 through sixth grade are invited to join the Bethany Children’s Choir! Children’s choir will meet from 4:00-5:15pm on Sunday evenings. Children will learn basic music theory and begin working on the songs for the MusiCamp 2013 musical Let’s Rock. (MusiCamp is scheduled for June 3-7 from 6:00-8:15pm for kids who have completed Kindergarten through sixth grade.) Children’s Choir will kick-off on Sunday, April 7 at 4pm with a pizza party. Please RSVP to the church office at 692-1755 or kari@bethanycentral.org if you plan to attend. Questions? Contact Dawn Hintz at hintzpack@gmail.com or the church office.
Parent/Child Dedication
Pastor Jerry
Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should plan to attend “Child Dedication 101” on April 21 at 11:00am in the Conference Room. This class covers what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of resources Bethany offers. The next dedication will be held on Mother’s Day— Sunday, May 12. Sign up by calling the church office at 692-1755. For more information, contact Jerry Sanderson (jerry@bethanycentral.org).
for Steph Catey Thursday, April 4, 7pm Greg & Steph welcomed their daughter Sidney Grace into their home through adoption in March. They are registered at Babies R Us and Target.
Splash of Color Ladies Spring Tea Saturday, April 13
Women On Their Own Meeting & Luncheon Sunday, April 14th, 11:00am
Speaker: Sandy Miller Tea Lunch Catered by Cracked Pepper
All single women (widowed, divorced or never married) are encouraged to attend this meeting in the Sr. High Room. Fellowship and lunch will follow the meeting. Call the church office at 692-1755 to sign up.
This is a free event open to all ladies high school-age and up. Tickets are required and will be available at the table in the foyer for the final time on Sunday, April 7.
Women Helping Women Work Night Monday, April 15, 7pm Women Helping Women serves those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, early infant death, and infertility. On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact Nicole Pepper at 683-1181.
Hats of Hope Work Night Tuesday, April 16, 6pm The work nights are an opportunity to come and meet some cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply to cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller a 648-1693 or hlm112770@aol.com.
Host a Table: This year, we are asking for ladies to host their own tables. That means you can invite seven of your friends, neighbors, family members or girlfriends to sit with you at a table that you have prepared especially for them! Your job is to invite guests and to decorate your table, keeping in mind our theme, “Splash of Color.” Each host will be provided with: Round table with seating for 8 people White linen table cloth Center tier for food service Catered meal, tea, coffee and water *Paper products can be provided upon request. Set-up times will be confirmed in early April. Guest Ticket: For those who wish to attend, but do not wish to host a table, seat tickets are available. You will be assigned a specific table after the deadline has passed. Please contact Kelly Walenta with any questions. Email ckone2000@comcast.net or call 691-2327.
College Care Packages Did you know that our church has over 100 college students? In April we will be sending them care packages from our church body. We are collecting miscellaneous food, snack, and fun items to send in boxes to our college students. Donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center now through April 14. For more information, contact Kari in the church office at kari@bethanycentral.org.
If you have a student who is currently at college, please contact the church office with their address.
Pastoral Thought
We are excited to announce Bethany's new single's ministry-RESOLVEDto. Our aim is to build our community, bless our church, and reach our city. For the month of April we have a variety of ways to get plugged in and involved: 20/20 ABC Class Sunday mornings, 9:45-10:45am Join us for RESOLVEDto's ABC class. Thursday Bible study We meet every Thursday from 6:45 to 9:30pm at Rodney and Katie Harms' for dinner and Bible study. Join us as we continue our study through Hebrews. The address for this event is 3318 S. Hilton Lane, Bartonville, IL 61607. Friday Night Worship event Friday, April 12, 7:00-10:00pm Once a month we join for a time of worship, teaching and fellowship. The event and location are TBD. April Service Event Saturday, April 20, 4:00-6:00pm In April we will have a service event to help Camp of Champions prepare for their summer camp. Camp of Champions is a Christian Summer Day Camp in central Illinois. The event will start at 4:00pm at the Christian Center. We will go to dinner afterwards for a time of fellowship. We look forward to seeing you at the RESOLVEDto ministry events! Please contact Nick Yonke (309-657-2349, nicholas.yonke@gmail.com) or Jordan Beakley (661-400-0882, beakleyjd1@mail.masters.edu) if you have any questions. ď ś
Love Packages Update Thank you Bethany Baptist Church! In just 43 days we collected 515.4 pounds of Christian material for the Love Packages Ministry to send around the world. That is a quarter ton of material that you have recycled and is now being used to lead others to a relationship with Christ! The first collection of 157.6 pounds was sent to Mombasa, Kenya on February 28. In our recent pick-ups on March 3, 6, and 10, we have received Bibles, children's craft supplies, and Sunday school song books, sheet music, hymnals, fiction and non-fiction books, and publications by well-known authors. Whether we're giving of self or of things for the purpose of sharing Christ with others, we are empowered by God's love. Keep on recycling! For more information contact Deb Kreeger: (309)696-7195 or neybr1@aol.com Visit the Love Packages website at www.lovepackages.org.
GriefShare GriefShare is open to anyone who is working through the grief of losing a loved one through death. It would be helpful to contact Dave or Marilynn Perry before you attend for the first time at 579-2408. April 2 April 9 April 16 April 23 April 30
Stuck in Grief Lessons that Grief has Taught Me, part 1 Lessons that Grief has Taught Me, part 2 Heaven Conclusion dinner for participants
This will be our final session until fall. Please contact Dave or Marilynn Perry at 579-2408 regarding options for the summer session.
Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry To love a child and include them in your family while holding them loosely out for the Lord to work in their young lives is a challenge. Please be in prayer for the following BFC families that currently have foster children placed in their family. Jeremy & Jen Bencher (BCC) Adam & Mindy Byerly (BBC) Jason & Lindsay Getz (BCC) Brent & Deb Graham (BBC)
Will & Sara Good (BBC) Wes & Brianne Hoerr (BCC) Nate & Tamar Kern (BBC)
Check out the OHOH blog at openheartsopenhomesministry.blogspot.com
Adult Bible Communities God’s Freshness Abounds A little over a year ago THE MASTER’S TOUCH held its first class. This was an end product of God’s leading not only in my life but also in the life of Bethany. Prior to coming to Bethany I had taught in various class situations over the years. My desire was to continue this at Bethany. Initially, I was given the opportunity to fill in for some other ABC class leaders. After approaching the leadership about teaching a new ABC class, I decided what I thought would be the initial teaching material. However, God had a different plan. My teaching plans were delayed so that I could receive prostate cancer treatments in Florida. While there, God began to feed me on the book of Mark through a sermon series by Dr. John MacArthur. The gospels are probably some of the most familiar scripture, but Mark is maybe one of the least taught of the gospels. This aspect intrigued me for some reason. In addition, reading through Mark, verse by verse, seemed to offer a fresh look at the life and ministry of our Lord. That really got me excited about teaching the book. What was equally exciting was how the leadership at Bethany got behind this new class. Their prayers and the way in which they helped promote the class was very helpful in getting us off to a great start. Praise God for humble and caring leadership at Bethany! I thank God for the new excitement this class has made possible: new people, new personalities, and new opportunities to learn, to share, and to grow together. God’s freshness abounds. Brad Dunham co-teaches The Master’s Touch ABC class with Chuck Cobb. The class is open to all ages and life stations, including singles. TMT meets in Room 401, just off the hallway behind the gym. We encourage everyone to participate in an Adult Bible Community for your joy.
Prime Time Fellowship Monday, April 15, 11am All those age 50 and up are invited to join us for fellowship, lunch, and a special program. It’s tax day so we will be enjoying Po’ Boy sandwiches for our main dish. Bring a side or dessert to share. Sign up on an upcoming Communication Card in your Sunday worship bulletin or call the church office at 692-1755. Contact Pastor Lyall for more details.
Would you like to be more involved in the church? Are you praying for God to use you in greater ways? Is God calling you to be a small group leader at Bethany? We’d love toOthers share more you about Serving In with Love how God could bring you joy as a small group leader! The following lists are Ut wisi enim adyou minim veniam, provided to help think rightlyquis about nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper this ministry position. suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo Suspendisse Rejoice! Theconsequat. following are NOT vel tortor non dolor, quis qualifications for being a smallnostrud group exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit leader: lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea I must beconsequat. a gifted teacher commodo
I must be a longtime Christian Duis autem vel eum dolor in I must already be in iriure a leadership hendrerit in vulputate velit esse position molestie consequat, vel illum dolore I must be married/single/attractive/ eusmart/wealthy/popular feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et Iaccumsan et iusto odio dignissim must be able to host a group in my qui. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor own home in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse I must be a theologian molestie consequat, vel illum dolore I must be a certain personality type eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim
Take heart! If the following are true of you, Godenim can use as aveniam, leader quis in this Ut wisi ad you minim nostrud ministry! exerci tation ullamcorper important lobortis nislChristian ut aliquip ex ea suscipit I am a born-again consequat. Suspendisse commodo I am committed to Bethany as my velchurch tortorhome non dolor, quis nostrud tation ullamcorper suscipit. exerci I am interested in helping others grow Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in spirituallyin vulputate velit esse hendrerit molestie I enjoy encouraging andillum building up consequat, vel dolore euothers feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros etI accumsan don’t have et alliusto the answers, but I’m odio dignissim willing learnvel eum iriure dolor qui. Duis to autem hendrerit vulputate velit esse inI am able toinlead others in spiritual molestie consequat, vel illum dolore discussion and keep a group on course feugiat facilisis at vero euI don’t getnulla flustered easily in aeros group et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim I really like to spend time with other Christians Please contact Pastor Kevin at 692-1755 or kevin@bethanycentral.org to learn more!
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
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Annual Meeting Our Annual Meeting will be held at 9:45am in the sanctuary on Sunday, April 28. Join us for this special time of reflecting upon God’s gracious work among us in the past year and praying over God’s vision for us in the coming year.
Annual Meeting Sunday, April 28 at 9:45am in the sanctuary.
First Prayer Wednesday, April 10 at 6:30pm in the Prayer Room Join us for special time of prayer
Join us for this special time of reflecting upon God’s gracious work among us in the past year and praying over God’s vision for us in the coming year.