August Broadcaster

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Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever.

A Wedding Message for a Beloved Son Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Senior Pastor

In This Issue: 3

Bethany Family Campout


Children’s Ministry


Missions Taste of Bethany


August Calendar


Birthdays & Anniversaries


Small Groups


Over the Coffee Cup The Gospel Institute

10 Sr. High Youth GriefShare Fall Festival Women’s Ministries A Community Christmas Kickoff 11 Open Hearts, Open Homes A Passion For the Fatherless Adult Bible Communities 12 All-Church Picnic Taste of Bethany

This past month, I had the unique joy of joining my son and my new daughter in marriage. What a privilege to share a few words of biblical instruction to Alexander and Kiera on their wedding day! Below is the message I gave them, condensed for this publication. I submit it to you in hopes that it will encourage us all toward a Christ-centered marriage.

through him about discernment and God's truth, and I am constantly humbled by my own sinfulness. God teaches me more about Jesus' love and how to love people well. Also Alexander is such a fun, awesome, unique person! :)”

Let us begin thinking about this gift by remembering why you both believe that God is leading you to this marriage covenant with each other.

I also asked you, ”What goals do you have for your life together?”

Alexander you answered, “I want to marry Kiera because she is such a lovely person. She has such a compassionate Alexander and Kiera, of all the hundreds heart for other people and such a desire of weddings that I have ever participated to know and love God more. She points in, there is only one that has surpassed me to Christ and corrects me when I am the joy and gratitude that I have for this going off the right path. I know how good one today. God truly is giving both of it would be to be around her forever and you a profound gift (especially you, how important my relationship with her Alexander!). With this gift, He gives you is over all the other ones I have. She's both a sacred calling. just different and cooler and specialer.”

When I asked you Alexander and Kiera, "Why do you want to get married?” Kiera you answered, “I want to marry Alexander because he is my favorite person and I want to grow and learn and be with him forever. Alexander makes me better; God teaches me so much

Alexander you said, “I want to love Kiera sacrificially and learn more about denying my own selfish tendencies to serve Kiera and honor the Lord. I want to share the Gospel with Kiera to those who haven't heard. We have already really enjoyed that while at college. We want to be hospitable to people and be generous people towards others and show the love of Christ wherever we go.” Continued on page 2

“Wedding” cont’d from page 1 Kiera you said, “Our goals are to worship God together, to be instruments of sanctification for each other, to have all of the fun together, and go on lots of adventures. To grow up in wisdom and have an awesome family.” You both possess very God-honoring, Christ-centered goals! I want to give you encouragement in the next few moments to help you realize your goals. And as I prayed over what to say, I thought of the myriads of things that could be said at such an hour, INDEED should be said at such an hour. One sentence kept reverberating through my heart and mind: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21) Marriage is really that simple. Affirm with Paul, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain,” and everything else related to marriage will be added to you. I want to explore with you WHY This sentence is so central to the joy of your lives together. And I share three truths for you to consider this afternoon. 1. For me to live is Christ, because Christ is the source of my life.

the only One who can free us, if we put our faith in Him alone! ” God convinced both of you of the truth of John 3:16. Both of you came to realize that your own works or righteous acts do not save you. Rather you discovered that your only hope is found in Jesus Christ. What a great gift of God for both of you to hear the Gospel and understand it! What grace for God to reveal His glory to you so that you would receive His life through faith in Jesus! There is no spiritual life outside of Jesus. Jesus is the source of your life individually and He is the source of life in your marriage. Do not think any other sources can provide life for your relationship. He is the Vine from which life flows to bear fruit on the branch of your marriage. Your marriage will not have life on the basis of your fun personalities and easy-going ways. Your marriage will not have life on the basis of your heritage and upbringing. Your marriage will not have life on the basis of your natural love and affection for one another. Right now your emotions of love may seem unassailable by any storm or conflict, but human love is frail and weak because you are frail and weak in yourselves. Christ is the one who breathes life into your love. Look to Him each day! He is the source of life for your marriage.

There is no life outside of Jesus. He is God of very God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. You both have come to know this to be true. You have both placed 2. For me to live is Christ, because Christ is the strength of your faith in Jesus as your personal Saviour and are born my life. from above. You have the life of God inside your souls Alexander, when you were a little boy of 3 years of age so that you walk with Him, talk with Him, enjoy Him, and you used to love to quote Philippians 4:13 with joy, “I can worship Him. do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” Yes, Alexander and Kiera, you can do all things through Christ Alexander you testified, “When I was four years old, my to build a joyful life together. God has designed for you dad told me about how I was a sinner and imperfect to experience the joy of Oneness in marriage. But you will while God was holy and perfect. He told me that the need more than your own strength to climb the Mountain wages of sin was death but that Jesus died in my place of Oneness together. This mountain called Oneness is on the cross bearing the wrath of God in His own body. I high and the road to Oneness is hard. You will need to understood that I deserved hell but that Jesus made a draw strength from Christ Himself. way for me to be saved. I asked Jesus to save me and I repented of my sins and put my faith in Jesus that night. Drawing strength from Christ means that you abandon I have continued to grow in my knowledge of Jesus since your own strength and look to Him daily. If Christ is to be that time, and I want to know and love Him more and your strength, it is vital that you drink from the means of more.” grace that God gives to you! Alexander and Kiera, it will be your daily dependence upon Him that brings life to Kiera you testified, “God in His grace saved me when I your relationship with each other. Encourage each other was growing up, thinking I was a Christian, going to to rely on Christ for strength each day. church without really knowing what the Gospel was. In a friend's youth group I learned how to read the Bible Alexander, you are called by God to be the spiritual leader and found God's story in it—how we are born separated for Kiera. God calls you to love Kiera as Christ loves the from God because of God's perfection and our church. One of the key applications to this command is to sinfulness. Because He is so holy and loving and just, recognize Jesus considers His bride’s sanctification as His every sin is an ultimate crime against a perfect king. We responsibility. One way that He does this is by tenderly are completely helpless to bridge that gap no matter washing His bride with the water of the Word. Alexander, how hard we try because no moralism we can summon you are called by God to encourage Kiera in her walk with up can free us from the sin lodged deep within. Christ is God by opening God’s Word with her. You are also called


to lift her up in prayer before the throne of God. I know that you have been spending time together in the Word and praying with one another. Oh do not lose heart or grow weary in this! These simple habits of reading God’s Word together and praying together will be difficult to maintain, but discipline yourselves in this grace. Your strength for a growing marriage depends upon it. As you depend upon God, He will give you strength to love each other, forgive each other, and grow closer to each other over the course of your lives. 3. For me to live is Christ because Christ is the satisfaction of my life. Satisfaction in Jesus transcends any sad trial you may be called to endure, any failing that you may experience, any difficult problem you may face. Jesus is greater than these and so is the satisfaction He gives. This is why Paul says in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” Jesus is altogether lovely. He is your great pleasure and your treasure. He is the reward our souls long for. And He is yours. It is vital that you continue to look to Him for your satisfaction and not to each other. I am not saying that you will not find deep, abiding joy in each other. You will. But look to be satisfied in Christ. Feed your pleasure in Him. Pursue joy with enthusiasm in Him. Christian marriage is not a relationship in which two dissatisfied people seek satisfaction from one another. Christian marriage is a relationship in which two satisfied people share their satisfaction in Christ with each other. It is impossible for two people who are wholly satisfied in Jesus to become dissatisfied in their marriage. A Christ-satisfied spouse asks, “What more can I give to the other?” A dissatisfied spouse asks, “What more can the other give me?” You are about to recite the marriage vows. These vows are not expressions of what you expect from the other, but of what the other can expect from you. Your ability to fulfill these vows to God and to each other rests upon your satisfaction in Jesus. No person who is dissatisfied can love with the love your vows demand. They are too great, too unselfish, too God-honoring to be fulfilled by dissatisfied people. Today, you are making a commitment to love each other without condition. "For better . . . worse. Richer . . . poorer. Sickness . . . health. Till death do us part." These vows are meant to drive the stakes deep into the rock of God’s grace so that you will not be moved by life’s struggles nor by your own failings. Alexander, find your satisfaction in Christ so that you can put Kiera’s needs and comfort above your own. So that you can lay down your life for her in the small things as well as the big ones. So that you can lead with energy and love. So that you can forgive her when she sins against you. Kiera, find your satisfaction in Christ so that you can respond to Alexander’s leadership with respect. So that you can build his confidence as your leader through your tender words and your sweet attitude toward him. So that you can forgive him when he sins against you. Jesus is the SOURCE, STRENGTH AND SATISFACTION of your life. Root yourselves in Him and you will not be disappointed!!

Bethany Men’s Ministry invites you to a

The Bethany Family campout is fast approaching; sign up on a communication card or by calling the church office. Campers can set up anytime Friday to be ready for organized activities to begin at 5pm. Don’t be in a hurry to leave on Saturday as we have some fun family activities planned. Campers – novice to experienced – please plan to bring your own food (cooking fire available) to this “no charge” event on the southeast side of “Lake Bethany” where you can look forward to the following activities: Monkey Bridge Volleyball “Picnic” Games Fishing, Fish Cleaning Demo Fishing Competition Polar Surprise *Bring gloves to avoid frostbite Fellowship Campfire Sing-a-long Special Friday Night at the Movies on the Lawn at Dusk: Join us for a familyfriendly film. Popcorn and drinks provided. You can attend this event without camping.

Please call Mike Duncan at 219-6632 if you have questions, need a tent, or have a complete tent to loan someone who needs one. We’re also looking for helpers to assist with newer fishermen or if you have an area of outdoor expertise you would like to share with others. This is a fair weather event that will be cancelled if rain threatens.


Wendy Kirkpatrick

Children’s Ministry August lessons from Sunday School (SS) and Children’s Church (CC): 08/04 SS: Esther 1-10 God Uses Esther to Protect the Jews CC: 2 Samuel 7 God Made a Covenant with David 08/11 SS: Nehemiah 1:1-4:23, 6:15-16 Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem’s Wall CC: 2 Samuel 11:1-12:14; Ps. 51 David Sinned and Was Restored 08/18 SS: Nehemiah 8-10 God’s Law Brings the Jews to Repentance CC: 1 Kings 2:1-4, 10-12; 3:1-15 Solomon Asked for Wisdom 08/25 SS: Promotion Sunday CC: I Kings 6:1-8:66 Solomon Built the Temple AWANA AWANA starts Wednesday, September 4th (family meals begin on September 11). This year we are doing registration for AWANA differently. Registration will be Wednesday, August 28 from 6:15pm to 7:30pm. This will be a registration only night, with no club meeting. Our hope is that this will make for a more productive first night of learning. AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed from 2 Timothy 2:15. It is Bethany’s midweek ministry to children from 3 years old (those who are starting Kindergarten in 2 years and are potty trained) up through the 6th grade. It consists of three clubs: Cubbies (3 and 4 year olds), Sparks (Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd), and Truth and Training (3rd through 6th). AWANA meets at 6:15pm and ends at 8pm (7:50 for Cubbies). Starting on September 11, Bethany’s weekly family meals begin at 5pm for a suggested donation of $3 per person. Dinner is served until 5:45pm.


AWANA Leader Training: Are you interested in serving in AWANA? It is a great joy to help children learn the Word of God in a fun, upbeat environment. We have training for those who want to serve. The training is on Wednesday, August 21 at 6:15pm and Sunday, August 25 (choose one) after 2nd service.

Promotion Sunday August 25 is “Promotion Sunday” for 3s through 6th grade. Students will start in their current rooms, and then promote up together as a class to their new grade within the first 10-15 minutes of class. Promotion for Nursery and 2s Sunday School will be September 1. VBS We had an amazing time putting on the armor of God at Vacation Bible School! We had over 400 kids attend during the week. Thank you to all of our faithful volunteers who shared God’s Word with the children of our community during this week! Seeking Teammates We are looking to add to our amazing volunteer base for the new school year. Here are some of our opportunities: Sunday School - Volunteers serve each Sunday from 9:30 to 11:00 am for a one-year commitment. We have teacher openings for: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 3rd grade Helpers are needed for: 3’s & 4’s, 1st grade Children’s Church - New one-year term starts August 25. We are seeking small group leaders for all age groups. Volunteers serve once every six weeks from 10:45am to 12:15pm. Nursery - Can you serve four times a year in our nursery? We have openings in our 8:15 and 11:00 services. For more information, please contact Jaclyn Taylor at Please pray about joyfully serving children with the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Missions Missionary Biography

Special Service

Faith Through Fire: Rwanda and Me— Memoir of Gary Bennett by Randall Bennett

Tuesday, August 27 at 6:30pm

Many of you will recognize the last name of Bennett. Gary has been a missionary at Bethany for many years. This is his story! I was warned when this book was given to me that it would be hard to put down. And it was true to the word. I had no idea how much Gary and Melanie had gone through in their young married life. The story starts with Gary’s youth and how he began on the mission field. It quickly moves into the uprising in Rwanda in the early 1990’s. Gary and Melanie were simply trying to survive as the bullets whizzed through the air. I don’t know how they did it, but they kept themselves calm and tried to carry on with normal life between the lulls of the fighting. When they are called to leave their home, they are courageous and stop to pick up as many of the other missionaries as they possibly can in an effort to escape to safety. I don’t want to tell you everything. Just know that it will help you to see what some missionaries–YES, even the ones you know—have gone through on the mission field. While it is true that most don’t see the amount of war that Gary and Melanie did, they do live completely reliant on God each and every day. If you would like to read this one, it will be available in the church library. Reviewed by Jeanette Akright

Our speaker will be Joseph Mahlaola, Christ’s Seminary graduate, pastor, missionary and seminary lecturer. Joseph is an excellent speaker, and he represents results from our involvement through the Beakley family. Joseph will be speaking about the ministry goals of the seminary from 2 Timothy 2-3. Joseph’s wife Welheminah will also be with us. Don’t miss your only chance to hear from this precious family! There will be a social time with refreshments afterward.

Mission Services This Month Peoria Rescue Mission August 4 and August 15 at 7:30pm South Side Mission August 18 at 6pm Contact Jon Baumann at 303-5656 for further details.

Short-Term Trips Pray for the following teams that will be serving this month: Czech Republic (August 1-12) Guatemala (August 3-11)

Taste of Bethany It’s that time of year again! It’s hard to believe, but the tenth annual Taste of Bethany is right around the corner. On Sunday, August 18, representatives from the ministries of Bethany will fill the café and gymnasium with updates on what God is doing in and through the people here. Mark your calendars, and prepare to be greatly encouraged! You can start preparing for the Taste of Bethany now. First, pray that the Lord will prepare your heart to worship Him as you peruse the different ministries. Second, ask God for wisdom regarding how He desires to use your life to further His glory. Third, consider your current resources (time, money, gifts, etc.) and commit to devoting them to God through the ministries at Bethany. We are looking forward to celebrating what God has done over the last year with you! Following the Taste, join us outside for our All-Church Picnic. (See back panel.) For more information, contact Abby Pfeiffer in the church office by calling 692-1755 or emailing


August 2013 Sun







8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 12:30pm Children’s SS Teacher Training 7:30pm PRM Service

7:00pm Men’s Basketball

9:00am Men’s Bible Study 6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

6:15pm Youth Group












Senior High Campout




8:15 & 11:00am 7:00pm Worship Services Men’s Basketball 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am ABC Leader Meeting 12:30pm Children’s Church Lunch

9:00am Men’s Bible Study 6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

6:15pm Youth Group 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal

7:30pm PRM Service





8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 6:00pm SSM Service

7:00pm Women Helping Women Work Night

9:00am Men’s Bible Study 6:00pm Hats of Hope Work Night 6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

6:15pm Youth Group Awana Training 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal

Men’s Basketball

Taste of Bethany And Church Picnic





Bethany Family Campout





8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Church Membership Class 12:30pm Awana Training

7:00pm Men’s Basketball

9:00am Men’s Bible Study

6:15pm Youth Group Awana Registration 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm Special Service with Joseph Mahlaola



24 9:00am A Community Christmas Choir & Orchestra Kick-off


30 9:00am MOPS


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -

Ava Gates Jesse Hake David Lawson Terry Setterlund Sahara Streitmatter Ewald & Leslie Lipps Michael & Deanna Todd Wendy Madigan Jared Rogers Betty Schwartzkopf Carole Zimmerman Jodi Bobchik Cecilia Huerta Julia Kieser Michele Wilson Larry & Caroline Baer Bill & Marilyn Boldry Gary & Colleen Jones Nathan Colwell Mikalla Good Glenn Jablon Peg Pendell Carter Schweigert Connie Shultz Brent & Jan Mosier Bob & Julie Read Lisa Collins Ava Dobra Quinn Donnelli Kerry Kallina Tom Robinson Dale Smith John & Tina Myatt David Inman Lisa Lueken Jed Stuber Rodney & Katie Harms Billy & Jenny Schick Ross Elsasser Jack Mason Mark Rumbold Laura Jacobs Paula Wilkey Warren & Grace Netherton Eugene & Emily Reinholtz Cindy Lawson Debbie Davison Trevin Palmer Benjamin Siebenthal

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -

Don & Carol Vance Linda Babcock Brice Bryant Sravani Jorden Anne Zumwalt Randall Christenberry Bill Zimmerman Craig & Amy Colwell Brenda Fore Eric Nielsen Rod & Bonnie Abel Doug & Vivian Bireline Randall & Kelli Christenberry Kevin & Amanda Gustafson Dave Clark Oliver Hoerr Klara Pepper Denny Reed Daniel & Natalie Bayko Eric & Beth Bonk Sean Malone Alexis Russell Ralph Turner Gary & Diane Conner Sharon Bloompott Ava Dietz Debra Kreeger David & Patty Inman Jeff & Laura Miller Tom & Sarah Schlich Rick & Jiwon Smith John & Kathy Spuler Morgan Courtney Mary Ellison Peter Rummel Audrey Schrepfer Karissa Talbot Dennis Tracy Laura Janssen Barbara Boyd Angie Peterson Wyatt Walberg Kristine Williams Jodi Barnes Azabella Billhymer Anna Heinz Doug Rabenhorst Kent & Kerry Kallina

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -

Jodi Mayne Kaliese Plattner Bob Weber Katrina Williams Patricia Wineland Mike & Peggy Powers Presley Downs LaVerne Rice Sherri Urban Jim & Melanie Rowley Kelsie Burton Noah Herman Tom Joos Merrill Parsons Adam Pepper Carly Twedell Brette Benedict Caleb Jorden Dwight King Elizabeth Qu Brian & Kristi DeBacker David & Lynda Oakes Lori Bennett Kevin Billhymer Markie Castle Tim Delaney Matt Freckleton Andrew Gerig Shelley Riney Jackson Smith Luke Taylor Josie Puri Grant & Courtney Hannah Matt Gillespie Jeremy Keller Carissa Phan Sandy Wheeler Gregory & Presley Downs Al & Sherri Dornon Ryan & Rosie Siebenthal Natalie Elsasser Nolan Elsasser Carl Theobald Zachary Weber Mark & Janine Tolson

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -

Joanne Borchert Becky Delaney Ben Delaney Steve Delinski Ethan Ham Ella Honegger Emily Rosenberger Georgia Wilkinson Hallie Anderton Justin Brush Emily Hoerr Joe & Jodi Bobchik Peter & LaNae Huang Matt & Deanna Marquette Dan & Amanda Wilton Marjorie Carter Bob Christmas Levi Fisher Debbie Good Andy Hamilton Mae Herman Natalie Park Nathan Park Louis Queen Jordan Rumbold Abigail Weber Roberta Williams Ryan Hutton Calvert & Kim Benedict Chuck & Margie Cobb Gene & Ann Rebholz Sara Good Kathy Harvey Jessica Koch Carol Koehler Scott Lawson Ethan McRaven Jeremy Powell Lana Rudolph Alexis Vaughn David Ward Nate & Tamar Kern Nick Boone Renee Davis Stan Koch Willow Schick


Get Ready for Small Groups 2013-2014!! Small Group sign-ups begin this month! We can’t wait for all of our church family to again experience the spiritual benefits of authentic faith in more personal community! Watch the Sunday worship folders for instructions on how to you can sign up for your small group this August. We are excited about giving every attender at Bethany this opportunity to build authentic biblical relationships that enable us to better apply God’s Word into our daily lives. These small group meetings are not designed to be another Bible study. Instead we desire that God will use our small groups ministry to deepen our personal relationships with one another to the point where we can really help one another apply the biblical truths which we’ve already been taught each week. May God glorify His Name as He builds His church through this discipleship ministry! Here’s some important reminders about our small group ministry for your joyful participation: To learn more about our vision for small group ministry, please download a copy of the leadership’s Small Groups Vision Paper at, under our small groups ministry page; or pick up a printed copy at the church Welcome Center. Flexibility is the key to success!! Every small group is formatted a bit differently under the leadership of the small group leader. Each small group will structure their meetings and functional dynamics in the way that is most helpful for their combined joy in Christ. This small group term is from September to November 2013 and Jan to May 2014. Breaks are encouraged during the busy month of December and the summer in order to encourage sustainability. In August 2014, signups will provide everyone with the opportunity to stay in their same group, multiply into starting a new group, or join another existing group. Do I stay in the same group again this year? If you benefited from participating in a small group last year, you are encouraged to prayerfully proceed however will bring us the most joy in Christ together: Bethany offers Small Groups Deepen the existing connections by staying in the same Childcare Reimbursement group and striving together towards greater Bethany Baptist Church loves children! vulnerability, accountability, and 1 John 1:7 fellowship. Some of our small groups accommodate Expand your scope of relationships within the church by the presence of children at their regular joining a different small group this term to intentionally small group meetings. However, other increase the scope of your relationships. groups seek to provide regular meetings Multiply the joy of godly relationships by asking others without the presence of young children. from your existing group to help you start a new small Because we desire to remove any possible group with the intention of inviting new people to join obstacle to the spiritual growth of young with you. couples in our church, we are again offering a childcare reimbursement If you want to participate in a small group, but there are program for families who desire to no workable options still available for you, please identify participate in a Small Group. This yourself by putting your name on the small group waiting program will help supplement some of the list. We will contact you about the details of our new childcare costs incurred as a result of small groups as soon as they become available. We continue to seek more Small Group leaders. If you are interested in serving God in this way, please contact Pastor Kevin at Please join with us in praying for God’s supernatural blessing upon this “one another” ministry of adult discipleship next year. For more information, please contact the church office.


participating in one of Bethany’s small groups.

Find all the details on the program on our Small Group ministry page at Further questions may be directed to Pastor Kevin Sauder or Jan Mosier.

It is hard to imagine summer is soon going to be over! Did you enjoy it? I hope you did! I found this time to be most enjoyable and profitable. As we look ahead to autumn, will it be as enjoyable? I’m not so sure! After that comes winter—not my favorite time of year. Why? It is cold, there is snow on the ground, it gets dark so early, and I have a more difficult time waking up in the morning! My hope is that spring will follow, the good Lord willing. Why do we complain about the weather? Are we in control of the seasons? No, but we know the One who is! I’ve often prayed for the weather that I want. What is our reaction if we don’t get what we want? Then how should we pray, not only for the weather, but for many things to be supplied? We need His direction for all phases of our lives. Let me share an answer that He supplied in my life. I had pledged to give an extra

offering to our church. One Saturday night as I prepared my gift, I was $5 short. I walked around the house, praying for my need. At the end of the drive was a large puddle. In that puddle was a $5 bill. I asked my Lord why He dropped it in the puddle; it was a real mess! God reminded me that had He not done so, it would be blown down the street. I thanked Him, and cleaned the $5 bill the best I could, and paid my pledge! God does work in mysterious ways His wonders to perform (Psalm 26:7). Thank You, Lord, for all You give: For life and love so all might live. For by Your hand we find delight. So give us, Lord, what You do well, and help our hearts to love You still! For You are in control of life, and all does come through joy and strife. Thank You, Lord, for love today, and dear God, show us Your way!

Fall Semester at The Gospel Institute! Registration for the fall semester of The Gospel Institute begins August 15! Classes begin Monday, September 16, at 6:00pm at the Knoxville Community Center. The three-hour classes will be held weekly on Mondays until December 9. You can register online at or in the Bethany Baptist Church Office. The Fall 2013 semester courses are: · Systematic Theology with Pastor Ritch Boerckel · Bible Study Methods, professor TBD. Hear what other students have said about The Gospel Institute: “Systematic Theology has cleared up misunderstandings that I was taught for years. As I understand the character of God, my sinfulness comes to the surface. This class has shown me a glimpse of my deceitful heart. I have come a long way since I first became a Christian, and lately I felt lukewarm, just coasting along. This class has sparked a new beginning in me, with a better understanding of God and why I am here.” – Debbie Chowaniak “The Gospel Institute has helped me to get back into the Word in a way that has given my life in Christ new energy. I took Delight in Discovery during the fall 2012 semester and learned how to study God’s Word. … When I teach His Word I will do so with a new energy, enthusiasm, and passion for God’s leading and instructions on living for Him.” – Andy Hamilton Cost is only $60 per semester; scholarships are available upon request, and awards will be determined by need. For more information, visit or email Abby Pfeiffer at


Sr. High Youth

Dan Wilton Josh Beakley

We are looking forward to three great events this month: 1. We will be having a Sr. High Camp Out at Bethany on August 9-10. The campout will start at 5pm and dinner will be served at 6pm. Dinner, evening snacks, and breakfast will be provided. Youth attending will need to bring their pillow, sleeping bag, flashlight, clothes that can get dirty plus a change of clothes, tennis shoes, and if possible, a fishing pole. (Under age 16 no fishing license needed.) Pick-up on Saturday will be at 11 am. Parents, we are in need of tents for this event. Please let us know if you have one we can use. Thanks so much! 2. Also we will be having our All Youth Cook-out and Parent Meeting at Bethany on Wednesday, August 28. We will be introducing small group leaders, sharing information about the upcoming year, and answering questions. If you have any youth in Jr. or Sr. High please make every effort to attend. It is a wonderful time to meet new church families and fellowship with dear friends. 3. Lastly, we will be restarting our Barn fellowship for Sr. High youth on Saturday, August 31, from 6-9pm. We meet at the Unsicker’s Triple U Barn off of Grange Hall Road in Dunlap. It is an informal time of food, fun, and spiritual friendship for our youth. We always enjoy snacks, board games, Frisbee, and much more. As always, please let us know if you have any questions. We are excited to be a part of your lives and excited for all that the Lord has in store for our group this year.

GriefShare Opportunity

Fall Festival

If you have a desire to minister to hurting and grieving individuals, GriefShare is seeking volunteers to assist in group facilitation/leading. Lessons are provided—all you have to do is LOVE on those who come and give them encouragement, direct the conversations, and discuss the videos. We encourage you to pray about it and contact one of the individuals listed below.

Mark your calendar and make plans to be a part of this exciting outreach to our Marilynn Perry, 579-2408 community which will be held Pastor Joel, on our property on Saturday, Pastor Kevin, September 21 from 1-4pm. .

Women’s Ministries Living Proof Live with Beth Moore Bus Trip to Springfield, Illinois October 25-26, 2013 Ladies, join us for this event which features life-changing Bible Study and inspiring worship! Packages (ticket, hotel room, and transportation) from $106-175. Sign up at Contact Kelly Walenta at for details. Work Nights This Month: Women Helping Women Monday, August 19 at 7pm Hats of Hope Tuesday, August 20 at 6pm

A Community Christmas Kickoff Come be a part of the Christmas Choir/Orchestra on Saturday, August 24 at 9:00am The Bethany Fellowship of Churches will again be joining together to present "A Community Christmas" on December 6-8, 2013. To get us started, we will have a Christmas Kickoff where we will preview the music on Saturday, August 24. We will hear all the music for Christmas and begin to lay out the vision for this year’s Christmas worship and outreach event. This Kickoff is for those interested in singing in the choir and also those who are interested in playing in the orchestra. Clear your calendar and make plans to attend this morning of Christmas Music! Contact Pastor Fred ( or Kari Rabenhorst ( for more information.


Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry A Passion For the Fatherless Orphan Care Conference

Orphan Care Bible Study

Bethany Fellowship of Churches invites you to attend this conference with special guests Tony Merida and Rick Morton, co-authors of Orphanology: Awakening to Gospel-Centered Adoption and Orphan Care along with Daniel Bennett, author of A Passion for the Fatherless. This conference seeks to equip the local church to care more effectively for the orphan.

This class is taught by Jerry Sanderson and is for anyone interested in fostering or adopting.

Check out the following link for more information: You can register today at:

Sundays at 11am September 22–October 27

Focused Fellowship Ladies, join us on the third Monday of each month. Visit the OHOH ministry blog (see below) for time and place.

Keep up with Open Hearts Open Homes Check out the ministry blog at:

Adult Bible Communities An Update from Living Stones Bible Community

by Greg Joyce

Living Stones is immersed in a study of the book of Ephesians. We’ve found this letter from Paul to the church at Ephesus to be incredibly applicable to the church in America today. The city of Ephesus was a society deep in sin. Paul knew human nature and feared that a church that was immersed in such a wicked culture may begin to absorb their beliefs and perverted behaviors. This is a letter of encouragement and admonition, written to remind believers of their immeasurable blessings in Jesus Christ, not only to be thankful for those blessings, but also to live in a manner worthy of them. For example, Ephesians 5:1 tells us to “be imitators of God as dear children.” Paul then lists examples of sins common in their society, and calls on believers “do not be partakers with them.” Paul’s description of their behaviors, such as the sexual immorality, filthiness, and “foolish talking” sounds so much like a description of American culture. Paul tells us to “Walk as children of light” (5:8), “finding out what is acceptable to the Lord” (5:10), and “…do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (5:17). As a class we’ve been learning so much about living in a manner pleasing to God in the midst of today’s culture.

As a class we’ve been learning so much about living in a manner pleasing to God in the midst of today’s culture.

God has truly opened our eyes through His Word in Ephesians that we always need to be aware of the behavior society is promoting and measure it against God’s standard, his Word. And, “…you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles (unbelievers) walk, in the futility of their mind,” (4:17). Please come join our class as we continue learning from God through the book of Ephesians. Living Stones is taught by Greg Joyce and Mark Yonke and meets in Room 809 on Sunday mornings at 9:45am. It is open to adults of all ages.


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


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Two Exciting Events On One Day—Sunday, August 18

Taste of Bethany Join us inside during the ABC hour for our 10th Annual “Taste of Bethany” Ministry Fair. Come see the colorful displays highlighting the many ministries at Bethany and learn how you can be involved.

All All--Church Picnic lunch serving at: Picnic 11:00am (following first service and Sunday School)

Join us outside for an all-church picnic here at Bethany with lunch and fellowship.

12:30pm (following second service) Bring a salad or vegetable to serve 12 and your lawn chairs.

Meat, beverage, dessert, and table service provided. Please RSVP online or on the Communication Card in your Sunday worship bulletin.

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