e-August Broadcaster

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Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever.

Broadcaster The World Without the Gospel: An American Parable There are some key differences between the world to which Jesus came and our world today. While both cultures hated certain sins, the list of those hated sins varies starkly. Typically, our world hates the quiet sins of self-righteousness, while those in Jesus’ day hated the public sins of self-expression. Generally, first century Jews acknowledged the morality of the Old Testament. Our people do not. The Jews of the first century did not debate the rightness of the moral code that God gave to His people in Moses’ day. Our people do. While heated conflict raged strongly between the Sadducees and the Pharisees regarding the application of certain parts of the Law, these two dominant parties fundamentally embraced the moral standard represented in the Ten Commandments. We do not. For instance, every teacher in Israel agreed that God forbade

sexual relations outside of marriage. Few agree in our culture. The rabbis taught that marriage was a covenantal union between one man and one woman and the people agreed. Our Supreme Court and people reject this reality. Opposing voices in the synagogues promoting the kind of “sexual freedom” that our culture celebrates did not exist in Jesus’ day. Voices promoting sexual immorality could be found outside of Israel in the philosophers of the Roman world, but not among the Jews. The Babylonian and Assyrian captivities taught the Jewish people that worshipping other gods and participating in abominable acts of sexual immorality would bring God’s wrath upon them. As a result, the Jewish people did not return to idolatry or to the open, sexually immoral practices that characterized other nations surrounding them. Living with a Continued on page 2.

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Senior Pastor 3

August Calendar Highlights


Children’s Ministry The Gospel Institute


Women’s Ministries


Discovering Church Membership Adult Soccer RESOLVEDto Singles Worship Team First Prayer A Community Christmas Kickoff


Small Groups Family Campout


Saturday Night Worship Celebrating Children’s Ministries

Continued from page 1.

boyfriend or girlfriend prior to marriage was not considered a wise step in the growth of love, but a tragic stumble into rebellion against God. This alignment with the Law did not make the first century Jewish religious leadership righteous, however. Those religious leaders sank into spiritual darkness through the sins of self-righteousness and pride. Why is this difference between Jesus’ world and ours so important to acknowledge? Many evangelicals misinterpret and misapply the Gospels because they equate the two cultures. They read the Gospels through the lens of a modern reader who rejoices in the public sins of self-expression. They read the Bible with the sensitivity of a modern who becomes offended when certain sins are specifically named as sin. In reading Scripture this way, they rightly condemn the sin of self-righteousness, but they diminish the sinfulness of the sins that stand approved today. They conclude that the problem is not that they have sinned against God, but that self-righteous people sin against them by asserting that they have sinned against God.

“I believe this error of winking at sin pervades much of the evangelical church’s Gospel-response to our present world.”

For instance, the story in John 8 of the woman caught in adultery is a story that some moderns read as one that castigates the Pharisee’s self-righteousness while accepting the woman’s adultery. Yet Jesus communicated clearly to the woman that her sin was serious too! His last words to her are a strong caution, “And from now on sin no more.” (John 8:11) The adulterous woman in Jesus’ day would not have thought about defending her adultery as a righteous act. She was not offended that Jesus called her life choices “sin.” She knew her actions were an affront to God. Today’s sexually immoral person would likely consider Jesus’ last words to be condescending, judgmental and hateful. The problem with the Pharisee was not that he hated the sin of adultery. The problem with the Pharisee was that he did not hate the sins of self-righteousness and spiritual pride. The problem with our mindset today is not that we hate the sins of hypocrisy, self-righteousness and spiritual arrogance. The problem with us is that we do not hate the sins of self-expression that God hates. I believe this error of winking at sin pervades much of the evangelical church’s Gospel response to our present world. I have adapted one of Jesus’ classic parables (Luke 18:9-14) to the modern audience to help us consider a God-honoring response to sin of every kind. Jesus did not discriminate regarding the kinds of sinners He willingly loved. Nor did He discriminate regarding the sins He vehemently hated. If we are to follow Jesus, we are right to love every kind of sinner and hate every kind of sin. Only in this way do we rise 2

above the darkness of our present world and enter into the light of the worship of our glorious God. I tell this parable to some who trust in themselves. Some trust in themselves by thinking that they are more righteous than others because they are “religious” and avoid the sins of sexual immorality and criminal greed. Others trust in themselves by thinking that they are more righteous than others because they are “honest” and avoid the sin of moral arrogance and unloving disapproval. Though both have the same problem of trusting in themselves, these two groups treat the other group with contempt and scorn. “Two men went up into the church to pray, one a respected Sunday School teacher and the other a proud homosexual. The Sunday School teacher, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, criminals, thieves, adulterers, or even like this homosexual. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get. I attend church two times each week. I read my Bible every morning. I am faithful to my wife.’ But the homosexual, standing far off, raised his eyes in anger at the Sunday School teacher as he prayed, ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other religious people. I am not filled with bigotry, hatred, hypocrisy and self-righteousness like that Sunday School teacher over there. I do not judge others. I live by the law of love. I accept everyone regardless of who they are or what they do!’ Two men went to church that day and neither one went home justified.” What a sad story! It is a story of a world without the Gospel. Neither person repented of his own sin, nor cried out to God for mercy. As such, neither one received mercy from God. They both attempted to approach God on their own merits, believing that their sin was not an offense to God. Both people left church unchanged in sin and under God’s condemnation. Their spiritual pride kept them from humbling themselves and receiving the offer of God’s forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. What a tragedy! “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:14 ESV) 

August 2015 Calendar Highlights Please see youth calendar below.

August 1 August 2 August 6 August 7-8 August 11 August 15 August 16

August 17 August 18 August 22 August 23

August 28 August 29 August 30

Emily Birge Bridal Shower, 10am Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 and 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Ana Gonzales Baby Shower, 7pm Bethany Family Campout Adult Soccer, 6pm Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Membership Class, 9:45am Women Helping Women, 7pm Hats of Hope, 6pm A Community Christmas Kickoff, 9am Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Membership Class, 9:45am Girls’ Night Out on the Lawn, 6:30pm Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am Membership Class, 9:45am

View the full calendar at bethanycentral.org!

Youth August Calendar August 5 August 6 August 9 August 12 August 14 August 19 August 26

Youth Summerfest #4, 6:15pm Sr. High to Six Flags Sr. High to Sharon Pines Youth Summerfest #5, 6:15pm Sr. High at Lake Bethany, 6:00pm Youth Summerfest #6, 6:15pm All Youth Cookout and Parent Meeting, 6:15pm For additional details, please contact: Josh Beakley (josh@bethanycentral.org) or Aaron Boerckel (aaron@bethanycentral.org).


Children’s Ministry Ginny Smith ginny@bethanycentral.org

Family Summer is winding down, but it has been a wonderful time of family vacations, family reunions, family cookouts, family hikes, and family swimming parties. Do you know that families are very important to God? God created the family so we would know what it is like to be a part of the family of God.

We are offering two classes this fall, beginning Monday, September 14 from 6:00-9:00pm running through December 7. (There will be no class 11/23 in observance of Thanksgiving.)

What does it mean to be a part of the family of God? First, we have to come to Christ humbly, as a child, recognizing our need of salvation. Then, we are told in Ephesians 2:19 that we become members of the household of God. The purpose of this household is to grow up all of its children in love, so that when they become mature, they resemble Christ (Ephesians. 4:13). Paul said in III John 1:4 that his greatest joy was to see his children (meaning those saved under his care) walking in the truth.

Teacher: Ritch Boerckel Location: Bethany Knoxville Campus 7229 N. Knoxville Avenue, Peoria

What does this mean for us today? We all have many children in God’s household for which to care and teach. Please prayerfully consider being a part of our Children’s Ministries—Nursery, Children’s Church, Awana, or Sunday School. How would God use you to care for and grow up His children in the Word, so their lives resemble Christ more and more?

Class: Systematic Theology I

This course examines what the Bible teaches regarding four areas of doctrine: 1) The Bible—the Bible’s authority, inspiration, canonicity, inerrancy, and sufficiency. 2) God—the personality of God, the attributes of God, and the decrees of God. 3) Man—the nature of man and the sinfulness of man. 4) Salvation—the atonement of Jesus and to conversion. The students will learn the value of a systematic study of God’s Word to discern how to live, think, serve, and worship God. A Christ-like life is the main objective of all study of theology. *Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem is required.

Class: Biblical Counseling: Soul Care I

AWANA AWANA starts Wednesday, September 2. This is our mid-week ministry to children from 3 years old (starting Kindergarten in 2 years and potty trained) up through the 6th grade. AWANA meets at 6:15pm and ends at 8pm (7:50pm for Cubbies). Beginning September 9, Bethany’s weekly family meals will be served from 5:00 to 5:45pm for a suggested donation. AWANA pre-registration will be held on Wednesday, August 26. Drop in anytime between 5:45-7:00pm to sign your child(ren) up and pick up their materials. This will reduce waiting and chaos on the first night of Club. Children do not need to attend. 4

Overseer: Kent Kloter Location: Bethany Community Church 27577 Dutch Lane, Washington This course gives a practical understanding of how to participate in the discipleship arena in a meaningful way that creates a plan for life change while demonstrating love, compassion, wisdom, and biblical truth. Classroom time will include lecture, class discussion, case studies, and more to provide practical

The cost for each semester is $60 per person. Scholarships are available and can be requested by completing an application on the Scholarships Application tab at www.peoriagospelinstitute.com. Registration begins soon!

Women’s Ministries Bridal Shower for Emily Birge Saturday, August 1 at 10am Emily is engaged to Weston Boerckel. They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Baby Shower for Ana Gonzales

Girls’ Night Out On the Lawn August 28


Thursday, August 6 at 7pm Michael and Ana are expecting a baby boy in August. They are registered at Toys R Us and Target.

Work Nights In August Women Helping Women

Monday, August 17 at 7pm Contact: Nicole Pepper at 683-1181

Hats of Hope Tuesday, August 18 at 6pm Contact: Holly Miller at 648-1693

Registration Is Open! Moms whose youngest child is in kindergarten or below are eligible to participate. For more information visit: www.bethanycentral.org/MOPS Our MOPS Meet and Greet is scheduled for Friday, August 14. The first meeting of the fall semester will be Friday, August 28.

Coming In November: Make plans to join us for the “Give me Christ,” True Woman Event on November 6-7 with speaker Kimberly Wagner. Beginning Friday, November 6 at 6pm and Saturday 8-11am. Registration will begin October 1.

Ladies, join us for lawn games, popcorn and root beer floats! At dusk we will be showing the movie “Moms’ Night Out.” Ladies of all ages will enjoy this comedy about a ladies’ night out gone wrong! Movie tickets are free and are available at the Welcome Center beginning August 1. Invite a friend and join us! 5

Discovering Church Membership Sundays at 9:45 August 16, 23 & 30 in the Conference Room If you are interested in joining the church or learning more about Bethany, plan to attend this class. Sign up by calling the office at 692-1755 or emailing Melody at melody@bethanycentral.org.

Adult Soccer Tuesday, August 11 6-9pm RESOLVEDto and the College ministry invite all adults for outdoor co-ed soccer. Players of all abilities are encouraged to come play!

The RESOLVEDto Thursday Night Bible Study is currently going through a Growth Group curriculum. All singles are invited to join Rodney & Katie Harms and the RESOLVEDto group at the Harms’ home (3318 S. Hilton Lane, Bartonville). The study meets weekly on Thursday evenings. Dinner is at 6:30pm and the study begins at 7:30pm. Contact Rodney Harms (rdharms@gmail.com) with any questions.

Join the Worship Team Worship Team Vocal and Instrumental applications are available for the 2015-16 team! If you have an interest in singing on the Worship Team or being a part of the Worship Band, please pick up an application from the church office or the choir room. Applications must be turned into the church office by Sunday, August 30. Please contact Pastor Fred (fred@bethanycentral.org) or Kari Rabenhorst (kari@bethanycentral.org) with questions. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:2 6

FIRST PRAY ER G oes o n Road the

First Prayer Goes On The Road

Sunday, August 9 at 4:30pm at the PACM Office 1212 Bradley Avenue, Peoria

Our August First Prayer will meet at Peoria Area Campus Ministries office. Our purpose is twofold: 1. To pray for the PACM staff and ministry to Bradley University, ICC, and other area campuses. 2. To pray for the neighborhood and our desire to plant a church in this area. We will gather at the PACM office and then walk to Bradley and the neighborhoods to pray. Our elders and PACM staff will lead the prayer groups. This is very family-friendly so we encourage families to join us. We will provide ice cold water at the PACM office. Following our prayer time we encourage groups to share some dinner or ice cream at one of the area restaurants. Parking is available at the PACM office, adjacent streets or at Bradley University.

A Community Christmas Kickoff Come be a part of the Christmas Choir/Orchestra on Saturday, August 22 at 9:00am The Bethany Fellowship of Churches will again be joining together to present "A Community Christmas" on December 4-6, 2015. To get us started, we will have a Christmas Kickoff where we will preview the music. We will hear all the music for Christmas and begin to lay out the vision for this year’s Christmas worship and outreach event. This Kickoff is for those interested in singing in the choir and also those who are interested in playing in the orchestra. Clear your calendar and make plans to attend this morning of Christmas Music! Contact Pastor Fred (fred@bethanycentral.org) or Kari Rabenhorst (kari@bethanycentral.org) for more information.

Participate in Bethany’s Small Groups Ministry for the Glory of God! Small Group sign-ups begin this month! Watch the Sunday worship bulletin for instructions on how to you can sign up for your small group this month. We are excited about giving every attender at Bethany this opportunity to build authentic biblical relationships that enable us to better apply God’s Word to our daily lives. These small group meetings are not designed to be another Bible study. Instead we desire that God will use our small group ministry to deepen our personal relationships with one another to the point where we can really help one another apply the biblical truths which we’ve already been taught each week. Here are some important reminders about our small group ministry for your joyful participation: Flexibility is the key to success!! Every small group is formatted a bit differently under the leadership of the small group leader. Each small group will structure their meetings and functional dynamics in the way that is most helpful for their combined joy in Christ. This small group term is from September to November 2015 and January to April 2016. Breaks are encouraged during the busy month of December and the summer in order to encourage sustainability. Do I stay in the same group again this year? If you benefited from participating in a small group last year, you are encouraged to prayerfully proceed however will bring us the most joy in Christ together: Multiply the joy of godly relationships by asking others from your existing group to help you start a new small group with the intention of inviting new people to join with you. Deepen existing connections by staying in the same group and striving together towards greater vulnerability, accountability, and 1 John 1:7 fellowship. Expand your relationships within the church by joining a different small group this term to intentionally increase the scope of your relationships. If you want to participate in a small group, but there are no workable options still available for you, please put your name on the small group waiting list, or contact the church office. We will contact you about the details of our new small groups as soon as they become available. We continue to seek more Small Group leaders. If you are interested in serving God in this way, please contact Steve Weaver at steve.weaver1@gmail.com.

Calling All Campers: No matter your experience level you are invited to the Bethany Family Campout – 2015 Style! Set up anytime Friday for a campout that officially gets underway at 5pm. Bring your fishing gear and favorite bait/lures to see what you can catch in bountiful Lake Bethany. Bring games and ideas to share. Don’t be in a hurry to leave on Saturday–enjoy the outdoors and fellowship with others. Bring your own food (cooking fire available) to this event on the southeast side of “Lake Bethany.” If you don’t want to camp overnight, you can still join us for activities. Call the church office to sign-up. Please call Mike Duncan at 309-219-6632 if you have questions, need a tent, or have a complete tent to loan someone who needs one. We’re also looking for helpers to assist with newer fishermen or if you have an area of outdoor expertise you would like to share with others.

Badminton Volleyball Bags Ladderball Croquet Wiffle/Kick Ball Hayrack Ride Fishing Campfire Singing Fellowship Friday night feature film: Indescribable by Louis Gigglio projected onto the side of the building at dark. And a practically sleepless night!


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


Celebrating Children’s Ministries at Bethany!

Saturdays at 6:00pm Childcare provided for children through age 3.

Glorifying God by partnering with parents as they disciple their children in the faith. Join us in training up the next generation for the Lord and showing them the love of Christ! If you are interested in training up the next generation by representing Jesus in Bethany’s Children’s Ministries, please contact Ginny Smith at ginny@bethanycentral.org.

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