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In This Issue 3

Coffee with the Elders PrimeTime Fellowship December Youth Calendar Year-End Office Hours Christmas Services


The Gospel Institute


Baby Showers Moody Symphonic Band Concert January Youth Calendar Children’s Ministries


Safe Families Moody Founder’s Week Biblical Counseling Conference


Men’s No Regrets Conference Men’s Ministry


A Community Christmas

God with Us “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us). (Matthew 1:23, ESV) We have to move some stuff from our attention if we are to see what Christmas is about. We have to move the ornaments, the cards, the gifts, the cookies, the wreaths, the festive music, the holiday movies, even the manger displays and the church services. I love all these aspects of this season. They all can be used of God to move us towards Him in worship. Yet none of these extras of this season can be allowed to take center stage or we will miss the stunning message that Christmas brings to us. In short, the miracle of Christmas is that God is now with us. The God who is infinitely above us and out of our reach has descended to dwell among us and to show us His glory in

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

a way that we can understand. At its center, Christmas celebrates God’s kind intention to set aside His glory, descend from His heavenly throne, humbly clothe Himself with a human nature, and join us here in this broken world as our representative. He who rules from heaven in power and glory takes upon Himself an appearance of being empty, weak and unimpressive. God’s Son did not cease to be wholly God when the Holy Spirit placed Him in the small confines of Mary’s womb, but He did add a permanent and new dimension to His Person. For all eternity past, God’s Son had enjoyed the glory of being God of very God. When He took on flesh, He limited the full display of His glory and He set aside the independent use of His divine attributes. Still 100% divine, He is Continued on page 2

God With Us continued from page 1.

now also 100% human. For all eternity future, God’s Son is bound to His new humanity. The human name given Him at birth is Jesus. This is a name that He keeps into eternity. Jesus is a name that becomes part of His exaltation by the Father. God is not “with us” for a short time, but He is “with us” forever and ever. What does it mean for God to be “with us”? 1. “God with us” means that we must repent of our sins and seek His mercy.

I wish I could have been there for them through this time. Maybe I could have helped.” We are not able to be with our friends and family without interruption. We often are away when spiritual struggles ensue. Yet this is never true of our High Priest. He is always “with us.” He never leaves our side. He never wanders from us because we have disappointed Him. He is faithful even when we are faithless. He is unceasing in His knowledge of us, His love to us, and His intercession for us! And the Father hears His Son’s pleas on our behalf!! “Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:25, ESV) Christmas is a season of feeling safe in Jesus’ watchful care.

Our first response to God being “with us” is one of abject fear and terror!! He is holy, holy, holy! No sinner can stand in His presence and live. Christmas rightly moves us deeper into repentance for our own sins. When God showed Himself to Isaiah, this righteous prophet cried out, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord “Yet none of these of hosts!” (Isaiah 6:5, ESV) Christmas must be a repenting season or it will extras of this be a regretting season. 2. “God with us” means that we can rejoice in God’s salvation.

season can be allowed to take center stage or we will miss the stunning message that Christmas brings to us.”

The angel told the shepherds, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10–11 ESV) Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.” He Himself bore the punishment of our sins. His humanity made His sacrificial work on our behalf possible. “Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” (Hebrews 2:17, ESV) Christmas is a season of great joy! 3. “God with us” means that we continually have a High Priest who unceasingly intercedes for us. Often times I find out about a friend’s season of temptation, discouragement or failing long after that season began. I think to myself, “I wish I had known.


4. “God with us” means that we can draw near to God in sweet communion. Jesus’ humanity opened the door for us to draw near in fellowship with God every moment of every day. Jesus’ humanity provides a way for us to enjoy communion with God. Without Jesus, we would not be invited to God’s table. But through Him, God invites us to a personal dinner with Him every hour. “And since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.” (Hebrews 10:21–22, ESV) Christmas is a season of experiencing close intimacy with God.

5. “God with us” means that we will forever reign with Christ our King. Once Jesus stepped into humanity’s clothes, He never takes them off. He will be known by the human name of “Jesus” through all eternity future. For the believer, our joyful future is secured. We will forever be with Him because He came first to be with us. Christmas is a season of certain hope for our future. Immanuel! Our God is with us! And if God is with us, we have all we need for righteousness, peace and joy forever and ever. Amen. 

Coffee with the Elders December 4 at 9:45am The Elders have set the first Sunday of every even month as Coffee with the Elders in the Prayer Room from 9:45-10:45am. Everyone is invited to come and talk to the Elders about anything—question, concern, prayer, whatever. Of course, this is not the only time Elders are available, people can reach out to Elders any time, but this is a regularly scheduled time/place to make it as easy as possible for people to meet with them on a Sunday.

December Youth Calendar 12/7 12/11 12/14 12/18 12/21 12/25 12/28

Jr./Sr. High Christmas Café, 6:15pm Sr. High Sharon Pines Party, 1:30pm No Jr./Sr. High Youth Group Sunday School — Combined Jr./Sr. High No Jr./Sr. High Youth Group No Sunday School No Jr./Sr. High Youth Group

If you have questions, please contact: Josh Beakley—josh@bethanycentral.org Aaron Boeckel—aaron@bethanycentral.org

PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, December 19 at 11:00am All those age 55 and up are welcome to attend this delicious Christmas lunch. The day will also include beautiful Christmas music provided by Bethany musicians. Please RSVP by calling the office at 692-1755.

Special Year-End Church Office Hours The church office will be closed on December 26, 27, 29 and 30. The church office will be open 8:30am-Noon on December 28. In the event of an urgent need during non-office hours, you can reach the on-call pastor by calling the church office at 692-1755. When prompted, leave a message on extension 9. The system will contact a pastor and you will receive a call back.


The Gospel Institute classes resume this January with classes being offered on both sides of the river. Registration opens on Friday December 2. You can sign up at www.peoriagospelinstitute.org. The Gospel Institute classes are intended to help anyone interested in growing in their faith, personal life, and ministry. They allow for a concentration on specific topics that many of us have not had the opportunity to study as in-depth as we would like. We wish for the classes to make passion for God's glory and His Gospel contagious through intentional examination and application of what God has revealed to us in His word. Also, keep in mind that the Gospel Institute has been approved to provide Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) to teachers in schools certified by ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International). If there is a subject you would like to learn more about or an area of doctrine, theology, or practice you wish to study please let us know. Accommodations can potentially be made for alternative days, times, and durations of classes to meet your needs. Please contact Traever Guingrich (ph: 309-229-6334, email: Traever@bethanycentral.org) for details. In Peoria Systematic Theology II Taught by: Traever Guingrich When: January 9 – April 10 Time: 6:00-9:00pm Where: Bethany Baptist Church, Edwards (7422 N Heinz Lane) Details of Class: This course will examine what the Bible teaches in the following areas: 1) Salvation, with a continuation and coverage of topics not previously treated in Systematic Theology I; 2) Christ, an examination of the person and work of Christ; 3) The Holy Spirit, an examination of His person and work; 4) Christ’s Church, a study of the formation, nature and ministry of the church; and 5) Last Things, a treatment of future things, and God’s eternal kingdom. A continual focus will be placed on how the student is to live, to the glory of God, as a result of a deepening understanding of these topics. *Systematic Theology I is not a prerequisite for Systematic Theology II. Textbook and Reading: This class uses the book Systematic Theology by Wayne Gruden. We have a few copies for $20 or they can be purchased online.


In Washington Biblical Counseling and Discipleship Taught by: Kent Kloter When: January 9 – April 10 Time: 6:00-9:00pm Where: Bethany Community Church, Washington (27265 County Rd 2800 N) Details of Class: This course addresses specific issues in the discipleship conversation in a meaningful way that creates a plan for life change while demonstrating love, compassion, wisdom, and biblical truth. Classroom time will include lecture, class discussion, role-play, video observation, group analysis, and more to provide practical application of the subject matter. Textbook and Reading: Students will also be required to read articles as assigned by the teacher. Communicating Biblical Truth Taught by: Daniel Bennett When: January 9 – April 10 Time: 6:00-9:00pm Where: Bethany Community Church, Washington Details of Class: This course is designed to train believers to prepare, present, and evaluate expository teaching. It covers topics such as: a theology of teaching, different models of teaching, qualifications for teachers, the process of exposition, and the delivery of an expository message. This class is open to both men and women. Textbook and Reading: Students are required to purchase and read Power in the Pulpit: How to Prepare and Deliver Expository Sermons, by Jerry Vines and Jim Shaddix. Students will also be required to read additional articles as assigned by the teacher.

Baby Shower for Kristi Plumier Thursday, January 5 at 7pm

Baby Shower for Taylor Stef Thursday, January 12 at 7pm

All ladies are invited to celebrate with Kristi Plumier. Kristi and Jacob are expecting a baby boy in late January. They are registered at Babies R Us and Target. Hosted by: Kari Rabenhorst, Susan Weldon, Chelsea Jost, Rachael Wells, Toni Smith, and Chelsea Winn

All ladies are invited to celebrate with Taylor Stef. Jonathan and Taylor are expecting a baby boy in February. They are registered at Babies R Us and Amazon.com Hosted by: Melissa Miller, Jena Slotter, Lana Rudolph, Jen Lansing, and Amanda Gustafson.

Moody Symphonic Band Concert Sunday, January 15 at 6pm at Bethany The Symphonic Band presents a carefully designed program of the best in sacred music, representing a variety of styles. With ministry in mind, the band and its leadership are very committed to striving for musical excellence in each performance with the goal of encouraging believers and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

January Youth Calendar 1/4

Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm


Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Sr. High IMPACT Meeting, 8:00pm

1/13-1/15 Sr. High Winter Camp 1/18

Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm


Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm


Jr. High Late Nighter, 6pm-midnight If you have questions, please contact: Josh Beakley—josh@bethanycentral.org Aaron Boeckel—aaron@bethanycentral.org

Children’s Ministry Dates To Note:

Ginny Smith ginny@bethanycentral.org

Awana Kids’ Sermon Notes Are Coming In January

Dec. 14

Goofy Glasses Night

Starting on January 1, 2017, there will be Kids’ Sermon Notes available at the Welcome Center each Sunday. (There will also be a stack at each of our tables just inside the first set of doors of the sanctuary). Our goal in Children’s Ministries is to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and prepare His people to worship Him now and forever. One way to encourage our little worshippers to listen intently to the message on Sunday mornings is to engage them with a page of questions and graphics geared to their age.

Dec. 21

No Awana

Dec. 28

No Awana

Jan. 18

Cap/Hat Night

We hope that if you take advantage of Kids’ Sermon Notes and use them with your family to discuss the Sunday morning message, it will help your children make application of the Word to their lives.

Dec. 25

No Sunday School

Jan. 1

No Sunday School

Sunday School

May you and your children enjoy the Lord abundantly, as you see Him more clearly through the Word.


Safe Families for Children is a ministry that provides support to families in crisis by providing temporary care for children while their parent(s) are working through a difficult situation such as homelessness, illness, or loss of employment. Safe Families was founded in Chicago in 2003 as a volunteer movement that gives hope and support to families in distress. It now has locations in 70 cities in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and other countries. Safe Families consists of a volunteer network of host families, family friends, family coaches and resource friends. The goal of Safe Families is always to reunite these families as quickly as possible.

by Wes & Heidi Wolven

Currently, Bethany Baptist Church and Bethany Community Church serve as Community Lead Churches for this region. In our area, there are 24 families that are approved host families, 25 family friends and 9 family coaches that have been trained to provide support as well. The program is intended to be an alternative to foster care. An important aspect of the ministry involves developing a co-parenting approach where support for the parent is also provided. As a part of the Safe Families Ministry, our family has had the privilege of caring for two precious children and helping to provide support to their single parents as they worked to obtain a job and housing. This ministry has allowed our family the opportunity to show Christ’s love to these children and their family. Our family grew and learned so much about ourselves during these hostings and God has blessed us in so many ways directly and indirectly through this ministry. It has not always been easy, but the honor of seeing God work through these situations has been powerful. The relationships that we have developed in the church family have also been encouraging as we see God at work in other families and situations as well. Often, simply providing respite care for a weekend for another host family or being able to provide resources such as clothing or diapers can mean so much to the families that are hosting. There are numerous ways that you and your family can support this ministry. To learn more about the Safe Families Ministry please visit www.safe-familes.org. Training and informational meetings about being involved with Safe Families are ongoing throughout our area. For more information on how you can help support local families in crisis, please contact Joe and Ginger Burke at safefamilies@bethanycentral.org. For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. - Deuteronomy 10:17-18

Moody Bible Institute's Founders Week February 7-9, 2017 Depart 8am Tuesday | Return late afternoon Thursday


BEST (Boomers Engaged in Sharing Together) invites you to join us for this spiritually enriching conference packed with today’s foremost biblical teachers, Christian musicians, and fellowship centered around this year’s theme, “Heirs with Christ.” We will hear the speakers scheduled Tuesday night through Thursday noon.

Sign up now for a dynamic week of practical training in Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling designed to equip pastors, missionaries, and lay leaders to effectively, efficiently and lovingly minister with confidence and compassion. Be equipped to:  Reach out to those hurting around you  Help to restore broken family relationships  Grow to be more like Christ  Influence others for the glory of God  Be more effective in you ministry

Cost: $250/couple, $250/single, $145/person (shared room), includes transportation, lodging at Best Western River North, and Lyall's recommendations to delicious Chicago dining. Breakfast provided at hotel, additional meals are on your own. Bus shuttle provided from hotel to the Moody Church. Register by January 8 by calling the office at 692-1755 or emailing lyall@bethanycentral.org. www.moodyconferences.com/founders-week


Biblical Counseling Conference February 12-17, 2017 — Lafayette, Indiana

To learn more, visit faithlafayette.org/bctc Contact Jennifer at jennifer@bethanycentral.org.

Men’s Ministry

Jerry Sanderson jerry@bethanycentral.org

The focus of Bethany's Men's Ministry is twofold: to bring together men of all ages to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and to encourage men to be servant leaders in the church, in their families, and in their communities. Here are a few of the opportunities for men to get involved at Bethany:  One-on-one and Group Discipleship -"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." (Prov. 27:17) Whether man to man or in a small group, discipleship at Bethany offers a place to be encouraged in your faith while helping to strengthen the men around you.  Men's Bible Studies—Throughout the week, small groups of men gather regularly across the city to be challenged and encouraged in their faith through the regular study of God's Word. Please let us know if you are interested in serving in this ministry or if you desire to be connected in a group with other men in the church. To learn more, contact Pastor Jerry Sanderson at jerry@bethanycentral.org.  No Regrets Conference—The No Regrets Men’s Conference is an annual one-day event, designed to create an environment for men to be challenged in their relationship with the Lord at home, in the workplace, and in their ministry. It is held on the first Saturday of February. The next conference will take place on Saturday, February 4, 2017. (See details above.)  Men's Ministry Survey—We would love to hear from you about the ways you're currently involved, what opportunities you would like to see in the future, and more. If you haven’t yet completed the survey we emailed out, please do so. This will help us know what men’s groups are meeting and what your interests are.


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


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