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Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him now and forever.

Propitiation! What a word! The cross of Christ brings us to our knees in reverence and awe. In the cross, we see the perfections of God’s love and the perfections of God’s wrath on full display. Contrary to man’s natural senses, God’s wrath and God’s love are not contrary foes that wrestle for preeminence, but they are friends pulling toward the same end . . . the glory of God in all things. We should not think of God’s wrath as something less wonderful than God’s love. These two are twins with equal beauty and glory. Both describe the nature of our magnificent God. Both elicit praise from all who worship Him in spirit and in truth. In the cross of Jesus, God demonstrates His love toward us, even though we merited His just wrath by way of our sin. Our sins are not merely mistakes or errors or failures to live up to God’s high

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

standards. Our sins are much more wicked and personal than those terms describe. Our sins are acts of insulting rebellion against God’s Person. Our sins are deeds of rude disdain of God’s glory. Our sins are works of abusive defiance against His authority. Our sins are a willful flight from God’s presence. Our sin represents the belief that we can live better without God than we can with Him. Sin represents the belief that God is wholly unnecessary for a life of joy and meaning. Sin communicates that God is insignificant and that we are sovereign. Let us seek God to help us understand more of the wickedness of our own sin! God is right to take offense when we creatures relate to Him in the way we have. What arrogance sin is!!! God is just to defend His glory against this personal attack Continued on page 2

In This Issue Page 3 Another Cup of Coffee Page 4 Grandparents @ Prayer Study/Teach the Bible Class Hats of Hope PrimeTime Fellowship College Care Packages Membership Class Co-ed Soccer Page 5 Bridal Showers Congregational Meetings Men’s Golf League Game Day & Lunch Men’s Breakfast Women Helping Women Page 6 Student Ministries Renew Hope Page 7 Children’s Ministries Page 8 Easter at Bethany

Propitiation! continued from page 1.

upon His sovereign rule. Our triune God’s devotion to Himself will not allow such dishonor to be unanswered. His righteousness cannot allow the guilty to be unpunished. Justice demands that all sin in every person receive the full penalty. God’s right response to sin is the lens through which believers look at Jesus and His cross. We survey the cross through the glass of our dark and devious affront to all three Persons of the One Triune God. We will fail to understand the cross of Jesus if we fail to understand the human need that drove Him there. Without the cross, God could only look upon rebellious man with eternal displeasure. With the cross, God can look upon us with favor and gladness in His heart. Without the cross, man could only look upon God with certain terror. With the cross, man can look upon God with peace and joy. The cross makes all the difference! How does the cross change God’s view of us and our view of God? In a word . . . propitiation. This word is used four times in the New Testament:  “and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the

redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” (Rom. 3:24–26, ESV)  “Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every

respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” (Heb. 2:17, ESV)  “He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours

only but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1 Jn. 2:2, ESV)  “In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he

loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 Jn. 4:10, ESV) Most of us do not use this word “propitiation” in our everyday conversations so we struggle a bit with its meaning. Yet we should not shrug off this word as something for academics to ponder . . . it is the word that God chose to communicate to all of us the meaning of Jesus’ death on the cross. The word propitiation simply means that an offended person’s anger is satisfied through some act of gift or sacrifice. The satisfaction of that anger reaches to such


completion that the relationship with the offender is fully restored. For “propitiation” to happen there must be four elements present: 1. An offender who acted harmfully toward another. 2. An offended party who is angry about the injustice suffered. 3. A satisfying gift or action that removes the anger from the offended person. 4. A reconciled relationship that is fully restored. The cross of Jesus is the propitiation for our sins! In most human experiences of propitiation, the offender is the one who makes the satisfying sacrifice or gift that removes the anger from the offended party and opens the door to a reconciled relationship. A husband who forgot his wife’s birthday takes her on a vacation to Hawaii. A brother who broke his sister’s bicycle purchases a new bike for her. A gardener who sprayed Round Up and accidently killed his neighbors flower bed works all weekend to plant new flowers for them. The sacrifice that satisfies the offended party is born by the one who offended. But in the cross, something unique, astounding and profound happens. The God who is justly offended by our sin is the God who takes the action and makes the sacrifice in order to satisfy His own wrath!! We do not appease God’s anger by offering gifts or obedience or service to God. God pays the full price for us. Our offense is too deep for us to do ANYTHING to appease God. Were we to spend all eternity in hell as the penalty of our sin, we still would not satisfy God’s wrath. Such is the greatness of our offense against God. But praise be to God! God the Son takes our sin upon Himself and bears the punishment that we deserve so that God’s wrath would be fully satisfied. The Son made propitiation to the Father so that we would be fully reconciled to God. This is why the Gospel is Good News! God in love provided the sacrifice to completely satisfy His own righteous demands for justice!! The cross demonstrates the lengths that God in His love travels to provide what we need in order to be rescued from God’s judgment. We must not think of the cross as somehow turning God’s wrath into love. Instead, we must think of the cross as the expression of God’s eternal love making provision for us so that we do not suffer His judgment. The Gospel is not that a wrathful God becomes loving through Jesus. God did not change from wrath to love. Rather, the Gospel reveals a righteous and wrathful Continued on page 3.

God who in love satisfied His own holy demands against us through the death of His Son. Jesus bore the punishment that we deserved in His own body on the cross. Friends, do you see why a denial of God’s wrath empties the cross of its meaning? Do you see that neglecting the truth of God’s holiness and justice diminishes Jesus’ glory? Leon Morris writes, “…unless we give a real content to the wrath of God, unless we hold that men really deserve to have God visit upon them the painful consequences of their wrongdoing, we empty God’s forgiveness of its meaning. For if there’s no ill desert, God ought to overlook sin. We can think of forgiveness as something real only when we hold that sin has betrayed us into a situation where we deserve to have God inflict upon us the most serious consequences. When the logic of the situation demands that He should take action against the sinner, and yet He takes action for him, then and then alone can we speak of grace. But there is no room for grace if there is no suggestion of dire consequences merited by sin…The Scripture is clear that the wrath of God is visited upon sinners or else that the Son of God dies for them ... Either we die or He dies.” We Christians rightly celebrate the cross of Jesus in our daily lives. We know that any distance between us and the cross creates a loss of our center. So we sing, Jesus, keep me near the cross, There a precious fountain— Free to all, a healing stream— Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river.

Another Cup of Coffee Our dear Char Wallen went home to be with the Lord on March 4, 2018. For over 44 years (from September 1969 to December 2013), she wrote a column entitled Over the Coffee Cup which appeared in The Broadcaster. In the September 2011 issue, Char reminisced about her vision for the column when it was born in 1969. According to her, “It would portray us as seated around the table, with our coffee cups (good Swedes) in hand, talking of practical things, but putting a spiritual application to it all.” Char would go on to write another 27 articles, bringing her total cups of coffee to over 520. The following is a sweet selection from the March 1984 issue in Char’s signature rhyming style:

Over the Coffee Cup by Char Wallen “Let us bloom where we are planted,” said the flowers large and small, “For it really doesn’t matter there is room for one and all, A shady nook, a sunny field, a rocking water bed, The place where we are planted, we will bloom,” the flowers said. The dandelions blew away, content where they did fall, They’d be both loved and hated, but would bloom for one and all. The tulips loved the springtime, they’d stir and seek the light, Blooming right on schedule, for they knew that this was right. The lily on its water bed, its beauty we can share, Its bedding was so different, but it was planted there. The flowers in the window box know dust, and sun, and heat, But blooming where they’re planted, they touch the man upon the street. Let us bloom where we are planted, in the country or the town, In the lowly cottage, or a place of great renown, Let us do away with grumbling, let us all contented be, For the One who made the flowers loves us so tenderly. Let us bloom where we are planted, His chosen spot for you, for me, Sending forth the fragrance of a life that was set free, When the seasons over, and our lives on earth are through, Transplanted into heaven, we all will bloom anew! And may our prayer be the same as Char’s, “I just want to be a blessing to my Lord and you!” Lowell and Char will surely be missed, but we can be thankful that we have so many of her writings to remember them. 

--Fanny Crosby 


Grandparents @ Prayer Mondays at 11am April 4 & 23 and May 14 In the Prayer Room

Discover the great blessing of praying with other grandparents for our grandchildren! We can make a significant difference in the world by praying regularly and deliberately for our grandchildren and their parents. Contact Rod Abel at 253-1618 for more information.

Hats of Hope April 7 and May 5 9-11am in Room 815 Use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials supplied if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller, 648-1693

College Care Packages Did you know that our church has over 100 college students? In April we will be sending them care packages from our church body. We are collecting miscellaneous food, snack, and fun items to send in boxes to our college students. Donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center now through April 8. If you have a student who is currently at college, please contact the church office with their address.

Sundays at 9:45am — April 29, May 6 & 13 If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend. Please RSVP to jennifer@bethanycentral.org.


Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm April 11 — May 16

Our popular class, How to Study and Teach the Bible, returns for a six-week session on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Conference Room. This helpful course will provide you with practical tools for Bible study while preparing you to teach Scripture to others. There will be homework assignments to complete between classes. To sign up, email Jerry Sanderson at jerry@bethanycentral.org.

PrimeTime Fellowship

Monday, April 16 at 11am in the Sr. High Room

Senior adults are invited to join us for sweet fellowship and a delicious lunch. The Israel Team will be sharing about their recent ministry trip to the Jerusalem Prayer Center. To sign up, call the church office at 692-1755. Mark your calendar for our May PrimeTime on Monday, May 14 at 11am.

Co-Ed Soccer RESOLVEDto and the College ministry invite all adults for co-ed soccer on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 9:00pm. All abilities are welcome. We are currently playing in the gym and look forward to moving outside soon. Check out “Bethany Soccer” on Facebook for details!

Mic Kreeger Bridal Shower

Saturday, April 7 at 10am in the Café

All ladies are invited to celebrate with Mic Kreeger! Mic will marry Connor Deutsch on June 16. The couple is registered at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Hosted by Kelli Christenberry, Katie Bell, and Maria Ellison.

Jordan Beakley Bridal Shower

Saturday, April 14 at 10am in the Café

Please join us in celebrating Jordan’s engagement to Edward Roske. The wedding will be held in Los Angeles, CA on May 5. While gifts are so kind, If you don’t mind ... Gift cards are the best way To bless the bride that day Since she’s flying back home to LA Big gifts would just get in the way. The couple is registered at Amazon.com if you would like to ship a gift to California.

Christian Men’s Golf League Attention golfers! There are a few spots available in the Christian Golf League. The league meets every Wednesday and starts with breakfast, a brief Bible study, and a 9-hole round of golf at one of the Peoria courses. Each week includes a different golf game, prize holes, and friendly competition for golfers of all handicaps. The league starts with practice rounds May 16 and runs through September 12. It’s a great time of fellowship and fun, and perfect for retirees. If interested call Mark Zielinski at 309-397-3463.

Game Day & Lunch

Thursday, April 26, 9:30am-Noon in the Café

Join us for a morning of games followed by a delicious lunch. Come enjoy sweet fellowship, laughter, fun and games. Many table game options provided as well as ping pong and pickle ball. Join us and bring a friend! Hosted by Don & Donna Danz RSVP: laura@bethanycentral.org or call: 692-1755

Men’s Breakfast Saturday, April 28 at 7:30am Men, mark your calendar and make plans to join us for a morning of delicious food, warm fellowship, and encouragement from the Word.

Women Helping Women

Monday, April 23, 10:30am-12:30pm, Room 815

Women Helping Women provides resources for women and families experiencing the grief of infant loss. If you are interested in helping put resources together (no skills needed) at our work mornings, we would love to have you join us.


Student Ministries We have served in youth ministry for 16 years, including almost 7 of those years here at Bethany. We felt drawn to senior high ministry because it is said that most Christians come to faith before the age of 18. Having five kids of our own ranging in age from 17 to 32, we have had the pleasure to serve them, as well. It has been helpful at times knowing what our kids (ours and youth group kids) face in our culture, and it has also been sobering to know what they face in this increasingly secular society. In talking to other adults, oftentimes trying to recruit them to youth ministry, there is a pronounced fear of working with youth. What we have learned through the years is that these precious kids just want someone to listen to them and love them and on occasion tell them the “hard things.” The transitions from junior high to high school to college

calendar Mark your calendar with these important dates: 4/4 Community Event Night (TBD by small groups) 4/11 6th Grade Visits JH YG IMPACT Meeting, 8-9pm 4/25 Serve at Awana Carnival 4/27 Renew Hope, 6pm 5/2 IMPACT Meeting, 8pm 5/9 NO YG 5/16 Class of ‘18 Grad Banquet 5/23 NO YG 5/30 Outdoor Event TBD, 6:15pm


Got questions? Contact: erin@bethanycentral.org or josh@bethanycentral.org

are such emotionally difficult years. Building relationships with them is worth every effort we put forth. However, even that effort is lackluster without Jesus! He alone provides their joy and hope, and it is our desire to echo how their parents are shepherding them. There are times when it would be easier to stay home on youth group night, or not attend a youth activity; after all, we are not getting younger, and the days don’t get shorter. But, without fail, on the drive home we are certain there was no better way to have spent our time than with the kids and leaders we have come to love. This, too, is because Jesus sustains us through the long days and gives us joy to be able to serve! The opportunities keep us there. We are truly blessed with pastors who are dedicated to feeding us with God’s truth. There is great encouragement in seeing the kids respond to this teaching as they grow in grace and knowledge of Scripture. This semester, we are learning about

wisdom in Proverbs and applying it to real life circumstances - theirs and ours! Through this teaching we are learning how to deal with adversities successfully, meanwhile, growing spiritually which glorifies God. Ultimately, the joy of seeing the teens grow into college kids, husbands, wives, moms and dads who choose to raise their families as Christ followers is our greatest earthly reward. Our hearts are full of gratitude being in a church that loves others, is passionate about sharing truth, and desires to teach us how to share. Thank you for allowing us to serve in the ministry come join us!  Gordon & Sandi Cross have been attending Bethany since 2010 and have been serving in Student Ministries since 2011. In addition to serving at Bethany, they love spending time with their kids and grandkids, traveling whenever possible, and scuba diving.

Join us for Renew Hope on April 27 from 6-9pm Junior High and Senior High students and their parents are invited to the youth purity conference. The point of Renew Hope is for the body to receive biblical teaching and practical training that confronts the empty offers of impurity, exposes unbiblical methods and motivations for purity, and equips parents/students to discover and enjoy the hope of purity in Christ. Join other parents and students for worship, preaching, training, testimonies, and gender-specific lessons on glorifying Christ together. No childcare provided.


 by Jaclyn Taylor

In Matthew 18 we read about moms and dads who were bringing their babies to Jesus. But the disciples were disgusted with these parents and rebuked them for their audacity to bring small children to the very Son of God. Then verse 16 states, “But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Jesus received these small children and then told the scoffing adults around him they actually needed to be more like the dirty, snotty, crying, and precious children He was receiving into His arms. Nursery is a ministry of Christ because it is a ministry of receiving children. We open our double-dutch

doors on a Sunday morning like Jesus opened His arms to the little children. And while we sacrifice through drool on our shirts, a dirty diaper, and tears for “mama” we learn firsthand what it means to be dependent on our Savior. During this hour of sanctification we are also allowing weary parents to have a moment to enjoy their coffee hot for the first time all week, listen to the teaching of the Word without distraction, and be refreshed by the joy of Christian fellowship. We reflect Jesus when we open our arms to those in our church who can give nothing back to us. I am still in the process of learning more about

Upcoming Awana Special Events April 25 May 2

Celebration Night Awards Night

what it means to receive the kingdom of God like a little child and, not surprisingly, I have found I learn the most while spending time with small children. If you are not currently serving in the nursery, we invite you to join us in showing Jesus to the shortest members of our church body and their very grateful parents! Please consider how you can be part of Children’s Ministries at Bethany! 

VBS Is Coming July 9-13! Volunteer registration is up. Student registration will be available April 2! Visit bethanycentral.org/vbs for both.

His Princess Mother/Daughter Retreat

Parent/Child Dedication Class

Our friends at Kidz Heart Ministries & Camp Good News® invite women and their daughters (Grade 4-8) to attend a mother/daughter adventure weekend. Cost is $75 per mother/daughter pair. To register, call Camp Good News at 444-3255 or visit www.iheartcamp.org/princess. Please contact Rod Abel at 253-1618 for additional details.

Sunday, April 29 Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should attend this class. We will cover what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of Bethany resources. The next dedication will be held on May 13.

May 4-5 at Camp Good News in Washington


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


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