April 2014 Broadcaster

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Risk-taking Faith Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Senior Pastor


First Prayer Men’s Breakfast KidZone Good Friday Baptism PrimeTime Fellowship RESOLVEDto LinC College/Single Indoor Soccer

4 5 6 7 8 9

Discipleship Ministries College Care Packages April Calendar

Birthdays & Anniversaries Global Outreach Sr. High News Women’s Ministries The Walk Annual Meeting Discovering Church Mem. 10 Honor Flight GriefShare The Gospel Institute

11 Children’s Ministry

Open Hearts Open Homes

12 Good Friday & Easter Services

God has always called his followers to exercise a “risk-taking faith.” I know that we are more comfortable with a “safety-finding faith,” but that is not the kind of faith that God requires of us. Throughout the record of biblical history, godly men and women had their quiet lives interrupted by a call to act courageously in obedience to God. They were given a call that asked them to leave the serene security of their lives to accomplish a work that God has set aside for them to do. “Noah, take a risk and build a boat.” “Abraham, take a risk and leave the land you are living in.” “Moses, take a risk and go talk to Pharaoh.” “Joshua, take a risk and march around the city of Jericho.” “David, take a risk and go meet the giant.” “Elijah, take a risk and pour water on the altar before you ask me to set it aflame.” “Daniel, take a risk and pray anyway!” One of my favorite stories from the Gospels of such risk-taking faith occurs when a crowd becomes so

enthralled with hearing Jesus preach that they do not go home to eat. By the end of the day, this crowd that likely numbered over 10,000 are hungry and Jesus asks his disciples to feed them. The disciples reply in a protest, “That would take eight months of a man's wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?” They did not want to risk their entire nest egg for one meal. So Jesus asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” In their search for food they found a boy with five loaves and two fish. We can imagine the exchange as one of the disciples approached the boy, “Son, will you give us your lunch?” “But sir, this is all I have to eat! I am hungry and have a long walk home tonight” “Son, the Master is asking for it.” “Oh, Jesus wants it? Here then, please take it all.” Continued on page 2

Cont’d from page 1

“But if we give God our five loaves and two fish, He will turn it into a miracle.”

Faith is not faith if there is no risk in it. This boy willingly risked all his resources to follow Jesus in faith. The “rest of the story” always ends in joy when we obey God in risktaking faith. The boy’s risk-taking faith was richly rewarded. He received joy in abundance as the whole crowd was fed by the lunch he gave for the Master’s use. And in addition twelve basketfuls of leftovers were collected. God rewards those who put shoe leather to their faith. When was the last time you took a risk as the result of God’s call upon your life? Risk for risk’s sake is not a virtue. But risk for God’s glory as we obey God’s direction in our lives is liberating and rewarding! Three applications to risk-taking faith press upon me recently: 1. Personal evangelism. Making known the mysteries of the Gospel to people who do not believe is always a risk. It is normal to be nervous about this risk. But if we give God our five loaves and two fish, He will turn it into a miracle. Will you give your little to God and watch Him work through you to bring salvation to those close to you? Ask God to open doors to share the Good News of Jesus. And when He does, be ready to share the hope of Jesus with a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member. I would love to hear stories from you of risk-taking faith in your witness for Jesus. 2. Stewardship of money. God’s work in His church is supplied by the risk-taking faith of His people. The church in our great land often has so little influence because of a lack of risk-taking faith. I am aware that I can risk much more than I have to give to the work


God has given us. It is normal to be nervous about this risk. But if we give God our five loaves and two fish, He will turn it into a miracle. 3. Prayer for spiritual leadership. Spiritual leaders in a church must have risk-taking faith in order for the church to fulfill the mission that Jesus gives to us. At Bethany our purpose statement reads: The purpose of our church is to glorify God as we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and prepare His people to worship Him forever. That is a purpose that is way beyond our human ability. We do not want to be a church that simply does all that we can do. We want to be a church that moves mountains for the glory of God! Without risk-taking faith, our church will not accomplish the mission that God has given her! Would you pray that the leaders at Bethany would be filled with risk-taking faith? The disciples were once frustrated that they could not cast out the demon from a little boy. After Jesus cast this demon out of the boy, the disciples asked why they were not able to accomplish this. Jesus answered, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” I wonder how many miracles we miss seeing because of our little faith. May the Lord give us all the joy of a risk-taking faith! 

Baptism Service

First Prayer

Friday, April 18

Wednesday, April 2 6:30pm in the Sanctuary Join us as we set aside time for focused prayer as a church family. Nursery and childcare provided. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people. I Timothy 2:1

Men’s Breakfast

All men are invited for great food and fellowship. We will be looking at I Timothy 3 and discovering what it means to be an elder and what we can expect from our elders at Bethany. The present elders will be sharing what this means for them personally. Sign up by calling the office at 692-1755.

We are still seeking volunteers and candy donations for this event. KidZone reaches out to our community and serves our neighbors with a fun, family-friendly event that will portray God’s love. Volunteers serve one shift at an activity station: st

 1 Shift (9am-Noon) or nd

Monday, April 21 11:00am All those age 50 and up are invited to join us! Ham and cheesy potatoes will be provided. Bring a veggie or dessert to share. To sign up, call the church office at 692-1755.


Saturday, April 12 10am-2pm Easter Activities on the Prairie Shoppes at Grand Prairie

 2

An opportunity for baptism is being planned as part of our Good Friday worship service on April 18. If you are interested in following the Lord in believer’s baptism, please contact Melody Lewis (melody@bethanycentral.org).

PrimeTime Fellowship

Saturday, April 5 7:30am in the Gym


Believer’s Baptism

Shift (11:30am–2:30pm)

We are also seeking candy donations:

The next Friday Night LinC is April 25 at 7:15pm at the Christian Center. The speaker this month is Pastor Jason Alligood, teaching pastor at Fellowship Bible Church. Worship will be led by Kevin & Catherine Malone. Mark your calendar for our next Friday Night LinC event: May 16 with Pastor Daniel Bennett. Our RESOLVEDto Singles ministry at Bethany seeks to compel our members to become “resolved to” Bless our Church, Build our Community, and Reach our City—all for the glory of God!

 Candy should be small, individually wrapped, and

of the non-chocolate variety  Donations can be dropped off in the collection bins located near the Welcome Center and in the hall of the Children’s wing through April 6. If you would like to help or have questions, please contact Kari Rabenhorst (kari@bethanycentral.org).

College/Singles Indoor Soccer ResolvedTo and the College ministry will be hosting indoor soccer nights in April. Join us on April 8 and April 22 from 6-9pm at Bethany Baptist Church in the gym for Indoor Co-ed Soccer. Players of all abilities are encouraged to come play! Aaron Boerckel (aaron@bethanycentral.org) Pedro Orozco (ped_85_pab@hotmail.com)


Bethany Discipleship Ministries Get to Know and Follow Jesus at Bethany! Our adult ministries at Bethany aim to fulfill our church’s vision statement – to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing one another to worship Him forever. In short – this means our adult ministries seek to make disciples – that every person would know and follow Jesus Christ! Discipleship ministry always occurs in community – from gatherings of hundreds to personal meetings between two individuals. Some discipleship settings are more formal and structured, others are not. But all aim towards making disciples who follow both the Great Commandment (Matt 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20). All of our adult ministries focus on proclaiming and applying the truths of God’s Gospel to our daily lives. All include elements of spiritual care and shepherding. All involve some level of relationship with others. All involve the joyful worship of spiritual growth as we help one another become more like Jesus in our daily lives. So plug in to all that God has for you! There is no greater pursuit for your soul than Jesus!! What are the differences between ABCs and Small Groups at Bethany? Bethany is thankful to be able to include both Adult Bible Communities and Small Groups in our discipleship ministry line-up. These ministries have the same disciple-making goals, but use different delivery methods. They are not intended to compete, but to strengthen and expand our discipleship options for our church family’s mutual good.

Key Words = Teaching, Prayer, Connection, Service, Equipping ABCs are open Bible studies that meet year-round on Sunday mornings and provide an immediate opportunity to get plugged in to a group that is studying God’s Word together, praying for one another, and finding ways to joyfully serve Christ together. ABCs provide teaching and shepherding to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. ABCs meet in a classroom and are mid-sized, providing opportunities over time for people to get to know a variety of other people as they would if attending a smaller church together. Childcare is built into this as children’s Sunday School meets at the same time on Sunday mornings. These “mini-communities” within our congregation serve as the foundational equipping ministry to adults at Bethany. Every regular attender is encouraged to be an active member in an ABC class! How do I connect to an ABC? Attend one of our 14 classes on Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:45am. For more help, please stop by our Welcome Center on Sunday mornings.

Key Words = Application, Authentic Biblical Relationships, Prayer, Fellowship Small Groups are gatherings of six or more adults seeking to build caring, faith-sustaining, lasting relationships that are marked by transparency in relation to life’s challenges and struggles. Thus, small groups are not primarily intended for teaching, but for application. They create a context where Christians can apply God’s truth in a personal, practical way. Small groups are intentionally kept small to facilitate transparent discussion and regular attendance. Childcare is self-managed by each group with the option to have Bethany help with related childcare expenses. Small groups most often follow the school-year calendar, meet in people’s homes, and consist of people drawn together by common geography, life-stages, or interests. Small groups provide great encouragement and accountability for spiritual growth to the glory of Christ! How do I connect to a Small Group? Contact the church office to learn about the group options that are available for you to join right now! We are excited to help you benefit from this joyful discipleship ministry!


Which option is best for me? At Bethany we have been joyfully entrusted with an amazing wealth of discipleship ministries. We certainly do NOT expect nor desire for every believer to be participating in ALL of these ministries. We want to help every person know and follow Jesus Christ more fully, period. Over time, every mature believer will be connected into both large and small expressions of discipleship. But that path will be somewhat unique to every person. Thus our multitude of discipleship ministries exist to invite every believer to connect into those discipleship pathways that are most helpful to their own “next step” of Christian maturity in Christ.

The Scope of Discipleship at Bethany

ColLege Care Packages Did you know that our church has over 100 college students? In April we will be sending them care packages from our church body. We are collecting miscellaneous food, snack, and fun items to send in boxes to our college students. Donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center now through April 13. For more information, contact Kari in the church office at kari@bethanycentral.org. If you have a student who is currently at college, please contact the church office with their address.

Your donations are an encouragement to our students! We’ve heard from some over the years: “Thank you so much for the care package! It’s nice to know that I’m still loved and cared for! You guys mean a lot to me.” “Thank you so much for the amazing care package you sent me! I enjoyed the treats in the package as well as the thoughtfulness of so many people at Bethany. It’s nice to know that I’m not ‘forgotten’ while I’m away at school.”

Generally speaking, there is an inverse relationship between the size of the group and the amount of authentic biblical relationship between its members. To connect at Bethany, or be equipped more in theology and ministry experience, ABCs provide a great next step for you. If you desire the intimacy of a smaller group, men’s and women’s Bible studies and small groups, and personal discipleship relationships are all available. But while these various ministries occur in different locations, using different methodology, the aim of our ministry is all the same – making disciples who know, love, and follow Jesus Christ! So connect to these purposes with us because you truly delight in knowing Christ and desire to sacrificially give away your life to others for His eternal joy! 

“Thank you so much for sending me that amazing package—it was such an encouragement! It is so great to know that our church family prays for us and cares about us!” “Thank you for ministering to our spirits (and our bellies) by sending a mid-semester care package! We are grateful to know that there is a support system of prayer in Peoria that is helping us get through the ‘home stretch.’” “Thank you so much for my college goodie box! I really appreciate it. The snacks will last me a long time, and will be nice during late-night study sessions! This was such an encouragement to me. College has been a difficult adjustment, but God is teaching me things and revealing Himself.”


April 2014 Sun









9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study

5:00-5:45pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth at First Prayer 6:30pm First Prayer 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study




5 7:30am Men’s Breakfast








8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 4:00pm Teen Choir Children’s Choir Orchestra

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 6:00pm RESOLVEDto & College Indoor Soccer 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study

5:00-5:45pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth Group 6:30pm Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

9:00am MOPS

10:00am-2:00pm KIDZONE at The Shoppes








8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 4:00pm Teen Choir Children’s Choir

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 6:00pm Hats of Hope 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study

5:00-5:45pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth Group 6:30pm Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

12:00-5:30pm Good Friday Family Prayer & Communion








8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am No ABCs or Children’s Sunday School

11:00am PrimeTime

6:15pm Awana Carnival Youth Group 6:30pm Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

9:00am MOPS Brunch

8:30am Youth Purity Conference

Happy Easter!

7:00pm Women Helping Women Worknight

9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 6:00pm RESOLVEDto & College Indoor Soccer 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study





8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Congregational Meeting (No ABCs) Children’s SS 4:00pm Teen Choir Children’s Choir

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study

6:15pm Awana Awards Youth Group 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

6:30pm Good Friday Service

7:00pm Cru Dessert Fellowship



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Ann Bryant Gabrielle Hougham Paul Hake Dan & Debbie Good Lucy Boerckel Brandon Carlson Addison Crotz Daisy Davidson Deb Graham Fawn Kieser Rich Layne Tom Carlile Max Finney Ashley Shaffer C. Rick Smith Josiah Critten Abby Loental Jena Slotter Morris Webb Ryan & Jacquelyn Servey Grace Loental Carol Parsons Ethan Scholl Kelly Orozco Sue Bonnell Taylor Burke August Dornon William Dornon Brock Hamm Carol Hornbrook Matt Morgan Brenda Washburn Dwight & Bernice King Doug & Karen Oberlander Jo Ann Brush Mike Hintz William Sharkey Rich Sturhahn Brody Tyre Laura Wichael Ellie Wirtz Jim & Vickie Elsasser Adam & Margo Marx Mark & Marsha Zielinski Liliana Albaro Chloe Donnelli George Lin Deanna Marquette Wesley Phillips Karye Setterlund Becky Unsicker Kevin & Karen Hart

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -

Emeline Schurter Ginny Smith Lona Hudson Nelson Jones Vince & Dede Warner Brinlee Bauman Jenni Burnham Colton Mason Peter Huang Eli Petrany Kyle Scholl Adrielle Hoyt Salome Huang Juliette Paquette Blake Schroeder Daren Yergler Maya McRaven Matthew Rosete Robbie Hutton Kevin & Cindy King Dennis Brown Albert Walton Micah Weidner Olivia Wolven John Zimmerman Jacob Bobchik Debbie Chowaniak Jim Crain, Sr. Baxter Fite Aaron Kern Brandon Park Sharie Cain Jessica Mason Ashley McClelland Chris Siebenborn Dale & Mary Myers Amelia Barber Reuben Corder Stephanie Nelson Dave Perry Brian & Angel Langley Phillip & Jane Perkins Lori Havenga Marilyn Hutton Shawn & Michelle Mason Deepak John Henry Lied Cara Traeger Bill & Diana Weber

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -

Laura Talbot Brie Lawson LeAnne Padiak Debbie Pinkney Katelyn Warfield Josh & Liz Evans Angie Brock Dawn Korf Jeannie Quick Jiwon Smith Matt & Becky Freckleton Mark & Shelli Hoerr Makenna Hintz Gary Hutton Marilynn Perry Brad & Michelle Gerdes Cory DeBacker Melissa Doty Josh Evans Irelynn Honegger Tracy Parrish Joe Unseth Jeremiah Waller Allison Aupperle Gordon Cross Courtney Hannah Kristie Moorman Jody Sauder Charlie Waibel Nick Yonke Julie Philyaw Mark Schellenberg Ben Dobra John Lonergan Anita Sharkey Mathias Wolven Carol Ausfahl Lisa Jacobson Olivia Jacobson Kayla Phillips Allison Ramsay Blake & Rachel Graham James & Mandy Locher Taliah Siebenthal Dotun Taiwo Emery Baumann Denny Unsicker Judah Wilmoth Danny & Diane Schell


The GO-Team realized that in order to fulfill this vision, opportunities for about 10% of the adult population of the church were needed every year. Cross-cultural ministry does not necessarily mean outside the US, so we endeavor to offer opportunities both inside and outside of our country. We also prefer for our ST-trips to be in partnership with GO Partners we already support so our presence can increase our relationship with for whom we have already accepted responsibility. We can use our interest in their ministry and our physical presence to encourage them in their service to the Lord on our behalf.

by Steve Hornbrook

Short-Term Global Outreach (GO) Trips

After being greatly impacted by a trip to Ecuador in March 2000, Pastor Ritch became convinced that everyone in our church needs to go on a cross-cultural Global Outreach Trip at least once in a ten-year interval. You might be wondering what it is that Pastor wishes to accomplish by sending YOU on such a trip. The purpose is to set aside some time for God to work changes in your life that would either never happen in your normal context of life, or would happen at a much slower pace. To be sure, we want the ministry that our teams accomplish to be of benefit to the people we serve on these trips, and we work very hard to make that happen. However, we also know that there is also great benefit to YOU as you go. An Ecuadorian pastor told Pastor Ritch, “I am glad that you are here, brother, because the heart does not feel what the eyes have not seen.” Ritch’s heart was warmed by what his eyes saw. He desires for YOU to have that same experience and through it to have your heart for sharing the Gospel to the lost enlarged. There is no substitute for actually being there, that is why we want YOU to go.

Mike Chambers of Bethany Community will lead a team to biblical Asia-minor (country and partners not named for security) from June 23 to July 8 to provide a program for the youth during the agency field conference of two of our GO-Partner families. This team is already complete and meeting in preparation for their service. From July 20 to 26 a team coordinated by Tom Nofsinger will go to New York City with Spread Truth ministry where there are several different ministry emphases to choose from. You can get more details from at gospel.spreadtruth.com/nyc/ or talk to Tom. This team is still accepting applications. Paul Brodersen of Bethany Baptist and Dave Robinson of Bethany Community will lead a team initiated by Open Hearts Open Homes to the Hogar De Vida Children’s Home in Guatemala From August 2-10. You are invited to submit an application to express interest (this is not a commitment to go). Camp Good News in Washington, Illinois needs camp counselors to help change the legacy of children with one or more incarcerated parents. There are openings to serve either the week of August 3 or August 10. You can serve cross-culturally without leaving the Peoria area! Contact Steve Hornbrook (steve@bethanycentral.org) for a Short-Term Trip application.

Mission Services Encourage the men who stay at the Peoria Rescue Mission and the women and children at the South Side Mission by attending a service led by Bethany volunteers.


Bethany Mission Services in March: Peoria Rescue Mission (601 SW Adams Street, Peoria) April 6 and 17 at 7:30pm South Side Mission (1127 S. Laramie Street, Peoria) April 20 at 6pm If you are interested in joining the team of Bethany volunteers who participate in these services, contact Jon Baumann at baumanns2@comcast.net or 303-5656.


Cru Peoria Fellowship Dessert Saturday, April 26 at 7pm Bethany Baptist Church

Winning students to Christ


students up in their faith

Cru Peoria invites you to join Sending them for an evening to students out to walk with celebrate what God has done God for a lifetime in the lives of Peoria area students this year. There will also be an opportunity to give toward the future operating expense of the Cru Peoria ministry. For more info or to RSVP: www.crupeoria.com

Sr. High Events

Women’s Ministries

Families with students in Sr. High should note four events in April. On Wednesday, April 2, First Prayer will be led by the youth. We will join together with the church to pray. During the month of April each small group will be enjoying individual activities together led by their youth leaders. Saturday, April 19, from 6-9pm is our monthly hangout at the Barn! This great fellowship time occurs monthly on every last Saturday. We meet at the Unsicker’s Triple U Barn off of Grange Hall Rd. in Dunlap. Please join us for an informal time of food, fun, and friendship. We enjoy snacks, board games, Frisbee, and more. On Saturday, April 26, from 8:30am-1:30pm We invite parents and youth from 7-12th grades to participate in our annual Purity Conference. There will be age-specific sessions arranged for various speakers to share scriptural principles and practical advice on how to glorify Christ in personal purity. Please consider joining us for this important day. For questions regarding details, directions, and other events, please send me an email or give me a call. My door is open to you all. I am excited to be a part of your lives and eagerly anticipate what the Lord has in store for our youth this year. Contact me at josh@bethanycentral.org

The Walk Saturday, April 26 Registration 8:00am Walk Begins 8:30am Walks to benefit the lives of women and children will be held in Peoria, Pekin, Morton and Washington. Proceeds go to Peoria Rescue Ministries Esther House and Women’s Pregnancy Center. For more information, please visit: www.peoriarescue.org/walk

Hats of Hope Tuesday, April 15 at 6pm Work nights provide an opportunity to meet cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply to cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller at 648-1693 or hlm112770@aol.com

Women Helping Women Monday, April 21 at 7pm

Work Nights

Women Helping Women serves those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, early infant death, and infertility. On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact: Nicole Pepper at 683-1181

Ladies Spring Tea Saturday, May 17  11am-2pm Join us for a fun afternoon with special speaker Carol Beakley and sweet fellowship. Watch your worship bulletin for further details.

Annual Meeting Sunday, April 27 Mark your calendar for our Annual Meeting which will be held at 9:45am in the sanctuary on Sunday, April 27. Join us for this special time of reflecting upon God’s gracious work among us in the past year and praying over God’s vision for us in the coming year. Adult Bible Communities will not meet.

Discovering Church Membership Saturday, May 3 8-11am If you are interested in joining the church or learning more about Bethany, plan to attend this class. Sign up by calling the office at 692-1755 or emailing Melody at melody@bethanycentral.org.


Bethany Recruits Veterans for Peoria Honor Flight

by Pastor Lyall

Purpose: To honor veterans for their service and sacrifice for our country by taking them to our nation’s Capitol and visiting the war memorials and Arlington National Cemetery. Goal: Honor the WWII and Korean War era veterans at Bethany. We would like to register the veterans for the September Honor Flight. Each veteran is assigned a chaperone (aka "Guardian") for the trip. We would like to match Bethany veterans with Bethany guardians. There is no charge for veterans. The guardian’s cost is $500. The September flight date has not been set at this time. The organization will set the date once the flight is fully funded. The flight will be on a Tuesday. Action Steps: Encourage a WWII or Korean War Era veteran to apply. See Pastor Lyall for applications. Sign up as soon as possible so we can make sure we travel together.


by Marilynn Perry

Grief Share continues to hold two sessions each Tuesday at 12:20pm and 6:15pm. It is exciting to see God's hand at work in directing individuals to GriefShare. We have participants attending who just lost a loved one a month ago and another who asked, "Why didn't I learn about this program when I lost my husband seven years ago?" We have attendees coming from Galesburg and Canton; Bethany and other churches. It is God's ministry; we merely lead the discussion and videos. Please continue to pray for ALL who are involved—that God will minister to their hurting hearts and help them to see their need for Christ to bring about COMPLETE healing for their grieving hearts and their spiritual commitment to Him.

Volunteer to be a Guardian to accompany a Bethany veteran. See Pastor Lyall for applications. Donate to the Guardian Support Fund to offset the costs for our Bethany Guardians. Mark envelope "Guardian Fund" and put it in the offering or mail it to the church office. All gifts are tax deductible. See: www.greaterpeoriahonorflight.org for additional information.

Overview of the Honor Flight Day We leave General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport early in the morning, fly to the D.C. area and head straight to the World War II Memorial. Once there, our Veterans and their guardians have time to visit the amazing memorial, surrounded by the majestic Capitol Mall. We also visit the Korean War Veterans Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Our day concludes with a viewing of “The Changing of the Guard” at Arlington National Cemetery. Our return flight brings us back to Peoria that same day. For Veterans and guardians alike, an opportunity to participate in an Honor Flight trip is truly a once-ina-lifetime experience..


The summer semester of The Gospel Institute is approaching quickly! This summer we’re offering two courses. A Legacy of Faith: An Introduction to Church History (Taught by: Dr. Daniel Bennett and Dave Robinson) Contrasting Religions and Foundational Thinking: Worldviews that Shape our Walk and Witness (Teacher to be determined.) Classes are held on Mondays from 6-9pm from June 9 to August 25 at the Bethany Community Center at 7229 N. Knoxville Ave. in Peoria. Registration will open May 13 at peoriagospelinstitute.org. Check there for more information, or contact Abby Pfeiffer at abby@bethanycentral.org or 692-1755.

Children’s Ministry Wendy Kirkpatrick wendy@bethanycentral.org April Sunday School (SS) and Children’s Church (CC) Lessons 4-6

SS: Acts 3:1-26 Peter and John Preach the Gospel CC: Ezra 1:1-2:2; 2:64-3:13 Zerubbabel Leads the Captives


SS: Acts 4:32-5:11 Ananias & Sapphira Lie to the Holy Spirit CC: Matt. 21:1-17; Mk. 11:1-11; Lk. 19:28-44; John 12: 12-19 The Triumphal Entry


SS: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL — EASTER SUNDAY CC: Matthew 26:36-28:10; John 18:1-20:18 Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection


SS: Acts 5:17-42 The Gospel Continues to Spread CC: Lk. 24:36-49; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:3,9-11 Jesus Appeared to the Disciples

AWANA On Wednesday, April 23, our Awana clubbers will celebrate with a year-end Carnival. There will be no meal at the church that night to allow us to setup for the carnival. There will be carnival games, bounce houses, prizes, music, and a skit. We are seeking volunteers to staff carnival booths. Candy donations are also being accepted. Contact Rod Abel (253-1618, rodbonabel@comcast.net) if you would like to help. Our AWANA year concludes on April 30 with Awards Night. Please note: The last family meal for the season will be served Wednesday, April 16.

Parent/Child Dedication Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should plan to attend “Child Dedication 101” on May 4 at 9:45am in the Conference Room. This class covers what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of resources Bethany offers. The next dedication will be held on Mother’s Day— Sunday, May 11. Sign up by calling the church office at 692-1755. For more information, contact Jerry Sanderson (jerry@bethanycentral.org).

Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Ministry When a family is following the Lord's leading to adopt a child there is a financial cost involved. Open Hearts, Open Homes (OHOH) is able to assist Bethany families in meeting that financial challenge. The process for financial support is fairly simple: Be a member of one of the Bethany Fellowship of Churches by Amy Park Complete the Orphan Care Bible Study* Complete the OHOH Family Financial Assistance Application Be interviewed by the OHOH Committee Be approved by the OHOH Committee, Elder approval from their home Bethany Fellowship of Churches (BFC) church. The funds for assistance come from the General Fund of Open Hearts, Open Homes that is in place for individuals to give to help with the cost of bringing a child into a loving, Christian home. Currently there are two Bethany Baptist families with an open adoption fund: Blake and Rachel Graham – adopting an 8-year-old little girl from Ethiopia. Matt and Deanna Marquette – adopting a 5-year-old little boy from China. Over and over again as we meet with families it is a delight to hear how the Lord is growing their understanding of who He is and stretching their faith to new depths as they bring their children home. *Please note that while the Orphan Care Bible Study is a requirement for financial assistance, the Bible Study exists for anyone who would like to learn more of what Scripture says about meeting the needs of the disenfranchised. The Bible Study is offered twice a year rotating between the BFC churches. To follow Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Ministry visit: openheartsopenhomesministry.blogspot.com


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


Good Friday Family Prayer and Communion Friday, April 18 anytime from Noon to 5:30pm

Celebrate Easter at Bethany

The sanctuary will be open for a time of self-directed prayer, meditation and communion.

Good Friday Service Friday, April 18 at 6:30pm A service of baptism, special music and communion. Nursery through age 3 will be provided.

Easter Sunday Worship Services Sunday, April 20 at 8:15 & 11:00am Nursery through age 3 at both services. Children’s Church for kids age 3 through 4th Grade at the 11:00am service. There will be no Sunday School or ABCs.

The church office will be closed on Friday, April 18 in observance of Good Friday.

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