Dec 2013/January 2014 Broadcaster

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What a Difference a Day Makes Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Senior Pastor


Over the Coffee Cup Schedule of Christmas Services

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Children’s Ministry Global Outreach PrimeTime Christmas Dec. Birthdays & Anniversaries

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December Calendar January Calendar Jan. Birthdays & Anniversaries The Gospel Institute Small Groups Disaster Relief Open Hearts Open Homes First Baptist Streator Update Men’s Ministry Women’s Ministries Holy Homes First Prayer in January Church Management Software Engage Youth Apologetics Adult Bible Communities A Community Christmas

On Sunday, November 17 tornados ripped through our area, demolishing homes and taking lives. Many woke that morning in the comfort of their beds and ate breakfast in the coziness of their kitchens, with no thought that this would be the last time they would sleep in that bed or sit at that table. Many thoughts roll through my mind as I contemplate what has taken place in a community so near and among people so dear. I think of God’s mercy, faithfulness and strength. I think of the sadness of so many. I think of the opportunity for the church to demonstrate Jesus’ love. I think of the power and privilege of prayer. I think of the frailty of man and the uncertainty of this life. This tragedy elicits so many thoughts. The thought that rings loudly in my heart right now is this: What a difference one day can make! I confess that I often live as though a day is of little consequence since they are all so similar. I expect that tomorrow is going to be like today and today is going to be like yesterday. But that is not ultimately

true. One day is not like the others. Each is precious. And everything about our lives can change in a finger’s snap. What a difference one day can make. For this reason, the apostle Paul urged us, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:16-17, ESV) So how do we make the most of each day? We cannot do any better with any day than to seek to improve upon that day by applying more of God’s grace and doing more of God’s will. No day is ever lost when we redeem it by communing with God. Richard Baxter, a 17th century Puritan pastor, wrote an article on the subject, “How to Spend a Day with God.” When I first started reading this article, I thought Baxter was giving instruction for those rare times once every several weeks that one might set aside an entire day for prayer or Bible reading. But I discovered that he was writing to encourage Christians to make each day a God-exalting one. I have paraphrased Baxter and put a more Continued on page 2

“Day” continued from page 1 modern form to his words with the hope that you will benefit as much as I did from Baxter’s thoughts. A holy life is made more possible by the planning and structure of our daily habits. Therefore, I give some brief encouragements to help you pursue a godly life every day. 1. Sleep: Sleep the appropriate amount of time each evening. If you sleep too long, you will waste precious morning opportunities to talk with God and listen to Him through His Word. If you sleep too little, your body will suffer from illness and lack of energy. 2. First Thoughts: Give God your first thoughts in the morning. Let your heart give immediate thanks for the rest you enjoyed and call upon Him to help you in the challenges you will face this new day. Think how you might have spent that night in misery or pain and thank him for your comforts. Think also of how quickly your days and nights are passing and how soon your last night on earth will come! Prepare your soul for such a time and focus on your Savior. 3. Prayer: Let your first action of the day be to talk with God. Before you speak to other people, speak to your Lord. 4. Family Worship: Gather your family together early before school and work. This is the time of day that will be most likely free of interruptions and scheduling conflicts. 5. Purpose: Remember why God created you and gave you life! Let your one passion be to glorify God and enjoy Him in this new day. Do nothing that will divide your heart and rob you of the pleasure of walking with God. 6. Diligence: Make the most of your opportunities to work as God intends. Refuse the temptation toward idleness and ease. Do not waste the time God gives you, but be diligent. 7. Temptation: Recognize and acknowledge the temptations that war against your own soul. Watch against the master sins of unbelief: hypocrisy, pride, self-will, and the love of earthly things. Take care that greed does not gain strength in your heart. Watch over your tongue that your words will be pure, true and gracious. Strengthen yourself against bitterness and anger that will keep you from loving others.


8. Meditation: Invest some time in this day to think about the infinite goodness and sovereignty of God. Think deeply about Jesus and His work on the cross. Consider heaven and how unworthy you are of going there. Thank God for His grace. 9. Time: Place a high value on your time and guard it jealously. The time God gives you is very finite and more valuable than money. Do not let worthless recreations, idle conversation, unprofitable social events, or sleep rob your time. 10. Eating and Drinking: Eat and drink sensibly and with thankfulness for your health. Never satisfy your appetite in food or drink when it will be detrimental to your health. Avoid being like the people Paul described as ones “whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly.” (Phil. 3:18-19) 11. Sin: If you do sin in this day, repent quickly, whatever the cost. It will cost you much more to continue in your sin than to repent of it. Do not make light of habitual sins as though they are not deadly, but confess them and put them to death by striving against them in God’s strength. 12. Relationships: Honor God through the special duties in the relationships that God has given you whether spouse, children, employer, employee, parents, pastors, friends, or enemies. 13. Bedtime: Before going to sleep , review your actions and the mercies of God in this day just ending. Renew your repentance and resolve to obedience. Examine yourself to see whether your soul grew stronger or weaker and whether you are prepared for eternity. Thank God for all his blessings. May these encouragements be engraved on your mind and practiced each day for the greater holiness and fruitfulness of your life, and for the readiness of your death. Whether we find sunshine or tornado tomorrow, we will not regret having invested our time in pursuit of God and godliness. What a difference a day can make. Let us redeem each one! 

Schedule of Christmas Services A Community Christmas

December 6-8—Various locations/times (Tickets required. See back page for details.)

Children’s Choir Musical

May you all have a blessed Christmas as we remember Jesus’ birthday! Christmas is a time for giving to our family and friends. The older we get, the shorter our list becomes. This isn’t true of the young generation. Their list seems to get longer. This is a time in our lives when we are thinking more of “pitching” things than saving them. I’m a “pitcher” and my husband is a “keeper.” You can imagine where this difference gets confusing at times! So what does this have to do with Christmas? I’m packing up some boxes of “good stuff” to give to missions to share with others. Christmas decorations are different from years ago so some of these can “go.” Clothing that hasn’t been worn for ages will be boxed. Will anyone want to wear it? Just maybe they’ll have a costume party. There is an overflow of books I have decided to share. Some show signs of the “dark ages,” but the pages are fine, and the pictures are old. We used to have garage sales, and gave the money to the Lord. They are no longer attended, and the work is too much. Do you suppose we are getting old? There are certain things that we will not give away. There are our memories of days gone by when our whole family, perhaps 25 people, gathered to celebrate Christmas at Grandma’s house. We drew names and exchanged $3 gifts. Then later we took turns to be the host of the party, and we always had Swedish food! I won’t try to spell the names, but oh, it was so good! We always read the Christmas story from the Bible, and spent some time in prayer. Such precious memories! Later on, when I was married we had two gatherings with one on Christmas Eve in order to be with both families. We did it! Just wanted to add a note for all of you. The “Coffee Cup” is empty now, and this is the last time we will partake together. It has been over 44 years that I have had coffee with some of you! I have really enjoyed it, but there is a time for everything. I thank you for sharing coffee with me these years; it has been a privilege. As one elderly Swedish lady asked many years ago, “Vil der be Kaffe (coffee) in Heaven?” My former pastor then replied: “You’ll have all you desire there.” She was so happy!

Sunday, December 15 at 6:00pm

Advent Communion Service

Identical services repeated on Monday, December 16 at 6:30pm Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30pm (No childcare for these services.)

Sunday, December 22 & 29 Worship Services

8:15am—Nursery through Age 3 No Sunday School or ABCs 11:00am—Nursery through Age 2 and Children’s Church Age 3-Sixth Grade

Christmas Eve Service

Tuesday, December 24 at 6pm (Childcare through age 4.)

Church Office Hours

The church office will be closed December 24, 25, 26, 31 and January 1. The church office will be open 8am-12pm December 23, 27, and 30. In the event of an urgent need during non-office hours, you can reach the pastor on-call by calling the church office at 692-1755. When prompted, leave a message on extension 9. The system will contact a pastor and you will receive a call back. Have a safe and blessed Christmas season!

May God bless each of you dear ones! Love, Char Editor’s Note: If you have enjoyed sharing coffee with Char, would you consider sending her a note of thanks for 44+ years of faithful service? Let’s make her cup overflow! 2929 N Gale Ave Peoria, IL 61604


Children’s Ministry Wendy Kirkpatrick


Family Focus

Upcoming Theme nights December 18 – Decorate your leader with the provided Christmas ornaments and decorations! January 15 – Sports night! Dress in a sports outfit or in your favorite team colors.

Be sure to take time with your children during December to emphasize the true meaning of Christmas. Utilize our church resource center for ideas on how to lead your family to focus on Christ during the holiday season.

Second grade parents: Save the date! Sunday, REMINDER: There will be no AWANA or Family meal on December 25 or January 1. We have still have service opportunities in our Sparks program. Please contact if you can help listen to verses each Wednesday from 6:00 to 7:00.

January 19 is the second grade luncheon. Plan to stay after church to enjoy a luncheon provided for your family. This time is intended for you to be able to connect with parents of other second graders in our church. Notes will be sent home with your student in January.

Sunday School and Children’s Church Lessons in December/January We are thrilled to partner with you as you faithfully instruct your children in the truths of God’s Word. Please use the following Scripture references to study with your children before their lesson each week so they can be prepared when they come to learn more. Sunday School

Children’s Church


Matt. 14:13-21 Jesus Feeds the Multitude

2 Kings 18-20 Hezekiah, Judah’s Faithful King


Matt. 14:22-33 Jesus Walks on the Water

Isaiah 53 Isaiah Preached about the Messiah


Birth of Christ Lesson

Luke 1:26-56; Matt. 1:18-24 Angels Spoke to Mary and Joseph


No Sunday School

Luke 2:1-20 Jesus was Born


No Sunday School

Luke 2:21-40 Jesus was Dedicated


Matt. 16:13-17, 21-27 Jesus Defines Discipleship

Micah 1-7 Micah, Prophet to Judah


Matt. 17:1-8 Jesus is Transfigured

2 Chronicles 34-35 Josiah’s Reforms


Matt. 19:16-26 Jesus Confronts the Rich Young Ruler

Zephaniah 1-3 Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah


Matt. 20:1-16 Jesus Teaches the Parables of the Labor-

Habakkuk 1-3 Habakkuk, Prophet to Judah

Looking for a place to get plugged in? Contact to find a fit for you in children’s ministry!


Global Outreach The goal of our Global Outreach efforts around the world is for the local church to be birthed, to grow to maturity, and to become responsible for continued reaching of the unreached in that sub-culture. This is the pattern for healthy propagation of the Bride of Christ since He gave the Great Commission prior to His ascension. This process often requires substantial resources and significant time, sometimes taking more than a generation to see it accomplished, when it is successfully accomplished at all. Our responsibility is to faithfully do the work and wait for the Lord of the Harvest to produce fruit from the labor. When we get to see a work become self-sustaining, that is occasion for great rejoicing because it is the result of significant sustained effort, and direct blessing from the Holy Spirit. We have been learning recently that just such a cause for rejoicing is ours through the work of Bill and Gloria Bagley in Preston, Idaho. We have partnered with them for 21 years, the last 10 of them having been in Preston. The Bagley’s were just with us for our Global Outreach Conference, so you may have had opportunity to hear a report directly from them about this exciting development. Here is what Bill has written recently about this, let us rejoice with them at the marvelous thing that God has done in this work: After ten years it is time to take that big step of faith, and the members are excited to see what will happen next! Pray for church finances, which of late have been somewhat behind last year at this point. Pray for new people to visit and stay as part of our church family. Pray specifically for a young intern, a recent graduate of Frontier School of the Bible, by the name of Rebecca Martin. She will be with us soon and will

Steve Hornbrook GO Minister

Jeff & Brenda Thames and family

work with our youth and our women. Pray also for a family that will join us in a month or so. Jeff and Brenda Thames and their children, from Illinois, serve presently with Rural Home Missionary Association and will work with us for a few years with the goal of planting a sister work somewhere here in southeastern Idaho where the needs are great. Pray for God's provision for their support and for a terrific working relationship between them and us. They have a large family and are very excited to be out here serving the Lord. Pray for Gloria and me—that we'll be the best mentors to them we can be. Pray for those who will preach in my stead while we're on our trip. Included in that list is our deacon, Ken Bergstrom, who took my preaching course back in April and May and is excited, though nervous, about his first opportunity to preach to the congregation, not once, but twice in my absence. -Bill Bagley The Thames family is from Bethany Community Church in Washington, so we get to have a front-row seat in the next stage of winning this part of Mormon land for Christ! I hope you are as excited about what God is allowing us to be a part of as I am.

PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, December 16 at 11:00am ♫ Music by Bethany Musicians ♫ ♫ Lunch prepared by Chef Lyall ♫ RSVP by calling the office at 692-1755. Cost is $5 All those age 50 and up are welcome to attend. 5

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Ashley Corder Isaiah Evans Benjamin Inman Drew Kieser Sally Lawrence-Knapp James Tomlinson Ellery Brock Shelby Courtney Jeannie Ellison Dennis Emerson Janis Hapke Joel Park Daegan Severns Timothy & Rolanda Jenkins Gene Howell Lindsay Musselman Jonathan Walberg David Williams Sydney Wieland Ezra Blair Ritch Boerckel Jill Delinski Emelia Moorman Ruth Palmer Joy Siebenborn Dave & Carol Clark David & Sharon Weiss Tom Bauman Bethany Bryant Caleb Ham Larry Kreeger Tim Noar Weston Andris Mark Burnham Joe Hapke Mack Henderlong Lydia Zimmerman Rich & Diane Noar Jill Birkholz-Luan Elizabeth Hofmann Madison Tarrant Michelle Weidner Linda Wyckoff Brenda Schwenk Caleb Tyre Brianna Wichael Gerry & Elsie Traenkenschuh Beverly Jackson Sarah Noar Lexia Rowley Ezekiel Thompson Ruth Christmas Sarah Dremann Joshua Fay Noah Powell Hannah Queen Mike & Sally Rice Ralph & LaVerne Turner

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Riley McRaven Ed & Jill Luan Dan & Sharie Cain Jim & Lori Cochran Dave & Michelle Weidner Kim Benedict John Brock Nathan Button Sara Deets Andrew Funk Karen Sanderson Marv & Mary Sauder Luke Dobra Jack Nelson Kelli Christenberry Elise Haroldson Jay Hufnagel Robyn Morris Elizabeth Schellenberg Stan Senecal Christen Walberg MaryBeth Smith Steve Clore Tanner Graham Treyven Haroldson Steve Hornbrook Jackie Reimschisel Sandy Simmons Brittany Klaus Steve McRaven Grace Sturhan Paul & Linda Slopak Pam Duncan Elizabeth DuWaldt Barbara Stratton Bev Weed Tom & Jodee Bauman Mark & Mary Ellison Jack & Diane Mason Bill & Martie Scott Willy Bonnell Gary Lawson Marty Roth Dan Byerly Mindy Byerly Sue Crain Ryan Yergler Ritch & Kimberly Boerckel Jim & Sue Crain John & Patricia Hadley Ron & Dianna Fouts Bev & Tom Weed Abigail Akright Kristi DeBacker Livie Herman Shawn Mason Kris McClelland Tyler Sass Jim Swezey

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Ryan Vance Chris Wichael Thomas & Yeon-Soo Kim Michelle Courtney Charles Faw Lance Kieser Ellyn Liu Joel Showalter Marilyn Showalter Abigail Brodersen Marci Johnson Josiah Kern Danny Schell Jennifer Tracy Bob & Sharon Bloompott Jim & Christine Ommen Brooke Langley Marisa Weech Bradley Wichael Joshua Zhen Joellyn Doty Steve Shultz Ray & Deloris Isaacs Doug & Faye Talbot Hannah Buhl Dan Heinz Bruce Wyckoff Larry & Laurie Crossett Michael & Cherlyn Lied Cara Christenberry Sarah Dobra Becca Whitney Holly Zimmerman Barb & Eric Nielsen Tom & Amy Nofsinger Sara DeBacker Ethan Freckleton Nellie Hawkins Jill Phillips Carol Tracy Greg & Lynn Carps Steve & Ruth Ann Clore Ishor & Laxmi Dhakal Laura Bailey Becky Freckleton Pat Goben Rita Grebner Kathryn Guymon John Hadley William Jacobs Virginia Lane Lynda Oakes Dirk & Kristen Arends John & Denice Patroff Mike & Angie Peterson Joel & Amber Taylor Emma Finney Malachi Nelson Jeremiah Siebenthal Grady Walberg Micaiah & Erin Wilmoth

December 2013









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Shaun Anderson Al Dornon Brian Langley Emily Nerad Weston Boerckel Eugene Pascual Jim Rowley Wilma Traeger John & Linda Schellenberg Jon Burnham Ron Fouts Jimmy Houck Anna Kern Kade Kirkpatrick Aiden Grochowsky Kennedy Hoerr Gene Reinholtz Chelsea Winn Eliana Davis Sam Ruppman Julia Schellenberg Angie Wilton Erin Hufnagel Kevin Moore Nicholas Wright Marilyn Boldry Vickie Elsasser Rachel Graham Eric Ham Kristin Hoyt Gary Schwartzkopf Melinda Siri Brad Thurman Madalyn Unseth Muriel Unseth Micaiah Wilmoth Jason & Audrey Schrepfer Bill Boldry Roxanna Hoffman Doug Oberlander Mackenzie Palmer Mallory Strawn Jaclyn Taylor Ed & Caroline Taiwo Chris Bryant Cheryl Buck Brad & Brooke Hougham Gabrielle Akright Jenny Grant Warren Pepper Jacob Plumier Dan Waibel Eric Cochrane Claire Marquette Joshua Smith Michael Duncan Mark Ellison

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Kaleb Hart Ron Hoyle Tessalei Plattner Lorna Sheets Sarah Charles Taevin Hangartner Ellie Roth Diane Schell Benjamin Schellenberg Jane Scholl Sam Arends Stacey Jacobs Toni Myatt Rich Noar David Ramsay Connor Schepke Brian Showalter Eliya Witte Joey Clore Sawyer Good Reese Janssen Asher Kern Nate Kern Warren Netherton Richard Qu Dave Wieland Erick Dawalt Ken Ellison Bob Goben Sandy Hartman Faye Talbot David Barnes Blake Dietz Nathaniel Walin Gene & Sarah Pascual Wyatt Davis BJ Gibbons Levi Moon Megan Scott Tom & Roberta Williams Jason Barley Rosie Boone Ruth Ann Clore Sarah Haywood Isaac Zimmerman Mary Bertschi Molly Laugherty Harrison Queen Adelaide Taylor Don Vance Steve Walin Dean & Andrea Hoerr Stephanie Brodersen Brycen Haroldson Noelle McMenamy Shelly Lester Jackson Whitney

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Anita Davis Kara Delaney Roger Krikke Daniel Park Nancy Rabenhorst Lee Wilton Jim & Pauline Tomlinson Sarah Borop Megan Deets Karen Graham Kalila Hoyt Nathan Lindahl Macie Pascual Bryce Pollizze Lydia Betts Scott Flinn Heather Lied Hudson McMenamy Amy Nofsinger Rong Qu Kerri Schellenberg Tina Strawn Faith Kim Melody Lewis James Locher Yewande Taiwo Hannah Tucker Amanda Wilton Tracy Fischer Abigail Harms Dan Madigan Joyce Scholl Sheila Shanklin Loren Gallup Adam Jost Bernice King Jason Lied Mayleen Liu Lindsay Tollefson Jim Cochran Rodney Harms Ana Victoria Gonzalez Christopher Inman Bill & Ruth Burnett Audra Charles Becky Fuelberth Trent Gerig Lindsay Goben Jessica Gonzalez Barry Heisey Jan Reed Andy Schiller Paige Staes-Whitney LaVerne Turner Mary Beth Zimmerman Fred & Marla Laugherty Jim Ausfahl Pauline Teubel

Birthdays & Anniversaries




Small Groups @ Bethany A new semester of The Gospel Institute begins January 20! Classes offered this semester are: Systematic Theology II Taught by Pastor Art Georges from Living Hope Community Church This course will examine what the Bible teaches in the following areas: 1) Salvation, with a continuation and coverage of topics not previously treated in Systematic Theology I; 2) Christ, an examination of the person and work of Christ; 3) The Holy Spirit, an examination of His person and work; 4) Christ’s Church, a study of the formation, nature and ministry of the church; and 5) Last Things, a treatment of future things, including the rapture, tribulation, millennial and eternal kingdoms. A continual focus will be placed on how the student is to live, to the glory of God, as a result of a deepening understanding of these topics. The Unfolding Story of God’s Revelation: A Historical Survey of the Scriptures Instructor: To be determined This course will lead students through the historical progression of God’s revelation. On this chronological journey students will stop to gaze at the key themes and teachings of each of the 66 books of the Bible. They will learn to connect the individual messages to the larger storyline of the Scriptures. In addition, they will see the bridge from the Old Testament people of God through Jesus to the New Testament church and on to Christ’s glorious return. As students gain greater clarity of the content and context of the Bible, their love for God and desire to dig deeper into His revelation will grow. Classes meet Monday nights at 6pm at the Bethany Community Center at 7229 N. Knoxville in Peoria. The semester runs through April 7. Registration begins December 16. Contact Abby Pfeiffer at for more information.


Resolve to Build Community in 2014! The coming new year brings an opportunity for reflection about how we can best purpose to worship Christ together in the coming year. By God’s grace, we are trusting that 2014 will be a year filled with greater faith, more whole-hearted worship, and deeper biblical community and love within our Bethany family. Get Connected Now! We are thankful for every person who has begun to benefit from building genuine spiritual friendship with others in our small group ministry, and invite you to join with us for the 2014 term! Several groups are still seeking additional people to join them starting in January, and these groups plan to meet through the end of April 2014. Even Start a New Group! There are also opportunities to start more small groups in January – so if you and some of your friends are interested in doing this together, please contact the church office as we would love to help you pursue God’s glory in this! Small Group Holiday Schedule. While the church calendar officially takes the month of December “off” from small group activities, many small groups will still meet once or twice in December. Please talk to your small group leader about your group’s holiday schedule. All Bethany’s small groups will officially begin meeting again the week of January 5, and are scheduled to meet regularly through the end of April. The end of all things is at hand; therefore be selfcontrolled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:7-11

Now What? Six Best Ways To Help After A Disaster 1. Pray. Pray that God’s help and hope would rest upon His children who are enduring great loss. Pray that God’s peace would supernaturally protect His children from fear, despair, and anger. Pray for those who have suffered great physical, material, and emotional loss. Pray for the first-responders, the anxious families, and the loving neighbors who are seeking to help. Pray that God would help you to rise up and share the love and hope of Christ in the midst of this very difficult time. Phil 4:6-7 2. Share Our Hope. Disasters bring opportunities for witness. Walk through the doors that God opens for you to compassionately and boldly share our hope in Christ. Celebrate with the lives that were spared death by sharing our hope for eternal life. Marvel at the power of God in the storm as you share humbly of His power to rescue us from the stronghold of our sins. Praise the generosity of neighbors and volunteers as you publicly delight in God’s amazing grace and forgiveness of our sins. 1 Pet 3:15 3. Give Financially. Many of the physical supplies people want to give immediately following a disaster are not as helpful as first thought. Do not blindly send supplies. However financial gifts are always needed and immediately helpful. Oftentimes we want to do more than that, but dollars really make a huge impact because that allows the local community to figure out how to best meet needs. Be careful to only give to trusted organizations. For the Central Illinois Tornado relief, you may give directly through Bethany’s Compassion fund for this purpose. 2 Cor 9:7-8 4. Plan to Serve. Volunteer help is needed, but it is most helpful when coordinated and directed through organizations on the ground. Immediately after a disaster, the goal is to help meet the most basic needs. But there is even more need in the long term for coming alongside those impacted. To join Bethany volunteer teams in helping with the Central Illinois Tornado relief, please email and please note any relevant skills, when applicable. Matt 5:16 5. Use Social Media to Encourage. Social media is a great way to connect and keep informed immediately after a disaster. Information can be shared very quickly to thousands of individuals. However be sure your facts are right, and your comments are fueled by faith and set upon things above, not on things of this earth. Consider how your comments and media posts could be used to bless and strengthen those who are in the midst of great suffering, and help to mobilize others towards greater love for God and others in such a time as this. 1Thess 5:11 6. Build Faith with Love. Immediately after a disaster, many people have questions like, “Where was God?” and “Why did this happen to us?” Avoid trite “bumper-sticker” answers, and remember every question doesn’t need to be answered right away. However in all your disaster recovery interactions, make sure you are focused on how all your physical care can be used to ultimately help this person’s spiritual needs. Use physical expressions of care and love to gently point them to our Heavenly Father’s care, and eternal deliverance from the brokenness that sin has brought into this world. James 2:15-17

Open Hearts Open Homes

First Baptist Streator Update

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 23:26

Kyle and Laura Talbot have been living in Streator and ministering at First Baptist Streator since mid-October. Bethany has sent several people to lead praise and worship at Streator and Kyle has been preaching and teaching their congregation on Sunday and leaders during the week.

To stay in touch with Open Hearts Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry check out the blog at:

Please continue to pray for Kyle and Laura and the congregation of First Baptist Streator as they look to be a light of the Gospel in the Streator community.

Most of us look forward to spending time with friends and family this time of year. For some children, birth families and foster/adoptive families the holiday season can represent another type of loss. Please be in prayer for our families and their children as they navigate the holidays and that the Lord would be glorified as they celebrate.


Men’s Ministry Saturday, January 11 7:30am Local pastors will host live break out seminars onsite

All men are invited for great food and fellowship. We will be kicking off the “All In” No Regrets Conference. Come hear more about this opportunity coming February 1.

Sign up on a Communication Card or call the church office at 692-1755.

For more information, contact Pastor Lyall. Register 5 guys and get $5 at FIVE GUYS Burgers and Fries 12

Women’s Ministries Bridal Shower for Brittany Wilbanks Tuesday, December 3 at 7pm Brittany is engaged to Gary Stoller. They are registered at Macy's, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Menards.

Baby Shower for Lindsay Musselman Tuesday, December 10 at 7pm Andrew & Lindsay are expecting a baby in January. They are registered at and Babies R Us and Nurtured Baby Boutique in Peoria.

Women Helping Women

Work Nights

Monday, January 20 at 7pm Women Helping Women serves those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, early infant death, and infertility. On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact Nicole Pepper at 683-1181.

Hats of Hope Tuesday, January 21 at 6pm The work nights are an opportunity to come and meet some cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply to cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller at 648-1693 or

Ladies Spring Bible Studies begin January 28

Watch your worship bulletin for information regarding the spring semester. When registration opens, you will be able to register on-line ( or at a table in the foyer at church. Childcare is provided for all daytime Bible Studies at no charge. Please be sure to indicate your childcare needs when you register for your Bible Study!

BFC Women’s Conference

Spilling Over

Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. John 15:4 This January the women of the Bethany Fellowship of Churches and their guests have the opportunity to come together to take hold of the Scriptures explaining the characteristics of a disciple. A woman disciple! We at Bethany are beyond blessed to have so many biblically sound learning opportunities within our churches. We have the Gospel Institute, Bible studies, Adult Bible Communities, small groups, mom groups, single’s groups, ministries in which we serve alongside other believers. We also have incredibly gifted pastors who shepherd us week in and week out with solid preaching of the Word and application. With all of this training, instruction, and guidance, are you spilling it out? If you’ve just been a clay pot filling up, it’s time, sister, to spill out! We are excited to offer this opportunity to come together as women of all ages and stages of life to worship together, grow in fellowship, encourage one another, and get ready for 2014 with a mighty Word and work from Christ on our lives. It’s not a time for you to be comfortable. It’s a time for you to gain a clear focus on how God wants to use you and then with an immediate mindset, take off and do the thing you’re called to do. Mark Your Calendar: Friday, January 17, 6:00pm to 9:00pm Saturday, January 18, 8:00am to 2:00pm Invite your neighbors, girlfriends, and fellow students and get ready to have your light relit! Register for this event beginning December 1. Keep your eye out for tickets and invitations. Questions? Please, contact Kelly Walenta at


First Prayer in January Wednesday, January 8 6:30pm in the Prayer Room Join us as we set aside time for focused prayer as a church family. Nursery and childcare provided. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people. I Timothy 2:1

“Flip This House” March 7-8, 2014 Save the date and plan to join us for a conference with Clay and Renee Crosse. HolyHomes was founded by popular recording artist Clay Crosse and his wife Renee after they went through a re-commitment of their marriage and home to Christ in 1998. Their story of how God restored their marriage from near destruction is a driving force behind the ministry HolyHomes. We are excited to welcome Clay and Renee in March. Please save the date for this important event. Watch your worship bulletin for more information coming soon.

Church Management Software Bethany has installed a new Church Management Software system called Arena from Shelby Systems. Our prayer is that this software will help us shepherd well in our ministry and communication to everyone as we keep growing. This software will include ways in the future for ministry leaders to shepherd their groups through this web-based system and for everyone to get the benefit of various aspects of the system through the web portal. Please pray for the church staff as we learn this new system and for wisdom in how to best use this tool to minister to people and shepherd the flock as we all seek to proclaim Christ as Lord and prepare to worship Him forever.

February 8, 2014 Engage — Encouraging young people to confidently communicate and defend the Gospel The apologetics competition is open to young men or women from 7th through 12th grade, and the preaching competition is open to young men only from 9th through 12th grade. Encourage your youth to sign up for this event! Check the Bethany website and download your copy of the rules and brochure. Contact Josh Beakley ( for details.


Adult Bible Communities Bethany Adult Bible Communities (ABC’s) exist to excite a growing passion for the glory of God in His people through regular gatherings focused on prayer, proclamation of God’s Word, personal discipleship, purposeful service in the church, and planting new communities. Recently our ABC ministry has been blessed to host several topical electives that serve to strengthen our faith and equip us for more God-centered ministry together. These electives are designed to rotate through different ABC classes, thus offering focused Biblical instruction in a short-semester format while providing an additional gateway into the ABC ministry. This winter we plan to make several more electives available during the 9:45am Sunday hour, so please plan ahead to join us for some of these excellent studies: Sacred Marriage Teachers: Marty & Julie Roth Location: Choir Room Dates: Feb 2- March 9

What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy? Your marriage is much more than a union between you and your spouse. It is a spiritual discipline ideally suited to help you know God more fully and intimately. The Sacred Marriage DVD curriculum shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your mate more. Whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a closer walk with God. This six-week study is open to both couples and singles. Join us as we strengthen our hearts for marriage.

Great Stories of the Bible Teacher: JJ Miller Location: Conference Room Dates: Beginning in January

All of us know people who are not Christians. How wonderful would it be to specifically engage these dear people in God's Word on Sunday morning? During this 14-week elective we will study some of the great stories of the Bible in an environment that encourages frank and open discussion. Many non-churched people are open to exploring the Bible more fully if they are simply invited to do so. The participants in this elective will be personally sponsored (invited) into the class by individuals from our Bethany family. Begin praying about whom you might invite to this elective and plan to attend with them during the ABC hour beginning in January.

Introduction to Biblical Counseling and Discipleship Teacher: Pastor Joel Smith Location: Dust to Glory - Gym Dates: Oct 6, 2013- Feb 23, 2014

This elective is designed for anyone desiring to practically apply the timeless truths of Scripture to the everyday problems of life. We will cover the most common problem areas addressed in most counseling relationships. This elective lays a solid, practical foundation for those preparing for the counseling process and also provides practical training for those interested in the ministry of discipling and Biblical counseling.

Watch your worship folder for more information about these electives that are coming soon to an ABC class near you!

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9-11


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


A Community Christmas 2013 Invite your friends and family! Saturday, December 7 at Bethany Baptist Church 2:00pm and 6:00pm

Has Come

FREE Tickets are required for each performance and are available at the Welcome Center Sunday mornings, the church office (692-1755), or online.

A Community Christmas will also be held: Friday, December 6 at 7pm at Five Points in Washington

Sunday, December 8 at 6pm at Living Hope Community Church in Bartonville

For more information visit

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