Edec15 jan16

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In This Issue 3

Coffee with the Elders Mission Services The Gospel Institute Schedule of Christmas Services


Seasoned Singles Lunch Youth Calendar PrimeTime First Prayer Open Hearts Open Homes Children’s Home Gifts RESOLVEDto


Children’s Ministries Parenting Elective


Global Outreach


Men’s Conference Women’s Ministry


A Community Christmas

Living Expectantly Simeon fascinates me. We know so little about him and yet so much. We do not know his education or his job. We do not know whether he had children or even if he was married. We do not know any of his talents or responsibilities. We do not know whether he was rich or poor. We do not know much at all about his earthly life. But God gives us a captivating picture of Simeon’s soul in Luke 2. We discover that Simeon is a Gospel-saturated man who enjoyed God and set his hope on God’s promises. Luke introduces us to Simeon eight days after the angels and some obscure shepherds celebrate the first Christmas. Few others grasp anything noteworthy having taken place, let alone that the greatest event in human history has just transpired. Quietly, Mary and Joseph travel the five miles from Bethlehem to Jerusalem in order to

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

present their new baby in the Temple. Up and down over hills they journey until they reach their destination. They have purchased a couple young pigeons to offer sacrifices in worship as they present their newborn to the Lord. As they enter the Temple, an older man with a beaming smile on his face rushes up to them to greet them. At first, they are disquieted by the sudden approach of this stranger, but they soon perceive that he is a devout and godly man who is sent by God with a message for them. Such a man of faith is rare in these times and his presence evokes a splash of joy for these young parents. This man introduces himself as Simeon. His gentle eyes rest upon Jesus as Mary cradles her baby in her arms. Simeon’s eyes dance with wonder as asks to hold Jesus. Gladly, Mary passes her son to Simeon. Continued on page 2

Living Expectantly continued from page 1.

With Jesus in his arms, Simeon lifts his eyes to heaven in praise to God, “‘Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.’” (Luke 2:29–32 ESV)

afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:3–6 ESV)

When Mary and Joseph walked into the Temple Simeon could not number the times he meditated with their infant child, many saw this family but upon the promises of God in His Word regarding a missed the glory of the moment. They were too Messiah who would be both a King and a Savior. He busy with the affairs of their lives to meditate much loved to think of the future day when a virgin would on God’s promise or to live in eager expectation for bear a child whose name would be called the arrival of the Messiah. They did not see God’s “Immanuel” meaning “God with us.” God made a glory in the face of Jesus because they were not promise to Israel and Simeon was sure that He looking for God’s promise to be would keep it. So he lived his life fulfilled. What a blessing from God expectantly. He anticipated the they missed!! prophetic event with eagerness and confidence. God honored Simeon’s I ask myself, “Is it possible for us to hope by promising him through the They did not see miss seeing God’s glory because we Holy Spirit that he would not die God’s glory in the fail to water the seeds of biblical before he saw the Messiah with his hope regarding the coming of God’s own eyes. promised Messiah?” The Messiah face of Jesus came the first time to suffer for sin. As Simeon held Jesus in his arms, he because they And God promises that His Son will knew that God had fulfilled his return a second time in power and promise both to Israel and to him. were not looking glory to rule and to reign as King. Joseph and Mary marveled when they heard Simeon declare that their for God’s promise God calls us to live expectantly in view of this promise. Simeon son was the fulfillment of God’s to be fulfilled. reminds me of my need to feed my promise to send the Messiah to the hope by embracing fully the promise world. Their son would be the light of the Messiah’s second coming! for revelation to the Gentiles and for the glory of the Jewish nation. Simeon watched with anticipation Simeon tenderly set his eyes upon for the coming of the Messiah. He Mary and told her that her son was fed his hope with Scripture. I want appointed by God to cause many to rise and many to imitate him. Several years ago, God convicted me to fall. Jesus would be God’s message to Israel. But of my need to watch for Jesus’ imminent return as He would not be a welcome message. He would be He instructed us (cf. Mathew 25:1-13). I asked God despised and rejected. Simeon with tears told Mary to help me awake each day with the expectation that she would suffer greatly as she watched her that the Messiah could come in the clouds at any Son live and die. Simeon assuredly read Isaiah 53 moment. This month I plan to begin each day by and knew what God had planned for His suffering waking and greeting God saying, “Good morning Savior: “He was despised and rejected by men; a Lord. Will I see you today?” I desire to live man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as expectantly as Simeon did. Perhaps one of these one from whom men hide their faces he was days God will bless me in a very big way! Perhaps I despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has too will not die before I see the glory of our great borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we King. While the Holy Spirit has not promised this to esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and me like He did to Simeon, it is fun to hope!! 


Coffee with the Elders December 6 at 9:45am The Elders have set the first Sunday of every even month as Coffee with the Elders in the Prayer Room from 9:45-10:45. The purpose is for anyone to come and talk to the Elders about anything—question, concern, prayer, whatever. Of course, this is not the only time Elders are available, people can reach out to Elders any time, but this is a regularly scheduled time/place to make it as easy as possible for people to meet with them on a Sunday.

Mission Services

Jon Baumann baumann.jon.joy@gmail.com

We at Bethany are blessed to be able to partner with our local missions to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the men, women and children who are staying at the Peoria Rescue Mission and the South Side Mission. These are folks who have come upon a hard time and need a little help to get back on their feet. They are often open to things of the Lord and to His Word. What a joy it is to be able, three times a month, to share the Gospel with and encourage mission residents with the true source of hope. The services consist of worship through singing, praying, and preaching from God's Word. The format can be adjusted to however we would like to present the wonderful message of the Bible. There are few things that I have found more rewarding than using the gifts that God has given me to bless others in the community. You are invited to join us and even to serve as we go and share the love of Christ with these precious individuals. God is at work and what a joy it is to be a part of it.

Schedule of Christmas Services A Community Christmas

December 4-6—Various locations/times (Tickets are required for each performance. Please see back page for details.)

Sunday, December 20 & 27 Worship Services

8:15am—Nursery through Age 3 No Sunday School or ABCs 11:00am—Nursery through Age 2 and Children’s Church Age 3-Kindergarten

Christmas Eve Service

Thursday, December 24 at 6pm (Childcare through age 4.)

Church Office Hours The church office will be closed December 24, 25, 31 and January 1. The church office will be open 8:30am-Noon December 28, 29, and 30. In the event of an urgent need during non-office hours, you can reach the on-call pastor by calling the church office at 692-1755. When prompted, leave a message on extension 9. The system will contact a pastor and you will receive a call back. Have a safe and blessed Christmas season!

A new semester of The Gospel Institute begins January 18. Classes offered this semester include: Bible Study Methods which will be taught by Kyle Talbot at the Bethany Community Center (7229 N. Knoxville Avenue in Peoria). Systematic Theology 2 which will be taught by Art Georges at the Bethany Community Center (7229 N. Knoxville Avenue in Peoria). Soul Care 2 which will be taught by Kent Kloter at Bethany Community Church (27265 Dutch Lane in Washington). Classes meet Monday nights at 6pm. The semester will conclude in April. Registration begins mid-December. Please visit www.peoriagospelinstitute.org for details.


Seasoned Singles Lunch Sunday, December 13 12:30pm in the Sr. High Room

First Prayer December 2 and January 6 6:30pm in the Prayer Room

Come join us for a time of food and fellowship as we get to know one another more and discuss a vision for this group going forward. Jerry Sanderson will be facilitating. Families are welcome.

Join us as we set aside time for focused prayer as a church family. Nursery and childcare provided.

This group is intended to provide a place for single parents, divorced, and never married adults to mature in their relationship with Jesus, provide a place where they know they belong, and to give them an avenue where they can together use their spiritual gifts and God-given talents to serve others. To RSVP, please email jerry@bethanycentral.org.

Youth Calendar DECEMBER 12/2: Jr/Sr High Youth Group 12/9: Youth Christmas Café, 6:15pm-8:00pm 12/16: No Youth Group 12/20: No Sunday School 12/23: No Youth Group 12/27: No Sunday School 12/30: No Youth Group JANUARY 1/6: Jr/Sr High Youth Group 1/10: Sr High to Sharon Pines during second service 1/13: Jr/Sr High Youth Group 1/15-1/17: Sr High Winter Camp 1/20: Jr/Sr High Youth Group 1/27: Jr/Sr High Youth Group If you have questions, please contact: Josh Beakley—josh@bethanycentral.org Aaron Boeckel—aaron@bethanycentral.org

PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, December 14 at 11:00am

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people. I Timothy 2:1

Open Hearts Open Homes Attention foster and adoptive families. As part of Sanctity of Life Sunday we are again putting together a short family video. If you are a foster or adoptive family please send 2-3 family pictures (they can be snapshots) to levisix88@gmail.com by January 6. If you have questions, contact Amy at 266-1635. Follow the Open Hearts Open Homes Orphan Ministry: openheartsopenhomesministry.blogspot.com

Children’s Home Gifts We will once again be collecting gifts for the Children’s Home. If you would like to sponsor one of the residents, please stop by the Welcome Center on Sunday morning to pick out a wish list. Complete details are available at the Welcome Center, but here are a few specifics about this opportunity: The total donation should not exceed $60. Gifts need to be returned to church by December 20. The unwrapped items should be placed in a garbage bag with the wish list in order to ensure the gift makes it to the correct resident. Collection bins will be located in the foyer. Your thoughtfulness will help the Children’s Home create a special Christmas for the residents.


All those age 60 and up are welcome to attend. Featuring music by Bethany musicians and a delicious ham lunch with all the trimmings. Please RSVP by calling the office at 692-1755. Cost is $5.


rdharms@gmail.com Thursday Night Single’s Bible Study All singles are invited to this study which meets weekly on Thursday evenings at the home of Rodney and Katie Harms (3318 S. Hilton Lane, Bartonville). Dinner is at 6:30pm and the study begins at 7:30pm. Contact Rodney Harms at the email address above with any questions.

Children’s Ministry Ginny Smith ginny@bethanycentral.org

What qualities do you want to develop in your children? I’m guessing it’s not the qualities of being selfish, self-centered, self-focused, or self-serving. Correct? What can we do as parents to develop a heart for serving others in our children? December provides numerous opportunities for you to help your children grow in serving others by ministering as a family. You might bake Christmas cookies together and give them to neighbors. Family caroling at a local nursing home would bring joy to the residents. Setting up a Christmas tree for an elderly person has great potential for involving the whole family in service. What about family-serving in January? How about serving together in Children’s Church? We are asking families to consider this as a discipleship opportunity to teach their older children how to serve. The responsibilities in Children’s Church can be broken down according to what is age-appropriate. For example, a younger family member might pass out papers and crayons. A middle-child might help pour water in cups for snacks. An older child might oversee the question time after the lesson, which provides a review time for the students. The serving options are plentiful. Please consider Children’s Church as a discipleship opportunity for your family. This ministry is a one-Sunday, every-othermonth commitment (in other words, six times a year). You can learn more by contacting Ginny at the email above or calling the church 692-1755. Our goal is to partner with you in the discipleship of your children. Upcoming Awana Dates To Note: December 16 December 23 December 30 January 20

Goofy Glasses Night No Awana No Awana Crazy Gloves Night

ABC Elective: Strategic Parenting Parenting today is harder than ever! What are some helpful approaches? What are some pitfalls? Parents/grandparents of children of any age are welcome and encouraged to attend. This will better equip you in the discipleship of your children/ grandchildren and help you in fulfilling God’s calling for us as parents. Join us January 10, 17 & 24 in the Sanctuary at 9:45am. Speakers: Rod Abel and Jerry Sanderson


Global Outreach — Steve Hornbrook — steve@bethanycentral.org

The Blessing of Generosity

There isn’t much we get to do that is more rewarding than blessing others with our generosity! When we are generous, God says we honor Him: “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors Him.” (Prov. 14:31).

Every year we have the blessing of honoring God by giving those who represent us in Global Outreach ministry with special gifts. I invite you to rejoice with me regarding the following opportunities we have had this year.

We have asked you to consider giving toward our GO-partner Christmas gifts. The past three years the Bethany Baptist, Bethany Community and Living Hope Community churches combined to give our GO-partners an average of about $350 each family! Your GO-partners really appreciate your expression of love and generosity. Another way in which YOU have been generous is through the Global Outreach Advance Fund. This season Christ Seminary in South Africa received a gift of $10,000 from our three churches to develop a graduate school library to support their honors program that allows them to offer a Master’s degree. We have partnered with Christ Church and Seminary through Dave & Carol Beakley since 2002. YOU also helped the New Life in Christ (Nueva Vida en Cristo) church in Mexico City purchase property through an Advance Fund gift of $25,000 this year. A short-term team from our churches helped start this church plant in 2003 in partnership with Sam & Jamie Hornbrook. They have faithfully evangelized and discipled people in their own neighborhood until the church has grown to over 100 attending on Sunday mornings. Now this church can meet freely and regularly to worship our awesome God, to grow and to proclaim Him in their neighborhoods!

GO-ing, GO-ing, Gone! The latest information on short-term trips is available on the website at: www.bethany-fellowship.org. Click Ministries, Short-term GO-trips. Upcoming Short-Term GO Trips Chad: Pray for this team, led by Dan Hoyt, serving January 30—February 12, 2016. Solomon Islands: Pray for this team, led by Jack & Diane Mason, serving February 7–20, 2016. Kenya: This trip scheduled for April 2016 will be led by Steve & Carol Hornbrook and is currently accepting additional members. Contact Steve Hornbrook at steve@bethanycentral.org for details. Uganda: Join a team that will work with Catharine Coon and Hope Alive! in Uganda July 16—30. Contact Steve Hornbrook at steve@bethanycentral.org for details. Mexico City: This team will be led by Dave & Beth Robinson of Bethany Community Church and is accepting team members. Contact: davidmrobinson77@gmail.com for more details. Guatemala: Pray for this team, led by Pastor Lyall, which will be traveling in July 2016.


Men’s Conference

Women’s Ministries Work Nights Women Helping Women Monday, January 18 at 7pm Join us as we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact Nicole Pepper at 683-1181.

Hats of Hope Tuesday, January 19 at 6pm Use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller at 648-1693.

BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH 7422 N. Heinz Lane, Edwards



Ladies Spring Bible Semester begins January 19Studies begin January 19

Just $15 per ticket and includes lunch! Register online at www.bethanycentral.org Streamed live from Elmbrook Church Day includes: Live praise & worship, lunch, plus Six Main Sessions ◦ Rooted in Christ—Crawford Loritts ◦ Rooted in God’s Purpose—Mike Breaux ◦ Made for a Mission—Wilfredo De Jesús ◦ Authentic Manhood—Tierce Green ◦ Rooted In Your Marriage—Steve & Colleen Sonderman ◦ Released In Christ—Stu Weber Eight Live & Streamed Breakout Sessions ◦ Your Work Matters to God ◦ Locking Arms ◦ Real Fatherhood ◦ Reaching Others ◦ Uprooting Addictions ◦ Discipling Men ◦ Idols of the Heart ◦ Rooted in the Word

Watch your worship bulletin for information regarding the spring semester. When registration opens, you will be able to register on-line at www.bethanycentral.org or at a table in the foyer at church. Childcare is provided for all daytime Bible Studies at no charge.

Ladies’ Ladies’ Coffee Coffee House House Friday, Friday, January January 29 29 7-9pm 7-9pm


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


Has Come Saturday, December 5 Bethany Baptist Church 2:00pm and 6:00pm FREE Tickets are required for each performance and are available at the Welcome Center Sunday mornings, the church office (692-1755), or online. A Community Christmas will also be held:

Friday, December 4 at 7pm at Five Points in Washington Sunday, December 6 at 6pm at Living Hope Community Church in Bartonville

For more information visit www.ACommunityChristmas.com

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