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Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever.

A Primer for Making Good Decisions

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

When I was a young pastor, one mature saint often encouraged me to teach others in the church how to make spiritual decisions. He was driving at the idea that every decision we make in life, we either follow a spiritual or a natural process to arrive at a conclusion. He was convinced that there is a great difference between the way that a spiritually minded Christian makes decisions in life and the way a naturally minded person makes decisions in life. When this man exhorted me to teach others, I quietly asked myself, “Do I know how to make decisions in a spiritual way?” Through this dear older friend, I came to fully agree with him about the importance of making decisions through a spiritual, God-centered process rather than a natural, man-centered one. The natural process we use to make decisions is fairly simple. We ask, “What do I think is the best option that will benefit me the most?” Then, we move forward on the wisest understanding we possess to apply it to the decision in front of us. This sounds like a reasonable process, yet God warns us against it! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil” (Proverbs 3:5–7, ESV). Continued on page 2.

In This Issue Page 3 Resources For Women February Calendar Highlights Page 4 Coffee with the Elders New Ladies Bible Study Child Dedication Class Discovering Church Membership Basketball and Soccer A/V Team Page 5 Music For All Ages Page 6 Congregational Meeting Student Ministries Calendar The Table PrimeTime Fellowship Sweet Hour of Prayer Marriage Maintenance Check-Ups Page 7 Global Outreach VBS 2017 Page 8 No Regrets Men’s Conference

Continued from page 1.

God is clear that leaning on our own understanding will lead us into disaster. The learned ability to make spiritual decisions is one of the most important matters in the life of the Christian.

eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31, ESV). Our everyday decisions can show others that God is good and can be trusted to provide everything we need.

How does the spiritually minded Christian make decisions differently from the naturally minded man? Much more can be and probably should be said about this matter, but I hope to encourage you to apply seven principles that will help you in making spiritual, God-centered decisions about everything in daily life.

Principle #4: Keep love for others always in view. Ask the question, “What will best demonstrate love for my neighbor through the decision that I am making?” The second commandment is very close to the first. Loving God cannot be separated from loving our neighbor. We often are tempted to make decisions that will be a strong advantage to us, but will be hurtful to others. Our own understanding will justify this as the way life is. But this is not the way life is in God’s kingdom.

Principle #1: Refuse to trust your own understanding. Ask the question, “Am I trusting in my own thoughts to drive this decision?” We will never make spiritual decisions if we have a high Principle #5: Pursue practical holiness through your esteem for our own natural way of thinking. In some decisions. Ask the questions, “Are there sins to avoid ways this is the hardest principle to apply. God in this decision? What decision would cause me to exhorts us not to be wise in our own eyes. Yet grow in my likeness to Jesus?” God’s agenda is our acknowledging our own foolishness sanctification. Sometimes He ordains runs contrary to our natural hearts. We painful circumstances to move us “The learned can see that others should not trust toward personal holiness. “For this is ability to make the will of God, your sanctification” (1 their own understanding about life, but our own proud heart deceives us into Thessalonians 4:3, ESV). Be bold in spiritual believing that we think clearly about life making decisions that will lead you away decisions is and that we can trust our own instincts. from sin and toward righteousness. one of the most Principle #6: Commit to the mission of Nothing could be further from reality! important Principle #2: Listen to God through His God in this world. Ask the question, Word. Ask the question, “Does the matters in the “What decision will best advance the Bible have anything to say about this Gospel of Jesus Christ?” God has given life of the decision in front of me?” Many us a mission to proclaim His Good News decisions that we make are very Christian.” boldly and broadly. The daily decisions “secular.” We make decisions about we make will either lead us deeper into our homes, our finances, our jobs, our God’s mission or away from it. God calls children’s education, our government, our time, our His children to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. May neighborhood, our marriage, our leisure and our our decisions reflect this priority! hobbies every day. Most of these decisions seem far Principle #7: Pray and ask God to lead you. Pray to removed from the “spiritual” part of our life. Yet, in your Father, “Lord, will You direct my steps in this every decision, God has something to communicate decision?” I set this principle last because it is to us through His Word if we would take time to informed by the first six principles. I do not think that listen. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to a spiritual process involves God mystically directing my path” (Psalm 119:105, ESV). us through sensations, audible voices, dreams, Principle #3: Make God’s glory the single purpose of visions, etc. . . . God directs us as we align our hearts your life. Ask the question, “How would God be most to His. This is the focus of the first six principles. Yet, glorified through this decision?” We will always make we need to bathe each of the first six principles in the wrong decision if our purpose is self-glory. In the prayer so that God would use them to direct our end, the only thing that matters in our life is the glory paths. of God. The meaning and substance of our life is tied Friends, let us make spiritual decisions!!!  to God’s glory. We will always win if our decisions are aligned to His praise and honor. “So, whether you 2

February Calendar Highlights

Resources For Women By Jerry Sanderson

Feb. 1

Recommended Book No Little Women, by Aimee Byrd, is a challenging book. It challenges the church to take the discipleship of women in the church seriously, and it challenges women to understand that they are called to understand God’s Word and doctrine just like men. One of the questions the author asks is, “Why are so many well-intentioned women falling for poor… or even false … theology?” She suggests, “part of the reason is that, in church ministry, women are often left to fend for themselves.” Aimee brings a high view of Scripture together with a high view of women. While Scripture is clear regarding roles of men and women in the church, too often there is not enough focus on equipping women in serious study of the Scripture. We have several copies of this book in our Resource Center (to borrow and to own). If you are interested in seeing how a complementarian view of men and women in the church can also correspond with a strong theological equipping ministry to women, then consider giving this book a read.

Feb. 4 Feb. 5

Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8

Feb. 10 Feb. 12

Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 15

Feb. 19

New Bible Study Books in our Resource Center We recently obtained a series of ladies Bible Study books by Susan Heck that are meaty and well done. The series, called With the Master, includes studies on James, 1st John, Philippians, Ephesians and prayer. These studies have been recommended by people we respect including Martha Peace, John and Patricia MacArthur, and Randy Patton. I hope to see these used by women individually, in a one-on-one discipleship setting, in a group of ladies, or hopefully in some of our weekly Ladies Bible Studies in the future. If you are looking for an in-depth Bible study for women, the With the Master series by Susan Heck is a good choice. The titles include:     

Before the Mirror of God’s Word (1st John) On Our Knees (Prayer) In Fullness of Joy (Philippians) In Heavenly Places (Ephesians) In the School of Tested Faith (James)

Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22

Feb. 24 Feb. 26

Feb. 27 Feb. 28

Family Meal, 5:00pm Awana/Youth Group, 6:15pm Sweet Hour of Prayer, 6:30pm No Regrets Men’s Conference, 8:30am Worship Service, 8:15 & 11:00am Sunday School/ABCs, 9:45am Child Dedication Class, 9:45am Coffee with the Elder’s, 9:45am Men’s Basketball, 7:00pm Adult Indoor Soccer, 6:30pm Family Meal, 5:00pm Awana/Youth Group, 6:15pm Sweet Hour of Prayer, 6:30pm MOMents, 9:00am Worship Service, 8:15 & 11:00am Children’s Sunday School, 9:45am Congregational Meeting, 9:45am Children’s Choir, 4:00pm Men’s Basketball, 7:00pm Adult Indoor Soccer, 6:30pm Family Meal, 5:00pm Awana/Youth Group, 6:15pm Sweet Hour of Prayer, 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal, 7:45pm Worship Service, 8:15 & 11:00am Sunday School/ABCs, 9:45am Membership Class, 9:45am Children’s Choir, 4:00pm Orchestra, 4:00pm PrimeTime Fellowship, 11:00am Men’s Basketball, 7:00pm Adult Indoor Soccer, 6:30pm Family Meal, 5:00pm Awana/Youth Group, 6:15pm Sweet Hour of Prayer, 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal, 7:45pm MOMents, 9:00am Worship Service, 8:15 & 11:00am Sunday School/ABCs, 9:45am Membership Class, 9:45am Children’s Choir, 4:00pm Orchestra, 4:00pm Men’s Basketball, 7:00pm Adult Indoor Soccer, 6:30pm

Please see page 4 for additional Youth events. View the full church calendar online at www.bethanycentral.org 3

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDIES A new study begins this month.

Sunday, February 5 at 9:45am You’re invited to join us in the Resource Center near the fireplace to talk to the Elders about any question, concern or prayer request.

Child Dedication 101 Class Sunday, February 5 at 9:45am Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should plan to attend this class which covers what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of resources Bethany offers. The next dedication will be held on Sunday, February 19. Sign up by calling the church office at 692-1755.

Men's Basketball All men college age and up are welcome to play basketball on Monday nights from 7-9pm.

Co-Ed Indoor Adult Soccer RESOLVEDto and the College ministry invite all adults for indoor co-ed soccer on Tuesday nights from 6:30-9:00pm. All abilities welcome. 4

Sermon On the Mount Ten week video study by Jen Wilkin led by Cheryl Buck at church on Thursdays at 6:30pm beginning February 2. Register online at www.bethanycentral.org/ladies

Sundays at 9:45am—Conference Room February 19 & 26, March 5 If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend. Please RSVP to jennifer@bethanycentral.org.

Audio/Visual Team Help behind-the-scenes during the worship services at Bethany!  MediaShout Operator—run slides for worship and

sermons Contact: Dan Pfeiffer, daniel@mediabounds.com  Camera Operator—operate a camera during the worship service  Lighting Operator—run lights during the worship service Contact: Joe Burke, josephsburke@yahoo.com

Music for All Ages! “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises! Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody! With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!” Psalm 98:4-6

Now is a great time to join one of our music ministries! We would enjoy having you worship along side us this semester as we work together to grow our musicianship and worship the Lord with the gifts He has given us.

Adult Choir Any skill level is welcome! We rehearse approximately four times per month and sing in service two times per month. Choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:45-9:00pm. Rehearsals begin on Wednesday, February 15. Contact: Randall Christenberry (randall@christenberry.com 309-634-6089) or Kelli Rummel (pete.kelli.rummel@gmail.com or 309-253-6703)

Orchestra We request musicians to be able to play at a high school level or greater. We rehearse approximately three times per month and play in service one time per month. Orchestra rehearsals are on Sundays from 4:00-5:15pm. Rehearsals begin on Sunday, February 19. Contact: Peter Rummel (pete.kelli.rummel@gmail.com or 574-253-3272)

Hand Bell Choir Interested adults and teenagers are encouraged to apply for open positions in the choir. Now is a great time to join as weekly rehearsals have just begun! There are two hand bell choirs: one rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm and the other rehearses on Fridays from 12:00-1:30pm. Contact: Rod Abel (rodbonabel@comcast.net or 309-253-1618)

Children’s Worship Ministry All children age 4 through 6th Grade are invited to join us for Children’s Choir! (Children who are age 3 may attend if a caregiver attends with them.) We are continuing to expand our holistic approach to include drama, hymns, worship music, theory and vocal technique, Scripture memory, and the arts as we gain a vision of the beauty, joy and glory of God. CWM will meet on Sunday afternoons from 4-5:15pm beginning February 12 through May 21. Contact: Julie Stuber (hellojuliestuber@gmail.com or 309-696-8026) or Kelli Rummel (pete.kelli.rummel@gmail.com or 309-253-6703) Parents are always welcome and encouraged to come learn with their children. We would love to have you worship with us each week!

Joyful Noise Instrumental Ensemble Joyful Noise is a new ensemble for orchestral instrumentalists of any age who have been playing for at least one year, haven’t played in some time, or play regularly and would enjoy being a side-by-side mentor. Rehearsals will be Sunday afternoons, 3:00 – 4:00, beginning February 12. Contact: Deb Peterson (erikdeb@usfamily.net or 309-210-3914) or Elisabeth Hayes (him2day@gmail.com or 850-346-9136) 5

Student Ministries February Calendar 2/1

Sunday, February 12 at 9:45am In the Sanctuary

2/8 2/10 2/15 2/22

Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Sr. High IMPACT Meeting, 8pm Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Sr. High Guys Cook for Girls at BBC @ 6-9pm Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Jr./ Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm

In addition, Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 9:45am. For details, about these events, contact Josh Beakley (josh@bethanycentral.org) or Aaron Boerckel (aaron@bethanycentral.org).

PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, February 20 at 11:00am Senior adults are invited to join us! We will discuss goals and enjoy a soup lunch. To sign up, call the church office at 692-1755.

Ladies, The Table is an opportunity for you to chat, laugh, and learn a name or two of other women at Bethany. Watch for sign-ups in the foyer at church or email thetable@bethanycentral.org to RSVP or ask questions!


Sweet Hour Of Prayer Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm Please join us in the Prayer Room on Wednesday nights for a time of prayer and praise. All are welcome; come and go as needed.

Sending Christmas gifts from the church to our Global Outreach-Partners is one of my favorite things to do as your GO-Pastor. With plenty of layoffs, frozen salaries, and other discouraging news filling the air around us, I had braced myself for the GO-Christmas giving to be down this year, maybe even quite a bit. But, I have been reminded that no matter how unsettling my Steve Hornbrook surroundings, God is in control and He delights in steve@bethanycentral.org doing the improbable and the impossible. Not only that, but He delights in doing the remarkable through us, his flawed servants. I praise the Lord that He provided through you a generously encouraging Christmas gift for our GO-Partners. We were able to send them even more than last year, and I have heard from many of our partners how grateful they are, and how encouraging it is to know that the people of Bethany care about them, pray for them regularly, and give to them generously. Thank you for your part in making this a reality! Through your regular giving to Bethany, we are able to support 42 family units that minister the Gospel of Christ here in Peoria and throughout the world. One of these is Cheri Giese who is a nurse with a seminary degree who ministers as a single in the country of Cóte d’lvoire (African Ivory Coast). Cheri is the director of a hospital, and under the direction of the pastor and elders of her church in Ferkessédougou, she teaches in their local seminary. The following is an excerpt from her September update: The widow gave the key to a young man who wanted to rent a room in her courtyard while seeking his documents for school. He returned with 2 very, scary looking friends. What should she do? She was afraid to tell them they couldn’t stay after having given them the key, so she prayed the whole night. The next morning the men came and asked her if someone was praying. She said there were Muslims in the courtyard who pray at the mosque. The men replied, “No, there must be a Christian praying.” She replied that she was a Christian. Then the men explained that they had come to her town to seek stronger fetishes, but all the fetishes they brought with them now had no power. They asked to leave their things while searching for another place to stay. That evening they returned not having found a place, and asked to spend the night. She agreed and kept on in prayer. The morning after the third night, the men were at her door bright and early. “We are leaving even though we have no place to stay. We have not slept since we came here. A ball of fire keeps chasing us around the room, and all our power is gone.” Fanta is the widow in this story and the lady that God called to lead the widow’s ministry at her church. Since beginning their activities in April, there are now 60 widows in the group. At the first meeting that I attended in May with my colleague, Gnimeni, the widows were crying. They were touched that someone was thinking of them. Now in the monthly meeting that we attend, the women are smiling, dancing, and participating. Several have stated that they don’t cry as much anymore. Because there was too much to pray about, they decided to meet every other Thursday at the church to fast and pray for 8 hours. They have also begun visiting those from the church who are isolated, ill, or in need. Please pray for Fanta and this group of widows as they develop their ministries in the church. This story from Cheri encourages me regarding our partnership in the Gospel with her and others like her. Stories like this can be found in the update slots of the GO-partner wall outside the church office opposite the gym. Please feel free to take a copy, read and pray.

Ginny Smith ginny@bethanycentral.org VBS 2017 Pre-View Brrrr! VBS 2017 will begin with a fun Artic blast in July! Then, an avalanche of excitement will take place as we explore God’s Word—the theme of this VBS. What could be more important than helping our children understand the significance God’s Word should have in their daily lives? We will be learning that the Bible is the very Word from God; it transforms our lives; it gives us wisdom; it tells us how to be saved; and it causes us to rejoice “as one who finds great treasure” (Ps. 119:162).

If you want your child to be challenged to make the Bible his/ her bedrock base for life, be sure to mark July 10-14 on your calendar. If you want to make a difference for eternity in over 500 children’s lives, we invite you to be a part of the 200+ volunteers who make VBS possible. So, don’t pack those mittens, scarves, and snow boots too far away, because you’ll be needing them for VBS 2017—Operation Arctic! Mark your calendar for Bethany’s VBS which will be held July 10-14.

Kids entering Kindergarten through those entering Sixth Grade are invited to join us! (Nursery and pre-school classes will be provided for volunteers.) For more information, contact Ginny Smith at ginny@bethanycentral.org. 7

Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


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