ISSUE 981 l JULY 2013
Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever.
Boy Scouts and the Cultural Tsunami My son Jackson has loved being part of the Boy Scouts for the past four years. He is now a Life Scout and hopes to earn Eagle Scout before the end of the year. The Boy Scouts have been dear to our hearts as it has been an organization that has helped our son learn life and leadership skills along with sound moral character. While Boy Scouts has not been an inherently Christian organization, it has been very friendly to Christianity and to biblical morality. Yet the cultural tsunami of the approval of homosexual behavior is changing that. Those leading this cultural tsunami demand that all groups and all peoples embrace homosexual relationships as morally and socially good. This demands that Scripture be rejected as a reliable guide for a moral life. In May, the Boy Scouts voted to amend their membership policy to allow for openly, self-identified homosexual youth to join the organization. Previously, an open avowal of homosexual orientation would have kept a boy from joining the scouts, as it was perceived as inconsistent with the Scout Oath and the Scout Law to be morally straight and clean in thought, word and deed. To be clear, the Boy Scouts still affirm that no youth should be engaged in sexual activity, heterosexual or homosexual. Yet the
decision that the Boy Scouts made regarding membership reveals a profound change in the organization’s view of the morality of homosexuality. The new policy communicates that homosexuality is not a moral issue at all. In this, they reject the morality of Scripture for the morality of the powerbrokers of culture . Why should believers who are involved in Boy Scouts be concerned? I think four issues demand rethinking one’s commitment to Boy Scouts. 1.
Helping Boys with Same Sex Attraction One’s perspective about same sex attraction is foundational to one’s response to the Boy Scouts decision. The world would have us believe that same sex attraction is a healthy part of a person’s identity to be encouraged in those who are genetically predisposed. The forces of cultural change advise young men with same sex attraction, “Proudly embrace it and at some point in life, express it through homosexual relationship (s).” The world says that anything other than a celebration of homosexual relationships is bigotry. In contrast, the Bible views attraction to any sin as part of our Continued on page 2
Dr. Ritch Boerckel
Senior Pastor
In This Issue: 3
Over the Coffee Cup
Sr. High News Save The Date
July Calendar
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Small Groups
Children’s Ministry
10 Adult Bible Communities
Biblical Counseling Training Open Hearts Open Homes 11 Membership Class
Missions Services Boerckel Reception Women’s Ministries 12 Vacation Bible School
homosexual relationships to be “not straight.” Yet the decision by the scouts fundamentally changes the meaning of the scout oath. The words remain the same, but the definitions given to those words are radically altered. The Boy Scouts decision reveals that they have redefined morality in general and the morality of homosexuality in specific. In so doing, they have rejected the morality defined by God in His Word. Beginning in January, the Scout oath will become an oath for a young man to live according to the moral code of the world in contradiction to the moral code of Scripture. The Boy Scouts have a right as an organization to redefine what “morally straight” means to their members. The members must decide for themselves if they can pledge themselves to the new meaning of this oath.
Love does not encourage surrender to homosexual sin; love communicates the hope of victory over sin through the Gospel.
“Tsunami” continued
Spirit. God provides a way out of the sins that enslave and kill, not a way deeper into them. The world’s counsel is disastrous to young men and young women who are tempted by the specific sin of homosexuality. Love does not encourage surrender to homosexual sin; love communicates the hope of victory over sin through the Gospel. If we truly care about the boys who are experiencing same sex attraction, we will point them to the truth that there is a better option for them than the pursuit of a lifetime of homosexual sin. Such boys need the love of God . . . a love that is full of both grace and truth. The Boy Scouts new policy does not allow for Scout leaders to share the Gospel truth about this specific sin with scouts who are struggling with same sex attraction. A large reason that Christian adults volunteer to serve in Boy Scouts is the opportunity to help young men learn to do their duty to God and country and to mature to become physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. The recent decision by the Boy Scouts ties the hands of scout leaders to help young men who are battling same sex attraction. 2. The Integrity of an Oath
Scouting takes very seriously the Scout Oath which reads: “On my honor I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” Prior to the decision made by the organization, these words in the scout oath reflected biblical morality, a morality that understood
3. The Impossibility of Maintaining the Present Policy
The new decision by the Boy Scouts continues to prohibit practicing homosexual adults from membership and leadership positions within the Scouts. Yet the decision to allow openly homosexual boys to become members abandons the moral basis that makes homosexual adult exclusion reasonable. Once the morality of homosexuality is affirmed, what possible reason might one give to exclude homosexual adults from troop leadership? Homosexual author and activist, Nathaniel Frank, makes this same point, “I asked the Boy Scouts of America repeatedly for an explanation for why it would remove the ban on gay scouts but continue the ban on openly gay adults. But there isn’t one . . . . the Boy Scouts’ policy is a compromise measure— devoid of all principle—that bows to opinion polls, fears, and the yelps of religious conservatives.” Someone suggested that maybe this ban on adult homosexual leadership had to do with the greater threat of molestation that homosexual leaders may pose. But Frank reported that Boy Scouts spokesman Deron Smith absolutely denied this to be a consideration at all. Frank was frustrated that Smith would not give him any rationale for the ban on Continued on page 3
homosexual leaders. Without a moral basis for rejecting homosexual behavior, I cannot see a future in which the present policy does not crumble under the weight of its own contradiction and that adult homosexuals will be embraced as qualified to lead youth for character development. The present policy evades rather than resolves the problem that Boy Scouts faces. And as champion boxer Joe Louis is attributed to say, “You can run, but you cannot hide.” 4. The Potential of Sexual Abuse and/or Spiritual Abuse
One of the joyful aspects of the Boy Scouts is its emphasis on older boys leading the younger boys in nearly every aspect of scouting. Summer camps and weekend overnights are highlights for scouts and opportunities for older scouts to closely interact with younger scouts, teaching them life skills through instruction and relationship. The new policy allows for an openly homosexual 17 year-old boy to sleep in the same tent as a 12 year-old boy. It allows for a 17 year-old boy to talk with a 12 year-old boy about his homosexual orientation and to convince him of the moral goodness of eventually pursuing a homosexual lifestyle. As a father, I would not allow my 12 year-old son to be put in this potentially dangerous position. Yet when my son leaves for summer camp or a wilderness adventure, I cannot see how this scenario can be absolutely avoided. I understand that the Boy Scouts are in a tough position. The cultural tsunami for homosexual approval threatens to wash them into oblivion like it does any person or organization that contends homosexuality is a moral issue. It is not fun to publicly be called a “bigot” or a “hater.” But the Boy Scouts’ purpose has been to help boys become men, men who would make the right decision because it is right, even when pressured toward the wrong. It seems to me that the leadership of the Boy Scouts failed at the point of their strongest value. This is not only a missed opportunity for moral instruction; it is a failure of leaders to stand against immoral pressure and show themselves to be men of moral courage. This article and others can be found posted on "The God-Centered Christian" at:
If you go into a store and buy something and it costs 51¢ and give them $1.00, you should get 49¢ in change. That is one kind of “change,” but I have a different change word in mind. I’m thinking of the change that occurs in a person when they know Jesus Christ as their Savior. One day when I was eight years old I was in a combined Sunday School meeting in my home church in Rockford, Illinois. A young man from our seminary in Chicago was the speaker. He told of a little boy who gave his lunch of fish and bread to Jesus so He could feed 5,000 people. He reminded us that God didn’t want our lunch; He wanted our hearts. I had a heart so I could go forward at the invitation to do so. That day I gave my heart to Jesus. That was 82 years ago! What were the results of giving my heart to Jesus that Sunday? I became a child of the King! I grew in the Lord, and as a teenager I helped to start and establish a Sunday School in Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois. It then developed into a church. Later God led me to a Christian college for two years, and then into three years of medical training to become a nurse with an RN degree. With this background, I was able to share my testimony with many patients. This was a change from God. After marriage in September 1949, many changes occurred. We moved to Ames, Iowa, so my husband, Lowell, could obtain his doctorate in bio-organic chemistry. In 1955, we moved to Peoria where we now live, praise God. God gave us two sons. One (Timothy) is now in heaven with Jesus. His brother (Peter) and wife (Cindy) live in Wheaton with their daughter (Becky). All are serving the Lord in many ways. Our grandson (David) lives in Oregon. Now we are in our 90’s; Char very close, and Lowell, 92. God is so good; we praise Him! You may have some “change” in your pocket, but the best change is in our heart. Do you know Him? TODAY is the Day of Salvation, for the Son of Man came to seek the lost. Luke 19:9. Thank You, Jesus!
Missions Pray for the Ecuador Team Trip Dates: June 28-July 6 Locations in Ecuador: Cumbas Conde and Rancho Alto Background: Our team will be hosted by Cesar and Nancy Cortez, missionaries in Ecuador under HCJB Global. It is a privilege for us to participate in their dynamic ministry, and to encourage great workers for God’s kingdom. The Team: Our team is from all three Bethany Fellowship churches. We have a few Spanish speakers, several musicians, a range of ages, a nurse, moms, dads, students — 17 people who are hardworking and excited to glorify God through our service to Him in Ecuador! Team members: Chris Bryant, Andrea Gillespie, Matt Gillespie, Derah Hohulin, Kirk Hoffman, TR Hoffman, Mike Murphy, Connor Setterlund, Karye Setterlund, Terry Setterlund, Grant Stoecker, Nathan Schellenberg, Gayla Stoecker, Jason Stoecker, Gavin Stoecker, Madison Stoecker and Garrett Stoecker, The team will serve through VBS and as a work team—building a water system in a remote village community near Otavalo and assisting in church building for a poor but growing church in the outskirts of Quito (Rancho Alto). Pray for the Team: - To show the love of Christ to people whom they serve. - To provide encouragement to the missionaries and to get to know their ministry first-hand. - To increase in our gratitude toward God by serving others.
Meet New Missionaries Ben & Jendayi Hamilton Ben and Jendayi (Day) serve at Camp Good News in Washington, IL. Ben is the Ministry Director, whose role is to teach the children about the Good News of Jesus Christ. In addition to this role, Ben helps with recruitment of new campers as well as recruits and trains summer staff. Day helps out at the camp on a volunteer basis and she teaches as well as helps with the training. They attend Bethany Community Church.
Special service: Tuesday, August 27 at 6:30 pm at Bethany Baptist Church in the Sr. High room. Our speaker will be Joseph Mahlaola: Christ’s Seminary graduate, pastor, missionary, and lecturer at the seminary. Joseph is an excellent speaker, and he represents results from our involvement through the Beakley family. Joseph will be speaking about the ministry goals of the seminary from 2 Timothy 2 & 3. Joseph’s wife Welheminah will also be with us. Don’t miss your only chance to hear from this precious family! There will be a social time with refreshments afterward.
Sr. High Youth News
Dan Wilton
July is here and we are so blessed to have Josh and Janea Beakley here and investing in our youth ministry. If you have not yet met the Beakleys, please take time to introduce yourself and welcome them into our church. We have already been so blessed by them! Summer Camp was a wonderful week of teaching, fun, and friendship as the Lord used our pastors to teach us about “Christ and His Church.” July will be a full month of exciting activities. July 3 July 10 July 17
No Youth Group 12-2pm Lunch at Sommer Park No Youth Group 5-8:30pm Worldview Training at PCS 8:15-9:30pm Open Basketball at church
July 18 July 24 July 25 July 31
9am-12pm Rock Island Trail Bike Ride 6:15pm Youth Group 8:15-9:30pm Open Basketball Sr. High Six Flags Great America 6:15pm Youth Group 8:15-9:30pm Open Basketball
Please be looking for more information about these events through our weekly youth email. We are excited to be opening the gym following Youth Group on July 17, 24 and 31 for Open Basketball. We are praying many will want to stay, play ball, and grow in Christian friendship as we get up and down the court. Thanks for reading and praying for our group as we trust the Lord through these exciting summer months of transition.
Save The Date Taste of Bethany
& Church Picnic
Sunday, August 18 Watch your bulletin and next month’s Broadcaster for additional details.
A Community Christmas ‘13 Kickoff Saturday, August 24, 9:00—11:30am The Bethany Fellowship of Churches will again be joining together to present "A Community Christmas" (ACC) on December 6-8, 2013. If you are interested in singing in the ACC choir or playing in the orchestra, join us for this preview of the music. Hear all the music for Christmas and catch the vision for this year’s Christmas worship and outreach event. Contact Pastor Fred for additional details
August 16-17
Singles Ministry Event
Campers—novice to experienced—are invited. Bring your own food (cooking fire available) to this no charge event on the southeast side of “Lake Bethany” where you can look forward to the following activities: Christian Fellowship Compass Reading Course Volleyball Outdoor Movie at Dusk
Astronomy Fishing, Fish Cleaning Demo Campfire Sing-a-long Fire starting ... and more!
Watch your Sunday worship bulletin and the August Broadcaster for sign-up information and additional details. Contact Pastor Lyall for additional information at
July 2013 Sun
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00 & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies
5 Office Closed
6 1:00-3:30pm Pre-Wedding Reception for Alexander Boerckel & Kiera Hulsey
Happy Independence Day!
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School
9:00am Vacation Bible School
9:00am Vacation Bible School
9:00am Vacation Bible School
9:00am Vacation Bible School
9:00am Vacation Bible School
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
12:00pm Youth Lunch at the Park 6:15pm GriefShare
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Parent/Child Dedication Class
1:00pm Jr. High Pool Party at Hudson’s
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00 & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 6:00pm Hats of Hope Work Night
6:15pm Youth Group GriefShare 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal 8:15pm Youth Open Gym Basketball
9:00am Youth Bike Ride
7:00pm Women Helping Women Work Night Men’s Basketball
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00 & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies
6:15pm Youth Group GriefShare 8:15pm Youth Open Gym Basketball
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00 & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies
6:15pm Youth Group GriefShare 8:15pm Youth Open Gym Basketball
20 8:00—11:00am Membership Class
27 10:00am Ana Huerta Bridal Shower
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -
Alice Greener Myranda Huerta Jordan Sanderson Silas Streitmatter Edward Taiwo Ethan Theobald Daniel Carr Donnie Crew Ben Hobbs Titus Kern Davis Larson Beth Fitch Gavin Hale Nash Kieser Phil Read Jason Raw Dusti Smith Zach & Marjorie Carter John Schellenberg Gary & Cindy Lawson Mike & Carrie Sherman Riley Strawn Lesa Stevenor Tom Weed Steve Siri USA! Collin Christenberry Teresa Forsberg Lon Grebner Selah Huang Terry Krikke Nikki Nielsen Andrew Schellenberg Craig Shepherd Marie Yergler Nicole Zielinski Samantha Blair Susan Lovell Jill Schroeder Steven Sharkey Alok & Sarah Puri Bob & Karen Wilton Jessica Shepherd Mark Sturhahn Amber Taylor Venita Webb Dennis Zimmerman Myles Zimmerman David & Carol Barnes Ethan Akerber Dan Hoyt Trenton Rumba Zach Sanderson Kim French Lynette Eisenmann Bill & Jeanette Akright Kirstyn Ellis Shelli Hoerr William Hoerr Timothy Morgan Adam Rosenberger Andrew & Kristen Fouts Doug & Nancy Rabenhorst Riley & Mallory Strawn
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -
Barb Berger Karen Britten Clay Coulter Alexandra Evans Mary Faw Adam Marx Isabella Sage Anna Sceggel Linda Schellenberg Greg Stout Lily Zimmerman Katherine Inman Harry Johnson Austin Nixon Dave & Becky Fuelberth Jake & Andi Meister Adison Fisher Robert Hall Keith Harvey Jake Martin Jason & Erin Church Glenn & Courtney Jablon Dave Beakley Randi Campbell Meghan Hart Gary Stoller Kevin Gustafson Marla Laugherty Jason Padiak Tucker Teubel Jordan & Mallory Menold Harry & Diane Johnson Stephanie Catey Kyle & Janelle Walton Matt Corbett Laurie Crossett Joel Doty Michael Gallagher Julie Hoerr Terry Quick Stephanie Riney Jeffery Fischer Naseera Jorden Rebekah Lindahl Ed & Kim Grimaldi Brooks & Sheila Shanklin Ron & Shirley Sniff Susan Emerson Allison Park David & Joni Rumbold Jason & Sarah Barley Madison Borop Eric & Genae Andris Brice & Julie Teubel Daren & Marie Yergler Ryan Clark Lori Cochran Lucas Cross Timothy McClelland Kathy Spuler Kent & Lona Hudson Hayden Button Michelle Mason Nora Menold Forrest Schopp
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -
Joe Shanklin Kelly Walenta Steve Weers Ben & Sarah Dobra Dan & Anna Heinz Ron & Donna Jost Dave & Julie Koch Alan & Elaine Ferguson JoEllen Borden Jan Rogers Ron Warfield Dave & Connie Hoerr Jaden Hake Jackie Shaw Noah Showalter Mark Traeger Harrison Waller Steve & Elise Haroldson Kenneth & Marli Meiss Tim Lee Peggy Robinson Rachel Boyd McCabe Coulter Griffin Hougham Taylor Stef Seth Tarrant Steve & Kirsten McRaven Steve & Linda Bohde Colby Carter Sarah Kelly Jane Miller Priscilla Morgan Stan Stratton Erin Wilmoth Nathan & Lindsey Button Don & Jean Davis Joe & Janis Hapke Jennell Dietz Pam Ferree Elsie Traenkenschuh Jeffery & Tracy Fischer Andrew & Lindsay Musselman Nancy Dunham Hudson Elsasser Emma Herman Dee Patroff Chase Siebenborn Icy Taylor Joe & Mare Lou Hott Steve & Connie Schultz Alyssa Benway Amy Colwell Laura Mathes John Moon Adric Schonert Mike Sherman Craig & Laura Janssen Mikey Billhymer Molly Joos Georgie Kastelic Sarah Vance Janelle Walton Tim & Angie Delaney Dave & Carol Beakley
Pastor Kevin Sauder
Are you moving from Superficial to Vulnerable? I’ve been encouraged recently to think about what obstacles presently exist in my relationships with others. What are some of the barriers to genuine biblical friendship that I need God’s help to overcome? What obstacles must I overcome if my relationships are going to move from being just superficial to powerfully vulnerable? (1 John 1:7) Hopelessly horizontal. First, I need God’s help in moving my relationships vertical. Focusing more on God and what He is doing in and through (and many times, in spite of) us, than what is just going on around us. I need to be reminded often of God’s perspective from His Word that brings hope, refreshment, and joy into my present relationships. A horizontal relationship only focuses on the here and now. But a vertical relationship goes much deeper – and helps my friend and me pursue worship, faith, and obedience in the midst of our here and now. Can you think of how you might be able to turn your conversations “vertical” this week? Asking a friend what God is teaching them lately? Or how God’s Word has brought hope and help to them during a difficult time? Oddly optional. Second, godly relationships require intentionality and commitment. This is true in our church family as much as it is in our child-parent relationships and marriages. If we are going to grow in loving one another, we must overcome the obstacle of treating each other as a convenient elective. We prioritize relationship with one other because we have a God who is relational. And our love for one another is the foundation of our witness to the world (John 13:34-35). So to quote a helpful book title, relationships are indeed a mess worth making! How is God calling you to strengthen your commitment to personal relationships with others? How is God calling you to initiate or give back, rather than just receive? Are you pursing time with your friends outside of regularly scheduled meeting times? Stagnantly superficial. Third, biblical friendship is dynamic and deep. Over time God intends our relationships with one another to move into highly discrete but honestly exposing communication. Real, true fellowship. Heart-felt intercession. Open confession and repentance. Our great salvation in Jesus has united us into His body, and we now “have the same care for one another” (1 Cor. 12:24-26). The blood of Jesus frees us to move beyond the superficial together. So are you pursuing faithful and honest accountability from people who are safe and compassionate towards you? Do your prayer requests move beyond physical needs into your spiritual requests? How might God be calling you to more vulnerably share your own life, or help bear someone else’s burdens this week? These are convicting thoughts for all of us, aren’t they? But let’s take courage church – our Heavenly Father is walking with us and encouraging us along this path for our joy! He desires to move each one of us from the place of superficial Martha to vulnerable Mary at the feet of Jesus. May God encourage and strengthen us together in our love and devotion to each other.
Small Group Leaders! More information will be coming soon on upcoming leadership training! The above thoughts were taken from a leader training resource called Uncommon Community: Biblical Soul Care in Small Groups. I’m looking forward to sharing some of what I’ve been learning from this resource as we start talking more about how to shepherd your group through the above obstacles, and much more in the coming weeks! Please continue praying that God will raise up more leaders to partner with us in this ministry. All interested leaders are encouraged to email to learn more!
Children’s Ministry
Wendy Kirkpatrick
Our Sunday School year is winding down. Promotion Sunday will be August 25. Thank you to all of our faithful teachers that have served this year! Our July lessons cover Daniel 5 and 6, and Ezra 1-10. The Gospel Project has been a great addition to our Children’s Church hour. The children are learning how each lesson in the Bible ultimately points to Christ. In July, the children will start learning from 1 Samuel. The unit Christ Connection is: God provided the first kings to rule His people Israel; Christ, the final King, rules over all people as Savior. Through David’s family, God sent Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Don’t forget about the Gospel Project app for Apple devices. It has games, music, videos, and ideas to help parents expand what the children are learning in Children’s Church. July lessons from Sunday School and Children’s Church: 07/07 07/14 07/21 07/28
Sunday School Daniel 5 God Judges Belshazzar for his Pride Daniel 6 God Delivers Daniel From the Lion’s Den Ezra 1-6 God Moves the Jews to Restore Worship Ezra 7-10 God Reveals His Goodness to the Jews
Children’s Church I Samuel 8-10 Israel Demanded a King 1 Samuel 13:1-14; 14:18-48; 15:1-35 God Rejected Saul as King I Samuel 16-17 David Was Anointed and Fought Goliath I Samuel 18:1-12; 19:1-10; 20:1-42 David & Jonathan Become Friends
VBS Join us as we visit Kingdom Chronicles, Standing Strong in the Battle for Truth, Vacation Bible School, July 8 – 12 from 9:00 to 11:30. This will be an action-packed week that will teach children all about putting on the Armor of God. We still have openings for table leaders, table helpers, kitchen, recreation, and nursery. All children and volunteers can sign up at We highly recommend for all students to pre-register. This will cut down on your wait time the first day of VBS.
Parent/Child Dedication Class Sunday, July 14 at 9:45am Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should plan to attend this class in the Conference Room. We will cover what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of resources Bethany offers. The next dedication will be held on July 28. To sign up for the class, call the church office at 692-1755.
Planting Seeds of Faith Did you know that Barna Research reports that two out of every three Christians accept Christ before their 18th birthday? Bethany Baptist has been entrusted with many children that we have a responsibility to reach for Christ. Just like the farmer who is eager to plant seeds at the right time to ensure a healthy, mature crop, we need children’s workers who are eager to help parents plant seeds of faith into our children’s lives. Will you prayerfully consider joining our children’s ministry team? We have openings in nursery, Sunday School, Special Needs, and Children’s Church. Please contact Wendy for more information.
Adult Bible Communities (ABC)
Trent Gerig
When Mary and I got married back in 2003, we were excited to be a part of the new Foundations ABC. The class was started for couples like us who were recently married, and we were all eager to learn more about this marriage union we had just entered into. We were taught many deep theological truths and given practical applications to help grow our faith and marriage. Being a part of Foundations also enabled us to develop biblical friendships with others who were in the same stage of life as us. In fact, the other couples in our class quickly became our closest friends. Now, ten years and many kids later, the demographics of our class have changed. Many of us now have children and are busy figuring out a new journey – parenting. While we would all agree that parenting is hard work, we have seen two distinct blessings God has given us for this journey. First, He has given us His Word, the Bible, which has all the instruction we need in order to parent our children. And second, He has given us sisters and brothers in Christ who can come alongside us for instruction and encouragement. Being part of an ABC encompasses both of these blessings as we strive to focus on teaching God’s Word each week and also to develop friendships within the class. If you are not currently part of an ABC, you are missing out on the blessing of being part of a community that will instruct, encourage, and pray for you each week and I would encourage you to consider joining one of them. This summer, I will be starting a new series called “Visionary Parenting” in Foundations. If you are interested in learning more about God’s design for parenting, please join our community.
Biblical Counseling Training Conference February 9–14, 2014 It is time to mark your calendars for the Biblical Counseling Training Conference. February 9 – 14, 2014 is approaching. The conference is being held at Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, IN. The theme of the conference is “Equipping you for Christ-Centered Counseling.” You might rightly ask why you should attend? This week is a life-changing week. You will be encouraged in your own personal walk with Jesus. This week is a ministry-changing week. Many have commented that this conference initiated a change in how they do all their ministries. This week is designed just for you. The conference instructors were chosen for you. There are six training tracks to help you where you are. Do not miss out on this great opportunity to be challenged, equipped and renewed. Details of the conference can be found online at or by contacting Melody Lewis in the church office at (309)692-1755 or
Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry is hosting the OHOH Family Picnic. This is a great time of getting to know other families that are fostering or adopting or have an interest in orphan care! Bring your family, a dish to share, and some lawn chairs/blankets and join us! Date: Saturday, August 3, 2013 Time: 4:30pm. Place: Bethany Community Farmhouse, 27265 Dutch Lane, Washington, IL Mark your calendars! A Passion for the Fatherless Orphan Care Conference on October 11–12, 2013 at Bethany Baptist Church. Any questions: Contact Amy Park at or 251-7250.
Check out the ministry blog at:
Mission Services
Discovering Church Membership Class Saturday, July 20 from 8-11am If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend this class. Sign up online at or call the church office at 692-1755.
Did you know Bethany hosts services at our local missions each month? On our scheduled days, volunteers from our church preach, lead singing, and play the piano. You are invited to attend these services. Your presence is an encouragement to the residents of the mission and to our teams who serve. Services in July: Peoria Rescue Mission (601 SW Adams) South Side Mission (1127 S. Laramie)
July 15 at 7:30pm July 18 at 7:30pm July 21 at 6:00pm
For more information, contact Jon Baumann by email at or by phone at 303-5656.
You’re Invited The church family is invited to a pre-wedding reception for Alexander Boerckel and Kiera Hulsey on Saturday, July 6 at Bethany Baptist Church from 1:003:30pm. Due to the small amount of space at the reception venue after the wedding, Pastor Ritch & Kimberly would like to invite you to this pre-wedding reception to give you an opportunity to meet Alexander and Kiera and rejoice with them.
Women Helping Women
Ana is engaged to Michael Gonzales. They will be married in August. Registered at: Bergner’s, Menards, and Bed, Bath & Beyond
July 15 at 7pm in Room 815 Contact: Nicole Pepper Phone: 683-1181
Hats of Hope
Work Nights
July 16 at 6pm in Room 815 Contact: Holly Miller Phone: 648-1693
Women’s Ministry Bus Trip October 25-26 to Springfield, Illinois
Package Options: Bus, Event Ticket, Hotel (2/room) $175 each Bus, Event Ticket, Hotel (4/room) $139 each Event Ticket, Hotel (2/room) $142 each Event Ticket, Hotel (4/room) $106 each Event Ticket only $69 Register online today:
Seating is limited. For additional details, contact Kelly at
Women’s Ministries
Ana Huerta Bridal Shower Saturday, July 27 at 10am
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
Return Service Requested
Vacation Bible School July 9-13 9:00-11:30am Mount your trusty steed and ride off into The Kingdom Chronicles! Open to kids entering Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. Avoid the chaos! Register online in advance at