Do I Need Spiritual Revival in My Life? Nothing is more necessary to our joy than a spiritual revival in our own hearts. So much joyful fruit is born in our lives when God sends the fresh wind of revival to our souls. How do I know if I need a spiritual revival in my heart? As I prayed about this question, God brought to my mind ten symptoms of the need for spiritual revival: 1. I know that I need spiritual revival if I have not forgiven someone who has hurt me. 2. I know that I need spiritual revival if I am not pursuing deep, loving relationships with my brothers and sisters in my church family. 3. I know that I need spiritual revival if some specific sin continues to beset my life. 4. I know that I need spiritual revival if I am timid in my witness for Christ to my unsaved family and friends. 5. I know that I need spiritual revival if the cares of this life burden my soul and rob me of my joy. 6. I know that I need spiritual revival if I worry about the future and grumble about the present. 7. I know that I need spiritual revival if I treasure the riches of this world more than the glory of God. 8. I know that I need spiritual revival if fellowship with God does not excite me and is often neglected.
Dr. Ritch Boerckel
9. I know that I need spiritual revival if I do not think very often about the return of Jesus. 10. I know that I need spiritual revival if I think more about what I want to do than what God wants me to do. This list of symptoms is not exhaustive, but I have found it a helpful place to start. When our hearts are not revived we multiply our sorrows and subtract from our joy. What treasure is ours through spiritual revival! When God revives us, our hearts grow big with love for one another in the community of God’s family. When God revives us, others’ sins are forgiven and reconciliation of broken relationships becomes the norm. When God revives us, we acquire holy boldness and fruitfulness in our witness to our unsaved friends and family. When God revives us, we are released from soul-enslaving sins that drown us in guilt and shame. When God revives us, broken relationships in our families begin to heal as forgiveness, kindness and tenderheartedness take root in us. When God revives us, we discover that investing our time and talents in spiritual ministry is never a loss but always a treasured gain. When God revives us, we enjoy our fellowship with Him. When God revives us, we yearn with a singleminded passion the longing to know Him and love Him more and more. Friend, wouldn’t you love the fresh wind of a spiritual revival Continued on page 2.
Spiritual Revival cont’d from page 1 to refresh your life? One of the reasons that I am so excited about our new series in Romans on Sunday mornings is the potential this precious letter holds to bring spiritual revival to our hearts. The good news of Romans is that spiritual revival is within reach of each one of us. How might we find spiritual revival for ourselves? Some seek revival by attending a contemplative weekend retreat. Some seek revival through fasting and spiritual disciplines. Some seek revival through energetic praise music. Some seek revival through a short-term missions trips. Some seek revival through a series of prayer meetings. As potentially helpful as these may be, these instruments are not central to spiritual revival.
Central to spiritual revival is the thorough understanding and the faithful application of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The epistle of Romans opens the Gospel to us in the purest way. This book unveils the profound truth that God’s life-giving grace is available to all as we place our faith in Jesus and His finished work! One commentator writes, “It is probable that every great spiritual revival in the church of Jesus Christ is connected . . . with a deeper understanding of this book.” (Frederic Godet) God has used this letter throughout church history to bring salvation and revival to so many. Perhaps God will be gracious and give us revival too! Will you pray with me as we study Romans that God would give us a spiritual revival in our hearts?
Saturdays at 6:00pm All are invited. Childcare provided through age 3.
Please note: There will be no Saturday Night Service on July 4.
Thankful for Bethany’s Small Groups!
Pastor Kevin Sauder
We are now preparing for our upcoming Small Group term (Sept 2015-Apr 2016)! Sign-ups start in August, so it’s not too early to pray about how God is leading you and your loved ones to actively participate in this discipleship ministry for your future joy! Why Should You Join a Small Group? Faith – Small groups provide opportunities for spiritual conversations and study of God’s Word for the building up of another’s faith. Hope – Small groups are communities where gospel understanding and application is advanced in every member’s heart. Love – Small groups build stronger relationships where each can carry one another’s burdens and pray for one another in an informed and trusted way. Seeking leaders. If you love how God’s Spirit works to mutually strengthen everyone’s faith in small groups, please contact the church office at 692-1755 to learn more about helping lead a small group this year! It’s our joy to prayerfully equip you for this joyful ministry!
Children’s Ministry Ginny Smith—
Fireworks! Cascades of flickering, multi-colored lights and deafening booms fill the night sky. Oooh’s and ahhhh’s are heard throughout the crowd, as they are filled with a sense of awe. Fireworks capture our sense of majesty and wonder. This happens because we were created to be captivated by this. You see, God is all of this and more; and we were created to have our hearts be enthralled by The Majestic One. This July, if your family chooses to attend the fireworks, use it as a time to discuss the beauty and splendor of our God who is mightier and more majestic than the fireworks display. Take time to review some of God’s attributes and revel at their display in creation. Ask your children questions like: How does God being all-powerful make a difference in your life today? Use every moment to be a teaching moment. Deuteronomy 6: 7 instructs parents to, “. . . teach them *the words of the Lord+ diligently to your children, and . . . talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise . . .”—and when you attend the fireworks!
Thursday Night Bible Study
Pray for the Czech Republic Team This team will be serving July 30 through August 10 at a camp for missionary kids. The music, skits, Bible lessons, games and other activities this team provides will bless the missionary families who send their children to this camp.
The RESOLVEDto Singles Thursday Night Bible Study is starting a new study series. Join Rodney & Katie Harms and the RESOLVEDto group at the Harms’ home (3318 S. Hilton Lane, Bartonville) as we go through the growth group curriculum. This study material was created by Grace Bible Church in Houston, Texas. One of the main sections in the growth group curriculum is called Foundations in Faith, in which we will go through several foundational beliefs of the Christian faith including the redemptive narrative, Biblical worldview, systematic and Biblical theology. The study meets weekly on Thursday evenings. Dinner is at 6:30pm and the study begins at 7:30pm. Please contact Rodney Harms ( with any questions.
Mark Your Calendar for These Events Coming in August:
Christmas Choir Kickoff Saturday, August 22 at 9am
Watch your bulletin for additional details.
Interested in being a part of the BFC Christmas Choir/Orchestra this December? Come check out the music!
SummerFest Events are for Jr. & Sr. High Students July 8: 6:15—9:00pm Chosen in Christ, Pastor Ritch America Night—Dress Patriotic At The Christenberry’s—1202 W. Hicks Hollow, Edelstein Last names A-G bring: chips, potato salad, or pasta salad July 22: 6:15—9:00pm Regeneration in Christ, Traever Guingrich Luau Night—Dress to get wet At The Smith’s—708 E. Mossville Road, Peoria Last names H-N bring: fruit July 29: 6:15—9:00pm Justified in Christ, Ty Kieser Wild West Night—Dress for the country At The Unsicker’s Barn—7214 Grange Hall Road, Dunlap Last names O-Z bring: salty snack If weather conditions are poor, we will meet at Bethany Baptist. Three additional SummerFest events are scheduled in August. Mark your calendar for August 5, 12, and 19.
Plus these additional youth events during July:
July 11: Jr. High Pool Party, 1pm July 12: Sr. High to Sharon Pines July 13-17: Serve at VBS July 15: Youth Lunch, 12pm July 24: Youth Bike Ride, 9am For information on SummerFest or any of these events, please contact Josh or Aaron.
Vacation Bible School July 13-17 9:00-11:45am Kids Kindergarten through Sixth Grade are invited! (Registrations based on grade entering in the fall.) Avoid the walk-in lines! Register online at Online registration closes July 8.
First Prayer Wednesday, July 8 at 6:30pm Join us for this special time of prayer.
VBS Volunteer Training Session Wednesday, July 8 at 6pm in Room 210 All volunteers should attend this VBS training session if you did not attend the session in June.
Discovering Church Membership Saturday, July 11, 8-11am
Adult Soccer July 14 & 28, 6-9pm
If you are interested in joining the church or learning more about Bethany, plan to attend this class. Call the church office at 692-1755 to sign up.
All adults are invited for outdoor, co-ed soccer. Players of all abilities are welcome!
Child Dedication Class Sunday, July 12 at 9:45am Parents interested in child dedication should plan to attend this class which covers what child dedication is as well as basic parenting principles and an overview of resources Bethany offers. Call the office at 692-1755 to sign up.
Women’s Ministry Work Nights: Women Helping Women Monday, July 20 from 7-9pm Hats of Hope Tuesday, July 21 from 6-9pm
Farewell Reception for the Sauder Family Sunday, July 12 at 9:45am in the Café
Express your appreciation for Pastor Kevin, Jody, Abby & Andrew on their final Sunday at Bethany before they begin their new ministry at New Castle Bible Church in Mackinaw. (ABCs will still meet.)
RightNow Media Multiplies Bethany’s Online Resources
We are so thankful that everyone at Bethany now has unlimited access to over 10,000 discipleship and Bible-study videos through our new online video library called RightNow Media. It's essentially the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" because you have instant access to thousands of great videos for kids, youth, parents, married couples and more. You can view these videos from your phone, tablet or computer. And you can also view them in a group setting through a TV or projector. Three ways that RightNow Media can serve you and the people you disciple this summer: 1. Connect Your Family to Hundreds of Biblically-based Kids Episodes Summertime usually means that children are watching more TV… so make the content meaningful! Grandparents, parents, aunts/ uncles, babysitters—make note of these exceptional discipleship resources for children. You can even use the kids episodes on car trips and vacations. Visit the RightNow Media Kids Library at 2. Keep Engaged in Bible Study If your Small Group or Bible study is taking a break this summer, then you can use the studies in RightNow Media to personally spend time in the Bible. Maybe your neighborhood or workplace would love to go through a weekly study. There are lots of topics to choose from in our Bible Study Library at Library/1 3. Prepare for Upcoming Fall Ministries with Online Training Videos If you are preparing to help in small group ministry, youth ministry, global outreach, men’s ministry or women’s ministry… then there are training videos waiting to help you become more effective in Christ-like ministry this coming year. You can do these training sessions anytime you have a few free minutes at home, work or vacation. Find the right training course for you at All of the videos are FREE for everyone to use and our license grants permission for you to share this service with your family and friends, even those outside of Bethany. It’s easy to let other people see all the content in your RightNow Media account. Just enter email addresses for any of your loved ones at this address
The Broadcaster
July 2015 issue of
7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
The Broadcaster