Finding a Healthy Church Home Dr. Ritch Boerckel
Senior Pastor
GriefShare PrimeTime Fellowship Youth Events RESOLVEDto
Global Outreach June Mission Services
From the Elders Proclaiming and Preparing
June Calendar
June/July Birthdays and Anniversaries
The Gospel Institute Job Opportunity Open Hearts Open Homes
Women’s Ministries
10 Children’s Ministry 11 The Value of Life 12 MusiCamp 2014 VBS
“My son/daughter is moving to a new city. Do you know of any good churches in their area where they will be living?” I love this question because it assumes that one of the most important parts of “settling in” to a new community is committing oneself to a local church. The New Testament teaches that deep commitment to the local church through active involvement in the ministry of the local church is essential to our life purpose and our future joy. Obedient believers commit themselves to the life and ministry of a local church. Yet we know from Revelation chapters 2 and 3 that not all churches are equal in pleasing God. There are healthy churches and there are unhealthy churches. Our ability to glorify God will be closely connected to
the health of the church we have chosen to make our home. There are few decisions that impact our present life here on earth and future life in heaven more than the decision we make regarding our church home. So how can we discern between a healthy church and an unhealthy church as we are making this serious decision? Three Big Principles for Finding a Healthy Church Principle #1: Be wary of the persuasive power of superficial criteria. Sadly, many choose a church home on the basis of superficial criteria such as music, atmosphere, culture, facilities, refreshments, location, and demographics. These are not completely unimportant, but they are secondary to other considerations. These measures need to stand in their proper Continued on page 2
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place. When we purchase a car, we are tempted to be drawn in by the paint, the lines, the leather seats, the moon roof and the keyless entry. These cool features capture our hearts. But they are worthless if the engine is a dud. Set the most important features of a church as a first priority. Principle #2: The leaders of a healthy church possess Gospel clarity, especially clarity on the “offensive” truths of the Gospel. Many churches teach and proclaim the “soft” truths of the Gospel. These soft truths reveal God’s love, forgiveness, mercy, heaven, hope, and joy. They are wonderfully glorious truths! But the glory of the soft truths is diminished if the “offensive” truths of the Gospel are not taught with equal clarity. A half of a Gospel is no Gospel at all. The true Gospel offends the hearts and minds of unrepentant rebels. I urge you to listen for the following doctrines: the depravity of man, the reality of an eternal hell, the substitutionary atonement of Jesus, the deity of Christ, the need for repentance, the exclusiveness of Jesus as God’s only Mediator, the sinfulness of all sin (especially the sins that our culture loves such as fornication and homosexuality), the sovereignty of God over evil, the sovereignty of God in our salvation and the necessity of Gospel proclamation. These are the doctrines that rub the rebel’s soul wrong. If a church is silent on these doctrines, they are unfaithful to God’s Gospel and not worthy of Him. A lack of clarity regarding the Gospel betrays a lack of church health. Principle #3: A healthy church devotes itself to the scriptures all throughout the life of the church, especially in the preaching and teaching ministry of the church. The Bible is God’s very word. It is authoritative, sufficient and effective. The first description we have of the early church in Acts 2 is that it was “devoted to the apostle’s doctrine.” It is not enough for a church to nod at the authority of the Bible and fail to make it central. I believe that “expositional” preaching honors the authority of the Word best. This is the kind of preaching in which the pastor opens a passage of Scripture and explains it in context so that the hearers discover
for themselves that the message flows from the Bible. This kind of teaching encourages the hearers to study the Bible for themselves. Most preaching today is "topical." The teacher chooses a topic and jumps around in the Bible from verse to verse. The main problem with this type of preaching is that a pastor can easily read his own ideas into the text of the Scripture. God’s Word should not be used as a jumping point from which to launch a message, God’s Word should BE the message. One practical way to determine if this is being done is to observe whether others bring a Bible with them to church or whether you find yourself needing a Bible as you listen to a sermon or lesson. Certainly there are other God-centered considerations when seeking a home church: a passion for the lost, a commitment to world missions, a deep love for one anther, a strategy for discipleship, a unified leadership team, a zeal for God in worship and a commitment to moral purity. But these three principles are the ones that I believe are most overlooked. The reader may be asking, “But where do I begin in my search for such a church?” I believe the best place to begin a search is by asking trusted friends, pastors, or relatives for suggestions. When there are no personal recommendations, I have found it helpful to look at the websites of a few select God-centered ministries for reference. These ministries align with the emphasis upon God’s glory in the teaching of His Word and the proclamation of His Gospel. The websites point to churches in various areas throughout the country that are in agreement with this God-centered commitment. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
GriefShare There will be no GriefShare for the summer months. If anyone needs encouragement or wants to talk about their grief, please contact the church office or call Marilynn Perry at 579-2408. We would be happy to meet with you. There are groups in the Peoria area that are meeting over the summer, you can find them at
Friday Night LinC The next LinC is Friday, June 20 at 7:15pm at the Christian Center. The speaker this month is Pastor Art Georges, Senior Pastor at Living Hope Community Church. Mark your calendars for our next LinC event on July 18!
Prime Time Fellowship Saturday, June 28 at 11:00am
The Living Stones ABC class invites those age 55 and up to join us for a Good Old Summertime Luncheon and Gospel Hymn Sing. The luncheon will take place in the Senior High room. Everything will be provided. All you have to bring is you! We are looking forward to a great time of fellowship! To sign up, call the church office at 692-1755.
Youth Events In June Jr. & Sr. High Mt. Hawley Bowl & Castle Golf, 6:15-8:00pm June 8-13: Summer Camp June 15: Grade 6-12 Sunday School Promotion June 18: Summer Camp Celebration and Sixth-12th Grade Promotion, 6:15pm June 21: Family Movie at church, Courageous—A Revival for Dad and the family, 9am-Noon June 25: Youth Group, 6:15pm Open gym basketball, 8:15pm June 27: Sr. High Ultimate Frisbee, 2:00pm Jr. High Lock-In, 10pm
RESOLVEDto Social—Save the Date! Join the RESOLVEDto group on Tuesday, July 1 at ROC Ice Cream and Mini Golf! Meet at 7:00pm at ROC (220 Farmdale Road, East Peoria, IL). For questions or to sign up, contact Susan Weldon (309-370-0304 or
RESOLVEDto Thursday Night Bible Study The RESOLVEDto Thursday Night Bible Study just started a new study! Join Rodney & Katie Harms and the RESOLVEDto group at the Harms’ home (3318 S. Hilton Lane, Bartonville) as they look at 1, 2, & 3 John. The study meets weekly on Thursday evenings. Dinner is at 6:30pm and the study begins at 7:30pm. Contact Rodney Harms ( or Jaclyn Lewis (872-205-0147) with any questions.
June 4:
Adult Soccer RESOLVEDto and the College ministry invite all adults for outdoor co-ed soccer. Players of all abilities are encouraged to come play! Join us June 3 and June 17 from 6-9pm.
Our RESOLVEDto Singles ministry seeks to compel our members to become resolved to ...
For details, about these events, contact Josh Beakley ( or Aaron Boerckel (
Before His ascension, Jesus taught His disciples regarding a mystery: the coming of the church age. While there was much in the Old Testament that alluded to this, His disciples and the nation of Israel as did not understand what was to come – it was indeed a mystery. Recorded for us in the Gospels and the book of Acts are five passages that define the Great Commission, which was Jesus’ teaching about the method of birth and growth of His Church to His disciples, those with Him at the time and those to come over the next 2000 years. In these 5 passages (John 20:21, Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 24:44-49 and Acts 1:8), Jesus revealed progressively His plan for the Church to include people from all nations that His disciples would reach by leaving Jerusalem and traveling progressively farther away until the whole world was reached. He also told them that when the job was finished, He would return for His Church. The job is not finished yet because He has not yet returned for His Bride. The Great Commission charges us with making disciples in the city where we are, in the surrounding regions, and also to the ends of the earth. We accomplish this through our Global Outreach ministry, sending out our own workers and supporting others that are sent out by churches outside the BFC. We strategically focus on significant parts of the world that are presently the least reached with the Gospel.
China is the most populous country of the world with 20% of the total worldwide population in 2010. While the Church is growing quickly there, and there are already a large number of believers, they are still less than 2% of the total population. However, only 2% of the Bethany GO-work force is working in China. India is the second most populous country with 18% of the total in 2010. India’s population is also growing at a much faster pace than China’s, and will overtake it in the next 10 years. Believers makeup about 2% of India’s population as well, but Christianity is stronger in the south and much weaker in the north. Bethany has not supported any GO-workers in India, so we are strategically looking for a good partnership in that country. About 23% of the worldwide population is Muslim, and that religion is growing faster than Christianity. This is also a strategic focus for growth in our global outreach ministry. We presently have around 10% or our GOworkforce engaging with this cultural group.
These three segments of society are largely unreached. We will continue to strategically focus new resources in those directions, concentrating on church planting and supporting roles that make church planting more effective. Here at home there has been some confusion regarding how our church contributes to Great Commission work around the world. Out of every dollar received by the church, a portion goes to support Global Outreach. We also send out short-term teams, often to partner with our full-time GO-Partners. These teams raise financial and prayer support by sending out letters, and the GOBudget also contributes towards team financial support. Designated giving toward missions at the church is accumulated to help fund shortterm teams. Your support is crucial; thank you for your partnership!
Mission Services Encourage the residents of the Peoria Rescue Mission by attending a service led by Bethany volunteers. Bethany Mission Services in June: Peoria Rescue Mission (601 SW Adams, Peoria) June 1 and 19 at 7:30pm If you are interested in joining the team of Bethany volunteers who participate in these services, please contact Jon Baumann at
From the Elders ... I want to thank each of you who attended our annual meeting on April 27 during the ABC hour. While “business meetings” may sound mundane and boring, ours at Bethany have always been Spirit-filled and enthusiastic in my experience. How awesome to praise God for the abundant blessings He has given us through His people! How grateful we are that our budget is balanced, and that our building debt continues to decrease far ahead of schedule so that we may be debt free in as little as 4–5 more years! How exciting to review reports of so many vibrant ministries in our church family. (Believe me, it is well worth your time to read through the entire Annual Report then pray in thanksgiving over what God is doing through His people at Bethany!) In addition to passing our 2014/2015 budget and electing officers, our favorable vote on capital expenditures will allow for a new storage/ministry facility to be constructed this year on the south side of our parking lot for even greater compassion ministry ahead. God has blessed us to be part of Bethany Baptist Church. What a joy to pause each year to reflect upon what He has done and what He will yet do in our midst until His return! As I return to serving as Elder Chair, I want to emphasize the elders’ desire for healthy, freeflowing communication within our family. You may have noticed we provided an abundance of opportunities for Q&A on the new bylaw proposal for elder restructuring that is now before you for a future vote. We continue to solicit your feedback on this and any other matter upon which you have questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact me ( or 657-2414), Pastor Ritch, or any of our elders, deacons and staff listed on your weekly bulletin to offer your thoughts or questions throughout the year. Know that we earnestly pray for you as well. Contact the office at 309-692-1755 any time you desire a group of elders/ pastors to pray over you for specific concerns of your heart (James 5:13-16). I plan to use this monthly column to feature specific ministries of our church to keep everyone “in the loop.” We join you in rejoicing in our salvation through Jesus Christ, the true Head of His Church. May God bless you all, Chris Larson, Elder Chair
Proclaiming and Preparing by Jerry Sanderson
Everything we do at here at Bethany should fit into one of two areas: proclaiming and preparing. Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing his people to worship him forever. Therefore, we evaluate our ministries in terms of how each ministry is helping us to proclaim and prepare. Proclaiming and preparing can look like preaching, teaching or evangelism, or deep, Godfocused relationships. All of these glorify God by making the church a place of community and love that is unified around our mission and vision. Ultimately, as we all go through life with its ups and downs and disappointments and discouragements, being in community with other believers to encourage, care, love, and remind each other through God’s Word of His character grows us as we live life in the church. As Pastors and Elders we are encouraged when we see people invest time and energy in learning about God’s Word and His church through ministries such as The Gospel Institute. We love to see people praying for one another in the halls, serving others in ministry, counseling each other with God’s Word. We love seeing the church being the church. In essence, we are all called to be disciples and to grow in our walk with Christ and to be disciple-makers as we help others grow in their walk with Christ. Our call as Pastors and Elders is to preach and teach God’s Word and to equip people to grow in Christ so they can then help others grow in Christ, to protect the flock from false teaching, and to lovingly shepherd people toward Christ. We all need to be reminded of the glorious Gospel of Christ every day so that our minds continue to be renewed and we realize more and more our need for complete dependence and trust in Jesus. (I don’t think this paragraph is necessary.) As you survey the various ministries represented in the Broadcaster think about how your connection with any of them might help you grow as a disciple of Christ, either by participating and learning or by serving others so that we as a church family can increasingly proclaim and prepare for the glory of God.
June 2014 Sun
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class 4:00pm Teen Choir
6:00-8:15pm MusiCamp
6:00-8:15pm MusiCamp
6:00-8:15pm MusiCamp
6:00-8:15pm MusiCamp
10:30am Handbells
10:00am Michelle Pinkney Bridal Shower
6:00-8:15pm MusiCamp
6:00-9:00pm Adult Outdoor Soccer
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services ————————————–—Youth Summer Camp —————————————— 9:45am Sunday School 10:30am Membership Class Handbells 6:00pm “iAM” Children’s Musical
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class
7:00pm Women Helping Women Work Night
6:00-9:00pm Hats of Hope Work Night 6:00-9:00pm Adult Outdoor Soccer
6:15pm Youth & Parent Summer Camp Celebration and Promotion
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 12:30pm Newcomer’s Lunch
29 8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am ABC Leader Meeting
6:15pm Youth Group
21 9:00am—Noon Youth Movie “Courageous” - A Revival for Dad and the Family
28 11:00am Prime Time Fellowship
June Birthdays/Anniversaries 9 - Tara Hamm, Michael Powers, 1 - Kris Anderson, Jonathon Hamm, Patricia Jones, Julie Stuber, Noah Theobald, Erick/Christa Dawalt, Morris/Venita Webb, Chris/Val Wichael 2 - Owen Button, Evan Jacobson, Jeff Jensen, Kari Rabenhorst, Madison Stoecker, Jim/Carol Ausfahl 3 - Dirk Arends, Dana Hake, LaVerne Kane 4 - Kevin Stufflebeam 5 - Michael Jolliff, Violet Lied, Craig Parr 6 - Donna Anderson, Gabe Cross, Paula Lutrell, Autumn Raw, Jonathan Stef, Garrett Stoecker, Dwight/Jenny Grant, Jeff/Cheryl Jensen, Kevin/Jody Sauder, Dennis/Mary Beth Zimmerman 7 - Lael Boerckel, Kevin Hart, Lauren Hougham, Amy Morgan, Mary Schellenberg, Micah Shepherd 8 - Elisa Jensen, Kensi Kirkpatrick, Greg McClelland, Gary/Marilyn Hutton, David/Julie Philyaw 9 - Nathanael Anderson, Jeff Brush, Hadley Dornon, Alyssa Hamm,
4 5
6 7
15 16
8 - Ethan Akerberg, Kim French, Mercy Herman, Dan Hoyt, Lynette Eisenmann, Andrew - Alice Greener, Myranda Huerta, Jarrett, Trenton Rumba, Silas Streitmatter, Maniyah Bill/Jeanette Akright Swope, Ethan Theobald 9 - Kirstyn Ellis, Shelli Hoerr, - Daniel Carr, Ben Hobbs, Titus William Hoerr, Timothy Morgan, Kern, Olivia Sass, Edward Taiwo, Andrew/Kristen Fouts, Marna Tate Tim/Kristin Hoyt, Doug/Nancy - Beth Fitch, Nash Kieser, Phil Rabenhorst, Riley/Mallory Read, Jason Raw, John Strawn Schellenberg, Dusti Smith, 10 - Micah Bramlet, Karen Britten, Mike/Carrie Sherman Alexandra Evans, Adam Marx, - Steve Siri, Riley Strawn, Lesa Isabella Sage, Ariana Sceggel, Stevenor, Tom Weed Linda Schellenberg, Greg Stout, Lily Zimmerman - Collin Christenberry, Teresa Forsberg, Lon Grebner, Selah 11 - Greg Corder, Katherine Inman, Huang, Terry Krikke, Nikki Harry Johnson, Dave/Becky Nielsen, Amber Piercy, Fuelberth, Jake/Andi Meister Andrew Schellenberg, Craig 12 - Adison Fisher, Robert Hall, Shepherd, Nicole Zielinski Keith Harvey, Jason/Erin - Sam Blair, Susan Lovell, Church, Glenn/Courtney Jablon Jill Schroeder, Bob/Karen Wilton 13 - Dave Beakley, Randi Campbell - Jessica Shepherd, Mark Sturhahn, 14 - Marissa Funk, Kevin Gustafson, Amber Taylor, Venita Webb, Marla Laugherty, Jason Padiak, David/Carol Barnes, Dennis Tucker Teubel, Harry/Diane Zimmerman, Myles Zimmerman Johnson 15 - Stephanie Catey, Kyle/Janelle Walton
July Birthdays/Anniversaries 1
Lucy Queen, Ben Schick, Ted/Lisa Lueken - Renee Corder, Craig Habeger, Emily Kull, Janna Laugherty, Rachel Smith, Chuck/Becky Faw, Nelson/Pat Jones - Dallas Graham, Brandon Hale, Amanda Masters, John Patroff, Brian Phillips, Steve Queen, Bob/Markie Castle - Bonnie Abel, Logan Green, Henry Jensen, Brent Kieser, Micah/Jessica Boerckel, Ryan/Sara Deets - Anna Bennett, Cheryl Daum, Trace Dornon, Wes/Linda Springer - Micah Boerckel, Andrew Colwell, Abigail Freckleton, Nancy Glaue, Rachel Honegger Mark/Stephanie Rumbold - Andrew Jenkins, Emily Reinholtz, Rosie Siebenthal - Jana Albaugh, Luke Fischer, Levi Herron, Kylie Kirkpatrick, Diane Mason, Sophia Rudolph, Mary Sauder, Atticus Taylor, Dan/Jana Albaugh, Caleb/ Chelsea Davison, Steven/Shelley Riney
17 - Cherie Hoerr, Emilie Hubbert, Teri Lynch, Amber Penick, Kyle Walton, Rick/BJ Gibbons 18 - Anyha Byerly, Brad Dunham, Taylor Hougham, Sitaara Jorden, Alexa Schroeder, Justin Smith, Nehemiah Witte, Jared/Amy Plattner, Dale/Carol Smith, Jerry/Hazel Sullins, Dan/Karen Waibel 19 - Alivia Bryant, Angie Delaney, Samuel Jacobs, Nathan/Marie Lindahl 20 - Greg Catey, Jesse Schroeder Peter/Meredith Petrany, Tim/Michele Wilson 21 - Don Haupt, JJ Miller, Joshua Rosete, Holly Zimmerman Jack/Sharon Nelson, Marvin/Sara Streitmatter 22 - Hudson Burke, Katie Christenberry, Diane Johnson, Judah Padiak, Jaime Tollefson Greg/Kelley Stout 23 - Heath Coburn, Michelle Gerdes, Caleb Siebenthal, Kelley Stout, Owen Whitney Barry/Becca Anderson, Terry/Nadyne Clark, Dan/ Summer Hoyt, Tom/Crystal Joos, Andy/Molly Schiller
24 - Jack Lied, Andrew Musselman, Ashlee Nelson, Sophie Shaffer, Annabelle Zhen Sam/Karen Britten, Carlos/Jessica Gonzales, Craig/Nicole Habeger, John/Wendy Kirkpatrick, Gaylord/Cheryl Scherer 25 - Maudie Barbour, Jerry Davison, Joy Unseth, Tom Wilkinson 26 - Beth Bonk, Patti Falatko, Madisyn Fischer, Anna Nofsinger Pedro Orozco, Marv Sauder, Eli Stretimatter, Samuel Streitmatter, Reece Teubel, Steve/Barb Hartwig, Mark/Frieda Schellenberg 27 - Grant Burton, John Eisenmann, Liz Lonergan, Nicole Stahl 28 - Isaac Barngrover, Jaclyn Doty, Joyce Dremann, Dawn Hintz, John Kirkpatrick, Whitney Rumbold, Micah Schrepfer Roger/Donna Anderson, Troy/Stacy Carroll, Merrill/Carol Parsons, Jason/Autumn Raw, Jerry/Karen Sanderson, Richard/Grace Sturhahn, Bruce/Linda Wyckoff 29 - Angel Langley, Kirsten Smith, Brooke Tolson 30 - Devon Dailey, Mariah Good, Melissa Miller, Winston Schopp, Sheila Sutton, Ed/Nancy Glaue, Richard/Sandy Simmons
16 - Heidi Brockland, Laurie Crossett, Joel Doty, Drea Gallagher, Julie Hoerr, Terry Quick, Olivia Stufflebeam 17 - Jeffery Fischer, Naseera Jorden, Rebekah Lindahl, Ed/Kim Grimaldi, Brooks/Sheila Shanklin, Ron/Shirley Sniff 18 - Rick Miars, Allison Park, Zoe Raw, David/Joni Rumbold, Jason/Sarah Barley 19 - Madison Borop, Eric/Genae Andris, Brice/Julie Teubel 20 - Lori Cochran, Lucas Cross, Timothy McClelland, Alison Meuth, Kathy Spuler, Kent/Lona Hudson 21 - Hayden Button, Cody Jordan, Michelle Mason, Forrest Schopp, Joe Shanklin, Kelly Walenta, Steve Weers, Ben/Sarah Dobra, Dan/Anna Heinz, Ron/Donna Jost, Dave/Julie Koch 22 - JoEllen Borden, Maclain Hougham, Jan Rogers, Dave/Connie Hoerr 23 - Jaden Hake, Miriam Link, Jackie Shaw, Noah Showalter, Harrison Waller, Steve/Elise Haroldson, Ken/Marli Meiss
24 - Tim Lee, Peggy Robinson 25 - Rachel Boyd, Griffin Hougham, Taylor Stef, Seth Tarrant, Steve/Kirsten McRaven 26 - Sarah Kelly, Jane Miller, Priscilla Morgan, Stan Stratton, Erin Wilmoth, Nate/Lindsey Button, Joe/Janis Hapke 27 - Jennell Dietz, Pam Ferree, Elsie Traenkenschuh 28 - Lynn Benway, Jeff/Tracy Fischer, Andrew/Lindsey Musselman, Steve/Melinda Siri 29 - Brady Brian, Nancy Dunham, Hudson Elsasser, Emma Herman, Dee Patroff, Chase Siebenborn, Icy Taylor, Jonathan/Andrea Hamm, Steve/Connie Schultz 30 - Alyssa Benway, Amy Colwell, John Moon, Mike Sherman, Craig/Laura Janssen 31 - Mikey Billhymer, Molly Joos, Sophia Smith, Sarah Vance, Janelle Walton, Tim/Angie Delaney, Dave/Carol Beakley
It’s not too late to sign up to take a class this summer at The Gospel Institute! Choose from: Contrasting Religions and Foundational Thinking: Worldviews that Shape our Walk and Witness taught by Tom Schlich and Traever Guingrich. This course will provide students with a basic contrast between Christianity and other major world religions. With the essential elements of the Gospel as the baseline, each student will be equipped to understand key differences between other religious beliefs and learn to compassionately engage those who hold them. This course will introduce students to the study of apologetics. Students will learn both presuppositional and evidential methods for defending the truth of the Gospel. Students will consider practical applications of foundational thinking in the areas of ethics, counseling, and evangelism. As the primary goal of this class, students will grow a deeper love for God that inspires greater love for others and fuller engagement with those who currently do not embrace the truth of the Gospel. A Legacy of Faith: An Introduction to Church History taught by Dr. Daniel Bennett and Dave Robinson. This course provides an overview of church history. It covers major periods and events in the history of the church, such as: the apostolic church and church fathers, the “middle ages,” the rise of humanism, the European and English reformations, and the modern and postmodern church. Upon completion of the course, students should have a deeper understanding of their faith and a sense of their connection with the saints who have gone before them. They should be aware of both the dangers the contemporary church faces and the opportunities God has placed before her. For time, location, cost information, registration, and more, visit
Job Opportunity We are looking for friendly, welcoming people to fill a part-time opening (totaling 15-20 hours/week) for an After-hours Host at our Heinz Lane campus. Position requires excellence in hospitality, welcome, and service; the ability to lead others well in the case of an emergency; and proficiency in evangelism, discipleship, and prayer. Responsibilities will include, but not be limited to, assisting and providing information to building guests, light clean-up, locking and alarming the building, and organizing ministry areas. Due to the after-hours nature of this position, we may share this position among multiple employees who are willing to work a minimum of four hour blocks. Those interested in this position should be a member of Bethany Baptist Church, or pursuing membership. Pay is $9/hr. For more information or to request an application, contact Jan Mosier at or (309) 692-1755.
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Open Hearts Open Homes “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” James 5:16
Recently the Open Hearts Open by Amy Park Homes Ministry team met to continue to develop the ministry in a way that honors the Lord and assists the church in caring for orphans. During that meeting we agreed on four main steps that the ministry desires to cover. Pre-placement ministry to families Post-Placement ministry to families Equipping the church Equipping other churches Stay tuned as we fine-tune these areas and add to what we are already doing in each. Watch the calendar as this fall we plan on hosting an informational meeting to help those interested understand the ministry of Open Hearts, Open Homes and how individuals and families can be involved. Check out the blog at:
Women’s Ministries Bridal Shower for Michelle Pinkney
Saturday, June 7 at 10am Michelle is engaged to Trent Moberly. They are registered at Kohl’s, Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Summer Ladies Bible Studies
Wedding Shower for Caitlin Eckhart Saturday, June 21 at 1pm Kaitlin and Jacob were married May 2. They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Work Nights In June Women Helping Women Monday, June 16 at 7pm Women Helping Women serves those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, early infant death, and infertility. On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact: Nicole Pepper at 683-1181 “For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.” Isaiah 49:13b
Hats of Hope Tuesday, June 17 at 6pm Work nights provide an opportunity to meet cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply to cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller at 648-1693 or “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-4
The book of Colossians Jody Sauder & Kayla Phillips We will meet on six Saturdays, from 8-10am at the home of Kayla Phillips. The dates are June 7, June 21, June 28, July 12, July 26, and August 9. Each study will include prayer, discussion of the previous week’s study, instruction on how to teach the passage to others, and discussion on how to use the passage in a counseling or discipleship relationship.
Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted Kelly Walenta. What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! In this 7-session video Bible study, Priscilla redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city. This seven-week class will meet at the home of Kelly Walenta from 9:30-11:00am on Thursdays from June 12-July 31 (no class July 17 during VBS). “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Visit for additional details or to sign up.
Children’s Ministry Wendy Kirkpatrick June Sunday School (SS) and Children’s Church (CC) Lessons 6-1
SS: Acts 10:1-11:18 The Gentiles Receive the Gospel CC: Nehemiah 1-2 Nehemiah Heard News of Jerusalem
SS: Acts 12:1-24 God Frees Peter from Prison CC: Nehemiah 3:1-6:16 Jerusalem's Walls Rebuilt
SS: Acts 15:1-35 The Gentiles are Saved by Faith CC: Nehemiah 8:1-12 Ezra Read the Law
SS: Acts 16:16-40 The Philippian Jailer is Saved CC: Malachi 1-4 Malachi the Prophet
SS: Acts 17:16-34 Paul Preaches the Gospel in Athens CC: Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38 Genealogy of Christ
VBS We are actively seeking special agent volunteers to help with VBS this summer. Adults can sign up as table leaders. Youth who just completed 6th grade through high school can sign up as table helpers. We also need helpers for nursery, recreation, snacks, music, decorating and more. Sign up at to help or contact Special Agent Cadets who are entering Kindergarten through those entering 6th grade can sign up for Agency D3 at Nursery and preschool is provided for worker’s children. Be sure to invite neighbors and friends! We can’t wait to see what God is going to do as we Discover, Decide and Defend the Truth found in Scripture!
Save the date! June 2-6 Music Camp 6:00 to 8:15pm July 14-18 – VBS 9:00 to 11:45am August 8-9 – Bethany Family Campout
Children’s Church Change The Pastors and Elders are prayerfully evaluating our Children's Church Ministry. Won't you join us in prayer regarding how best to organize this ministry to our children? During the prayerful time of evaluation and in order to provide the best care to our children with the volunteer staff we have, we are offering Children's Church for 3-year-olds through kindergarten only during the summer, starting Sunday, June 8. Children's Church for older grades may resume in the future as the Lord provides the necessary staffing. If you would like to help with this ministry opportunity, please contact
Opportunities to Serve Would you like to help teach in children’s ministries? We have opportunities available in Sunday School, Children’s Church, and Nursery. Contact to hear about how you can share the Gospel at Bethany!
Promotion Sunday All students 6th grade and older in our youth ministries will promote up to their new grades on Sunday, June 15. All younger grades will promote on Sunday, August 24.
The Value of Life
Pastor Kevin Sauder
Recent accidents among our church family have reminded us all of the value of life. When it comes right down to it, our concern for the things of this world is far less than our care for one another. The life of a loved one is far more precious to us than money or possessions. Every friend rejoices when diseases are cured and sicknesses are healed in their loved one. Every parent celebrates seeing their child full of life—whether it’s at their birth or at other milestones along the path of life. We celebrate life. We thank God for life. We rejoice in life. Life is so valuable that we’re quick to surrender our money and possessions when we can preserve life. And whenever a loved one dies, we grieve over the death that sin has brought into our world. Life is valuable, for all life is created by our good God. But how much do we value eternal life? Do we value the forever life that Jesus has granted to us more than the things of this world? Is fullness of life with Jesus more important to us than our money, our possessions, our relationships, or even our physical life here on earth? “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (John 12:24–25) Eternal life is all gain for those who believe in Jesus. Eternal life is knowing Jesus Christ forever and ever (John 17:3). It never ends. It never fades. It never loses its joy and its value. Eternal life with Christ is more valuable than anything else! That’s why I want to encourage you to plan to share Christ with others this summer! (1) Prayerfully focus on one or two friends who need Jesus. (2) Pray for them regularly by name. (3) Invite them to share their life story with you, and take opportunities to share your life story with them. (4) Ask them to join you in a Bible Overview this summer. (5) Invite them to join you in a worship service, or ABC class, or small group. (6) Seek opportunities to share Christ’s love with them in word and in action. (7) Generously use your money and possessions to build relationships with your friend/s, trusting that God will give you an opportunity to testify of the Gospel of the grace of God: “I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24) Our adult discipleship ministries exist to strengthen you as you share Christ with your friends! We are here to partner with you in your summer ministry! Talk with us to learn more about how each of the following ministries can help you share eternal life with someone else this summer:
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
MusiCamp 2014
VBS 2014 Is Coming July 14-18!
iAM – the real life APP for all that June 2-6 from 6:00–8:15pm All kids who have finished kindergarten through sixth grade are invited! We will work on the musical “iAM” scheduled for Sunday, June 8 at 6:00pm. Cost is $10 per child (includes t-shirt and one family CD).
9:00-11:45am Kids who are going into kindergarten to those entering sixth grade are invited to collect all the evidence, discover the truth of the Gospel, decide to believe it, and then defend that decision.
Sign up online at Contact Dawn Hintz for more information or to volunteer to help at
Avoid the walk-in lines! Register in advance at Online registration closes July 10.