Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him now and forever.
The Broadcaster Why do we ordain lay elders? The Lord continues to call, qualify and equip more men to shepherd our local church at BBC! For this, we thank Him!! One of the greatest blessings that God grants to a church is the blessing of elders and deacons who love Him and love the church. On Sunday night, July 16th, we have scheduled our second “Summer Celebration” where we will rejoice in the ordination of new elders and deacons as well as rejoice in baptisms at our lake. Ordaining men to the ministry of an elder or a deacon is a sweet blessing to the individual and to the whole church in that it celebrates God’s grace in that person’s life and God’s provision for His church. We encourage all to rejoice in the Lord’s kindness to us on July 16th. We have chosen the word “ordination” to refer to the church’s confirmation of God’s calling and preparation of men to the ministry of a biblical elder and
Dr. Ritch Boerckel
deacon. We realize that this confuses some since that word “ordination” has been used primarily for the confirmation of full-time, vocational pastors to the ministry of pastoring a church. For many this term is used only for those entering professional ministry. But we believe that this word rightly references the public confirmation of our lay elders and deacons to ministry in the local church as well. When we use this word, we simply mean by it that the church is publicly affirming that God has called and qualified a man to a leadership ministry in the church. We believe in the priesthood of all believers so we do not imply by using this term that the deacons and elders are being given special “priestly” status in the body of Christ. The New Testament does not teach that only ordained clergy possess the authority to preach, baptize, lead the Lord’s Supper, officiate at funerals or weddings or Continued on page 2.
In This Issue Page 3 Biblical Counseling Page 4 June Bridal Showers Youth Summer Calendar Coffee with the Elders PrimeTime Fellowship Child Dedication Class Collingsworth Concert The King’s Brass Concert Page 5 Children’s Ministry Page 6 Women’s Ministry Work Nights Membership Class July Bridal Showers Men’s Breakfast Summer Celebration Page 7 Women’s Ministries Page 8 Vacation Bible School
Continued from page 1.
pray public prayers. When we use this term “ordination” we are simply communicating that the church is affirming what God has already accomplished, namely that the individual is called and qualified to carry out the ministry of elder or deacon in the church.
with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed” (Acts 14:23, ESV). Note that the appointment of the elders helped the church know who was empowered and responsible to shepherd the members.
Here are three reasons we believe the word “ordination” fits the confirmation of lay elders:
• Paul intended for his practice of ordination of elders to continue in other local churches as well. After Titus received his ordination by the church (cf. 2 Corinthians 8:19), Paul instructs Titus, “This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you” (Titus 1:5, ESV). Notice that ordaining a plurality of elders in each church was part of putting the ministry of the church in order and helping the church to avoid chaos.
1. God gives the lay elders and the paid elders in the local church the same ministry. The lay elders and the church staff elders are not different in kind, but are the same in their function. While the New Testament supports the idea that some elders would receive a living wage from their work in the church (cf. 1 Corinthians 9:7, 14; 1 Timothy 5:17-19; Galatians 6:6), the idea of a separation between lay elders and paid elders is not present in the New Testament. The work of a paid elder likely is different in degree (i.e. number of hours, depth of academic preparation), but it is not different in kind. The terms “elder,” “pastor” and “overseer” are all interchangeable in the New Testament and these refer to one and the same official leadership position in the church. It may seem odd to the modern churchgoer to think of lay elders as holding the same leadership position in the church as the paid pastor, but this is the clear teaching of Scripture. For this reason the same term “ordination” should be used in the confirmation of the call of both the vocational elder and the lay elder. 2. The New Testament describes ceremonies in which men were publicly recognized as called and qualified by God to be deacons and elders in the local church. At these ceremonies, there is often a public laying on of hands and prayer to set the individual apart for this specific work. • In Acts 6, the local church publicly recognized seven qualified men to serve the church by ministering food to Hellenistic widows in the church. These men were confirmed to this work through a formal ceremony in which the leaders laid their hands upon them and prayed over them as they began their ministry. “These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them” (Acts 6:6, ESV). Many consider Acts 6 to be the beginning place of the office of a deacon in the local church. • Paul regularly ordained elders for the churches that he started. For instance in Galatia, Luke records, “And when they (Paul and Barnabas) had appointed elders for them in every church, 2
• Timothy was ordained into his ministry as an elder in the church. This ordination was significant to him and to the church. Paul urged Timothy to think back upon his ordination and to be faithful to its purpose: “Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you” (1 Timothy 4:14, ESV). Notice here that the council of elders is a recognized group indicating that each member was formally identified into this group by a public ordination. 3. God warns against ordaining an elder too hastily to his ministry. This implies that all elders are ordained when they enter their ministry in the local church. Paul urges Timothy, “Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure” (1 Timothy 5:22, ESV). The clear implication is that each elder would begin his ministry as an elder through a public laying on of hands ceremony. We cannot emphasize enough that men do not call other men to ministry. God is the One who calls and qualifies men with character and gifts for ministry in the church (cf. Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:11). In public ordination, the members of the church simply affirm what God has already done. Ordination is not a popularity contest, but a prayerful pursuit of discerning God’s grace in an individual and a church’s life. It is good and proper for the existing leadership to lay hands upon the new elders and deacons as representatives of the Holy Spirit and the church in confirming a person to this ministry. How good God is to give His church such precious blessings! Will you pray for your elders and deacons today?
June Bridal Showers Ladies, join us to celebrate with these brides-to-be:
June 4-9: Summer Camp
Katie Christenberry
June 28: SummerFest Luau Night at YMCA, 6:15pm
Saturday, June 3, at 10am in the Café Katie and her fiancé, Kyler Bell, are registered at Kohl’s, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target. Lisa Haberkamp Saturday, June 10, at 3pm in the Café Lisa and her fiancé, Zach Kroehler, are registered at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
July 5: SummerFest America Night, 6:15pm
Youth Summer Calendar
July 12: Summer Lunch at BBC, 12pm July 19: SummerFest Survivor Night, 6:15pm July 26: SummerFest Splash Bash, 6:15pm July 28-29: Transition Retreat (for grads) For details, about these events, contact Josh Beakley ( or Aaron Boerckel (
Sunday, June 4 @ 9:45am You’re invited to come and talk to the elders about any question, concern or prayer request. Of course, this is not the only time elders are available, you are welcome to reach out to an elder any time, but this regularly scheduled time is designed to make it as easy as possible to meet on a Sunday.
Midwest Food Bank Benefit Concert June 22 @ 7pm at Bethany Baptist
PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, June 19 at 11am All seniors are invited to join us for a delicious lunch and a sweet time of fellowship! Pastor Lyall will be sharing about his sabbatical. To sign up, call the church office at 692-1755.
Class TIM ZIMMERMAN & THE KING’S BRASS June 29 @ 7pm at Bethany Baptist
June 25 @ 9:45am Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should plan to attend this class in the Conference Room. We will cover what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of Bethany resources. The next Parent/Child Dedication will be held on Sunday, July 9.
Women’s Ministry Work Nights Hats of Hope Saturday, June 3 from 9 to 11am in Room 815 Use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller at 648-1693. Women Helping Women Monday, June 26 and July 24 10:30am to 12:30pm in Room 815 Join us as we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact Nicole Pepper at 683-1181.
Saturday, July 8 from 8 to 11am If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend this class. Please RSVP to
July Bridal Showers Ladies, join us to celebrate with these brides-to-be: Tiffany Mason Saturday, July 29, at 10am in the Café Tiffany and her fiancé, Justin Smith, are registered at Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn. Katie Eckhart
Saturday, July 29, at 2pm in the Café Katie is engaged to Colin Christenberry. They are registered at Target and Kohl’s.
Men, join us for a delicious breakfast, great fellowship and a continuation of the Growing In God series with a message on Re-rooting.
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