Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever.
Friends, let us love one another
Dr. Ritch Boerckel
In This Issue Page 3 March Calendar Highlights
The first two lines of an article on the subject of Christian maturity jarred me to full attention. Pete Scazzero opened his piece by asking two questions, “Why do so many Christians make lousy human beings? Why are so many of us judgmental, unaware and defensive?” ( Those questions seemed a bit overly harsh, yet I could not completely reject the premise behind the inquiry. With sadness, I had to agree that many of us are indeed “judgmental, unaware and defensive.” Too many gentle-souled believers have been emotionally bowled over by self-willed brothers and sisters in Christ who believe themselves completely righteous in the breach of love. Of all the problems found within the body of Christ, this is the one that I most wish we could eradicate from our experience as a people. It is one that grieves God’s heart and withers the flower of joy in the church. It hinders the world from seeing the beauty of Christ and hampers God’s people from enjoying the kingdom of Christ. The fragrant aroma of Christ in Continued on page 2.
Page 4 Sweet Hour of Prayer Student Ministries Calendar Men’s Basketball Adult Co-ed Indoor Soccer New Ladies Bible Study RightNow Media Page 5 BEST Boomer Lunch PrimeTime Fellowship Hymn Sing & Fellowship Women Helping Women His Princess Retreat Page 6 Children’s Ministry Page 7 Global Outreach Page 8 ENGAGE
Continued from page 1.
our community becomes tainted with a putrid odor when believers do not love one another. As I pondered Scazzero’s questions, I realized my need to actively place them under the power of the Gospel. These questions will slay my joy and wilt my spirit if left to my natural self. Thankfully, God has given us the filter of His Good News to push all of our thoughts and attitudes through when we are discouraged about anything. Hope and joy abounds in every circumstance when we set our hearts upon Christ. Where hope and joy are not present in my heart, I am not seeing Jesus very clearly. Three Gospel actions came to mind for me to apply when I get disheartened about the breach of love that often plagues Christian homes and churches. I pray these Gospel actions will strengthen you when you observe judgmentalism, defensiveness, and lack of awareness in God’s new community. Action #1: Examine my own heart for the same sin that I see in others. We know that we are off center of the Gospel when our eyes are focused upon other’s sins with little reflection upon our own offense. Irony drips when I think to myself, “That person is so judgmental!” When I grieve the lousy behavior of others, it is necessary for me to wait upon the Lord asking, “Holy Spirit, will you show me any wicked thing that has invaded my spirit? Will you reveal ways that I too am self-centered, selfwilled, self-concerned and self-glorying? Where might this sin that I see in my brother reside in my own heart?” We cannot take the speck out of our
brother’s eye if we have a log in our own. Yet we are naturally blind to our own sin. We need God’s Spirit to soften our hearts and open our ears to listen to His correction and rebuke. The Gospel would first have us grieve over our own sin and then rejoice over God’s great forgiveness of us in Christ. I know that I too often assume that the sins I see in others are not present in my own heart. Yet I am wrong to believe this. Action #2: Fix my heart upon Christ Jesus. Jesus must be my lens through which I look at the brokenness of my own heart and the brokenness in the church. If Jesus is not my fixed focus, I will respond to hurts and discouragements in dozens of fleshly ways . . . none of them are helpful or joyful. But when Jesus is working in my heart, His kingdom reigns in me. His kingdom is characterized by righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (cf. Romans 14:17). Where these kingdom qualities are not residing, Jesus is not reigning. We find ourselves in a mess when we set ourselves to solving the problem of our own hearts or of other’s hearts. Only Christ can transform a heart and we can trust Him to accomplish His work. So the Gospel reminds me not to despair when believers behave badly, but instead to turn my attention to our Rescuer and Savior. He is able to save. Action #3: Endure other’s sins with patience. God has wired me to be a problem solver. This is both healthy and unhealthy. This trait is healthy because it keeps me from being satisfied with things that ought not to be. Apathy in the face of injustice is
“Thankfully, God has given us the filter of His Good News to push all of our thoughts and attitudes through when we are discouraged about anything.” 2
March Calendar Highlights
Continued from page 2.
not a godly thing. But this trait is unhealthy because it tempts me toward impatience with people. Yet love is patient. I cannot be impatient with a person and love them at the same time. God’s sovereign design for us when we rub against brothers and sisters who are prickly and prideful is that we learn to love others as Jesus loves us. How can I learn to love like Jesus loves if God never sends me people who are hard to love? Jesus loved me while I was yet a sinner and an enemy. He would have me acquire the joy that comes from loving like He does. His love for me endures my constant failings. Yet He never withdraws from me in frustration. He never turns from me in disgust. He never shuts me out from relationship in resentment. Instead, He turns towards me in gentleness. He draws near to me in forgiveness. He perseveres with me in love. God calls me to pursue my joy in Him by learning to love others like He loves me. These three actions do not come naturally to me when I see a brother acting so poorly toward another. My flesh gives me many reasons why it is just for me to be hardened and resistant toward a fellow believer who is behaving badly. But the Gospel of Jesus offers me a better option. Jerome, the early church father related that when the apostle John was in his extreme old age, he was so weak that he had to be carried into the church meetings. At the end of the meeting he would be helped to his feet to give a word of exhortation to the church. Invariably, he would repeat, “Little children, let us love one another.” The disciples began to grow weary of the same words every time, and they finally asked him why he always said the same thing over and over. He replied, “Because it is the Lord’s commandment, and if this only is done, it is enough” (cited by John Stott, The Epistles of John [Eerdmans], p. 49).
Mar. 1
Family Meal, 5:00pm Awana/Youth Group, 6:15pm Sweet Hour of Prayer, 6:30pm Mar. 5 Worship Service, 8:15 & 11:00am Sunday School/ABCs, 9:45am BEST Boomers Lunch, 12:30pm Joyful Noise Ensemble, 3:00pm Children’s Choir, 4:00pm Mar. 6 Men’s Basketball, 7:00pm Mar. 7 Adult Indoor Soccer, 6:30pm Mar. 8 Family Meal, 5:00pm Awana/Youth Group, 6:15pm Sweet Hour of Prayer, 6:30pm Mar. 10 MOMents Tea, 9:00am Mar. 12 Worship Service, 8:15 & 11:00am Sunday School/ABCs, 9:45am Joyful Noise Ensemble, 3:00pm Children’s Choir, 4:00pm Mar. 13 Men’s Basketball, 7:00pm Mar. 14 Adult Indoor Soccer, 6:30pm Mar. 15 Family Meal, 5:00pm Awana, 6:15pm ENGAGE, 6:15pm Sweet Hour of Prayer, 6:30pm Mar. 19 Worship Service, 8:15 & 11:00am Sunday School/ABCs, 9:45am Joyful Noise Ensemble, 3:00pm Children’s Choir, 4:00pm Mar. 20 PrimeTime Fellowship, 11:00am Men’s Basketball, 7:00pm OHOH Ladies’ Focused Fellowship, 7pm Mar. 21 Adult Indoor Soccer, 6:30pm Mar. 22 NO Family Meal, Awana, Youth Group, or Sweet Hour of Prayer, Mar. 24 MOMents, 9:00am Mar. 26 Worship Service, 8:15 & 11:00am Sunday School/ABCs, 9:45am Joyful Noise Ensemble, 3pm Children’s Choir, 4pm Hymn Sing & Fellowship, 5:30pm Mar. 27 Women Helping Women, 10:30am Men’s Basketball, 7:00pm Mar. 28 Adult Indoor Soccer, 6:30pm Mar. 29 Family Meal, 5:00pm Awana/Youth Group, 6:15pm Sweet Hour of Prayer, 6:30pm See page 4 for additional Student Ministries Events. View the full church calendar online at 3
Student Ministries March Calendar 3/1 Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Sr. High IMPACT Meeting, 8pm 3/8 Jr./Sr. High Youth Group ENGAGE Submissions Due 3/12 Jr./Sr. High Roller Skating, 6pm 3/15 ENGAGE, 6:15pm 3/19 Sr. High Pancake Breakfast during SS 3/22 NO Youth Group 3/29 Jr./Sr. High Youth Group For details, about these events, contact Josh Beakley ( or Aaron Boerckel (
Men's Basketball All men college age and up are welcome to play basketball on Mondays from 7-9pm.
Co-Ed Indoor Adult Soccer RESOLVEDto and the College ministry invite all adults for indoor co-ed soccer on Tuesday nights from 6:30-9:00pm. All abilities welcome.
New Ladies’ Study — Is This The End? This 10-week video study by Dr. David Jeremiah begins Tuesday, March 28 at church at 12pm and will be led by Lona Hudson. Register online at
Boomers Engaged In Serving/Sharing Together
BEST Lunch on Sunday, March 5 at 12:30pm in the Gym
Boomers age 55-75 are invited to join us for lunch as we gather to encourage one another while learning more about the BEST ministry. We will discuss upcoming opportunities for fellowship, learn how fellow boomers are serving, connect you with others with similar interests, and explore future ministry initiatives. Our goal is to help you leverage these critical years to enable you to live vibrant physical, emotional, social, and spiritual lives for God’s glory. Call the church office at 692-1755 if you plan to attend.
“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Bethany Family
Hymn Sing
PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, March 20 at 11am
Senior adults are invited to join us! We will share with one another the hobbies we have enjoyed throughout our lives and discover how God has used them to serve others. Bring a sample of your hobby to display and come prepared to share how you became involved with your hobby and how you believe God has used it to encourage others. To sign up, call the church office at 692-1755.
Women Helping Women
Monday, March 27 at 10:30am
Women Helping Women is a ministry providing resources for women and families experiencing the grief of infant loss. If you are interested in helping put resources together (no skills needed) at our work mornings, we would love you to join us. During 2017 we are working on the fourth Monday of each month. We would love to have you join us for our next work day on March 27 in Room 815! If you have questions, please call/text Nicole Pepper at 309-550-0651.
and Fellowship
Sunday, March 26
5:30pm Fellowship | 6pm Hymn Sing Join us for an evening of singing the classic hymns of our faith. Randall Christenberry will accompany us on the grand piano as we put into practice Ephesians 5:19, “addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.” Feel free to bring a simple savory or sweet snack to share during the 5:30 fellowship time.
May 12-13 at Camp Good News In Washington
Camp Good News in Washington, IL, and Kidz Heart Ministries invite the women of Bethany to attend a mother/daughter adventure weekend where, together, they will rediscover the majesty of God, grow in love for Him, and as a result, grow in love for each other. Moms and daughters will connect at deeper levels as they share this weekend together. Join us for high adventure through the camp’s outdoor activities and significant worship as we explore His Majesty’s eternal plan! Cost is $75 per pair, additional daughters +$15. Register online at: or contact Rod at 309-253-1618 for more info.
CHILDREN’S M I N I S T RY Ginny Smith — Review of Parenting by Paul Tripp Parenting, by Paul Tripp, is the one book I would ask my married children to read prior to having children of their own. I don’t know if I found this book particularly impactful because I read it as a parent with grown children and could moreobjectively see the areas in which I wish we had parented differently (sometimes it’s hard to see objectively in the thick of parenting), or if it is truly the best book, yet, written by one of the Tripps. This is a fourteen chapter, 209 page book. (Please don’t let this scare you—just read one chapter a week.) Almost every chapter convicted me, not just as a parent, but as one who personally ever needs to become more deeply conformed to the image of Christ. Tripp has a way of helping one to see his/her own heart, which is so crucial, because God brings everything (including parenting) into our lives for our own personal sanctification. Parenting is not just for our children—it is tailor-made for our growth as parents! Early in this book, Tripp states, “Like everything else God calls people to, God doesn’t call people to be parents because they are able” (p. 35), and he ends the last chapter with, “You pray before [your children are born], during, and after because prayer requires three things: a recognition of God’s position, an admission of your need, and a surrender to God’s plan” (p. 208). Every chapter in between these two statements reinforces our neediness and God’s provision. Tripp doesn’t want us, as parents, to settle for less than God desires: “If you don’t understand that deeper thing [after referring to all the resistance with which parents deal: complaining, laziness, irresponsibility, foolish choices, etc.], you will settle for surface victories and surface solutions that don’t really lead to lasting change” (p. 98). I think chapter 11 was my favorite. It is entitled, “false gods.” Tripp starts each chapter with a principle. The opening principle of this chapter is: “You are parenting a worshiper, so it’s important to remember that what rules your child’s heart will control his behavior” (p. 147). Then Tripp asks three questions that every parent has to have answered in order to parent in a Christ-honoring way: Why do my children do the things they do? How does change take place in children’s hearts and lives? and How can I be a tool of change in the hearts and lives of my children? (p. 150). If you ever plan to have children, are in the midst of parenting, or are a grandparent who wants to give wise counsel, please consider reading this book and finding out the very important answers to these three questions and much more. We have copies in our resources to borrow and to own. I guarantee that your Heavenly Father will use this book to challenge your own heart, as He so faithfully continues to parent you.
“You are parenting a worshiper, so it’s important to remember that what rules your child’s heart will control his behavior.” -Paul Tripp 6
Short-term teams for 2017 are currently forming. To learn more, please contact the listed team leader or visit Western Asia — June 17 through June 28
Preston, Idaho — June 23 through July 1
Objective: This team will be providing childcare and VBS to kids while their parents attend conference meetings during the day. Some time may also be spent with our GO-Partners.
Objective: This team will assist in community outreach and VBS, serve those in need within the church, and engage with the Mormons.
Team Leader: Jason Getz Conditions: Conditions will be fair. Team Details: Team size will be about 10 people.
Team Leader: Terry Baum Conditions: Conditions will be good. Team Details: Team size will be around 3-4 families with kids.
South Africa — June 26 through July 9
Western Asia — Fall of 2017
Objective: This team will be providing a VBS to a South African township with the church that is associated with GO-Partner’s Dave & Carol Beakley.
Objective: This team has the opportunity to work with our GO-Partner helping the church repurpose facilities that they just purchased to use as their meeting place. The team will also be able to have a VBS with the children of the church as well as help the church with their ministry to Syrian refugees.
Team Leader: Chris Kopinski Conditions: Conditions will be modest. Team Details: Team size will be from 8-20 people, available to mature teenagers through adult ages.
Team Leader: Steve Hornbrook Conditions: Conditions will be fair. Team Details: Team size will be 8-10 adults and mature teenagers.
All the costs associated with a short-term trip including plane tickets, lodging, food, etc. can be daunting for one individual to cover. Each individual team member is asked to pay for the first 10% of their total trip cost. The remaining 90% is covered by sending out support letters to family and friends. All of the support letter funds are then pooled together for the entire team. If you have any specific questions about a trip, please contact the team leader.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:19-20 7
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528