“Knowing Christ” Radio Just about ten years ago, my friend, Scott Krus, asked me if I would be interested in launching a radio ministry with WBNH. Scott was the station manager of WBNH at that time and he believed that God would use a local church pastor on WBNH to bring glory to Jesus through the expositional teaching of God’s Word. When Scott came to me with this vision of a future radio ministry, I was humbled and honored. I was struck by the immense privilege of being used as an instrument in God’s hands. God has many gifted and faithful servants in His church who teach His Word. It is all grace that I should have this specific joy of teaching His Book. And it was grace from God that He would see fit to begin a radio ministry on our local Christian radio station, WBNH. After prayer, we decided upon “Firm Foundation” as the name for the new radio ministry. We chose this title because it points to the truth that Jesus is our firm foundation in the midst of all the storms of our life. We build our lives upon solid rock and not upon sinking sand. Our purpose for laboring to grow our radio ministry has been to proclaim Jesus as Lord and to prepare God’s people to worship Him. As we produced our radio broadcast, WBNH offered to air our Firm Foundation program each Sunday at 11:00 am and 5:30 pm. Since 2004, God has given us much joy as a number of
Dr. Ritch Boerckel
listeners have written to us or connected with us in person, communicating how the Lord is using the messages to accomplish God’s eternal purpose in their lives. What a joy to be part of His kingdom and to work in His field! This past year, God has led us to consider expanding our radio ministry to a broader audience. One of our members and a dear friend, Roger Bennington, became very excited about helping us to advance the Gospel through a broader radio ministry. God had given Roger extensive experience in the realm of Christian radio and he connected us with a consultant, Dale Davis, who worked with Focus on the Family in its early years. Dale has been very encouraging from the beginning. Early he shared his Christ-centered heart and his enthusiasm for our radio ministry as he wrote, "I’m very optimistic about the program – because the main course is solid and biblical teaching … what we do to form this into an excellent radio program is of great importance, but secondary to the fact that this is God’s Word being proclaimed. That’s what really is the great thing about Firm Foundation! I am privileged to be involved." After Dale began to work with us, one of the first issues we came to realize was that we could no longer use the name “Firm Foundation” if we grew into a Continued on page 2
Senior Pastor
In This Issue: 2 3 4 5
Connection Café GO-Conference Children’s Ministry Raising a Modern-Day Knight Grace & Peace Parent’s Night Car Winterization Day 6 October Calendar 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries 8 Over the Coffee Cup First Prayer Membership Class PrimeTime Men’s Breakfast 9 Missions Services Hand Bells Men’s Basketball RESOLVEDto Retreat 10 Open Hearts Open Homes Youth News 11 Small Groups Love Packages 12 GO-Conference A Passion For the Fatherless
“Radio” cont’d from page 1 national radio ministry. It was already in use. So we had to find another name. After much searching, we finally found one that is not already in use and that clearly communicates our purpose. Our radio ministry will now air with the title “Knowing Christ.” This title is based upon two scriptures. In John 17:3 Jesus explains the very essence of eternal life as He says, “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” And in Philippians 3:7-8, Paul identifies the greatest goal in life that we could possibly pursue, “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” As we have been developing “Knowing Christ” radio ministry, we recognized that we needed to change our music for our program. Our former music fit with our former title. Wonderfully, God provided musicians from our church to create a brand new, custom-designed song to introduce and conclude our new format. A big thank you to Pastor Fred, Dan Wilton, Beth Bonk, John Kirkpatrick, Colin Christenberry, Kevin Malone, Catherine Malone, Jason Lied, Joe Burke, Pastor Kevin Sauder and Jon Lauriat. We also recognized the need to create a new website. Through Kevin Sauder, a young man in Montana offered to create a website for us as his gift to our ministry. Thank you Joshua Frederico for your heart for God and willingness to use your gifts to advance His name! You can view Knowing Christ’s new website and listen to the new theme song here: http://knowingchristministries.org/ So in regard to our radio program, we have a new name, a new theme song, a new consultant, a new website and a new vision. We now need you to pray that God will provide fruit in our labors. We specifically need to discover new stations that are interested in airing the teaching ministry of “Knowing Christ.” As of now, we are airing “Knowing Christ” only over WBNH. We do not have a budget to pay stations to air the program so we are asking God to open doors to stations that believe in the value of the program and will air it free of charge. Pray specifically for Dale Davis as he communicates “Knowing Christ” to radio stations throughout the country. He is planning to begin regionally in the Midwest and then expand the program from there. Pray for God to be glorified in all we do. We are here for the sake of His name and not ours. We are acting in faith believing that He is willing to use us to bring worship to His name. Join us in asking God to make us His instruments in proclaiming Christ and preparing His people to worship Him forever.
Connection Café
Denny and Jan Reed (309)370-4083 dnjreed@pcwildblue.com
The Connection Café is a ministry of connection, where people can connect with God, with other people, and with ministries, strengthening their connection within the body of Christ at Bethany Baptist Church. Who is a part of the Connection Café Ministry? We are praying now for people who are interested in serving in the ministry by striking up conversations with new people, offering to pray with people, answering questions about ministries for people, having spiritual conversations with people, and helping people connect to God, to others, and to Bethany. When is the Connection Café open? The Connection Café will start by being open on Sunday mornings from 7:45 to 12:30. Hopefully it can eventually be open during the week. Some possible times include Wednesday nights, after Ladies’ Bible Study on Tuesdays, after MOPS on Fridays, and other times. Where is the Connection Café? In the foyer, where all the new furniture and comfy leather chairs are by the window between the Café area and the Resource Center.
What does the Connection Café serve? Black coffee, various types of teas, and hot chocolate. Do beverages cost anything? Nope! We want to give it to you! Can I take my beverage into the Sanctuary? Yes! As long as your beverage has a lid (which will be provided), you can bring it into the sanctuary. How can I get involved? Join The Connection Café Team! The Connection Café is looking for people to help connect people with each other and help connect people with God. Contact Denny and Jan Reed.
BFC Global Outreach Conference
Steve Hornbrook, Missions GO Minister steve@bethanycentral.org Conference Purpose
October 13-20, 2013
Make plans to connect with the following GO-Partners at our GO-Conference: Bill & Gloria Bagley Preston, Idaho
Brian & Jennifer Entner Soteria Family Ministries
Cheri Geise Cote d'Ivoir, West Africa
Larry Hemphill Colorado
Amanda Knussman Indianapolis
Pablo & Judi Perez Ecuador
Marty & Denise Shaw WorldVenture
Ray & Marge Tallman Leadership Training with OCI
Jeff & Brenda Thames RHMA John & Esther Waldrop Istanbul
Do you know why we have a GO-Conference every year? In five different passages (John 20:21; Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 24:47 and Acts 1:8) Jesus commissioned his disciples to reach their city (Jerusalem) their region (Judea and Samaria) and the remotest parts of the earth with His Gospel. He called this “making disciples,” and He said to continue doing that until the end of the age. Since we are also disciples of Christ, and the age has not yet ended, the great commission of Christ is still in force. We are finite and can only be in one place at a time, so one of the ways in which we make disciples to the ends of the earth is to send people out to make disciples in other places where we aren’t. Our GO-Conference is how we stay connected to our partners that help us fulfill the Great Commission. Global Outreach is our enterprise, not someone else’s. Our GO-Conference is our opportunity to hear what we are doing through our partnership with them, not what someone else is telling us about what they do. When we come to hear the stories they have to tell, we encourage them by reminding them that they are not alone – that we appreciate them, that we know that they work on our behalf, that the results that they see are not theirs alone but ours too. Conference Schedule Sunday, October 13 8:15 and 11:00am — Worship services with Dr. Sukhwant Bhatia 9:45am – Ministry presentations to ABC’s: Pablo & Judi Perez (New Heights), Amanda Knussman (College Class), Jeff & Brenda Thames (Temple Builders). Sunday, October 13, 6pm – Ministry presentations in the sanctuary: Paul & Becky Beck, Brian & Jennifer Entner, John & Esther Waldrop. Monday, October 14, 11am – Primetime Lunch in the Sr High Room: Bill & Gloria Bagley, Pablo & Judi Perez, Brian & Jennifer Entner, Cheri Giese, Larry Hemphill, Amanda Knussman, Marty & Denise Shaw, Jeff & Brenda Thames. Wednesday, October 16 5pm – AWANA Dinner: Visit with our GO-Partners over dinner: Pablo & Judi Perez, Brian & Jennifer Entner, Cheri Giese, Larry Hemphill, Amanda Knussman, Marty & Denise Shaw, Jeff & Brenda Thames. 6:30pm – Sharing prayer requests in the prayer room: Brian & Jennifer Entner, Larry Hemphill, Marty & Denise Shaw, Jeff & Brenda Thames. 7:00pm – Sr. High: Jeff & Brenda Thames 7:00pm – Jr. High: Larry Hemphill 7:00pm – AWANA T&T: Brian & Jennifer Entner 7:30pm – AWANA Sparks: Marty & Denise Shaw Saturday, October 19 7:30am – Men’s Breakfast: Challenge to spiritual leadership with Paul Beck, Brian Entner and Jeff Thames. 4:00pm – BFC BBQ Potluck at BCC Farmhouse: Bill & Gloria Bagley, Pablo & Judi Perez, Paul & Becky Beck, Brian & Jennifer Entner, Cheri Geise, John & Esther Waldrop, Amanda Knussman, Ray & Marge Tallman and Jeff & Brenda Thames. Sunday, October 20 9:45am – Ministry presentations to ABC’s: Bill & Gloria Bagley (New Heights), Paul & Becky Beck (Salt & Light), Brian & Jennifer Entner (20/20), Cheri Giese (Foundations). 6:00pm—BFC Night of Praise at Living Hope
Children’s Ministry Children’s Ministries at Bethany exists to glorify God by supporting parents in their role to disciple their children. What a delight it is on a Sunday morning to see and hear children singing praise songs to God, to hear teachers presenting God’s Word in a compelling way, and on Wednesday evenings to hear children learning and memorizing God’s Word and playing fun games in AWANA. We are praising the Lord for all of the children that He is sending to Bethany! As a church, we are being entrusted with molding young lives with the Gospel of Christ. We believe that God has given us people in our congregation that can accomplish this.
Wendy Kirkpatrick wendy@bethanycentral.org Parent/Child Dedication Class October 6 at 9:45am Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should plan to attend this class in the Conference Room. We will cover what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of resources Bethany offers. The next dedication will be held on October 20. For more information contact Jerry Sanderson in the church office at 692-1755 or jerry@bethanycentral.org.
AWANA We had a great start to our AWANA year! There are currently over 230 children learning about God’s Word at our church on Wednesday nights. What a blessing to be able to share the Good News with the children of our community! We would love to serve those children on our Cubbies waiting list by having four more people join the Cubbies leader team.
Join the Team! How can you help? We have the following openings: Children’s Church Coordinator: Serves once a month. Assists children’s church teachers with needs during the children’s church hour. Children’s Church teacher: Leads a small group of children with fun activities that reinforce the Bible story. Serves six times a year. Nursery Worker: Provides care for infants through two years old. Serves four times a year. AWANA Worker: Serves weekly on Wednesday night, listening to children say verses and providing supervision during game time and Bible time. AWANA nursery: Serves once a month on Wednesday nights providing care for infants through two-year-olds. Please pray about how you can help us teach the next generation about the Lord. Contact Wendy with your preferred ministry.
October lessons from Sunday School (SS) and Children’s Church (CC): 10/6 SS: Jesus Calls the Disciples (Matt. 4:12-25) CC: Elisha and Naaman (2 Kings 5) 10/13 SS: Jesus Commends the Centurion’s Faith (Matthew 8:5-13) CC: Northern Kingdom Destroyed (2 Kings 17:1-23) 10/20 SS: Jesus Calms Storm and Casts out Demons (Matthew 8:18, 23-34) CC: Amos, Prophet to Israel (Amos 1-9) 10/27 SS: Jesus Forgives Sin (Matthew 9:1-8) CC: Hosea, Prophet to Israel (Hosea 1-14)
Raising a Modern-Day Knight October 25-26 The “Raising A Modern Day Knight” adventure weekend is a father/son overnight event where dads explore what it means to be a strategic father. Fathers and sons participate together in group events designed to create a better bond and build a lasting memory through challenge activities like rappelling, zip-lining, archery and compass orienteering. The goal of the weekend is to give fathers a new and compelling vision for strategic fathering, draw them closer to the Lord, and create an event where they can immediately put some of this new vision into practice. Along the way, the sons get to see their dads make new commitments to serving God as a modern-day knight, and are challenged to become spiritual champions themselves. The prime ages for sons is 6-13 years old, but older sons have participated and have had some awesome moments with their dads in new closeness and openness. Your hosts for the weekend are Rod Abel (Camp Good News Wilderness volunteer) and Ben Hamilton (Program Director for Camp Good News). Cost is $55 for father-son pair. Call Camp Good News at 444-3255 to register, or contact Rod Abel for more information (253-1618).
Grace and Peace Parent’s Night Out Friday, October 4, 6:30-8:30pm
Car Winterization Day For Seniors & Single Women Saturday, October 5
Parents of children with special needs are invited to bring their children (all children with special needs and their siblings) to church for two hours of Christ-centered fun, while the parents get a free night out on their own. Please sign up in advance by visiting www.bethanycentral.org. Then click on Ministries / Children / Grace and Peace and open the registration form in the documents folder on the right.
We will provide basic maintenance services, such as oil change, tire rotation, fluid checks, and wiper blade replacement as well as addressing other reasonable problems on an as-needed basis. Seniors & single women please contact the church office as soon as possible at 692-1755 to make an appointment for your car! Services will be performed by Bethany volunteers at DHX, Inc. located at 9818 N. Allen Road in Peoria.
LIVING PROOF Women’s Bus Trip to Springfield, IL October 25-26 Packages range from $106-$175. For details, contact Kelly at 339-9542.
Hats of Hope October 15 at 6pm Contact: Holly Miller Phone: 648-1693
Women Helping Women
Work Nights
October 21 at 7pm Contact: Nicole Pepper Phone: 683-1181
Kim French Baby Shower October 5 at 10am Jared and Kim are expecting a baby in November. They are registered at Amazon.com and Babies R Us.
Courtney Hannah Baby Shower October 24 at 7pm Grant and Courtney are expecting a baby boy. They are registered at Target and Baby List. babyli.st/baby-hannah
Kelly Stegall Bridal Shower October 26 at 10am Kelly is engaged to Pedro Orozco. They are registered at Sears and Bed Bath & Beyond.
Women’s Ministries
Are you willing and able to service, wash, or clean cars? Then you can help! Contact Bob Castle (693-3689) or Don Haupt (217-620-6158).
October 2013 Sun
9:00am & 7:00pm Men’s Bible Studies 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Lasagna) 6:15pm Awana 6:30pm First Prayer Youth at First Prayer 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
10:30-12:00pm Hand Bell Rehearsal
Car Care Day
6:30-8:30pm Special Needs Date Night
8:00-11:00am Church Membership Class 10:00am Kim French Baby Shower
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Child Dedication Class 11:00am Orphan Care Study 11:30 Hand Bell Mtg. 4:00pm Children’s Choir ACC Rehearsal 4:07pm Teen Choir
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am & 7:00pm Men’s Bible Studies 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Pizza) 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Study 4:00pm Children’s Choir 4:07pm Teen Choir 6:00pm Missions Presentations
11:00am PrimeTime Fellowship
9:00am & 7:00pm Men’s Bible Studies 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 6:00pm Hats of Hope Work Night
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Missions) 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Study 4:00pm Children’s Choir 4:07pm Teen Choir 6:00pm BFC Night of Praise at LHCC
7:00pm Women Helping Women Work Night
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Tacos) 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm Courtney Hannah Baby Shower
9:00am MOPS
9:00am ACC Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal
Men’s Basketball
9:00am & 7:00pm Men’s Bible Studies 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 7:30pm Charlotte Mason Group Mtg.
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Study 4:00pm Children’s Choir 4:07pm Teen Choir
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am & 7:00pm Men’s Bible Studies 9:00am, 12:30pm, & 6:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Chicken Strips) 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am MOPS
9:00am Orphan Care Conference
10:30-12:00pm Hand Bell Rehearsal 6:30pm Orphan Care Conference
10:30-12:00pm Hand Bell Rehearsal
7:30am Men’s Breakfast with Missionaries 5:00pm BFC BBQ Potluck at BCC with Missionaries
10:30-12:00pm Hand Bell Rehearsal
10:00am Kelly Stegall Bridal Shower
Charlie Anderton Carol Clark Matt Marquette Mark Yonke Sophie Donnelli Jonathan Robertson Gerry Traenkenschuh Benjamin Walenta Marlea Yonke Carol Barnes Gabriel Hoyle Willy & Sue Bonnell Sandi Cross Grant Hannah DeAnna Hutton Maxwell Lehman Greg & Karen Joyce Bob & Janet Morris Scott & Deb Schepke John & Holly Zimmerman Alex Buenaseda Tom DuWaldt Cora Evans Ed Grimaldi Kent Hudson Ashley Jolliff Josh Moon Ryan Servey Dave Washburn Michael & Lesa Stevenor Ben & Stephanie Nelson Mike Barngrover Christa Dewalt Diane Noar Dorothy Slopak Hans Korf Ted Green Gabriel Huang Rollin Shafer Janelle Clark Julie Herman Andrea Hoerr Nicole Lee Kirsten McRaven Audrey Rosenberger Tiffany Waller Larry Baer Jon Bateman Nick Benefield Aaron Mason Jenna Palmer Charles & Cassandra Ellenbecker - Andy & Anna Hofmann - Kenneth & Teri Lynch
8 9
Mura Haupt Cole Merna Gene Rebholz Cameron Delinski Brittany Esterling Roger Fitch Jacob Merna Jared Plattner Dorothy Magnuson Tori Sanderson Joel Smith Hazel Sullins Vince Warner Joshia Witte Emma Meiss Tessa Meiss Jacques Paquette Tom & Peggy Robinson Jessica Borden Jairus Lin Sarah Schlich Lisa Rekus Brent & Fawn Kieser Neil & Heather Schopp Josh Link Penny Smith Brenda Theobald David & Kristine Williams Roger Anderson Abigail Dobra Claire Hamby Lillian Gonzalez Tom Schlich Clayton & Kelly Walenta Michelle Doty Greg Garrett Matthew Garrett Will Good Gordon Henry Tom Kelly Ethan Meinert Sarah Moon Paul Setlech Steve & Jennifer Weers Darby Fitch Ja’Rail Byerly Connor Kallina Desi Reeves Joni Rumbold Roger & Terry Krikke Joel & Ginny Smith
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -
Deanna Gerdes Kaela Gerig Jim Shaffer Randi Shaffer Quintin Scholl Treyton Scholl Deanna Todd Sharon Van Meter Paul & Katie Bennett Don & Mura Haupt Breana Bauman Barb Boerckel Abby Gustafson Mansil Jett Jaden Link Andrew Rice Mary Zeone Jim & Randi Shaffer Kylie Betts Jason Borden David Fisher Kennedy Teubel Denny & Jan Reed Jim Borop Cherie Layne Elsah Luan Laura Miller Dawson Raw Blake Warfield Jeri Yee Dale & Melody Lewis Charles & Amy Ruppman Genae Andris Paul Michael Brodersen AJ Buenaseda Jim Elsasser Brittany Wilbanks Dan & Jean Byerly Luke & Holly Wirtz Anna Clore Hannah Fouts William Frazee Dean Hoerr Mike Peterson Seth Alvarado Abigail Bryant Zachary Glover Barb Nielsen Paul Brodersen Seth Elsasser Lindai Lin Mandy Locher Ed Luan Lydia Rogers Taya Zimmerman
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -
Todd Bryant Steve Dietz Sally Greb Crosby Herman Elijah Nixon Hunter Nixon Kendra Showalter John Spuler Char Wallen Mike & Patti Falatko Luke Courtney Kaitlyn Glover Roger Haywood Lucy Deets Levi Mayne Allison Williams Roger & Janet Lawson Greg & Sherri Urban Ardell Sweezey Rosie Stuber Jason & LeAnne Padiak Luke Graham Marli Meiss Bethany Noar Jerry Sanderson Penny Schick Oliver Sherman Shirley Sniff Sara Streitmatter Eric & Pris Cochrane Steve Graham LaNae Huang Jace Graham Melanie Phillips Rob Sharkey Ross & Natalie Elsasser Andrew & Rachel Honegger Beth & Roger Fitch Eric Betts Kevin Ensor Abby House Greg Joyce Taegan Sceggel Hannah Smith Megan Sutton Herb & Debbie Chowaniak Jodee Bauman Tara Barnette
First Prayer Wednesday, October 2 6:30pm in the Prayer Room Join us as we set aside time for focused prayer as a church family. Nursery and childcare provided. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people. I Timothy 2:1 Today I have been talking myself out of going outside to work in my gardens. It is so very hot! I did water my plants as they did look thirsty. Then I came in and had a nice cold drink. I was reminded of the One who had control of all things, and He allowed this hot weather to come to us. Soon it will be turning cold, with shorter days, longer nights, and we will be glad to be inside. The leaves are beginning to turn color, and this will increase I know. If I had my way, I would skip winter, but I am not in control! Let’s look for the positive as we sip our coffee today. This month I will be ninety years of age, the good Lord willing. I’ve enjoyed these years, and look forward to some day soon, to be with Jesus. What do you think heaven will be like for us? Mark 10:21 says, “you will have treasures in heaven.” We know “the heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1). Also, “God’s glory is over all the earth” (Psalm 57:5). Where do we fit into this picture? Luke 2:14 reminds us, “His favor rests us.” What is our responsibility then? John 3:16 reminds us that God gave His Son “if we believe in Him, we will not perish.” Do you know Him? One of the benefits of October is the cooler weather. This speaks to us of the cooler weather it brings. Where does comfort really come from to all of us? Psalm 119 says, “from God, and He has promised it.” Yes, we can believe His promises! Then will come the cold weather as we go into the winter months. I see a warning here in Matthew 24:12 that “the love of most will grow cold.” Then, how can we look ahead and stay “warm” for Christ in the coming months? Matthew 26 reminds us of the need to “watch and pray.” Prayer is so important, and we must set aside a portion of each day to spend time talking to our Lord. Our months to come may be cold, less colorful, shorter days, and more darkness, but God never changes! He is always the same! Thank You, Jesus!
Discovering Church Membership Saturday, October 5 8-11am If you are interested in joining the church or learning more about Bethany, plan to attend this class. Sign up by calling the office at 692-1755.
PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, October 14 11:00am All those age 50 and up are invited to join us! Our GO-Conference partners will be joining us and sharing about their ministries around the world. Main dish will be provided. Bring a side or dessert to share. To sign up, call the church office at 692-1755.
Men’s Breakfast Saturday, October 19 7:30am All men are invited for great food and a challenge to spiritual leadership from GO-Partners: Paul Beck, Brian Entner, and Jeff Thames. Sign up by calling the office at 692-1755.
Prayer Room Open On Wednesday evenings when there is no First Prayer, the Prayer Room will be open from 6:15 to 8:00pm for a time of self-led prayer. We invite you to drop in as you are able and come and go as you please. Prayer sheets will be available.
Mission Services This Month Peoria Rescue Mission 601 SW Adams Street, Peoria October 6 and 17 at 7:30pm South Side Mission 1127 S. Laramie Street, Peoria October 20 at 6pm
Contact Jon Baumann at 303-5656 for further details.
Hand Bells A daytime hand bell choir is meeting on Fridays from 10:30am to 12:00pm in the choir room. Anyone interested in hand bells but unable to meet during the day is invited to attend an information meeting on Sunday, October 6 at 11:30am in the choir room. Contact Pastor Fred for additional information (fred@bethanycentral.org).
Fall Retreat 7:30pm November 8 — Noon November 10 Cost: $60 Great Oaks Camp in Lacon, IL RESOLVEDto is the Bethany Baptist singles ministry. We desire to build our community of believers through the Word, bless our church through service, and reach our city through evangelism. Pastor Kevin Sauder will be our speaker for the retreat. Please join us for a great weekend of fellowship, teaching and worship. This will be a great weekend to get away and connect with God and others. We look forward to seeing you there! Please contact Nick Yonke (nicholas.yonke@gmail.com) or Kim Sauder (kimesauder@gmail.com) if you have any questions. Registration details are available at the Welcome Center and through RESOLVEDto email communications.
Men’s Basketball Monday nights at 7pm for men college age and up For details, contact Grant Hannah (grant.hannah85@gmail.com) or Gary Stoller (grstoller@gmail.com).
Connecting to Bethany just got easier!
Learn how online giving can help you better worship Jesus Christ as Lord! www.bethanycentral.org/about/giving.asp
Visit the app store for your device and search for Bethany Baptist Church. Listen to sermons, read the blog, stay up to date on events happening at Bethany, and more–all from your smart phone!
Youth Ministry Josh Beakley josh@bethanycentral.org Dan Wilton dan@bethanycentral.org As we approach the fall, we would draw your attention to three events. First, October 6 will be a Pizza with the Pastors evening. From 6-8pm Sr. High youth are invite to come eat some pizza and ask the pastors your questions at Pastor Ritch’s home. Second, October 26 will be a Sr. High game night at The Barn. This great fellowship time for Sr. High youth occurs monthly on every last Saturday from 6-9pm. We meet at the Unsicker’s Triple U Barn off of Grange Hall Road in Dunlap. Please join us for an informal time of food, fun and friendship. We ask the youth and families to supply snacks, board games, Frisbee, and a readiness for fun! Third, mark Wednesday, October 30 as this year's Jr. & Sr. High Fall Theme party. We will be meeting during the normal youth group time (6:15-8pm), but this will be no ordinary event. Keep your ear to the ground for more details in youth group and Sunday School. For questions regarding details, directions, and other events, please send us an email or give us a call. Our door is open to you all. We are excited to be a part of your lives and excited for all that the Lord has in store for our group this year.
30 Minutes to Save a Life Parents of Jr. & Sr. High students, please consider arriving 30 minutes before picking up your youth each Wednesday to partner with other parents in prayer for our youth. This weekly prayer time for youth is held Wednesdays in Room 401 at 7:30pm.
Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry “Without a knowledge of who God is-theology--it is impossible to know what He desires us to do. As people know God more fully, their ability to understand His will increases. As they understand Him and His will more fully, they experience greater joy in their ministry. As their joy in ministry increases, God receives more glory.” ~A Passion for the Fatherless by Daniel Bennett On October 11-12 we will be hosting A Passion for the Fatherless 2013 Orphan Care Conference. This conference is designed to equip you and the local church to care more effectively for the orphan. As a church we are called to orphan care but that does not mean that everyone in our church is called to the adoption or fostering of children. There are many aspects of caring for the orphan, all for the glory of God! Keynote speakers Dr. Tony Merida and Dr. Rick Morton (authors of Orphanology) and Dr. Daniel Bennett (author of A Passion for the Fatherless) will discuss the biblical foundation of orphan care ministry and the centrality of the local church in meeting the needs of the fatherless. Childcare is available and lunch will be provided. The cost of the conference is only $12 a person. Conference Schedule Friday, October 11 6:00-6:30pm 6:30-6:50pm 6:50-7:40pm 7:40-7:50pm 7:50-8:40pm
Registration, Check-in Welcome, Worship General Session 1: God and the Orphan (Tony Merida) Break General Session 2: Biblical Foundations for Orphan Care Ministry (Rick Morton)
Saturday, October 12 9:00-9:15am 9:15-10:05am
Welcome/ Worship General Session 3: Biblical Foundations for Orphan Care Ministry (Tony Merida) 10:15-11:00am Breakout Session 1: Cultivating Indigenous Adoption, Church Leadership, Post-Adoption & Moms, Biblical Counseling Ministry, Steps to Funding an Orphan Care Ministry 11:15am-12pm Breakout Session 2: More than Just Dollars and Cents, Foster Care, Post-Placement, Components of an Orphan Care Ministry, Beyond Adoption-Other Orphan Care Ministries 12:00-1:00pm Lunch Provided Onsite 1:00-1:45pm Breakout Session 3: Church Leadership, Biblical Counseling Ministry, Post-Adoption& Moms, Biblical Encouragement for Orphan Care Ministry Workers, Foster Care 2:00-2:50pm General Session 4: The Centrality of the Local Church in Caring for Orphans (Daniel Bennett) 2:50-3:00pm Closing, Dismissal
Find speaker bios, session descriptions, and registration details at: passion4fatherless2013.blogspot.com
Small Groups
Pastor Kevin
Another small group term has begun and God is working among us! We praise God for the joy of small groups at Bethany because small groups are really just about spiritual friendships – friendship with a Christ-ward direction! A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. - JESUS, John 13:34
And what do friends do? Friends love and care for one another by helping one another grow in Christlikeness. In short, love seeks to imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). As we spend more time together being real and transparent about our own lives in the light of God’s Word, God transforms our hearts more into the likeness of Christ (1 John 1:7). We listen and watch how the other Christians around us work, rest, raise a family, deal with conflict, evangelize their neighbors, persevere through trials, serve in the church, or fight against sin. These spiritual friendships help to show us Christ, call us to be more like Christ, and encourage our souls to believe in Christ. Thus spiritual friendship aims to bring spiritual good to others, offering both instruction and imitation through love. And this results in great joy in God’s family! By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. - JESUS, John 13:35
It’s not too late for you to get plugged in to a small group this term! Please visit our small group ministry page at www.bethanycentral.org/ministries where you can review current small groups and sign-up online! Always feel free to talk with others who may be interested in forming a group with you, and pray that God would put you in the right group for this term. In the event that the available groups are not workable for you, please contact the church office as we are committed to helping everyone get connected to the blessings of small groups at Bethany.
Love Packages Update
Deb Kreeger dklk_hiddenacres@aol.com (309)696-7195
It has been five months since Bethany cleared off a few shelves in the Resource Center to make room for donations to the Love Packages Program. In that short time, three quarters of a ton of material (1530 pounds) has been collected and sent around the world to missionaries, churches and book houses. All of the Christian material that you have so generously donated is being used to establish libraries in churches, provide material for children’s ministries, and spread the Word of God to people who have never held a Bible before … but can now call one their own! It is with special thanks that we acknowledge the family of Rose Schaer, who passed away in July. She had an extensive library of Christian material that her family chose to donate to the Love Packages Program through our church. Her daughter Becky took the time to inscribe a hand written note in practically every book, in her mother's memory. The total weight of all of her books was 700 pounds! If you listen to WPEO Radio AM 1020, Christian talk station, you may have heard them speak about their annual Bible Drive that began in September. The sole purpose in their two-month Bible Drive is to collect Christian material for the Love Packages Program. It is with great joy that we are able to be a part of a community-wide effort to recycle our unused material to the Love Packages. It is an even greater blessing to have a church family that desires to participate in this program all year long! Whether we're giving of self or of things for the purpose of sharing Christ with others, we are empowered by God's love. Keep on recycling! A full list of accepted materials can be found at the Resource Center. Visit the Love Packages website at: www.lovepackages.org.
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
BFC Global Outreach Conference
October 13-20, 2013 Our GO-Conference is how we stay connected to our partners that help us fulfill the Great Commission. Come hear what we are doing through our partnership with them.
This conference is designed to equip you to care more effectively for the orphan. As a church we are called to orphan care but that does not mean that everyone in our church is called to adoption or fostering. Join us for this weekend of encouragement and biblical instruction and catch a vision for orphan ministry for the glory of God!
Please see page 3 for complete details.
Please see page 10 for complete details.