Issue 1006
Wedding Thoughts from a Bride and Groom Dr. Ritch Boerckel
Senior Pastor
4 Global Outreach Conference 5 Biblical Counseling Conference October Calendar Highlights 6 Children’s Ministry 7 Discovering Church Membership Saturday Night Worship First Prayer RESOLVEDto Bible Study Open Hearts Open Homes Study Women’s Ministries 8 Fall Festival GO-Conference
Recently I officiated at the joyful wedding of a young couple in our church. (I do not like the word officiated to reference my involvement in weddings. This word conjures up images of a man wearing stripes with a whistle in his mouth. Unfortunately, the other terms that apply seem to be even less pleasing.) In the wedding program for the day, the young couple had written a piece about marriage that deeply moved all who read it. I am reprinting their thoughts here in my article this month for several reasons: 1. I am so encouraged that God still sanctifies young adults in His church to live life in a God-centered way. Not all have bowed the knee to man-centered Baal! 2. Our age is an age of confusion about many
matters, not the least of which is the matter of marriage. God’s truth about marriage and family survives the severest assaults. 3. I was enriched in my own marriage and life by reading their Bible-soaked reflections. The teacher became a student as I read their work. As you read these wedding thoughts I encourage you to ask for God to give you a passion for His glory in all of your life. If you are married, pray that God uses your marriage to visibly display the glory of our eternal union with Christ. For all, ask that God wo ul d i nc re ase yo ur expectation and hope of the day of our Lord’s return when we will exult in God at the marriage supper of the Lamb! Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1
As we approached our wedding day, we gave serious thought to what Scripture says about the relationship that we joyfully begin today. This has been both a challenge and a great blessing as we have begun to comprehend from the Word an infinitesimally small part of the infinite preeminence of Jesus Christ in all that marriage is and should be. We look forward to a lifetime together to explore this more, but we share the following thoughts and verses with you in the hopes that, should you think back on this day, you will be reminded of the beauty of our Savior and love Him more. We rejoice that the marriage we are entering into is part of God’s creation and plan for His people. After God declared that it was not good that Adam was alone and created Eve to be a helper fit for him, God instituted marriage, declaring in Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” We approached this day with excitement, but also with fear and trembling at the magnitude of what God is doing in us. Today, God Himself is joining us together as one. The union spoken of in Genesis is reaffirmed in
“For all of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; and all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.” Isaiah 64:6
Mark 10:8-9, when Jesus says, “’the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” We have already learned through our relationship how imperfect we are and how much our sin affects each other. Entering into this sacred union would be overwhelming if we had to rely on our own strength to be faithful to one another and to God. But we have hope and remind ourselves that God does not leave us to obey him out of our own strength but walks with us and holds us up. Isaiah 41:10 offers God’s words of comfort, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” There are so many reasons we want to get married. The companionship, hope for our future together, strength we gain from each other, and other blessings we share are incredible by themselves. But God’s ultimate purpose for this and every marriage is humbling and staggering. Often His purpose is reduced to having and raising children, but His true purpose extends to the childless couple as well. Revelation 19:6-9 tells of the future union of Christ and his bride, the church:
“Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, ‘Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; It was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure— For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me [John], ‘Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.’ And he said to me, ‘These are the true words of God.’”
will rejoice greatly in the Lord, my soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with jewels.”
Marriage is designed to display the glory of our eternal union with Christ in a way that is visible and tangible here on earth. The Bible makes it clear that there will be no marriage in heaven. We do not have to be discouraged by this truth, because the heavenly realities that marriage reflects are infinitely greater than this amazing earthly gift. John Piper writes, “Marriage is patterned after Christ’s covenant relationship to his redeemed people, the church. And therefore, the highest meaning and the most ultimate purpose of marriage is to put the covenant relationship of Christ and his church on display.” The things we look forward to in our marriage are only dim reflections of the future glory of our union to Christ. Throughout our engagement, one of the moments of our wedding we most anticipated was the moment we would first see one another’s face during the wedding ceremony. But someday, it will be our Savior’s beautiful, loving face that we are brought to see. And all those who have saving faith in Him will be welcomed into His arms.
The veil—Today, all the barriers between us are removed. Our knowledge of one another was clouded, and, for better or worse, the unveiling begins now! Likewise, before we know Christ and His Gospel, God’s glory is veiled from us. 2 Corinthians 3:16, 18 says, “when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed … And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
We have both tried our best to prepare for our wedding and marriage. We have chosen our clothing, we have listened to counselors, we have tried to make ourselves presentable and worthy while trying to prepare to be loving spouses. But we both know that we are trying to cover our blemishes and that we will frequently fail to show love to one another. This sort of preparation is not enough for the marriage supper of the Lamb. Isaiah 64:6 reads, “For all of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; and all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.” But Isaiah also gives us great hope: “I
The symbolism that permeates wedding tradition has made this a rich time of preparation as these truths have become more tangible to us. We’d like to share a few particularly meaningful details with you. The dress and ruby—The white dress I get to wear today symbolizes a purity and righteousness that I could never attain by myself. This purity has been bought for me by the precious blood of Christ. We have sewn a teardrop-shaped ruby pendant to my dress as a physical reminder of Christ’s saving blood that wipes away my sins.
The rings—We often have noted how encouraging it is to have rings to remind us of one another’s love and commitment. Even before I met my fiancé, he wore a ring setting him apart for his wedding day, engraved with the words from Song of Solomon, “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.” During our engagement, spent almost entirely apart from one another, my engagement ring was beautiful and helpful to me. When he was not physically with me, it was the visible sign of his care for me. As my diamond gave me hope for my future together with my fiancé, faith in God gives us hope for our future union with Christ in heaven. It binds us to Him and claims us as His own. Throughout our engagement, when asked what we were most looking forward to about marriage, our usual answer was that we were incredibly excited that the 2000 miles of distance that have separated us for two years will be behind us. Many of you have been an encouragement to us as we have fought to grow closer while so far away from one another, and we are so thankful you are here to rejoice with us as we wait for the day when we will be united with our heavenly Bridegroom.
Global Outreach Conference
October 11-18, 2015
Make plans to spend time with our Global Outreach Partners during this very special week! For events that require an rsvp, please call the church office at 692-1755. Round Robin Event Sunday, October 11 at 6pm In the Sanctuary Katrina Forseth, Jonathan Walberg and Micaiah Wilmoth will be sharing about their ministries. We encourage you to invite your small group to meet together at church that evening for this service that will provide opportunity for a greater connection with our global outreach partners followed by cookies and fellowship.
PrimeTime Monday, October 12 11am in the Sr. High Room Enjoy a special time of fellowship and lunch with our global outreach partners. Please RSVP to the church office by October 11.
International Family Meal Wednesday, October 14 5:00-5:45pm Enjoy an international meal with our GO-partners. This year’s menu includes authentic Mexican. Suggested donation is $3 per person/ $15 family max. Please RSVP to the church office by noon on Tuesday so we have plenty of food for all attending.
Fouad Masri Event—Isis, Islam and Jesus Thursday, October 15, at 6:30pm Join us for a unique event covering a concerning and important topic in the news today. Fouad Masri of Crescent Project (a ministry that trains individuals and churches to help them reach their Muslim neighbors and coworkers) will be speaking on “Isis, Islam and Jesus.” A 45- minute presentation will be followed by an opportunity for questions.
Friday Night at the Movies Friday, October 16 at 4:30pm Plan now to join our GO-partners who will be attending the premier showing of the faith-encouraging movie “Woodlawn” at Carmike Theater at Willow Knolls. Get your tickets online or at the theater. For information on the movie visit:
Men’s Breakfast Saturday, October 17 at 7:30am Breakfast will be provided and GO-partners Mark Borisuk, Fouad Masri, Jonathan Walberg and Micaiah Wilmoth will be sharing. Please RSVP to the church office by noon on Friday, October 16.
BFC Global Outreach Fellowship at BCC on Saturday, October 17 4pm (Meal: 5pm) at Bethany Community, Washington Join us at the BCC Multipurpose Room for a time of fellowship with some of our GO Partners, games, and a potluck dinner. Pulled Pork Sandwiches will be served. Families should bring two dishes to share, couples and singles should bring one dish to share. RSVP to the church office by October 14.
NOTE: The BFC Night of Praise, originally scheduled for the evening of Sunday, October 18, has been postponed.
Biblical Counseling Training Conference February 7-12, 2016 “Equipping you for Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling” This is a ministry-changing week being held at Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, IN. Many have commented that this conference initiated a change in how they approach all their ministries, in the church as well as in their own home. Everyone is welcome! Find out which track meets you where you are today. There are six tracks, including a Foundations track, ACBC Exam track, a Women's track and others. Be Challenged! You will be challenged personally as you interact with the Bible to become a more faithful disciple and disciple-maker. Be Equipped! You will be filled with Bible-centered instruction so that your counsel will be more compassionate, Christ-centered, and practical than ever. Be Connected! Join with many like-minded believers attending! The conference will be fertile ground to forge new relationships, pick up valuable resources, and brainstorm new ideas. Be Renewed! Whether you come to the conference in the midst of an exciting period of ministry or during one of the challenging times, you will leave re-energized to live for Christ and to minister God's Word more effectively. Do not miss out on this great opportunity to be challenged, equipped, connected and renewed. If you have further questions, please contact Jennifer Bateman at 692-1755 or
October 2015 Church Calendar Highlights October 3
October 4
October 7
October 9 October 10 October 11
October 12 October 14
October 16 October 17
October 18
October 19 October 20 October 21
October 23 October 24 October 25
October 28
October 30 October 31
Discovering Church Membership, 8-11am Fall Festival, 1-4pm NO Saturday Night Service Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Open Hearts Open Homes Study, 11am Children’s Choir, 4pm Sr. High Pizza with the Pastors, 6-8pm Family Meal, 5:00-5:45pm Awana, 6:15pm Jr./Sr. High at First Prayer, 6:15pm First Prayer in Sanctuary, 6:30pm Choir, 7:45pm MOPS, 9am A Community Christmas Rehearsal, 9am Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Child Dedication Class, 9:45am Open Hearts Open Homes Study, 11am Children’s Choir, 4pm GO-Conference Round Robin, 6pm PrimeTime Fellowship, 11:00am Family Meal, 5:00-5:45pm Awana, Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Choir, 7:45pm Movie w/ GO-Partners (see page 4), 6pm Men’s Breakfast, 7:30am Global Outreach Fellowship Event at Bethany Community Church in Washington, 4pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Open Hearts Open Homes Study, 11am Children’s Choir, 4pm Women Helping Women, 7:00pm Hats of Hope, 6pm Family Meal, 5:00-5:45pm Awana, Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Choir, 7:45pm MOPS, 9:00am A Community Christmas Rehearsal, 9am Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Open Hearts Open Home Study, 11am Children’s Choir, 4pm Family Meal, 5:00-5:45pm Awana, Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Choir, 7:45pm Jr. High Game Night, 6-9pm NO Saturday Night Service View the full calendar at!
Children’s Ministry To Parents, We have all heard of instances when people’s children become teenagers and then start saying they don’t want to come to church. Sometimes, the parents give in to those desires, and the teenagers start to pretty much “check out” of church, except for coming to service on Sunday—but they aren’t really connected otherwise. I recently read a small book by Larry Fowler who has been with AWANA for 30 years. In his book and in other research, a significant finding regarding children at church is that as they grow into their teens, the extent to which they have friends at church is a major factor toward their interest in church when they become 13 or 14. We all know that peers can start to become very important to children when they become teenagers. As pastors, we come across families whose children decide to connect into church less and less as they become teenagers. Often, a reason is that their major friend groups are in other places (sport teams, school, neighborhood, etc.). The research shows that if these young teenagers don’t have significant friendships at church, then they often choose to spend their time elsewhere. This is not wrong in and of itself, unless the situation means that the teenager is being directed away from the Lord instead of toward the Lord. Yes, the motivation to connect to church should be to worship the Lord (God-centered), but often these young teenagers are either not born-again or are immature believers. Either way, having friends at church is important to help them want to come to church where they are able to hear the Word preached and experience Christian community. Parents, I recommend being proactive to help your children make friends at church. Seek out other families at church with which to get together at your house or for fun activities. You, as parents, work to build relationships with families where you are encouraged as parents and children to make lasting friendships. Part of this is looking at your own frequency of church attendance and connection into ministries such as small group. If you don’t know where to start, ask me for the names of families that have children about your children’s ages, and I can give you ideas of families to reach out to in order to build relationships and with which your children can build friendships. That way, when your children turn 13 or 14, it becomes more likely that they will WANT to come to church and Youth Group. Jerry Sanderson
Awana Awana is our mid-week ministry to 3 year olds (starting Kindergarten in two years and potty trained) up through 6th Grade. Awana meets at 6:15pm and ends at 8:00pm (7:50pm for Cubbies). Theme Night Oct. 14 Cow Night (black & white) Family Meals are served in the gym on Wednesdays from 5:005:45pm for a suggested donation of $3 per person/$15 per family maximum.
Child Dedication Class October 11 at 9:45am Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should plan to attend this class in the Conference Room. We will cover what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of the resources Bethany offers. The next dedication will be held on October 25. For more information, please contact Jerry Sanderson in the church office at 692-1755 or
Children’s Choir Kids in Pre-K through 6th grade are invited to join us for Children’s Choir! We meet on Sundays from 4:00-5:15pm. We will be working on the musical which will be presented on Sunday, November 22 at 5pm. For more information, contact Dawn Hintz at 696-0434 or
Discovering Church Membership Saturday, October 3 8-11am
Women’s Ministries Women Helping Women Monday, October 19 at 7pm
If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend. Please RSVP to Jennifer in the church office (
Saturday Night Worship Saturdays at 6:00pm All are welcome. Childcare provided for children through age 3. Please note: There will be NO Saturday Evening Service on October 3, 17 or 31.
First Prayer Wednesday, October 7 6:30pm in the Sanctuary Join us as we set aside time for focused prayer as a church family. Our Jr. and Sr. High youth will be joining us. Nursery and childcare will be provided.
Thursday Night Bible Study All singles are invited to this study which meets weekly on Thursday evenings at the home of Rodney and Katie Harms (3318 S. Hilton Lane, Bartonville). Dinner is at 6:30pm and the study begins at 7:30pm. Contact Rodney Harms ( with any questions.
Work Nights
On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing not required. Contact: Nicole Pepper Phone: 683-1181
Hats of Hope Tuesday, October 20 at 6pm The work nights are an opportunity to come and meet cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Contact: Holly Miller Phone: 648-1693
“Give me Christ” A two-day True Woman event at Bethany Baptist Friday, November 6, 6:00-9:00pm Saturday, November 7, 8:30-11:00am
All women are invited to join us for a two-day event focusing on growing in our relationship with Christ. On Friday, speaker Kimberly Wagner from Revive Our Hearts will be sharing God’s Word and instruction in growing in intimacy with Christ. A dessert fellowship will follow. On Saturday, we will be showing six True Woman conference messages and enjoy small group discussion. Pastries will be served. Online registration begins Oct. 1. Event cost: $5 Childcare is provided. Questions? Contact Kelly at
Orphan Care Bible Study Sundays at 11:00am at Bethany Baptist (Room 809), October 4-November 8 This class, taught by Ken & Amy Park, will delve in to what it means to care for the fatherless today. Using the Bible and the book, A Passion for the Fatherless, we will look at the scriptural mandate to care for the orphaned, help families examine why we care for the fatherless, and identify ways we can respond to God's call to care for the orphaned. Topics covered include: 1) The Uniqueness of Christian Orphan Care, 2) Compassion, the Disenfranchised, and the Orphan, 3) The Theology of Adoption, 4) Blessings, Missions, and Orphans, 5) When Not to Care for Orphans, 6) The Greatness of Godly Affliction, 7) Decision Making and Moving Forward.
You do not need to have the desire to bring foster or adoptive children into your home to attend this study. Simply having a heart to see what God's Word says about caring for "the least of these" is enough.
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
Global Outreach Conference
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 1:00-4:00pm Games Bounce Houses Slot Car Racing Barnyard Discoveries Popcorn Hayrack Rides Cotton Candy Car Cruise-In Snow Cones Music and more!
October 11-18, 2015 Our GO-Conference is how we stay connected to our Global Outreach Partners who help us fulfill the Great Commission. We are thrilled to welcome a number of GO-Partner families during this special week. Make plans to join us!
Everything is Free! For complete details, please see page 4.