Issue 995
Dr. Ritch Boerckel
Senior Pastor
4 5
First Prayer Car Winterization Day Discovering Church Membership Missions Services Congregational Meeting Guy Penrod Concert Goose Ranch Cookout
Mark Your Global Outreach Conference Calendar Women’s Ministries Youth Events in October GriefShare
October Calendar
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Children’s Ministry
Raising a Modern-Day Knight Father/Daughter Purity Ball Open Hearts Open Homes
10 ABCs Small Groups 11 Prophecy Conference 12 GO-Conference
The Secret to Success God has set success in our hearts so that we naturally desire it. I have never had a young couple preparing for their wedding say, “We hope our marriage breaks apart in a few years.” I have never met an entrepreneur who said, “I am planning to keep this software business afloat for a year or so and then watch it miserably die.” I have never met a new parent who prayed over their little baby, “Lord, grant this baby failure after failure all through their lives.” I have never met a church-planting pastor who commented, “I am praying for this new church to close.” No one strives for failure in areas that matter to him or her. Some Christians ask, “Is it right for a Christian to strongly desire success?” Yes, it is a good and godly thing to strive for success, provided that we define success rightly, that we use the proper means, and that we are motivated by the glory of God. Godly people rightly pray to the Lord for success as they recognize that true success comes from the Lord. In
Scripture we find Abraham’s servant praying for success in his quest to help Isaac find a godly wife, “O LORD, God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today and show steadfast love to my master Abraham.” (Gen. 24:12) We also find Nehemiah praying for success as he petitions the Persian king for permission for the people to return to Jerusalem and rebuild walls around the city, “O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.” (Neh. 1:11) The psalmist notably petitions God for success in Psalm 118:25, “Save us, we pray, O LORD! O LORD, we pray, give us success!” Tragically, many are looking to find the secret to success in life in all the wrong places. They read the bestselling books and magazines. They listen to Oprah or Dr. Phil or The View. They attend seminars and conferences. They seek counsel Continued on page 2
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from other successful people. As followers of Jesus, we have a more sure word from the Lord telling us the secret to success in life. When Joshua was preparing to lead over 2 million Israelites across the Jordan River into a land filled with muscled Canaanites and fortified cities, God gave him instructions for success. The counsel God gives Joshua is not what we might expect for a young, inexperienced military leader. I might expect God to counsel Joshua on military strategy or leadership principles or motivational speaking or some fighting skill. But God’s secret to success is counterintuitive to our natural way of thinking. “Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7-9
The secret to success for all of us is simply reading the Bible, meditating upon the Bible, and obeying the Bible every day. God promises that if we do this, He will give us success in life. Do we believe God’s promise? The American Bible Society’s recent survey shows a downward trend in Bible reading in our country. While 88% of Americans said that they owned a Bible and 81% thought of the Bible as sacred and 61% wished they read the Bible more, only 26% said that they read their Bibles on a regular basis. No one can find success in life apart from a daily connection to God through His Word.
“No one can find success in life apart from a daily connection to God through His Word.”
God tells Joshua that the secret to success in winning the land from the hands of the Canaanites is a life saturated in God’s Word. Someone may ask, “How does reading the Bible affect the outcome of Joshua’s life mission?” True success is a gift from the Lord. True success is not the product of our own labors or ingenuity, but of God’s grace. The Bible is God’s means by which we connect with Him personally. God connects to His people through His Word and by His Spirit. We listen to God’s voice speak into our lives through His Word. If we push the Bible out of our daily lives, we push God away with it. And without the LORD in our lives, we have no path to true success. Not in our homes, not
in our careers, not in our relationships, not in our life purpose, not in anything.
One of the reasons that many give for not reading the Bible daily is the lack of time for it. But if we believed that our success in life depended upon our daily meditation of the Word and obedience to it, I believe time would not be our hindrance. Our greatest challenge to finding success in life rests in simply believing God’s counsel.
If you have not been meditating on the Word each day, would you pray right now and ask God to be the Lord of your daily schedule? Do not ask the question, “Lord, what time can I give to you for listening to your voice through your Word?” That is the wrong question because it assumes that we are in control of our schedules. The LORD is the LORD over our time and we acknowledge that truth as we ask, “LORD, show me what you want to do with the hours that You give me each day. I am your servant and all of my time is yours to do with as you please.” When God takes control of our schedule, He will find the time for us to read His Word that we have not been able to find. Do you trust Him with your schedule? Do you trust Him with your success? May God give you the joy of experiencing true success as you read, meditate upon, and obey His Word each day!!
First Prayer Wednesday, October 1 6:30pm in the Sanctuary Join us as we set aside time for focused prayer as a church family. Our Jr. and Sr. High youth will be joining us. Nursery and childcare will be provided. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people. I Timothy 2:1
Congregational Meeting Sunday, October 5 9:45am in the Sanctuary We will also be voting on the proposed bylaw changes. Information is available at the Welcome Center. All ABCs will be meeting in the sanctuary. Nursery and children’s Sunday School will be provided.
Car Winterization Day For Seniors & Single Women Saturday, October 4 We will provide basic maintenance services, such as oil change, tire rotation, fluid checks, and wiper blade replacement as well as addressing other reasonable problems on an as-needed basis. Seniors & single women please contact the church office as soon as possible at 692-1755 to see if there is still room for your car. Services will be performed by Bethany volunteers at DHX, Inc. located at 9818 N. Allen Road in Peoria.
Mission Services This Month Peoria Rescue Mission 601 SW Adams Street, Peoria October 5 and 16 at 7:30pm South Side Mission 1127 S. Laramie Street, Peoria October 19 at 6pm
If you are interested in learning more about this team of volunteers, contact Jon Baumann at 303-5656.
Discovering Church Membership October 11 from 8-11am
Guy Penrod Concert Saturday, November 16 at 6:00pm (Doors open at 5:15pm)
If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend.
In concert at Bethany Baptist. Tickets are available in the office or at $15/General Admission and $25/Artist Circle *Children 5 and under are free in general admission.
Please RSVP to Melody in the church office (
Goose Ranch Cookout Saturday, October 4 All are invited to come to a cookout/worship night at the Giant Goose Ranch located at 25369 N. Goose Ranch Road in Canton. 2-5pm: Activities for all ages including hiking, fishing (please bring your own bait and tackle), pony rides, hayrack rides, and weather permitting, even a dunk tank containing some of your favorite elders and pastors! 5pm: Dinner (Meat, drinks, and table service will be provided. Please bring a side dish and dessert, and lawn chairs/blanket.) 7pm: Worship Please RSVP to Katie Herman at if you plan to attend. 3
Global Outreach Conference October 12-19, 2014 What in the world is God doing? He is doing a lot, and we will get to hear a portion of it during this year’s conference! Mark your calendar and make plans to be with us—you won’t want to miss it!
Sunday, October 12
Monday, October 13
8:15 & 11am Steve Coffey, Christar 9:45am Bennett – CrossPoint Hostettler – 20/20 Keltner – Dust to Glory Talbot – City on a Hill
PrimeTime Fellowship lunch with Bennett, Boerckel, Foreman, Havenga, Hostetler, Keltner, Meier, Stewart, and Talbot
Round Robin with Bennett, Foreman, and Havenga
Wednesday, October 15
Saturday, October 18
7:30am Men’s Breakfast with seven GO-Partner guests
Various GO-Partners will be visiting with our Awana & Youth Groups (Boerckel, Havenga, Hostettler, Keltner, Stewart, and Meier)
Sunday Morning, October 19 9:45am
4:00pm BFC Fellowship Event at Living Hope with ten GOPartner guests. Join us for games, fellowship, and a potluck meal Sunday Evening, October 19
Boerckel – Crossroads 6pm Borchert – Crossroads Meier – College Stewart – Dust to Glory Ward – 20/20
BFC Night of Praise with nine GO-Partners
Watch your worship bulletin for RSVP details on these events. Visit for more information. Ministries > Global Outreach > GO Conference 4
Work Nights
On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact: Nicole Pepper Phone: 683-1181
Hats of Hope October 21 at 6pm The work nights are an opportunity to come and meet cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Contact: Holly Miller Phone: 648-1693
Come As You Are Coffee House Saturday, November 1 7:30-9:30pm Join us at Bethany Baptist Church for a women's evening of friendship and love. This will be the first of four coffee houses offered by the Women's Events Ministry over the next year. We will have a time of prayer and goodies. Amy Morgan, Jaclyn Lewis, and Sarah Charles will be sharing testimonies. Grab a friend and come and get to know the sisters God has placed with you at Bethany! For additional details, contact Kelly Walenta (
Women’s Ministries
Women Helping Women October 20 at 7pm
Youth Events In October October 1
Jr./Sr. High First Prayer at 6:15pm
October 5
Sr. High Pizza with Pastor Ritch at 6pm
October 8
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group at 6:15pm
October 15
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group at 6:15pm
October 19
Jr. High Fall Retreat Focus at 6pm
October 22
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group at 6:15pm
October 25
Sr. High The Barn at 6pm
October 29
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group at 6:15pm
Oct 31-Nov 2 Jr. High Retreat For details about these events, contact Josh Beakley ( or Aaron Boerckel ( Are you on the parent email list? Receive the weekly newsletters with specific event details and last-minute updates. Signup at Log in to your MyBethany account then click on the “Email List Subscriptions” link.
Although GriefShare started in September, it is not too late to begin attending if you feel you are not handling the death of a loved one as well as you had hoped. Grief affects each of us in a different way, so come and join us Tuesday afternoons at 12:30pm. Each session includes a video and discussion on a particular aspect of loss (Living with Grief, The Journey of Grief, The Effects of Grief, When Your Spouse Dies, Your Family and Grief, Why?, The Uniqueness of Grief, God's Perspective for Grief, Stuck in Grief, Top Twenty Lessons of Grief, and Heaven). If you prefer to attend an evening group, please contact Marilynn Perry at 579-2408 for a referral to an evening group. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
October 2014 Sun
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group at First Prayer Awana 6:30pm First Prayer 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Congregational Mtg. Children’s Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Bible Study 4:00pm Children’s Choir
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Child Dedication Class 11:00am Orphan Care Bible Study 4:00pm Children’s Choir 6:00pm GO Round Robin
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies 12:30pm GriefShare
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
11:00am PrimeTime Fellowship with GO Partners
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies 12:30pm GriefShare
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
7:30pm PRM Service
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Bible Study
7:00pm Women Helping Women Work Night
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies 12:30pm GriefShare 6:00pm Hats of Hope Work Night
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies 12:30pm GriefShare
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
4:00pm Children’s Choir
6:00pm BFC Night of Praise
26 8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Bible Study 12:30pm Newcomer’s Lunch 4:00pm Children’s Choir
9:00am BEGH
Car Care Day 2:00pm Goose Ranch Cookout
9:00am MOPS
8:00am Church Membership Class 9:00am A Community Christmas Rehearsal
18 7:30am Men’s Breakfast with GO Partners 4:00pm BFC Missions Cookout at LHCC with GO Partners
9:00am MOPS
9:00am A Community Christmas Rehearsal
31 |—— Jr. High Retreat ———
Carol Clark Rolanda Jenkins Matt Marquette Mark Yonke Katie Brautigam Jase Dietz Sophie Donnelli Wendy Kirkpatrick Jonathan Robertson Gerry Traenkenschuh Benjamin Walenta Marlea Yonke Carol Barnes Willy & Sue Bonnell Sandi Cross Grant Hannah DeAnna Hutton Maxwell Lehman Greg & Karen Joyce Bob & Janet Morris Scott & Deb Schepke John & Holly Zimmerman Tom DuWaldt Cora Evans Ed Grimaldi Kent Hudson Ashley Jolliff Josh Moon Ryan Servey Dave Washburn Michael & Lesa Stevenor Ben & Stephanie Nelson Mike Barngrover Christa Dewalt Ted Green Gabriel Huang Diane Noar Dorothy Slopak Rollin Shafer Julie Herman Andrea Hoerr Nicole Lee Kirsten McRaven Tiffany Waller Larry Baer Jon Bateman Nick Benefield Aaron Mason Jenna Palmer Charles & Cassandra Ellenbecker - Andy & Anna Hofmann - Kenneth & Teri Lynch
14 15 -
Mura Haupt Cole Merna Will Parr Gene Rebholz Cameron Delinski Brittany Neukomm Roger Fitch Jacob Merna Jared Plattner Madison Hall Dorothy Magnuson Tori Sanderson Joel Smith Hazel Sullins Vince Warner Joshia Witte Emma Meiss Tessa Meiss Jacques Paquette Susan Weldon Tom & Peggy Robinson Jessica Borden Jairus Lin Lisa Rekus Sarah Schlich Brent & Fawn Kieser Neil & Heather Schopp Josh Link Akhila Palaparthi Penny Smith Linda Springer Brenda Theobald Ethan & Amanda Akerberg David & Kristine Williams Roger Anderson Justin Bailey Abigail Dobra Claire Hamby Lillian Gonzalez Tom Schlich Clayton & Kelly Walenta Michelle Doty Will Good Gordon Henry Tom Kelly Sarah Moon Paul Setlech Steve & Jennifer Weers Ja’Rail Byerly Greg Herman Adam Kelly Desi Reeves Joni Rumbold
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 -
Kyle & Autumn Halfacre Roger & Terry Krikke Joel & Ginny Smith Deanna Gerdes Kaela Gerig Isaac Roth Jim Shaffer Randi Shaffer Quintin Scholl Treyton Scholl Deanna Todd Sharon Van Meter Paul & Katie Bennett Don & Mura Haupt Breana Bauman Barb Boerckel Mansil Jett Jaden Link Emmalee Pascual Andrew Rice Jim & Randi Shaffer Kylie Betts Jason Borden David Fisher Sefin Jacobson Kennedy Teubel Denny & Jan Reed Jim Borop Darien Heinzman Kelsey Joos Cherie Layne Elsah Luan Laura Miller Dawson Raw Jeri Yee Dale & Melody Lewis Charles & Amy Ruppman Genae Andris Paul Michael Brodersen Jim Elsasser Isabelle Hoyt Stella Rowley Brittany Wilbanks Dan & Jean Byerly Luke & Holly Wirtz Anna Clore Hannah Fouts William Frazee Dean Hoerr Amanda Love Mike Peterson Larry & Debra Kreeger
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -
Abigail Bryant Zachary Glover Barb Nielsen Paul Brodersen Seth Elsasser Lindai Lin Mandy Locher Ed Luan Lydia Rogers Taya Zimmerman Todd Bryant Steve Dietz Sally Greb Crosby Herman Harvey Queen Kendra Showalter John Spuler Char Wallen Mike & Patti Falatko Luke Courtney Lucy Deets Kaitlyn Glover Roger Haywood Levi Mayne Allison Williams Roger & Janet Lawson Greg & Sherri Urban Ardell Sweezey Rosie Stuber Jason & LeAnne Padiak Luke Graham Marli Meiss Bethany Noar Jerry Sanderson Oliver Sherman Shirley Sniff Sara Streitmatter Eric & Pris Cochrane Steve Graham LaNae Huang Jace Graham Jason Link Melanie Phillips Rob Sharkey Ross & Natalie Elsasser Beth & Roger Fitch Andrew & Rachel Honegger Eric Betts Greg Joyce Taegan Sceggel Megan Sutton Herb & Debbie Chowaniak Jodee Bauman 7
A View of Children in the Church
Children’s Ministry Jerry Sanderson
October lessons for Sunday School (SS) and Children’s Church (CC): 10/05 SS: Review CC: Jesus Healed an Official's Son (John 4:46-54 ) 10/12 SS: God Judges the Nations at Babel (Genesis 11:1–9 ) CC: Jesus Drove Out Spirits (Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37 ) 10/19 SS: God Makes a Promise to Abram (Genesis 11:27–12:9) CC: Peter's Mother-in-Law Healed (Matthew 8:14-17; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39 ) 10/26 SS: Abraham and Sarah Doubt God (Genesis 16:1–6; 17:15–21; 18:1–15 ) CC: Jesus Cleansed a Leper (Matt. 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16 )
Parent/Child Dedication Class October 12 at 9:45am Parents wishing to have a child dedicated should plan to attend this class in the Conference Room. We will cover what child dedication is, basic parenting principles, and an overview of the resources Bethany offers. The next dedication will be held on October 26. For more information contact Jerry Sanderson in the church office at 692-1755 or
Children’s Choir Kids in Pre-K through 6th grade are invited to join us for Children’s Choir! We meet on Sundays from 4:00-5:15pm. We will be working on the musical “Acorns to Oaks,” which will be presented on Sunday, November 23 at 5pm. For more information, contact Dawn Hintz at 696-0434 or
Children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). What a joy it is to see children develop and delight in discovery of the world around them. Their senses are bringing to them in increasing measure the wonders of God’s creation. Their minds are learning how to process all the input their senses are eceiving. They are learning the use of language. They are learning about other people. They are learning about emotions, both happy and unhappy. There is so much to sort out for children as they grow. Some of the things children are sorting out is their place in this world and what is safe and what is dangerous, who can be trusted, what is right and wrong, or what is good and bad. At Bethany our goal in Children’s Ministry is to come alongside parents in their job to disciple their children in following Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. What a joy it is to hear children singing music of worship to the Lord in Sunday School and Children’s Church, or to hear them reciting Scripture in AWANA, or to hear them pray in Vacation Bible School. Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever. That purpose starts with the children God gives to our church. We are praying for the Lord to close the gap so that we are fully staffed in Children’s Ministry and, by God’s grace, even increase ministries such as the available grades of Children’s Church beyond Kindergarten and a robust Grace and Peace Special Needs Ministry. Please pray for the Lord to help us as a church to glorify Him by lavishly loving, caring, serving, and ministering God’s Word to the precious children He has brought to us. -Jerry Sanderson
Raising a Modern-Day Knight October 24-25, 2014 The “Raising A Modern-Day Knight” adventure weekend is a father/son overnight event where dads explore what it means to be a strategic father. Fathers and sons participate together in group events designed to create a better bond and build a lasting memory through challenge activities like rappelling, zip-lining, archery, and compass orienteering. The goal of the weekend is to give fathers a new and compelling vision for strategic fathering, draw them closer to the Lord, and create an event where they can immediately put some of this new vision into practice. Along the way, the sons get to see their dads make new commitments to serving God as a modern-day knight, and are challenged to become spiritual champions themselves. The prime ages for sons is 6-13 years old, but older sons have participated and have had some awesome moments with their dads in new closeness and openness. Your hosts for the weekend are Rod Abel (Camp Good News Wilderness volunteer) and Chris Kallal (Executive Director for Camp Good News). Cost is $55 per father-son pair. Call Camp Good News at 444-3255 to register, or contact Rod Abel for more information (253-1618).
Father-Daughter Purity Ball Saturday, November 1, 2014 Peoria Marriott Pere Marquette The Father-Daughter Purity Ball is a Christ-centered evening that encourages biblical values and strengthens the bond between fathers and daughters. The Christian Center invites all girls 12 years old and up along with their fathers/mentors to the 2014 Purity Ball. The evening will educate, entertain, and motivate the attendees, giving them the tools to commit to a pure life. This year’s special speaker is Rachel Lee Carter, international Christian model and author of “Fashioned by Faith.” The evening begins as 5pm with photos and music and concludes with a closing waltz at 10pm. The cost of the event is $60 per person (register by 10/6) and includes dinner, dessert, two 5x7 photos per family, a white rose, and a special gift for each daughter. For more information or to register visit
Open Hearts Open Homes Orphan Ministry
by Amy Park
Open Hearts Open Homes Orphan Ministry has been around for approximately seven years. As a ministry we strive to encourage, pray for, educate, and support foster and adoptive families. Along with these we desire to encourage the church body to serve orphans in their native country, such as on short term mission trips. As this fall ministry season is underway we continue to evaluate the ministry of OHOH to best meet the needs of our church body and to best follow God's mandate to care for the orphan. Perhaps the Lord is planting in your heart the desire to become more actively involved in ministry to the orphaned. If so, would you begin to pray that the Lord would direct you in that way? If you would like to speak to someone directly about the Open Hearts Open Homes Orphan Ministry contact Jerry at or Amy at Ladies: Focused Fellowship meets the third Monday of each month at 7pm at Monica Lonergan's home, 1111 W. Burnside Dr., Peoria Questions? Call Monica at 303-7965 or Amy at 266-1635. Check out: for ministry information.
Adult Bible Communities (ABCs)
Discovering Joy in Your Small Group Small groups are off and running, and we praise God that over 430 of us are participating in this discipleship effort this year! As we get settled into our small groups, please consider the following encouragement for your greater joy in Christ:
Newly Married & Engaged ABC
New class starting October 12! Meets Sundays @ 9:45am in Room 810 Allowing Christ to be formed in us as we develop deeper intimacy in our relationship with Him, our spouse, and others This discipleship ministry for our newly married couples plans to repeatedly cycle through a ~2-year teaching curriculum consisting of biblical instruction, videos, and mentoring with a focus on practically helping every couple become more mature in Christ. This class will be led together by Marv & Mary Sauder, Bob & Markie Castle, Dave & Becky Fuelberth, and Dennis & Mary Beth Zimmerman. Please email for more info.
Bringing the Bible to Life Track 1: Intro to Soul-Care is coming to…
Living Stones ABC Starting Sunday, November 2! Room 809 All are welcome to join us!
Have a partnership mindset. Do you think of your small group as your group? Do you share a sense of responsibility to make sure that your group’s vision and goals are accomplished in your times together? Such gospel partnership increases joy (Philippians 1:35)! You will pray sincerely and watch expectantly for God’s answers. You will show up on time, and be actively engaged in listening, loving and sharing in the discussion with others. You will be willing to open yourself up to others in 1 John 1:7 vulnerability and transparency, and you will be willing to partner alongside the group leader when extra effort is required in shepherding the group (1Thess 2:8). Overcome fear with love. It can be intimidating to be vulnerable with others whom you don’t know very well, and for good reason! But Scripture teaches us that God’s church should be known by her members’ love for one another (John 13:34-35), and that perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18-19)! So pray that God would increase your love for His glory and for His children. Look for ways to sacrificially bless others for their eternal good: an unexpected note of spiritual encouragement or an extra hand with a special project. Great joy awaits those who fellowship together in the love of Christ (1 John 1:3-4). There’s still room for you to get plugged in to a small group this term! Please visit our small group ministry page at where you can review current small groups and sign up online! Always feel free to talk with others who may be interested in forming a group with you, and pray that God would put you in the right group for this term. In the event that the available groups are not workable for you, please contact the church office as we are committed to helping everyone get connected to the blessings of small groups at Bethany.
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
Our GO-Conference is how we stay connected to our partners who help us fulfill the Great Commission. We are thrilled to welcome eleven GO-Partner families during this special week. Make plans to join us!
For complete details, please see page 4.