Issue 994
A Saturday Night Service at Bethany?!? Dr. Ritch Boerckel
Senior Pastor
3 Youth Parent Prayer Time
A Community Christmas Kickoff Mission Services Church Membership Class Youth Events PrimeTime
4 5 6 7 8
Global Outreach Conference
Small Groups September Calendar Birthdays & Anniversaries The Gospel Institute Open Hearts Open Homes Prophecy Conference New ABC 9 Children’s Ministry 10 Fall Festival 11 GriefShare RESOLVEDto Women’s Ministries 12 First Prayer Fall Festival
Bethany exists as a church to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus as Lord and by preparing God’s people to worship Him forever! The elders of Bethany are always looking for ways that we might fulfill that mission. One of the initiatives that we have been discussing recently is the addition of a Saturday evening worship service. We are currently making plans for the offering of this additional worship service to begin in January. We are planning two preliminary Saturday worship services on November 15 and 22. These two services will help us learn how we might best glorify God and encourage His people through these worship services. The creation of a Saturday evening worship service has taken me by surprise, even as I have been one of those proposing it. For years I had been opposed to this idea when it entered our conversations, as I was concerned that it might entice people into a superficial
commitment to Christ. I feared that many might do what I heard some say, “It is great that our church has a Saturday night service because now I can go to church on Saturday night and then have all of Sunday for myself.” This is an attitude that views corporate worship as a weekly obligation to fulfill rather than a rich opportunity to enjoy. It is an attitude that pushes God to the periphery of one’s life, rather than the center where He belongs. Through prayer and biblical consideration, I have become convinced that the opportunity to glorify God in a Saturday evening service is greater than the possibility of dishonoring Him. I admit that my concern is not completely removed, and it will shape the way we shepherd those who participate with us in worship on Saturday nights. Two questions are natural to ask as we think about a Saturday evening service: Why are we doing it? And what will it look like? Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1
Why would we begin a Saturday night worship service? I become very excited about God being glorified in four ways through a Saturday evening service: 1. A Saturday evening worship service gives our church family one more opportunity to worship the Lord together. This service will vary from Sunday morning worship in the sermon series that is preached, the style of music sung, and the atmosphere that is enjoyed. We anticipate that many will come to both Saturday night and Sunday morning for worship just as many used to come on Sunday morning and Sunday evenings for worship in years past. Many work so diligently on Sunday mornings serving in Sunday School or nursery or music ministry that they have little opportunity to be strengthened with their church family as they enjoy fellowship and receive the ministry of the Word. This service will enable them to do that. 2. A Saturday evening worship service opens our hearts to those in our community who cannot come on Sunday due to work commitments. I wish everyone could enjoy Sunday mornings off of work, but it is a fact that many jobs require Sunday commitments. I often ask people I meet to come visit our church. Many have said to me, “I would love to, but I work on Sundays.” I pray that this might allow us paths to communicate the Gospel to people whom we presently have difficulty reaching. 3. A Saturday evening worship service allows for us to connect with people who do not connect with our Sunday morning church culture. Our Sunday morning culture is large and fairly formal. We know many in our community become uncomfortable with the size and the formality of our Sunday mornings. We think that a Saturday night service will be smaller and our intention is to make it much more relational. 4. A Saturday evening service allows us to disciple more believers into ministry. This service will allow gifted people in our church new opportunities to preach the Word and lead in the music of worship.
I am personally excited about mentoring future pastors as preaching opportunities would be more available to them through this Saturday evening service. I plan to preach half the Saturday nights, and have others preach the other half of the Saturdays. What will Saturday evening services look like? First, we will joyfully embrace the same commitment to a robust ministry of the expositional teaching of God’s Word in all of its fullness. God and His Gospel will be central. We will not hide from hard, even offensive topics out of fear that some will be offended. We believe that God’s Word is authoritative, sufficient and necessary in all of its fullness and we are committed to ministering in that way. We believe the Gospel is God’s power to bring salvation to sinful man. We are not ashamed of any part of it. Second, we desire to create an environment that is more relational and more relaxed. We are still in the planning stages of this, but we have some seed thoughts. We will likely meet in the Connection Café instead of the sanctuary. We will look for ways to make relationship a high priority among those who come. We will be more relaxed in our music and preaching style. We will likely have a question and answer time at the end of the message. We will likely have personal testimonies as a regular part of the service. These are a few of the ways that we are currently thinking will help make this time together one in which we love God and one another together. If you are interested in participating in this Saturday evening service, we will be having an informational meeting during the Sunday school hour in the sanctuary on September 14. If you are interested in serving to help the Saturday evening service bring glory to God, we will be having a volunteer meeting during the Sunday school hour in the sanctuary on September 28. I would ask everyone to pray that Bethany will glorify God by proclaiming Jesus as Lord and by preparing God’s people to worship Him now and forever!!
Saturday Evening Service Meetings
September 14
Informational Meeting at 9:45am in the sanctuary.
September 28
Volunteer Meeting at 9:45am in the sanctuary.
Parent Prayer Time All parents are invited to join in praying for our youth and their leaders on Wednesday evenings in the Prayer Room. The designated time for Parent Prayer time is from 7:30-8pm but feel free to drop in/out as your time permits.
Discovering Church Membership September 7, 14, 21 at 9:45am in the Conference Room If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend. Please RSVP to Melody in the church office (
A Community Christmas Kickoff Saturday, September 6 at 9am The Bethany Fellowship of Churches will again be joining together to present "A Community Christmas" on December 12-14, 2014. This Kickoff is for those interested in singing in the choir and also those who are interested in playing in the orchestra. Clear your calendar and make plans to attend this morning of Christmas music! For details, contact Kari at
Mission Services Encourage the residents of our local missions by attending a service led by Bethany volunteers.
Bethany mission services this month: Peoria Rescue Mission (601 SW Adams, Peoria) September 15 and 18 at 7:30pm South Side Mission (1127 S. Laramie, Peoria) September 21 at 6:00pm To learn more about joining this team of volunteers, contact Jon Baumann at
Mayor’s Leadership Prayer Luncheon Thursday, September 25 at 11:30am Peoria Marriott Pere Marquette Darryl Strawberry, former World Series Champion, will be our guest. Tickets are $35 each and are available at and 685-1725.
Youth Events In September September 13: September 27:
Jr. High Game Night, 6-9pm Sr. High The Barn, 6-9pm
September 28:
Sr. High Pancake Breakfast during Sunday School
For details, about these events, contact Josh Beakley ( or Aaron Boerckel (
PrimeTime Monday, September 15 Meet at the church at 10:30am for a trip to Tanners Orchard. If you would like to drive on your own, meet at Tanners at 11:00am. Bring money for lunch in the cafĂŠ. Following lunch we will head to the home of Dave & Carol Clark for dessert. Sign up on an upcoming Communication Card or call the church office at 692-1755.
Teen Challenge Fall Banquet Thursday, September 25 at 6pm East Peoria Embassy Suites Featured Speaker: Dr. Jerry Nance, Global Teen Challenge President Special Music: Peoria Pops Orchestra Soloist: Jonna Harkness, Harvest Bible Chapel For ticket information and pricing call 309-6733716 or visit
Global Outreach Conference October 12-19, 2014 It is our privilege to host global partners from near and far next month during the Global Outreach Conference. This year our theme is “To the Ends of the Earth!” May God be praised as we celebrate what He is doing around the world and consider our part in reaching the lost for Christ. May His name be praised “To the Ends of the Earth.” (Acts. 13:47)
Did you know you can sign up for GO updates?
Get to know one of our GO Partners before the Conference
Log into your MyBethany account at Click on “Email List Subscriptions” and select “Global Outreach Updates.”
Gary Bennett’s biography, “Faith Through Fire: Rwanda and Me” is available in the resources to borrow section of our Resource Center. Check it out today!
Small Groups Build Spiritual Friends! Small Groups are gatherings of six or more adults seeking to build caring, lasting relationships that are marked by transparency in relation to life’s challenges and struggles (John 13:34-35, 1 John 1:7). Small groups are primarily intended for building spiritual friendship through the practical application of God’s Word. They create relationships where Christians can joyfully help one another mature in Christ. Childcare is self-managed by each group with the option to have Bethany help with related childcare expenses. Most small groups follow the school-year calendar, meet in people’s homes, and consist of people drawn together by common geography, life-stages, or interests. Small groups provide great encouragement and accountability for spiritual growth to the glory of Christ! On your mark, get set, GROW! Most small groups start the week of September 7th, so check your calendar and get ready to have a great time together! We are praying for God to receive much glory as our hearts are filled with the joy of being part of these biblical communities. Benefit from the Study Guides. Small group guides corresponding to the sermon will be emailed each week to your small group leader for them to pass along to you in advance of Sunday’s message. These study guides serve two purposes: 1. They help prepare your heart to receive God’s Word on Sunday as you individually work through the questions in advance of the message. 2. Study Guides may also help launch your group’s discussion after everyone has heard the message and seeks to process through its application together. Extra small group study guides are also available at the Welcome Center each week for your convenience. It’s not too late to sign-up! Now is a great time to get plugged in and benefit from being part of a small group this term. If you are not yet in a small group, please visit our small group ministry page at where you can review current small groups and sign-up online! Always feel free to talk with others who may be interested in forming a group with you, and pray that God would put you in the right group for this term. In the event that the available groups are not workable for you, please email Pastor Kevin ( or call the church office as we are committed to helping everyone get connected to the blessings of small groups at Bethany. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42
September 2014 Sun
Labor Day
9:00am Men’s Bible Study
6:15pm Youth Group Awana Begins 6:30pm First Prayer
Church Office Closed
9:30am MOPS Meet & Greet
9:00am A Community Christmas Kick-Off
8:15 & 11:00am 6:30pm (offsite) Worship Services Ladies’ Bible Study 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class 12:30pm Children’s SS Teacher Lunch Mtg.
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies Begin
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
6:30pm Ladies’ Bible Study
9:00am MOPS
6:00pm Jr. High Game Night
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class 12:30pm Children’s SS
6:30pm (offsite) Ladies’ Bible Study
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies 6:00pm Hats of Hope Work Night
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
6:30pm Ladies’ Bible Study
7:15pm LinC (at the Christian Center)
1:00-4:00pm Fall Festival
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class 11:00am Orphan Care Bible Study
6:30pm (offsite) Ladies’ Bible Study
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies
5:00pm Family Meal 6:15pm Youth Group Awana Prayer Room Open 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal
6:30pm Ladies’ Bible Study
9:00am MOPS
9:00am A Community Christmas Rehearsal 10:00am Laura Mathes Bridal Shower 7:00pm Fall Back Women’s Event
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Orphan Care Bible Study
6:30pm (offsite) Ladies’ Bible Study
9:00am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies
7:00pm Women Helping Women Work Night
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Amanda Akerberg Judah Elliot Abby Gallup Wes Kieser Janet Weber JF & Linda Shaner Dwight Grant Frank Kelch Will Pepper David Rumbold Clayton Walenta Dave & Kerri Schellenberg Lowell & Char Wallen Daisy Brautigam Michael Gallagher Linda McCoy Phil Sceggel Jacob Weidner Benjamin McClelland Tammy Post Jared & Kimberly French Julie Andris Jeff Borden Eden Brockland Stephanie Rumbold Joel Taylor Mark & Joellyn Doty Tom & Ruth Palmer Janea Beakley John Bennett Micah Borop Alex Bryant Ryan Dietz Jared French Kim Good Kaiya Hintz Julie Walin Kayla Hoerr Lisa Kennelly Mikayla Lindahl Matthew Moorman Joy Koch Val Wichael Duane & Cheryl Daum Joyce Fraley Nicole Habeger Doug Magnuson Adilyn White Timothy Wilson
Dee Benway Benjamin Eisenmann Micah Good Janis Hauptly Molly Park Autumn Stoller Ron & Deanna Musselman Dianna Fouts Dorothy Magnuson Alexis Taylor Tom Thorp Josh & Heather Benway Dan & Abby Pfeiffer Jackson Boerckel Terry Clark Andrea Hamm Carol Howard Nicole Powell Kiana Lin Kevin Sauder Summer Schopp David & Stephanie Fisher Curtis DeBacker Tim Hoyt Sharon Nelson Karen Oberlander Ariya Plattner Scott Schepke Neil Schopp Diana Weber Brian Willoughby Barry & Cathy Heisey Jamie Borden Savannah Boyd Mike Falatko Katie Harms Joshua Haywood Elanor Wilmoth Dan & Kayla Hoerr Steve & Julie Walin Anna Jolliff Tracey LaValle Kelli Rummel Chassi Scholl Rachel Weech Sarah Barley Chip Noar Jenny Schick Cheyenh Smith Ann Stef Marvin Streitmatter
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -
Michael Campbell Cheryl Jensen Kristi Moody Olivia Stoller Lydia Wichael Ron & Roxanne Penick Andrew Bryant Catherine Malone Ron Musselman Sarah Peterson John Strawn Melody Zhen Tom & Georgia Wilkinson Doug Bireline Jack Meuth Tate Schick Joshua Schrepfer Mike & Carol Bricker Ryne Daum Cole Fisher Joel Taylor Sarah Krikke Grace Lonergan Gage Schroeder Mike & Dawn Hintz Gabe Conner Kadin Good Aaron Hapke Evelyn Herron Mark Hoerr Cindy Hornbuckle Craig Janssen Bailey Kennelly Josiah Good Hannah Rosete Karen Waibel Emma Whitney Eric & Nancie Ham Zachary Benefield Craig Colwell Hailee Dozard Naomi Hoerr Cohlson Stoller Kyle & Jane Scholl Emily Birge Daniel Boerckel Brad Hougham Rachel Lindahl Michael Stevenor
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -
Amelia Hofmann Tristan Reeves Grace Walenta Evan Walin Mark & Vicky Jolliff Brian & Kendra Showalter Art Bloompott Helen Barngrover Samuel Britten Cheryl Higgs Rick Hrivnak Tim Hutton Ben Roth Frieda Schellenberg Tammy Thorp Alyson Heineman Scarlett Lee Peggy Powers Caren Ramsay Kyce Walton Jeff & JoAnn Brush Jed & Julie Stuber Don Schmidt Heather Schopp Sadie Shepherd Gerry & Sally Greb Andy & Linda Hamilton Leah Barber Emily Green Jersey Hoerr Nathan Marquette Jack Penick Travis Penick Bill Scott Lucas Stoltzfus Julie Teubel Lisa Warfield Baxter & Billie Fite Matt & Amy Morgan Adam Byerly Ryan Deets Luke Gonzalez Greg Link Jeremiah Noar Isabelle Perkins Sandy Wiele Greg & Stephanie Catey
There is still time to register for the fall semester. Classes meet Monday evenings from 6-9pm from September 15 through December 8. Soul Care: Components of Compassionate Soul Care, taught by Kent Kloter of Bethany Community Church at the Bethany Community Room (27265 Dutch Ln., Washington). Tuition: $60 Systematic Theology 1, taught by Ritch Boerckel at the Bethany Community Center (7229 N. Knoxville, Peoria). Tuition: $60 plus book Bible Study Methods (Formerly called, “Delight in Discovery�), taught by Jason Alligood of Fellowship Bible Church at the Bethany Community Center (7229 N. Knoxville, Peoria). Tuition: $60
Mark your calendar for this Prophecy Conference coming to Bethany Baptist Church in November! Friday, November 7 6-9pm
Saturday, November 8 9am-3pm
Speakers Include: Dr. Mark Bailey, President Dallas Theological Seminary Steve Herzig, North American Ministries Director Friends of Israel Dr. Michael Svigel, Associate Professor of Theological Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Register online at today!
Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Bible Study Sundays, Sep. 21-Oct. 26 at 11am Bethany Baptist Church, Room 809 Taught by: Ken & Amy Park
Open Hearts by Amy Park Open Homes
Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry will host again this Orphan Care fall the Orphan Care Bible Study. Ministry This study is for anyone interested in learning what the Bible says about caring for the disenfranchised. Foster parenting or adoption do not have to be in your future to be a part of this study, just a desire to know what God's Word says about caring for the orphan. The text for the study consists of Scripture and A Passion for the Fatherless written by Daniel Bennett (Pastor of Bethany Community). During the study we will look at God's heart for the orphan and some things to consider when looking at orphan care. For those with a heart to foster and/or adopt this is the first step in partnering with the Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry. Questions? Contact Ken and Amy at 266-1635 or Jerry Sanderson at
Announcing a new ABC starting October 12!
Engaged & Newly Married ABC We are very excited to announce the start of a new discipleship ministry for our engaged and newly married couples on Sunday mornings. This class plans to repeatedly cycle through a ~2-year teaching curriculum consisting of biblical instruction, videos, and mentoring with a focus on practically helping every couple become more mature in Christ. This class will be led together by Marv & Mary Sauder, Bob & Markie Castle, Dave & Becky Fuelberth, and Dennis & Mary Beth Zimmerman. Watch your weekly worship folder for more details coming soon!
Children’s Children’s Ministry Ministry Jerry Sanderson
Trewyn Good News Club
September lessons for Sunday School (SS) and Children’s Church (CC): 09/07 SS: Man rebels against God (Gen. 2:15–17; 3:1–24) CC: Jesus met Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) 09/14 SS: Cain rebels against God (Genesis 4:1–15) CC: Jesus and John the Baptist (John 3:22-36) 09/21 SS: God floods the Earth (Genesis 6:5–7:24) CC: Jesus met a Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-26) 09/28 SS: God preserves Noah (Genesis 8:1–9:17 ) CC: Rejection at Nazareth (Luke 4:16-30)
Children’s Church Children’s Church will continue to be offered during the 11:00am worship service for 3-year-olds through Kindergarten only. We continue to pray for the Lord to provide the workers that would allow us to offer Children’s Church beyond Kindergarten. Won’t you join us in prayer and consider joining this exciting ministry that serves once every two months to bring the Gospel to children during second service?
AWANA AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed from 2 Timothy 2:15. It is our mid-week Bible club for children age 3 (two years before kindergarten and potty trained) through sixth grade. Children meet each Wednesday from 6:15 to 8:00pm to memorize Scripture, play games, and listen to a Bible lesson and how it applies to their lives. AWANA begins on September 3rd and ends in April. Be sure to register your children at Spread the word and bring a friend!
This fall brings another opportunity for our church to serve in the Good News Club Ministry that we have been part of for several years. We are excited to share Christ’s love with children and staff at Trewyn School again this year and to see how God will continue to use the people of our church to share His love with our community. We will begin having weekly Good News Clubs at Trewyn in the school cafeteria on Tuesday, September 16. This ministry is a great opportunity to teach, nurture and challenge these children with the truth of God’s Word. You can also be involved with Trewyn ministries by serving meals for the teachers, adopting a teacher to encourage throughout the year, and praying for the ministry when you sign up for the weekly email. Just as Jesus commissioned disciples, we declare, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” If God is leading you to join the Trewyn team, please contact Abby Pfeiffer in the church office or by email at
Family Meals Family Meals will start on September 10 and will be offered from 5:00 to 5:45pm in the gym for a suggested donation of $3 per person.
Saturday, September 20 ď Ź 1:00-4:00pm We are excited to announce the 5th Annual Fall Festival!! Plan now to come out and enjoy the festival. Start praying about who God might have you invite to this event, or how you might want to serve our neighbors in this fun, family-friendly afternoon! Our hope is that this annual event will deepen our relationships with our neighbors so that when the Lord works on their hearts about their eternal destiny, or marriage, or parenting, or other counseling need, they will think about coming to Bethany, and we might have greater opportunity to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose of this event is for our church family to reach out and serve our friends and neighbors with a fun, familyfriendly event that will portray God’s love and encourage a positive witness for Bethany Baptist Church in our community. This Festival is possible because various ministries, discipleship groups, and individuals in the church eagerly volunteer to "take ownership" of different aspects of this outreach. Activities may include food, music, games, bounce houses, face painting, hay rack rides, group games, antique cars, contests, activities, and more!
We are seeking cheerful, excited, & smiling volunteers to serve at an activity station for one shift: 1st Shift (12:30-2:45) 2nd Shift (2:20-4:30) Activity Stations: Bounce Houses Games Face Painting Balloon Animals Information Table/Tent Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Snow Cones, Nachos Grilling and serving food Barnyard Animals Fishing Hayrack rides Painting Pumpkins Family Photos Car Show And more! If you or your group (ABC class, Youth, Choir, MOPS Table, Small Group, Nursery Team, etc.) desires to serve together in this event this year, please contact Kari Rabenhorst (
The death of a loved one can affect those who loved them in many different ways. Grief can take over our lives if we allow it to. Come and learn how to grieve in a healthy way. GriefShare will begin on Tuesday, September 2. We will only offer an afternoon group this fall from 12:30 to 2:30pm. If you are interested in attending, please contact Marilynn Perry at 579-2408. If you prefer an evening group, again, please contact Marilynn. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
Women’s Ministries Women Helping Women Monday, September 15 at 7pm On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Hats of Hope Tuesday, September 16 at 6pm The work nights are an opportunity to Work come and meet some cancer survivors, Nights use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Bridal Shower for Laura Mathes Saturday, September 27 at 10am Laura is engaged to Evan Smith. They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target.
Friday Night LinC The next LinC is Friday, September 19 at 7:15pm at the Christian Center. The speaker this month is Pastor Ritch! Mark your calendars for our next LinC event on October 17. RESOLVEDto Social Event Save the date for a R2 Progressive Dinner on Friday, September 26! Our RESOLVEDto Singles ministry seeks to compel our members to become “resolved to” Bless our Church, Build our Community, and Reach our City—all for the glory of God!
Ladies Bible Studies The semester begins the week of September 8. Classes are offered Tuesday mornings and afternoons, and Monday and Thursday nights. All ladies are invited to participate. Stop by the table in the foyer on Sunday mornings or visit for more information.
Fall Back Ladies Event Saturday, September 27, 7-9pm Ladies, do you need some encouragement and refreshment as we begin this fall season? Invite your friends and family and use this as an outreach ministry to sisters you know who need to know the Lord, grow in their walk with the Lord, and strive on in the Lord. Bethany Baptist Women's Event Ministry will host Carol Beakley as she teaches on renewing our obedience to Jesus Christ. This is a casual evening event, where you will be allowed to ask questions and be treated to a dessert reception following. No childcare will be provided. This is not a ticketed event, but your RSVP is appreciated. Sign up online at
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
Saturday, September 20 1-4pm on our property Invite a friend and join us for this fun, completely free event featuring:
First Prayer Wednesday, September 3 at 6:30pm Join us for special time of prayer.
Bounce Houses Balloon Animals Hayrack Rides Barnyard Animals Painting Pumpkins
Games Fishing Car Show Popcorn Snow Cones
Face Painting Barrel Rides Family Photos Grilled Food Cotton Candy
See article on page 10 for more details.