Singles Ministry News! See page 10.
The Broadcaster Proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord Issue 976
Look Who Is Coming To Dinner
A home that shuts out the world from entering it is a home devoid of the grace of the Gospel.
ome of my favorite childhood memories relate to discussions at home around the dinner table. Mom would prepare a delicious meal, dad would pray, and the conversation would begin. We would talk about politics, about theology, about Scripture, about problems, about relationships, about the future, about most everything. We would laugh and sometimes argue. This was an hour of sharing life together. Often my parents invited guests to join us. Friends from church. Missionaries. Relatives. Friends from our neighborhood. Often people who were hurting. I was in high school when I first realized what a gift these meal-time conversations were. Some friends of mine who had been invited several times for supper at our house said something like, “Ritch, we love the mealtime in your family . . . sharing about life together.” They really loved “hanging out” with my dad and mom and siblings over dinner. So much good and joy came from those common, ordinary meals. Healthy families have open homes. This is the clear message of Scripture. A home that shuts out the world from entering it is a home devoid of the grace of the Gospel. The grace of God flows through a home that opens wide its doors for others to share in it. Such a home is a powerful instrument for Christ to minister His saving and strengthening grace. So central is an open home to Christ’s ministry through us that one of the qualities absolutely essential in a man in order to be qualified to be an elder of the church is that he be “hospitable” (cf 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8). An elder cannot effectively lead the church if he is not hospitable because ministry begins with an open home. In Scripture, God often communicates His design to use us for His glory as we open our homes for others to enjoy relationship with us. My friends were impacted greatly by the love and relationship offered them in our home. Yes, we took them to church and to Vacation Bible School and to youth camps where the Gospel would be taught. But the strength of our family’s witness came from simpler roots. It came from an open home. I encourage you this month to open your home for the sake of God’s kingdom. You may be asking, “To whom should we open our home for the purpose of sharing life?” God tells us that three groups of people should have invitation to share life with us in the context of our home. (Continued on page 2)
Dr. Ritch Boerckel Senior Pastor
February 2013 2
Over the Coffee Cup
Elder News From Pastor Ritch
Bringing the Bible to Life
Open Hearts Open Homes
February Birthdays & Anniversaries
Marriage Maintenance Checkups
Enhancing Your Marital Friendship Seminar
Valentine’s Banquet
Children’s Ministry
10 Bulletin Board of Events
11 Women’s Ministry Events
11 Men’s Ministry Events 12 Sign up for the web edition
12 First Prayer
Continued from page 1 - Look Who Is Coming To Dinner
1. Fellow members of the body of Christ. 1Peter 4:9, “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” Romans 12:13, “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” Love for other believers is the ultimate apologetic that the church presents to the world. (cf. John 13:35) The world outside the church is filled with people who are isolated and hungering for “soul to soul” relationship. The church cannot communicate the intimacy that Christ offers us with God if we are not manifesting that intimacy of relationship in our own communion. Perhaps the first step toward evangelism and missions is simply inviting another individual or family from church over to your home for a meal. 2. People we do not know who are outside our normal sphere of relationship. Yes, we are to let brotherly love continue (cf. Heb. 13:1). I believe this is a first priority in our horizontal relationship, but we must not stop there. We also are called to open our lives and homes to strangers. Hebrews 13:2, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Think about that! Some literally have entertained angels without knowing it as they established their home as an open home for strangers. 3. People who are poor and powerless. True religion views life from the position of eternity. We do not invite people into our homes because of the benefit they can bring us here in this life. We invite people into our homes with a view to the benefit God will give us in the life to come. We look for the greater reward! The undiscerning ear may cry, “That sounds mercenary!” But God’s future reward is a pure and lovely motivation. Jesus said so! Luke 14:12-14, “He said also to the man who had invited him, ‘When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.’” This motivation of a future reward is sound because it roots us in faith to God’s promises in the Gospel. Being motivated by our faith in God’s future promises does not taint our sincere love for the poor and the powerless—rather it purifies it.
Application: Who will you invite for dinner this month?
Over the Coffee Cup by Char Wallen We spent the holidays with our family in Wheaton, Illinois. Even our grandson came from Oregon so we were truly blessed! We were seated in their family room where the fire in the fireplace spoke so clearly to me. Coming out from the burning log were three distinct flames. Immediately I was reminded of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. God spoke to me of heavenly things as He was the outer large flame. The flame to the right reminded me of Jesus, our earthly flame, as He spent time physically on this earth to endure so much for me. The third flame seemed to encompass all of the fire at times, that had to be the Holy Spirit who is ever with us who believe and trust in our Lord. It was hard to separate the flames as they would burst into a bright, cackling sermon for me. The warmth, glow, and message seemed to continue on until the log began to burn away. Then my son added another log, and we were challenged anew by our blessed “Three-in-One!” Also the fire would become very red at times, and I was reminded of the precious blood that was humbled and shed for our sins. Even the soft glow, when the fire would burn down, reminded us of the importance for all of us “to glow” for Him, and never let our “fires” go out! They will never go out as long as the “spark of the Lord” abides in us. How can we keep on fire for our Lord? Can a simple fireplace fire revive us again? The first thought that came to me was to daily “trust and obey.” Is it hard to trust during trying times? Yes, but don’t let the fire go out! That is when we must seek Him and obey. Even if your fire becomes very weak, you can ask God to “put another log on your (heart’s) fire!” He’ll rekindle your heart’s low flame, and it will never go out as you seek His warmth and direction. I hope you can feel some of the joy and warmth I got from the fire, and most all, the joy of getting your heart fired up for Him. God is so good!
Missions in February Missions Advance Fund — A Blessing to Bethany Fellowship Missionaries and an Advancement of God’s Kingdom Work Abroad This is the second year of the Missions Advance Fund. Established by the pastors and elders of the Bethany Fellowship of Churches (BFC) as a part of the missions budget, the Missions Advance fund has a two-fold purpose: The first purpose is to set aside an annual stream of missions funds that can be given in future years toward the support of missionaries that are raised up from the BFC. In this way we can prepare ahead of time to commit a significant amount of support to a new sent missionary with money in the budget that has not already been set aside for some other regular need. The second purpose is to use this money for one-time projects proposed by our missionaries when it is not being used for the first purpose. An invitation to propose projects was sent to all of our missionaries this past fiscal year and a team of volunteers evaluated projects and ranked the proposals in order to choose the best project to fund. We received applications for 17 projects from our missionaries. This year we are able to fully fund three of those projects and partially fund a fourth. The first award for $12,000 goes to a radio ministry in Asia on behalf of one of our missionaries to fully fund relocation of their broadcasting facilities to a site where there is room for volunteers to work and workers are afforded a more secure working environment. The second award of $6,000 goes to Cesar and Nancy Cortez to fully fund pastor training workshops for 50 pastors in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. The third award of $3,300 goes to Cru in Indy on behalf of Amanda Knussman to fully fund 200 copies of Bible study materials and to offer scholarships for students to attend conferences throughout the year. The fourth award of $6,588 goes to Bethel Bible Institute in Korhogo, Cote d’Ivoire on behalf of Cheri Geise to partially fund expansion of classroom facilities. We praise God for allowing our churches to be a blessing to our ministry workers through this Missions Advance Fund again this year!
March— Joplin, Missouri Pastor Lyall is leading a team of eight men to help with reconstruction following the tornado that hit there; this is coordinated with Samaritan Ministries (has a full team). April — Uganda Steve and Carol Hornbrook are leading a team to Gulu to host a training summit for student leaders; design and build a power/ inverter system for office computer backup, and build a Saturday club meeting area (has a full team). Future Trips: Ecuador—June 28-July 6; led by Jason and Gayla Stoecker. A water project will be a focus along with possible work on the Rancho Alto church if time permits; in addition to the Stoekcer family, there is room for nine more participants. Contact Jason Stoecker at or Carol Hornbrook at for details. Guatemala—Summer; exact dates and leader TBD; this will be a trip to visit and serve in an orphanage. Ethiopia—November; trip will include outreach and evangelistic festival in Addis, Ethiopia; exact dates TBD; led by Gary Losey. For more details watch your Sunday worship folder or next Broadcaster.
Elder News From Pastor Ritch God has smiled upon our church family by giving us Jon Burnham to serve as an elder for the past 20 months. Jon has been an influence of wisdom, faith and love to our leadership team and for our entire church. His leadership has impacted our ministry in profound ways. Recently, Jon prayerfully decided that the Lord would have him focus more upon helping his precious wife as she experiences greater physical difficulty due to her struggle with pulmonary fibrosis. Jon and Bev have been examples of a godly marriage through years of health and now through illness. We thank God for both of them. Recently, Jon and Bev sent me a note of update. The note was an example of the way Christ-exalting disciples approach life’s most difficult trials. I hope that Jon and Bev’s note encourages your faith as it did mine.
Dear Friends, On Tuesday, January 15 Bev saw Dr. McVay, her pulmonologist, and he said, “Bev, you have about a year left. I will try to keep you here a year or more. Some people have experienced it stopping for a while. I would like to put you in a study of moderate to severe cases and you are definitely severe.” Bev smiled at him and said, “Since I know the Lord I can't lose either way. I want to stay active and go out when I feel like it and keep up the therapy as long as I can.” He smiled and said, “That is the best thing you have going for you.” Bev said, “Jon played pro baseball in the minor leagues and wrote a book. Would you like to have one?” He said, “Sure. Thank you.” Jon handed him ‘The Winning Pitch’ and Jon told him why Woodruff High School closed it’s doors. He laughed and we pray that if he hasn’t made a decision for trusting Jesus as his Savior and Lord, that he will after reading the book. Bev said other things to him and he was obviously impressed, for he sat down again and wanted to hear more. Bev’s condition has brought about a blitz of witnessing opportunities almost everywhere we go. People are calling us wanting serious counsel about their problems and we are having the time of our lives. God is good. A man prayed on the phone with me to receive Jesus as his Savior and Lord after his wife just left him. Bev and I are now counseling both of them. We have a bunch more to say to you, but you get the picture. It's all about Jesus. PTL! Love you all, Jon and Bev
Bringing the Bible to Life You now have the chance to gain the life-changing skills that will help you deepen your delight in serving Christ! These Bringing the Bible to Life classes are provided to help you apply the timeless truths of Scripture to the struggles and experiences of your daily life. Originally developed by Bethany Community Church, these classes have been a blessing to many individuals, and are open to anyone (high school age and above) who desires to learn how to better apply the Bible to life's difficult problems. Track 1: Introduction to Biblical Counseling & Discipleship Classes began January 23, 2013 on Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30pm at Bethany Baptist Church in the sanctuary. You can join a class at anytime. Each week is a stand-alone class. Free childcare is available (with pre-registration).
Open Hearts Open Homes — Orphan Care Ministry For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. - 1 Thess. 5:9-11
When Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care ministry started years ago, I remember looking at the finances needed to support families as they pursued adoption and the fact that Bethany was planning on building a new building. I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't anticipate the amazing ways that the church body responded to the call to care for the orphan. Now with several years behind us we see the fruit of the labor as many families have adopted and fostered. As all things when God is involved the adoption/foster journey is not always without trial or complication. It is however, ALWAYS an opportunity for God to grow and refine those who have adopted/fostered and those who are in contact with the families and children.
By Monica Lonergan
continue to age there is potential for the church family to witness these kids struggling in their relationships, attachments and identity. Some of these may be typical to all children as they mature and develop in their faith. However, some struggles may be specific to their early life experiences, their genetic make up and trauma. These struggles are often seen at home initially and then potentially expanded into their social and educational settings. It is a difficult struggle for believing parents as they balance the knowledge that God is sovereign in all circumstances with the reality of managing a struggling child at home. The body of Christ is crucial in the support of the family. In future articles, I hope to provide education and practical ways that you can continue to support the Orphan Care ministry taking place in these homes. Many adoptive/foster families would tell you the logistic/legal/financial hurdles required to get their children home is just a precursor to the real work that begins at home when we love, nurture and teach our children about the Lord.
As the Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care ministry continues to grow and our adoptive/fostered kids
Date January 23
Teacher Pastor Joel Smith
Topic Is the Bible Relevant for Today's Counseling Problems?
January 30
Pastor Joel Smith
The Gospel & Your Identity
February 6
NO CLASS -- Join us for First Prayer service
February 13
Brian Phillips
Biblical Understanding of the Basic Nature of Man
February 20
Pastor Joel Smith
What is my Purpose in Life?
February 27
Pastor Joel Smith
Why do I do what I do?
March 6
NO CLASS -- Join us for First Prayer service
March 13
Pastor Joel Smith
The Doctrine of Progressive Sanctification
March 20
Pastor Joel Smith
How do I change?
March 27
Pastor Joel Smith
Dealing with Disappointment and Loss
February Birthdays & Anniversaries 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 -
Joseph Betts Daniel Cain Helen Hrivnak Margo Marx Emily Carlile Linda Hamilton Nathan Korf Loraya Waterman Mike & Pam Duncan Roger & Lisa Haywood Sarah Ellison Dennis Van Meter David Weidner Justin & Anita Davis Roger Bennington Gary Conner Anna Hofmann Patty Inman Kaitlyn Kreeger Mickala Kreeger Melissa Lueken Aaron Tolson Janine Tolson Molly Wilson Elizabeth Anderson Benjamin Bobchik Nathan Burnham David Hoerr Acadia Jacobs Tamar Kern Ben Nelson Camden Palmer Emma Borop Robert Cassidy Becky Hornbrook Laurie King Matthew Lueken Mary Smith Abby Anderson Noah Bauman Lydia Benedict Charles Hill Jon Baumann Ruth Burnett Caleb Lonergan Justin McMenamy Kim Sauder Kyle Talbot
10 12 13 14 16 17 18 -
Jon Bateman Steven Bohde David Wilmoth Isaiah Kern Steve & Carol Hornbrook Ada Foreman Braden Fouts Hunter Fouts Brad Gerdes Gerry Greb Wayne Miller David Philyaw Spencer Raw Caroline Baer Madison Brown Brent Graham Margie Cobb Madie Yanko Joelle Andris Deidre Carlson Lynn Carps Karen Joyce Julie Koch Grant & Diana Burton Bob & Anna Garrett Karsyn Dowd Joe Grimaldi Amy Inman Jillian Philyaw Melanie Rowley Cadence Stuber Brody Thach Rich & Cherie Layne Hanna Ham Cora Moon Ken Park Jake Rogers Brandon Thach Karen Wilton Abigail Betts Carol Bricker Justin Herman Reagan Mason Emily Nielsen Levi Ham Andrew Sauder Cheryl Scherer
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 -
Anna Barngrover Karen Burnham Cooper Esterling Jacob Hoerr Mason Kieser Jim Nygaard Ron Penick Kaytlin Post Sam Smith Luke Tucker Zachary Weers Ishor Dhakal Marc Boyd Hannah Dobra Craig Eversole Eden Moon Daniel Schellenberg Mike Barber Mick Dobra Riley Siebenborn Brice Teubel Kimberly Matthews Jasmine Penick Steve & Jill Delinski Grace Yergler Justin Davis Treyton Graham Erin Myatt Connor Setterlund Hailey Tackett Vi White Corey & Chelsea Dozard Jordan Brush Tom Colligan Delaney Burton Braden Dietz Dan Good Alyssa Ellenbecker Sarah Hausam Leah Morgan Jake Peters Greg Urban Steve Herron Jacquelyn Servey Ken & Amy Park Agatha Baumann Rick Hinck Fang Qu Tami Shynk Rachel Ellison
February 2013 Sun
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:45am Sunday School Singles Ministry Mtg.
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study
9:00am MOPS B
8:30am Men’s No Regrets Conference
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (BBQ)
7:00pm Sarah Barley Baby Shower
9:00am MOPS A
8:00am-11:00am Membership Class
12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
6:15pm AWANA Youth Group
7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
6:30pm First Prayer
9:00am Engage Competition 5:30pm Chinese New Year
7:45pm Choir
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:45am Sunday School
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
12:30pm Dust to Glory Brunch
7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
13 5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Chicken)
9:00am MOPS B
8:30am Marriage Seminar
7:45pm Choir
7:00pm Women Helping Women
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Gondolas)
9:00am MOPS Tea
12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
6:00pm Women’s Event: Girls Night Out
6:00pm Hats of Hope
6:15pm AWANA Youth Group Prayer Room Open
7:00pm Laura Janssen Baby Shower
7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
7:45pm Choir
Men’s Basketball
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Tacos)
12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
6:15pm AWANA Youth Group Prayer Room Open
1:00pm EE Begins
15 6:15pm Valentine’s Banquet
6:15pm AWANA Youth Group Prayer Room Open
24 9:45am Sunday School
7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
7:45pm Choir
Enhancing Your Marital Friendship Saturday, February 16, 2013 8:30-11:30am Bethany Baptist Church l Cost: Free Childcare: Provided (registration requested) Speakers: Pastor Ritch Boerckel & Pastor Art Georges Come join us for a fun time of instruction that is designed for married couples, but will also be helpful for couples who are preparing for marriage. Register online at or by contacting the church office at 692-1755.
The Master Design for Marriage
Marriage Maintenance Checkups Have you ever gone to a car dealer for a 30,000–mile maintenance check? We want to offer the same type of service for something far more important than your car—your marriage! We would encourage everyone to consider participating in a Marriage Maintenance Checkup, especially those couples who will celebrate their first anniversary in 2013 or those who will celebrate an anniversary that is a multiple of five (fifth, tenth, fifteenth, etc.). In February, we will be offering 35-minute appointments with one of our pastors. Plan now to set aside time during the week of February 25-28 to invest in your marriage! Watch the weekly worship folder for details or contact Melody at or 692-1755.
Friday, February 15, 2013 6:15pm at Bethany Baptist Cost: $26 per couple Join us for a special evening! Enjoy a delicious dinner prepared by Chef Lyall and a touching focus on love. Reservations are required and space is limited. Dinner will include: Appetizer, Soup, Salad, Choice of Entrée & Dessert Entrée Options: Prime Rib, Chicken Alfredo, Glazed Salmon, Vegetarian RSVP by February 8: online: email: phone: 692-1755
Sunday School
Pastor Kevin
In February, we will continue with 1 Samuel. The Scriptures covered in February are: 3 God Sees David’s Heart — I Samuel 16 10 David Defends God’s Honor — I Samuel 17 17 God Is Sovereign Over Friendships — I Samuel 18:1-11, 20:1-42 24 God Judges Between David & Saul — I Sam. 24
2013 Children’s Ministry Save the Dates June 1 Children’s Ministry Family Picnic June 3-7 MusiCamp July 8-12 Vacation Bible School August 6-7 Family Campout
VBS is Coming!
Jerry Sanderson
It’s time to start thinking about Vacation Bible School! The Kingdom Chronicles—Standing Strong in the Battle for Truth is coming July 8-12. The Kingdom Chronicles will combine some Old Testament Scripture with the focus on Ephesians 6:10-18. See Jerry Sanderson for more information. Nursery Praise God that we continue to see many precious babies born at Bethany! What a privilege it is to give loving and safe care to the little ones so their parents can worship with peace of mind. If you are newer to Bethany, or if you have been at Bethany a long time, Nursery Ministry is for you. Bethany is blessed to have new children every week. Nursery is a foundational ministry that we ask all members and attenders to participate in. Are you on a Nursery Team yet? Teams serve only four times a year. Please see Jaclyn Taylor or Jerry Sanderson for more information.
Parent’s Night Out Introducing Bethany’s Special Needs Ministry This year is the start of an exciting new ministry for Bethany parents of children with special needs! This Parent’s Night Out will provide parents of children with special needs an opportunity to go out on their own. Starting March 15 we will invite these parents to bring their school age children with special needs, and their siblings, to church for two hours of fun from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Parents will then be able to leave and do something for themselves. The children will participate in a time of singing, Bible stories, crafts, games, and snack time. This is our opportunity to love on these kids and share Jesus with them. It is also our privilege to encourage these parents by loving on their children while providing a safe fun environment for the children. We are encouraging ABC classes to take one evening a year to host the events. If you would like to help please contact Margie Cobb at 309-346-0975 or by email at If you are a parent of a child with special needs please save the following dates: March 15, April 12, May 10, September 13, October 4, November 8. We look forward to serving you then!
PrimeTime Fellowship
Monday, February 18—11am All those age 50+ are invited Bring a side to share. Main dish provided. We will discuss heart issues: Important healthy practices we can do as we age; Important things we need to plan for as we age; Communicating with your family as it relates to your estate, important documents, medical decisions, etc.; Bring any questions you may have about anything! RSVP to the office at 692-1755 or on the Communication Card in the worship folder.
Singles Ministry Meeting Sunday, February 3 at 9:45am—Choir Room
GriefShare has just begun a new 13-week session. It is not too late to join us if you would like help, hope and encouragement as you work through the death and grief of your loved one.
Video topics in Feb. 5
When your Spouse (Infant) Dies 19 Why? 12 Your Family & Grief 25 The Uniqueness of Grief, Part 1
We meet on Tuesdays at: 9am during Ladies Bible Study for women who have experienced a miscarriage or loss of an infant/child; 2:20pm or 6:15pm for any loss. Please contact Nicole Pepper, 683-1181 (infant loss) or Dave or Marilynn Perry 579-2408 for information.
Singles Ministry
“Big Game” Party February 3 @ 5:00pm
At the home of Don & Mura Haupt 607 S. French Dr. Dunlap
All singles are invited to attend; the meeting will include an update on the recent changes to the singles ministry.
February 9 Anyone is welcome to attend this competition which is designed to develop young people who will effectively learn, defend and communicate Biblical truth. The event begins at 9am. For details contact Jerry Sanderson (
Now is a great time to join the choir! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
Psalm 100:2
Contact Pastor Fred for details.
Saturday, February 9 8-11am If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend. Please RSVP to the church office (
Discipleship Events Training Class — March 10 Roundtable Forum — April 14 If you would like more information on how to get connected with discipleship at Bethany, contact Pastor Matt at .
Mark your calendar for this event! Saturday, March 23 * 10am-2pm
The Shoppes at Grand Prairie This event will be a fun-filled way to reach out to the community and them about our church. Watch your Sunday worship bulletin for further details.
Evangelism Explosion The spring semester begins February 24 and runs through May 19. We will meet on Sundays from 1–4pm. If you are interested, contact Pastor Matt as soon as possible by calling the church office at 692-1755 or emailing
Women’s Ministry Events
Women Helping Women Work Night Monday, February 18 at 7pm Women Helping Women serves those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, early infant death, and infertility. On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact Nicole Pepper at 683-1181.
for Sarah Barley Thursday, February 7 at 7pm Jason and Sarah are expecting a baby boy in March. They are registered at: Babies R Us and Target.
for Laura Janssen Thursday, February 21 at 7pm Craig and Laura welcomed their daughter Reece in January. They are registered at: Babies R Us and Target.
Girl’s Night Out
Hats of Hope Work Night Tuesday, February 19 at 6pm The work nights are an opportunity to come and meet some cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting , or simply to cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied. for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller a 648-1693 or
Saturday, February 23 6 to 9pm
A Night of Games & Fellowship for women age 18 and up. Watch your Sunday worship bulletin for additional details.
Men’s Ministry Events No Regrets Men’s Conference Saturday, February 2, 2013 8:30am-4:00pm at Bethany Baptist Church There is still time to attend this HD simulcast event with satellite speakers James MacDonald, Kenny Luck, Dan Seaborn, Vince D’Acchioli, and Steve Sonderman, plus local break-out session speakers. Tickets are available from the church office or at Cost: $15 in advance, $20 at the door (includes lunch).
Men’s Basketball Monday nights at 7pm for men college age and up For details, contact Grant Hannah ( or Gary Stoller (
June 16-21, 2013
Adventure activities include: Hiking & Ropes Course, Rappelling, Caving and Rafting. Prior experience in the adventure areas is not necessary but willingness to try is required. This is an opportunity to grow past your comfort zone together.
Cost: $900 per father/son pair (Includes: travel, special Father’s Day activity, meals, lodging, adventure activities, commemorative keepsake, and unforgettable memories.) Trip is limited to the first 10 pairs that send in their deposit. Sons must be at least 14 years old Brochures available at the Welcome Center. A minimum of five pairs are necessary to make this trip feasible. Contact Pastor Lyall or the church office today at 692-1755 if you are interested.
These adventure activities and evening spiritual challenges on Authentic Manhood will provide a life-changing experience for you and your son.
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First Prayer View the Broadcaster in a new e-zine format.
Wednesday, February 6 at 6:30pm Join us for special time of prayer.
Check it out at
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