March Broadcaster

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Prayer Requested for the Elders and the Elder Ministry Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Senior Pastor


HolyHomes Flip This House


Small Group Testimony KidZone Coming in April


Women’s Ministries Discovering Church Membership RESOLVEDto Single’s LinC PrimeTime Fellowship


March Calendar


March Birthdays & Anniversaries


South Side Mission Food Drive Local Mission Services Guatemala GO Trip Trewyn Good News Club

9 Global Outreach 10 Father/Son Adventure Children’s Ministry

11 Open Hearts Open Homes

GriefShare Children’s Choir 12 HolyHomes Flip This House First Prayer

This past month the leadership of Bethany has been communicating to our church family a proposal regarding some changes to the elder ministry. We desire to be as communicative and helpful to our church family as we possibly can through this important process. We believe this restructuring of the elder ministry will bear joyful fruit in our church and among our elders for decades. I think it right for the church family to sense the leadership’s mutual enthusiasm over the impact these changes might mean for our relationships with one another as elders and our relationships with the whole of the church. I also think it right to express to the whole church family my personal excitement about the future of our church with a restructured elder ministry. Few decisions at Bethany over the past 20 years carry as much potential for blessing as this one does. I feel a bit like a kid on Christmas morning when I think of the good fruit this restructuring may bring for the glory of Jesus.

While we elders wish to move forward on these changes as soon as we possibly can, we are also committed to taking whatever time is necessary to listen to the church family and to learn from the church family. Every member’s input is appreciated, regardless of whether that input is one of praise or criticism. We elders learn and grow from the criticisms of godly people and from the questions that godly people pose. So we are not in a rush. We will take as long as the church family may need before we vote upon the expressed proposal. We anticipate that a vote would be in late spring of this year, but that time frame would change if the church family responded in a way that merited a delay. By way of review, the bylaw changes to the elder ministry that the elders are proposing would include the following: 1.) The removal of a specific date for the ordination of new elders onto the elder team. Presently, we are required to vote to ordain new elders for the church in May of each year. The proposal Continued on page 2

“Elders” continued from page 1 would remove that specific date for the vote and allow for an elder candidate to be ordained to their ministry by a vote of the congregation when he is ready to be ordained at any time in the calendar year. 2.) The removal of term limits for the elders’ ministry. Presently, an elder is asked to serve for three years and then required to rotate off of the elder team. This cuts him off from all official communication and involvement in the spiritual leadership of the church. 3.) The removal of the requirement for nine elders to serve the church at any time. Presently, the church is required to have nine elders serve on the elder team, no more and no less. 4.) The inclusion of pastoral staff onto the elder team. Presently, the bylaws do not allow for any pastoral staff to be officially included on the elder team. Bethany’s elders and the pastors are two separate and distinct groups. Please read the Frequently Ask Questions sheet we have produced to understand more about the proposed changes and their implications to the elder ministry. We continue to update this FAQ as questions come to us. View the FAQ sheet online at: under the Resources tab select “Other Resources” then “Elder Restructuring.” The elders’ reading of Scripture over the last year has led us away from these present bylaw requirements. We do not see any of them present in the New Testament, either by example or by precept. We ask you, our church family, to search the Scriptures with us too. Please share biblical insights that you discover through your reading of the Word. Our heart is to align ourselves more and more to God’s truth as revealed in sacred Scripture. Only two years ago, I would not have been in favor of some of these proposed changes. I held views about the ministry of elder that I now realize were founded upon human wisdom alone and not rooted in Scripture. My ideas made sense to me and so I held them as strong opinions. A prayerful and careful consideration of Scripture has led me to believe that the proposed changes are more aligned with God’s Word. And when that happened I had to ask myself, “Do you really believe in the authority and sufficiency of Scripture?” Our submission to biblical doctrine is tested precisely when the practical implications of doctrine oppose the opinions of our own mind. It is at this point we discover what we really believe. You may be asking, “What did a study of Scripture reveal to you about our current elder ministry structure?” Three main concerns emerged from our study. First, we came to believe that a ‘date-driven’ ordination for elders is not only unknown in the New Testament, but that it opens us to the sin of laying hands upon an elder to serve in this ministry before he is ready (1 Timothy 5:22).


I believe that I have committed this sin in the past. I believe that some past elders would admit that they were ordained for the office of an elder before they were properly equipped and trained. Thankfully, God has had mercy upon us and our hastiness has not given way to grievous harm to the church. But the present date-driven ordination opens us to unnecessary spiritual danger and to temptation to disobedience. Second, we have come to believe that term limits for elders does not respect the seriousness of the life calling of God upon an elder. The nature of the ministry of an elder is represented in the New Testament as a serious life calling. There was no anticipation in the New Testament that an elder would step away from his ministry once hands were laid upon him, ordaining him to this vital ministry (Acts 6:17; 1 Timothy 4:13-15; 2 Timothy 1:6-7). Finally, we have come to believe that the church should ordain to the ministry of elder each person whom God gives to the church to shepherd His flock. The church is not our possession; she is Christ’s precious possession. The local church is ours in the sense that we love her, enjoy her, serve in her, and sacrifice for her. However the local church is not ours in the sense that we own her and can do what we want with her. We are only stewards of Jesus’ church and we rightly listen to the voice of the Chief Shepherd. We would be wrong to reject a shepherd whom Jesus calls to care for His flock. We would be in error to withhold the ministry of elder from an individual whom God gives to the church to be an elder. Our limitation of the number of elders would do just that if God gives us more than nine. We do not know how many gifts of pastors/elders that God will give to us to help us bring Him glory (Ephesians 4:11-16). We are right to receive each one as His gift to us. We understand that there will be problems to iron out in this process of restructuring the elder ministry. We will need God’s wisdom to meet these significant challenges. We are convinced that the best context to address difficult practical questions is the context of close alignment with God’s Word. We invite you to search the Scriptures as you think about the proposal to restructure the ministry of elders. We ask that you particularly study and search the following passages: 1 Peter 5:1-5; Ephesians 4:11-16; John 13:31-35; 1 Timothy 3:1-10; Titus 1:5-9; Acts 20:17-38. As you peruse these passages, ask, “What does God’s Word say about the ministry of elders?” We are thankful that God gives our church family genuine concern about all matters of church life and government. We consider this sincere concern to be a sign of spiritual commitment and zeal from members. So your prayers, comments and questions are coveted by the elders. To God be the glory!! 

March 7-8, 2014 Friday 6:30-8:30pm Saturday 8:45am-12:00pm Bethany Baptist Church We are excited to welcome Clay and Renee Crosse as they share an honest and humorous approach to marriage and the impact of really turning your marriage and family over to the Lord!

Clay and Renee encourage every home to introduce these “four simple steps of a house flip” as the framework of their HolyHome. Join us on March 7-8 to learn more.

Step 1: Call in the home inspector. (Recommitment)

••• Step 2: Check that Foundation! (God’s Word)

••• Schedule Friday 6:30-8:30pm Worship with Clay Crosse Session with Clay & Renee Crosse Saturday 8:45am-12:00pm Session with Clay & Renee Crosse Breakout Sessions Clay’s breakout with the men Renee’s breakout with the ladies Closing Combined Session

Step 3: Put on a new Roof. (Prayer) ••• Step 4: Throw a Party! (Delight in the rewards.)

Cost: $15 per person Free childcare provided (sign-up required). Register at:


KidZone Easter Activities on the Prairie Saturday, April 12, 2014 10am-2pm at the Shoppes at Grand Prairie This event will be a fun-filled way to reach out to the community and serve our neighbors with a fun, family-friendly event that will portray God’s love and encourage a positive witness for Bethany Baptist Church in our community. We are seeking cheerful, excited & smiling volunteers to serve at an activity station for one shift: 1st Shift (9am-Noon) or 2nd Shift (11:45am–2:30pm)  Stations include: - Face painting - Live music - Making balloon animals - Serving popcorn - Hosting a carnival-type game - Handing out church literature - Inflatables 

Candy Donations are also needed: 

Candy should be small, individually wrapped, and of the non-chocolate variety

Donations can be dropped off in the collection bins located near the Welcome Center and in the hall of the Children’s wing beginning March 9 through April 6.

If you would like to help or have questions, please contact Kari Rabenhorst (


Small Group Testimony Vince & Dede Warner Our small group has been a wonderful gift from the Lord. We started meeting roughly two years ago when the church first rolled out the program. My wife and I felt at home the minute we walked into our leaders' home. And it wasn't just because there was chocolate everywhere … it was the tender hearts of our brothers and sisters, a lack of pretense, and their deep devotion to our Lord that was so engaging. The sovereign Lord placed us in a situation where Hebrews 10:24-25 became so real: “And let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” We also truly treasure the confidentiality of our group. It is a safe place to be—a safe place to be sad, broken, weary, discouraged, transparent, joyful, blessed, and content … and sometimes all in the same night! We've observed God's handiwork in the various spiritual gifts that are so evident: at least one prophet, at least one teacher, at least one servant, at least one exhorter, and at least one with the gift of mercy. The Lord uses each of us to minister to one another in these ways—Bethany's small groups are where this can really happen. Speaking only from our perspective, small groups can be like family only without the baggage. It is a place to let your hair down (to the extent you have hair) and bear one another’s burdens, thus fulfilling the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). Further, small groups are all about prayer. We pray for each other and this is such a blessing both for those who pray and for those who are prayed for. The prayers extend to our families, children, and grandchildren—that is just so cool. Thank you, Lord. 

Women’s Ministries

Discovering Church Membership

Bridal Shower for Jessica Heisey Thursday, March 6 at 7pm Jessica is engaged to Ryan Harper. They are registered at Bed Bath & Beyond, Target, Pottery Barn, and Macy's.

Bridal Shower for Jessica Koch Saturday, March 15 at 10am

Sundays at 9:45am in the Choir Room March 2, 9 & 16 If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend. Please RSVP to Melody in the church office (

Jessica is engaged to Brian Willoughby. They are registered at Bergner’s and Bed Bath & Beyond.

Women Helping Women Monday, March 17 at 7pm Women Helping Women serves those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, early infant death, and infertility. On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact: Nicole Pepper at 683-1181

Hats of Hope Tuesday, March 18 at 6pm

Work Nights

The next Friday Night LinC is March 21 at 7:15pm at the Christian Center. Mark your calendar for these upcoming Friday Night LinC events: April 25, May 16, June 20. Our RESOLVEDto Singles ministry at Bethany seeks to compel our members to become “resolved to” Bless our Church, Build our Community, and Reach our City—all for the glory of God!

Work nights provide an opportunity to meet cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply to cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller at 648-1693 or

New Ladies’ Studies Beginning in March Monday evenings 6:30pm (March 17-May 19): “Psalms of Asaph: The Nearness of God is Our Good,” taught by Kayla Phillips. No extra book needed, no cost. Tuesday mornings 9:00am (March 18-April 29): “Knowing Christ” taught by Kelly Walenta and Markie Castle. No extra book needed, no cost.

PrimeTime Fellowship Monday, March 17 at 11:00am All those age 50 and up are invited to join us! The Guatemala team will be sharing about their work trip to Hogar de Vida Children’s Home. Main dish will be provided. Bring a side or dessert to share. To sign up, call the church office at 692-1755.

Tuesday afternoons 12:30pm (March 18-May 27): “Here and Now...There and Then” (Beth Moore Revelation study) taught by Lona Hudson. Book cost: $10


March 2014 Sun







1 1:00pm Hornbrook/Peppers Wedding & Reception








8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class 4:00pm Orchestra Teen Choir COCUSA Chili Supper

7:00pm Men’s Basketball

9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study

5:00-5:45pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth Group 6:30pm First Prayer 7:45pm Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

9:00am MOPS

7:00pm Jessica Heisey Bridal Shower

6:30pm – 8:30pm Clay & Renee Crosse ―Flip this House‖ Conference

8:45am—12:00pm Clay & Renee Crosse ―Flip this House‖ Conference







8:15 & 11:00am

7:00pm Men’s Basketball

9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study

5:00-5:45pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth Group 6:30pm Prayer Room Open 7:45pm

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study






8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class 4:00pm Orchestra Teen Choir Children’s Choir

11:00am PrimeTime Fellowship

5:00-5:45pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth Group 6:30pm Prayer Room Open 7:45pm

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

Men’s Basketball

9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 6:00pm Hats of Hope 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study






8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 4:00pm Teen Choir Children’s Choir

7:00pm Men’s Basketball

9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study College Guys Study Charlotte Mason Mtg.

5:00-5:45pm Family Meal 6:15pm Awana Youth Group 6:30pm Prayer Room Open 7:45pm

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study



8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 12:30pm Newcomer’s Lunch 4:00pm Orchestra Teen Choir Children’s Choir

7:00pm Men’s Basketball

Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class 12:30pm Guatemala Missions Info Mtg.

7:00pm Women Helping Women work night

15 10:00am Jessica Koch Bridal Shower


22 5:00pm Sr. High Bethany Games Event



March Birthdays & Anniversaries 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -

Nadyne Clark Emily Dobra Judi Johnson Michelle Pinkney Brian Sage Teri Cooper Barb Becker Hannah Daum Elijah Nelson Evan Schroeder Dennis & Cindy Brown Paul Bennett Sidney Catey Jacob Gerig Kayleigh Siebenborn Lucy Barber Liz Evans Chris Larson Roxane Penick Carrie Sherman Billy Schick Vivian Bireline Joe Bobchik Greg Carps Stephanie Fisher John Havenga Andrew Honegger Sandra Larson Amelia Servey Cecilia Dare Mary Myers Tom Nofsinger Sally Rice Daniel Weidner Jaclyn Lewis Paul McKim Piper Shanklin John & Sarah Moon Terry & Jeanne Quick Paul Slopak Kevin Stoller Trent & Mary Gerig Brianna DeBacker Alaina Graham Dale Myers Katie Nofsinger Zoey Wiegand Mason Green Dan Pfeiffer Matthew Tucker John & Lori Bennett Sophie Evans Jordan Jensen Chelsea Jost Tyler Moore Amy Plattner

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 -

Jeanette Akright Priscilla Cochrane Faith Elsasser Alyssa Gallup Cora Habeger Kevin King Alyssa Taylor Justin Tackett Mike & Helen Barngrover Liam Barley Julie Read Emily Sharkey Ginny Weber Wes & Lena Kieser Lyall & Sheila Sutton Bracey Blair Alex Colwell Ben Stoltzfus Bradyn Taylor Gordon & Sandi Cross Herb Chowaniak Grady Donnelli Diane Gerst Oliver Heinz Micaela Pollizze Jerry Sullins Lyall Sutton Joe Burke Henry Easley Jack Greener Gary Jones Bob Morris Ben Ruppman Calvert Benedict Brian Fore Mike Bricker Cathy Heisey Marie Lindahl Jessica Link Peter Petrany Kimberly Shepherd Tim Anderson Josh Beakley David Oakes Dave Schellenberg Kurt Yonke Christine Ommen Eian Sharkey Kess Walton Marc Walin Tim & Nicole Lee Jordan Beakley Eric Bonk Jennifer Green Katie Herman Jonathan Sage

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -

Jenni Gallup Mary LaHue Monica Lonergan George Pinkney Tucker Walberg Robert Wilton Jared & Jan Rogers Kimberly Boerckel Julia Charles Diane Conner Caleb Davison Ron Jost Elizabeth Krikke Braelyn Sceggel Julianne Schrepfer Mark Doty Esther Hoerr Madison Laugherty Jim Ommen Conner Wieland Carol Worrick Bob & Ruth Christmas Gene Higgs Elise Hubbert Mark Zielinski Drea & Michael Gallagher Dave & Marilyn Perry Andrew Dewalt Carter Hintz Jessamy Hintz Raymond Isaacs Dave Koch Bill & Holly Zimmerman Owen Habeger Ben Miller Jordyn Carroll Bob Castle Crystal Joos Bill Kurtz James Schellenberg Sidney Huffman Trenton Parrish Erika Childs Christopher Gonzalez Kim Grimaldi Bekah Smith


Mission Services


South Side Mission exists to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to the poor, and in His name to love, feed, house, clothe, and teach all those people He sends to us. What does that really look like? Food baskets Hot meals

2011 7,081 96,538

2012 7,765 108,076

The Mission’s four food pantries typically get filled during drives at the end of the year and then face bare shelves in the spring. Bethany Baptist will be collecting food to help fill up those shelves. Bring your items to church during the month of March and place them in the South Side Mission barrels in the foyer. As an added bonus during the month of March the Feinstein Foundation is matching the food donations the Mission receives with financial gifts. That means the more food collected the more money the Feinstein Foundation will give to the South Side Mission to later purchase more food for the pantry. Top Ten Most Needed Items Peanut Butter Jelly Canned Tuna Canned Chicken Pasta (16 oz. boxes) Spaghetti Sauce Cereal (10-15 oz.) Hamburger Helper Crackers (Saltines, etc.) Canned Fruit & Veggies

S Bethany Mission Services in March: South Side Mission 1127 S. Laramie Street, Peoria March 16 at 6pm Peoria Rescue Mission 601 SW Adams Street, Peoria March 17 and 20 at 7:30pm If you are interested in joining the team of Bethany volunteers who participate in these services, contact Jon Baumann at or 303-5656.

Guatemala Trip Info Meeting Sunday, March 9 at 12:30pm In the Sr. High Room

All those interested in learning Global Outreach more about this August 2-10, 2014 trip to the Hogar de Vida Children’s Home in Guatemala are invited to attend this informational meeting following the 11:00am worship service on March 9.

Food Drive

Other Needs Canned: apple sauce, beef stew, carrots, corn, green beans, peas, pork and beans, potatoes. Dry: boxed potato mixes, cake mixes, corn muffin mixes, dried beans, dried peas, elbow macaroni, jello, mac & cheese, pudding mixes, pancake mix, rice mixes. Staple items: flour, sugar, salt, pepper, salad dressing, coffee, tea


Encourage the men who stay at the JESUS Peoria Rescue Mission and the A women and children at the South Side Mission by attending a service led by V Bethany volunteers. E

Trewyn Opportunities We will be providing a snack day for the Trewyn staff during ISAT testing on Tuesday, March 11. If you would like to donate something salty or sweet that can feed 12-15 people, contact Abby Pfeiffer in the church office by Friday, March 7, by calling 692-1755 or emailing We are still looking for 5-8 more volunteers for Good News Club at Trewyn. If you’re interested or would like more information, contact Rod Abel at or Abby Pfeiffer at

John & Lori Havenga Serving in the Solomon Islands with Wycliffe

By Steve Hornbrook

One of the ways in which the Bethany Fellowship of Churches ministers to the GO-Partners is to send pastors to visit them regularly, for the purpose of encouraging them in their ministry. Through pastoral visits we gain personal identification with and understanding of their ministry. We also facilitate the leadership that the New Testament implies for their sending church which we accept as our responsibility. Steve and Carol Hornbrook returned recently from one of these visits to the Havenga family in the Solomon Islands. John & Lori left for the Solomons with their boys Daniel and Micah (nearly 4 and 2, respectively), shortly after Micah was born. They have been learning both Pijon which is the trade language, and the translation process that Wycliffe uses. The past few months have been transitional for them as they begin to focus on a tribal language called Dughore that is spoken on the western island of Kolombangara. A translation committee of islanders from Kolombangara was formed in the past year, and is responsible to select native language speakers to join the translation team, and the village that the Havengas will live in. Scripture translation is a ministry that is critical to local church growth, but it is also a ministry that tends to lag behind church planting. How do the people of churches mature spiritually when they do not have the Scriptures in the language that they grew up with and speak at home? How does a pastor preach in the local language when the Scripture he is reading is in a language that he does not speak well, might leave him bewildered, and which his congregation also does not understand well? This is a situation ripe for wrong teaching and for heresy to flourish. The churches of the Solomons need the Scriptures in their heart languages. The Havengas’ role in translation is as consultants and advisors. They have a responsibility to guard the integrity of the process and result, but they will not be doing the translation. They are the only Wycliffe team members on the island, the rest of the translation team is ideally native Kolombangarans. ď ś

View more photos of the trip at:


Children’s Ministry Wendy Kirkpatrick Sunday School (SS) and Children’s Church (CC) Lessons in March: 3-2 SS: Matthew 26:75-27:26 The Trial and Denial of Jesus CC: Daniel 1 Daniel and His Friends Obeyed God 3-9 SS: Matthew 27:27-66 Jesus Endures the Cross CC: Daniel 3 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego 3-16 SS: Matthew 28:1-20 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ CC: Daniel 5 God Gave Daniel Wisdom

June 15-20, 2014 Close relationships are often built in the most challenging situations. The shared journey creates a lifelong bond. This fun and challenging adventure trip will provide the environment for deepening the father/ son relationship through difficult endeavors, debriefing discussions, and reflective journaling. Cost: $900 per father/son pair (Includes: travel, special Father’s Day activity, meals, lodging, adventure activities, commemorative keepsake, and unforgettable memories.) Trip is limited to the first 10 pairs to send in their deposit. Sons must be at least 15 years old. Brochures are available at the Welcome Center. A minimum of five pairs are necessary to make this trip feasible. Contact Pastor Lyall or the church office today at 692-1755 if you are interested.

Adventure activities include: Hiking, Ropes Course, Rappelling, Caving, and Rafting. These adventure activities and evening spiritual challenges on Authentic Manhood will provide a life-changing experience for you and your son. Prior experience in the adventure areas is not necessary but willingness to try is required. This is an opportunity to grow past your comfort zone together.


3-23 SS: CC: 3-30 SS: CC:

Acts 1:1-11 Jesus Returns to Heaven Daniel 6 Daniel Was Rescued from the Lions Acts 2:1-47 The Holy Spirit Arrives Obadiah 1-21 Obadiah the Prophet

COCUSA We are pleased to announce that we are partnering with Camp of Champions to host a summer day camp at Bethany Baptist Church. Grade school students currently in kindergarten through 6th grade are eligible to attend. The camp will run 11 weeks of the summer, beginning June 2 from 9am to 4pm Monday through Friday. Extended hours are offered. Please see for more information.

Save the Date: MusiCamp 2014 MusiCamp is scheduled for June 2-6 from 6:00 to 8:15pm. Kids who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade will work on the musical “I Am” and present it on Sunday evening, June 8.

VBS Get your Spy Gear and join us for an intriguing week of VBS, July 14-18! Student and worker registration is coming soon.

Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Ministry by Amy Park Think of yourself as a small child and everything you know as “normal” has just changed. Perhaps the language you hear spoken is foreign to you, everything you smell is strange, and food is like nothing you have seen before in your life. The people that may have been there to comfort you are no longer anywhere to be seen. Often this is the life of a child affected by orphan care. As you attend church and see the families that have been blessed through the ministry of foster care or adoption would you please remember to pray for these families and the children they are parenting? As in all parenting, some days are easier than others. Recently a family on the Open Hearts, Open Homes Prayer List began their family’s prayer request with these words, “I'm convinced that we have bursts of improvement every time I send out updates! It really is a witness to us.” They went on with their request and thanked those who were praying. The power of prayer is seen in the answers that bless these families’ lives. If you would like to be involved in praying for those who are on the frontlines of orphan care you can sign up on your MyBethany link for the Open Hearts Prayer Team. Thank you for praying for these families! To keep up with other happenings of this ministry check out our ministry blog:

Prayer Room Open On Wednesday evenings when there is no First Prayer, the Prayer Room will be open from 6:15 to 8:00pm for a time of self-led prayer. We invite you to drop in as you are able and come and go as you please. Prayer sheets will be available.

Daylight Savings Don’t forget to set your clock ahead one hour before going to bed on Saturday, March 8.

Griefshare GriefShare, like grief itself, is often blindsided by real life events that catch us off guard. Like the weather! We think we are doing okay and then something takes us by surprise and that overwhelming feeling of loss consumes us. It is a normal part of grief. We had to postpone the start of GriefShare more than once because the weather kept overtaking our “planned start.” If you have lost a loved one and feel you are not moving ahead as you would like to, we invite you to join us, even for three weeks to see if it will be beneficial for you. The years of love that have been created need more than time to help it heal. Join us at GriefShare—weather permitting—Tuesdays at 12:20pm or 6:15pm! We meet in Room 809. Call Marilynn Perry at 579-2408 if the weather looks questionable.

Children’s Choir Children’s Choir will resume on Sunday, March 16 at 4:00pm. Children in kindergarten through sixth grade are welcome to attend. In Children’s Choir we teach music theory and we will begin working on the musical “I Am” which will be presented at the conclusion of MusiCamp on Sunday evening, June 8. The “I Am” musical will take us on a journey with super app-designer Solomon and the amazing creative team at the App Factory, where you not only play the games, but you get into the game, and discover the real life app for all that! We are seeking teachers to help with Children’s Choir. Please contact Pastor Fred if you are interested (

Men’s Basketball All men college age and up are welcome to play basketball on Monday nights at 7pm. For details contact Grant Hannah (


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


First Prayer Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30pm Join us for special time of prayer. See inside on page 3 for additional details.

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