May 2013 Broadcaster

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Inviting Others In Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Senior Pastor

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Missions Open Hearts Open Homes Youth News National Day of Prayer Upcoming Concerts 5 Life After Work PrimeTime Fellowship Discovering Church Mem. Men’s Breakfast Community Garden GriefShare 6 May Calendar 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries 8 Children’s Ministry 9 Women’s Ministries Over the Coffee Cup 10 Adult Bible Communities The Gospel Institute 11 RESOLVEDto Small Groups 12 Children’s Ministry Picnic MusiCamp 2013

By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 I have been thinking much lately about the essential quality of genuine love among believers in the church. In John 13, Jesus did not say that all people would know we are His disciples by the way we love them. He said that all people would know we are His disciples by the way we love one another as disciples of Jesus. Of course, it is right to love the people of this world too, but Jesus places priority upon our giving love to others in the body of Christ. Paul echoes Jesus’ remarks to the church in Corinth who seemed to be full of conflict and division: “If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3 NLT). Paul is saying that nothing good can happen in a church where members are distant from each other and not moving closer in deep relationship with each other. A church that gathers together for instruction, mission and service, but not for loving fellowship, is a church that cannot glorify God. If this is true (and it is!), each one of us carries a great responsibility to both give love to and receive love from others in Jesus’ church. For the glory of God, we must move toward one another in loving friendship. For the glory of God, we cannot allow ourselves to simply be smiling acquaintances with one another. The world will not recognize us as unique disciples of Jesus if we become content with superficial relationships in our local church. What keeps us from deep friendships within the church? A library of books could be written on this subject. But one hindrance to deep relationships has become a recent conviction for me: I am hesitant about opening my life to truly reveal myself to others. I like to listen to others relate the inner workings of their life, but I am not very keen on Continued on page 2

Continued from page 1 opening my soul to others. I inwardly resist inviting others into my inner world. Until recently, I chalked this trait up to my reserved personality or my German heritage. But it really is not those things that keep me from sharing my life with others . . . it is fear, it is pride, it is a lack of love. Our small group is reading through J. I. Packer’s classic book entitled, “Knowing God.” As we were discussing chapter 3 this past week, Packer made the observation that knowing God is possible only because God humbles Himself in love to reveal Himself to us. He opens the door and invites us to see Him for who He truly is. He relates this truth to human relationships. Packer writes, “Our knowing them [another person] is more directly the result of their allowing us to know them than of our attempting to get to know them. When we meet, our part is to give them our attention and interest, to show them good-will and to open up in a friendly way from our side. From that point, however, it is they, not we, who decide whether we are going to know them or not.” Packer’s words helped me to see that my reticence to open my life to others is a lack of love for them. I am not being unselfish when I content myself with listening to others share their life with me, but not reciprocate. Instead, I am building walls that impede love from flowing freely in Jesus’ church. If I do not reveal myself to others, I am refusing them entrance into deep relationship with me.


Love one another “A church that gathers together for instruction, mission and service, but not for loving fellowship, is a church that cannot glorify God.”

John 13:35 “By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

God in love communicates Himself to us so that we can know Him. He generously opens the door of His world and invites in to know Him. Then, He calls us to love one another as He has loved us! For the Christian, keeping the doors of our life closed from others in the body of Christ is not an option! Opening our lives to others is risky. Our lives are not always neat and ordered. Our lives are often messy and not pretty. Others may hurt us when we do. Yet the alternative to opening our lives to others robs God of His honor within the church and robs us of the joy God intends for us to experience in the context of His church. God calls us to invite others in. No one can open the doors of our heart for us. Love is voluntary. Love requires our willingness to be personally involved with others through listening to them and revealing ourselves to them. Love does require that we desire to listen to others as they reveal themselves to us. But love does not stop there. Love gives self-revelation to others. I am praying that God would work to make deep loving relationships a dominant quality of our experience together at Bethany. Will you pray for this with me? Also, I am praying that God would give me grace to love others by opening myself more freely to them. Will you pray this for me and for yourself too? It excites me to think of the sweet fruit God will bring to our church as we pursue love together. 

Dougg & LeAnn Custer: After losing everything in the Colorado forest fire that affected the Colorado Springs area, the Custers are thankful to share that they have found a new home and will be moving in late April after they return from ministry in Europe and the Middle East. In their recent newsletter, they shared “we can have joy and hope in the midst of all circumstances, no matter how difficult, but they are only to be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ who gives us new life when we confess and He forgives ours sins.” For more on their recovery after the fire, see their latest update on the missionary wall.

Unique California Missions Opportunity Yuba City, CA — May 25-26, 2013 Dollie (pictured above) and Jack Harvey, our Bethany Fellowship missionaries, serve in Yuba City, California, and work among the Punjabis. The Harveys partner with and also mentor Pastor Balbir of a small Punjabi (Indian language) church/ fellowship in Yuba City called “A house of prayer.” Every year during Memorial Day weekend this church has an outreach event where they have Bible stories for kids and also adults, and other activities like face painting for kids, etc. This festival attracts several unbelieving Punjabi families and this year they are looking for a team of volunteers to help with the festival. Your role/ purpose would be to staff booths at the Punjabi Festival Celebration to share God’s love and minister to the Punjabi people. Marlene List, from Grace Presbyterian Church, is looking into taking a team of 10-12 people from the Peoria-area to help Pastor Balbir with this ministry. The tentative schedule for the festival is as follows:

John and Esther Waldrop: Now over half-way into their furlough, the Waldrops have sensed God’s future direction for ministry. They have narrowed their selection to two cities in Europe/Middle East. For more information on their future ministry site and to pray for them during the upcoming transition, see their latest update on the missionary wall.

Missions News

Missionary Updates

Brian and Jenny Entner: After a long wait, the Entner family are now on the fast track toward adopting a 10-week-old baby girl from Ethiopia. In the next three months they will be making two trips to Ethiopia and hope to have Aliegha home before summer camp season starts in June! For more on their ministry at Camp Good News and their adoption, see their latest update on the missionary wall.


Saturday, June 1

· May 24: Arrive in Yuba City, CA · May 25: Training with Dr. Cynthia, Palm Project · May 26: Work in booths at the festival Housing and some meals will be provided

In partnership with Mission Ministries and Peoria-area churches, we will construct the walls and roof of a two-room home here in Peoria and ship it to Juarez, Mexico, for a family in need. Construction will take place beginning at 8am on Saturday, June 1 in the parking lot of Grace Presbyterian Church. The project will be finished by early afternoon.

Expenses: Round-trip airfare to Sacramento, CA, contribute to car rental for transportation to Yuba City, and some meals.

We are currently recruiting team members for our team. You must register to participate. Each team member commits to raising at least $100. Donation packets are provided.

Contact: Marlene List by email at or by phone at (309)444-9449.

Information is available at the welcome center at church. Contact Pastor Lyall for details (

Building homes. Transforming lives. 3

Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Ministry When the Lord calls a family to adoption there are times the paperwork and wait seem endless. We often counsel families to expect “glitches” as they wait through the many phases. Prayer is a great support to these families. Please be in prayer for the following BFC families as they prepare their hearts and home for the child(ren) the Lord has for them. Eric & Beth Bonk (BBC) John & Betsy Crow (BCC) Brian & Jennifer Entner (BCC) Chris & Amanda Esterling (BCC) Blake & Rachel Graham (BBC) Evan & Lisa Jacobson (BBC) Scott & Carrie Kokoska (BCC) Chris & Kristin Kopinski (BCC) A Foster Care Prayer Vigil will be held on Thursday, May 23 from 6-7pm in the Sr. High Room. This evening is in conjunction with the National Foster Care Prayer Vigil and is time set aside to pray for the over 400,000 children in the foster care system and all those that are involved in the system at any level. For ladies at any phase of fostering and/or adopting, Focused Fellowship meets the third Monday of every month at 7pm. Check out the OHOH blog at: or contact Amy at 266-1635.

Youth News There will be a three-week break from our normal Wednesday evening youth group in May. Please be aware that there will be no youth group on May 15, 22 or 29. However, we will be having a couple special events in May that you will want to know about. Saturday, May 18 we will be having The Barn fellowship time for our senior high at the Unsicker’s Triple U Barn from 6-9pm. Youth are asked to bring games and some snacks and drinks to share with others. Sunday, May 19 we will take time for Graduate Recognition in the morning worship services. Please let the church office know which service your graduate plans to attend, and we will have them come forward to share where they are graduating from and their plans for the immediate future. Lastly, each year we set aside a special evening for our high school graduates and their families. Our Senior Graduate Banquet this year will be on Wednesday, May 29 from 6:15 to 8:30. The cost is $5 per person, while the graduates get to eat for free. In addition to a fabulous meal, parental blessings will be given to graduates and an introduction to our college-age ministry will also be provided. If you have a graduating senior, please reserve your spot today and visit the following site to sign up for time slot to record your video blessing with Dan or Aaron. ( go/30E0C48A4AF2DA13-bethany2) <>< , Dan Wilton

National Day of Prayer

Upcoming Concerts at Bethany

Thursday, May 2 from 12-1pm

You are invited to the Peoria County Courthouse Square for an hour of intercession for our nation (12pm - 1pm) on Thursday, May 2. This event is our local expression of the National Day of Prayer. Please consider joining us. The Peoria Christian School choir will be singing and local churches and leaders will be uniting for this season of intercession for: families, government, military, business, media, education, and the church.


Ernie Haase & Signature Sound Friday, May 3 at 7:30pm Tickets are available in the church office. Cost to the Bethany family is $15 per ticket for general seating. Kids 12 and under are free with an adult. Legacy 5 and the Collingsworth Family Friday, June 21 at 6pm Tickets go on sale May 1. Cost: $20 per ticket for general seating. Kids 15 and under free with a paid adult.

Life After Work A Kingdom Vision Sunday, May 19 at 12:30pm in the Sr. High Room There will be a lunch for anyone (singles or couples) who is retired or is thinking ahead about retirement. Come hear Pastor Ritch give a vision of life for the glory of God in retirement. To sign up, contact the church office at 692-1755.

Discovering Church Membership Saturday, May 4 8:00-11:00am

PrimeTime Monday, May 13 at 11:00am All those age 50 and older are invited to join us for lunch. The Joplin Team will be sharing about their recent trip to help repair homes in Joplin, Missouri. Main dish will be provided. Bring a side or dessert to share. Sign up on an upcoming bulletin communication card or call the church office at 692-1755.

Men’s Breakfast Saturday, May 18 at 7:30am

West Virginia Adult Outdoor Adventure We’re heading to wild West Virginia from October 3-6, 2013, for some Gauley River rafting and New River Gorge hiking and rappelling. During our time, we will also be taking a closer look at Hebrews 11 and how we can apply this passage to our adventures. This river is ranked among the top ten best whitewater rivers in the world! With over 100 rapids, including 10 rapids that are class V or V+, it’s no wonder the Gauley is called “The Beast of the East.” (Prior rafting experience is strongly recommended.)

If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend this class.

All men are invited for a morning of good food and fellowship. Bethany missionary, Dave Beakley, will be sharing.

Please call the church office at 692-1755 to sign up.

Please call the church office at 692-1755 to sign up.

Game Plan: Thursday, October 3: Travel Friday, October 4: Raft Saturday, October 5: Hike & Rappel Sunday, October 6: Travel

Community Garden


Cost: Cost is $300 plus some meals (3 dinners and 1 lunch). Our adventures and lodging (hotel/lodge style) will be with Alpine Adventures.

“Grief is the price we pay for loving someone who has died, the deeper the love, the deeper the grief.” -Zig Zigler A portion of our land is set aside to allow church families to grow fruit and vegetables and then to share the first fruits of their harvest with those in our community in need.

We will offer GriefShare this summer but please note that the day of the week that we meet will change to WEDNESDAY for the summer only.

The garden is ready! If you would like to participate, please contact Kari at to reserve a plot.

We will begin on Wednesday, May 15, from 6:15 to 8:30 in Room 810. (There will be no afternoon group for the summer.)

If you have questions, contact Pastor Lyall at or 692-1755.

For questions or further information, please call Dave or Marilynn Perry at 253-3899.

Response: We have a limited number of spots held and space is limited for Gauley rafting. Please contact Pastor Lyall ( or Kari Rabenhorst ( if you are interested in going. A $100 deposit is required to hold your spot.


May 2013 Sun











6:15pm AWANA Awards Night Youth Group 7:30pm Choir

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

9:00am MOPS Brunch

8:00-11:00am Membership Class

6:00pm 4th Grade SS Party

10:00am LeAnne Padiak Baby Shower

7:30pm Ernie Haas & Signature Sound Concert








8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 12:30pm Dust to Glory Brunch 4:00pm Children’s Choir 4:07pm Teen Choir

7:00pm Men’s Basketball

9:00am Men’s Bible Study

6:15pm Youth Group 6:30pm Choir

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

6:30-8:30pm Special Needs Date Night

10:00am Cara Traeger Baby Shower






8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School

11:00am PrimeTime Fellowship

9:00am Men’s Bible Study

6:15pm GriefShare 6:30pm Choir

6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

12:30pm Ladies Bible Study

6:00pm Jr. High Game Night

7:00pm Men’s Bible Study

7:00pm Men’s Basketball

3:00pm Myers Wedding

7:00pm Men’s Bible Study

6:00pm Sr. High at The Barn





8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am ABC Leader Meeting 12:30pm Life After Work Lunch 4:00pm Children’s Choir

7:00pm Women Helping Women

9:00am Men’s Bible Study

6:15pm GriefShare 6:30pm Choir

6:00-7:00pm Foster Care Prayer Vigil



8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School

6 2

12:30pm Ladies Bible Study


6:30pm Ladies Bible Study

6:00pm Hats of Hope 7:00pm Men’s Bible Study

Memorial Day Office Closed



9:00am Men’s Bible Study

6:15pm GriefShare Senior High Graduation Banquet 7:45pm Choir

7:00pm Men’s Bible Study

18 7:30am Men’s Breakfast

12:30pm Ladies Bible Study


Men’s Basketball





May 2013 Birthdays & Anniversaries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -

Mark Burnham Brie Nielsen Marge Coulter Cheryl Hamm Lisa Haywood Bob Li Logan Queen Mikayla Weech John Myatt Martie Scott Linda Shaner Robert Barnes Steve Haroldson Sydney Hougham Galen Koch Nicole Pepper Jeremiah Dozard Andrea Guingrich Addison Hiller Kaitlyn Kallina Brooke Parrish Brooke Rumbold Brooks Shanklin Aaron Boerckel Hayden Church Benjamin Clore Mark & Karen Burnham Ella Carlile Grant Mathes Andi Meister Smyrna Palaparthi Brenda Van Atta Matt & Andrea Gillespie Ron & Kristi Hoyle Jean Davis Dale Lewis Taylor Reynolds Deb Schepke Rod Abel Mireya Severns Wayne & Jane Miller Nolan Benway Nancie Ham Colleen Jones Tom Williams Steve Hartwig Jeff & JoEllen Borden Warren & Nicole Pepper Craig & Kimberly Shepherd

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -

Austin Borop Magdelina Lindahl Walt & Anna Marie Chave John & Lori Havenga Josh Peters Kourtney Teubel Kaleb Walton Eric & Sarah Charles Jerod & Rebekah Nerad Katie Burnham Jessica Dobra Brie Flinn Kaitlin Flinn Alex Gallup Brooke Hougham Fred Laugherty Cameron Lewis Alex Neukomm McCully Shanklin Bob & Pat Goben Grace Carroll Annabelle Easley Kristyn Hart Samuel Hoerr Judith Myers Robert Turner Barry & Bridget Schnepel Peter & Kelli Rummel Jennifer Bateman David Burnham Bridgette Corder Tori Criss David Dremann John Huerta Drake McKnight Elsa Meiss Stefanie Sage Sam Zimmerman Steve & Evelyn Herron Julie Growchowsky Beth Hapke Janet Lawson Stephanie Wieland John & Roslynn Huerta Dan Albaugh Alivia Ham Carlos Gonzalez Kenneth Meiss Charly Ugorji

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -

Gregg & Kris McClelland George & Debbie Pinkney Violet Easley Felicia Phan Billie Fite Ed Glaue Jordan Menold Steve & Jennell Dietz Paul & Dana Hake William & Stacey Jacobs Jonathan & Christen Walberg Joy Alvey Jean Byerly Terah Chitester Ashley Esslinger Mary Gerig Mia Gerig Sydney Houzenga Esther Sun Carol Vance Jason & Heather Lied Kevin & Catherine Malone Joshua & Rachel Smith Naomi Abel Roger Koehler Kristy McMenamy Mason Schrepfer Linda Slopak Aaliyah Tiller Lowell Wallen Alexander Weber Damiana Zaborowski Mick & Jessica Dobra Tim & Jill Johnson Justin & Kristy McMenamy Walter & Debby Rhodes John & Tina Strawn Grace Bonk Trent Joos Lydia Schellenberg Doug Severns Carol Smith Ashley Stoltzfus Ted & Jennifer Green Jeff & Nicole Stahl Brian DeBacker Chelsea Davison Jonas Hake Chuck Hauptly

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -

Jim Kurczodyna Roger Lawson Stanley Meinert Lukas Merna Gary Page Gene & Sandy Howell Josh & Vivian Moon Joel Borden Remy Guingrich Titus Hangartner Ewald Lipps Eloise Peterson Ali Bryant Gary Bryant Rebecca Anderson V. Rick Smith Liz Thorp Todd & Lisa Bryant Ginger Burke Joe & Ginger Burke Adam & Mindy Byerly Joel & Jaclyn Taylor Jeffrey Anderson Dave Dowd Karen Hart John & Lynette Eisenmann Tim & DeAnna Hutton George & Lindai Lin Roslynn Huerta Courtney Jablon Emmaline Perkins Rob Robinson Cody Strawn Joe & Julie Herring John & Suzi Schick Jim & Ardell Swezey Tom Palmer Nick & Rosie Boone Caleb & Sravani Jorden Josh Benway Sherrie Dornon Summer Hoyt Cherlyn Lied Amber Metzger Riley Metzger Grace Netherton Christen Weaver Carl & Brenda Theobald


CHILDREN’S Children’s MINISTRY Ministry Su nd ay Sc ho ol

Ch ild re n’ s Ch ur

Sunday School

Pastor Kevin

In May, we will be continuing our study in Kings. We encourage parents to seek opportunities to highlight these Scriptures with their children. The Scriptures covered in May are: May 5

God Punishes Solomon 1 Kings 11

May 12

God Punishes Jeroboam 1 Kings 11:35-38, 12:1-33, 14:1-18

May 19

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal 1 Kings 17:1, 18:17-46

May 26

God is Glorified by Protecting Judah 2 Kings 21-25

Children’s Church

Pastor Kevin

We are excited to announce that we introduced The Gospel Project digital curriculum to our K-6th graders in Children’s Church this past month. On May 19, we will begin using this curriculum with our 3- and 4year olds and pre-K students. Scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit to learn more and view the new curriculum. Please join us in praying for God’s blessing upon our teaching of God’s Gospel in our Children’s Church ministries! Grace & Peace Parent’s Night Out Parents of children with special needs are invited to bring their children (those with special needs AND their siblings) to church on Friday, May 10 at 6:30pm for two hours of Christ-centered fun, while the parents get a free “Night Out” on their own. Sign up online at or call the church office at 692-1755. Children’s Ministry Family Picnic Make plans to attend this event on Saturday, June 1. See back panel for more details.



Pastor Jerry

On Wednesday, April 24, our Awana clubbers will celebrate with a Children’s Ministry Update Jerry Sanderson In a previous issue of the Broadcaster we shared about the Pastors’ and Elders’ plan to create a Children’s Ministry Director position in order to provide a stronger focus on our Children’s Ministry. Currently, Children’s Ministry is divided between Jerry Sanderson and Kevin Sauder. Both Jerry and Kevin have many additional responsibilities that have diluted the focus on Children’s Ministry. This part-time position will provide stronger focus and will handle all organization, communication and coordination of Children’s Ministries. Jerry will continue to provide pastoral oversight and vision to the ministry. We are pleased that the Lord has provided Wendy Kirkpatrick to fill this position. Wendy is married to John and has three children (Kensi, 9, Kade, 8, and Kylie, 4). The Kirkpatrick family has been a part of Bethany since July 2012. Not only does Wendy have specific training and experience that make her well-suited to this role, but she and her husband John, both see their lives in terms of service to the Lord, wherever He has them. They have both already been a tremendous blessing to Bethany and we are thankful that Wendy is willing to serve in this way. If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Sanderson. VBS

Jerry Sanderson

Vacation Bible School will be July 8-12 and the theme will be The Kingdom Chronicles – Standing Strong in the Battle for Truth and will combine some Old Testament with the Scripture focus on Ephesians 6:10-18. Come and be a part of this great adventure into God’s Word! VBS is for children who are going into Kindergarten to going into 6th grade. If you are a youth going into 7th grade or older you are invited to help. Adults, what are you doing July 8th-12th from 9am until 11:30am? We are actively seeking table leaders, kitchen and nursery help. To register to come to VBS or to sign-up to help, go to See Jerry Sanderson if you have any questions.

for Cara Traeger Saturday, May 11, 10am

Jason and LeAnne are expecting a baby boy in June. They are registered at Babies R Us and Target.

Mark and Cara are expecting a baby boy in June. They are registered at and Target.

Women Helping Women Monday, May 20, 7pm

Hats of Hope Tuesday, May 21, 6pm

Women Helping Women serves those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, early infant death, and infertility. On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact Nicole Pepper at 683-1181.

The work nights are an opportunity to come and meet some cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply to cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller a 648-1693 or

Join Us The Bethany Women’s Event Committee is looking for willing servants to join us as we minister throughout the year to the women of Bethany and our community. Church membership is preferred, but not required. A loving heart for God is a must! We meet on the second Monday of every month from 7 to 9pm. Planning for the 2013-14 season will begin May 13. Come help up grow the Circle of Sisters Event Ministry at Bethany. Contact: Kelly Walenta or 309-339-9542

“And let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

Women’s Ministries

Work Nights

for LeAnne Padiak Saturday, May 4, 10am

As I write the “Coffee Cup” today, there are still traces of the big snow we had. What excites me is to see my robins are back again. One was sitting on a lump of snow by our hedge and chirping as he sat there. He flew down to the driveway and drank some of the water there, but I was concerned that maybe he didn’t have enough to eat. I didn’t have enough worms or bugs to share with him, but he looked so beautiful. His breast was a very bright red, and he didn’t appear to be starving. Soon he took off, and I asked God to take care of him. Was this naïve of me to pray for a robin? I’ll let you answer that question! In the Bible we read about God taking care of the sparrow, and “not one of these will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father” (Matthew 10:29). “Even the sparrow has found a home” (Psalm 84:3). That surely includes the robins! If God is so concerned for the birds, surely He must be concerned for you and me. Then why are we troubled about our own lives? If God provides homes for the birds, and watches over them, isn’t He looking out for you and me? Let me share an experience with you, and let you decide. We were paying off our church on Knoxville Avenue, and each family was given a box of envelopes to make contributions. On the way home, my husband let me know he had gotten ours. He looked down on the seat and saw another box of envelopes. He was wondering why I had picked them up. I said, “I’m going to fill them up myself.” He wanted to know where I’d get the money. I told him, “God will supply!” One Saturday night when the envelopes were due the following day, I was short $5. I went outside and walked around the house three times, praying. Then a hand pushed me down to Gale Avenue where we live. There in a puddle of water, lay a $5 bill!! THANK YOU, JESUS, even if it was a dirty bill! The birds reminded me today that God is in control; just trust and obey! 


Adult Bible Communities:

A church within the church

by Justin McMenamy

During college I began attending Spring Creek Baptist Church, a small country church in southern Missouri. As Spring Creek routinely averages 80 worshipers on a Sunday morning, a visitor is only a stranger for a few minutes as the close knit body of believers is excited to introduce themselves, welcome you to worship with them, and extend a lunch invitation. After moving to Peoria and first attending Bethany in 2004, Kristy and I were overwhelmed by the 800 people that attended Sunday worship service. We found that within a large church it can be difficult to form personal relationships. We began attending the Foundations ABC a few months later, and were encouraged to meet many other young couples and to begin forming Christian friendships within the local body of Christ. It is within the ABCs that we have formed close relationships with fellow believers: friends that have discipled us, have cared for us, prayed for us, laughed with us, cried with us, and loved us. Three years ago, we prayed and were led to start the City on a Hill ABC. The calling placed in our heart was to plant an ABC that brought believers from all corners of the body of Bethany focusing first toward glorifying Christ through prayer, teaching, personal testimony, and private time in the Word and, second, fostering close personal relationships within the body of Christ. Over the past nine years, I have seen the Lord do great things in my life through the relationships formed while both attending and teaching an ABC. If you desire greater fellowship with the body of Christ at Bethany and to walk closely with fellow believers as you seek the Lord, I would encourage you to attend any of Bethany’s 14 ABCs. You will be blessed!

The Gospel Institute The Gospel Institute exists to help students make the pursuit of God in the Gospel their passion. We seek to treasure Christ by rigorously studying God’s character revealed in Scripture and displayed throughout history, to engage the world.

Registration for the summer semester of The Gospel Institute is now open! The semester runs June 10 – August 26. Classes meet from 6–9pm on Monday evenings at the Bethany Community Center at 7229 N. Knoxville in Peoria. Remember, classes in The Gospel Institute are available for ages 15 and up! There are two classes to choose from this summer.


A Legacy of Faith: An Introduction to Church History

Taught by: Dr. Daniel J. Bennett

Contrasting Religions and Foundational Thinking: Worldviews That Shape Our Walk and Witness Teacher: Jerry Sanderson and JJ Miller

This course provides an overview of church history. It covers major periods and events in the history of the church, such as: the apostolic church and church fathers, the “middle ages,” the rise of humanism, the European and English Reformations, and the modern and postmodern church. Upon completion of the course, students should have a deeper understanding of their faith and a sense of their connection with the saints who have gone before them. They should be aware of both the dangers the contemporary church faces and the opportunities God has placed before her.

This course will provide students with a basic contrast between Christianity and other major world religions. With the essential elements of the gospel as the baseline, each student will be equipped to understand key differences between other religious beliefs and learn to compassionately engage those who hold them. This course will introduce students to the study of apologetics. Students will learn both presuppositional and evidential methods for defending the truth of the Gospel. Students will consider practical applications of foundational thinking in the areas of ethics, counseling, and evangelism. As the primary goal of this class, students will grow a deeper love for God that inspires greater love for others and fuller engagement with those who currently do not embrace the truth of the Gospel.

Bethany’s New Single Ministry: Have you noticed that Bethany’s Single Ministry has a new name? Our Singles Ministry is now called RESOLVEDto! All Bethany singles are invited to join us in this ministry for our mutual joy in Christ. As single members in Christ, we are united in our resolve to: Build our community - We are resolved to build our community of believers together through Christ-centered fellowship, biblical teaching, and discipleship. Bless our church - We are resolved to bless our church together through our wholehearted participation in the ministries of the church towards Christ and His people. Reach our city - We are resolved to reach our city together by proclaiming Christ as Lord to those who are lost in the darkness. Core Ministries: Thursday Night Bible Study Dinner @6:45pm, Study @ 7:30pm The Thursday Night Bible study is currently studying the book of Hebrews and provides an inviting opportunity for Bethany's singles to be built up and challenged through the study of the Word of God. Friendships are strengthened by sharing dinner together prior to the study. Host Home: Rodney & Katie Harms, 3318 S Hilton Lane. Bartonville IL 61607 472-3580 or 648-3312 Friday Night Impact - A monthly gathering for worship, fellowship, and topical teaching from a Biblical worldview. The dates and location for each FNI varies. Please contact Alex for more information at “20/20” ABC Class - Our class exists to provide an inviting entry point into the church family for single members and “clear” Bible teaching that is especially relevant to singles. Topics include the will of God, contentment, serving Christ in the market place, personal discipline and holiness, godly romance and relationships, loneliness, and more. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45am in Room 812. Teachers: Gary Bryant, Traever Guingrich, Jimmy Houck

Seeking to “excel yet more” in a Single Parents, Divorced, and Young Widows Ministry We wish to clearly communicate that anyone is welcome to participate in all RESOLVEDto ministry activities regardless of age or life stage. However since this ministry consists largely of post-college singles, we are also praying that God would help us to start an additional ministry that would focus more specifically on singles in later life-stages (divorced, widowed, single parents, older singles, etc.). If you would be interested in learning more about this new ministry, please contact Pastor Kevin Sauder.

Learning to “Walk in the Light” with One Another Do you ever find yourself desiring closer relationships within our church family? Do you ever feel disconnected and alone? Do you ever wonder if anyone else struggles with sin like you do? Without a doubt a busy schedule can make it easy to shift our focus from growing in Christlikeness onto the tasks at hand. But we must remember that the secret to a Christ-honoring community in the church is keeping our personal focus on pleasing and fearing God above anything else. Listen to how John describes this priority in 1 John 1:7: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. In this verse, to “walk in the light” means to live in transparent and vulnerable relationship with one another. To be authentic with each other. To let others “in.” To be willing to let the “real you” be seen and known by others. And notice the two awesome results of honest confession and transparency with others: 1) we will enjoy true fellowship (not just “helloship”); and 2) our souls will be cleansed and purified from sin through the person and work of Jesus Christ. What great and desirable results that help unify and purify our church family! But “walking in the light” with others will only take place in relationships that are trustworthy, humble, prayerful, and Gospel-centered—safe relationships of grace, truth and love. And this is why we celebrate our small group ministry. Small groups at Bethany provide us all with opportunities to “walk in the light” with others who also desire to grow spiritually in Christ. Please prayerfully consider how you might first grow in your walk with God and allow His grace to overflow into friendships within the Bethany family. Please visit our Small Group Ministry webpage at to sign up for a small group, or contact the church office to learn more!

Small Group Schedule—Summer 2013 While the church calendar officially takes the summer “off” from small group activities, many small groups will still meet occasionally throughout the summer. Please talk to your small group leader about your group’s summer schedule! All Bethany’s small groups will begin meeting regularly again the week of September 8, 2013. (New group sign-ups start in August!)


Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


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Second Annual

Children’s Ministry Family Picnic

MusiCamp 2013 June 3-7  6:00-8:15pm

For all families with children ages 3—6th grade

Saturday, June 1 4:30-7:30pm Bethany Baptist Church

Play together as a family Fellowship with other Bethany families Please bring 2 of the following:

salad (pasta, vegetable, fruit, etc.) vegetable/fruit dessert **each dish should serve 10-12 people -

RSVP by May 29 to Catherine Malone at: or call the church office at (309) 692-1755.

Live It All For Jesus All kids who have finished Kindergarten through 7th Grade are invited! We will work on the musical “Let’s Rock — Live It All For Jesus” scheduled for Sunday, June 9 at 6pm. Cost: $10 per child (t-shirt and one family CD) Sign up online at Contact Dawn Hintz for more information

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