eSeptember web

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Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever.

Broadcaster Spiritual Obstacles to Applying God’s Word to My Life The Bible is unique in that it is the only book that reads us as we read it. The other evening my wife Kimberly and I found ourselves in a conflict with each other. In this conflict, I sincerely felt that if Kimberly could see her error, acknowledge it and pursue a different path, we would be at peace. Remarkably, she felt the same about me!!! In our conflict, the goal of each of our contributions to the conversation was to convince the other of their need to change. As you might expect, this strategy did not lead to anywhere helpful. I went to bed that night feeling pretty righteous and a bit superior since I felt that I could see the circumstance of our disagreement very plainly, while Kimberly was continuing to miss it. I thought, “If only she could see what I see!” But after the fruitless conversation, I felt at a loss as to how to “help” her. The next morning as I meditated upon God’s Word, the Holy Spirit drove home to my heart the truth that if I had simply applied the Gospel to my own heart, our

argument would never have taken place. The problem would never have become a problem had I allowed Scripture to have its right work in me. God enabled me to see so clearly that my sin—my failure to apply His Word—was the root cause of our uncomfortable conversation. I marveled at myself, “Why did I not see this last night? Why was I so resistant to applying God’s Word just 10 hours earlier?” God reminded me that the hardest step in Bible study is the step of application. Yet application is the most essential step. The very purpose of our Bible reading and study rests on this one goal. The LORD’s words to Joshua echo in my heart, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8 ESV) Dr. Howard Hendricks taught the class I took in seminary on Bible study methods. Two statements he Continued on page 2.

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Senior Pastor 3

Small Groups September Calendar Highlights


Fall Festival


Children’s Ministry Open Hearts Open Homes Women’s Ministries


Counseling Conference RESOLVEDto Singles PrimeTime Fellowship The Gospel Institute Car Care Day Children’s Choir


Global Outreach Conference


First Prayer Saturday Night Worship

Continued from page 1.

made about application stick with me. First, our beloved Prof said, “Interpretation without application leads to spiritual abortion.” The spiritual life that the Holy Spirit conceives in us as we read the Word is coldly killed by our failure to attend to application. Then Prof reminded us, “The goal (of Bible study) is not information; it is transformation. God’s Word is not written to make you a smarter sinner; God’s Word is written to make you just like the Son.” Yet application is the hardest step in our Bible reading. Why? It is helpful for us to understand four spiritual obstacles that stand in the way of our application of the Bible. Obstacle #1: Spiritual blindness: “I do not need to change. I am fine.” This was the first obstacle that stood in my way the other night. My pride was so inflamed in justifying myself to Kimberly that I honestly believed that I was completely innocent and in the right. I was quite passionate about my blamelessness in my conversation with Kimberly. I realize now that my self-righteous pride had blinded me. If we are to avoid this obstacle, we must assume that sin is present and active in us at all times. We must assume that we do not see it and that our first purpose is not to help others see their sin, but to have others help us see our sin. This is the “take the log out” rule that Jesus gave to us.

several reasons as to why I was justified in my unbiblical communication. I moved from being “spiritually blind” to being “spiritually deluded.” I moved from being completely ignorant of any wrong that I had done to making excuses for the little bit of wrong that I acknowledged. This was not much of a move and it did not help me to worship and enjoy God through my attitudes and actions. “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” (Prov. 12:15 ESV) The resolution to this obstacle is the conscious willingness to listen to God’s counsel. I needed to listen more to Kimberly’s thoughts. I especially needed to listen more to God’s thoughts in His Word!! Obstacle #4: Spiritual despair: “I know that I am sinning, but I cannot help it.” Satan loves to convince us that the Gospel is not able to help us in our specific situation. Usually, the Christian in spiritual despair acknowledges that the Gospel is truly powerful, but that in his/her specific situation, the Gospel’s power is not relevant. Self-pity often is the root sin of spiritual despair. We think, “My situation is so bad. I have been so wronged that I am no longer able to have joy from the LORD or have the ability to worship Him in obedience.” Often spiritual despair tells other Christian friends, “You do not understand. If you were in my shoes you would know that it is impossible to _______________________. (Fill in the blank with the obedience that God is calling you to at the moment. “Forgive.” “Ask forgiveness.” “Tell the truth.” “Cut off my immoral relationship.” “Love my brother.” “Honor my parents.” “Not worry.” etc. ...)

“The Bible is unique in that it is the only book that reads us as we read it.”

Obstacle #2: Spiritual willfulness: “I know that I am sinning, but I do not care.” I can almost physically feel my heart getting harder when my flesh pushes me toward spiritual willfulness. In my soft moments with God, I am shocked as I reflect on the hardness of my heart at certain times. In willfulness, I have said to God, “Lord, I do not want to forgive that person!” Thankfully, God’s grace continues to press upon my soul and God does not abandon me to my own willfulness. The only answer to spiritual willfulness is a conscious humbling of one’s heart in repentance to the Lord each day. I find it helpful to recount the goodness of God to help my heart soften toward repentance. “Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?” (Romans 2:4 ESV) Obstacle #3: Spiritual delusion: “I know that I am sinning, but I have really good reasons for my attitude.” I am surprised how justified I can feel over certain sins. My flesh often moves me to feel righteous even as I am sinning against God. Shortly, after my conflict with Kimberly, I began to think of some of the ways that I communicated that were not helpful. Yet, I gave myself 2

Will you join me in a renewed commitment to application every time we open God’s Word and every time we hear God’s Word taught? Spiritual abortions dishonor the God who loves us and who gave us His Son so that we might live for Him in joy and communion. I close with a really great story about application from our Teacher: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” (Matthew 7:24–27 ESV) 

September 2015 Calendar Highlights September 1 September 2

September 5 September 6

A Tale of Possibilities Martin and Millie came to Bethany about two years ago. They knew a few people, but they didn’t have any deep, meaningful, Christ-centered relationships. They decided to try a Small Group. It was a step out of their comfort zone, but they realized it was a step they needed to take.

September 7 September 8 September 9

September 11

At first it was a little awkward even though the people we all nice. They had a good time visiting and getting to know people and they felt like people were getting to know them. But it still wasn’t very deep.

September 12

Then someone in the group had a crisis and the group, including Martin and Millie, rallied around them. Through this time the group drew closer together and started to pray for serious relationship and attitude issues in their own lives and asked for help from others. It became a time of great growth in the Lord as they pointed one other to Scripture and to dependence on Christ.

September 14

They are excited about Small Groups starting again and they are encouraging some other friends to join as well. They feel like they have grown in a significant way this past year. While this is a fictional story, it is similar to stories that we as pastors hear about people and their growth through Small Groups. If you are not in a Small Group of some sort where you can share life and pray for each other and care for each other, consider joining one. Participation in a Small Group helps a church the size of Bethany be a place for growth and relationships, and make a big church seem less big. You can look at available Small Groups by going to and clicking on “Find a Small Group.” You can also view the display on the wall outside the Gym at church. Jerry Sanderson

September 13

September 15 September 16

September 19 September 20

September 21 September 22 September 23

September 25 September 26 September 27

September 28 September 29 September 30

Ladies’ Bible Studies, 9am & 12:30pm Awana, Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm First Prayer, 6:30pm Choir, 7:45pm Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Office Closed—Labor Day Ladies’ Bible Studies, 9am & 12:30pm Awana, Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:15pm Choir, 7:45pm MOPS, 9am Jr. High Game Night, 6:00pm A Com. Christmas Rehearsal, 9:00am Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Sr. High Serves at Sharon Pines, 11:00am Jr. High Retreat Focus (off-site), 6:00pm PrimeTime Fellowship, 11:00am Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies, 9am & 12:30pm Hats of Hope, 6:00pm Awana, Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:15pm Choir, 7:45pm Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am ABCs/Sunday School, 9:45am Safe Families Info. Meeting, 9:45am Jr. High Retreat Focus (off-site), 6:00pm Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:30pm Women Helping Women, 7:00pm Ladies’ Bible Studies, 9am & 12:30pm Awana, Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:15pm Choir, 7:45pm MOPS, 9:00am Jr. High Retreat begins Car Care Day, by appointment Saturday Night Service, 6pm Worship Services, 8:15 & 11am Congregational Meeting, 9:45am Children’s Sunday School, 9:45am A Com. Christmas Rehearsal, 2pm Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:30pm Ladies’ Bible Studies, 9am & 12:30pm Awana, Jr./Sr. High Youth Group, 6:15pm Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:15pm Choir, 7:45pm

View the full calendar at! 3

Saturday, October 3 ď Ź 1:00-4:00pm We are excited to announce the 6th annual Fall Festival!! Plan now to come out and enjoy the festival. Start praying about whom God might have you invite to this event, or how you might want to serve our neighbors in this fun, family-friendly afternoon! Our hope is that this event will deepen our relationships with our neighbors so that when the Lord works on their hearts about their eternal destiny, or marriage, or parenting, or other counseling need, they will think about coming to Bethany, and we might have greater opportunity to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose of this event is for our church family to reach out and serve our friends and neighbors in a way that will portray God’s love and encourage a positive witness for Bethany Baptist Church in our community. This Festival is possible because various ministries, small groups, and individuals in the church eagerly volunteer to "take ownership" of different aspects of this outreach. Activities may include food, music, games, bounce houses, face painting, hay rack rides, group games, antique cars, contests, activities, and more!

u serve?

Where will yo

We are seeking cheerful, excited, and smiling volunteers to serve at an activity station for one shift: 1st Shift (12:30-2:45) or 2nd Shift (2:20-4:30) Activity Stations: Bounce Houses & Games Face Painting Balloon Animals Information Table/Tent Popcorn Cotton Candy Snow Cones Grilling and Serving Food Barnyard Animals Hayrack Rides Painting Pumpkins Family Photos Slot Cars and Car Show And more! If you or your group (ABC class, Youth, Choir, Small Group, Nursery Team, etc.) desires to serve together in this event this year, please contact Kari (


Children’s Ministry Ginny Smith

Discipleship Opportunities

27577 Dutch Lane, Washington, IL

Jesus’ parting words to His followers instructed them to share the Good News and actively help others know and grow in the Lord (Mt 28:18-20). Are you thankful for the ways people are fulfilling this command and building Christ into your life?

Drinks and table service provided.

Would you desire for God to use you to build Christ into the lives of others? There are many ways we can help in the discipleship of others. Please prayerfully consider Children’s Ministries as a discipleship opportunity in which God can use you. Children’s Ministries at Bethany exist to “Glorify God by Partnering with Parents as they Disciple their Children in the Faith.” Join us in training up the next generation for the Lord and showing them the love of Christ! Join us in discipleship opportunities!

AWANA Calendar September 2—AWANA begins September 9—Weekly family meals begin; served from 5:00 to 5:45pm. September 16—Crazy Hat Night

Bethany is a Safe Families Church! Safe Families is a movement of hundreds of families of faith who have opened their homes to care for children whose parents are struggling. You can help through prayer, being a host family, being a family coach, or helping those families who are hosting a child. If you are interested learning more about Safe Families, join us for an Information Meeting on Sunday, September 20 at 9:45am in the Sanctuary or contact Joe ( or Ginger Burke (

Women’s Ministries Work Nights In September Hats of Hope Tuesday, September 15 at 6pm Contact: Holly Miller at 648-1693 Women Helping Women Monday, September 21 at 7pm Contact: Nicole Pepper at 683-1181

Coming November 6-7 Make plans to join us for the “Give me Christ” True Woman Event with speaker Kimberly Wagner.

Friday, November 6 at 6pm and Saturday, November 7 from 8-11am. Registration will begin October 1.

The fall semester of Ladies’ Bible Studies starts Tuesday, September 1.

Studies vary in length. Details and registration available online Tuesday Mornings (childcare provided), 9-11am beginning September 1. Zechariah & Malachi Precept (video) Led by: Nicole Habager

Breaking Free Beth Moore (video) Led by: Lisa Haywood

Thy Kingdom Come Led by: Lisa Lueken & Kimberly Boerckel

Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed (David study) Arthur/Moore/Shirer (vid.) Led by: Kim Benedict

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount D.A. Carson study Led by: DeDe Warner

The Armor of God Priscilla Shirer (video) Led by: Sandra Larson

Tuesday Afternoon 12:30-2:30pm begins September 1

Monday Evening 6:30-8:00pm begins September 14

Christ Up Close & Personal What Love Is (study of Josh McDowell (video) I, II & III John) Led by: Lona Hudson Kelly Minter (video) Led by: Cheryl Buck

Wednesday Evening 6:15-8:00pm begins September 9 The Power of God's Names Tony Evans (video) Led by: Kelly Walenta 5

We are offering two classes this fall, beginning Monday, September 14 from 6-9pm running through December 7.

Biblical Counseling Training Conference February 7 - 12, 2016 It is time to mark your calendars for the Biblical Counseling Training Conference. February 7 - 12, 2016 is quickly approaching. The conference is being held at Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, IN. The theme of the conference is “Equipping you for ChristCentered Biblical Counseling.” You might rightly ask, Why you should register? This week is a life-changing week. You will be encouraged in your own personal walk with Jesus. This week is a ministry-changing week. Many have commented that this conference initiated a change in how they approach all their ministries. This week is designed with you in mind. The conference instructors were chosen for all levels of participation. There are six training tracks for you to choose from depending on your interest level. Do not miss out on this great opportunity to be challenged, equipped and renewed. If you have further questions, please contact Jennifer Bateman at 692-1755 or

The RESOLVEDto Thursday Night Bible Study is currently going through a Growth Group curriculum. All singles are invited to join Rodney & Katie Harms and the RESOLVEDto group at the Harms’ home (3318 S. Hilton Lane, Bartonville). The study meets weekly on Thursday evenings. Dinner is at 6:30pm and the study begins at 7:30pm. Contact Rodney Harms ( with any questions.

Class: Biblical Counseling: Soul Care I Overseer: Kent Kloter Location: Bethany Community Church 27577 Dutch Lane, Washington The cost for each semester is $60 per person plus cost of books (where applicable). Scholarships are available and can be requested by completing an application on the Scholarships Application tab at Register today!

Car Care Car Winterization Day Day For Seniors & Single Women Saturday, September 26 at DHX, Inc. 9818 N. Allen Road, Peoria We will provide basic maintenance services, such as oil change, tire rotation, fluid checks, and wiper blade replacement as well as addressing other reasonable problems on an as-needed basis. Seniors & single women please contact the church office at 692-1755 to make an appointment for your car! Are you willing and able to service, wash, or clean cars? Then you can help! Call the church office and indicate your skill level (oil change, vacuum/detail, mechanic, etc.)

Children’s Choir

PrimeTime Fellowship

Kids in Pre-K through Sixth Grade are invited to join us for Children’s Choir beginning Sunday, September 20 at 4:00pm. We will be preparing for a musical presentation on Sunday, November 22 at 5pm.

Monday, September 14 11:00am in the Sr. High Room

If you are interested in helping with Children’s Choir, please contact Dawn Hintz at

All those age 60 and up are invited to join us. Lunch will be provided. Sign up on a future Communication Card or call the church office at 692-1755. 6

Class: Systematic Theology I Teacher: Ritch Boerckel Location: Bethany Knoxville Campus 7229 N. Knoxville Avenue, Peoria

Global Outreach Conference October 11-18, 2015

It is our privilege to host global partners from near and far next month during the Global Outreach Conference. May God be praised as we celebrate what He is doing around the world and consider our part in reaching the lost.

Make plans to visit with our GO-Partners during the conference. Sunday, October 11 9:45am Visiting various ABCs 6:00pm Round Robin

Josh Ausfahl—South Africa

Mark Borisuk—Asia

Catharine Coon—Uganda

Monday, October 12 11:00am PrimeTime Fellowship Wednesday, October 14 PM Family Meal & Awana Thursday, October 15 PM Seminar with Fouad Masri Saturday, October 17 AM Men’s Breakfast PM BFC event at Bethany Community Church

Fouad Masri Crescent Project

Micaiah & Erin Wilmoth PACM

Jonathan & Christen Walberg YFC—Prairie River Camp, MN

Sunday, October 18 9:45am Visiting various ABCs

Events are still being finalized. Watch your worship bulletin for additional details.

Photo intentionally removed.

Katrina Forseth CEF Illinois

Shannon West Asia

Don & Nancy Estep Awana Clubs—Illinois

Rick Schupp ReachGlobal

For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” Act 13:47 7

Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528


First Prayer

Saturdays at 6:00pm

Wednesday, September 2 at 6:30pm

Childcare provided for children through age 3.

Join us for special time of prayer in the Prayer Room.

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