Bethany Baptist Church exists: to win people to a saving knowledge of Jesus; to build them into mature disciples of Christ; to equip them for their ministry in the church and their life mission in the world; to plant healthy churches.
Dr. Ritch Boerckel
Senior Pastor
Over the Coffee Cup
KidZone Easter on the Prairie
Children’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry Events
Men’s Ministry Events
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Ministry News & Opportunities
10 Equipping 12 Easter at Bethany
We Are Expecting
t is that time again! Ten years ago, in 2003, Bethany Baptist Church believed that God was leading us to plant a church in Bartonville. We had not strategically planted another congregation in decades and yet the leadership of BBC became convinced that God would be most glorified as we trusted Him to plant another church through us. What joy to watch God Work! God gave us a little building and a small piece of land. Then God gave us a church planting pastor in Art Georges. Then God gave us a bigger piece of land and a school building in which to meet on Sundays. As we walked forward in faith, God kept confirming His pleasure in establishing a new church. Around 100 people from BBC believed that God was calling them to join this new church plant. Today, Living Hope Community Church has over 220 people worshipping Christ each Sunday, and many of those are new believers! BBC would never have been able to have a hand in encouraging or reaching those new people apart from active obedience to God in planting a new church. Five years later in 2008, Bethany again believed that God was directing us to plant a new church. Again, what fun it was to watch God work! This time the Lord directed our focus upon Washington, Illinois. Though we were in the midst of plans to construct a new church building, we believed that God would not have us delay in planting a new church. God again gave us land. He also supplied two great servants in Daniel Bennett and Ben Davidson to help us plant this new church. God provided a meeting place for this new church in the beautiful and brand new Five Points Center. Again, God kept confirming His pleasure as we stepped forward in faith. Over 275 people from BBC joined hands in this new endeavor. Today, over 600 worship at Bethany Community Church. What sweet joy to see God bless His church. Each of the first two church planting endeavors began in dependence upon God to guide and to bless the church-planting mission that He gave to us. Continued on page 2
cont’d from page 1
Without God working, our best efforts will be failures. So I am writing this article to ask that you begin to pray regarding the Bethany Fellowship of Churches next church plant. We are excited to partner with Bethany Community Church and Living Hope Community Church in the Christ-exalting endeavor of planting a new church so that we might proclaim Jesus as Lord and prepare God‘s people for worship now and into eternity!
Currently, we believe that God is leading us to plant a church near the West Bluff neighborhood located close to Bradley University. This church plant would not likely be a ―college church‖ per se, but rather a church that would have a healthy ministry to college students. This church would also position Bethany Fellowship closer to the issues that confront the inner city and allow us a hand in bringing God‘s grace to those issues. At this point, we do not know the answers to many detailed questions that could be asked: Who will pastor this church? Exactly when would this church be launched? Where would this church meet? What would the worship services look like? We are trusting God to lead us in the discovery of all these important issues. We anticipate in faith that the LORD will lead us to answers to these questions over the next several months. Here is what we DO know: God is glorified through the planting of healthy churches. God uses such
churches to reach new communities in new ways and to transform individuals and whole families! The Great Commission demands we think not only about individual converts, but also about new church plants. We are zealous to plant a church that is Gospel-driven, missionsfocused, doctrinally-rooted, Christ-centered and Spirit-filled! One practical distinctive that we design for every church plant from the Bethany Fellowship of Churches is a commitment to the expositional preaching of God‘s Word. We believe that God uses the expositional preaching of His Word to mature a church in faith and ministry. His Word is our food! Won‘t you set aside some hours to pray with us about a new church plant? Pray that God will lead us. Pray that God will provide for us! Pray that God will increase our faith! And above all, pray that God will receive glory through us. God will do more than we can ask or think when we are energized to treasure His name and advance His kingdom!
I have been watching a squirrel go up a tree in our neighbor‘s yard. Nothing unusual about that, you say. No, but on the large limb, parallel to the limb that the squirrel was on, was a shadow of the first squirrel. It was so distinct, and moved along with its buddy in perfect harmony. I was sad when the squirrel jumped on the roof and was gone! It started me to thinking again, as I‘m always prone to do when I see most anything changing. What is a shadow anyway? Webster says, ―It is the image produced on a surface and representing the approximate of the intercepting body,‖ among many definitions. It could be shaded, a similar image, representation, and more, to describe a shadow. Have you ever stopped to visualize your own shadow? We all have an image, a shadow daily, as when we leave that moment. What kind of shadow are you leaving for others to remember when you are no longer here? Is it one of vitality, blessing, or one to be forgotten? It is up to us to decide now. I‘d like my shadow to be vital. This is harder at almost 90! ―All things are possible with God.‖ How can we be a blessing to others? This begins with prayer, and seeking His will; then make a list, use it, and trust God to do the rest. One way I find that helps is to bake cookies, put in a Gospel tract, pray, and keep in touch and be available. This will be a blessing; try it! Share God whenever you can, as He leads. He will direct! Let‘s ―go up on the roof,‖ and share ourselves, even the SHADOW, all for His glory! How?
Service, Hospitality, Action, Direction, Obedience, Wisdom (from Him). There is even a message in the shadow; Thank You Lord!
Missions in March
Two Bethany Fellowship Pastors are heading to South Africa February 24 through March 8
Easter Activities on the Prairie
Senior Pastors Ritch Boerckel (BBC) and Daniel Bennett (BCC) will be speaking at the Together for Adoption Conference and a Leadership Conference for local pastors in South Africa late February and early March. Pastor Daniel will also be joined by his wife Whitney and their two oldest children. Their stays are being coordinated by our missionaries Josh and Heidi Ausfahl and Dave and Carol Beakley. Besides speaking at the conferences, they will also be preaching in local churches (including the church the Ausfahls minister in), visiting an orphanage, visiting Christ Seminary (where the Beakley‘s serve), and probably experiencing some wildlife at an African Game Preserve! Please pray for their trip -– for safety and smooth connections, for God to be glorified as they serve and share, for our missionaries there to be encouraged, and for lives to be changed as they share the Good News of Jesus Christ in South Africa.
Short-Term Trips
Many of the short-term trips are still being planned. The following trips are currently open:
Czech Republic (August 1-13) led by Pastor Fred; serving at a camp for youth. Guatemala (August 3-11) led by Pastor Jerry; this will be a trip to visit and serve in an orphanage. Ethiopia (November) led by our missionary, Gary Losey; trip will include outreach and evangelistic festival in Addis, Ethiopia; exact dates TBD. For more details check the bulletin or next Broadcaster.
Saturday, March 23, 2013 10am-2pm at the Shoppes at Grand Prairie This event will be a fun-filled way to reach out to the community and serve our neighbors with a fun, family-friendly event that will portray God‘s love and encourage a positive witness for Bethany Baptist Church in our community. We are seeking cheerful, excited & smiling volunteers to serve at an activity station for one shift: st
1 Shift (9am-Noon) or
2nd Shift (11:45am–2:30pm)
Stations include: - Face painting - Live music - Making balloon animals - Serving popcorn - Hosting a carnival-type game - Handing out church literature - Inflatables
Candy Donations are also needed: Candy should be small, individually
wrapped, and of the non-chocolate variety Donations can be dropped off in the collection bins located near the Welcome Center and in the hall of Children‘s wing by March 17. If you would like to help or have questions, please contact Kari Rabenhorst (
Children’s Ministry
Sunday School Children’s Ministry Director In an effort to provide stronger focus on our Children‘s Ministry, the Pastors and Elders are planning on creating a Children‘s Ministry Director position. Currently, Children‘s Ministry is divided between Jerry Sanderson and Kevin Sauder. Both Jerry and Kevin have many additional responsibilities that have diluted our focus on Children‘s Ministry. This position will provide stronger focus and will handle all organization, communication and coordination of Children‘s Ministries. This position will report to Jerry Sanderson as Jerry will continue to provide pastoral oversight and vision to the ministry. Please pray for us as we work to provide the best possible Children‘s Ministries as we strive to come alongside parents in your job to disciple your children. If you have any questions please contact Jerry Sanderson or Kevin Sauder.
Pastor Kevin
In March, we will be continuing in Samuel as well as completing He is Risen-–our Easter curriculum. We encourage parents to seek opportunities to highlight these Scriptures with their children. The Scriptures covered in March are: March 3 March 10 March 17 March 24 March 31
God Makes David King 2 Samuel 1:1 – 2:4a The Son of Man Anticipates His Death Luke 22:7-20; 39-46 The Son of Man is Crucified Luke 22:47-53; 26-49 The Son of Man Resurrected Luke 23: 50-24:53 No Sunday School – Easter Sunday
Children’s Choir
Lets Rock! Live it all for Jesus All kids age 4 through 6th grade are invited to join the Bethany Children‘s Choir this spring! Children‘s choir will kickoff on Sunday, April 7 and will meet from 4-5:15pm on Sunday evenings. Children will learn basic music theory and begin working on the songs for the MusiCamp 2013 musical Let’s Rock. Children’s Choir will kick-off on Sunday, April 7 at 4pm with a pizza party. Please RSVP to the church office at 692-1755 or if you plan to attend. Questions? Contact Dawn Hintz at or the church office. Save the Date! MusiCamp 2013 is scheduled for June 3—7 from 6:00 to 8:15pm. Kids who have completed Kindergarten through Sixth grade will work on the musical Let’s Rock and present it on Sunday evening, June 9.
Women’s Ministry Events for Laura Haupt Saturday, March 16 at 10am
Bridal Showers
Laura is engaged to Kyle Talbot. They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Bergners.
for Amanda Myers Saturday, March 23 at 10am
Amanda is engaged to Daniel Masters. They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target.
for Andi Meister Thursday, March 28 at 7pm
Jake and Andi are expecting a baby boy in May. They are registered at Target.
Three new Ladies Studies begin in March: God’s Glory on Display Six-week study beginning March 19 Tuesday Mornings: 9-11am at church Led by Carol Beakley James: Mercy Triumphs Eight week Beth Moore study beginning March 19. Tuesday Afternoons: 12:30-2:30pm Led by Lona Hudson (309-565-0668)
Men’s Ministry Events Men’s Basketball
Monday nights at 7pm for men college age and up For details, contact Grant Hannah ( or Gary Stoller (
Women Helping Women Work Night Monday, March 18 at 7pm
Women Helping Women serves those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, early infant death, and infertility. On work nights we prepare products and kits for keepsake boxes that will help parents through the difficulty of losing a child. Sewing skills are not required. Contact Nicole Pepper at 683-1181.
Hats of Hope Work Night Tuesday, March 19 at 6pm
The work nights are an opportunity to come and meet some cancer survivors, use your gifts and talents in sewing and knitting, or simply to cut fabric and make fabric flowers for hats for cancer patients. Yarn and materials are supplied for you if you desire to make hats at home. Contact: Holly Miller a 648-1693 or
Saturday, April 13 11am-2pm Join us for a fun afternoon with a great speaker and sweet fellowship. Opportunity for YOU to host & decorate your own table. Watch your worship bulletin for further details. Lies Women Believe Nancy Leigh DeMoss study Beginning March 21. Thursday Evenings: 6:30-8:30pm at church. Led by Susan Lovell. Register online or at the table in the church foyer. Childcare is provided for all daytime studies at no charge. Please be sure to indicate your childcare needs when you register.
Community Men’s Breakfast hosted by Bethany with Christian Comedian Brad Stine Saturday, March 9 at 7:30am Cost: $5 Tickets available from the church office and online at
March 2013 Sun
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School 12:30pm Israel Info Meeting
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class 11:00am & 12:30pm Discipleship Training 6:00pm Hymn Sing
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
Children’s Church Mtg.
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services No Sunday School Easter Sunday
5:00-10:00pm Youth Bethany Games
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Pizza) 6:15pm AWANA Youth Group 6:30pm First Prayer 7:45pm Choir
9:00am MOPS A
7:30am Men’s Breakfast with Brad Stine
Men’s Basketball
6:00pm Hats of Hope
7:00pm Men’s Basketball
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Lasagna) 6:15pm AWANA Youth Group Prayer Room Open Bringing the Bible to Life Class 7:45pm Choir
11:00am PrimeTime Fellowship
7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am & 7:00pm Men’s Bible Studies 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
9:00am & 12:30pm Ladies Bible Studies 9:00am & 7:00pm Men’s Bible Studies 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (Chicken) 6:15pm AWANA Youth Group Prayer Room Open Bringing the Bible to Life Class 7:45pm Choir
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study 12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
7:00pm Women Helping Women
9:00am Ladies Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study
7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
12:30pm 1st Grade Lunch
12:20pm & 6:15pm GriefShare
8:15 & 11:00am Worship Services 9:45am Sunday School Membership Class
5:00-5:45pm Family Meal (BBQ) 6:15pm AWANA Youth Group Prayer Room Open Bringing the Bible to Life Class 7:45pm Choir
9:00am MOPS B 6:30pm Special Needs Date Night
7:00pm Andi Meister Baby Shower
9:00am MOPS A
Good Friday Office Closed Noon-5:30pm Church open for communion & prayer 6:30pm Good Friday Service
10:00am Laura Haupt Bridal Shower
10:00am Amanda Myers Bridal Shower 10:00am-2:00pm KidZone at the Shoppes 6:00pm RESOLVEDto (Singles) Event
March Birthdays & Anniversaries 1
3 4
Walt Chave Nadyne Clark Emily Dobra Judi Johnson Michelle Pinkney Brian Sage Teri Waterman Dave & Jenni Dowd Barb Becker Hannah Daum Elijah Nelson Evan Schroeder Dennis & Cindy Brown Paul Bennett Jacob Gerig Robert & Sandy Singer Lucy Barber Liz Evans Chris Larson Roxanne Penick Carrie Sherman Billy Schick Kayleigh Siebenborn Vivian Bireline Joe Bobchik Greg Carps Stephanie Fisher John Havenga Andrew Honegger Sandra Larson Cecilia Dare Mary Myers Tom Nofsinger Sally Rice Daniel Weidner David & Barb Berger Jaclyn Lewis Piper Shanklin John & Sarah Moon Terry & Jeanne Quick Christy Deutsch Paul Slopak Kevin Stoller Trent & Mary Gerig Brianna DeBacker Alaina Graham Dale Myers Katie Nofsinger Mason Green Leslie Lipps Dan Pfeiffer Matthew Tucker John & Lori Bennett Sophie Evans Jordan Jensen Chelsea Jost Amy Plattner
17 18 19
Jeanette Akright Priscilla Cochrane Faith Elsasser Alyssa Gallup Cora Habeger Kevin King Alyssa Taylor Justin Tackett Taylor Washburn Mike & Helen Barngrover Traever Guingrich Julie Read Emily Sharkey Ginny Weber Lyall & Sheila Sutton Samantha Blair Alex Colwell Pamela Rosenberger Ben Stoltzfus Bradyn Taylor Gordon & Sandra Cross Gareth Casady Herb Chowaniak Grady Donnelli Oliver Heinz Micaela Pollizze Jerry Sullins Lyall Sutton Joe Burke Henry Easley Jack Greener Gary Jones Bob Morris Ben Ruppman Calvert Benedict Brian Fore Brooke Nelson Tony & Sarah Esslinger Mike Bricker Cathy Heisey Marie Lindahl Jessica Link Peter Petrany Kimberly Shepherd Lauren Kluesner Kara Larson Matt Larson David Oakes Dave Schellenberg Kurt Yonke Christine Ommen Zach Schell Eian Sharkey Kess Walton Marc Walin Tim & Nicole Lee
30 31
Jordan Beakley Eric Bonk Jennifer Green Katie Herman Jonathan Sage Jenni Gallup Mary LaHue Monica Lonergan George Pinkney Tucker Walberg Robert Wilton Jared & Jan Rogers Kimberly Boerckel Caleb Davison Ron Jost Elizabeth Krikke Braelyn Sceggel Julianne Schrepfer Roman Steen Mark Doty Corey Dozard Esther Hoerr Madison Laugherty Jim Ommen Conner Wieland Bob & Ruth Christmas Errol & Karen Davis Gene Higgs Elise Hubbert Mark Zielinski Drea & Michael Gallagher Dave & Marilyn Perry Carter Hintz Jessamy Hintz Raymond Isaacs Dave Koch Bill & Holly Zimmerman Andrew Dewalt Owen Habeger Ben Miller Leon & Ellen Scheiber Jordyn Carroll Bob Castle Adalai Guingrich Crystal Joos Bill Kurtz James Schellenberg Trenton Parrish Erika Childs Christopher Gonzalez Kim Grimaldi Cathy Li Bekah Smith
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. I Corinthians 15:58 PrimeTime Fellowship
Prayer Room Open
Monday, March 18—11am
On Wednesday evenings when there is no First Prayer, the Prayer Room will be open from 6:15 to 8:00pm for a time of self-led prayer. We invite you to drop in as you are able and come and go as you please. Prayer sheets will be available.
All those age 50+ are invited Bring a side to share. Main dish provided. Pastor Ritch will be sharing about his recent trip to South Africa. RSVP to the office at 692-1755 or on the Communication Card in the worship folder.
Israel Trip
Small Groups
Have you ever dreamed of visiting the land where so much of Biblical history takes place? If you are considering the possibility of journeying to Israel, please join us for a brief informational meeting following second service on March 3 in the conference room. The current timing for this trip is April 27-May 11, 2014. This trip will include Bethany Community Church and be led by Pastor Matt Morgan and Pastor Daniel Bennett. If you are thinking about seeing Israel and expanding your love for God and His Word, then join us on March 3 and consider whether God would have you join us.
Recruitment begins now for next year’s (September 2013-April 2014) Small Group term.
Secret Church Bethany will be presenting some sessions on The Secret Church both before and after the Good Friday Service where we will look into God‘s Word and pray for those brothers and sisters in Christ who have to meet in secret around the world. More details to come.
Are you interested in becoming a small group leader? Please contact Pastor Kevin Sauder for more information: or call the church office at 692-1755.
Discovering Church Membership Sundays at 9:45am in the Conference Room March 10, 17 & 24 If you are interested in joining the church or just learning more about Bethany, plan to attend. Please RSVP to the church office (
Love Packages
Youth Minister
Bethany is excited to announce that we are accepting donations for Love Packages, an organization that sends Christian literature and Bibles to various ministries in underprivileged areas around the world.
The Elders have approved moving forward on the plan that was approved last year to bring Josh Beakley on as Youth Minister in June. Dan Wilton, our interim Youth Minister will have a time of overlap to help with the transition. Josh and his wife Janea will be here Sunday, April 7 for youth and parents to meet and ask questions during Sunday School and between and after services. See Jerry Sanderson with any questions. There will be a congregational vote on Josh at the April 28 congregational meeting.
Here are a few examples of things you can donate: Bibles, Daily Devotionals, Reference books and commentaries, and Sunday School teaching materials. The full list of accepted materials can be found at the Resource Center. All donations should be dropped off at the Resource Center. For more information about this ministry visit or contact Deb Kreeger. She can be reached at or (309)696-7195.
First Prayer Wednesday, March 6 6:30pm in the Prayer Room Join us as we set aside time for focused prayer as a church family. Nursery and childcare provided. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people. I Timothy 2:1
Daylight Savings Don‘t forget to set your clock ahead one hour before going to bed on Saturday, March 9.
Annual Meeting Mark your calendar for our Annual Meeting which will be held at 9:45am in the sanctuary on Sunday, April 28. Join us for this special time of reflecting upon God‘s gracious work among us in the past year and praying over God‘s vision for us in the coming year.
Raising a Modern-Day Knight Adventure Weekend For Fathers and Sons March 15-16, 2013 Cost: $55 for father-son pair The ―Raising A Modern Day Knight‖ Adventure Weekend is a father/son overnight event where fathers explore what it means to be a strategic father. The fathers and sons participate together in group events designed to create a better bond between father and son and build a lasting memory through challenging activities like rappelling, zip-lining, archery, and compass orienteering. The goal of the weekend is to give fathers a new and compelling vision for ―strategic fathering,‖ draw them closer to the Lord, and create an event where they can immediately put some of this new vision into practice. Along the way the sons get to see their dad make new commitments to serving God as a ―modern day knight,‖ and are challenged to become spiritual champions themselves. The prime ages for sons is 6-13 years old. Your hosts for the weekend are Rod Abel (Bethany staff missionary/director of Kidz Heart Ministries) and Brian Entner (executive director of Camp Good News). Call the camp at 444-3255, to register. Contact Rod Abel at 253-1618 for more information.
To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. Ephesians 4:12-13
Evangelism For many years God has used the ministry of Evangelism Explosion to prepare and equip His people to more effectively share the glorious Gospel of Christ. As our church continues to grow and change, we are excited to offer both a new format and new venue for God's people at Bethany to receive equipping and encouragement in personal evangelism. Starting on Sunday, March 3, during the ABC hour we will begin a seven-week series designed to provide practical tools to engage those in your sphere of relationship who believe in Islam. Jeff Eagan from the Crescent Project will be our guide and will provide instruction along with opportunities to engage in conversation with Muslims in our city. If you desire to grow in your ability to engage followers of Islam in Gospel conversation, join us in the Choir Room on March 3 for a time of equipping and encouragement. Also, watch the bulletin and future Broadcaster editions for additional evangelism training during the ABC hour coming this summer. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Pastor Matt at
Open Hearts, Open Homes – Orphan Care Ministry As with all of life the frontline of supporting families that are fostering/adopting is prayer. ―The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.‖ James 5:16 (KJV) The following are four things to pray for a family that has brought a child into their home through fostering and/or adoption: 1. 2. 3. 4.
The foster/adoptive child to learn to trust their parents and accept their love and ultimately trust the Lord for their salvation. The parent‘s marriage to be healthy and have times of refreshment. Strength for the spiritual battle that we all engage in as we seek to lead our children to an understanding of the Gospel. God would be glorified through the family becoming a cohesive unit. Check out the OHOH blog at
Biblical Stewardship Series Conference April 26-27, 2013 Friday, April 26 from 6:00pm-9:30pm Saturday, April 27 from 8:00am-3:00pm (includes lunch) Cost: $15 per attendee (for the set of six workbooks) Free childcare will be provided. Register online at The Biblical Stewardship Series is one of the most comprehensive study courses of its kind. This six-course study will help you unlock the biblical keys to a powerful Christian mindset. It is immersed in Scripture, Biblical principles and practical application concerning money and possessions. The six courses include laying the foundation, debt, investing, giving, estate planning, and cultural. Are you ready to radically change your view of stewardship?
The Power of Biblical Community Eight and a half years ago, I thought I knew Jesus and was saved. However, if you would have examined my life, you would have easily seen that I was living for myself. Living out sinful desires without true repentance was commonplace for me. I thought those sinful things were making me happy. However, I was blind to its damaging effects on my soul. It wasn‘t until I came to Bethany and got plugged into the Career Impact ABC that I had come to truly know Jesus and the significance of His perfect life, His death, His resurrection and His offer of eternal life. Faithful men of that ABC poured their lives into mine to help me to see my sin and its awfulness and what it meant to follow Jesus. They helped me understand the truth of the Gospel and that I could not earn any merit from God, but had to humbly go to Him and surrender my whole life to Christ, including the sin that I had clung to for temporary ‗happiness.‘ It was through this group of caring believers that helped me understand Scripture and the meaning of true forgiveness. I was like the new creation that Paul wrote of in 2 Cor. 5:17, ―Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come.‖ I am so thankful for those brothers in Christ that the Lord used to save me. Since surrendering my will to the Lord, He has done far more in and through me than I could have ever imagined. I know true joy because my joy comes from knowing Christ. Even more, I get to share in the blessing of teaching others about Jesus and what it means to follow Him in the Salt n Light ABC. God is so good. Jon Baumann co-teaches the Salt n’ Light Adult Bible Community with Danny Schell. Salt n’ Light is a ABC for young couples which strives to pray for and serve one another and others, ministers locally and abroad, fellowships together and can rely on one another. Salt n Light meets in room 814 during the ABC hour at 9:45 on Sunday mornings.
We encourage everyone to participate in an Adult Bible Community for your joy.
Bethany Baptist Church 7422 N. Heinz Lane Edwards, IL 61528
Return Service Requested
Good Friday Family Prayer and Communion Friday, March 29 anytime from Noon to 5:30pm
Celebrate Easter at Bethany
The sanctuary will be open for a time of self-directed prayer, meditation and communion.
Good Friday Service & Baptism Friday, March 29 6:30pm A service of special music and communion. Nursery through age 3 will be provided.
Easter Sunday Worship Services Sunday, March 31 at 8:15 & 11:00am Nursery through age 3 at both services. Children’s Church for kids age 3 through 4th Grade at the 11:00am service. There will be no Sunday School or ABCs.
The church office will be closed on Friday, March 29 in observance of Good Friday.