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Guest Artists



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Leslie Mangrum is currently an Adjunct Music Professor at Bethany College where she teaches applied voice, vocal pedagogy and diction. Professor Mangrum is also the Music Director at Sunrise Presbyterian Church in Salina, KS and has an active private studio.

Although teaching is Mangrum’s first passion, she also enjoys performing around the United States in opera, concert, and recital. She has performed with Wichita Grand Opera, Music Academy of the West, Opera in the Ozarks, Music Académie de Villecroze, the Florida State Opera, as well as with the Oklahoma City Philharmonic, Salina Symphony and Hutchinson Symphony. Some favorite roles include Semele, Gretel, Nanetta in Falstaff, Sophie in Der Rosenkavalier, and Lauretta in Gianni Schicchi. Mangrum has won numerous awards including the 2012 West Central Region National Association of Teachers of Singing Artist Award, First Place Winner of regional NATS for 6 years, the Benton-Schmidt Award, and the Dame Eva Turner Award. Mangrum was First Alternate at the District Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. She has been seen on PBS in Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and her recording of Semele by John Eccles can be purchased from Regis Records. As a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Professor Mangrum has had many students succeed at the annual competition. She most recently had 5 students place at the 2019 Regional NATS competition. Professor Mangrum lives in Lindsborg, KS with her husband, Scott Lee, who is Principal of Smoky Valley High School, and their daughter, Clara.

The Bethany College department of music is excited to welcome Professor Leslie Mangrum to the full-time faculty beginning in the fall of 2021.



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Katelyn is a two-time award winner of the Metropolitan Opera’s National Council Competition at the district level, first place recipient in the National Opera Association Competition, and a finalist in both the International Contemporary Opera Competition and Liederkrantz Foundation Competition. On the concert stage, Levy has proven herself a recitalist of the highest caliber, described as “…performing with deeply emotional perspective” by the Bellingham Herald after her performance of Berlioz’s Les nuits d’été with the Bellingham Festival Symphony Orchestra. Levy has performed with opera companies, symphony orchestras, and music festivals around the country including Des Moines Metro Opera, Cincinnati Opera, Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Musica Sacra of Cincinnati, Chicago Chamber Orchestra, Southern Illinois Music Festival, and the Bellingham Festival of Music. She is the voice of Classical Music in the morning with Radio Kansas.



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Agraduate of Friends University (BA) and Wichita State University (MME) Stranghoner received the best “from both sides of town.” After 30 years of teaching in Kansas public schools, Stranghoner is Assistant Professor of Music Education and Voice at Tabor College, Hillsboro, KS. Under his leadership his ensembles consistently received “Superior” competition ratings and were invited to perform at Kansas Music Educators Association Inservices three times.

Stranghoner has also maintained an active solo career in opera and oratorio, namely: Mozart Coronation Mass in Carnegie Hall, NYC; Handel Messiah in Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC; The Reno Choral Society, Hutchinson, KS and Missouri Southern State University, Joplin MO; Baritone solos in Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem at the Lied Center in Lawrence, KS, and Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS. Tenor Solos in J. S. Bach’s St. Matthew Passion Bethany College Festival of the Arts, Lindsborg, KS; Schubert’s Mass in A Flat for the Masterworks Chorale, Aiken, South Carolina. Other solo appearances included recording with Janeal Krehbiel and her internationally-known Lawrence Children’s Chorus, and the Kansas City-based Allegro Community Children’s Chorus, Christy Elsner Artistic Director. Stranghoner has also served as Resident Artist and Chorus Master at Wichita Grand Opera. Stranghoner is a member of the National Association for Music Education, Kansas Music Educators Association was on the Board of Directors and current member of the Kansas Choral Directors Association, a state affiliate of American Choral Directors Association.



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Benjamin Winters has sung professionally with Opera Kansas, the Kansas City Lyric Opera, Opera North, the Lawrence Chamber Orchestra, the Trinity Consort, and the St. Charles Art & Music Festival’s Opera Institute. Winters is a founding member of the choral ensemble Octarium, and currently sings as a member of the Wichita Chamber Chorale.

He can be seen frequently on stage for Opera Kansas, having performed the roles of Police Sergeant in Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance, Melchior in Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors, The Usher in Trial by Jury, and Ben in Menotti’s The Telephone. Other favorite operatic roles include Sarastro in Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte, the title role in Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Mikado, and the role of Peter Quince in Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where he was hailed by Opera News Online for “putting over the text with aplomb, singing firmly, and making the best dramatic impression.” Winters is a practicing attorney in Wichita.

Honoring the Tradition... Moving Into the Future...

With Thankfulness and in Gratitude, Dr. Richard and Marylen Anderson are glad to sponsor the Bethany Oratorio Society Director, Dr. Mark Lucas ’94



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Dr. Mark Lucas is an associate professor of music and the director of choral activities at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas where he is also director of the Bethany Oratorio Society and Co-Chair of the Department of Music. At Bethany, Mark teaches conducting, music education courses, voice lessons and is the conductor of the Bethany College Choir and Bethany College Chamber Ensemble. He is also the senior choir director at Messiah Lutheran Church in Lindsborg. Prior to his appointment at Bethany College, Mark was a tenured associate professor of choral music education and the associate director of choral activities at the University of Oklahoma, where he conducted the University Singers, taught choral conducting and courses in choral methods, and supervised student teachers. Dr. Lucas received a degree in Music Education from Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas and an M.M. in Choral Conducting from the University of Oklahoma. He received his Ph.D. in Choral Music Education from the University of Oklahoma. His dissertation, “Adolescent Males’ Motivations to Enroll or Not Enroll in Choir,” is a study of what factors influence young men in grades seven and eight to participate in choir. His more recent work has been published in the “Choral Journal” and “UPDATE: Applications of Research in Music Education.” Mark is currently serving on the advisory committee for the “Music Educators Journal.” As a tenor, Mark has sung professionally with the Santa Fe Desert Chorale and remains active in teaching studio voice. As a conductor, Mark’s past work ranges from preparing major works, such as Brahms’ “Requiem” and Purcell’s “Dido and Aeneas,” to extensive work with middle and high school choirs. In his teaching he employs an integrated approach to choral methods, using authentic teaching experiences as a major part of course work Dr. Lucas is a frequent clinician and adjudicator for choral groups of all ages. He is the founder of the Young Men’s Vocal Workshop at the University of Oklahoma, which has featured more than 1,000 young men in concert. Previously, Mark served for four years as director of choral activities at Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina, Kansas and taught vocal music to students in grades 6-12 in Marion, Kansas. Mark enjoys spending time with his wife Jeanne and their two boys Matt and Jake.


College Organist and Sacred Music Coordinator

Doctor Hentus van Rooyen, a native of South Africa, is Assistant Professor of Music, Sacred Music Coordinator and College Organist at Bethany College in Lindsborg KS, where he teaches organ, music history, music theory, aural skills, and directs the Bethany College

Handbell Ensemble. He graduated with the degree Doctor of Musical Arts in organ performance from the University of North Texas in December 2019. In addition, he holds a Master of Music from the University of North Texas, a Bachelor of Music, and a Diploma in Church Music from the University of Pretoria, and the Teacher’s and Performer’s Licentiates from the University of South Africa. He studied organ performance with Jesse Eschbach and Wim Viljoen, and baroque repertoire studies with Paul Leenhouts.

His quest for international studies was initiated after winning the prestigious Stephanus Zondagh Overseas Music Study Scholarship at the University of South Africa Overseas Music Scholarship Competition (2011), the Scholarship for Overseas Study from the Southern-African Church Organists Association (2012), and a generous Bursary from the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust. Dr. van Rooyen won first prize at the 2014 William C. (Bill) Hall Organ Competition in San Antonio, TX, and was named ‘Outstanding Graduate Student in Organ Performance’ by the University of North Texas College of Music in 2014 and 2017.

During the Sumer of 2019, Dr. van Rooyen traveled to Italy to play several Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century organs by Italian builders as part of his research for his dissertation: The Keyboard Toccatas of Michelangelo Rossi (ca. 1602 - 1656): Performance Perspectives for Organists. In January 2020, he was invited by the ArchBishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia, Dietrich Brauer, to perform organ recitals at the Lutheran Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Moscow and at Saint Catherine Lutheran Church in Saint Petersburg.

Dr. van Rooyen serves as the Director of Music and Organist at Christ Episcopal Cathedral in Salina, KS.


Assistant Professor of Music & Director of Instrumental Studies

Dr. Dodson completed the PhD in Music Education with an emphasis in Orchestral Conducting at the Florida State University College of Music. He also completed the Specialized Study in Music Theory Pedagogy program. As a conductor, Dr. Dodson was selected to participate as a fellow at The Conductor’s Institute in South Carolina under the direction of Dr. Donald Portnoy. He was also selected as a Conducting Participant in the College Orchestra Directors Association’s Conducting Masterclass with Bruce Hangen in Boston, Massachusetts. His conducting teachers include Michael J. Garasi, Joseph Kreines, and Alexander Jiménez. An enthusiastic string pedagogue, Dr. Dodson is a private student of violinist Dr. Benjamin Sung. As a graduate teaching assistant at Florida State University, Dr. Dodson served as assistant conductor to the renowned University Symphony Orchestra and as assistant music director to the undergraduate University Philharmonia Orchestra. In addition, he has served as an instructor for undergraduate conducting and director for the non-major Campus Symphonic Orchestra. Other opportunities included serving as a Music Director to the Summer Sinfonietta Orchestra and FSU’s New Music Ensemble.

Dr. Dodson is an active member of NAfME, FMEA, FOA, the College Orchestra Directors Association, Pi Kappa Lambda, and FBA


Concert Master for the Bethany/Lindsborg Community Orchestra

Ann Samuelson is a violin and viola instructor in the Lindsborg area, and teaches class piano at Bethany. She regularly plays in the Wichita Symphony Orchestra and other regional ensembles. She is co-founder and director of Dala Camerata, a summer chamber music camp for high school and junior high string students based at Bethany College. She earned a bachelor of music education degree and her Kodaly certification from Indiana University and a master of music in violin performance from the University of Connecticut. Before moving to the Lindsborg area, she had seats in the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hartford Symphony Orchestra and played with many other New England orchestras for more than 30 years. She was concertmaster for Musica Dolce, a chamber music ensemble, based in Westerly, Rhode Island, and was soloist and first violinist for its resident string quartet. She has taught in the public school systems in Ohio and Connecticut.

Manda Deegan is a violin and viola instructor, musician, and string instrument bow repairer and rehairer in Salina, Kansas. A Denver native and a graduate of The Lamont School of Music at The University of Denver, Deegan spent a decade traveling, playing, and teaching in locations from Korea to Kentucky during her husband’s army career. She settled in Kansas with her family in 2007 and has since played Principal 2nd Violin with The Salina Symphony, both Principal 2nd Violin and Principal Viola with The Lindsborg Bethany Oratorio Society and Messiah Festival Orchestra, and both violin and viola with The Hays Symphony, The Lawrence Community Orchestra, and The Hutchinson Symphony. Deegan took advantage of the downtime during the Covid-19 Crisis by studying bow repair, rehairing, and maintenance with renown American bow maker Lynn Hannings, and has since been actively spreading the word about the importance of bow knowledge for string music educators. Deegan currently has a private studio of 45 violin and viola students; has been on the summer music faculty for Midwestern Music Camp at The University of Kansas, High Plains Music Camp at Fort Hays State University, and Summer String Camp at Kansas Wesleyan University; has conducted young orchestras at String Fling at Kansas State University; adjudicates and provides sectionals and clinics all over the region; has presented at The American String Teachers Association National Conference and at The Kansas Music Educators Association In-Service Conference; is a volunteer Connect Champion for the new online community of the American String Teachers Association; and is an active member and former president of The Salina Symphony Guild.


Messiah Festival Coordinator

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