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Theatre & Communications at Bethany College

CoMMuniCAtionS / theAtre


The mission of the Theatre Department is to educate, develop, and challenge individuals through a program that provides a strong grounding in the theatre arts as well as the opportunity to acquire a wide range of skills and knowledge through the liberal arts experience. The theatre program seeks to prepare students for personal and professional growth both in the artistic and educational communities. We are committed to instilling in our students confidence and a deep sense of responsibility that will enable them to assume leadership roles within their field, their community, and the world at large.

Greg LeGault, associate professor of theatre, came to Bethany College in 2000. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in theatre (performance) from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, a Master of Arts in theatre history and criticism from Ohio University, and a Master of Fine Arts in Theater with an emphasis in playwriting from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. LeGault is the recipient of Southern Illinois University’s Christian M. Moe Playwriting Award

Rebecca Miller M.A., joined the faculty of Bethany College in the fall of 2017. Miller is the assistant professor of communication and teaches journalism, argumentation and deliberation, rhetoric, and human communication courses. She also Advises Bethany College’s student led paper, The Messenger. Miller began her professional career as a journalist and has worked for four newspapers in various capacities, ranging from news clerk to editor. Before coming to Bethany, she taught for Best Short Play, and the Council for Wisconsin Writers’ Dale Wasserman Drama Award (shared with co-writer Michael Speller). His plays and monologues have been performed at a number of venues around the country, including the Orlando Fringe Festival, the Cleveland Women’s Theatre Project, Strawdog Theatre in Chicago, and the Great Plains Theatre Festival in Omaha. He is a recipient of Bethany College’s Mortvedt Award.

public speaking, technical writing, and English composition at a technical college. She earned her master’s in communication studies and a graduate certificate in technical writing and professional communication from Kansas State University, and her bachelor’s in business/ organizational leadership from Central Christian College of Kansas. She is a member of the National Communication Association.

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