April 2018 Bethany Messenger

Page 1

Vol. 131 No.8 Apr. 26, ’18

SGA Blurb Page 2

Swede Survey Page 5

Amber Warne’s Senior Art Show Page 8 Athletics Update Page 11

Requiem’s Desire Final Chapters Page 12-18

Messenger 2

About The Messenger

ABOUT US The Messenger has been serving Bethany College since 1892 and is an independently run newspaper. The Messenger is entirely produced by Bethany College students who are deeply committed to providing relevant, acurate, and timely information to the Bethany College and Lindsborg communities.

EDITORIAL POLICY The Messenger encourages letters to the editor. Authors should include name, address, and phone number, though names may be withheld from the publication. Letters to the editor can be dropped off at Room 12 in the lower level of Presser Hall or by the mailroom in the Pihlblad Memorial Union. Alternatively, emails can be sent to messenger@bethanylb.edu. The Messenger reserves the right to reject or edit letters. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the signed author. They are not necessarily those of the Bethany College administration, faculty, staff, student body or The Messenger staff.

CONTACT US If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at messenger@bethanylb.edu. To directly contact the head editors, email hennekm@bethanylb.edu or garciall@bethanylb.edu. We can be reached via mail at 335 E Swensson St, Lindsborg, KS 67456.

THE MESSENGER STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Kerri Henne Managing Editor: Linzi Garcia Treasurer: Ivan Perez News & Feature Editor: Alyssa Winterfeld Opinions Editor: Landon Slipke Arts & Entertainment Editor: Carly Rosey Sports Editor: Dominique Murray Layout Editor: Sam Reed Social Media Manager: Avery Holmes Advisors: Rebecca Miller and Frank Ballew Front Page Photo Credit - Kaylie Ines

Apr. 26, 2018

SGA Blurb/Staff Stance

Well, friends…

I suppose this is my sign off. This may be the most bittersweet letter I’ve ever written -- it’s definitely worse than a breakup letter. But if it were, it’d go something like this: Bethany College, it’s not you; it’s me. We’ve both grown up a lot these last four years, and you’ve taught me so much. Now, it’s time for me to go. It’s been a good ride. I know you’ll continue to grow, and I know I will too. Keep in touch. Both The Messenger and SGA were the first things I got involved in when I came to Bethany. It was my freshman year, and I was The Messenger representative after being recruited as a writer. Things quickly sped up -- I was asked to be The Messenger News and Features Section Editor, then I was asked to be the SGA Vice President, and now I’m here… The Messenger Managing Editor and SGA President. What a weird combination of sappy feelings about writing for The Messenger by The Messenger about SGA and The Messenger. My babies! I have been so remarkably proud of both of these organizations this year. I have never seen such efficiency and genuine passion come from a group of students. Your peers, my peers, have taken President Jones’ message of caring deeply to an entirely new level. Not only do they care about their individual commitments and responsibilities, but they also care about one another and the entire Bethany and Lindsborg community. Thank you for caring about me, and thank you for caring about the current and future states of Bethany. No matter where we are in life, we must make the best of it. I truly feel we are. I can tell you that I’ve never experienced so much laughter and productivity as I do during our meetings (and trust me, I go to a lot of meetings!). I feel as though we’ve been able to connect in a way that strengthens our community and our deep care for one another. If we continue that personally and as organizations, we will change the world. I could write a novel about everything I’m feeling, but our layout editor would kill me. I will say that I have never been more honored than to have the opportunity to work with the best students, faculty, staff, board members, and community. You have changed my life, Lindsborg. I will be forever grateful. Please welcome Stephen Klaassen as your new SGA President as warmly as you welcomed me. I know Stephen will continue improving SGA, Bethany, Lindsborg, and wherever he goes. I am thrilled for the entire composition of SGA next year. Also, please welcome Sam Reed as the new Messenger Managing Editor. Sam is a remarkable leader and friend, and he brightens the lives of everyone he interacts with. Sam and Kerri are a badass team, and I look forward to knowing they will continue to love what I have loved. It is a privilege to know that I can trust that all is in good hands when I walk across that stage. Signing off the best years of my life (so far), Linzi Garcia SGA President The Messenger Managing Editor Friend

News & Features

Apr. 26, 2018

May 2018


Messenger 3

-May EventsBethany Bash Part Two

May 4th -- 1-5PM

Location: Amphitheatre

What will we have?

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Late night movies

Salina Movie Theatre 2259 S 9th St., Salina, KS 67401

Friday, May 4 10pm

a k e r B s l a Fin

•Doors open at 10pm •Movies start at 10:30pm •Cost $ 100 •No backpacks, bags, purses, or outside food & drinks •Bring your Bethany Student ID


n I B

may 13, 9 pm in the Caf

SOFT PRETZELS & DESSERT provided Win GIFT CERTIFICATES to local businesses 50 GIFT CARD for blackout


Inflatables, Camels, Funnel Cakes, Nachos, Mini Corn Dogs, Smoothies, Frisbees, Socks, and Water Bottles!

Movies in Salina!

May 4th -- 10PM

Location: AMC Theatre at the Salina Mall

Movie Showing: Avengers: Infinity War

Finals Break Bingo!

May 13th -- 9PM Location: The Caf

Food: Carnival Cookies and Pretzels! Prizes! 15 $10 Gift Cards 1 $50 gift card for Blackout!

Messenger 4

News & Features

Earth Day: All Day, Every Day!

Kaylie Ines


While I tend to celebrate the Earth all day every day, the world collectively recognizes Earth Day on April 22nd. This year, for Earth Day 2018, the big campaign is to “End Plastic Pollution,” as a way to combat the exponential growth of plastic waste that threatens all beings on Earth: landscapes, the ocean, animals, and the whole of humanity (Source: https:// www.earthday.org/). We can help sustain the Earth by being conscious of our plastic usage and thinking more deeply about when we throw stuff away -- where is away? Out of sight and out of mind is not always a good thing, hence why plastic and other litter is endangering marine life and clogging streams and landfills. There is a better alternative, and it begins with us and monitoring the waste we produce. We can go back to our elementary roots of “reduce, reuse, and recycle” by repurposing our trash and using more eco-friendly containers to cut back on waste. Campus Ministry is currently putting the final touches on an Earth Day Celebration. Due to the busyness of the coming weeks, the celebration will not be on the 22nd. Like I said

before, any day is a good day to celebrate the Earth, and Campus Ministry will host a celebration within the first two weeks of May. At this event, you can come participate in fun-sustainable crafts (like creating your own seed-bombs and homes for bees), enjoy earthy snacks, and listen to great music! Whatever your cup of tea may be, I hope you take time to celebrate the wonderful world we live in. Whether that be rocking tie-dye and chacos, going barefoot in a sundress, or just dressing casually, take time to smell some wildflowers, hug a tree, and enjoy this wonderful place and all that it houses.

Photo Credit: Kaylie Ines

Apr. 26, 2018

Graduation of the Class of 2018

Alyssa Winterfeld


So, the time has finally come. The seniors will finally be coming full circle with their Bethany experience. Graduation is almost upon us. It can be exciting, terrifying, and bittersweet all at the same time. But seniors, we have earned this. We have put in the years and the work and the endless nights of studying and writing papers. Whether we have been here four years or four months, we will have accomplished something truly great, and we should all be very proud of ourselves. Graduation activities will begin at 2 p.m. on Friday, May 18th with rehearsal in Presser. Caps and gowns will be handed out afterward in the lobby. Senior dinner will be hosted that evening at 6 p.m. by the Bethany College Alumni Association. This dinner is for graduating seniors and their families only, and will be serving

catered barbeque. Kaylie Ines will be speaking at this event. Sunday, May 20th is graduation day and will begin at 9:45 a.m., with the seniors meeting at Bethany Lutheran Church for an opening ceremony. Afterward, the seniors will do the processional march from the church to Presser Hall, where the Baccalaureate service will begin at 10:30. Family photos and lunch will be available after. The actual graduation ceremony will begin at 2 p.m., with seniors meeting at 1 p.m. on the Presser steps for a class photo and then lining up outside the union at 1:30 p.m. The ceremony will honor all graduating students as well as feature a senior speech from Aspen Bryant. It is sure to be a day of celebration and excitement, so if you are still in town, be sure to come and support the Bethany College Class of 2018 as they embark on their next adventure.

Courtesy Photo

Apr. 26, 2018

Landon Slipke slipkelm@bethanylb.edu

Through the Swede Survey, The Messenger hopes to gain better insight into what its readers enjoy to better focus our articles around your taste. Aaaaaand it’s fun, I like it, and I love pie charts. The survey will relate to what’s in the issue, or maybe not. I do what I want. The questions may be controversial or lighthearted. For this issue, we are looking into the day-to-day lives of Swedes. How are Swede’s holding up towards the end of semester? What kind of devices do they use? And, the most controversial question yet; what kind of sauce do they order with McNuggets? Let’s look…


Swede Survey: April 2018

Messenger 5

1. On a scale from 1-5, how done are you? It’s the end of the semester, and Swedes, on average, are SO DONE. Just like I am with this question.

2. What kind of phone do you have? Clearly, the iPhone reins supreme. Of those who responded, no one didn’t have a smartphone, thus showing we are one step closer to the robots taking over.

3. What kind of sauce do you get with your Chicken McNuggets? Drum roll please. The sauce that takes the gold, the golden McNugget, that is, is Creamy Ranch! (And to those that chose Option 10 due to a typing error on my part, hilarious. Comedic gold. I loved it. Tell your grandchildren about that one. *insert eyeroll emoji here*)

Messenger 6


Messenger Advice Column & Cheese: 4 Years Have Led to This Moment

My, oh my, how time has flown by. If you are a senior and reading this, then let me congratulate you! The Class of 2018 has certainly been through it all, and you should be proud for sticking it out and moving forward. While Lindsborg, Kansas does not seem like the ideal college town, this small-quiet-quaint-Swedish burg has become a beloved place in my heart. The past four years here have been filled with many ups and occasional downs, but it will all be worth it come May, when we walk across Presser Stage and become Graduated Swedes. The last four years led up to this moment, holding on to days like these where we can reflect and remember. Remember the journey -- the tears and hard work, the late nights at the Blacksmith and at the Stuga, the laughs shared, friends made -remember the memories you made here in Lindsborg, Kansas. We are the class that has seen it all, and that certainly is not an exaggeration. We have had three college presidents, three deans, and five different campus pastors; we have seen the demolition of Deere Hall and the building of New Hall; we have seen ASH, once full of rambunctious freshmen boys, transform with the finishing touches of renovation; we have seen some of our beloved professors leave and new beloved professors arrive. We have had a long four years,

Photo Credit: Author

but we have come out on top. We have accomplished so much and have so much to celebrate as we approach graduation. The memories made here are worth it, and that degree will mean something. The memories of filling the fountains with ducks and bubbles, dressing up Carl and other statues, meeting new friends, going to Kaps and Pancho’s, the Stuga and Blacksmith, learning about the Swedish culture during Hyllningsfest -- we have so much to be proud of, and I am proud of you Class of 2018! I wish and hope that you hold on to this: that you will reach to be your best, to better the world, and to find happiness in your life. Never stop dreaming, continue to persist, and move mountains, my friends. Hold on to these final moments and final memories at Bethany because, come May, we will graduate and be on our way to change the world. Keep your head and keep moving forward; all is well, we are almost there!

Apr. 26, 2018

Jesus Christ Superstar: Live

Landon Slipke slipkelm@bethanylb.edu

Happy Easter! Jesus died and was reconciled for our sins... And so that we may be blest with the gift that is Jesus Christ Superstar. NBC has been starting a trend of broadcasting live versions of popular broadway musicals. This started with The Sound of Music starring Carrie Underwood (bad) then Peter Pan, A Christmas Story, and Hairspray. It’s been a journey and, with JCS Live, I think NBC is starting to figure out what audiences want to see and how to make it as successful as possible. Something different this time around was the live audience and concert style. It helped it feel like a real broadway musical, no weird sets that flowed together in a weird way or lack of audience applause and cheer. Both of these things felt off about the previous NBC musicals I have seen. I can’t discuss this musical without discussing the beauty that is John Legend. His gorgeous,

soulful voice worked very well. He wasn’t necessarily the best at acting, but his singing chops were phenomenal. Speaking of singing chops, Sara Bareilles! She slayed me. I’m already a huge fan of hers, she did write the music for Waitress, afterall. She stole the show for me, even with only a small part of the total awesome. My absolute favorite part of the show, however, was the “market” scene. This scene took place over a cross on the floor that several people were singing and rolling around on, touching each other and enjoying being naughty and sinful. People ran around and poured glitter on everything and then they grabbed some, rubbed it on themselves and each other. Basically what I’m saying is that the glitter represented sin. Which is so on the nose it hurts. I highly recommend watching this special. It focuses on what’s important; the music. A very entertaining watch and perfect for Easter-ish time. And glitter representing sin? Priceless...

Courtesy Photo


Apr. 26, 2018

Allan-Michael Lannan lannanam@bethanylb.edu

WrestleMania 34: WWE Review

The granddaddy of them all, the show of shows, WrestleMania 34! The WWE main event (equivalent of the Super Bowl) happened on April 8th. It held many surprises that constantly left many fans on the edge of their seats. These things ranged from a 10-year old fan being selected from the crowd to fight in a tag-team championship match, to the WWE debut of former UFC Champion Rowdy Ronda Rousey. Even if you are not a WWE wrestling fan, the show is popular with many across America, as lots of people tuned into the event. In case you missed WrestleMania 34, here are some things you should know! The match for Smackdown’s WWE Women’s Championship featured Charlotte Flair versus

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Asuka. Asuka, undefeated, went into the event having not lost a match in over 900 days. Much to my dismay, my favorite women’s wrestler, Asuka, was defeated, breaking her streak. The Raw Women’s Championship match was full of tension as Nia Jax, who had been mocked by Alexa Bliss for appearing overweight and not appearing to have the same build as the other women in the division, faced off against her bully. When Nia Jax defeated Alexa Bliss for the Championship, it set a strong message to the WWE universe that it doesn’t matter what you weigh or what you look like; you can overcome the bullies to be successful in life. It was a beautiful outcome that speaks volumes and presents a great example for all the children watching at home, giving them hope. The match that gave the WWE

the most publicity leading into WrestleMania was the mixed tag match between Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey versus Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. This match was the longest of the event and, perhaps, the most exciting. Kurt Angle showed his age, however, as he had issues wrestling in the match. This did not seem to be much of a problem for the viewers, though, as most of the audience was paying more attention to Ronda Rousey, who ended up breaking Stephanie McMahon’s wrist, in kayfabe, during the event, taking the win. The shortest match was the proclaimed “Dream Match” between John Cena and The Undertaker. This match was under three minutes as the Undertaker made quick work of John Cena; it was an easy victory for the Undertaker. Many fans in the community did not like this quick match, especially since it was built up so much by John Cena constantly insulting the Undertaker each week, wanting a response to his challenge. Cena’s epic loss, then, baffled many. The event was beneficial to the Undertaker and his image. The 53-year-old superstar suffered from an injury last year, and the long, drawn out match between he and Roman Reigns was lackluster due to the Undertaker’s age. This year’s victory, in comparison, made him seem unstoppable.

Messneger 7

The most humorous match was Braun Strowman and a mystery partner versus The Bar. For weeks heading into the event, Strowman was told he needed a tag-team partner, and at WrestleMania he picked 10-year-old Nicholas. The two ended up winning the championship, embarrassing the team. The next night, they gave up the tag-team titles, however, since Nicholas was still in school; they vowed that he would return during summer break. The crowd was so awestruck by the decision that they ended up calling for Nicholas during the main event between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, which Lesnar won. The only other match that was memorable and had a huge impact on the WWE scene was AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. The match ended with Nakamura’s loss, but he make a heel turn that transformed him into the “bad guy” of the match. WrestleMania 34 was an exciting event that had many big matches. With the continuing of the Women’s Revolution, and the new changing landscape in the WWE, the event will most likely become an instant classic that many will look back on fondly. The overall grandeur of WrestleMania, combined with publicity gained from the debut of UFC star Ronda Rousey in the WWE, made for a mindblowing experience that should not have been missed.

Arts and Entertainment

Messenger 8

Kaylie Ines ineskh@bethanylb.edu

Amber Warne is a senior studio art and ceramic major. Part of her major includes producing pieces that go into her senior art show. Amber’s show, “Creatures,” debuted in the Mingenback Art Studio April 22nd. To help promote the arts and Amber’s hard work, Amber has answered a few questions for us.

Apr. 26, 2018

Amber Warne’s Senior Art Show

Is there a piece of work you are most proud of? I have a piece titled “Be Not Afraid,” and that is the piece I would say I am most proud of. It is a ceramic wall piece that won a merit award at the Messiah Festival. *congrats!!* What is the inspiration behind this show/what inspires you? Mostly my work is inspired by organic forms, this is both of humans and animal forms. I really aim to represent these creatures and to tell their stories through my work. What is your most important artist tool you cannot live without in the studio? The most important tool I use in the study is a decorating wheel. The decorating wheel

allows me to turn my work without touching the piece.

Are your pieces for sale? Some of the pieces are for sale. *You can find Amber on campus and ask her about them; some of those pieces are ceramic owls, which are pictured. You can check out her work and their price tags in the Mingenback Art Studio.* Describe your style? It is very gestural and organic. What can we expect to see at your show (pieces, style, etc.)? All different mediums of work [are] displayed. The majority of the art will be ceramic sculptures. What do you want viewers to know about your work? I want people to be able to see the meaning behind the work just by looking at it and [to explore] the art.

Photo Credit: Carly Rosey

Apr. 26, 2018

Katie Zuercher zuercherks@bethanylb.edu

FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY on May 4th at 7 p.m. the Burnett Center you can catch Sabrina Wollenberg’s Senior Capstone night! This production is free to Bethany students with a Bethany ID. Wollenberg is a senior theatre and communications major, and for her senior project she is putting on several of her original pieces. There will be one and a half scenes from a full-length play that she wrote called Snow White and the Dwarfly Sins, a monologue called “Into the Icebox” performed by Landon Slipke, and a five-piece monologue called “Evolved” that is currently being turned into a film. Wollenberg spoke with me about the pieces. Snow White and the Dwarfly Sins is a “classic story of ‘Snow White’ that gets turned on its head, with a narcoleptic princess and the seven dwarves being the seven deadly sins embodied.” “Into the Icebox” is about “a war vet, and is an insight to the trauma and psychological distress caused by war

Arts and Entertainment

Messneger 9

Smashing Hits in Burnett

and living inside a broken marriage.” “Evolved” is “centered on the ways we ‘normalize’ women’s experiences with sexual harassment and paranoia that occurs on a daily basis,” which start from a young age and “have long-term effects.” Wollenberg has had experience with writing and directing shows at Bethany in the past. During her junior year, she wrote and directed a full-length play, A Girl Named Red. This show was an alternative take on “Little Red Riding Hood,” so you could say Wollenberg has a knack for fairytale twists. She has also done other productions for the 24-hour playfest at Bethany. On the technical side, Victoria Sutton has taken on the role of stage manager, with CJ Garcia as her assistant stage manager, and with Noah Parks operating as the set and lights designer. The set is minimalistic, so as to leave it up to the audience’s imagination and interpretation. Rehearsals started in the middle of March, and the cast has had to be very productive with their time, as the

spring semester is so busy. Wollenberg, however, is confident that, despite time constraints, things have been coming together very nicely. There are ten people, including Wollenberg, that are sharing and acting out these pieces. The featured pieces mentioned above star seniors Landon Slipke and Christian Cooper and debuting freshmen female actress Aubrey Hitchock. Aubrey shared that what she enjoyed most about this experience was, “Everyone is extremely fun to work with on and off the set! The atmosphere that everyone brings with them every rehearsal sets a great tone and makes everyone eager to

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work hard and make the show the best it can be. There’s a lot of fun incorporated into the show, so it’s one of the most enjoyable things I’ve found myself doing all year.” Fellow participant Noah Lackey shared Aubrey’s views and added, “making new connections with people and the funny side comments made on stage are what I enjoy the most!” Wollenberg would also like to give a special thanks to Bethany College, Professor Miller, and Professor LeGault for supporting her throughout her incredible journey into the world of theatre. Come out to Burnett May 4th, sit back, and enjoy!

Messneger 10

Arts and Entertainment

Apr. 26, 2018

Junior Opera Performance: “The Old Maid and the Thief”

Landon Slipke slipkelm@bethanylb.edu

This April 27th and 28th, four students from the Music Department will be performing an opera The Old Maid and the Thief by Gian-Carlo Menotti, completely free for you, the people. It stars juniors Kalyn Powers, Alyssa Wierman, Annie Halterman, Isaiah Fabrizius, and freshman Gavin Larios. The opera is about an old maid, Miss Todd (Halterman), who is visited by a handsome stranger, Bob (Larios). She, as well as her maid, Laetitia (Powers), fall in love with the man and persuade him to stay in the house, in the hopes that he will fall in love with them. The town gossip, Miss Pinkerton (Wierman), stirs up trouble as she speaks of a murder and thief who is in their midst. This leads the women to question the true identity of their new houseguest. Fabrizius serves as the announcer. For junior vocal performance major Kalyn Powers, this performance

is particularly important. It counts as her junior recital, a requirement for her degree. She shares, “Working on the opera has been a really challenging but fun experience. It’s great to have been given the opportunity to perform a piece as unique and funny as The Old Maid and the Thief. Having all my friends in it helps with the workload as well,” says Powers Alyssa Wierman has this to say about the opera: “I feel really good about the show! We’ve been working really hard for a few months now and it’s really starting to come together as a whole. I can’t wait to perform with my peers, and I’m excited to see everyone who comes out to support Kalyn Powers in her junior recital and the rest of us who are part of it!” Be sure to go and see The Old Maid and the Thief this April 27th and 28th at 7:30 p.m. in the Burnett Center!

Photo Credit: Landon Slipke

Apr. 26, 2018

Dom Murray murraydc@bethanylb.edu

Track and Field: The Swedes traveled a little ways north this month to compete in the Alex Francis Classic at Fort Hays State University. The Swedes continued to show improvements by recording 28 personal bests at the event. In an astounding turnout, one of the Swedes’ throwers qualified for the national tournament. Whitney Harvey, a junior from Mission, Kansas, qualified for nationals in the hammer throw with a throw of 49.41m. Harvey is the third Swede to qualify for the national tournament in a throwing event this year. She will join teammates Danielle Johnson (sr.), and Kristen Herzet (so.) in representing Bethany College at the big dance this year. Johnson will be competing alongside Harvey in the hammer throw, while Herzet competes in the discus throw. The Swedes will close out conference competition on May 3rd and 4th at the KCAC Championships.


The Bethany Swedes men’s tennis team is currently receiv-


Messneger 11

Bethany Athletics Update

ing votes in the NAIA poll, with an amazing year producing a 12-1 record. Up until only a week ago, the team was undefeated. The Swedes took a tough 3-6 loss to the 22nd ranked McPherson Bulldogs. They battled hard in the singles matches, splitting the 6 matches 3-3. Teodor Antelj (so.) defeated Jacob Turley 6-2 in the first set and then 6-3 in the second set. Junior Edward Sengai defeated Juan Jimenez (9-7) in their match. Freshman Andreas Ricuarte defeated Andreas Huber (8-6) for the Swedes’ third. In the three remaining doubles matches, McPherson overpowered the Swedes for the conference win.

Wager both tallied two hits. Wager also added four RBI’s to her line. Rayleen Castro (fr. designated hitter) and Lexie Valentine (jr. infielder) also picked up a couple hits in game one. In game two, the Swedes’ Softball bats were led by freshman Earlier this month, Swedes Ciera Flores, who had four softball took on Ottawa UniRBIs, a homerun, and a double. versity, who was ranked 24th in Wager and Valentine also had the nation. The Swedes split the multi-hit games. Sophomore two-game series, losing game Pitcher Lauren Quintana one 11-8, but winning the finale earned the win with 5.2 innings 8-7. The bats were hot all day pitched. Jessica Armijo (sr. for both the Swedes and the pitcher) threw one inning and Warriors, tallying a total of 34 gave up zero runs, on zero hits, runs between both games. and earned the save. During game one, four Baseball Swedes had a multi-hit perforSwedes baseball went 5-0 mance. Sophomore outfielders during Spring Break, three of Shannon Williams and Emma

Photo Credit: Jim Turner

which were against a conference opponent. The Swedes swept Bacone College in midweek series 4-2 in game one and 5-4 in game two. Later that weekend, the Swedes hosted Sterling College for a threegame conference series. The players achieved an offensive explosion during the weekend, putting up 43 runs. During the doubleheader on the first day, Swedes lefty Yoberth Marchan (sr.) earned the win on the mound by throwing five innings, giving up seven hits and two earned runs. Offensively, Tyler Horchem (jr. Outfielder) went 4-4 and two RBIs. Sophomore Catcher Heriberto Rosa Gomez went 2-4 with five RBIs.

Messneger 12

Robert Perez perezrh@bethanylb.edu

He entered the valley of the Five Mountains. water falling like rivers of tears perpetually from their summits. In this place, an evil creature lived, forever cackling at the suffering of those who passed through -- before devouring them. This creature, from which wickedness had spread, had lived for far too long. He was determined to destroy it before he continued his pursuit of the man. To the place where ends began, and beginnings ended. He knew this place well, and he was afraid, but still, he walked on. Looking to the sky, he couldn’t tell, but he thought the sun might be trying to break the clouds, and return light to this desolate world of dust. He shrugged off the thought. There was no sun anymore. The sun, the joy, the love, and the hope had left this world long ago. The cackling began, distant first, but grew into an unending howl that seemed to fly over peaks and valleys to him. He drew his sword and faced the noise. For eons the creature

Arts & Entertainment

Requiem’s Desire: Chapter 5 had lived, and, in a few minutes, it would end, or he would. Devon’s body laid in a pool of blood, peaceful, for the first time since Stephen could remember. If it weren’t for the form she had taken, he may have been glad to see her at peace. He hadn’t seen her so content since she had been in his arms, so long ago. Something inside him cracked, and he turned his eyes down, to his gun, his hands, finally shaking after what he had done, stained with the blood of his best friend and, what he could call his truest love. Blood that would never wash off stained his hands, seeping into his skin, and onto his soul. His vision blurred, tears trying to seep through, he pushed them back. He hadn’t cried in years, and he wasn’t about to start. Staring at his shaking, bloodied hands, Stephen felt again that he wasn’t alone. “How did the young boy you used to be turn into such a lustful creature. A monster that only knows how to use others?” Stephen didn’t have to look to see the Robed Man’s wry grin under that light-devouring hood.

“Just shut up,” Stephen muttered under his breath. He held the pistol tightly, to the point of shaking, anger bubbling inside. If he opened his mouth again, Stephen would unload whatever was left in the clip into his hood. He didn’t though, and the Robed Man spoke again, his words pervading his mind. “That blood on your soul isn’t from those you killed here. It’s from the hearts you broke, the innocence you stole. That’s the blood that stains you. The blood you can never escape, except in death.” The Robed Man wasn’t behind Stephen, he was everywhere. His voice coming from every direction, the wind blowing it across the world. “The Requiem’s beginning hunts you. Face what created you.” Suddenly, as if to emphasize the point, the wind blew a voice into Stephen’s ear, muffled, as if underwater and miles away. “You belong to me.” He saw her face, a flash image in his mind. He didn’t want to face her, he couldn’t. He ran. He didn’t know where or for how long, but eventually he found himself beside the Casey’s near the end

Apr. 26, 2018

of town, a few blocks up from the college. And then, as quickly as it came, the fog was gone. The sun shone brightly over the clear day, and he saw her. He took a step back. It wasn’t the one he was running from. No, the exact opposite. Lisa’s soft, red hair flowed in the wind. Her freckled face as beautiful as the first day he had seen her. She was nothing to him then. Just a cute cashier that he thought to flirt with. After losing Devon, Stephen fell into old, bad habits. Living the classic mantra of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll didn’t help him. The pain only grew, and he had determined he was going to end it all. Life wasn’t worth it without Devon. That’s when Lisa came, an unexpected chance encounter that turned his life around. Joy was all he knew, and depression became nonexistent. They never slept together, never even dated, but he was ready to change that. He loved her. He had even forgotten about Devon. He approached her, wary after what had happened to Devon, but he embraced her anyway. Her embrace was (Continued on page 13)

Apr. 26, 2018 (Continued from page 12)

warm, her breasts full against his chest. He buried his face into her shoulder, and he allowed a tear to fall. He felt, again, like everything would be okay. He remembered the last day he had been with her. The state fair, a full day with Lisa. The best day he ever had. He smiled more that day than ever before in his life, and he was determined to make her his the next day. One day too late. She was gone, out of his life. He never knew what happened. He saw her sometimes after that, and, sometimes, he tried to talk to her, but she looked away, and never replied. In time, he stopped trying, and light never returned to his life again. She had saved him, only to damn him again. Holding her, Stephen felt her embrace give. He opened his eyes and saw the fog was back, and Lisa crumbled, nothing more than dust. The mist darkened, as if their had been a sun above; but, it had set and cast him into night. Stephen held some remaining dust of what had been Lisa, then he heard her behind him. “You belong to me, Stephen.” He knew what waited, and

Arts & Entertainment every voice inside told him to run, all except Lex, whose voice boomed out over the rest and said: “She ain’t got sh*t against you anymore. Mess her up, Stephen!” Lex saw what she was -- a broken, wobbling mess. Shattered bones. Blood-stained yellow hair. Cuts covering her body and face. Stephen didn’t see that, though. She was overwhelmingly beautiful with pale, smooth skin; silky, long hair; and sweet, ocean-like eyes that pulled him down, Down, Down, Down into her depths; the place where all the voices, even Lex’s, couldn’t be heard. All that existed was sweet blue, and her voice. “You belong to me.” Within a blink, Stephen was transported through memory and time. He stood in the school lobby -- the place where students always gathered in the downtime between school letting out and parents picking up their kids or practice starting. She was sitting on the far end by the water fountain and the glass case holding the school’s various awards. Stephen, a guileless fourteen-year-old, approached the cases and pretended to examine the pictures, the years, the

writing. His eyes turned to the girl as he tried to figure out what to say. A feeling of helplessness fell over him. This was a stupid thought. She was a senior, ready to get out of school. What chance did he have? His eyes turned towards her again, and this time she was looking at him. Their eyes met, and she spoke. “Are you going to say something or keep staring?” At first, Stephen would have taken that as a cue to his odd behavior, but he glimpsed her coy smile and saw an opening. “Well, you’re so pretty that I was struck dumb.” Stupid, he knew that. It was a weak line that in no way should have worked. Somehow, it did. He never figured out how, but it did. They talked, but of no substance. Superficial topics such as school and hobbies. Soon, she offered to show him her favorite hobby, and then she led him to her house and right to her bedroom. For the next few months, she brought him over at least twice a week after school. She turned him from an awkward virgin into a sexual master. For hours she trained him, her hand wrapped around him, feeling until the moment before he climaxed to stop, only to start

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again soon after. She instructed him to do the same to himself at least twice a day. During sex, she would start a timer and tell him he had to last at least until the timer ran out, but that he would make her happy if that wasn’t the end. Stephen was never sure when, but sometime during his training, he fell in love. He did everything she said without hesitation. He was willing to go to the ends of the earth for her. He would give his life for her. He belonged to her, body and soul. Then, she, the first of many, was gone. Stephen was dropped without a goodbye. His heart shattered. Scars and cuts hid beneath his clothes, and he turned to drinking, smoking, anything he could get ahold of. This is when the voices came, terrible words pulling him to the edge that only subsided when Stephen couldn’t see straight. Still, he thought of her, she invaded his mind and body, leaving her virus inside. He found any girl he could, anybody who could possibly be the cure for the illness inside. In time, he found Devon, and she made him forget, and (Continued on page 14)

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he was content with never seeing Her again. And now here she was. Standing broken before him. Daring to say that he was hers again. She opened her arms, inviting him in. He was hers, after all. There was no hesitation, his hurt became hate, and he shot her, but she only smiled at him, waved her finger, like she had every time he finished too soon, and her body ripped open, each rib extending to create a leg, and she charged him like an enraged spider. Stephen had grown used to monsters, though, and he jumped to the side, shooting her again and again. She had used him, broken him, and turned him into a toy that she discarded. It was finally his turn to break her. He had run to the front of Casey’s, and she charged again. He wasn’t fast enough this time, and she rammed his body with hers inside the store. Aisles fell over and food scattered all over the floor. “You belong to me, Stephen!” She howled and ran at him, her twisted body climbing over the fallen aisles effortlessly. Stephen found himself in the same situation as when he fought Derek; she was mov-

Arts & Entertainment ing too fast for him to do more than react, and he couldn’t find a pattern. She couldn’t have a pattern. She was nothing but chaos, instinct, and primal desire. He never could predict what she would do. He only had one chance to win this, and only one shot to pull it off. He just needed an opening. Bags and cans ripped open, spilling food and drink across the floor, in the mess, Stephen tripped, and she came upon him, Stephen rolled before her rib-legs could rip into him and ran to the far side. She crawled onto the wall and faced him, shooting a white web from her mouth. He ducked out of the way, and the milky substance burned like acid into the counter behind him. Stephen saw the stuff, and thought he knew what it was, but he didn’t want to guess. “That’s a new spin on patricide, Steve!” Lex’s voice conveyed a joke, but the undertone of alarm left Stephen with the assumption that Lex was as mortified as he was. She jumped from the wall and ran at him, her “web” dripping and foaming from her mouth. Stifling his vomit, Stephen saw his chance. He ran out of the store. She was good at what she did, but

she wasn’t exactly smart, and she followed suit. Stephen had to hope he didn’t trip like he had in track, or else he was dead. He hurdled the spot between two gas pumps, and she followed suit, but her added mass left her wedged between the pumps, her ribs ripping into one and soaking her with fuel. She had died a year before in a car crash, and she was about to die again. Stephen lifted his gun. “I don’t love you anymore, b*tch.” He pulled the trigger, and she erupted in flames, her body, too stuck to pull out, and she lied there and squirmed as she died. Should he have felt proud of this? Probably not. Did he? Absolutely. The b*tch had destroyed his life and skewered his vision of love for so long. She had toyed with him and countless others. She was nothing more than a sick monster in life, and in death. “Are you any better, Stephen?” The Robed Man said. Stephen turned and faced him. “Follow your heart to watch it shatter,” The Robed Man said, and then he was gone -- vanished, like he had never been there. No dramatics this time. That couldn’t be good. Stephen’s heart said sit down, and that’s what he did. Weariness was starting to take

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hold of him. It felt like centuries had passed since he woke up in his bed this morning.. Time was skewed here. It was dark; maybe night had fallen, or maybe all of this was nothing more than a sick, twisted joke. No matter what it was, Stephen felt it had to be over soon. He stood, and then his stomach dropped. He heard it before he saw it. An airless wail from the fog. Like something had been screaming for so long that it had ran out of breath but couldn’t stop screaming. It sounded tortured but relentless. Of all he had seen, this was the only thing that paralyzed him with fear. One of the gray, sexless creatures that had devolved from the Lindsborg residence was floating -- no, flying -about fifteen feet in the air towards him at the speed of a car. It’s neck seemed to have been broken and was swiveling freely around, never stopping that horrid wail. His legs freed, and Stephen bolted towards the Casey’s. he felt he would have the advantage inside, but its speed caught him off guard. It grabbed him, and instinct alone saved him. His elbow connected with it’s face and it (Continued on page 15)

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dropped him into the side of Casey’s. A sharp, piercing pain entered his side, and Stephen struggled to his feet. He felt blood running down his side, but he didn’t have time to look. He ran around the Casey’s and into various yards. He ducked and weaved around garages and cars. He couldn’t give it a straight line towards him, or it would catch him in no time. Its wailing grew louder, and Stephen dared a look back at it, instantly regretting it. He saw that its teeth were gone and its mouth was no longer smiling. Instead, it was nothing more than a wide open abyss, like its eyes. Three holes into a pitchblack void. Stephen sprinted and felt something cutting through his body. He looked down and saw that, in his fall, he had impaled his side on a long piece of glass. The pain was agony, but the creature behind him was moving too fast for him to have time to pull it out. He had ran a full three blocks and made it to the middle of campus before he remembered his gun. He turned and fired, the first bullet struck its chest, and it didn’t seem to care. Thick, black liquid poured from the wound, and the second bullet, to the neck,

Arts & Entertainment yielded the same result. He needed to get its head, but it didn’t stay still long enough to get a good shot. He had an idea, partially suicidal. The glass stuck out of his front about three inches... It stopped in mid-air, turned and charged him again. Stephen ran right at it and jumped into its arms. The glass dug into its body, and his weight pulled it to the ground. He managed to push it on bottom, but it clawed at him, cutting into his arms and cheeks, but he mounted it, pushed the gun to it’s head, and pulled the trigger. The wailing stopped, and it ceased to move. The glass was useless, but he was willing to try it. He saw blood seeping out from the wound, and, even though he knew better, and maybe he just wanted a way out, he grabbed the blackened end and pulled. Glass cut deep into his hands, blood flowing freely onto the concrete. He yelled as pain shot through his entire body, but finally the glass was out, and he collapsed. He saw his hands, now completely red, and didn’t think it would ever wash off. He laid there for a few minutes, hoping the pain would subside, or maybe he would bleed out, and this nightmare would be over. He hoped, but

he didn’t think he was that lucky. He sat up, and heard music, a piano, behind him, coming from Presser Hall. That was where the choir and all big musical performances happened. Still, it never was loud enough to be heard from the campus center. Still, he felt compelled to go. He got to his feet and pushed himself down the walkway, up the stairs, and inside. Five mannequins stood on the stage, fixed in location, and Stephen saw the seats were all empty as he walked down the ghostly aisle. “Yo, you know this is probably a trap, right?” Lex said again. It didn’t matter to Stephen. He knew it was, but he knew this is what he had to do. He looked at the bloody hole in his side and said, “Like it really matters, Lex. I’ll be dead soon anyway.” He saw the blood that stained his hands, and he thought of Devon, Lisa, and all the others he had loved. They were all gone. After everything, he really would die alone. A choked whisper escaped his lips. “Not like I was good for anything, anyway.” “Stephen” A ghostly whisper said as he ascended the steps and approached the mannequins, followed by another,

Messneger 15 and another, five total voices called to him from the mannequins. Stephen saw that each of them were marked with red and black. Then their eyes opened, rivers of blood tears fell, and they all walked towards him. Stephen had made the mistake of putting his back to the wall, and they encircled him. That’s when the markings made sense. These five. Five girls. Five relationships. Five affairs. One had red rope burns around her neck, the other one’s veins on her arms had turned black; blood flowed from two of their inner thighs, and the final one had cuts along her arms. He looked to the seats, and every one of them was filled. A million girls staring at him. The crowd, gathered to see the execution, screamed at him - a million infernal accusations that ripped his heart apart. “I’m sorry.” He muttered under his breath. “MONSTER!” “Shut up.” “LIAR!” “Shut up!” “YOU WERE MY FIRST!” The two bleeding down their legs screamed in unison. The rest of the crowd screamed too, (Continued on page 16)

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around his heart broke, and his bleeding heart was left bare on accusations of liar, cheater, monster, and other words filled his sleeve. Everything he contained was poured out before his head, blocking out every the audience, those shattered thought he had. The five were moving closer, louder. Finally, by his broken soul. He didn’t deserve to live; Stephen’s broke. he didn’t deserve to ever stop “SHUT UP!” His legs crying for what he did. turned to gel, and he fell to He did though, in time. He his knees, tears flowed freely, stood, blurred vision and weak mixing with the blood from kneed, but he stood. The crowd the girls. He cried, and they was gone, and the five had stopped screaming. stopped moving. Mannequins It wasn’t his fault. He again. He brushed past them wasn’t a monster. He never when one suddenly elbowed meant to hurt any of them. He the back of his neck, and he loved them all! fell again, this time reaching That’s all he ever did was love. Sometimes he loved more for his gun. “Now you die,” The Robed than one at once. Was that Man’s voice said, carried his fault? He couldn’t control from somewhere by the wind. who he loved, and he showed Stephen turned and fired. love in the only way he knew. Before Devon, he didn’t know Rope Burn and one of the ones what love really was. The only bleeding down the leg fell. Black Arms and Cuts scattered, love he knew was what She climbing on the walls like taught him. He could only do spiders. what he was taught. Bloody Leg dropped beside It was the only thing he was him and hit him in the chest. good at. He felt a rib crack as he flew It was all he was good for. back and crashed into some Guilt tore him apart. The of the band chairs. He shot tears fell harder, faster, all he quickly, and she fell too. could say between sobs was, He stood, and a chair hit “I’m sorry.” Over and over. He him and pushed him back. He cried every tear he had ever caused. He choked on his tears turned and shot at Cuts but missed. She scurried into the and fell into a fetal position. His body ached and shook, and audience chairs. He was at his A-game still he cried. He felt he would again, not physically, but his never stop crying. The stone (Continued from page 15)

mind was nothing but fight, and when Black Arms dropped, he ducked her swing and kicked her back. He stood on her chest and shot her multiple times in the chest. She stopped moving. Cuts had torn a leg off a chair and threw it at him like a makeshift spear. He weaved, but only just. He felt the metal leg tear some flesh from his left arm. The wooden stage was covered in blood, and it flowed like waterfalls between the cracks. Cuts charged him and knocked him to the ground. He quickly put up his arms to protect from the blows that struck like those from a professional fighter. She had him mounted like one, too. He couldn’t move her off. She was much stronger than him and held him down. He had another suicidal idea. He moved his arms away, and her fist struck his cheek with a crack, but he grabbed her shoulders, pulled her down, and their heads connected. It stopped her just enough for him to grab his gun and plant a bullet in her head. She fell, and Stephen felt a light stream of blood from his forehead. She actually had been a mannequin. Stephen stood and saw their

Apr. 26, 2018 bodies scattered across the stage. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice catching in his throat as another tear fell from his eyes. He turned and walked, but he only made it halfway before a voice from above stopped him. “Stephen?” She said. Stephen looked up and saw Kara standing on the balcony. She was a friend he had made during his time at Bethany. Silly, Sweet, and like a sister to him. Yeah, he had crushed on her, too, but he was out of the game of going after taken girls. She was his friend, and that was all. There was a time, though, that he thought she could have filled the holes left by Devon and Lisa. He saw her, and her eyes were normal but red and watery. She had been crying. He didn’t think he looked better. Their eyes met, and fresh tears fell from her eyes. “Why’d you do it, Stephen?” Then she lifted herself from the balcony and dropped down to his floor. Her head struck a seat, and he heard her neck snap as she landed. Shocked, he stared at her limp body for several seconds. Tears welling in his eyes, he didn’t speak. All he could do was turn his back and walk away as his heart shattered.

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Robert Perez perezrh@bethanylb.edu He left the creature’s body far behind and travelled. Eventually, he entered the field of flowers, where the beginning ended, and the end began. Their paper petals kissed his legs, but he ignored them. They were nothing more than imitations of what they once had been. Faint rays of sun penetrated the gray sky. Here, at the end of the world, the last lights, the final bastion of hope, stood, ready to fall. Not far away, he saw the cliff, the end of everything that ever was, and the Robed Man stood there. The Boy, The Man, The Once-and-Reborn Warrior, dropped his sword into the field and approached the Robed Man, who faced away towards the sea. He stood behind the Robed Man, together now for the first time in many years. He turned, and they were face to face. He said... Stephen stumbled into the dense fog and down the steps of Presser. Halfway down, one of his legs gave, and he fell the rest of the way. At the bottom he lied, broken and bloodied. Tears still stained his cheeks. Struggling to his knees, Stephen looked to the ground. Light snow had begun to fall and catch in his hair. His blood stained the

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Requiem’s Desire: Chapter 6 fallen snow. Across the street was a chapel, and Stephen felt his pain and guilt turn into anger. So many years of his life had been wasted inside doors just like those, being told that his sins would be forgiven, and that God would be there for everybody in their time of need. Where was God now? Where was God when Devon or Lisa left? Where was God when Stephen needed him? The loving deity had left Stephen alone with nothing but demons for company, claiming love while laughing and throwing more torment on his devoted follower. Stephen had spent hours staring at the floor, bowing like a good slave, begging for forgiveness and mercy. Neither ever came, and, eventually, Stephen stopped looking at the sky and saw no God. Stephen left church and never looked back. He looked to the sky again, like he had when he was sixteen. “Where are you, you bastard?” Nobody responded, and Stephen saw no God up there, or anywhere around him. He felt no God watching and protecting him. The anger bubbled and exploded, Stephen threw his empty pistol into the street and looked up, screaming into the sky. “Just say something! Show me you’re there, you f*cking coward!” Silence. There was never a God,

Only Silence. No hope, Only death. No forgiveness, Only condemnation. A light pierced the fog somewhere to Stephen’s right. He sighed and bowed his head, hoping this would mean an end. He pulled himself to his feet, and walked to the light, leaving his pistol in the snow. Silence met Stephen as he walked. The monsters had disappeared, the snow melted and became a soft rain in the fog. A bloody trail of water followed Stephen, and, as he drew closer to the light, the blood washed from his hands. He knew what the light was, but he refused to believe it until he saw it. The church lights were on. He knew this church. At the beginning of the year, he and all the other freshmen had walked from campus to it, and they had to sit through a service that Stephen had mostly ignored. A horrid waste of time, but fitting that his journey would end here. The entrance was filled with lit candles, whose combined flame left the air with a comfortable warmth, the first warmth Stephen had felt since this ordeal began. He approached the doors of the sanctuary and wondered what the hell it was going to be this time. The Robed Man stood at the altar. “So, the prodigal son returns.” Ste-

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phen could feel his usual wry grin and had no time for it. “Why here?” Stephen’s question was short and dry. He had no time to humor this demented man. Answers were all Stephen wanted. The Robed Man chuckled. “Beautiful, isn’t it? After going through hell, you’re brought to the home of He you’ve defied after so long deifying. The lost is brought home, and the guilty is sentenced.” The last part hit Stephen. “So, what is this? Court? Are you some twisted judge?” “You are your own judge, Stephen. Close your eyes, for only a second, and learn everything.” Stephen didn’t trust the situation, but something told him he wouldn’t get answers unless he went along with it. He closed his eyes. “Well?” His question was met with a breeze that carried the sea’s salty scent, mixed with flowers. “Welcome home, Stephen.” Stephen was only shocked as his eyes opened, the lighting, the cliff, the flowers around him, even where the Robed Man stood. “This is-“ “-Your painting, yes.” The two of them stood face-to-face on the cliff’s edge. “Welcome to where the beginning ended, and the end began.” “This is f*cked. Of all the things...this isn’t real.” He looked around and kneeled down to touch a rose. (Continued on page 18)

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There was no canvas. There was a flower. “Stephen, this is where I was born. When the first left you, I was created from the other that I sought to destroy -- my twin, if you will. Welcome to the end of Requiem, Stephen.” That word again. “Is that what this is? All these things I’ve seen, what was the point? Why not just kill me?” The Robed Man sighed. “Death was what we were determining. I must say, I respect you. You stayed so strong, and, even when broken, you persevered. You left your past behind you, repented, and might now be able to find forgiveness. You faced and defeated your demons.” The Robed Man looked down, and Stephen could feel him smiling. “Well, all but one.” The breeze blew from behind and carried flower petals between them as a growing tension built between them. “Who are you, really?” Stephen cooley asked, holding in a desperate need to know. The Robed Man laughed, not chuckling like usual, but laughing, full and hearty. Stephen, again, felt like he knew the man’s voice. So familiar, yet so alien. The man spoke, calmly first, it grew more powerful, more excited with every phrase. “I am your son, your greatest demon, the opposite of The Boy, The Man, The reformed Warriorturned-Coward! I am all you ever feared!” The man threw back his hood, and Stephen finally saw his face, which had to be a picture or a

Arts & Entertainment mirror. Stephen remembered waking up and how he looked. The clean face, nice clothes, and silky hair. Stephen stood before himself as he was, now broken, cut, hair clumped with blood and dirt, eyes red, and clothes torn. Himself. That’s what he had to face now, and he knew himself well enough. Stephen turned to leave, and the ragged voice of himself followed. “Where are you going? You and the Other are nothing but the same -- the coward who hid behind walls rather than face me. Hiding from your demons while only breeding more.” The Other Stephen spat out, “You both sat, waiting for a light that was dead! You can’t save yourself!” Stephen wasn’t going to fall for the taunting. He had turned around, but he saw the fog in the distance. He could hear the wailing of monsters inside. He sighed. There was no way out. Die here, or die in the fog. His words from Presser resounded in his head: “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be dead soon anyway.” Stephen started to turn around. Lex’s voice pierced his mind. “Run, Stephen. You can’t win this one. He too strong; he ain’t like the others!” It didn’t matter. Stephen turned to face himself. “I said run, dammit!” “Shut up,” Stephen muttered. “It will soon be over.” All the sh*t he had been through, breaking his body and his heart. He had forgiven himself. He

would like to live, but that wasn’t an option anymore. If he was going to die, he was going to take this bastard with him. He didn’t hesitate. He charged the man and tackled him just like he had been taught in junior high football, and carried them both off the cliff. He held himself close as they approached the sea. He felt the Other smiling. “All you had to do was walk away, and you’d have been free.” They plummeted closer towards the black waters. “Instead, you chose me.” They hit the water, and Stephen realized Lex had been right, Stephen’s senior year in track flashed into his mind. He ran a good race but stumbled on the last hurdle and threw it away. Cold blackness enveloped Stephen, and all he heard until the end took him was the Other’s voice, repeating over and over the simple sentence that would mark Stephen’s final thought. “You chose death.” Stephen’s roommate returned around noon the next day and found Stephen lying in bed. He didn’t take much note of it at first. Stephen tended to sleep in, but he did noticed that Stephen cleaned up the entire room and figured he was exhausted from the work. Then, Stephen’s roommate saw the mess of bottles by Stephen’s bed. At first he only saw the empty booze, then alarm grew when he noticed the others. Yellow prescription bottles and over-the-

Apr. 26, 2018 counter medication. All empty. He shook Stephen and called his name, but Stephen was cold. The roommate rushed to the phone and called 911. Too little. One day too late. The funeral was held a week later in Stephen’s nearby hometown. A good handful of Bethany students had gathered, the potheads Stephen had, near the end of his life, ditched his friends to hang out with. Derek was there, obviously fighting tears. Derek had claimed he would never cry for anyone, and he was struggling to keep his word. Thick fog had enveloped the cemetery. Lisa was there too, tears staining her eyes as she wondered what would have happened if they had worked out. Devon, usually stone cold in demeanor, had broken down into a sobbing mess on the far side of the cemetery. Kara stood by the coffin, her hand resting on it as tears rolled down her cheeks. Though none were near each other, their minds were linked by the same thought: “Why’d you do it, Stephen?” If only they knew the roles they played in nearly saving him. If only they knew that he was so close to living. So close to salvation So close to forgiveness. So close…

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