2023 Valkommen Weekend Newsletter 2/3

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Newsletter 2023
ISSUE 2 of 3

Hi Swedes,

Your first steps as Bethany College students are just around the corner!

For our part, Bethany College staff and faculty are honored to have the opportunity to travel with you during this next stage of your academic and personal journeys. We will strive to be competent guides and supportive companions, walking alongside as you learn to traverse your path to purpose. We can’t wait for you to be on campus soon so we can hit the ground running!

Celebrated Spanish poet Antonio Machado once wrote a verse to his fellow-travelers, reminding them that “as you walk, you make your own road.” I think Machado is on to something here. The paths you tread at Bethany will leave footprints and create trails distinct from those of any student before you. Where will the roads you make lead? That’s a question you’ll have to answer.

With Machado’s insight in mind, I issue you a challenge. During this first year at Bethany, walk with intention and create trails that lead to new friendships, greater insights, elevated curiosity, deeper compassion, and enlivening courage. These are the kinds of paths that will help you discover and pursue your unique calling, your purpose.

When you encounter bumps on the road or feel lost (as we all do from time to time), reach out to us! Bethany staff and faculty will challenge you to live into your full potential, but they will also support you as you learn to do so. We’ll help you find your bearings when you feel off course. You’ll learn much more about the different offices at Bethany ready to support your journey in this newsletter series and during Valkommen Weekend in August. My office, the Path to Your Purpose Office, is one of them! For now, it will be helpful to keep in mind a few of the things my office can help you with during your travels at Bethany. We help with career discernment, experiential education, internships, study abroad, and on campus employment, among a few other things.

I can’t wait to see what paths you make during this next year! I encourage you to make them paths on which you will be proud to look back.

See you soon, fellow-travelers!


Path to Your Purpose - Handshake


Handshake is the nation’s #1 collegeto-career network. (Think Linked-In + Indeed, but designed specifically for college students!)


On Handshake, you can create a professional networking profile and connect with employers, other students, and alumni to discover and apply for full-time jobs, part-time gigs, or exclusive internships!


Sure can! Handshake is where you can find and apply for on-campus work study positions. (You can also often find local and part-time work on Handshake.)


The PTYP Office will preload an account for you once you’re registered for classes. Then, you can use your Bethany email address and your own custom password to activate your account! (There’s both an app and desktop version of Handshake that integrate with each other for ease of use.)

QUESTIONS? Contact Ben Austin, Career Pathways Coordinator, austinbj@bethanylb.edu

Tech Tips and Tricks

• There are three computer labs on campus, but we highly encourage students to bring their own laptop.

• Bring an ethernet cable and adapter to use in your residence hall room.

• The first 100 pages of printing are free. Printers are available in both computer labs.

• Routers are not allowed in residence halls.

• Verizon and Nex-tech are the best cell phone providers for our area.

• You will receive your Bethany College email address once you enroll.

• Swede Space, also known as Canvas, is our new learning management system.

• eSwede is the site used for financial aid, student accounts, and other services on campus.

Textbook Rental Program

Bethany College students will receive all course textbooks and consumables (e.g., lab manual) for a flat fee that is included in the total cost per semester. Students can pick up their prepackaged textbooks at the Wallerstedt Learning Center room 139 during the check-in process. This is a textbook rental program, and at the end of the semester students need to return their textbooks. If a student wishes to keep a textbook, the student will be billed at 50 percent of the list price of the book. If a student fails to return their textbooks by the due date (the last day of finals week), they will be charged 50 percent of the list price per non-returned textbook.

In accordance with Department of Education regulation §668.164, under qualified conditions, students have the option to opt-out and have the charge for the e-Campus Textbook Program pro-rated. With the opt-out option, the student is responsible for directly obtaining all required materials. To opt-out, a signed authorization is required. The opt-out authorization form must be completed 14 days prior to the first day of class for the upcoming term. Late enrollees must complete the opt-out form the same day of enrollment. If you want to opt-out, please contact Brittany Torres at torresb@bethanylb.edu .

The Student Activities Board (SAB) is the main social programming organization for Bethany students. SAB is funded by the Student Activity Fee. The board puts on approximately four events per month, with entertainment, food, prizes, and t-shirts FREE of charge.

Eight to ten students serve on the board. Positions on the board are paid, and students are hired through an application process. The student board chooses, plans, organizes, and implements all SAB activities at Bethany.

The Swede Government Association (SGA) serves the Bethany Student Body by hearing their concerns and making positive change on campus. They also host both educational and social events to help students continue to grow outside of the classroom.

Both organizations are excited for the new school year and can’t wait to help all of the new Swedes get involved in all the fun!

Student Safety

Student Safety is very important to us. Front Doors to residence halls are locked 24/7. A Resident Director is on call 24/7 and can help with any crisis situation that may arise. A Resident Assistant (student employee) is on call in each building each day as well. They are there to help with lock outs, noise complaints and any other issue that may arise in the residence halls.

To stay up-to-date on all things Bethany be sure to follow us!

Student Affairs

@BCStudentDev @BCStudentDev @bethanycollegestudentdev



@SwedeAdmissions @swedeadmissions @bethanycollegelbk

OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS 335 E. SWENSSON ST. LINDSBORG, KS 67456 (800) 826-2281 www.bethanylb.edu
College official socials
@bethanycollegeks @bethanynews @bethanycollegelbk

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