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Grades and Transcripts

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Faculty Withdrawal of a Student from Class. Students are expected to prepare for and attend all classes for which they are registered. Students are further expected to act in a manner consistent with an academic environment while attending class. An instructor has the right to withdraw a student from class if the student persistently fails to abide by the attendance policy established for the class, as noted in the course syllabus, or if he/she consistently demonstrates a failure to prepare for class sessions and assignments, or if his/her behavior in the classroom is persistently disruptive or unruly or demonstrates an attitude not consistent with a learning environment.

1. Instructors who wish to withdraw a student from a course must first send an academic alert via the college email server to all of the following: alerts@bethanylb.edu, the student, his/her advisor, and his/her coach (if applicable), indicating which of the above expectations the student has failed to meet.

Student advisors and coaches may be identified by viewing the course list in Faculty Course Control on eSwede. 2. If the student fails to respond to the academic alert within two business days, the instructor must again email the student and ask the student to voluntarily withdraw from the course prior to a deadline stipulated by the instructor (and no later than the voluntary withdrawal deadline as stated on the Academic

Calendar). 3. If the student fails to voluntarily withdraw from the course, the instructor will utilize the Faculty Withdrawal form to officially withdraw the student from the course.

The instructor must attach a copy of the appropriate documentation highlighting the college policy, as well as copies of the academic alert/s and the voluntary withdrawal request email. The instructor will assign the student a grade of FW, Faculty Withdraw, which will not affect the student’s GPA or with a grade of WF,

Withdrawn Failing, which will affect the student’s GPA. 4. Faculty withdrawals submitted more than two business days after the withdrawal deadline stated on the yearly

Academic Calendar can only be processed with a grade of WF.

Textbook Program. Bethany College students will receive all course textbooks and consumables (e.g., lab manual) for a flat fee that is included in the price of tuition. The books will be delivered to campus and eCampus, the company contracted with the college, will ship books prepackaged for each student to be distributed to students on campus. This is a textbook rental system and at the end of the term the textbooks will be collected. If a student wishes to keep a textbook, the student will be billed at 50 percent of the list price of the book. Login to eSwede and look for the eCampus Textbooks link under Quick Links for additional information. All grades and transcripts may be viewed by the student online through eSwede.

Midterm Grades. All instructors are to turn in midterm grades for all students. Midterm grades will not be included in the student’s session or cumulative GPA. Final Grades. A final grade recorded by an instructor shall not be changed by that instructor except for reason of a clerical error when that change is in favor of the student. Students should follow the Academic Dispute Policy if they feel there is a final grade error that is not addressed by clerical error.

Students may repeat a course in which they have received an “F.” Students must repeat any course in their major (excluding supporting courses) in which they have received a grade of “C” or lower. Education majors must repeat any courses, including supporting courses, in which they have received a grade of “C-” or lower. All grades remain on the permanent record, but only the most current grade received will be the grade used to compute the student’s GPA. Course credit for a repeated course is only counted one time toward graduation requirements.

Grade-Point Average. The grade-point average, based on course work in the Bethany College course catalog only, is the ratio between the total cumulative grade points and the total cumulative grade hours attempted. This quotient serves as an index number for measuring the scholastic average of students on a comparative basis, for determining academic achievement, and for determining awards of honor at graduation. Only courses graded with an A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+,C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, IF or WF will be entered into the computation.

Grading System. A = 4.00 A- = 3.67 B+ = 3.33 B = 3.00 B- = 2.67 C+ = 2.33 C = 2.00 C- = 1.67 D+ = 1.33 D = 1.00 D- = 0.67 F = 0.00

A P – Advanced Placement A U – Indicates that the student audited the class; courses that are taken AU do not count toward the graduation requirement of 124 hours A W – Administrative Withdrawal C R – Credit by Examination C L – CLEP Credit F L – Indicates student has failed a pass-fail course F W – Indicates faculty withdrawal I – Indicates incomplete I B – International Baccalaureate

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