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Writing Center

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The SSC also coordinates all first-year student enrollment. Academic advising services have been curated by the SSC staff in conjunction with department heads from across the campus. All recommendations for courses made by SSC staff are based on the needs of each student’s prospective major course of study, a commitment to the aims of a liberal arts education, and an assessment of a student’s admissions information in order to help develop a plan for long-term success at Bethany College.

All first year academic advisors are available for appointments that can be scheduled through eSwede. In general, first-year students can expect to meet with an advisor on a monthly basis unless an alternative plan has been developed by SSC staff.

Writing Center

Every writer needs an interested reader, and the Bethany Writing Center offers free, skilled peer feedback to student writers.

The Writing Center can help at any point in the writing and revising process. Trained student tutors representing several majors along with an English professor are available to work with students who need help with brainstorming, organizing, thesis development, revising for sense and meaning, or surface issues of spelling and grammar. We welcome students with questions about all kinds of writing – professional emails, reports, research papers, creative work, and any other writing they do while at Bethany.

The Writing Center believes that writing is a process and each friendly consultation is based on cooperative learning. The center is not a drop-off editing or proofreading service, but a place to learn more about writing and to focus on a specific written assignment.

The Writing Center also offers workshops and clinics throughout the year in a variety of subjects. The center maintains a library of writing assignments and grading criteria from many professors in most areas of study that may be consulted on site. The center offers handouts and examples of three academic citation styles: APA, MLA, and Chicago.

Drop-ins and appointments are available Monday through Thursday from 12:00pm-1:00pm or 6:00pm-9:00pm in Wallerstedt 118. Contact the center via email at writinghelp@bethanylb.edu. The Writing Center is a service of the English, Theatre Arts, and Communication department.

International Student Services

Support and advising for international students are offered by the Admissions Office. Services offered are tailored to the individual student’s needs with emphasis on adjustment to the campus and surrounding areas, academic success, and the intricate procedures and federal regulations relating to international student’s non-immigrant status.

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