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Course Credit for Prior Learning

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week in each is given in the course description: e.g., 3 hours lecture: 2 hours lab (per week).


By-Arrangement Courses. A By-Arrangement course is defined as a regular catalog course which a student may take during the summer, Interterm, or regular term under circumstances which do not permit the student to enroll in that course as offered during the regular term. Some courses, due to their nature, may not be taken by arrangement. A student is eligible to enroll in a By-Arrangement course if classified as a studentin-good standing. The student must consult with the intended instructor before enrolling in a By-Arrangement course. Enrollment is contingent on the availability of a faculty member having sufficient time in his/her schedule to take on this additional load. It will not be possible to provide an instructor for every worthwhile By-Arrangement course proposal.

Eligibility and registration guidelines are available to the student in the Registrar’s Office. Directed Independent Study (DIS). A DIS course is defined as a course which is not a regular catalog course and which is described in writing by the student although this may be in consultation with the instructor. The proposed DIS course should include a title, description, procedures used in completing the course, outcomes and/or products to be evaluated, the plan for meeting the minimum consultation requirements with the course instructor, the projected time schedule for completion, and a bibliography. A student is eligible for a DIS if he/she is in good standing.

The student must consult with the intended instructor before enrolling in a DIS. Enrollment in a DIS is contingent on the availability of a faculty member having sufficient time available to direct the student’s independent study. It will not be possible to provide an instructor for every worthwhile DIS proposal.

Directed Independent Study courses are offered for lower level or upper level credit. Courses should be numbered either 299 or 399, depending upon the level of credit.

Applications for DIS courses must be completed and turned in to the Registrar’s Office by the end of the add period for the term during which the course is to begin. (Exceptions will be granted by the Chief Academic Officer only for extraordinarily strong reasons. Requests for exceptions, with an explanation for the lateness of the application, must be submitted to the Chief Academic Officer in writing, signed by both the student and the instructor, and must accompany the application form. Faculty and students who anticipate seeking an exception are encouraged to consult with the Chief Academic Officer before submitting an application.)

Partners in Scholarship. The Partners in Scholarship Program enables students of exceptional ability to obtain research experience by working with a cooperating professor on a scholarly project. The student receives three hours of credit over the course of the academic year and, if eligible for additional institutional aid, a $1,000 scholarship. Students must have completed at least one year at Bethany, intend to enroll full-time at Bethany for the next academic year, and currently have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to be eligible. (See Section IX, page 170). Faculty are asked to identify possible student partners in mid- to late March, and applications are due in mid-April.


Foreign Language Credit Policy

Bethany College students can earn retroactive credit in French, German and Spanish. For other languages, check with the English, Theatre, Communication and Foreign Language Department.

1. Students with two or more years of high school foreign language experience may enroll in the second semester elementary language course of the language studied and upon completion of the course with a grade of B or above shall automatically receive credit for the first semester language course (Elementary I).

2. Students with three or more years of high school foreign language experience, after approval from the Foreign

Language Department, may enroll in either the first or the second semester intermediate language course of the language studied; and upon completion of that course with a B or above will also receive credit for two semesters of elementary language (Elementary I & II).

3. To certify a proficiency in a foreign language equal to 9 hours of that foreign language, the CLEP examination must be passed with the following scores:

French Level I Level II 50 62

German 50 Spanish 50 63 66

Credit by Special Examination: A student may be awarded a total of 32 semester hours for Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations, or a combination thereof for achievement in prior learning. Students interested in AP, CLEP or IB credit must submit official test scores for evaluation to the Chief Academic Officer prior to the add/drop period of the student’s initial semester of attendance. Once that evaluation has been completed, the student and Registrar’s Office will be notified of the credit awarded. The Registrar’s Office will enter the credit onto the student’s official transcript. Score reports received after the add/drop period of the student’s initial semester of attendance at Bethany College may be awarded as elective credit.

Advanced Placement (AP) credit is offered by some high schools through special college-level courses based on a program of study developed by the College Entrance Examination Board. Examinations in such programs are administered in mid-May in such high schools and other

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