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test centers nationally. Advanced Placement examinations vary according to content. At Bethany College, credit is awarded for grades of 3, 4, or 5.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations vary in title according to content. CLEP examinations, available at over 1,400 test centers, are administered on a continuing basis. Subject examinations are awarded credit at Bethany College on the basis of the minimum scores recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).

International Baccalaureate Program (IB) credit is granted at Bethany College for Higher Level examination scores of 4 or higher and for Standard Level examination scores of 5 or higher in all International Baccalaureate subjects to a maximum of 32 semester hours of combined CLEP, AP, and IB credit. Credit and course equivalencies granted are usually the same as the introductory course in a discipline. Subsidiary level courses do not receive any credit or placement.


Courses, Trips, Internships

KICA Academic Program Courses. Bethany College is joined with six other church-related liberal arts colleges (Bethel, Kansas Wesleyan, McPherson, Sterling, Tabor and Central Christian) known as the Academic Programs offered by the Kansas Independent College Association (KICA).

Courses in special education, secondary teacher education, and athletic training are taught at a central location for the Academic Program institutions in McPherson, Kansas.

Full-time Bethany students may take courses at any of the other KICA Academic Program institutions without the payment of additional tuition fees during regular semesters and Interterm. The January Interterm offerings of any of the colleges that offer Interterm classes are available to Bethany students. Copies of the course schedules for each semester and Interterm may be viewed online at each school’s website.

Experience Based Education (EBE) Program – Internship Credit (EB297/397), Variable Credit

The EBE program is administered by the Career Services Coordinator. The EBE program allows students to earn credit through professional experiences outside the classroom. Students complete EBEs to explore career options, to gain experience in a chosen career field, to develop transferable skills, and/or to establish future career networks. There are many different types of EBEs, such as Internships, Practicums, Shadowing/Observing a professional in the field, Completing a service learning project throughout the semester, Conducting undergraduate research, or studying abroad.

To receive college (Institutional) credit for an EBE, a student must (1) complete required enrollment paperwork through the Office of Career Services, (2) create learning outcomes, (3) design a tangible form of assessment with the EBE faculty advisor based on learning outcomes and submit article(s) for review, and (4) write (complete a written evaluation) an evaluation of what has been learned during the EBE experience in an assessment paper and final meeting. For each EBE, a student must have an EBE faculty advisor, who may or may not be their faculty advisor.

EBE Credit and Tuition: An EBE may be completed during any term. Up to 15 semester hours of EBE credit can be earned toward graduation. A maximum of four credits may be taken at the 300 level. The student must spend 40 clock hours at the EBE setting for each credit hour earned. A maximum of 12 hours may be earned during a fall or spring semester, 12 hours during a summer term, and three hours during Interterm. All hours are recorded as pass/fail. Tuition cost for EBE credit is the same as for all other credit for a particular term.

Consult with the Career Services Coordinator for more information about the EBE program and how to apply. See EBE course description later in this section.

GO101 Chicago Center for Urban Life & Culture, 3-12 hours Dr. Adam Pryor, Bethany Liaison with Chicago Center

An institutional affiliation by Bethany College with the Chicago Center for Urban Life & Culture has been established. Bethany students may enroll for Chicago Center credit during regular semesters, and summer sessions. By special arrangement Bethany students can complete clinical practice in Chicago through the Center.

The city becomes the classroom in personal learning about urban life and culture. Students meet people from a diversity of racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds, and visit their neighborhoods. Three days each week are spent in an individualized internship placement within an organization related to the student’s major and interests. Students also enjoy the rich cultural diversity of Chicago’s art, music and theater communities. Students live together in a cooperative household in one of the Center’s residences sharing the cleaning, food buying, cooking and decision making responsibilities. Personal values are challenged while examining the pressing issues of poverty, violence, racism, and hopelessness. Students receive pass/fail Bethany College credit for the number of hours they take. There are no prerequisites for the course and final acceptance is determined by the Chicago Center. Some financial aid is available. For an application form, details, and other options, contact the Bethany Career Services Office, located in the lower level of Warner Hall.

G0299/399 Washington Center Seminars/Program

1-12 hours GO=General Offering (Level 200,300) Dr. Tash Smith, Bethany Liaison with Washington Center

An institutional affiliation by Bethany College with The Washington Center, Washington D.C., has been established. The Center’s mission is to utilize the resources of the nation’s capital to provide participatory learning experiences in order

to enhance students’ academic, civic, and professional development. In this way, the Washington Center seeks to promote future leadership for the public, private, and nonprofit sectors of our society. Selected junior and senior students become interns in a governmental or private agency and attend a weekly academic seminar for one semester or summer. Three semester hours credit in a specific discipline (to be determined by the Institutional Liaison in consultation with the student’s department chair) is awarded for the weekly seminar. Up to 12 semester hours of credit in one or two specific disciplines (areas to be determined by the Institutional Liaison in consultation with the student’s department chair and based upon the internship assignment) may be awarded for the internship. Pass-fail grading is employed for all such credit.

Opportunities are available for Interterm in the form of seminars that enable one to hear both public and private speakers on important topics of the day, and to experience the culture and atmosphere of the nation’s capital. Credit received during the semester of Washington Center attendance is considered as Bethany College residency credit. Students are also eligible for the same federal and state financial aid benefits as other Bethany College students. Washington Center students pay tuition and room fees to Bethany College. Bethany then pays the program and housing costs (but not other Washington Center fees) to the Washington Center. If the tuition and room fees paid to Bethany College do not exceed the cost paid to the Washington Center plus an administrative fee of $100.00, then the student is also required to pay those excess costs to Bethany College. In addition, each student is required to apply for available financial aid.

SA300 - Study Abroad, Variable Credit Dr. Adam Pryor, Bethany Liaison

Bethany College offers students several opportunities to study abroad through agreements with organizations such as AIFS (American Institute of Foreign Studies) and SACI (Studio Arts Centers International) or at Karlstad University or Linnaeus University in Sweden, both which have mutual exchange agreements with Bethany College. Students can pick up a Study Abroad Intent form from Linda Ball in the Chief Academic Officer’s Office to learn about the above mentioned and other options for studying abroad. Students interested in studying abroad during the spring semester or summer session need to make certain the Director of Financial Aid is aware of this so the aid can be properly awarded for the whole academic year. Federal financial aid and (nonperformancerelated) institutional scholarships may be applied to tuition fees for approved coursework for students who return to Bethany for at least one semester after their semester abroad.

Applicants for study abroad must be a college sophomore, junior or senior while abroad and be in good academic standing as well as in good standing with the student conduct system. Students must have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative grade point average at the time of application and throughout the study abroad program. Study abroad programs provided by other organizations, such as those mentioned above, may have higher minimum GPA requirements.

SA350 - Harlaxton Study Abroad, Variable Credit Dr. John Mullen , Bethany Liaison

Bethany College is a partner in the University of Evansville’s British campus, Harlaxton College, located in Grantham, England. Through this partnership, Bethany students (sophomores through seniors) can spend a semester or summer studying abroad in the English Midlands. Harlaxton College offers students a multi-disciplinary curriculum compatible with Bethany’s as well as weekly travel opportunities in Britain and Continental Europe. Students pay their Harlaxton fees through Bethany College. Federal financial aid and (nonperformance-related) institutional scholarships may be applied to Harlaxton tuition fees for students who return to Bethany for at least one semester after their semester at Harlaxton.

Students completing course work as part of the Harlaxton program may choose to have those credits considered as transfer credits or Bethany credits. In the semester after the student returns to Bethany the student informs the Registrar’s Office of his or her choice. If the student fails to notify the Registrar’s Office the grades will be considered transfer credit. Harlaxton applicants must be a college sophomore, junior or senior while abroad and be in good academic standing as well as in good standing with the student conduct system. Students must have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative grade point average at the time of application and throughout the study abroad program.

After the Registrar’s Office receives an official copy of the student’s Evansville transcript, the courses taken at Harlaxton will be transferred to his/her Bethany College transcript.

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