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VIII. Student Affairs

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The mission of the Office of Student Affairs is to foster the development of the whole person—mind, body and spirit— according to the core values expressed in the mission and values of the College—namely Integrity, Hospitality, Community, Servant Leadership, Sustainability, and Excellence. We will do this by providing care, direction, activity, and education in all areas of students’ lives outside the classroom. In our areas of influence, we seek specifically to provide students with a rich, dynamic environment in which the intellectual, social, spiritual, and moral spheres of life reinforce one another.


Our vision is that graduating students and alumni will regard their co-curricular experiences as one of the best aspects of their time at Bethany College. The foundation of these experiences relies upon the creation of meaningful, formative and shared pursuits, which allow students to make connections, develop a sense of belonging, and persist to graduation.

This will be accomplished through a variety of programs and services offered by various departments within the Division of Student Affairs. In collaboration with strategic constituencies across campus, Student Affairs will play a key role in articulating and celebrating the core identity of the institution by intentionally moving towards establishing a culture in keeping with the college’s core values. This culture will enable all constituencies and stakeholders (faculty, staff, students, and the Lindsborg community itself) to create a united contribution to a uniquely “Bethany” educational experience.


Bethany College students are expected to act responsibly. Once they are accepted to Bethany College, students agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution. The Student Handbook gives detailed information about these rules and regulations. Failure to abide by the community standards of the college is considered grounds for disciplinary action. The Student Handbook can be found on the Bethany College Website. Additionally, a student who violates a criminal or civil law, which interferes with or adversely affects the college, may be subject to campus disciplinary action as well as civil sanctions.


The programs and services related to student development are administered through the Office of Student Affairs, located in the lower level of Pihlblad Memorial Student Union.


The vision of the Bethany College Office of Residence Life is to facilitate the development of our residents within living and learning communities. We provide quality programs and services that promote personal growth, foster understanding of human diversity, and encourage academic success. Students must be registered for at least 12 semester hours in order to reside in a residential hall unless permission is granted by the Office of Residence Life.


Bethany College relies on each residential student to become an active member of their community. The goal is to have a community that assists each student to feel a common identity; experience a common bond with fellow students; hold one another accountable and responsible; protect the rights of one another; and facilitate personal, spiritual, and professional growth. This process is accomplished by providing an experienced and educated staff, setting rules and regulations, and offering engaging programs and services.

Bethany College believes that the best education of the student as a whole person takes place when the student experiences the entire campus life. This can only take place when the student lives on campus. Thus, all full-time Bethany College students are required to live in campus housing, though some students may qualify to live off campus. These exceptions are: 1. Age 24 or older (by September 1 for the fall semester and February 1 for the spring semester of the academic year they are applying). 2. Plan to live with a parent or legal guardian within Saline or McPherson Counties (form required-find it on eSwede under Student Affairs). 3. Have full or partial custody of a dependent child (as defined by federal regulations). 4. Are currently married (paperwork required). 5. Are a veteran with at least 1 year of active duty service (paperwork required). 6. Have a health concern that makes living in any oncampus housing impossible (paperwork required). 7. Financial based concerns (documentation required).

Application is not a guarantee that you will be granted the

opportunity to live off campus. All applications to live off campus during the fall semester must be submitted to the housing office by April 15 for returning students and July 1 (or within 7 days of acceptance to Bethany College) for new students. All applications for the spring semester must be submitted by January 15 for returning and new students (or within 7 days of acceptance for new students). Please email the Housing Coordinator with any questions regarding this process.

Moving off campus after the first day of classes will result in no refund of room charges or board plan.


All residence hall rooms on the Bethany Campus are provided with the appropriate number of x-long twin beds, desks, desk chairs, dressers, and closets. Wireless internet access and ethernet plug-ins are provided throughout each hall.

Please see the Bethany College Student Handbook for lists of items students are encouraged to bring and lists of items that are not allowed on campus.

Students needing accommodations are encouraged to contact the Student Affairs Office and ADA coordinator about any access concerns they might have regarding campus residence buildings. Residence Life will work to accommodate a student’s living situation whenever possible. The college assumes no responsibility for personal possessions of students. Students are encouraged to have a tenant’s insurance policy, or to be certain they have coverage through their family homeowner’s policy.


Health Services

The Health Services Office is located in the lower level of the Student Union Building and is elevator accessible. Office hours are Monday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Health Services is staffed by a Registered Nurse. Student health records are kept locked in Health Services. The information contained in the health records can be a valuable tool in the assessment and treatment of health needs.

When a student presents to Health Services for illness, the RN will assess the needs of that student and may provide approved over the counter medications for minor ailments such as hay fever, colds, sore throat, or headache. With few exceptions, treatment on campus is free for Bethany students. The student will be referred for medical evaluation as needed. It is the student’s financial responsibility when they are referred for medical evaluation.

Lindsborg Rural Health Clinic, Lindsborg Community Hospital with emergency room services available 24/7, and the Urgent Care Clinic open Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on weekends for walk-in patients, as well as AuBurn Pharmacy, are all conveniently located near Bethany College. There is a larger, regional hospital 20 minutes north in Salina, Kansas. We recommend all students attending Bethany enroll as a patient at a local hospital in case further medical care is needed.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify their instructors when they are ill and cannot attend class. Students can notify the Office of Student Affairs if they have a health or personal concern that will keep them from attending classes. Various types of personal counseling opportunities are offered through the Health and Wellness Center. The Campus Therapist coordinates preventative programs in the areas of emotional, psychological, and interpersonal concerns. Therapy for individuals, couples, and groups is offered by the Campus Therapist and Campus Pastor. Students can receive help for problems in such areas as stress, anxiety, sleep disturbances, drug and alcohol use, family relations, sexuality, relationships, marital concerns, dealing with death, depression, and roommate problems, to name just a few. Referrals to other social service agencies are provided when needed. On campus services are free of charge, however, any off campus mental health services will be the student’s financial responsibility. Additional support and counseling may be provided by the College Nurse, the Office of Student Affairs, the Director of Campus Activities, and Residence Life.

Standard professional legal and ethical guidelines concerning confidentiality are followed. Appointments can be scheduled at www.calendly.com/ginnyreyes. Bethany College highly encourages students to seek help and utilize this campus resource, as well as the support and care of college staff. In emergency situations, contact Prairie View Crisis Line at 1-800362-0180.

Career Services

Bethany College Career Services is overseen by the Career Pathways Coordinator and is housed in the Path to Your Purpose office. Career Services accompanies students as they discern their vocational directions, identify and explore career options, and develop and implement effective strategies to prepare for the first stage of their career paths postgraduation. Through professional programing and one-on-one career advising, Career Services helps students learn about their skills and interests and articulate themselves confidently in resumes, cover letters, interviews, and personal statements. The Career Pathways Coordinator also oversees Bethany’s digital career services and professional networking platform, Handshake. (Learn more about Handshake and activate your Bethany College account here: bethanylb.joinhandshake.com.) Using Handshake and other professional tools, Career Services assists students as they compete for internships, seek parttime employment while in school, and enter the job market in search of the first job of their post-graduate career. As an academic support office, Career Services can also assist students with graduate school applications. The Career Pathways Coordinator’s office is located in the lower level of Nelson Science Center.

On-Campus Student Employment

Employment on campus is an opportunity for students to earn money by working at minimum wage. Employment opportunities include, but are not limited to, clerical, maintenance, instructional support, and recreational services. Actual earning potential varies, but students may not work more than 20 hours per week during Fall and Spring. Summer hours are limited to 29 hours per week. Students are

responsible for finding on campus jobs, but may seek assistance and on-campus paperwork in the Student Affairs Office.


A variety of options are available for students interested in participating in student organizations with over 25 recognized groups on campus. New students are able to explore options at the Student Involvement Fair held during Valkommen Weekend in August. The Office of Campus Activities provides support for organizations, their leadership teams and general members.

Student Government

All full-time students are members of the Associated Students of Bethany College. The Associated Students, through clubs and organizations, elect officers and representatives to the Student Government Association (SGA). SGA then appoints student members to many committees of the college. Each student is assessed an activity fee each semester. This money is allocated through SGA to chartered organizations which submit allocation requests. Many student organizations are devoted to special interests of an academic, professional, service or recreational nature.


Students interested in writing or photography have opportunities to join the staff of the Advocate, a monthly student newspaper. Positions as both editing staff and writers/photographers are paid and open for all to apply.

Student Activities Board

The Student Activities Board, known on campus as SAB, is the main social programming organization for Bethany students. SAB is funded by the Student Activity Fee. The board puts on approximately four events per month with entertainment, food, prizes, and t-shirts FREE of charge.

Eight to ten students serve on the board. Positions on the board are paid, and students are hired through an application process. The student board chooses, plans, organizes, and implements all SAB activities at Bethany.

SAB organizes ice cream socials, the Homecoming Talent Show in the fall, and a Casino Night. Other sponsored events may include: stuff-a-bear, inflatables, toga party, root beer social, karaoke, ice skating, scavenger hunts, comedians, hypnotists, musicians, Bethany Bash, finals break, and movie nights. SAB also rents local venues for events such as movie nights and bowling.


The Swede Nation Station is located in Pihlblad Memorial Union and is open Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. when classes are in session. The station is also open limited hours during the summer and on event weekend days. Bethany College branded clothing and college souvenirs can be purchased.


The college employs Campus Safety Officers. These individuals patrol the campus at night, provide assistance to students, document incidents, and provide information and assistance to college officials to promote a safe environment on campus.

The college abides by Public Law 101-542, the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990. This law requires colleges to publish the following: information about the institution’s security policies, descriptions of campus safety programs, and policies on alcohol and drugs, as well as the collection and publishing of statistics on criminal offenses on an annual basis. Bethany College supports this legislation, complies with the requirements and remains committed to promoting a safe, secure campus.

Swede Safe is Bethany College's mobile phone safety app, which is also used as the urgent notification system. Swede Safe is available on Apple, Android, and Blackberry systems and should be downloaded by all students, faculty, and staff. For more information about the Swede Safe app, please see the student handbook.

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