October 2019 Bethany Messenger

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Vol. 133 No.2 Oct. 31, ’19

SGA Blurb Page 2

Rainbow Club & BASS Page 4 Jim & Pam’s Anniversary Page 6 Word Search Page 11

Sports Update Page 12

Messenger 2

About Messenger / News & Features

SGA Blurb

ABOUT US The Messenger has been serving Bethany College since 1892 and is an independently run newspaper. The Messenger is entirely produced by Bethany College students who are deeply committed to providing relevant, acurate, and timely information to the Bethany College and Lindsborg communities.

EDITORIAL POLICY The Messenger encourages letters to the editor. Authors should include name, address, and phone number, though names may be withheld from the publication. Letters to the editor can be dropped off at Room 12 in the lower level of Presser Hall or by the mailroom in the Pihlblad Memorial Union. Alternatively, emails can be sent to messenger@bethanylb.edu. The Messenger reserves the right to reject or edit letters. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the signed author. They are not necessarily those of the Bethany College administration, faculty, staff, student body or The Messenger staff.

CONTACT US If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at messenger@bethanylb.edu. To directly contact the head editors, email hennekm@bethanylb.edu or reedsw@bethanylb.edu. We can be reached via mail at 335 E Swensson St, Lindsborg, KS 67456.

THE MESSENGER STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Kerri Henne Managing Editor: Sam Reed Treasurer: Ashley Nightingale News & Feature Editor: Emily Ballantyne Opinions Editor: Cambria Raines Arts & Entertainment Editor: Abigail Rishel-Barnett Sports Editor: Serenity Storey Layout Editor: Miranda Work Social Media Manager: Baptiste Chazelas Advisors: Rebecca Miller and Frank Ballew Front Page Photo Credit - Gavin Sutton

Oct 31, 2019

The Swede Government Association hopes that each and every one of you have had a good first half of the fall semester! We also want to thank everyone who volunteered for Hyllningsfest this year. Without all of the volunteers, Hyllningsfest would be almost impossible to put on and it would not be nearly as great, so your help is greatly appreciated! Happening at the same time as Hyllningsfest this year was our Bethany Homecoming. SGA had many events during Homecoming week this year and I hope many of you were able to attend. We started on Wednesday the 16th with the S’mores Social. At the event, we had several fire pits set up for people to make s’mores while enjoying hot chocolate and apple cider to keep them warm. During the event, we also kicked off Lift High The Cross as the first group to hold the cross! On Thursday, we moved on to the Homecoming Dance with Coach Lorenzo Araujo as the DJ. Coach Lorenzo did a great job with the jams and we had nearly 200 students in attendance! So if you get the opportunity, give Coach Lorenzo a big thank you for volunteering his time for the students! Our last event of the week was Homecoming Coronation. We followed up the SAB Talent Show, where students did a great job in all of their performances. This year the results were as follows: Second runners up - Trevor Kemp and Shalie Dahl, runners up Corey Holmes and Kylie Young, and your 2019 homecoming king and queen were Juan Saldivar and Katie Klaassen! Congrats Juan and Katie! Looking towards the rest of the semester, we have a few more events planned. Our first event will be on November 18th. We are volunteering for the Lindsborg StepMC. We will be providing and serving a meal to residents of the Lindsborg area that are attending classes to take steps to try and work their way out of poverty. The next day, on the 19th, we will be hosting an event at Gallant Tire and Automotive in downtown Lindsborg. We will have a mechanic go over some car safety before students head back home for Thanksgiving. There will also be an opportunity for a student in attendance to win a free oil change! The last event will be the Open Forum. We do not have a set date for it at the moment, but be sure to check your emails and bulletin boards to be updated on the date and time! I hope that your semesters end well and, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not be afraid to contact an SGA member! “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Best Wishes Your President, Trevor Kemp

News & Features

Greek Life SAB Blurb Update This year, there are a lot of changes for Greek Life at Bethany. Greek Life’s status has shifted from a major organization to a minor one. This presents new challenges as well as opportunities for the sororities at Bethany. While none of our fraternities are currently active, there are still three sororities--the Thetas, Kappas, and Omegas-planning and hosting events. Rushing and recruiting did not take place this semester. Instead, sororities will rush in the spring semester, allowing students to become more acquainted with college life before they try to join a sorority. It is encouraged, if interested in joining a sorority, to attend some of the events hosted by either Greek Life or a specific sorority. So be on the lookout for any upcoming events hosted by Greek Life! -Greek Life Emily Ballantyne

Messenger 3

Over Hyllningsfest weekend, SAB hosted the Bethany College Talent Show. It was a smash success with eight different groups displaying their talents as a representation of Bethany and what we have to offer! Over 200 people, including both college students and Lindsborg community members, were in attendance on October 18th, and the audience was not disappointed as they were shown acts form some of our very best performers. From singing, dancing, and even magic tricks, the Talent Show was an event that anyone would be sorry to have missed.

N o v e m b e r 2 0 19

On October 24th, Dawson Hollow, an indie-folk band, performed for students in the pit. The concert was also a success with many students attending and enjoying a great concert. Look ahead to SAB’s next events! We are hosting the Halloween Social on October 31, and Casino Night in November. Look out for more events and updates from SAB!


-SAB Secretary Carla Aguilar

Happenings Happy Thanksgiving


0 07

Casino Royale Night

Friday, Nov. 8

0 07

Oct 31, 2019

Stroble/ Gibson Gym

Game play begins at 7:30pm

Snacks served • Prizes to win • Free event


Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and Bingo! Play to win the most chips - highest bidder wins the prize!

Ice Cream D AY

Nov. 10, 2-5pm, The Pit Ice Cream & Toppings

News & Features

Messenger 4

Kerri Henne


Oct 31, 2019

Rainbow Club & B.A.S.S.

As we all settle into this semester, and as new students acclimate themselves to the Bethany community, new opportunities for connection and comradery are opening up around us. This Fall, we have welcomed several new organizations to campus, but perhaps none are quite as important to the growth of our community than the introduction of B.A.S.S. and the reintroduction of the Rainbow Club. Both B.A.S.S. and the Rainbow Club are organizations committed to the representation of diversity and the exploration of difference within Bethany. Their mutual aim is to provide a place where students of all backgrounds and identities can express themselves freely and fully participate in college life. B.A.S.S. (pronounced like the instrument), or the Black Association of Student Scholars, follows a straight forward creed: “We come together as black individuals and allies. We strive together to create a better tomorrow by spreading love, understanding, and unity. Together we are the BASS of BC.” This statement represents B.A.S.S.’s goal to support and represent the Bethany College community in a way that recognizes the diversity of the

student population. Amri’ Littlejohn, president of B.A.S.S., commented that this organization was established for the “sole purpose of creating a community where a black student can feel comfortable and understand that others feel the same way.” Littlejohn intends B.A.S.S. to be a wakeup call for students and faculty alike that reminds us all that diversity is present on this campus and that every student deserves to have their voice heard. B.A.S.S. meets every Monday at 9 p.m. in the Welcome Center and everyone is welcomed—the organization revolves around Black Culture, but all students and allies are invited to join. For Littlejohn, personally, this organization serves as an opportunity for her to both leave her mark on Bethany and uplift her culture. B.A.S.S. represents a shift in our campus towards open-mindedness and consciousness of difference. In much the same way, Rainbow Club strives to increase representation within Bethany College by providing a safe place for members of the LGBT+ community to meet and share their experiences. Rainbow Club’s mission on campus revolves around a desire to promote “education and connection of, with, and by the LGBT+ community.” The

organization, similar to B.A.S.S., is welcoming to individuals of all sexual orientations; their goal is inclusivity. Zephra Rice, president of Rainbow Club, stated that “if you need a safe space to talk about and explore your gender and sexuality, this is the club for you.” Rice also wishes to offer direct support to the students, commenting that personal emails from those wishing to talk privately are always welcome. The reinstatement of Rainbow Club on Bethany College represents a growing movement towards acceptance, in which the lives and truths of every individual deserves to be heard and listened to—Rainbow Club is one way for this to happen. Personally, Rice feels that “Rainbow Club is a comfort and a luxury in these times where our

safety and livelihood are up for debate by both political parties.” Rainbow Club meets every other Monday at 9:30 p.m. in the Levin room. All are invited to attend. The presence of both B.A.S.S. and Rainbow Club on campus is a step towards a better, more inclusive future for Bethany. As Rice states, “B.A.S.S. and Rainbow Club finally put Bethany’s statements of inclusivity and diversity into action.” Bethany’s Core Values of Community, Hospitality, and Servant Leadership speak towards a vision of this college that embraces and accepts difference and seeks to unite all students, faculty, and staff under a common banner. B.A.S.S. and Rainbow Club offer additional avenues for this vision to be achieved.

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News & Features

Oct 31, 2019

Cambria Raines


Messenger 5

What is Impeachment?

Merriam-Webster defines the word impeach as “to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office.” Impeachment has played an important role in the history of the United States and it continues to be a highly discussed topic in regard to the current President of the United States, Donald Trump. Upon hearing the word impeachment, for many the first name that comes to mind is that of former President Bill Clinton. However, the idea of impeachment is nothing new, as, according to J. Scott Applewhite in his article from History.com, “The concept was approved at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.” In fact, the first American president to be impeached was Andrew Johnson in 1868. Misconduct in the office is cause for impeachment, but more specifically, according to Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Some believe that Richard Nixon was impeached due to his misconduct in what we now call the Watergate scandal, when in fact, Nixon resigned. Presidents such as

Grover Cleveland, Herbert Hoover, John Tyler, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush have all faced threats of impeachment, but the only two United States presidents to be impeached by the House of Representatives are Andrew Johnson (1868) and Bill Clinton (1998). Former President Andrew Johnson was impeached over his decision to let the Secretary of War Edwin Stanton go. It was argued in Congress that his doing so was a violation of the Tenure of Office Act, which, as Applewhite stated, “prohibited the president from removing officials confirmed by the Senate without the legislative body’s approval.” The most well-known case of presidential impeachment in United States history, argues Applewhite, is that of President Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Clinton was impeached with regard to allegations of “perjury and obstruction of justice stemming from a lawsuit filed against him relating to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.” A common misconception about impeachment is the belief that impeachment by the House of Representatives is cause for complete termination. What people often don’t understand is that just because a presidential impeachment takes place in the

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House of Representatives, does not mean that the president will be kicked out of office. In order for the President to be terminated, Applewhite explains, “a committee or independent panel in the House of Representatives must complete an investigation then draft and approve articles of impeachment. These articles may then go to the House floor for a vote.” Following work completed by the House of Representatives, the findings are passed to the Senate where a two-thirds vote is required in order to convict the President. Neither Andrew Johnson or Bill Clinton were convicted by the Senate, therefore both former presidents completed their terms in office. A hot topic of discussion in politics today is the possible impeachment of President Donald Trump. If you’re like me, you may be observing advertisements for “Impeach Donald Trump Now” on

social media, as well as a number of petitions for his termination and websites offering “US President Donald Trump Impeachment Odds Trackers.” Some of the reasons the Democratic party wishes to impeach President Trump, according to Byron York in his aritcle for the Washington Examiner, include “his removal of FBI Director James Comey and the Comey memos,” his comments on the events in Charlottesville, his opinion on transgender troops, and the Muslim immigration issues. As of right now, it is objectively hard to say whether we as a nation are looking at the impeachment of another president in the near future, but what I can say is that presidential impeachment has been and continues to be an important role in our nation’s government, and awareness of this issue is extremely important.


Messenger 6

Sam Reed


Oct 31, 2019

Jim & Pam’s 10th Anniversary

2019 marks the 10th anniversary of everyone’s favorite couple: Jim and Pam. The 4th and 5th episodes of the show’s 6th season (Niagara pt. 1 and 2) were just about as perfect as any Office fan could have hoped. I am always surprised at how unexpected the direction in which the showrunners took the episode was. They parodied a viral YouTube video, had the wedding at Niagara falls, threw in a plot twist of sorts, and set the whole thing to a Chris Brown song. Trying to explain The Office’s success within the American audience would be impossible in this article, but one thing that I know is that the show is relatable. Well, it

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lets us believe that it’s relatable. The characters are just boring enough for us to feel like their lives and shenanigans are within our reach. Jim and Pam’s relationship was originally designed as a relatable love story, and the wedding was no different. What is so strange and unexplainable, is how relatable the ceremony feels. Obviously, if the bride and groom’s coworkers started dancing down the aisle at a real wedding, it would likely be cringy and uncomfortable. But in that moment, the producers and writers were able to suspend the show’s realism, and allow the audience to feel transfixed in a day-dream state of awe. This works because the average, everyday American to whom this show is trying to appeal

may only have a few moments that seem to transcend life’s harsh realism. One of those moments would commonly be a wedding day. What makes Jim and Pam’s wedding so mesmerizing is that it brings together the real and the unreal, and weaves them into one beautiful, perfect moment. As we reach the 10th year since the wedding, producers and writers have been providing interviews in which they reflect on the episode and all of the different ideas that were considered. The most famous alternative was discussed by the showrunner Greg Daniels. During the ceremony, Roy, Pam’s ex-fiancé, was going to interrupt the procession on a horse

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(yes, a horse) to try and win Pam back. Upon failing in his attempt, Roy was going to abandon the horse, and leave in a car. At this point, Dwight who had been discussing his belief that one could survive going over Niagara Falls on horseback throughout the episode, mounted the horse and headed into the river and towards the edge of the falls. In the very last minute, Dwight jumps off the horse as the animal fell out of sight and to its implied death at the bottom. Upon pitching this idea, Daniels claimed that the cast and other writers were immediately resistant and begged him not to ruin Jim and Pam’s wedding. If you are a fan of the show, and are familiar with how the wedding episode actually happened, I know that a lot of this might seem unbelievable, but I can assure you that it is terribly true, just look it up. Happy 10th anniversary to Pam and Jim.

Oct 31, 2019

Emily Younger


In 2015, Sony and Marvel agreed on the ownership and loyalties of Spider-Man, but when it came time to discuss the issue further, a disagreement arose. It is speculated Disney wanted the new deal to include a 50/50 ownership split with Sony Pictures. However, in 2015 they agreed that Sony Pictures could have the rights to SpiderMan, which in turn, allowed Marvel Studios to include the character in its movies. This deal allowed Sony Pictures to own the rights to the SpiderMan films and keep the money collected from the box office. Marvel Studios could now incorporate Peter Parker into their cinematic universe, which is great because he can help out The Avengers and other superheroes. When the companies reentered negotiations on ownership and loyalties, new issues arose when some executives couldn’t agree on a vision for the upcoming movies. People thought that this would blow over, but soon we found that the issue was not a quick fix, which made


Not So Sticky, Spidey

me worry about losing one of my favorite superheroes. In September, the CEO of Disney, Bob Iger, did an interview with Jimmy Kimmel. He excited fans across the nation by going into detail about the phone call between him and the talented Tom Holland. Mr. Iger stated, “It was clear that he cared so much, and actually, we care a lot about him. So, after I got off the phone with him, I made a couple of phone calls to our team at Disney Studios, and then I decided to call the head of Sony.” He continued by saying, “We got to figure out a way to get this done, for Tom and for the fans. And we

did.” It is very clear that the talented actor cares about the fans, but this also proves how much the company cares for the fans as well, which I find to be encouraging. I think that Tom Holland calling the CEO makes him a better SpiderMan than the previous actors. He made me more excited to go watch future Spider-Man movies because he showed that he really does care and is willing to take a chance to make sure fans get what they want. Eventually, after muchneeded negotiation, we found out that, fortunately, SpiderMan will continue to swing into the Marvel Universe.

Messenger 7

I think Spider-Man staying in the MCU is amazing because he will be able to wrap up unfinished stories, like his romance with Michelle “MJ” Jones, played by Zendaya. I am personally extremely excited to see where the romance goes. It’s awkward and funny--just like most of us in real life. We may even get to see how one of our favorite couples, Aunt May and Happy play out. Finally, Mysterio, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, revealed Spider-Man’s true identity to the whole world, so I will be on the edge of my seat hoping our friendly neighborhood SpiderMan stays safe.

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Messenger 8

Miranda Work


My dudes and dudettes…I don’t even know where to begin on this one. Let me start by saying that “Joker” is forever going to be one of my favorite movies of all time. This review is not going to do this movie justice, it just won’t. I can’t capture it in a series of 600 words, but I can try to convince you to see it. Don’t go

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Oct 31, 2019

Don’t Forget to Smile

see this movie if you’re looking for Batman to swoop in and save the day at the last second, because it won’t happen. To be honest, I didn’t really want Bruce Wayne to swoop in. The film was incredibly unnerving. Every time I thought I knew what the heck was going on, the movie threw another curveball at me, and disoriented everything I thought I knew. If there was one word I could use to describe this masterpiece, it would be… unsettling. My stomach was in knots from the second the movie opened, to the scene of the Joker pulling at his cheeks pretending to smile, to the rolling credits at the end. First, it was incredibly brave of Joaquin Phoenix to play the Joker following the performance of Heath Ledger, but not only does Phoenix pull it off, he pays homage to the late

Ledger’s Joker toward the end of the movie. I would encourage you to see if you can spot it. Joaquin Phoenix. I can’t imagine the lengths this actor went to in preparation for this role. Not only did it have to be mentally exhausting, but imagine the toll it took on his physical body, as Phoenix lost close to 52 pounds for his role. He transformed his body in such a way that he appeared thin and frail, his shoulder blades protruding at every turn. His body makes you cringe, his smile makes you squirm, and his cackle makes your skin crawl. By the end of the movie, you want Arthur to win. You want to see the privileged fall, which is a turn of events, as those people in other films are the good guys. Bruce Wayne is one of those people, and we root for him in The Dark Knight. This film brings light to the saying, “there are two sides to every story.” Despite his villainous appearance, I STILL FEEL BAD FOR THE GUY. Arthur just wanted to make people laugh, and eventually, he got what he wanted. I feel as though this movie was a thousand times scarier than It: Chapter 2, because there are scenes in this film that could be considered realistic fiction. Scenes with the clowns running around and riots starting in cities may not be “real,” but

the descent into madness is a theme that portrays a reality that we don’t see told very often. Granted, one could make the case that a killer clown alien from outer space has actually occurred, and we just don’t remember it happening (ha, you’ll only get it if you saw the movie). People suffer from mental illness everyday, and it feels as though this issue is consistently swept under the rug, which is one of the film’s points of focus. What’s crazy about Joker is that everything Arthur Fleck (Joker) says is spot on: “The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.” The scary thing is, I think we all want to shut ourselves into a fridge every once in a while, I know I do. We all have bad days. We can relate to Arthur’s struggle with mental health, but we don’t want to relate to the bad guy who’s crazy. We don’t want to be bad, so we hold it all in and never talk about the issues going on inside our heads. We never know for sure if we really exist, and if we do, does anyone really notice? As I said before, this review does not do the film justice. It was brilliant. It was incredible. Joaquin Phoenix was and still is a genius (Jared Leto, you suck). Good night, and always remember: that’s life.

Oct 31, 2019

Sam Reed


NBC announced in January that they would be launching their own Netflix competitor called “Peacock.” Yes, that’s right, “Peacock.” The name is inspired by the brand’s logo, which is, as we all now know, supposed to be a peacock. The service will bring all of the company’s properties back home, and provide a one-stopshop for all of your favorite NBC shows. It is hard to understand just how enormous NBC really is; it not only owns a lot of your favorite shows, but also a lot of your favorite channels such as CNBC, SYFY, E!, and others. Several shows will be on the service such as 30 Rock, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Cheers, Everybody Loves Raymond, Saturday Night Live, and so forth. These titles have not been confirmed as exclusives, so there is still a chance that several of them will be available for streaming on other services. There have also been several new shows announced for the service, one of them being a reboot of Saved by the Bell. The most important piece of information is that the two shows that have been confirmed as


Messenger 9

Bye Bye Li’l Sebastian exclusives are The Office and Parks and Recreation. So there it is, that is why this article exists right now. In addition to The Office, Parks and Recreation will also leave Netflix in just a few months. Here’s the thing: I have been avidly watching these two shows for about 10 years now. That’s almost half my life. And I’m not alone; The Office and Parks and Recreation are both towards the very top of Netflix’s most streamed shows. I suppose I am so transfixed with these two shows leaving Netflix because it truly represents the end of an era. Streaming and bingeing shows is no longer a novel concept; with Apple, Disney, Amazon, and now NBC all having their own

streaming services, we have to accept that this is just the way things are now. Gone are the days of anticipating next week’s episode or anxiously waiting for the commercials to end so that you don’t miss anything. We are witnessing a shift away from something our children will never know - TV channels, DVRs, and other antiquated media. Like The Office, Parks and Recreation will always hold a special place in my heart. I am already mad that I will probably pay for this stupid NBC streaming service just so that I can keep admiring Ron’s mustache, laughing at April and Andy’s shenanigans, or paying humble tribute to one of our nation’s greatest fallen icons: Li’l Se-

bastion (R.I.P.). I’ll never grow tired of watching the entire department mock Garry Jerry Larry Terry Barry “Gengurch” Gergich as he works hard each day to provide for Gale and his girls. Perhaps a nice calzone (but NOT the mini-calzones) would make me feel better. On second thought, I think I’d like all of the bacon and eggs you have. That would hit the spot. Even without Netflix, I know that Burt Macklin (FBI) will continue the search for the president’s rubies, Johnny Karate will always be on stinky feet patrol, and Andy will keep wondering what would happen if he “hucked” that bottle of Pepto-Bismol at the wall. Leslie’s stacks of binders and awards (except for the Dorothy Everton Smythe Female Empowerment Award - that one goes to Ron) will perpetually grow until they carry her to the White House with her VP: Joe Biden. Life in Pawnee, Indiana will go on, just as it will in Scranton, PA. The Office and Parks and Recreation aren’t disappearing, only relocating, much like how Li’l Sebastion relocated to horsey heaven where he spread his wings and learned to fly.

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Messenger 10

Arts & Entertainment

Abigail Rishel-Barnett

Fine Arts Preview Day


On October 24th, Bethany College held its first Fine Arts Preview day. This preview day was unlike the college’s others because of the opportunity for students to come and check out the music, arts, and theatre content areas of the college. There were just over 20 students in attendance for music and over 50 prospective students for art. The prospective students for music were given the chance to listen to a song from the band, choir, chamber choir, and handbells ensemble. This short concert gave the students an idea of how varied Bethany’s musical community is--and it was not even able to include all of our groups as the community orchestra was unable to play. Each of the faculty members involved in these groups were able to attend, speak, and eat lunch with the prospective students. Another perk of attending the Fine Arts Preview day was that students were given the opportunity to work on their KMEA audition music for their auditions into their district and state honor groups. On the art side,

prospective students were given the opportunity to participate in workshops in drawing, ceramics, and virtual reality. Eleanor Heimbaugh and Beckie Schneller taught the prospective student workshops. These workshops gave the students a chance to test out their artistic abilities alongside the art professors and gain knowledge from them here at Bethany. Overall, the Fine Arts Preview day was a success. The college will continue to do highschool preview days including the arts in the future.

All Photos Downloaded from: Bethany Art Department’s Facebook Page

Oct 31, 2019

Oct 31, 2019

Arts & Entertainment

October Word Search

Messenger 11

Messenger 12

Serenity Storey


This October was filled with thrillers for many of the Bethany College athletic teams. Recently, on October 26th, there were five different teams playing on the same night! The football team played at home against Tabor, picking up a win with an end score of 23-20. Oscar Scott, senior linebacker, lead the team with 9 tackles, followed closely by Jeron Caraway, senior linebacker, with 8 tackles, Larry Hall, sophomore linebacker, with 7 tackles, and Jimmy Pitts, freshman defensive back, also with 7 tackles. Wyatt Townsend, freshman kicker, scored all three of his field goal attempts to give the team 9 points. Men and women’s soccer also played at home that day against Friends for Senior Night.

Photo By: Jim Turner


Oct 31, 2019

Sports Update

Both the men’s and women’s teams took unfortunate losses, however. For the men’s team, Juan Saldivar, senior goalkeeper, and Roland Kiss, sophomore goalkeeper, had a total of 11 saves. On the women’s team Destinee Wells, senior goalkeeper, had 7 saves. The volleyball team played at Tabor, ending the night with a clean sweep with scores of 25-18, 25-18, and 25-22. Jordan Valentine, sophomore middle, and Paola Sanabria-Lopez, junior outside, both scored 12 kills. Ivona Vojvodic, senior setter, gained 36 assists and 2 service aces. On the defensive end, Haley Reifsteck, junior libero, had 19 digs, followed by Vojvodic with 11 digs. This was the team’s sixth

consecutive win, putting them at a 21-5 overall record for the season. Men’s basketball played at home against Haskell. The men’s team won with a final score of 84-46, giving them a record of 3-0 for the season. Leading the team with 15 points was Braylen Young, sophomore guard, followed by Ray Miller, junior guard, with 13 points, Isiah Saenz, junior guard, with 11 points, and Bryce Young, sophomore guard, with 10 points. On the defensive end, Baptiste Chazelas, senior forward, had 12 rebounds, and Kristjian Joksomovic, senior guard, had 10 rebounds. Following up on Monday, October 28th, the women’s basketball team played their first

Photo By: Jim Turner

game of the season, gaining a big victory over the visiting Nebraska Christian College Sentinels with a final score of 86-30. Sena Aktas, senior guard, led the team with 15 points scored, followed by Sitori Carver, sophomore forward, who scored 14 points, and Autumn Garrett, freshman guard, with 10 points. Defensively, Aktas led with 7 rebounds. On October 30th, the women’s basketball team demolished Manhattan Christian College at home with a score of 137-41. The men’s soccer team lost 3-1 versus Southwestern College, and the volleyball team fell to Friends University yesterday with 3 matches to 0. Congratulations to these teams on their hard work, and we hope to see them gain more victories as they push through the rest of their seasons!

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