A Homecoming Weekend Please join us September 23–25, 2022, for the annual Bethany Fall Festival–A Homecoming Weekend. This event includes activities for all ages and alumni reunions. All alumni and friends are invited to be part of the weekend! A detailed schedule for the weekend will be announced as we get closer to the event. Please “save the dates” in your schedule and plan to join us in Mankato! Visit for more information. Activites and events include: • Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet • Music Concerts • Theatre Physics Little Viking 1/2 Mile Fun Run and BLC Viking 5K • Inflatable Games and Children’s Activities • Tailgating Party/Hog Roast • Soccer Games Alumni Gatherings and Receptions • Social at the Mankato Brewery • Sunday Worship Service • Breakfast at Bethany • And more!

ENHANCING18 LIVES AND PROMOTING WELLNESS Nursing graduate shares her story CRYSTAL21 CLEAR Media arts students earn four production awards GO24 VIKINGS Athletic season results and awards DOMINATING26 CAREER Hanna Geistfeld set more than a few records during her time at Bethany DISTINGUISHED27 ALUMNI AWARD RECIPIENT Dr. Daniel Schaefer ‘71 COMMENCEMENTTRADITIONAL28 RETURNS ALUMNI30 NEWS RETROSPECT35 Back to school shenanigans TABLE OF CONTENTS SPRING/SUMMER 2022BETHANY Magazine 22ON THE COVER: Education major Alyssa Hatlestad instructed students during a summer clinic. See story on page 8. Photo by David Norris ISSUE: 151 All contents © COPYRIGHT 2022 Bethany Lutheran College. Articles, images or photographs may not be reproduced without written permission. The Bethany Magazine is published three times yearly by the Bethany Lutheran College Office of Institutional Communication and distributed free of charge. editor, writer | Lance Schwartz ’86 contributer | Emeline Gullixson ’21 designer, photographer | David Norris ’91 Please direct all correspondence, letters, news, corrections, and comments to: Bethany Lutheran College Bethany Magazine 700 Luther Drive Mankato, MN 56001-6163 Email: Phone: 507.344.7000 | 800.944.3066 Mission: Bethany Lutheran College is a Christian liberal arts college owned and operated by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and committed to the teachings of the Bible as expressed in the statements of faith known as the Lutheran Confessions. Bethany Lutheran College provides Christian higher education in a challenging academic environment where personal mentoring guides students to pursue knowledge, truth, and discernment for productive and fulfilling lives. Magazine QUICK BRICKS Progress continues on the Building Bethany Campaign FROM4 THE PRESIDENT Staying the course UPDATES6 AND NEWS Faculty and staff briefs CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADDED HONORING7 SERVICE Years of service recognition ESPORTS DEPARTMENT12NATIONALEARNSBIDNEWS Mock trial, music, and media updates ON13 A MISSION New students present opportunity CAMPUS14 WELLNESS Helping students with both mental and physical well-being AFFORDABLE17 INVESTMENT Generous donors key to keeping Bethany costs low

One such question goes something like this, “Will Bethany be able to stay the course and follow its Christ-centered mission in a society that doesn’t seem too concerned about this?” This is an important ques tion, especially as we see many historically Christian institutions move far away from the Biblical missions established by their founders. At Bethany, I’m pleased to be able to say with confidence, the College indeed continues to cling to our two-fold Mary and Martha purpose to engage all of our students with Jesus, and to equip them with the knowledge, understanding, and adaptable skills they need for productive and fulfilling lives. Just as we’ve carried out that same two-fold purpose for the past 95 academic years, by God’s grace and blessings we are committed to remain steadfast in that focus until Christ’s return. There is, however, something quite different about Bethany today. That is the fact that due to demographic shifts, our students now come from a wide variety of backgrounds and have life stories that are a vastly different from the Norwegian and largely European ancestors who attended Bethany during the College’s early years. While the majority of Bethany students identify as Christian, only about 40% of today’s students come from our traditional Confessional Lutheran fellowship. In addition, today’s Bethany students come from not only the United States, but from twenty-nine unique countries spread over six continents. In fact, our international student population makes up about twenty percent of our enrollment at Bethany. These students, many of them with some Christian background, bring a rich diversity of life experiences to our campus, and in turn we have the opportunity to help equip them with the career skills they need and to engage them with what’s most important – a personal relationship with their Savior, Jesus – The One Thing Needful. Today’s Bethany students also come from diverse American backgrounds through our urban and minority-serv ing enrollment initiatives. Approximately 35% of all Bethany students represent minority populations. In this issue of the Bethany Magazine, you’ll find a short story about an awesome opportunity we have on campus to share the precious Gospel with our diverse studentPleasebody.note that at Bethany, while we are preparing students for meaningful vocations in their families, churches, workplaces, and communities, we are most importantly preparing them to lead lives of Christian service in society in which they are able to view everything through the discerning lens of the Bible as the ultimate source of truth and guide for living, both in this life and for their eternity in heaven. In order to carry out our Christ-centered purpose, Just as we’ve carried out that same two-fold purpose for the past 95 academic years, by God’s grace and blessings we are committed to remain steadfast in that focus until Christ’s return.
Staying the course I often have the privilege to share the extraordinary Bethany story with groups and individuals. Specifi cally, I enjoy communicating certain examples of the many ways God continues to abundantly bless this college. During these conversations with our alumni and friends, I hear about a variety of ideas on topics ranging from academics to enrollment, and from finances to fundraising. Naturally, at times during those conversations, I do receive some important and direct questions related to Bethany’s mission.

5 BETHANY Magazine
Chapel or in local congregations. What an awesome blessing and opportunity we have here at Bethany Lutheran College. While these tangible blessings that result from engaging students at Bethany with Jesus are something special, they are a promise from God himself, who states in Isaiah 55:11 (EHV), “… in the same way my word that goes out from my mouth will not return to me empty. Rather, it will accomplish whatever I please, and it will succeed in the purpose for which I sent it.”
Learn more about Bethany’s special, Christian higher education mission. Go to to hear four Bethany students talk about how their time at Bethany shaped their faith lives. in recent years, while maintaining our 13-credit course of religious study required for graduation, and while fortifying those students who are ready to study the Bible’s teachings in depth through upper division religious studies courses, we’ve also delib erately reworked our Religious Studies curriculum to meet the needs of those students who are new to the teachings of the Bible. In addition, we continue to offer daily chapel for our students, faculty, and staff with Christ-centered messages focused on the application of the Bible’s teachings to one’s daily life; campus Bible studies; and focused training for our faculty, directors, and coaches to provide them support in ways they can place a Christian perspec tive into their teaching, directing, and coaching. We’re humbled by the opportunity to bring the Gospel message to all of our students.
These new ways of engaging students with our Savior have already shown visible fruits. Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed the baptisms of Bethany students in Trinity Chapel, and recently, with the assistance of local pastors, several students sought and enrolled in adult instruction classes at Bethany, with some becoming confirmed in our Trinity
Please continue to pray and support this important ministry that is Bethany Lutheran College. And on behalf of the College, I thank you for all that you do to share news of this special institution with friends, family, and most importantly the prospective college-aged students in your families, churches, and communities.
Yes, God assures us that His word will not return empty, and through the work of the Holy Spirit we are blessed to see that Gospel work happen every day at Bethany.

Dr. Lars Johnson and Professor Angie Johnson took five students to the ‘22 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. During the convention, the students played literary games, met students from other chapters, attended panel and workshop presentations, listened to keynote speakers, and visited local attractions.
Jake Krier began an expanded full-time Alumni Relations role on July 1, 2022. Jake’s title will be Direc tor of Alumni Relations, and he will be responsible for managing all aspects of Bethany’s alumni relations effort including events, alumni board, and working with our Career Services Department to build and implement a new alumni mentoring program called Viking to Viking.
Bethany Lutheran College is now offering a criminal justice major. The criminal justice program is a sister program to the legal studies major. With considerable crossover courses from the legal studies program, the addition of the criminal justice program was achieved with minimal investment. Professors Sara Edwards and Dan Birkholz will teach these courses with the addition of some new adjunct faculty with law enforcement backgrounds. Criminal justice is one of the most popular majors offered nationwide. The addition of a criminal justice program allows students who are interested in Bethany and want to work in law enforcement to attend Bethany and study in an easily recognizable major. Recent events in law enforcement have magnified and intensified the need for more law enforcement officers that serve from a Christian worldview. The objective of this new major is to educate and train Christian, culturally competent law enforcement officers in order to restore trust and respect between the police and the communities they serve. The program is fully approved by the Minne sota Office of Higher Education.
John Roman Images/
Jake Krier
Bethany’s Vice President of Advancement Bruce Gratz was recognized by Greater Mankato Growth (GMG) at their annual meeting on March 8 as Volunteer of the Year. Bruce has been a GMG Ambassador for nearly 25 years. The mission of the Ambassadors is to be the greeting arm of Greater Mankato Growth, to promote the community, and encourage expansion of established businesses and the development of new businesses in Greater Mankato.
Lars Johnson
Criminal Justice Program Approved by Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Jeff Lemke
Bruce Gratz
Vice President of Admissions and Marketing Jeff Lemke served on Wisconsin Lutheran High School’s (Milwaukee) strategic planning committee. He recently published an article on Income Planning for Sustainable Schools and presented this summer at the WELS Ed Conference in Milwaukee on Reach New Families. Don Westphal moved into a new position in the Advancement Office on July 1, 2022. Don will be in charge of the Bethany Fund and the College’s Annual Giving program.
Angie Johnson
From our faculty & staff
Don Westphal

BETHANY Magazine 7
Front row from left: Rev. Herbert Huhnerkoch (Chair, Board of Regents), Bethany President Gene Pfeifer, Gaylin Schmeling (President, Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary–25 years), Jackie Lemmermann (Housekeeping Technician–20 years), Jonathan Stadler (Professor, Psychology–10 years), and Christopher Kind (Director, Advancement–15 years). Not pictured: Derick Lyngholm (Associate Professor, Communication–15 years)
Faculty And Staff Anniversary Recognition
Esports Earns National Bid
Photo by David Norris
On February 8, 2022, during the daily morning chapel service, a special event recognizing faculty and staff for milestone years of service to Bethany Lutheran College and Seminary was held. Rev. Alexander Ring (’86), a member of the Bethany Board of Regents, was the guest speaker. What a blessing it was to celebrate these individuals and the many years of service to Christ and Bethany!
Back row from left: Denice Woller (Adjunct Faculty, Studio Art–20 years), Eric Woller (Professor, Chemistry–25 years), John Sehloff (Director, Information Technology Services–35 years), Ryan Kragh (Assistant Director, Athletics–20 years), Connie Meyer (Office Assistant, Advancement–25 years), Doyle Holbird (Professor, Biology–15 years),
Bethany’s varsity Esports League of Legends team defeated the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers 3-1 and subsequently received an automatic bid to participate the in the Riot Scholastic Association of America (RSAA) collegiate national championship tournament for the second consec utive year. The Vikings had a good match in the national championship first round, but were defeated 2-0 by Converse University. Among the season’s highlights was the inaugural Tundrageddon which saw Bethany competing against Lakeland University. The director of Lakeland’s esports program is former Green Bay Packer Ahman Green. Green teamed up with Bethany graduate and internationally famous esports caster Erik “DoA” Lonnquist (’06) for the broadcast of the event live on Twitch TV. The winning team received a $2,000 donation from Green and Lonnquist. Bethany captured the first-ever Tundrageddon prize!
Promotion for the inaugural Tundrageddon, a tournament between BLC and Lakeland University.

Bethany education major Justine Anderson worked with a local elementary student in a spelling game.
- DR.
Photos by David Norris
Lutheran College Professor of Education Dr. Carrie Pfeifer has experienced firsthand these challenging learning situations, and she has been working persistently to find ways to improve student reading skills.“I’ve been interested in helping struggling readers throughout my teaching career, and it was clear to me that lots of teachers struggle with how to help teach their students to read. In my work with at-risk learners at two high schools, learning difficulties really seemed to always come back to the student’s reading ability. On top of that, we are the parents of a dyslexic child and have worked tirelessly to help him "I’ve been interested in helping struggling readers throughout my teaching career, and it was clear to me that lots of teachers struggle with how to help teach their students to read." CARRIE PFEIFER SCHWARTZ COMMUNICATION Benefit
’86 • CHIEF
Among the many important proficiencies a child must develop at an early age, perhaps the most critical is the ability to read. For many students, learning to read ranges from challenging to a very difficult assignment. In 2019, the National Assessment of Educational Prog ress reported that 66% of fourth graders were performing below the recommended reading standards. And according to published research, between 10 and 25 percent of kids are drastically behind in reading skills.Bethany
Grant assists with literacy intervention clinic

Professor of Education Dr. Carrie Pfeifer worked with students on verbal reading skills.
Pfeifer began searching for ways to make literacy and reading skill improvement more accessible for the students needing that extra help. In order to expand her knowledge and understanding of reading peda gogy, Pfeifer worked closely with a dyslexia specialist at the Minnesota Department of Education and other college and university professors from across the state. Additionally, she volunteered her own time in professional development to many schools in the Mankato region, and the Mankato Public School District collaborated with her to work with cohorts of elementary teachers.
reading difficulties has laid the groundwork for an effort focused on improving student literacy in the Mankato area through an interventions clinic at Bethany Lutheran College. An initial startup grant from the Mankato Area Founda tion got the program off the ground in June serving students from close by St. Clair Elementary. But future funding for the program was in doubt until the clinic received a huge boost with support provided through a $61,000 grant from the Sauer Family Foundation based in St. Paul. With the help of the Sauer Foun dation, the clinic will be able to operate initially for a two-year timeframe. Pfeifer’s goal with the clinic is to provide students and families with reading help free of charge.
Bethany education major Katelyn Wilson with students.
get the interventions he needed, but it was often help that was out of reach financially.”
Reading interventions is a term used to describe targeted support (tutoring) provided for at-risk students based on their level of need. In reading education, there is a core curriculum that all children receive. When students don’t respond to the core curriculum, and they struggle with reading, interven tions are employed. These interventions are provided in tiers of support. Students are assessed and placed into three tiers or levels of interventions. If a student does not respond to Tier One, they move to Tier Two, and then Three if necessary. The interventions use practices and curriculums combined with time spent on specific tasks to help a student improve their own reading skills. The work with students is centered on research-based practices and continuous assessment. All of this is done before a child would be referred to specialPfeifer’seducation.workwith

And going forward resources are being set in place to continue literacy training at Bethany. A former colleague of Pfeifer’s, the late Bethany education professor Polly Browne was also keenly interested in literacy education. After Browne passed away in 2020, family and friends donated a sizable gift to the College in her memory that would fund a chair position in the Education Department. A portion of that position’s work will focus on literacy initiatives.
Students from St. Clair had some play time on campus.
The interventions are provided by Bethany education students serv ing as tutors. These sessions are offered at no cost for struggling read ers. While the clinic sessions immensely benefit the students seeking help, the setting also provides a rich training ground for future Bethany teacher candidates. Pfeifer serves as mentor and tutor for the future teachers, and provides the training and ongoing support ensuring success for all.
Dr. Pfeifer was chosen as the first Polly Browne Distinguished Chairholder, and as such will continue cultivating her interest in literacy training through ongoing work.
“The funding from the Sauer Family Foundation allows us to provide this support free of charge to community children in a monitored and controlled space. Our Bethany education students can practice teaching reading and provide targeted support where gaps exist. This will give them the skills and confidence to teach reading in their future classrooms. And it’s especially beneficial because it provides Bethany with an opportunity to share our mission and vision with the community while helping all Mankato students and teachers grow in an understanding of literacy.”
The interventions clinic operates on the Bethany campus in the Education Lab Classroom located in Memorial Library. Interventions are one-on-one and arranged at a time that works for the Bethany student tutor and the family. Students receiving help must participate in a minimum of two 70-minute sessions per week. Pfeifer noted that online intervention services are being considered, but it’s preferable to have students participate in person. She is very happy with the progress of the clinic thus far.

11 BETHANY Magazine
Social Media Recap
We thank Maria (Ankrum) Pinero (’04), Director of Operations at Northwestern Mutual, for her inspiring words at the Bethany Senior Celebration luncheon today. The event provides an opportunity for graduates to gather with faculty and staff to celebrate their accomplishments and reflect on their time spent at BLC. #BethanyValues
First stop on choir tour? Grace Lutheran Church in Hobart, Indiana... Onward to Ohio and Pennsylvania - Monday, May 16, 7:30 at Peace Lutheran Church in King of Prussia! #BLCArts #blc choirtour2022 #ForeverBLC
@BETHANYLUTHERANCOLLEGE 5/2/22 The B-Town Drumline show was awesome! Check out the Bethany Flickr page for more! #BLCArts #ForeverBLC
Thanks to Glen Taylor, a renowned entrepreneur who built a multinational corporation right here in Mankato, for spending time at Bethany this week. Taylor visits the Bethany campus whenever possible to share insights and wisdom with business students and Bethany scholars selected to participate in the Taylor Leadership Institute. #BLCSpirit
(Bethany students had the opportuni ty to spread the Gospel through their musical talents in choir, band, and handbells. They spent two weeks in the Northeast touring historic sights and cities in between performing for church es in Ohio, Massachusetts, Pennsylva nia, and Indiana.)
Stay connected with your fellow vikings!
It’s National Mascot Day! Bethany’s beloved Viking mascot, Halvar, loves meeting and greeting people. He also loves hanging with his mascot buddies! #BLCSpirit
Search Bethany Lutheran College on your favorite social media apps, hit follow, and stay in the loop!
Creativity is overflowing at the return of the Bethany Art Camp! Activities included sticker making, t-shirt printing (pictured), and much more!

Mock Trial Team Success and News Bethany’s Mock Trial team, once again, had a terrific competition season during the 2021-22 academic year. Highlights include a best attorney award for the prosecution and two best witness awards in the Georgia Southern Universi ty’s national competition. Bethany’s Tris ten Lindell won the best attorney award and Bethany’s Ashley Casper and Adam Hoeft won best witness awards. The event involved 28 colleges and universities from across the nation. The competition included schools such as the University of California to the University of Florida. Bethany’s Mock Trial team also competed at Hamline University’s Mock Trial with Lindell, again, winning a best attorney award with a perfect score, and Andre Silva won a best witness award. The colleges and universities represented included the University of Michigan, University of Illinois, Drake, the University of Minnesota, St. Thomas, and many others from Minnesota and Wisconsin. In addition, Bethany was selected to host the American Mock Trial Associa tion’s Upper Midwest Regional competition. This is the first time a college from outside the Twin Cities metro has been selected to host the event. The compe tition took place on February 18-20, 2022, and included twenty-eight colleges and universities.
Bethany also hosted the Cleveland, Minnesota, High School Band, under the direction of Bethany alumnus Erik Hermanson (’92), for a concert on Wednesday, March 23 in Trinity Chapel. The 72-member high school ensemble brought approximately 250 guests to the Bethany campus.
12 SPRING/SUMMER 2022 Department News
Bethany Students Contribute to Hockey Day in Minnesota and NCAA National Championship
Music Department Hosts Band Events
AndreCasperSilva Franklin Selvey (left) and Ben Stelter in Albany, New York.
Tristen Lindell Adam Hoeft Ashley
The Bethany Studio and the Maverick Hockey Broad cast Team, run completely by Bethany students and staff, produced seven outdoor hockey games in the bitter temps during the Hockey Day in Minnesota events at Minnesota State University (MSU). The digital team, comprised of Beth any students, that runs the social media accounts for Minne sota State Men’s Hockey braved the elements to produce amazing content. And while those individuals endured the elements during their work, much of the production was done utilizing the new control room in Honsey Hall connected via fiber to MSU. Bethany students Ben Stelter and Franklin Selvey traveled with the Minnesota State hockey team to Albany, New York, capturing video and making clips for their appearance in the NCAA national hockey tournament. While they were in New York, they also helped the ESPN national broadcast provid ing the network with clips of the Minnesota State players.
Photo by Greg Vandermause
On February 24, 2022, Bethany hosted the Glencoe Silver-Lake (GSL) High School Band for a concert in Trinity Chapel. The GSL Bands and their conductor, Peter Gepson, have been recognized by the Minnesota Music Educators Asso ciation as a premier Minnesota high school band. The band concert occurred during the noon hour, after which the students received a tour of the Bethany campus.OnFriday, March 4, 2022, Bethany’s Music Department hosted the Minnesota State Section 2AA Orchestra Large Group Contest. The event brought 223 high school students from Fairmont High School, Blue Earth High School, Mankato East High School, Mankato West High School, and Chaska/Chanhassen High Schools to the Bethany campus.

education,” said Cook, “but we also have the opportunity to give them what they need, which is the Gospel.”
On a Mission
“What they [students] think they want is an
As general enrollment has grown exponentially over the years, International student enrollment has grown right alongside it. During the Fall 2021 semester, Bethany was blessed with an international enrollment of 128 students from 29 different countries. Nick Cook, an ESL Instructor and International Student Recruiter, has seen this growth firsthand.
The incoming international students at Bethany gathered for a photo during orientation before classes started in the fall of 2021.
The words “mission work” often bring to mind trav eling overseas to take the Gospel to a foreign country. However, Bethany is fostering some of the most important mission work without ever leaving campus.
Perhaps the most important takeaway for students is a principle that Moldstad highlights throughout the semester.
When he began working at Bethany in 2015, there were less than ten international students enrolled. From there, he had to reach out to guidance coun selors in other countries, teach them about Bethany, and see if their students had any interest in studying abroad.Cook noted that from an international guidance counselor’s perspective, Bethany holds some major appeal.“[The campus] is safe, small, and students can expe rience the United States without getting completely lost. It’s an overall homey atmosphere,” said Cook. This record high international enrollment presents a unique mission opportunity. Though these students attend Bethany for a variety of reasons, coming to campus shows a willingness to learn about Christi anity. Even more, it gives local students and faculty an opportunity to learn from a diverse group of new classmates and students.
Not all International students come to Bethany because of the Chris tian campus, as there are certainly other perks of studying in Mankato. The student-teacher ratio, small campus, and welcoming peers often make it easier for students living far away from home.
Nick Cook Don Moldstad
13 BETHANY Magazine
“It’s encouraging to see a certain ‘hunger’ for Christianity from some students who come from countries where the Gospel is not prevalent, or is even suppressed,” said Moldstad.
Chaplain Don Moldstad is one professor who has a direct opportunity to teach the Christian faith to a variety of students. In the Essentials of Christianity class, students receive a firm foundation of Lutheran doctrine, Bible history, how Christianity has shaped the world, and the Christian worldview. Last semester, over twelve countries were represented in a single class period. That diver sity, according to Moldstad, makes class interesting in the best way possible.“Ilovethe variety of countries and faith backgrounds I get to interact with in class. Some come from very religious backgrounds, and some know little to nothing about Christianity,” said Moldstad.
Class is not just a teaching opportunity for Moldstad, but a learning experience for him as well.
“I want them [students] to understand that the Christian church is the most diverse institution in the world,” said Moldstad. “Christianity is intended for all nations.”
Photo by David Norris

“[College] can be a challenging time for a lot of young people, as they’re coming out from their parents’ oversight and maybe haven’t fully matured,” explained Chaplain Don Moldstad, a spiritual coun selor at Bethany.
Campus Wellness
“It’s where you’re thinking about what you want to do with your life, when you explore relationships, when you’re suddenly being given privileges as an adult that maybe are challenging.”
"We want to make sure there are no barriers to students seeking help if needed."
When parents send their children to college, they are now more than ever in the loop about what goes on in their children’s lives via smart technology. Students can share their adventures in college, and parents can keep their children up to date on happen ings at home. Parents and students having 24/7 access to one another is a new factor in the college landscape, and one that shows no signs of slowing down. Still,there are unknowns, especially if that child is going to college out of state. A struggling student might be able to call his parents about a problem, but a phone call is not always the same as a trusted, in-person friend or resource. This growing need for mental health resources, especially during college, is why Bethany partners with Christian Family Solutions (CFS) and the Mayo Clinic Health System (MCHS) for on-campus services.

An RA might see a resident struggling with anxiety and encourage them to go. In some cases, RAs will walk with their resident to CFS so that they don’t have to go “Whatalone.Ilike about the partnership with CFS is that they have a number of counselors who specialize in a number of different things. We can pair students with counselors who can best serve their needs,” said Manthe, speaking to the advantage of a smaller, personalized college with options for counselors. Many other colleges can say that their services are well-used. Unfortunately, that means they are often overloaded. Thankfully, Bethany and CFS have been on top of getting students in for counseling. In the event of a crisis situation, CFS can usually get students in within 24 hours. Bethany also contracts with the Mayo Clinic Health System to operate a small clinic on campus, located on the first floor of Luther Hall. Since 2018, students, faculty, and staff have been able to visit the free, on-campus clinic—open two hours a day—for common health concerns such as the common cold,
For high schoolers who graduated during the pandemic, readjusting to Bethany’s mostly normal academic environment came as a shock to some.
“They’re not only going to college, they’re being thrown back into an academic environment that they really haven’t experienced for the last two years. We have to be mindful of that,” said Manthe.
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Students can make appointments at CFS a number of ways. Bethany’s web portal allows for students to schedule an appointment online, or to call and talk to someone there. Sometimes, if a faculty or staff member notices a student is struggling, they will refer them to counseling. Bethany also trains its Resident Assistants (RA) to know how to refer students to CFS.
Bethany began contracting with CFS in 2015. Their office on campus is located on the second floor of Luther Hall, where students have convenient access to Christian counseling and telehealth services. Each student has access to three free visits per year to see a counselor.“Wewant to make sure there are no barriers to students seeking help if needed,” said Dr. Ted Manthe, Vice President of Student Affairs. He noted that anxi ety has been a primary reason for students seeking help.“There’s the anxiety of a new environment, new friends, new workload, homesickness, and plenty of otherBethanythings.” works hard to educate students about these resources, even during the first week of school. Over the course of the year, an average of ten percent of the student population will take advantage of CFS.
“We also mention our services to parents at orien tation sessions,” said Manthe, adding that parents can be an encouraging piece of the puzzle. Sometimes a struggling student will call a parent, and that parent will call Bethany asking what resources there are. Then they can pass that information back on to their child.Manthe also noted how the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted therapy services and student culture as a whole. For college students who were abruptly thrown into online school in the middle of their college careers, there was increased anxiety about how to adjust to a regular schoolwork routine.

“Some students come to me for confession and absolution. More students come to me with personal problems and issues.” These issues can be as serious as addictions or as quickly resolved as roommates not getting along.
strep throat, and rashes, among other things. The physician assistants working in the clinic are able to perform some immunizations as well, and historically see between 200-300 students per year. MCHS and CFS will often refer students to one another, espe cially if a student’s problems are both medical and mental.Another
“I think the stigma of seeing counselors has really changed. People aren’t embarrassed or afraid to see them,” said Manthe.
Since mental health issues are often multifaceted, Moldstad makes sure to work with CFS if a problem might be more psychological than spiritual in nature.
“Anything brought to my attention is confidential, and it will not go to the discipline side of things. Sometimes I might encourage students to talk to their parents… but I want to have the confidence of the students and protect that office.”
Both Moldstad and Manthe observed how students nowadays are much more open to seeking help if they are struggling.
“We realize that life happens, whether with home life or with relationships. The body, mind, and soul are allAllinterconnected.”oftheseprograms at Bethany are ultimately there to support students and remove barriers to them being successful in college. Though the college experience will inevitably throw curveballs at students, Bethany wants to help students face those curveballs with the right resources.
"We realize that life happens, whether with home life or with relationships. The body, mind, and soul are all interconnected."
One aspect of counseling Moldstad highlighted was the importance of maintaining trust and rapport with students, both as a Chaplain and as a counselor.
unique counseling service that Bethany boasts is spiritual counseling from ordained clergy. Students might supplement therapy at CFS with this resource, or simply come in for private confession and absolution. “Because students are away from home, they can view me as an extension of their pastor if they need any guidance or shepherding,” said Moldstad.
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Though Bethany remains affordable to students through the above avenues, Younge noted that the biggest but simplest factor in keeping its costs low is generous donors.
In spite of these valid concerns, Bethany remains an affordable invest ment. Though the total price of tuition and room and board over the course of four years at Bethany is roughly $149,000 ($37,280 per year), the average net price–including scholarships, financial aid, and endow ments–is less than half that at $16,400 per year.
Among all the unknowns surrounding choosing the right college, deciding on a major, and eventually finding a career, one factor stands out among the rest: cost. Prospective parents who might be footing some of the bill want the assurance that college will pay for itself in the long run, and prospective students may be concerned about being laden with debt for years after they graduate.
“We have over 200 endowed scholarships, which is unique,” Younge said. “Endowment per student is higher than a lot of other private schools.”
Bethany is priced to be affordable to all students, regardless of background, and is one of the lowest overall cost private colleges in Minnesota.“Foreveryone who is qualified to come to Bethany and wants to come to Bethany, we can find a way to make it work. Nearly all students have some kind of financial aid, and international students get generous scholarships as well,” said Jeff Younge, Director of Financial Aid. The majority of students also receive an academic scholarship, an activity scholarship, and other discounts such as coming from a Christian high Generous donors key to keeping Bethany costs low
For graduates who have taken out debt, the median is about $27,000, a number that has not changed in the last ten years.
“We’ve become more generous with financial aid. Ten years ago, around 85% of graduating students had debt. Now, that number is down to 76%,” said Younge.Withits relatively low cost and low debt out of college, parents and students can be assured of their investment in education that lasts a lifetime. Director of Financial Aid Jeff Younge.
Affordable Investment
BY EMELINE GULLIXSON ’21 school or having an alumni scholarship.
17 BETHANY Magazine
Photo by David Norris

Photo by David Norris 18 SPRING/SUMMER 2022

One Bethany faculty member that Anderson credits for helping to shape her outlook and career ambitions was Assistant Professor of Nurs ing Cheryl Clendenin.
“She was an admirable mentor for me during my time in the nursing program. Her wisdom and expertise within the classroom and clinical setting were valuable beyond measure.”
”When I look back on my time at Bethany, there are countless memories of wonderful experiences. One class that has meant the most to me was Maternal Childbearing Health. That class was such an amazing reminder that life is truly a miracle.”
Anderson contemplated studying nursing after experiencing exceptional caregiving firsthand after suffering a knee injury during high school. She explained, “After having multiple surger ies in high school for a torn ACL and meniscus, I knew I wanted to be a nurse. During my personal experience in the hospital, it was the nurses who helped me to feel the most comfortable. They were the ones who walked me through every step
Anderson’s visit to campus helped to solidify her decision to enroll at Bethany, and she was assured that the school fit her needs academically. Bethany’s mission was also an important part of her decision process. And while she perhaps didn’t realize it at the time, Bethany’s Christian focus has proven to be a significant factor in her nursing career as well.
Bethany’s right size and its commitment to personal mentoring for each and every student really shaped Anderson’s experience.
That personal mentoring, when combined with exceptional experiences in the classroom, helped to focus Anderson’s outlook as a future nurse.
he bachelor of science in nursing program at Bethany is producing excep tional graduates who are making imme diate impacts at the health care facilities they are working for. Among those graduates is Tessa Anderson (’21). A native of Princeton, Minnesota, Anderson first learned about Bethany, and the nursing program, through her church in Princeton – Bethany Lutheran. Anderson said, “As I began my college search, I wanted to ensure that I found a school that was right for me. I toured countless other colleges and universities and Bethany was the only one that felt right. I visited for the Getaway Weekend, and it was after this stay on campus that I knew Bethany was where I wanted to attend.”
“I knew that the smaller classes would be very beneficial for my education. I knew that professors would go above and beyond to ensure that I was successful. I also knew that professors would be able to get to know all of their students personally and actually remember their names.”
enhancing lives& promoting wellness
“Faith has always been important to me. As I was searching for a college, the spiritual compo nent was not a necessity, but it was an added bonus. At Bethany, it was a blessing to be able to talk about religion while in the nursing classroom setting, because while caring for a patient, it is essential that nurses do so holistically. This means spiritually, mentally, and physically.”
Photo by Melissa Vandermause
For students who are considering nursing as a major, it’s important to make that decision as an incoming freshman, or as soon as possible, as the program curriculum is prescribed and sequenced. Bethany makes certain that all new students, regardless of their major, have the oppor tunity to meet with program directors or a faculty member to help put them on the right path immediately. Anderson took advantage of that opportunity.“WhenIenrolled at Bethany, I knew that I wanted to major in nursing. I was able to meet Dr. Sara Traylor (Bethany’s Nursing Director) for the first time during early registration. And that personal mentoring contin ued throughout the program,” said Anderson. She continued, “The Bethany nursing program is a rigorous program that prepares students not only to pass the NCLEX (nursing board certi fication), but it also prepares students to enter into the workforce. The professors want their students to succeed. There were countless times in which I met with professors outside of class to receive additional help to better understand the topics we were learning. The nursing profes sors at Bethany pushed me to always look at the whole clinical picture and to be a lifelong learner.” Bethany’s perfect size wasn’t apparent to Anderson just in the classroom.“Iwashopeful that I would make lifelong friends while attending Bethany because everyone that I had met during my visit was very friendly and welcoming. And I certainly have made lifelong friends that contributed to my delightful Beth anyAndersonexperience.”isnow employed by Mayo Clinic Health System, and she credits her Bethany nursing educa tion for helping her land the job she very much enjoys.
of my surgical and hospital experience: pre, intra, and post op. After this experience, I knew that I wanted to provide the same level of care and comfort to others.”
Cheryl Clendenin (left) had a big impact on Anderson’s nursing trajectory. She’s seen here working with a student in the nursing lab at Bethany.
“As I look to the future, I hope to one day be a charge nurse and possibly go back to school to get my master’s degree and work as a nurse manager. One of the best parts about nursing is that there is a vast variety of areas within health care in which we are able to work.”
“Being a nurse is such a rewarding profession. It is almost too difficult to put into words how rewarding it is. We have the honor of caring for people in what may be a very vulnerable time in their life. We are able to make a difference in the lives of not only our patients, but also their families. We are given the opportunity to enhance lives and to promote well ness. The most rewarding part about my job is exactly that.”AsAnderson looks to the future, she’s now prepar ing for her upcoming wedding and continuing her nursing career, but also following the advice of Beth any professors - with perhaps additional learning is on the horizon.

such a range ofMorecategories.information can be found on the Media Arts Department blog: From left: Awards.theirFranklinAlecPasbrig,Rittierodt,NoahJoeyAlexGutzke,Mueller,andSelveywithCrystalPillar Winning projects and team members: COLLEGE – COMMERCIAL Bethany Esports – Game Fuel Thank You Franklin Selvey, Editor/Writer Alec Mueller, Photographer/Writer COLLEGE – MUSIC VIDEO Emmanuel LKD – Legend Emmanuel Luankhemdeng, Producer/Writer/Actor/Director Alec Mueller, Photography COLLEGE – FICTION: SHORT FORM Seven of Magpies Joey Pasbrig, Photographer/Editor/Writer Noah Rittierodt, Writer/Director Alex Gutzke, Audio Joe Roemhildt, Writer The Box Alec Mueller, Writer/Director/Editor Media arts students earn four production awards Crystal clear Photo by Amanda Quist FIND MORE INFORMATION ON THE MEDIA ARTS DEPARTMENT BLOG: MEDIAARTS.BLC.EDU. 21 BETHANY Magazine
so many in one year and
Several Bethany Lutheran College students were nominated for local Upper Midwest Emmy® Student Production Awards. The nominations come from work with the Red Eye Film Festival, Maverick Hockey Productions, Bethany Esports, Media Arts Capstone, and class assignments. The nominees were: Alec Mueller, Matt Maisch, Emmanuel Luangkhamdeng, Joey Pasbrig, Noah Riitierodt, Alex Gutzke, Joe Roemhildt, and Franklin Selvey. Four Bethany student projects were winners of the Crystal Pillar Award! While Bethany has won Student Production Awards in the past, have never won in

Scheels Field In March 2022, Bethany announced a new partnership with Scheels Corporation, a privately held, employee-owned and operated sporting goods and entertainment department store headquartered in Fargo, North Dakota. Scheels operates thirty-one destination retail locations in fourteen U.S. states. Scheels first opened a store in Mankato in November 1969, and since that time both the Mankato location and the company have grown considerably. Through a naming rights agreement, Scheels Field at Bethany Lutheran College becomes a key component of the new activity and wellness complex.
Photos by David Norris
Construction continues to be on schedule for an early 2023 completion for the new Bethany Activity and Wellness Center. As reported in a previous edition of this magazine, the new facility features a 68,000 square foot activity center with a 200 meter track and turf infield, and a 16,000 square foot wellness center with exercise and fitness rooms, locker facilities, and gathering spaces. This project is being made possible by hundreds of generous donations to the Build ing Bethany Capital Campaign. Two significant partnerships have also propelled this project forward.
Partnering for Progress Community assists building efforts
The interior of the Bethany Activity and Wellness Center looking towards campus from inside before the roof and floor are finished.

Mayo Partnership Bethany and Mayo Clinic Health System (MCHS) in Mankato also announced a partnership in spring 2022 that will see MCHS providing support for the new Bethany Activity and Wellness Center. The MCHS campus is located just one block west of the Bethany campus in Mankato.
Scheels Field at Bethany is home to Bethany Vikings Soccer, and will also host a range of other community sporting events including high school athletic events featuring schools from throughout southern Minne sota.
The Activity Center will be located adjacent to Scheels Field.
23 BETHANY Magazine
The partnership with MCHS supports the wellness center portion of the project, and as such, Bethany will recognize MCHS in and around the new facility with visible signage representing the partnership.
Bethany Lutheran College President Gene Pfeifer said, “Scheels is an important fixture in Mankato serving the region for over a half century, and is a tremendous asset to the Mankato community through both their premier retail store, and also the ongoing support of various community causes and projects. We’re so pleased and thankful to Scheels for part nering with Bethany in support of our activity and wellnessBrandonspaces.”Scheel, Mankato Store Leader said, “Scheels is very excited to partner with Bethany on this project. We enjoy working with well-run, firstclass organizations that have strong leadership and a strong, positive community impact. We want to work with partners that will make a difference in people’s lives. Bethany does that every day.”
This new Bethany/Mayo partnership is more than a simple naming rights agreement. While Bethany students, teams, and personnel will be the primary tenant of the building, MCHS employees will also be able to use space in the building for certain employee wellness ventures. In addition to the space usage, several Bethany academic programs will also benefit from this partnership. Under the agreement, Mayo employ ees will be invited to the Bethany campus for various education and guest lecture opportunities.
“Serving as Bethany’s premier health care provider for the past several years has been rewarding, and we’re thrilled to be expanding our relationship through support for the new Activity and Wellness Center,” says James Hebl, M.D., regional vice president of Mayo Clinic Health System in Southwest Minnesota. “As a health care institution focused on clinical practice, research, and education, we look forward to additional opportunities to collaborate with Bethany to better serve employees, students, and the community.”
President Gene Pfeifer said, “Bethany Lutheran College is very thank ful for the support from Mayo Clinic Health System for this new campus facility, and for all of our partnerships with Mayo—they are a tremen dous benefit to our students on our growing campus. We’re confident that through these ventures our students are being served well.”
Scheels Field welcomes thousands of athletes and spectators each year to the campus.
While both Scheels Field and the new Activity and Wellness Center development will provide top-notch facilities for Bethany, the College also envisions the large project to be an asset for the Greater Mankato community as well offering quality indoor and outdoor health and recreational space.
Despite being neighbors for decades on the Mankato Hilltop, Bethany and Mayo only recently launched a number of key partnerships; the first was in 2018 with Mayo offering routine health care services for the Bethany community through an on-campus office. In 2019, MCHS began a relation ship with Bethany to provide training services for the College’s athletic program. Recently, Bethany provided housing for Mayo physicians and health personnel during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. This latest partnership continues the trend of cooperation and demonstrates the MCHS commit ment to student wellness on the Bethany campus.
Bethany continues to seek additional partners and contributors for this historic project. Visit to learn more. THE PROGRESS BY VIEWING PHOTOS AND OUR LIVE WEBCAM AT: BLC.EDU/WEBCAMS

The Bethany Lutheran women’s basketball team finished 19-8 overall and 13-1 in UMAC contests. The Vikings won their third-straight UMAC regular season championship. Senior Hanna Geistfeld three-peated as the Conference MVP (related story on p.26). Freshman Haley Meyer was tabbed Rookie of the Year and Lyle Jones was named UMAC Coach of the Year. Geistfeld was later named First-team All-American by and the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA). She is the first First-team All-American across all 17 Bethany varsity programs. Geistfeld became the career leader in eight categories. As a team, the Vikings set season records in three-point field goals (211) and assists (484). They were ranked in three NCAA regional polls, the first in school history.
Stephanie Witbrod Michael Dunn
Jake Marzinske
Bethany placed second at the UMAC Championships with 151 points, which is the best finish and accumulated the most points at these championships. Freshman Stephanie Witbrod was named the UMAC Rookie of the Year and MVP, and was the top point scorer among all competitors. All-Conference performers included Kayla Tobin (3,000m, 5,000m), Witbrod (60m hurdles, high jump, long jump, triple jump), and Emily Jackson (high jump, longThejump).Vikings won a school-record five events at the UMAC Outdoor Championships: Witbrod (100m hurdles, high jump, triple jump), Kayla Tobin (5,000m), and Emily Jackson (long jump). Witbrod was named UMAC Rookie of the Year, and was the top point scorer. BLC also took second with 149 points to tie the highest finish at this meet. Michael Dunn was named UMAC Coach of the Year.
The Bethany Lutheran men’s basketball team finished with an overall record of 14-12 and was 9-5 in UMAC contests under second-year head coach Pat Garvin. BLC qualified for the UMAC tournament for the sixth-straight season. Freshman Riley Ashburn won UMAC Newcomer of the Year and senior Jared Milinkov ich won the inaugural UMAC Defensive Player of the Year award. Senior Cire Mayfield became the program’s career leader in points (1,274).
Brian Smith was named First-team All-Conference and Hunter Nielsen was named to the Second-team.
Bethany had the highest finish in the Upper Midwest Athletic Confer ence (UMAC) All-Sports standing in school history (third place, 83 points) for the 2021-22 year. The Vikings also had the most UMAC MVPs (5) and UMAC Rookies of the Year (7) in school history.
The Bethany men’s track and field team placed third in the UMAC indoor meet with 93 points. This was the best finish since 2020. Junior Jake Marzinske won two events (60m hurdles, triple jump). Marzinske was named All-Conference for men’s
Lyle JonesHaley Meyer Jared MilinkovichRiley Ashburn 24

For the outdoor season, Marzinske became the first individual across all BLC sports to qualify for the NCAA Championships. He took 11th in the triple jump. Other All-Conference performers included Jakin Anderson (1,500m, 3,000m steeplechase), Riley Ashburn (high jump), Nathan Wildauer (800m) and Marzinske (110m hurdles, triple jump, long jump).
The Bethany Lutheran baseball team finished their 2022 campaign with a record of 19-15 overall. Aidan Russell was named UMAC Rookie of the Year. Ross Beumer, Adam Fjers tad, Conor Merton, Hunter Pearce, Liam Peterson, Russell, and Nick Shubert were all named First-team All-Conference. The Vikings set new season records in stolen bases and strikeouts.
Kaija Mork VOLLEYBALL (update) Junior Alexis Morsching was named Honorable Mention All-Conference. The women’s basketball team took home their third-straight UMAC Regular Season SoftballChampionship.wontheir second UMAC Tournament Championship in program history.
Photo by KatieJo Svenson
Kaija Mork was named UMAC Rookie of the Year, and a school-record four were named First-team All-Con ference: Eden Ambrose, Zoe Kinakin, Mork, and Kayla Senne. Mork and senior Kinakin earned First-team All-Region honors, the first in program history.
BLC won the UMAC Tourna ment for the second time in program history, and first since 2013, to earn a trip to the NCAA Tournament.
WOMEN’S TENNIS Olivia Pfeffer was named All-Con ference. Senior Shoshana Bruner became the career leader in wins at No. 2 singles. Aidan
The headunderinofanteamLutheranBethanysoftballfinishedwithoverallrecord29-16and16-5UMACcontestssixth-yearcoach,DanNessler.
MEN’S TENNIS Freshman Carlos Franch won the inaugural UMAC Rookie of the Year award. Franch, Marcos Borobia Arias, and Heitor Damaso all were named All-Conference. BLC had the most season wins since 2018.
indoor track and field.

doubles • Holds season
• Nine-time
Records • Holds
percentage • 15-time Conference Player of the Week Bethany Lutheran
in points,
team was: • Three-time Regular Season UMAC Champions • Three-time UMAC Tournament Champions
• 2021 Second-team All-American by
“My favorite accomplishment over the five years at Bethany would be when our team won a game in the national tournament. It was the first women’s basket ball national tournament win in conference history. Accomplishing a goal like this with a team filled with your best friends is a special feeling that I will never forget for the rest of my life.”
percentage, and assists With Geistfeld
National • 2022 National
goals/game • Holds conference career records in points,
Geistfeld is a humble athlete and really takes all of the accolades in stride, so when asked about her favorite moment as a Viking, it’s no surprise to hear of her choice of moments.
Hanna Geistfeld, a 2022 Bethany graduate, achieved stratospheric heights in her career as a Bethany Viking. Geistfeld was the first-ever First-team All-American at Bethany in any of the seventeen sports the College offers. On top of that, she was the first-ever First-team All American in women’s basketball in the history of the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference. Geistfeld was a dominant force on the hardwood for Bethany essentially re-writing the Viking record book. During the 2021-22 season, she led all NCAA Division III women’s basketball in three individual categories: field goals, free throw attempts, and points. She ranked second in DIII in points per game and free throws made. For her career, she is among NCAA DIII elites as one of only twenty other players in history to net 2,000 career points and 1,000 career rebounds. Along with these prestigious tributes, Geistfeld was honored throughout her career including: Player Year finalist Woman nominee CoSIDA Player Week Basketball Writers Association selection the Team of the Week goal percentage and field goals scoring average, field goal percentage, goals, field field goals, and field goal College career records games played, games started, points, scoring average, field goals, field goal percentage, rebounds, and double records in points, scoring average, field goals, field goal percentage, game records field goals, field goal percentage, free throw as a the
• 2022 Jostens Trophy Finalist (1 of 11 selected) • 2022 WBCA All-Star selection • 2022 First-team Academic District and All-America by
rebounds, and double doubles • Holds
of the
• Three-time National
• Holds conference season records in points,
of the Year
of the
Geistfeld is excited for what lies ahead. She majored in education at Bethany, and has been teaching as a long-term substitute during the Spring of 2022. She will begin graduate school at Southwest Minnesota State University in August, and she will be on the staff of the women's basketball team there. David
• 2022 Regional Player of the Year by • Three-time First-team All-Region by
Upper Midwest Athletic Conference • Three-time Upper Midwest Athletic Conference MVP • Three-time Academic All-Conference • Holds conference game records in field

’86 • CHIEF COMMUNICATION OFFICER Schaefer accepted the award during Spring Commencement.
Schaefer is recipientAlumniDistinguished2022Award
Photo by David Norris
27 BETHANY Magazine
University of Wisconsin Professor Emeritus Daniel M. Schaefer, PhD, a 1971 Bethany graduate, is the 2022 Bethany Lutheran College Distinguished Alumni Award recipient. Dr. Schaefer is regarded as an expert and leader in meat and animal sciences. Schaefer grew up on a livestock and poultry farm. The experience and work on the farm piqued his interest and served as the impetus to even tually study animal science. After receiving his associate in arts degree from Bethany, he went to the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW), where he completed bachelors and master’s programs in meat and animal science. He then earned a doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree from the University of Illinois-Urbana in nutritional sciences with a joint emphasis on ruminant nutrition and rumen bacteriology.
Schaefer did research and taught at Purdue University from 1979 to 1981 before joining the faculty at UW-Madison in the Meat and Animal Science Department. At UW-Madison, he was elected to chair the department in 1999 and continued until 2016, except for sixteen months when he served as the Interim Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS). In 2007, the Animal Sciences Department he led was ranked number one in the field of animal sciences in the U.S. based on the faculty scholarly productivity index calculated by Academic Analytics for the Chronicle of Higher Education. Also, Schaefer served as the faculty lead for the UW-Madison Foundation’s and Meat Science Advisory Committee’s efforts which resulted in the Department being able to build the $56 million Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building of which he was the founding Director. After completing forty years in academia and retiring as a faculty member, he was awarded with the title of Professor Emeritus of Animal Sciences. On top of teaching numerous courses and advising many undergrad uate, graduate, and post-doctoral students over the years, Schaefer provided extensive research support to several agricultural agencies, wrote hundreds of papers and submissions for publications, and was invited to present on many topics in meat and animal sciences throughout the nation and internationally. Of particular note, in 1989, Schaefer was a part of a team of scientists that developed a method to improve pigment and lipid stability in Holstein steer beef by dietary supplementation with vitamin E. This allows beef to retain the appealing red color longer while being displayed in a retail setting Schaefer has also received numerous honors and awards for his work over the years. In 2009, he received the CALS Spitze Land Grant Faculty Award for Excellence, which is given to a faculty member whose integration of outstanding efforts in teaching, research, extension, and outreach exemplify the land grant mission. In 2020, he was inducted as a Fellow of the American Society of Animal Science, which recog nizes distinguished service to animal science and the livestockSchaeferindustry.wasborn in Kewaskum, Wisconsin. His parents were Raymond, a farmer, and Agnes, a school teacher. He makes his home in Madison, Wisconsin, with his wife Gail of 47 years, and they have two children together, Jeremy and Mary. He is a member of Peace Thru Christ Lutheran Church (CLC), where he has served on several committees, including Council President.Dr.Schaefer was officially recognized as the 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient at the Bethany Spring Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 13, 2022, when he addressed the graduating class and guests.


Graduation has always marked a special time on campus, but Bethany’s 2022 Spring Commencement was undoubtedly a highlight for the Bethany commu nity. After two long years of canceled or altered graduation ceremonies, this year’s commencement was a refreshing return to normal. On Friday, May 13, the seats and stands of the Ron Younge Gym were packed with relatives, friends, alumni, and of course, theMusicgraduates.fromthe Concert Band and Concert Choir filled the space with lively music before, during, and after the ceremony, celebrating the 115 graduating students.Thecommencement address was given by Chad Janzen ‘94. Janzen, who has a background of teach ing and coaching, has served as the superintendent in Rock Valley, Iowa, for the past eleven years. He encouraged the 2022 graduates, upon leaving college, to be “humble, courageous, and assertive” in whatever vocation God leads them to. Daniel Schaefer ‘71, an expert and leader in meat and animal sciences, was given the Distinguished Alumni Award. In his remarks, he noted that having “persistence with awareness” will take the graduates far in Anotherlife. highlight for the attendees was the return of an old and dear tradition that had been missing the past two years. Bethany graduates and alumni joined the Concert Choir to close out the ceremony by singing the hymn, “On My Heart Imprint Thine Image.” Afterwards, it was a perfect, sunny day for greeting the graduates and taking pictures outside on the green.Inspite of the hiatus, the Bethany community is hopeful for more traditional commencement ceremo nies like this year’s in the future.
A Return to Tradition

1940s Ellinore (Busness) Ask (‘40) turned 100 years old on July 22, 2022. She sends her greetings to her Bethany classmates and friends and wants to share how much she valued her education at the College. She is thankful for the biblical teachings that gave her the foundation of faith and the importance of the One Thing Needful at an early age. She makes her home in Houston, Minnesota.
from our ALUMNI
L. A. (‘68) & Kay Quasius will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this summer. They were married on August 19, 1972. p Norman Hartigan (‘68) is the Direc tor of Financial Return at the Scottsdale, Arizona, Chick-Fil-A location. The Director of Financial Return oversees the stewardship of the restaurant’s resources.
1970s p For the last two-and-a-half years, several 1972 Bethany graduates have been getting together weekly via Zoom to catch-up with each other and support each other in good times and bad. Last May, they were able to get together in-person. Pictured from left: Lynn (Rank) Handberg, Char (Bloedel) Benzanson, Kate (Kragel) Dahlman, Carole (Honsey) Falconer, Becky (Patterson) Whitesel, Margaret (Branstad) Ostman. Missing from the picture are Margaret Gullixson and Kenya Beasley. Grant Merseth (‘74), suddenly entered the Church Triumphant on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. He is now enjoying life eternal with our Savior. He is survived by wife, Karen (‘74), daughters Jennifer, Jill (‘05), son-in-law Ben (‘04), and four dearly loved grandchildren: Jake, Eliana, Emily, and Olivia. 30
Elaine (Bergemann, Priebe) Bening (‘55) is proud and blessed that all six of her grand children have chosen careers in the medical field, and all six of her great-grandchildren are studying piano. She sends her greetings to all her Bethany classmates. 1960s
1950s Al Bostelmann (‘53) has been facilitating “Healing Memories” workshops for veterans. Bostelmann, a combat infantry veteran, has been involved in helping make possible these two-and-a-half to three day workshops in Minnesota and Arizona throughout the last fifteen years. The workshops address military veteran post-traumatic stress disorder moral injury issues.
p Dan Birkholz (’69) and Jane (Baumann) Birkholz (’70) (Bethany Sweethearts) cele brated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 12, 2022. Their children arranged a card shower for their parents. Monetary gifts from the Birkholz’s card shower were donated to the Bethany Lutheran College Law Club.
Mary Dorn (‘63) and her husband John are alive and relatively well! They still live in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, with their dog Cookie in a retirement community. Their three kids and families are scattered about Wisconsin and Arkansas. Mary no longer writes music but has released her twenty-three songbooks to the public domain so all churches can freely make use of them. They are enjoying an easy life and will soon be celebrating their 53rd wedding anniversary - God willing. They send their blessings to BLC and the class of ‘63.
Al Kison (‘60), after 22 years in Arizona, moved back to Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Al said, “The time was right to return to the place I grew up and spend some time with many rela tives and friends in the area.”
p Virginia (Aamodt) Hecht (‘42) will celebrate her 100th birthday on November 22, 2022. She is currently living in Arvada, Colorado. Eileen(Trygstad) Anderson (‘49) is 92 years young, and living in Twin Lake, Michigan. She has been richly blessed with eight children, four grandchildren, and six great grandchil dren. Her husband Thor passed away ten years ago. She would love to be in touch with any of her Bethany classmates. If you would like to connect with Eileen, please reach out to the Bethany Alumni Office.

Kelsie (Halvorsen) Kluender (‘13) is now working for her family’s business, Classic Gran ite & More in Le Sueur, Minnesota.
1990s p Jennifer (Brassow) Schwartz (‘92) and Lance Schwartz (‘86) celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary in June 2022. They also recently celebrated the graduation of their daughter Sarah (‘22) from Bethany in May. Sarah earned her bachelor of arts in biology, and was accepted into the physician assistant (PA) program at Concordia University, Wiscon sin. Jen and Lance’s youngest daughter Anna (pictured in photo) recently graduated from Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School and will attend Bethany beginning in August 2022. The couple also have a son, Benjamin, who graduated from Carleton College in March 2020. Ben is a software engineer with Micro soft in Redmond, Washington. Jennifer is a vice president with US Bank, and Lance is beginning his thirty-third year at Bethany as the College’s Chief Communication Officer.
Dr. Joshua Mears (‘05) is now serving in the newly created leadership role of Clinical Director of Faith Integration for Christian Family Solutions (CFS). Dr. Mears will guide the process of defining the appropriate and ethical integration of clinical mental health treatment with Biblical principles, and creating consistent systems to measure outcomes. He will also shape CFS training and professional development for more than 100 counselors and support staff in the six states they operate; Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida, Idaho, Mich igan, and Nebraska. Mears lives in Lakeville, Minnesota, with his wife Laura (‘03) Hougan, and their four children.
Rev. Gregory Haugen (‘76) celebrated his 40th anniversary in the ministry in July 2022. He is currently serving Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELS) in Amherst Junction, Wisconsin. ThomasNitz (‘79) and his wife Jean recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. 1980s Debra (Klessig) Andersland (‘81) recently welcomed a new granddaughter, Margaret, to her family. Lois (Gullixson) Johnson’s (‘81 ) son, Joshua who serves in the U.S. Air Force was recently deployed to the Middle East. Please keep him in your prayers as he serves our country.
p Josh (‘06) and Lindsi (McCutchin) Ander son (‘09) welcomed daughter Sylvie Faye to the world on March 27, 2022. 2010s John and Heidi (Maunula) Stevens (‘11) are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Kaia Mae Stevens, born December 19, 2021, and baptized as a child of God January 23, 2022. Older brothers Isaac (4) and Warren (2) love the new addition to the family.
Robin Fish (‘93) received a first place award in the Minnesota Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest in January, for human interest stories in multi-day newspapers with circulation up to 5,000. Robin writes for the Park Rapids Enterprise, a Forum Communi cationsDougcompany.Roedl(‘93) was recently promoted to Talent Acquisition Manager for Enterprise RentA-Car in the state of Wisconsin. Michael Burkhardt (‘98) is currently working in healthcare with Kaiser Permanente within the specialty care field of gastroenterology. Angie (Rode) Phares (‘99) was promoted in July 2021 to the position of Executive Director at Three Links Villages of Lonsdale (Lonsdale, Minnesota). She is a licensed assisted living director. 2000s Brian Cliff (‘03) is working as a parapro fessional for the Minnesota Valley Education District. p Matt and Amanda (Kottke) Peterson (‘04) welcomed their fourth child, Ahnika Charlotte, on January 3, 2022. They were blessed to baptize her in Christ January 30. Pictured are siblings; Waylon (6), Magdalene (5), Tuck (3).
Benji Hager (‘12) and his wife Kristen welcomed their second child, Charlotte, to the world in May 2021. Ben ‘12' and Haley (Kratovil) Lundsten (‘12) welcomed their third child, Vivian, to the world in April 2021. They make their home in Mankato, Minnesota.

p Heather (Carmichael) Krueger (‘14) and her husband Paul welcomed their son Amos Paul to the world in November 2021. They make their home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
p Allison Lease (‘18) married Samuel Stevens (‘17) on June 5, 2021, in Bethany’s Trin ityAmirChapel.Trotter (‘18) is working as a parapro fessional at Kennedy High School in Bloom ington, Minnesota, and is directing the school musicals.
p Jacob (‘16) and Lydia Schneider are proud to share the news of the birth of their first child, Emery Lisa. Emery was born in August 2021. They look forward to taking her to her first class at BLC in 2039!
p Megan Cavanaugh (‘17) and Caleb Wede were united in marriage on October 24, 2021. The couple reside in Mankato. Caleb works in the industrial programming field, while Megan co-owns and operates the marketing side of Done Right Pest Solutions based in the Twin Cities metro area.
Abigail Vance (‘15) was recently promoted to Office Manager at Living Meadows Nursing Home in Madelia, Minnesota.
p Jack and Kelly (Reed) Livingston (‘17) were married August 7, 2021, in West St. Paul, Minne sota. They reside in New Brighton, Minnesota.
p Elizabeth (Austin) Brohaugh (‘18) recently moved to Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband Samuel Brohaugh and their two cats, Katie and Hemingway. Elizabeth was recently promoted to Customer Service Lead at OptumServe where she works with veterans to help them get their disability exams completed. She really enjoys getting to work with our nation’s veter ans every day, and appreciates each and every one for their service. She has been a part of multiple employee improvement initiatives as well. Elizabeth and Sam have been enjoying various events, and exploring new things around Omaha recently.
p Kelsey (Fick) Buelow (‘16), launched her own gifting company, Wonderfully Made, in 2020, and has taken it full-time since then. Through her company she creates unique and memorable gift boxes for individuals and busi nesses to give to friends, family, clients or employees. This is the first full-service gifting company in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where Kelsey and her family Amos (‘16), and their two-year-old daughter Charlotte live, and they’re excited to see what God has in store for this small, but quickly-growing, company. “I wouldn’t be growing this company and chasing this dream without the education and experi ence I received while getting my business degree at Bethany! Thank you!” - Kelsey. You can find and shop Wonderfully Made Gifting Company online at www.thewonderfully, or on Instagram: @wonderfully

We want to hear from you!
p Ellie Ims (‘21) and Beau Babcock (‘22) were married June 18, 2022, in Hastings, Minnesota. They reside in Lakeville, Minnesota. p Jake (‘21) and Bria (Majeski) Schmitz (‘21) were married on May 21, 2021, in their home town in Buffalo, Minnesota.
Jacob (‘19) and Jessica (Berlinger) Duden (‘19) celebrated their first wedding anniversary on June 4, 2022. Along with that, they will be moving to Red Wing, Minnesota, soon where Jacob will continue working for Red Wing Shoes and Jessica will start a new teaching job at Goodhue Public Schools.
Kendra Porath (‘19) was recently accepted into the University of Minnesota Medical School. Meagan (Sons) Bixby (’19) welcomed her first child, a boy, Rowan to the world in August 2021. She is married to Alek and they make their home in Arlington, Minnesota. Jacob Stratton (‘19) sends his greetings to all in the Bethany Family and would like to share a message—All that really matters is your relationship with God. Your path may change in life, but staying close to God is what is most important. 2020s Trenton Krueger (‘20) went on after earning his bachelor’s at Bethany to receive another bachelor’s degree from Minnesota State University, Mankato, in corrections with a minor in criminal justice in the class of 2022. Trenton is currently interning with the Minne sota Department of Corrections at Minnesota Correctional Facility in Shakopee.
Charles Theis (‘20) is working as a Financial Advisor for Legacy Financial Partners in his hometown of Redwood Falls, Minnesota. Legacy Financial Partners was named to the 2021 Barron’s Top 100 Private Wealth Manage ment Teams list.
p Catarina Carmichael (‘19), during her second year as a graduate student at Minne sota State University, Mankato for Speech Language Pathology, received the Most Prom ising Pediatric Clinician award from Chicago Speech Therapy. Catarina graduated in May 2022 with a master’s of science in communica tion sciences and disorders and plans on work ing with either early childhood or geriatric population.RobertBarr (‘19) is going into the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Field Operations Academy to prepare for work in customs and borderHansprotection. Bloedel(‘19) and his father, BLC Profes sor of Theatre, Peter Bloedel (’88), recently published their stage adaptation play of Wash ington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow They wrote and performed the play while Hans was a student at Bethany. The play has now been performed thirty-six times across the nation. Hans was recently accepted to Minnesota State University, Mankato, to pursue a master of fine arts degree in theatre with an emphasis on directing. The program’s duration spans three years and will begin this fall.
We want your personal and professional updates to include in our alumni news. Please submit alumni news by emailing it to, or through our website at
Ben Corson (‘19) is teaching history and coaching basketball at York High School in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Deaths – Alumni, Regents, Faculty and Staff Val (Imm) Bashour (’47) passed away on May 9, James2022 Winkelman (’47) passed away on May 1, 2022Norma Pera (’50) passed away on February 20,Richard2022 Kuehne (’51) passed away on Janu ary 29, Janet2022(Meyers) Mueller (‘51) passed away on March 7, Rodney2022Neubert (’51) passed away on June 9, Rev.2021Norman Madson (’52) passed away on April 30, 2022 Lois (Wilkens) Tolzmann (‘52) passed away on March 26, 2022 Karen (MacDonald) Wolff (‘53) passed away on January 1, 2021 Norma (Rutz) Kluess (‘55) passed away on October 12, 2021 Bruce Neubert (’56) passed away on Febru ary 13, Jerry2022Waters (’59) passed away on January 14,Esther2022 Oesleby (’69) passed away on Febru ary 26, Richard2022Williams (’71) passed away on Febru ary 15, Donald2022Ciriacks (’73) passed away on December 28. 2021 Doreen (Shaw) Taylor (‘73) passed away on April 24, Robert2022Lehrkamp (’74) passed away on Janu ary 28, Grant2022Merseth (’74) passed away on Febru ary 23, 2022 Amy (Klima) Brolsma (’85) passed away Saturday, Jan. 1, 2022. Carolynn (Wosje) Johnson (’89) passed away on March 1, 2022
Deaths and Obituaries
Pat retired to Gull Lake in Brainerd, Minne sota, in 2002 where she enjoyed boating, watching the sunset, growing geraniums, and feeding the hummingbirds. As the matriarch of the family, Pat found great happiness when surrounded by those she loved at the lake. Pat loved to travel, visiting over 20 countries and many regions of the United States. She also loved a good hand of Bridge. Pat was God’s perfectly chosen helpmate to her loving husband Marvin Meyer, whom she is survived by. Pat is also survived by her children: Joel Meyer (Jane) and Crista Krosch (Mark); grandchildren: Meredith Gunderson (Paul), Elise Ollrich (Nicklaus), Kjerstin Meyer (Riley), Nicholas Meyer (Noelle); six great grandchildren, many nieces and nephews.
p Patricia (Pat) (Salomon) Meyer (’59), wife of Bethany President Emeritus Marvin Meyer, passed away on Friday, March 11, 2022, in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Pat warmly welcomed Beth any alumni and friends to the campus for many events and reunions during her husband’s forty-three years on campus and especially throughout the twenty years he served as College President. Born June 16, 1939, in Roch ester, New York, to Marion and Francis Salo mon, Pat was baptized and confirmed in her faith at Christ Lutheran Church. At an early age Pat developed a love for music and the “lake,” spending time at their family cottage on Sodus Bay, Lake Ontario.
Elaine (Klindt) Nelson (‘49 ) passed away on April 2, 2022, at age 92. She was prede ceased by the love of her life, her husband of 58 years, Robert. They had four children, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren together. They made her home in Mechanics ville, Virginia. Elaine was an elementary school teacher, and an office administrator in the travel and tourism industry after graduating from Bethany. A funeral service was held on Saturday, May 14 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia.
In the fall of 1957, Pat arrived in Minnesota at the campus of Bethany Lutheran College to pursue a teaching degree. It was here that she met the love of her life, Marv. Pat taught in a one room Christian school in Lime Creek, Iowa, before Pat and Marv married in June of 1960. They were blessed with two children. Together Pat and Marv owned and operated a family resort in central Minnesota for 15 years. Pat was also an integral part of the Beth any Lutheran College family; spearheading a campus beautification committee and welcom ing guests and visitors into their home.
There were two funeral services for Pat, the first on Friday, March 18, 2022, at Christ Lutheran Church, Baxter, Minnesota, and also Saturday, March 19 at Bethany Lutheran College Trinity Chapel, in Mankato. Blessed be her memory.

RETROSPECT Remembering a campus moment from years gone by. FALLING UPSIDE DOWN: It appears the women’s residence hall manager, Judy Miller (center), was surrounded by some pretty fun students back in the mid-90s. Do you recognize anyone in the photo? Send your reactions to Find more photos from years past on 35 BETHANY Magazine

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