JULY 2011
Bethany report
the magazine of bethany lutheran college
5 Kuster ready to take on next challenge 9 New men’s basketball coach named 12 Bethany friend Alfred Schwan called home
from the president
Bethany is moving G
enerosity. Benevolence. Support. Choose the word—they all convey the same meaning. It is humbling for me to be reminded daily of the remarkable charity that the friends and alumni of Bethany Lutheran College provide for this special institution. As you read in the previous issue of the Bethany Report magazine, Bethany is in the midst of a $28 million capital campaign with the intent to raise funds for a number of new initiatives as well as for improvements to the campus itself. One year ago we dedicated Rudolph E. Honsey Hall to the Glory of God. The construction of this building is a direct result of our current capital campaign. Honsey Hall became a reality, in part, because of the generous support of so many alumni and friends of Bethany Lutheran College. The current capital campaign bears the name “A Faithful Future.” We based the theme of this campaign on Proverbs 24:14, “Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” That wisdom referred to in this passage is certainly indicating the knowledge of (and need for) a Savior. Bethany’s mission of educating students for lives of meaningful service while staying focused on “The One Thing Needful” consistently remains our central purpose. This issue of the Report magazine features some articles President Dan Bruss and stories about how friends and alumni of Bethany are supporting the College. Whether it is a graduating class marking its 50th reunion by raising funds for a campus project or the Bethany Auxiliary planning another fall meeting on campus where their support is evidenced every year; Bethany Lutheran College is truly blessed to have such a strong and supportive network of benefactors. The summer months at Bethany are packed with a number of events for alumni to connect with the College. Many of those events are also highlighted in this issue of the magazine. And if your travels bring you to southern Minnesota, I encourage you to visit the Bethany campus anytime during the summer or throughout our academic year. Bethany Lutheran College is growing and moving forward. We are anticipating another strong enrollment this August. Thank you for your gifts, words, and encouragement to prospective students of Bethany Lutheran College. We appreciate all that our friends and alumni do for the College that stands “High Amid the Trees.”
Bethany report editor, writer | Lance Schwartz designer, photographer | David Norris proofreader | Amanda Quist Please direct all correspondence, letters, news, corrections, and comments to: Bethany Lutheran College Bethany report 700 Luther Drive Mankato, MN 56001-6163 Email: alumni@blc.edu | www.blc.edu 507.344.7000 | 800.944.3066 FAX: 507.344.7417 ISSUE: CXXII The Bethany Report is published quarterly by the Bethany Lutheran College public relations office and distributed free of charge to the college’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends. All contents © COPYRIGHT 2011 Bethany Lutheran College. Articles, images or photographs may not be reproduced without written permission. Mission: Bethany Lutheran College, owned and operated by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, is a private, residential, liberal arts college committed to the teachings of the Bible as set forth in the Lutheran Confessions. Bethany provides studies culminating in a Bachelor of Arts degree. The college serves Lutherans and others by offering a challenging, student-centered approach to education that fosters spiritual development, intellectual and creative growth, self-understanding, and responsible citizenship. In keeping with its heritage, Bethany aspires to produce students with a clear understanding of Christian vocation, which encourages students to make the most of their God-given talents.
On the cover: Graduating seniors made their way across campus for a group photo in the North Gym on Friday, May 13, 2011. More information and photos about commencement are found on page six.
report | july 2011
from the chapeL May 1, 2011 Colossians 3:1-4 hat is the longest period of time that you have thought just about heaven? For me it was about 45 minutes. I was riding in a van with nine teenagers, following a youth gathering, and the discussion suddenly shifted to the subject of heaven. With no adult input, the teens began speculating about what heaven will be like someday. Dr. Martin Luther said that having our minds consider heaven is like throwing a stone into the air. It stays up for awhile, but then always falls back down to earth. The longing in the soul of a Christian reaches beyond this life into eternal life, and desires to be in the presence of God and his Christ. However, this will not be our constant thought. You may have heard the expression, “Don’t be so heavenly-minded that you are no earthly good.” For most of us, that is not a problem. However, as early church fathers would say, someone who has no longing at all to be with Christ in heaven cannot be a true believer. When you were brought to faith in Christ, a spiritual death took place. St. Rev. Donald Moldstad Paul writes: “For you died, Bethany Chaplain and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Many unbelievers look at us and our connection to Christ, viewing us as lifeless and dead to this world, and they are right in this assessment when it comes to worldly matters. Our new man now recognizes the vanity of this world, and the emptiness and brevity of this life. This internal life of faith in our hearts is now “hidden with Christ in God.” Christ is now invisible to the unbelieving world, and likewise the faith which connects us to him is unseen and unknown to the world. Believers’ lives don’t seem at all glamorous or glorious, in fact at times they appear to be even more deprived due to their allegiance to Christ. All of the tremendous benefits of possessing Christ go undetected to those outside of faith. But at times they are also veiled from the believers themselves, which makes the life of faith so challenging. The hidden nature of these eternal benefits we have in Christ can make it difficult for us to stay focused on
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
our eternal home. While we wait for our redemption, the Old Adam in us is still tempted to go back and chase after the glory of this world. Dr. C.F.W. Walther described the passing glories of this life like children’s soap bubbles which glimmer in the sun—so shiny and impressive, yet they finally pop and disappear into thin air. Another Lutheran theologian, Johann Gerhard, used the imagery of an unfaithful lover who treats you well for a time but then dumps you for another. Regarding the seductive nature of this earth’s glory he concludes, “Don’t be allured by her and put your trust in her.” Solomon sums it up so well, “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for wind.” Because we are so easily tempted back to this vain world, the Apostle Paul exhorts us, “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” The actual sense of the Greek text could be summarized, “Make it the primary affection of your heart to be in heaven.” Note the certainty of our eternal salvation. The vicarious work of Christ has made all of this so absolutely sure for us. Whenever God the Holy Spirit describes our possession of heaven it is never in “iffy” terms. He always uses expressions that give us confidence. Paul does not say, “There’s a good chance you may end up in heaven,” but rather, “Your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” He echoes the promise of Jesus who said to his disciples, “If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you.” When something wonderful that has been hidden from you is suddenly revealed, what an exciting moment that becomes. As a little child, unwrapping the large package under the Christmas time—that moment of revelation was so worth the wait. Throughout our Christian lives we have been hearing about heaven, reading about this great banquet feast, and trying to envision what this amazing home will be like. How magnificent our new home must be that our Lord says nothing in this world can even compare. What a day of revelation that will finally be—to walk into the mansions we have only tried to imagine. Through Christ, may we live for that day! Amen.
Faculty & Staff News William Bukowski (studio art) has received a commission from St. Paul Children’s Hospital to produce four paintings on the theme of storytelling and a two-wall mural based on the Lake Como Conservatory. His twelve commissioned paintings for the Minneapolis Children’s Hospital are now installed on the hospital’s second floor in the surgery family waiting rooms. Since coming to Bethany in 1980, Bukowski received his fourth sabbatical for the 2011 fall semester. He will be traveling with his wife, Sherri, to Rome, Italy, for two months, and will also take a short trip to Athens, Greece. Peter Bloedel’s (theater) one-act play, The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet, is included in an anthology of plays entitled Random Acts of Comedy: 15 Hit OneAct Plays for Student Actors. The book will first be available to the public this September at www.playscripts.com. The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet began at Bethany as a Theatre Physics script, and has now sold over 13,225 books with over 1,230 performances worldwide. Soon to be published by the same publisher will be Jam Jar Sonnets (music co-written with Benji Inniger) and another Seuss parody (this time on Dickens), A Seussified Christmas Carol. Jam Jar Sonnets was most recently produced by Luther High School in Onalaska, Wisconsin, in March
2011. Bloedel, his family, and a number of students from the original Bethany cast went to see the production and interact with the cast and crew. In mid-April 2011, Bloedel’s show, Icehouse Madrigals, was produced by Lakeside Lutheran High School in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. Mark DeGarmeaux (religion) helped with the local American Guild of Organist’s “Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza” event in St. Peter, Minnesota, on April 10, 2011. About twenty-four grade school and high school students spent an afternoon learning about the pipe organ. The afternoon culminated with a short organ recital by two college students and two high school students. Additionally, DeGarmeaux attended a Norwegian language weekend in Bemidji, Minnesota, April 28-May 1. Mark Harstad (religion) writes that the DVD documentary Store Per: Norwegian American Paul Bunyan of the Prairie was shown on May 22 at Norskedalen Norwegian-American Heritage Center near Coon Valley, Wisconsin. Many Bethany faculty members were involved in the production of the documentary. Between February 26 and March 5, 2011, Dr. William Kessel (sociology) and Adie Harstad (seminary) joined an international team of scholars and tour directors to retrace the footsteps of St. Paul in Italy. The purpose was to examine archaeological evidence pertaining to Acts 28:11-16 and extra-biblical writings concerning the martyrdom of St. Paul. In the future, Protestant tour groups will be able to visit Italy and come away with a deeper appreciation of the Lord’s work
through St. Paul. Kessel was the strategic planner for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s (WELS) Latin American Committee in March 2011. The committee oversees all WELS mission work in Latin American countries. Dr. Ryan MacPherson (history) was interviewed by the Rev. Todd Wilken for the radio program “Issues, Etc.” The interview focused on “The Natural Law of the Family,” which is a chapter MacPherson contributed to the recent Concordia Publishing House book Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal. Dr. Steve Reagles (communication) delivered two papers at the National Communication Association (NCA) winter meeting in San Francisco, California. The two papers synthesized insights from ancient wisdom and cutting edge neuro-science to probe the most effective ways to communicate in contemporary screen culture. The paper’s titles are: “Secondary Visuality in a Primary Visual World: Exploring the Effects of ‘Screen Culture’ Upon Imagination; and Internal” and “External Visual ‘Screens’ Ecology: Building Bridges between Neuro-science and Greek Rhetorical Ekphrasis.” Tim Tollefson (music) has several new organ compositions that are being published in two different collections by Northwestern Publishing House. Five of his pieces will appear in Lent and Easter: Hymn Preludes for Organ and six more will appear in Fourteen Hymn Preludes for Organ. Both collections will be available in the summer of 2011.
Communication student earns national award
T Kab Kaniess 4
he video game industry is an entertainment force. In just one decade, video game sales have nearly tripled to almost $16 billion annually. The growth has fueled a great deal of interest among college students in the expanding job opportunities in the field. Kab Kaniess, a sophomore communication major at Bethany, might be one of the fortunate ones who
could secure a job in the video game industry. He recently won a student competition for his production of a video game trailer at the 2011 MI6 Video Game Marketing Conference in San Francisco, California. MI6 is a non-profit association dedicated to maximizing the effectiveness and supporting the success of marketing, promotion, and advertising professionals involved in the interactive entertainment community. report | july 2011
campus news
The Next Challenge Kuster retires from teaching at Bethany, will continue work with CMI By Lance Schwartz Director of Marketing and Public Relations
t’s never really been a part of the Bethany culture to single out a particular person for achievement, but if the successes of a program at BLC could be attributed to an individual, Dr. Tom Kuster would certainly be considered a key figure in the history of the communication program at Bethany Lutheran College. Kuster first came to Bethany in the fall of 1962 as a seminary student. And although he was a full time student, he also taught both Latin and English classes at BLC while he studied to become a minister of the Gospel. It was also during this time that Kuster started Bethany’s first debate team—a program that faded from the academic scene for some time but was once again resurrected when Kuster returned to the Bethany campus in 1991. During his absence from the campus, Kuster earned his doctorate in communication studies from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and then served in the parish ministry and taught for twenty years at Dr. Martin Luther College. Kuster returned to the Bethany campus to become the first recipient and holder of the Eleanor Wilson Chair in Communication Studies. It was an opportunity that Kuster could not pass up. “The chair really was suited and designed to fit my interests,” said Kuster. “What a blessing it’s been, to make a living doing exactly what you love and were trained to do.” With the encouragement of President Marvin Meyer and Academic Dean Ron Younge, Kuster was able to teach new communication courses and rebuild the College’s competitive speech and debate program. The program flourished and saw considerable success early after its reappearance at Bethany. Kuster explains, “I hadn’t coached competitive speech in years, but I was fortunate to have some very talented students and early success bred even more success.” At one point nearly ten percent of the student body was involved with the Bethany speech program. One of the highlights during the early 90s occurred when a few members of the team became the first state champions in speech for Bethany. It was the catalyst the program needed to propel the team to even bigger and better things. Current Bethany faculty member, Chris Johnson, became the program’s first-ever National Champion when he won the title of best impromptu speaker at a national tournament in San Francisco, California. Perhaps the best thing that came from this success, education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Photo by David Norris
Dr. Tom Kuster will be retiring from teaching after 23 years at Bethany.
according to Kuster, was the fact that a “whole lot of students not only experienced success, but also gained confidence in their abilities.” This is the purpose of collegiate speech programs— that is to prepare the students for success in their communication endeavors. Now as Kuster prepares to leave the classroom after twentythree years at Bethany dedicated to his teaching, he humbly says, “It was all the Lord’s doing. He let me serve the College and he showered me with abundant opportunities.” “I am leaving Bethany with the knowledge that the College knows exactly where it wants to go and the center is still The One Thing Needful.” Bethany Lutheran College is thankful for the years of academic service from Dr. Tom Kuster, but he certainly won’t be a stranger to the College in retirement. Kuster will continue to work with the newly established Christ in Media Institute at Bethany. The goal of the Institute is to find new and innovative ways to use technology in spreading the Gospel message. Kuster and his wife, Judy, enjoy traveling and participating in academic endeavors during their travels. Just over two years ago, the Kusters spent time in China teaching as part of Tom Kuster’s Fulbright Specialist award. Judy Kuster is a noted scholar in the area of speech communication and is an invited lecturer at many conferences throughout the world. They hope to continue traveling and teaching when the opportunity presents itself.
campus news
Commencement Nicholas Koch (left) and Kory Henkel after the ceremony.
erhaps the most anticipated annual event on any college campus is Commencement. The Bethany Lutheran College Class of 2011 began their journeys in life on Friday, May 13 when they walked across the stage to receive their bachelor of arts diplomas. Highlights of the ceremony included the traditional procession of faculty and graduates from Old Main to the Ronald Younge Gymnasium, special music by the choirs and band of Bethany Lutheran College, and the singing of the College song—High Amid The Trees as composed by the late S.C. Ylvisaker, Bethany’s third president who served from 1930-1950. The commencement speaker was the Rev. Erwin Ekhoff of Golden Valley, Minnesota. Ekhoff is a member of the Bethany Lutheran College Board of Regents. Mr. Willis Anthony, Bethany Class of 1959 received the Distinguished Alumnus award which was presented by President Dan Bruss.
Photos from the ceremony can be seen at flickr.com/bethanylutherancollege The entire ceremony can be viewed at youtube.com/bethanylutheran
Photos by David Norris
Wind gusts made it difficult to keep mortar boards from blowing away. From left: Kara Wilfahrt, Joshua Wierschke, Alicia Wheelock, Sarah Webber, Kalene Volkmann, and Micah Teisberg.
Kristin Matzke (left) with Elyce Jaeger.
Cody Hardin (left) accepted his diploma from Bethany Board of Regents member Rev. Dr. J. Kincaid Smith.
report | july 2011
alumni news
Class of ’61 makes splash on campus By Lance Schwartz Director of Marketing and Public Relations
s the Bethany Lutheran College campus grows, changes, and matures several alumni have helped adorn the College’s green space with memorial areas and remembrance spots. Seeing the commemorative garden/ sitting area that the Bethany Lutheran College Class of 1959 helped to establish near Old Main, the Class of 1961 was inspired to help build a beautiful landscape feature near the newly constructed Rudolph E. Honsey Hall. Alumna Ruth (Tweit) Smith led the effort to raise funds for a waterfall feature that sits on a highly traveled pathway between Honsey Hall and the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center. The water feature is not only eye-catching, but is also a very relaxing spot to rest on a bench, pick up a good book to read, or simply enjoy a sunny day. The class of 1961 will celebrate the fiftieth reunion of their graduation in September 2011 when they gather during
Photo by David Norris
A new waterfall landscape feature near the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center (right) was sponsored by the Bethany Class of 1961.
Fall Festival and officially recognize the new Bethany waterfall. If you or your classmates are interested in sponsoring other campus projects that
require funding for completion please feel free to contact Mr. Art Westphal, Chief Advancement Officer at 507-344-7375 for details.
Annual Laube golf event feels like reunion By Christopher Kind Director of Development
lose to sixty golfers teed-off on June 3, 2011, at the seventh annual Joel Laube Memorial Golf Tournament held at Crystal Lake Golf Club in Lakeville, Minnesota. The idea began eight years ago when classmates of deceased Bethany alumnus Joel Laube (’84) helped create the event. The tournament’s proceeds help to fund the Joel Laube Scholarship at Bethany Lutheran College. Simply stated, they just wanted to “do something to
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
remember Joel.” Over the last seven years the event has grown to become so much more. It’s become a reunion of sorts for Joel’s Bethany soccer teammates, Richfield, Minn., high school friends, and the Laube family. The day includes eighteen holes of golf, dinner, and a silent auction.
There may not always be low scores during the round of golf, but the laughs, hugs, stories, and sometimes-joyful tears are what make this event so special. The Laube Scholarship this year eclipsed the $100,000 level and awarded over $16,000 since its beginning—$3,500 just this past year alone to two BLC students. Bethany Lutheran College is proud to be a part of this special annual event that brings people together to make a difference in students’ lives.
Spring athletics
By Julie Thomas Assistant Athletic Director - Sports Information
Baseball The Viking baseball team continued its recent success during the 2011 season posting a 27-10 overall record, and its best conference record in school history at 18-2. The team finished second in the conference regular season and post-season tournament. Five players earned Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC) First Team All-Conference honors, Justin Kohls (Watertown, Minn./Dakota County), Cody Hallahan (Silver Lake, Minn./Minnesota State, Mankato), Darin Hendley (Nicollet, Minn./ Mankato East), Zach Herd (Gaylord, Minn./Sibley East), and Dylan Gass (Bird Island, Minn./BOLD). Aaron Siefken (Lone Rock, Iowa/Iowa Central CC) and Casey Woodside (Albert Lea, Minn./MN-Crookston) were named All-Conference Honorable Mention. In addition to first team honors, Gass was voted UMAC Rookie of the Year. Leading the pitching staff was Kohls who recorded an undefeated season at 9-0. Offensively, Zach Herd led the Vikings and the UMAC batting .493 in conference games. It was the first time the Vikings had three players on the American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA) AllMidwest Region team. Hallahan was named Second Team All-Region after going 5-2 and striking out 59 batters in 54.2 innings pitched. Kohls was named Third Team All-Region with only 12 earned runs all season. Hendley was also named Third Team All-Region as a utility player going 4-0 with a 1.72 ERA and leading the team with 25 RBI. The Vikings return a wealth of young talent to lead the team in the 2012 season. In addition to the returners, head coach Ryan Kragh has promising prospects joining the team. 8
Photos by SportPiX
Clockwise from top left: Rebecca Kopacek, Jonnica Norell, Felipe Ortega, and Trent Sonnicksen.
Softball Head Vikings softball coach Leigh Ann LaFave has a lot to be proud of when reflecting on the 2011 season. Her team finished fourth in the conference regular season and advanced to the UMAC PostSeason Tournament for the first time in BLC history. The Vikings surprised opponents with their tenacity knocking out the number two seed to finish third in the playoffs. Without a senior on the roster, the team returns all four of its All-Conference award winners. Emily Rauchman (Mankato, Minn./Mankato West) and
Ashley Jensen (Delano, Minn./West Lutheran) were named First Team AllConference. Amanda Edmison (Mayer, Minn./Watertown-Mayer) and freshman Gena Chester (Mankato, Minn./ Mankato West) received All-Conference Honorable Mention. Rauchman had a standout season leading the team batting .394 with a conference high 18 doubles. The memorable season was complete with a 19-19 overall record, and 12-9
Athletics continued on page 9
report | july 2011
Balza named men’s basketball coach I
t’s evident by the stories that are told. They include numerous trips to state tournaments and big wins at national tournaments. Throughout the years, the men’s basketball program has provided a backdrop for excitement on the Bethany campus. The seasons, players, and memories are nearly too plentiful to mention. The Viking men’s basketball program got its start in 1927, the same year Bethany Lutheran College opened its doors. And while there were some regular changes in the coaching chair throughout the first twenty years of the program, it’s interesting to note that there have been only six coaches during the past 64 years (this does not count a one year stint by Donald Yohe in 1952). Bethany men’s basketball is indeed an established program that has continued a winning tradition even during its move from junior college to four year NCAA Division III competition. Recent memories include big wins against southern Minnesota rival Gustavus Adolphus and exciting games against the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference. The Bethany Lutheran College athletic department recently announced David
Photo by David Norris
From Florida to Minnesota: David Balza has recently taken the helm as the Bethany Men’s Basketball coach.
Balza will take over at the helm of the Viking’s basketball program beginning with the 2011-12 season. Balza brings considerable basketball coaching experience with him. He has spent over 20 years coaching at both the NCAA Division I and II levels, the last 13 seasons
Athletics continued from page 8
Men’s and Women’s Tennis
UMAC record, but LaFave is already gearing up for next year. “This season we saw what we could do when everyone played up to their potential,” LaFave said. “Fortunately, we will return everyone next year and add a few more recruits to key positions. I think having experienced the conference tournament this year, I want to say that these players will work hard and want to get back and do even better next year.”
Coach Adie Harstad completed his twentieth season as head tennis coach with a group of young players full of potential. On the men’s side, the team was made up of underclassmen and two seniors. BLC fought hard against a number of experienced teams with many sets coming to tie breaking decisions. The Viking men finished 2-8 in the conference, defeating Minnesota-Morris who was slated to finish above them in the UMAC Preseason Poll. The women’s tennis squad finished
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
he has been a head coach. During that time his teams have won eight conference championships. The last nine seasons he was the head coach at Florida Gulf Coast University. There he built the NCAA Division II program from scratch accumulating a 114-39 record, and then oversaw the transition from NCAA Division II to Division I. Prior to his experience at Florida Gulf Coast, Balza was the head coach at Saint Joseph’s College (Indiana) where he won both conference and region coach of the year awards. “I feel very blessed and excited to have been selected as the head men’s basketball coach at Bethany Lutheran College,” Balza said. “It is my goal to build the basketball program into an exciting rallying point for the campus and community as a whole. We will do so by playing an up-tempo, defensive-minded, blue-collar brand of basketball in a way that gives glory to God for the gifts and opportunities that He alone gives to our players and coaches. With that in mind, I look forward to building on the tremendous values, history, and tradition of Bethany Lutheran College.”
3-7 in the conference this season after graduating a number of top competitors in 2010. This year’s only senior, Madara Matveja (Riga, Lativia/Riga Secondary), was named UMAC All-Conference going 6-4 in conference play with three losses coming down to close tie breakers. The players showed great improvement throughout the year, including freshman Sarah Wagner (Elbow Lake, Minn./West Central Area Secondary) who showed great poise making it to the championship match in the UMAC Tournament.
alumni news
Anthony receives alumnus award By Lance Schwartz Director of Marketing and Public Relations
illis E. Anthony is the recipient of the 2011 Bethany Lutheran College Distinguished Alumni Award. He was presented with the award during the 2011 commencement ceremony. Anthony grew up on the family farm near Norseland, Minnesota. He attended Bethany Lutheran High School and a year of junior college at Bethany before attending Iowa State University and the University of Minnesota where he received his bachelor of arts degree in 1960. He continued his education at the University of Minnesota earning a master’s in agricultural economics and a Ph.D. in agricultural and applied economics. He also studied law at the University of Minnesota. The agricultural industry is Anthony’s passion. After earning his degrees, he worked two years as an agricultural economist for the United States Department of Agriculture and taught agricultural and applied economics at the University of Minnesota between the years 1967 and 1981. He returned to Norseland in 1981 to run the family farm—Anthony Farms, Inc. is a 2600-acre grain farm and Josie’s Pork Farm that finishes approximately 24,500 pigs per year. Anthony has provided consulting expertise in a variety of agricultural venues including the Board of Directors of the U.S. Grains Council; and Executive Board of the Council on Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching. He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta Society—The national honor society for agriculture. Anthony is a recipient of the University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics Outstanding Alumni Award and he received the University of Minnesota’s Siehl Prize for Excellence in Agriculture in 1999. Anthony’s Christian faith is of utmost 10
Photo by David Norris
The 2011 Bethany Lutheran College Distinguished Alumni Award was presented to Willis Anthony at the spring commencement ceremony.
importance and leads him to volunteer for many religious causes including the Board for Education and Youth and the Doctrine Committee for the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. He is a past member of the Board of Directors for Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School and
past president of the Bethany Lutheran College Alumni Association. He currently serves as a member of the Bethany Lutheran College Board of Regents. Willis Anthony and his wife, Rachel, are the parents of a son, Peter, who is also a Bethany Lutheran College alumnus. report | july 2011
campus news
Join us for the annual Fall Festival A
mong the most enjoyable and memorable times of the year on the Bethany Lutheran College campus is the special weekend when family, friends, and alumni gather atop the hill in Mankato to enjoy Fall Festival. Fall Festival weekend is a great time to visit the Bethany campus as the leaves are turning, the weather is beautiful, and activities abound. Make plans to join us September 16-18, 2011, for the Bethany Fall Festival. A.A. and B.A. classes with graduation years ending in a 1 or 6 will celebrate their reunions. The Bethany Alumni Office is organizing the reunions and class gatherings. Add your name to the list of attendees and see who’s coming to the reunion by visiting: www.blc.edu/ alumni/reunions. If you have questions about your particular class reunion, you can reach Bethany’s alumni director, Jake Krier, at 507-344-7519.
Photo by David Norris
One of the activities offered during Fall Festival is the annual Arts on the Green sidewalk chalk drawing contest. Fall Festival is held September 16-18, 2011.
National Bethany Auxiliary Day now set B ethany Lutheran College is blessed to have a wonderful group of friends and alumni who regularly support the institution. From the graduating classes raising funds for campus projects to individuals supporting scholarship programs or the annual fund with their gifts, Bethany has benefitted tremendously from the generous support from dedicated constituents. A group that has been at the forefront raising funds for the College for decades is the National Bethany Auxiliary. The Auxiliary group meets every fall (the fourth Monday in September) on the Bethany campus. This group consists
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
primarily of women from Evangelical Lutheran Synod congregations. The Auxiliary regularly supports the college with yearly gifts of nearly $15,000. These funds are used for a variety of campus projects ranging from cafeteria improvements, fine arts items, furniture for student lounge areas, and scholarships for students. What sets the group apart from others that support the College is the longevity of the organization. Since their founding as a group in the 1920s, the Bethany Auxiliary has supported hundreds of thousands of dollars in projects and improvements on the Bethany campus.
We at Bethany are very thankful for the wonderful things that the members of the National Bethany Auxiliary do for students at the College. Auxiliary Day 2011 takes place on Monday, September 26. All are welcome to attend Auxiliary Day. There will be presentations by faculty members and President Dan Bruss. A special luncheon will be served and a performance by Bethany students will cap off the day. If you are interested in learning more about the Bethany Auxiliary, please call Lance Schwartz, Bethany’s Director of Public Relations, at 507-344-7427.
campus news
Alfred Schwan
1925-2011 Lifelong friend of Bethany Lutheran College
dear friend of Bethany Lutheran College was called home in March 2011. Alfred Schwan passed away at the age of 85 in Salina, Kansas. Schwan grew up in Marshall, Minnesota, and was both a vocal and monetary supporter of Bethany Lutheran College. He represented the Schwan family when his late brother Marvin Schwan received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the College in 2008. Marvin Schwan, who died in 1993, founded Schwan Food Corporation. You see their ubiquitous yellow trucks throughout the United States. Alfred Schwan, was the oldest of three brothers, including Marvin and Robert. Alfred and Robert Schwan both worked for the Schwan companies. Robert, who died in 2007, was its longestserving employee. President Dan Bruss and Art Westphal, Chief Development Officer at Bethany, both attended Alfred Schwan’s funeral service held on March 25 in Salina. “Alfred Schwan was a true friend to Bethany Lutheran College as well as so many other Lutheran organizations,” said President Bruss. “We will certainly miss his friendship and concern for Bethany Lutheran College.” After graduating from Marshall High School, Alfred Schwan enlisted in the Navy. He became a naval aviator flying both land and aircraft carrier based planes. He joined the Schwan Company in 1964 helping with the establishment of large-scale manufacturing. He was able to continue his love of flying when he became the Schwan Corporation’s first corporate pilot. Alfred Schwan’s primary role as an employee of the Schwan Corporation
Photo by David Norris
Alfred Schwan, pictured here at the Bethany commencement ceremony in 2008, passed away in March at the age of 85.
was to establish frozen pizza plants throughout the country. The largest of the company’s pizza plants is in Salina, where the company produces more than three million pizzas a day. After Marvin Schwan’s death, Alfred Schwan took on
the role of president, CEO, and chairman of the board of Schwan Food Corporation. Even after his retirement, he continued to serve on the board until 2009. Alfred Schwan is survived by his wife, Doris, and their five sons and families.
report | july 2011
alumni news
alumni news 1949 Eileen Anderson and her husband, Thor, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on September 30, 2010. They are blessed with eight children, thirteen grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
1951 Joan Closs is happy to announce that her granddaughter, together with her husband, will be expecting a child in October 2011. She is also very thankful for her great-grandson, Grady Jackson Murray (1).
1976 Audrey (Kletscher) Helbling is working as a freelance writer in Faribault, Minnesota. She has recently had a fourline poem selected as the winning entry in the spring Roadside Poetry competition. Her poem was posted on four billboards along North Tower Road in Fergus Falls, Minnesota.
1978 Some relics from the class of 1978 got
Snyder and his wife, Colleen. Former basketball teammates and a cheerleader are shown l-r: Greg, John (Nook), and Sara and Scott (Scabber).
1979 Ann (Hougan) Swain and her husband recently celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary. Their daughters, Amber and Alyssa, have both graduated from the University of Kentucky. Amber graduated with a law degree and Alyssa graduated with a master’s in social work.
1988 Dale Kelm recently moved to Ashland, Wisconsin, with his wife, Jesi, and two children: Claire (5) and Gabe (4). Dale currently works as care management supervisor for Northern Bridges and is finishing up his grad studies in training and development at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Jennifer Lea Novosad and Brandon Meyer (’07) were joined in marriage on September 25, 2010, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Arlington, Minnesota. Brandon is a branch manager for Enterprise-Rent-A-Car and Jennifer is a counter manager for Lancôme Cosmetics. They are enjoying setting up their new home in Lakeville, Minnesota. Josh Ringen and his wife, Kristi, are pleased to announce the birth of their
1990 Rhonda Steffel-Heling and her husband, Kurt, are happy to announce the birth of their baby girl, Carlissa Lorraine Heling. She was born on February 15, 2011.
1996 Rev. Paul Meitner and his wife, Michelle, are pleased to announce the birth of their third daughter, Abigail Rae, on April 11, 2011. Pastor Meitner recently accepted a new call to serve St. Paul’s First Lutheran Church in North Hollywood, California.
2004 together in May 2011. They all reside in the Hudson, Wisconsin / St. Croix Valley area. Present for dinner were: Greg Mattson and his wife, Cory; John Nickleby and his wife, Kathy; Sara (Bloedel) Kessler and her husband, Bill; and Scott
Laura (Ribbe) Golding has recently moved to Des Moines, Iowa. She graduated with a certificate in medical transcription From Rasmussen College in Mankato, Minnesota. Her husband, Craig, is starting medical school at Des Moines University in the fall.
son, Samuel James, on April 8, 2011. He was welcomed home by his older sister, Tori (21 months).
2007 April Stelter and Jeff Zimmerman (’10) were married on July 10, 2010, at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Mankato, Minnesota. The couple is living in Lake Crystal, Minnesota. Scott and Kayla (Zahn) Ottmar announce the birth of their first child, Katurah Leone Ottmar, who was born on November 20, 2010.
alumni news In Memoriam 1938 Helga Marie (Tjernagel) Schey passed into eternal life on April 9, 2011, at her residence in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, at the age of ninety. As her husband Rolf, six children, several children-inlaw, and grandchildren gathered around her moments after her death, her oldest son Gregg led them all in the singing of “On My Heart Imprint Thine Image.” She was given Christian burial on April 12 at Saude Lutheran Church near New Hampton, Iowa, next to her parents. Nineteen days after Helga’s death, her husband Rolf died at North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, and the family again sang “On My Heart” when gathered around him shortly after his passing. He was also given Christian burial at Saude, this time on May 1. Rolf and Helga always loved music of all sorts, and taught their children to do the same. They met in the 1940s when she was organist and he the choir director at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Chicago, Illinois. Three of their six children are Bethany alumni: Aline M. Tyler (’72), Inez C. Bergquist (’72), and Bernard J. Schey ( ’77).
We want to hear from you We need your personal and professional updates to include in our alumni news. You may also submit alumni news and photos by emailing them to alumni@blc.edu, or through our Web site at www.blc.edu/submitnews.
alumni news
Name___________________________________________________________________________ Class year__________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________ State___________________________ Zip ________________________ Phone ( _________ ) ____________________________ Email______________________________________________________ Spouse’s name __________________________________________________________________ Class year _________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name)
news (attach additional information and photos as necessary) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
birth/adoption announcement Parents’ names_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name___________________________________________________________________________ Class year__________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name) Spouse’s name __________________________________________________________________ Class year _________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name) [ ] Daughter’s name [ ] Son’s name____________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Date of Birth/Adoption___________________________ Place of Birth_______________________________________________
marriage announcement
Name___________________________________________________________________________ Class year__________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name) Spouse’s name __________________________________________________________________ Class year _________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name) Date of Marriage ________________________________ Current Residence __________________________________________
Cut out (or photocopy) and send to: Alumni News, Bethany Lutheran College, 700 Luther Drive, Mankato, MN 56001
report | july 2011
Alumni Gifts By Graduation Year The faculty, staff, and students of Bethany Lutheran College appreciate the support and prayers for the institution given by many alumni. The monetary gifts given to Bethany during the 2010-11 fiscal year are vitally important to the College. Please accept our sincere “thanks� to the individuals listed in this annual report of alumni donors.
Wunderlich, Esther (Thoen)
Becker, Helen (Bertram) Dashcund, Vivian (Madson) Tjernagel, Bertha
Berg, Ruth (Zitzmann) Daniels, Allen Gibeson, Myra (Peterson) Huffman, Eva (Schweim) Kasten, Shirley (Larsen) Moldstad, John Mueller, Viola (Milbrath) Schrader, Frederic Swanson, Betty (Kienitz) Wrucke, Mildred (Ulbricht)
Tweit, Arvid
Behrens, Lola (Manthe) Burgdorf, Theodore Devitt, Edith (Diesing) Faye, Christopher Grimsbo, Lorraine (Stalheim) Hjelle, Roger Madson, Clarice (Huso) Paris, Elaine (Andrus) Rhode, Isabelle (Rentschler) Wold, James
Anderson, Eileen (Trygstad) Asmus, Esther (Overn) Blair, Lois (Fritz) Gehm, Evelyn (Kressman) Hauser, Betty (Stoll) Kendall, June (Whitham) Kietzer, Betty (Mau) Krueger, Ruth (Harms) Larson, Marilyn (Lee) Lee, Sigurd Maass, Dorothy (Nissen) Pieper, Lois (Iverson) Tagatz, W. Vierck, Carl
Class Participation=50%
Class Participation=33%
Nuss, Ruth (Brauer)
Class Participation=60%
Class Participation=20%
Class Participation=45%
Ask, Ellinore (Busness) Fischer, Jane (Schalk) Jeppesen, Ada (Stokes) Runquist, Marjorie (Busness) Winsor, Renata (Rolf)
Class Participation=30%
Annexstad, Margaret (Tjernagel) Burce, Elinor (Dicke) Gullixson, Roger Haake, Anna (Eggebraaten)
Class Participation=40%
Hecht, Virginia (Aamodt) Holte, Violet (Fevig) Holte, Norman
Class Participation=30%
Beckman, Lois (Schwarz) Foelber, Robert Gulbrandson, Jeanette (Hovland) Guldberg, Magdalyn (Kaepernick) Hagen, Levine Hassold, Sarah (Tjernagel) Rickels, Robert
Class Participation=-30%
Boettcher, Elaine (Seltz) Crane, Hildegarde (Streufert) Faugstad, Conrad Lemke, Ruth (Mueller) Merseth, Leona (Hultberg) Robbins, Myrtle (Lomen)
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Class Participation=50%
Class Participation=40%
Class Participation=36%
Class Participation=39%
Aaberg, Melvina (Olson) Annexstad, Lois (Anthony) Burgdorf, Howard Burgdorf, Lois (Gosewisch) Dicke, Ellen (Visser) Hagen, Grace (Natzke) Hayakawa, Florence (Schedler) Johnson, K. Madson, Paul Petersen, Orla (Anderson) Tschirhart, Arlene (Ewert) Ulbricht, Victoria (Wohlfeil)
Annexstad, Glenn Arkebauer, Renelda (Burgdorf) Bauer, Donald Burgdorf, Lawrence Christensen, Lois (Hagen) Cyriacks, Stella (Kothe) Hanson, Howard Hanson, T. (Solberg) Holm, June (Weise) Jordahl, Donald Kenyon, David Kenyon, Gudrun (Annexstad) Loeschen, Moselle (Brewer) Maxfield, Alice (Lillegard) Meyer-Elshere, Ruth (Eggebraaten) Overn, Lois (Gallman) Panning, Dorothy (Wohlrabe) Post, Arlene (Wolfe) Scheffel, Dawn (Flitter) Werner, Paul
Class Participation=45%
Class Participation=34%
Bramer, John Butler, Victoria (Fiess) Eggebraaten, Harold Faye, Ruth (Molnau) Gartland, Esther (Busch) Goetzke, Virginia (Loberg) Gruenewald, Elsie (Busch) Lillegard, Laura Meier, Patricia (Thalacker) Odean, Walter Orvick, George Orvick, Ruth (Hoel) Overn, Robert () Swenson, M. Werner, Norman
Class Participation=54%
Anderson, Eunice (Johnson) Baarts, Dolores (Bremer) Behne, Charlene Bode, Richard Breck, Ila (Priem) Burmeister, Mildred (Burgdorf) Carlson, Signe (Larsen) Closs, Joan (Teuchert) Covell, Adis (Johnson) Dubberke, Edwin Faugstad, Esther (Petersen) Grummer, Harold Gutknecht, Mary (Finegan) Holstad, Lois (Sveen) Homan, Ruth (Langenhahn) Larson, Herbert
Lemke, Ruth (Brammier) Mahnke, Donald McLean, Irma (Paap) Perlwitz, Anita (Weissgerber) Remme, La Vonne (Leiding) Rettmer, Georgia (Stoll) Rients, June (Anderson) Rients, Merle Schmitt, Valeria (Buehner) Schoer, Lowell Schol, Herbert Schweiger, Hazel (Knutson) Seibel, Raymond Tjernagel, Eloise (Redmann Peterson) Tulee, Ellen (Ross) Wermedahl, Boyd
Class Participation=59%
Baumann, Martin Berg, Hope (Williams) Brillinger, Mildred (Evenson) Burfeind, Murray Burgdorf, Harold Dubberke, Joan (Zimmerlee) Dullum, Joyce (Winans) Geistfeld, Ronald Grelling, Audrey (Gahl) Hoelter, Martha (Knutson) Kingsbury, Jerome Koschmann, Dorothy (Heintz) Koschmann, Mark Krenzke, Martin Kuske, Barbara (Wickus) Lindquist, Rosette (Krieg) Madson, Norman Mahnke, Jean (Kangas) Martin, Loretta (Zahorka) Meyer, Eunice (Huseby) Miller, Patricia (Nolte) Mumme, Myrna (Beer) Newgard, Hazel (Johnson) Radke, Kenneth Rasch, Lyle Schoer, Corinne (Hoefker) Tjernagel, Sven Urban, Quintin Wilkens, Lois (Tolzmann)
Class Participation=51%
Blackwood, Marilyn (Redeker) Bremer, Paul Demsien, Helen (Zimmermann) Haugen, Aletha (Kratzke) Keating, Shirley (Ziemann) Koenen, Marjory (Pralle) Kuske, Robert 15
Macdonald, Karen (Wolff) MacLeod, Ruth (Solli) Meyer, Lon Nordlie, Lila Mae (Mickelson) Roemhildt, Bonnie (Bartelt) Schol, Jeannine (Mattison) Schroeder, Elaine (Krukenberg) Theiste, Norman Treffert, Darold Urban, Audrey (Weismantel) Volkmann, Curtis Vosbeck, Claudia White, Alice (Burzlaff) Williams, Judith Wold, Donna (Johnson)
Class Participation=39%
Arndt, Ruby (Herbst) Ebert, Dorothy (Dorr) Fickel, Elvyna (Herbst) Jordahl, Arthur Kain, Dale Krieg, Oscar Leckband, Dolores (Milbrath) Leiding, Geneva (Houg) Matzke, Margaret (Harstad) Meyer, Leroy Meyer, Miriam (Jungemann) Milbrath, Gerald Nibbe, Janice (Roschen) Ring, Maren (Preus) Sorenson, S. Taber, Goldie (Erickson) Theiste, Arlene (Eichhorst) Treffert, Dorothy (Sorgatz) Veer, Doris (Johnson) Werner, Elizabeth (Preus)
Class Participation=43%
Bostelmann, Sarah Fuhrmann, Verlyn Geisler, David Gogolin, LaVerne Gogolin, Shirley (Davis) Harstad, Peter Higgs, Barbara (Fischer) Holt, Lorraine (Johnson) Lillegard, David Madson, Andrew Matthews, Miriam (Gutekunst) Milbrath, Gloria (Hoffmann) Nelson, Charlotte (Loberg) Pogatchnik, Carol (Lieske) Theiste, Harold Tiegs, Lloyd
Class Participation=30%
Abel, Kaylan Anderson, Duane Brassow, Earl Cassadore, Delores (Rambler) Geistfeld, Ernest Harstad, Carolyn (Schneider) Johnson, Calvin 16
Letts, Marlys (Albus) Lightfuss, Fay (Buss) Madson, Amanda (Tjernagel) Myers, Janelle (Jungemann) Nelson, Inez (Schmidt) Otten, Grace (Anderson) Schroeder, Howard Taylor, Sally (Anthony)
Class Participation=32%
Burley, Louise (Halverson) Edeker, LaVonne (Johnson) Faugstad, A. Koester, A. Levorson, Irwin Lillegard, Ione (Sundbom) Modene, David Odegaard, Karen (Johnson) Radway, John Steinke, Gloria (Meyer) Stocker, Gwendolyn (Beisel) Thomforde, Phyllis (Buchholtz) Wohlers, William Wolfrath, Dalton
Class Participation=24%
Anthony, Willis Helland, Paul Hoepner, Darrell Hughes, Sally (Annen) Jungemann, Neil Natvig, Dennis Natvig, Naomi (Tweit) Peterson, Norma (Levorson) Radway, Karen (Swenson) Swenumson, Paul Unseth, Allan Wolfrath, Ellen (Bobholz)
Class Participation=42%
Balcer, Dorcas (Pederson) Bentz, Ronald Bryan, Sharon (Fredine) Faugstad, Adela (Halverson) Fittshur, Marlene (Corbisier) Furholmen, David Geistfeld, Ione (Sorenson) Hanna, Karolyn (Klammer) Horn, Norma (Dodge) Krause, Carol (Smith) Levorson, Helen (Kuehl) Meyer, Marvin Meyer, Patricia (Salomon) Modene, Judith (Wold) Natvig, Harold Roberson, Dale Smith, Robert Teigen, David Tweit, David Waters, Jerry Webb, Barbara (Beer - Monson) Younge, Gary
Bartling, Mark Beck, Darwin Busse, Frank Fauk, Ruth (Hamann) Fowler, Donna (Fredrickson) Hall, John Helland, Judy (Anderson) Hoepner, Karen (Iverson) Jungemann, Roger Kain, Elaine (Dunteman) Kison, Alan Kruger, Phyllis (Halverson) Kruger, Robert Levorson, Paul Maxfeldt, Eunice (Peterson) Nelson, Leslie (Anderson) Okland, Ronald Quist, Steven Teigen, Erling Tjernagel, Allan Urban, Richard Weseloh, Vivian (Unseth)
Ahrendt, Tara (Brynman) Avenson, Karen (Rucktaeschel) Edwards, James Gartner, Daniel Green, Allen Green, Vivian (Helland) Harmann, Beverly (Krueger) Heidemann, William Lillo, Margaret (Otto) Luecke, Karen (Unseth) Magnuson, Joel Natvig, G. Nelson, Larry Pelzl, Janet (Ingebretson) Quist, Ruth (Jordahl) Schmidt, Alice Skaaland, Diane (Natvig) Smith, Ruth (Tweit) Smith, Sandra (Erickson) Spaude, Nancy (Bunting) Tweit, Paul Younge, Ronald
Cutsforth, Jean (Roberson) Dale, Rodger Diersen, Mary (Ingebretson) Halvorson, Wayne Helland, Philip Hoyord, Thomas Kackmann, Marlene (Zimmerman) Kraft, Sharon (Kleimenhagen) Kuehn, Kenneth Lillo, Ernest Melin, Marjorie (Ingebritson) Meyer, James Schultz, Frances (McCarthy) Sims, Margaret (Halverson) Sponberg, Michael Storby, Gene Van Mersbergen, Lawrence
Anderson, Dale Diersen, William Hagedorn, Elizabeth (Olson) Harstad, Herman Heidenreich, Ruth (Oesleby) Hennig, Richard Hinrichs, Joyce (Rohda) Johnson, Gary Kuster, Judith (Maginnis) Mickelson, Ruthann (Kuster) Noethe, Louise (Dahle) Quist, Allen Reinholtz, Gary Solheim, Dianne (Tasa) Stoltenow, Sandra (Aronson) Strom, Joyce (Minor) Strom, Leland Strusz, Marie (Matthees) Theiste, Frederick Winklemann, Marvis (Beilke) Younge, Mary (Smith)
Class Participation=35%
Class Participation=32%
Class Participation=40%
Benz, Larry Berke, Larry Bly, Frankie Burns, Naomi (Geistfeld) Daley, Evelyn Dobbins, Jan Heidenreich, Robert Hoyord, Ann (Sorenson) Maske, JoAnn (Malenke) Mathison, Ronald Menke, James Schwertfeger, John Smith, John Teigen, Norman Tennison, Jolene (Cuklanz) Tweit, Mary Jane (Anderson) Widvey, John Younge, Robert
Class Participation=35%
Class Participation=43%
Class Participation=33%
Ball, Joan (Harstad) Chamberlain, Myrna (Dodge) Davis, Pamela (Scheitel) Goff, Charles Hackbarth, Richard Klein, Carl Kroon, Michael Meyer, Gayle (Anderson) Neyhart, Dale Paus, Carol (Feil) Selvey, Genevieve (Iverson) Steffen, Elaine (Voth) Unseth, Linda (Maxwell) Wendland, Luther Wenger, Kathleen (Hagen)
report | july 2011
Younge, Barbara Ziegler, Merlin
Class Participation=24%
Anderson, Carol (Solli) Anderson, David Blacik, Sharon (Von Haden) Butterfield, Michael Hackbarth, Joanne (Ausen) Knickelbein, Timothy Kuster, Thomas Peterson, Bruce Reul, Thomas Shep, John Silverstein, Elizabeth (Tweit) Strand, Ronald Teigen, Judy (Tostenson) Teigen, Martin Turpen, Daniel Turvold, Marcia (Levorson) Tweit, Dawn (Tonak) Tweit, Jonathan
Class Participation=24%
Anderson, John Becker, Linda (Reiter) Bleick, Allen Butterfield, Victoria (Hougan) Ebert, Kenneth Fenger, Michael Finseth, Mavis (Myhre) Finster, James Gullixson, Theodore Hansen, Jon Harstad, Craig Johnson, Wayne Keat, Kenneth Kudirka, Barbara (Teigen) Lemke, Lorna (Schlomer) Lillo, Gary Luckstein, Donald Malenke, Sandra (Narges) Marozick, Mark Marozick, Linda (Thesenvitz) Miller, Mary (Riebe) Oberbeck, Robert Olm, James Peterson, Warren Powell, Daniel Shep, Naomi (Vangen)
Class Participation=26%
Anderson, Donald Browning, Daniel Browning, Linda (Madson) Dashcund, Camilla Fredrickson, Susan Frost, JoAnn (Schulze) Grosnick, Roger Hammer, Suzanne (Smith) Harstad, Cheryl (Paakkonen) Hartigan, Cheryl (McCafferty) Hartigan, Norman Hlavacek, Dona (Stenning) education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Johnson, Ruth (Brinkman) Keat, Kathleen (Skaaland) Klockziem, Gloria (Rupprecht) Luedeke, Arthur Malenke, Dennis Pemble, John Petersen, Kathleen (Solli) Schumacher, Linda (Remmele) Stadler, Janice (Ausen) Stueck, Thomas Swenson, Anne (Kroll) Tyler, Lawrence Voss, Kathryn (Lee) Wezler, Dorothy
Class Participation=32%
Abel, Mary Bahn, Lael Bartsch, Thomas Birkholz, Daniel Boche, Ruth (Guldberg) Brekken, Marcia (Schleusener) Bruss, Paul Burmeister, Fay (Grossman) Costello, James Fenger, Robert Field, Pamela (Weberg) Glienke, Gary Gullixson, Norman Hanson, Patricia Heiliger, Cheryl (Edwards) Hildebrandt, Ruth (Otto) Hilgert, David Jaeger, Mark Janke, Sherron (Schroeder) Kimble, David Kimble, Linda (Paakkonen) Klinkel, Marlene (Hass) Kunkel, Dennis Levorson, Gail (O’Brien) Luckstein, Rebecca (Faugstad) Mack, David Merseth, Juel Muehring, Gerald Muehring, Pamela (Anderson) Neipert, Kenneth Nelson, Harland Raleigh, Karen (Horrisberger) Remmele, Paul Runeberg, Lloyd Schmidt, Dennis Schultz, Duane Walker, Sharon (Dendtler)
Class Participation=18%
Birkholz, M. (Baumann) Dumke, Pamela Johnson, Allan Kannenberg, Delmer Levorson, Ronald Maas, Daniel Merseth, Lynn (Schurke) Merseth, Nile Natvig, Roland
Ordal, Douglas Otto, Carolyn (Anderson) Otto, Paul Petersen, Steven Remmele, Gary Reul, Timothy Runeberg, Jeanne (Bakken) Schulz, Dale Schulz, Kirsten (Johnson) Westphal, Arthur
Class Participation=23%
Cherry, Mary (Lloyd) Crawford, Mark Flantz, Kathryn (Holte) Henderson, Mary (Hovel) Hopp, Lynette (Farnum) Jaeger, Lois (Olson) Johnson, Gayl (Edwards) Johnson, Joy (Chervestad) Keske, Steven Krebsbach, Linda (Narges) Lehtola, Carol (Gilbertson) Lindwurm, Susan (Bly) Loge, Linda (Zawacki) Reitan, Cheryl (Hempel) Schaefer, Daniel Severson, Thomas Sohre, Arthur Westphal, Terri (Severson) Williams, Richard
Class Participation=17%
Bartsh, Richard Burden, Verjean Fouts, Jenise (Templin) Gullixson, Margaret Harstad, Peggy (Sorenson) Iverson, Ramond Jaeger, Steven Klute, Susan Miller, Dallas Morales, Elizabeth (Petersen) Nickerson, Arlene Proctor, Duane Tyler, Aline (Schey) Van Norstrand, Michael
Class Participation=18%
Anderson, Karen (Ellingson) Anderson, Michael Bruss, Dan Crabb, Allen Faugstad, Daniel Krause, Judith (Guldberg) Laulainen, John Lovejoy, Kurt Mickelson, Thomas Morales, Christian Peterson, Lois (Narges) Reynolds, Beth (Reynolds Robinson) Skime, Laurel (De Vriend) Swanson, Lance
Trammell, Julie (Woehle) Wiederhoeft, Keith
Class Participation=15%
Bachman, Julie (Feil) Bartel, Barbara (Stuebs) Becker, Barbara (Bloedel) Chervestad, Kim Ertl, Sheryl (Kauffeld) Ferkenstad, Craig Harstad, Mark Jordahl, David Landon, Valerie (Enter) Laulainen, Marilyn (Ausen) Moldstad, John Ruzek, Teresa (Soule) Stresman, Kathy (Baerman) Valen, Mark Walker, Mark
Class Participation=21%
Abrahamson, Larry Bakalar, Janet Bloedel, Karl Borslien, Paul Goetzke, Emily (Orvick) Gunn, Dean Hagen, Carol (Kjenslee Metcalfe) Hansen, Glen Hanson, Paul Haugen, Elyse (Olson) Haugen, Jeffrey Howard, Carole (Schiller) Johnson, Joyce (Lillegard, Rude) Keraus, Gail (Franck) Kracht, James Krentz, Wallace Kruse, Ronald Lecy, Rebecca (Browning) Nass, Thomas Schularick, Rhoda (Bohnsack) Shoop, Dean Shoop, LuAnn (Larson) Thompson, David Wiggins, Susan (Gouley)
Class Participation=20%
Alberts, Terry (Giese) Casai, Stephen Costello, Gregory Ekhoff, Erwin Faugstad, Emily (Trier) Faugstad, James Gullixson, Connie (Warrant) Landon, Tychicus Madson, Jonathan Meyer, Joe Nass, Janice (Dale) Olson, Thomas Overn Taylor, Kathleen (Overn) Paggi, Mary (Stuebs) Pipal, Lori (Degner) Pipal, Robert Ryan, Dorothy (Von Haden) 17
Ryan, Robert Stresman, Gary Van Norstrand, Jane (Overn) Wiechmann, Mark Wiechmann, Nancy (Dickert)
Class Participation=19%
Anderson, Stuart Bartsch, Mark Cooke, Karen (Nelson) Faugstad, Julie (Sorenson) Gullixson, James Holte, John Jahn, Curtis Lecy, Gregory Lee, Carin Lussky, Steven Marozick, Mary McManus, Mary (Laue Mielke) Merriman, Warren Meyer, Connie (Kjenslee) Morrison, Donna (Rixe) Petersen, John Reagles, Steven Schey, Bernard Schmidt, Kenneth Schneider, Julie (Wangsness) Sorensen, Eric Thompson, Alice (Lam) Woidke, Elaine Zastrow, Michelle (Moeller)
Class Participation=19%
Anderson, Keith Anderson, Marla (Brock) Belding, Elizabeth (Hollander) Carruthers, Cheryl (Roberson) Davis, Elizabeth (Theiste) Ferkenstad, Teresa (Kletscher) Groth, Shane Hansen, Anita (Hill) Jaeger, Michael Kelton, Susan (Mauland) Kessler, Sara (Bloedel) Lussky, Glenn Melcher, Christine Mellon, Kenneth Meythaler, DeAnn (Gannon) Moldstad, Donald Nickleby, John Schultz, Nathan Schultz, Shelly (Hein) Snyder, Scott Sorenson, Paul Van Dyke, Elaine (Buhr) Wiederhoeft, Joni (Baarts)
Class Participation=14%
Aastrup, Jay Bruss, Kathryn (Moldstad) Darge, Joel Duncan, Michael Dvorak, Amy (Kopacek)
Frimanslund, Sondra (Schmidt) Jaeger, Kristine (Baerman) Kent, Christine (Eggert) Kopacek, Carolyn (Tonn) Lee, Tammy (Warrant) Olsen, Lylis Petermann, Steven Rabe, Kathryn (Buer) Swain, Ann (Hougan) Theiste, Beth (Jokela) Theiste, David
Class Participation=13%
Adams, Carmen (Olsen) Behringer, Milton Deckard, Ronnie Fernholz, Lynda (Hill) Freel, Kimberly (Anderson) Hartmann, Dari Hill, Carmen (Handel) Holm, Patrice (Theiste) Ihns, Delbert Jones, Lyle Lussky, Rebecca (Madson) Meyer, Steven Moldstad, Virginia (Hassler) Ulwelling, Lori (Burrack)
Class Participation=14%
Andersland, Debra (Klessig) Costello, Janet (Nelson) Gehl, Robin Hansen Rickertsen, Christine Haram, Glenn Heine, Eileen (Prieve) Johnson, Joyce (Morschen) Johnson, Lois (Gullixson) Miller, Kent Nash, Lois (Jacobson) Noben-Trauth, Nancy (Noben) Patterson, Timothy Schoeneck, Mark Scislow, James Scislow, Karen (Harstad) Sprengeler, Karen (Ude) Theiste, Steven Vinz, James Wiltzius, Christine (Leverenz)
Class Participation=13%
Bartlett, Rebecca (Radway) Block, Michael Browne, Polly Cooper, Karin (Theiste) Dietsche, Jeffrey Haugly, Sheri (Hewitt) Helgemoe, Jeffrey Helgemoe, Lori (Lillo) Helland, Thomas Langr, Andrew Meyer, Joel Palmer, Deanna (Lillegard) Patterson, Nancy (Wagner)
Sampson, Peter Schilling, Craig Schilling, Sarah (Newgard)
Class Participation=10%
Cepek, Gary Doepel, Martin Fick, Lois (Moldstad) Gullixson, Esther Madson, Douglas Maxfield, John Petermann, Ruth (Chang) Renne, Janet (Otto) Ring, Mary (Schultz McBryde) Sluke, Christine (Schroeder) Trueblood, Lisa (Golisch) Wold, John
Class Participation=9%
Aparicio, Doreen (Honsey) Browne-Krosch, Crista (Meyer-Browne) Christiansen, Craig Farley, Marie (Eppeland Farley D’Alessio) Gratz, Bruce Handberg, Channing Johnson, Peter Krszjzaniek, Diane (Meder) Krumsieg, Cynthia (Lieder) LaRoque, Wendy Natvig, Jon Schmidt, Jodi (Sorenson) Widmer, Rachel (Doepel)
Class Participation=9%
Dallenbach, William Helland, JoAnn (Goetzke) Jevens, Curtis Laue, Brenda Montreal, Peggy (Schultz) Natvig, Cynthia (Griffin) Radatz, Andrew Soule, Erik Spraungel, Anna Weseloh, Matthew
Class Participation=13%
Barrott, Naomi (Faugstad) Cashin, Amy (Reinholtz) Fearing, Renee (Fast) Halvorson, Loren Hanssen, Johanna (Howe) Heintz, Sara (Golisch) Krause, Elizabeth Lingbeck, Troy Marzinske, Michael Marzolf, Deirdre (Lien) Meunier, Myrna (Reed) Meyer, Thomas Ostermann, Brian Schwartz, Lance
Sjoberg, John Smith, Channing Tangen, ReNae (Kaelberer) Weseloh, Amy (Bergemann)
Class Participation=15%
Alfred, Carolee (Schwartz) Barrott, Brad Bauer, Kurt Boecker, Mark Brandt, Donald Bruss, Kristine (Schweim) Decker, Robert Dorn, Alayne (Angstman) Eckers, Steven Hawes, Debra (Cronin) Lehne, Donald Marzinske, Naomi (Lillegard) Marzolf, Corwin Neath, Robert Oelhafen, Christine (Heidenreich) Olsen, Todd Reedstrom, Maria (Steinbach) Sluke, Gregory Westphal, Donald Woller, Lynn (Ranta)
Class Participation=11%
Bentz, Amy Bloedel, Peter Decker, Melissa (Statlander) Duesterhoeft, Jane (Zimmerman) Halvorson, Susan (Heidenreich) Kelm, Dale Kuball, Jodi (Johnson) Lyman, Heidi (Sip) Mathis-Gleason, Lois (Weigand) Olsen, Ruth (Moldstad) Pollert, Anna (Schumpe) Studanski, Kimberly (Patterson) Suhr, Kristin
Class Participation=7%
Bollinger, Paul Evans, Julie (Eichhorst) Johnson, Tyler Klaeui, Rebecca (Langr) Merchlewitz, Shelly (Sornberger) Richert, Timothy Scamehorn, Lisa (Willems) Sonnenburg, Cami (Smith) Theiste, Christopher
Class Participation=10%
Augustine, John Bartsch, Dianne Berg, Brenda (Berg - Hennen) Beyer, Michael Gilbertson, Jon Griffin, David Hadler, Todd
report | july 2011
Heling, Rhonda (Steffel) Krengel, Paul Kuckhahn, Beth (Kramer) Marzinske, Todd Mielke, Angela (Tweit) Tutty, Denise (Steinke) Woller, Kevin
Class Participation=10%
Antonio, Domineque (Prinzig) Augustine, Kimberly (Klaustermeier) Bierman, Lori (Brammeier) Elert, Colleen (Klima) Hadler, Karla (Keck) Hancock, Jennifer (Leininger) Kind, Christopher Shores, Wendy Wall, Joseph Wall, Tasha (Malenke) Younge, Angela (Paulson)
Class Participation=10%
Brase, Heidi (Richert) Drake, Laurie Helland, Erik Kleszczynski, Renee McClellan, Stephen Rawlings, Timothy Riesinger, Elizabeth (Griffin) Schwartz, Jennifer (Brassow) Smith, Glenn Tweit, Bernt Tweit, Jason Woller, Eric Younge, Jeffrey
Class Participation=7%
Birkholz, Nathaniel Boedigheimer, Jodie (Miller) Ericksen, Shawn Ketel, Brian Kreie, Kristy Post, Jason Rich, Elizabeth (Staab) Roedl, Douglas
Class Participation=8%
Birkholz, Joshua Birkholz, Sara (Goehring) Bloedel, Sarah (Raabe) Davis, Courtney (Sieber) Griffin, Nedra (Tweit) Gross, Jessica (Tweit) Lemke, Lenora Paul, Kari (Steffen) Soltau, Courtney (Lien) Soost, Michael Stafford, Shawn Tweit, Katie (Longendyke)
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Birkholz, Tracy (Gray) Graham, Katharine (Lundblad) Harstad, Eric Heiling, Melonie (Hillesheim) Hurley, Kari (Nickel) Johnson, Christopher Presti, Rebekah (Preus) Roeber, Kathryn (Browning) Stafford, Amy (Rasmussen) Thompson, Jenna (Stege) Younge, Paul
Harstad, Laura Harstad, Laura (Faugstad) Kerkow, Bradley Lukasek, Kristen (Tyrrell) Mellon, Patricia (Larabell)
Faugstad, Jacob Freyberg, Tyler Gunderson, Paul Halverson, Andrew Hartwig, Jonathan Hendricks, Regina (Langhorst) Hueckman, Seth Jaech, Dale Lang, Chelsie (Feser) Meyer, Brandon Schroeder, John Woller, Amanda
Class Participation=7%
Class Participation=6%
Anderson, Nathan Anthony, Peter Caron, Matthew Donev, Gwen (Kamrath) Gieseke, Angela (Harbarth) Gresens, Catherine (Haeuser) Hamilton, Heather (Cafourek) Kerkow, Rachel (Westphal) Schewe, Cory Valleau, Michael Van Dyken, Crystal (Anderson)
Class Participation=7%
Anderson, Jessica Dale, Christopher Ekhoff, Kari (Frederikson) Ekhoff, Paul Grossklaus, Timothy Hansen, Lori Jaspersen, Jason Lyngholm, Derick Moeller, Peter Nygaard, Sarah (Masurka) Severson, Tristan Timm, Danielle (Hawker) Woller, Denice (Fetzer)
Class Participation=4%
Bruns, Elizabeth (Reagles) Hamilton, Aaron Hartline, Corrie (Ritenour) Kakacek, Kevin Smith, Maria (Faugstad)
Class Participation=7%
Belinski, Marian (Meyer) Chhoun, Mapin Dale, Sarah (Harstad) Hagemann, Colleen (Schmidt) Lukasek, Matthew Malecek, Terri (Sohre) Marzinske, Darci (Faith) Richert, David Sandstrom, Brian Schmidt, Daniel Starnes, Autumn (Potaracke) Yerks, Sarah (Peterson)
Class Participation=5%
Class Participation=8%
Basel, Dustin Bloedel, Chad Bryant, Ethan Dittmer, Miranda (Umphrey) Harstad, Christopher Herbst, Jacob Loging, Jonathan Mellon, Paul Peters, Emily (Flantz) Tweit, Seth
Class Participation=5%
Anderson, Matthew Basel, Roberta (Schmidt) Caron, Briana (Orvick) Ferkenstad, Aaron Lundquist, Oliver Petzel, Krista (Merseth) Soule, Aaron
Class Participation=5%
Costello, Peter Krier, Gretta (Nelson) Marozick, Christine (Marozick Agenten) Mustful, Brandon Palmquist, Andrew
Class Participation=6%
Fehr, Nathan Harstad, Sarah (Madsen) Lin, Aleta (Mueller) Muehlenhardt, Michael Ringen, Rebecca Schoen, Ashley (Soule)
Class Participation=7%
Class Participation=7%
Beilke, Jacob Ernst, Sarah Fairbanks, Scott Gunderson, Meredith (Browne) Hendricks, Lucas Lange, Angela (Moldstad) Lange, Dustin Olson, Rachel Quinn, Nancy (Ward) Rogness, Rebekah (Breitbarth) Stevens, Amy Turner, Alex
Class Participation=3%
Datwyler, Thomas Deutchman, Aaron Dvorak, John Fassett, Brent Zimmerman, Jessica
Class Participation=2%
Hendley, Darin Johnson, Brandon Madson, Christina Redmann, Christa
Class Participation=5%
Harstad, Derek Pike Gilles, Ivy (Pike) Straumann, Kristine
Class Participation=7%
Anderson, Emily (Tews) Anderson, Joshua Bartelt, Brian Ekhoff, Nathan Fehr, Elisabeth (Bruss) Gullixson, Sarah Konz, Brittany (Bowman) Krier, Jacob Novosad Meyer, Jennifer (Novosad)
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700 Luther Drive Mankato, Minnesota 56001-6163 education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Visit us at the 2011 Minnesota State Fair Pronto Pups, pork chops on a stick, thrill rides, music, and colleges! The Great Minnesota Get Together is a family tradition and it also marks the symbolic end to the summer. The Minnesota State Fair takes place August 25 – Labor Day, September 5, and once again we invite you to visit with Bethany faculty and staff in the Education Building on the State Fair grounds. Whether you’re an alumnus/a, friend of the College, or a prospective student, we will enjoy visiting with you at the Bethany Booth daily at the Fair from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Tax-Free IRA Rollover Extended As part of the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010, individuals age 70.5 or older may now make tax-free transfers up to $100,000 from an IRA to Bethany Lutheran College for the 2011 tax year. Gifts for the 2011 tax year may be made until December 31, 2011. These gifts fulfill some or all of the required minimum distribution without increasing taxable income. For more information, please call the Bethany Advancement Office at 800.944.3066 or 507.344.7313.
Events Calendar of events can be found at:
Athletic events can be found at:
blcvikings.com/events Dates and times are subject to possible changes. Please call in advance to confirm dates and times of events before traveling: 800.944.3066 or 507.344.7000.
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