2013 / 2014 Qld Police Games Magazine

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2014 VOL 1


Message from the President



Message from the Games Manager......................................................................... 4/5 Games Function ......................................................................................................... .7 Climb For Cancer .......................................................................................................


ONA Mission Adventure Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Angling (Salt water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13





Road Race



Rowing- Indoor










. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19



Clay Target


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


Shooting - Pistol Shooting - Rifle






. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............








Table Tennis




Darts Futsal Hockey

Kids Triathlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Large Bore

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 41

Lawn Bowls



Martial Arts

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...


Mountain Bike













Ten Pin Bowling



Touch Football



Track and Field








hese games were definitely the best police games yet. Our numbers were huge and a real indication that our staff are probably the fittest, most competitive and healthiest of any Government Organisation in the country if not the world. Dare I go even further. With record numbers in the QPS kids triathlon (127) we must have the fittest and healthiest children on record and perhaps are even the best parents. Some of our competitors and their achievements were also impressive. Young Jacob Bragg at 13 years of age followed on from his world record breaking half marathon run, to be the outright winner of our 10 kilometre road run.

I would like on behalf of the Queensland Police Service and the Police Sporting Association to thank our Games Manager Sgt Joanna Stone. Jo is pretty well known in police sporting circles and she did an amazing job with the time she was given. As usual I am now counting down the days before the Australasian Police and Emergency Games which will kick of shortly. There is no doubt that this will also be a great event and I encourage all police and staff members to enter up as time is running out. Whilst still a long way off, our sporting association has won the rights to host the 2016 Australasian Police and Emergency games here in Queensland. We have already decided that the event will be held on the Sunshine Coast and we are currently working hard to make this a great event. Stay fit and healthy. James Owen President QPSA





he Games have come to a close for another 2 years. There were some spectacular competitions and memories across the many sports on offer and I am very proud to have been a part of it.

The Games are very much a Queensland Police Service tradition. Run by the Queensland Police Sporting Association since the 1980’s the Games have offered many things to many people. Some love the competition, the opportunity to get out with their colleagues, test their ability and possibly even come away with a medal. Others come along for the friendships that they have built over the years and use it as an opportunity to catch up with people they have worked with in the past, who are now spread far and wide across the state. Others use it as a chance to meet new people and build new bonds. Whatever the reason, it is always something to look forward to. The Association hold the Games every two years and appreciate the ongoing support of the Queensland Police Service in providing the position of Games Manager, which I was fortunate enough to fill from June this year. Special thanks go to Colin Anderson, the Director of Safety & Wellbeing for his support and patience and allowing me to spread all the Games related gear throughout his offices. Thanks also goes to Paul Hyde Director of Asset Services for providing a dedicated vehicle for the last two months of the Games, it would have been very difficult to manage all the sports and sponsors successfully without it. To Assistant Commissioner Paul Wilson, thank you for allowing us to hold QSuper Saturday on the Academy Grounds and best wishes to you on your retirement from the service. Lastly, thanks loads to Sgt Rebecca Dale, a dedicated committee member and lover of sport, who was on board from February 2013 getting the Games underway before the Games Manager position was officially filled in late May. Thanks Bec, what would the committee do without you. I managed to take (or acquire) photographs from most of the sports so please send me an e-mail at stone.joanna@police.qld.gov.au if you are interested in getting hold of them and I will endeavor to get them out to you.

Sergeant Joanna Stone Games Manager

Opening of the 2014 Police & Emergency Services Games by the Police Minister Hon John (Jack)Dempsey MP



he Gordon Munn Memorial Shield is a very special trophy that is selected by the Games Manager and presented to a Sport Coordinator or Sport Administrator, recognising an outstanding level of commitment to sport. This year was a tremendously difficult task as there were so many coordinators who went beyond what is expected in delivering their sport. What set the 2013 recipient apart from the other contenders was not only the record number of competitors that he was able to rally for the Hockey but also the high esteem in which he is held by his players. I’m talking about Neil Hansen. Congratulations Neil and thank you.


A massive thank you goes out to our Sponsors without who our Games would not be possible.




t goes without saying that the Games simply would not take place without our dedicated sport coordinators and Games sponsors. As a small token of our appreciation the Queensland Police Sporting Association once again held a Sponsors and Supporters Function, this year at the Park Regis, North Quay. Unfortunately not all our sport coordinators could attend, so to those who couldn’t, let me say a massive ‘THANK YOU’. You know who you are but I am going to list you all individually for the benefit of all our readers. Sgt Dan Gallaher- Adventure Race, Sgts Greg St Clair & Gary Hamrey-Angling, Sgts Trevor and Julie Wendt-Aquathon & Swimming, Sgt Gavin De La Cruz- Basketball, S/Const Peter Wilmot-Boxing, Richard Gory (QFRS)- Crossfit Sgt Col Flaherty-Cycling, Sgt Craig Miller-Darts, Sgt Veronica Mortimer and the late Sgt Sue Maxwell (we will miss her dearly)-Equestrian, S/Sgts Gary Tobin & Barry Smith- Soccer, Sgt Ross Murphy-Golf, Sgt Neil Hansen-Hockey, Lynette Little-Lawn Bowls, Sgts Jamie Craig & Paul Hart-Martial Arts, S/Const John Russell-Mountain Biking S/Const Brad Proctor- Netball, Tony Goodall (Corrections)-Powerlifting,Inspector Jim Owen- Road Race & Kids Triathlon, John McCoomb-Indoor Rowing, S/Const Andrew Burns- Rifle Shooting, S/Sgt Ross Patching, Pistol Shooting, Sgts Scott Prendergast & Gary Brown- Clay Target Shooting, Mechelle Glover & Const James Griffiths Squash, S/Sgts Greg Aubort & Chris Ahearn- Surfing , S/Const Brad Rantall- Table Tennis, Robert Poulain-10 Pin Bowling, S/Const Brendan Stokes- Tennis, S/Sgts Lester Brooks & Mark Ruggeri- Touch Football, John Cahill- Track & Field These wonderful people coordinate their sports mostly in their own time and simply get on with the job. Not only do they make my job as Games Manager so much easier, but they also make the Games experience very special for each of the competitors. As I travelled around to most of the sports, many competitors acknowledged their efforts in putting on a great event. We are always tremendously grateful to our sponsors, most of which were able to attend the Games function.

Queensland Police Service, QSuper, RemServ, Queensland Police Credit Union, Queensland Police Union WOS, Hummer Limos, Fisher & Paykel, Kincrome, Arrow Energy.


Climb For Cancer I

t’s on again. The showdown of the year when the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) battle the Queensland Police Service (QPS) in the ultimate heights challenge, Climb for Cancer on 25 May 2014. For the second year running the Firies have laid down a challenge to all members of the QPS to take part in the Climb for Cancer stair race. The event will feature a prize for the fastest emergency services team, and the Firies have raised the ante by providing a memorial trophy to be taken home by the fastest Police or Firey team. Last year Police team 1 defeated the best the firies could throw at them and we currently hold the trophy. The firies put up the challenge and put up the memorial trophy and we know that they desperately want it back. Last year there were 4 fire teams and only 2 police teams, so lets not only beat them to the top, but lets have more competitors. One of the firies team in 2013 went up in full kit, and Inspector Richard Gorey of QFRS says his team will be doing it again. “They will be running all 810 stairs in full gear. This includes full personal protective equipment (PPE); pants, jacket, helmet and breathing apparatus – adding an extra 25 kilograms to their load.” In last years event Senior Constable Channelle Lanskey of the Sunshine Coast CPIU was the fastest woman of the day up the stairs and Inspector Jim Owen was the 6th fastest male on the day. Channelle and Jim completed the stair climb in just over 5 minutes. Channelle said after the event “I loved every minute of it, well except for maybe the last minute, but I will be back for sure it’s a lot of fun, especially beating Richard and his team of firemen’. There are plenty of reasons for you to get involved, improved health and fitness, lots of fun and obviously the chance to beat the firies again. Both the Qld Police and the firies have a strong emphasis on health and wellbeing and the Climb for Cancer event is a great way to ignite healthy competition between the two departments, and to raise much needed funding for cancer research. The Police Service needs you to get a team together and enter this event. You can be one of our state’s heroes climbing for the cure on Saturday 25 May, if you want to take part in this challenge contact Inspector Owen via e-mail and he will organise a team for you wherever possible, or you can enter your own team via the climb for the cure website at www.climbforcancer.org.au This will be a great event and a lot of fun, if you want to raise money for cancer and get fit at the same time you will not find a better event. The event comprises a 37 storey or 810 step race to the top of Waterfront Place in the Brisbane CBD. As this is a fund raising event there is an entry fee of $50.00 per individual or $200.00 per team. The Police Sporting Association will provide a team racing shirt for all police competitors who let us know they have entered. They will supply the running shirts on the morning of the event. So forget the excuses, enter the race and get down to Waterfront place on the 25 May for a good cause, for your fitness and well being and most importantly to make sure we beat the firies.



Adventure Race T

he “Ona Mission Adventure Race�, as part of the Qld Police and Emergency Services Games was held Sunday 15th September at South Mission Beach. A record field of in excess of 140 competitors enjoyed the perfect conditions. The annual event is hosted by the Mission Beach Surf Lifesaving Club and will be held next year on 7th September 2014.

Congratulations to:

Constable Travis CLARK, Mission Beach Police Station, Gold Medallist: Long Course Male under 40 years, and Dyana BROWN, Jay BROWN and Daniel LOBASCHER,Australian Defence Force Gold Medallists: Long Course Mixed Team under 40 years.



he Saltwater Angling was held on the 18, 19 and 20th of September at Rainbow Waters.

The competition saw 26 competitors including male, female and junior anglers testing their angling skills over three days for the coveted gold medals. The catch and release event was held at Rainbow Waters which is located at the Southern End of the Great Sandy Straights. The anglers were competing for the medals through the largest fish caught in four different species. The registration evening, held over an informal BBQ, had an air of expectation as the competitive natures of anglers was evident through the intimidating of other anglers with stories of monsters from the deep being previously landed. Tuesday dawned and the blustery wind from the west greeted our anglers as the mounted their vessels and headed into the waters of the area to search for the trophy fish they so desperately sought. Many a competitor was beaten back to shore by the conditions leaving only the hardy few to register catches at days end. Day two dawned and was looking like a magnificent day with smooth seas and light wind. A sea fog rolled into the area and blanketed ocean making for interesting navigation and some humour to go with it. The fog lifted and magnificent weather prevailed for the duration of the day. Weigh in time saw a large quantity of fish in various categories landed, photographed and released. Of note was the 1.8 metre sea snake brought to the boat by John Carey however true measurement was unable to be made due to the non landing of the species. (He didn’t want it in the boat with him). Wednesday night saw the hardy fishermen relaxing by the sea at the Rainbow Beach Surf Club where food and liquor refreshments were in bountiful supply and downed with great skills whilst conversing with mates and telling tales of angling (and policing) feats. Those tales told at Rainbow Beach stay at Rainbow beach. Medals were presented on the night to the notable anglers who were happy to receive the accolades for their excellent efforts. Day three again saw the return of the blustery conditions and many an angler was covered in sea salt before reaching their hidden spots they had marked the previous day. Braving the elements many an angler caught piscatorial delights in bountiful quantities to register in the competition.

A hard day on the water...

After a hard day on the water...



â– Results Mens Bream Gold Silver Bronze Bronze 2 Mens Pelagic Gold Silver Bronze Mens Flathead Gold Silver Bronze Mens Other Gold Silver Bronze Womens Bream Gold Womens Flathead Gold Womens Other Gold Silver Junior Bream Gold Junior Other Gold Sea Snake Award













Greg St CLAIR Stephen CROUCH








Overall Champions Male Female Teams

Greg PIERCE Peggy BRETTLE Greg St Clair & Aaron Hamrey

From all reports all participants had a great time and will return to the next event. Hoping to get an even greater turnout for the next one. Greg St Clair


Aquathon T

he QSuper Queensland Police & Emergency Services Games for Aquathon were held on QSuper Saturday the 21st September 2013. It was a great day for competition. Although only a very small contingent of 5 athletes turned up on the day to run and swim the short sprint course, it was very competitive. In the end only 3 seconds separated the first over the line competitors. Steve Shipman (QPS) and Andrew Kent (QFRS) were neck and neck throughout the whole contest. It was only in the final swim section that Steve managed to pull away. Well done to all competitors. Distances competed over were 1km run, 200m swim, 800m run, 100m swim.

Aquathon results: Female -1st overall 1st

Julie Wendt 15minutes 20 seconds

Male -1st overall 1st

Steve Shipman 12minutes 37 seconds

40yrs-49yrs age group 1st 2nd 3rd

Steve Shipman 12 minutes 37 seconds Brett Taylor 13 minutes 51 seconds Mark Lawton 16 minutes 47 seconds

50 yrs plus 1st

Andrew Kent 12 minutes 40 seconds

Aquathon Coordinator: Trevor Wendt



Basketball I

t was a fantastic day for players, spectators and families. I was anticipating 8 teams but on the day I had 14 teams in which I dissolved into a 12 team tournament. I had a very strong men’s competition this year being the strongest over the several years I have coordinated in the games. I had a great turn out of kids this year and a very strong St Johns Opens boy’s team who all participated in the tournament. The tournament had teams from Police, Corrective Services, PCYC, Fire Service, Youth detention Centre, Ambulance service and AFP it was a great mix of Emergency Services. I wouldn’t have been able to run the tournament with the court space needed for the amount of teams, St Johns Anglican College volunteered their courts for the games this year which was much appreciated as the College had 5 courts available for us to use. I also had a very strong support team, basketball coaches and volunteers from GDC Fitness and family members assisting with First Aid and Canteen to allow the games to run smoothly throughout the day. I look forward for the next 2 years as this year’s tournament was a fantastic day, with lots of fun, lots of laughter, a family atmosphere in a competitive environment.

Results The winner of the men’s comp was Western Magic PCYC (purple) Silver was our Volunteer recruits that made a team with make up with my daughter in it as well Bronze BYDC AJ’s won Gold for mix/kids teams (family team of 4 my daughter played in this team as well for numbers) Ipswich won Gold for mix/kids teams All kids won medals and balls for participation

Georgia-Ann De La Cruz (13 yr old National Representative for Basketball) assisted in the following teams: Ipswich team (silver) Aj’s (silver) Recruit group (silver)


Gavin De La Cruz


DeLaCruz.GavinD @police.qld.com.au Ph: 3246 8158 Mob: 0450 169 251


boxing B

oxing was one of the most memorable events of the Games calendar in 2013.The sport was open to both male and female competitors of all ages. No experience necessary. The safe and informal format is a great starting point to compete in boxing or were wanting to experience the sweet science first hand. Held at the Irish club, Tara Ballroom, the atmosphere was great. The stained glass windows behind the ring gave an old world, classic boxing feel. Qualified judges and referees scored all bouts and decided winners. There were 12 fights - fighters from light to super heavyweight, good spread of eligible services from QPS, QAS, QFRA, Corrective services and eligible family members of QPS Fighters from as far away as Cairns, Palm Island and Murgon. There was a big crowd from all services and all fighters were well supported by family and friends. I’d like to emphasise the courage of fighters, most of who were first timers or novices. It takes a lot to get in the ring in front of a big crowd (Who’d been hitting the bar and were keen for some action) There was great sportsmanship, ie- one fighter physically supporting his exhausted opponent whilst awaiting judges decision

Items of note/interest LAWLER VS EHLERS – Both fighters in late 40’s moved like men half their age. · Chris “Stingray” LE RAY fought a fighter half his age and was only stopped by an accidental injury to his eye (Thumb from opponents glove) · Det S/Con. Graham CAMP travelled all the way from CAIRNS only for his opponent from QFRS to disappear without notice just before his fight leaving CAMPY without a fight. I know they make them tough in NQ but to scare your opponent from the building before the fight? · Heavyweight “Championship” 3 fighters from QPS, QFRS and Corrective Services, FORD (QPS) won the elimination bout against BREEN (QFRS) then fought a fresh ALESANA (Corrections) and gave 15kg, ALESANA won the true inter service challenge on points in a 3 round war. Karl FORD earned ‘Fighter of the Night’. · The Main event-suggested and anticipated all year by those who had been following the games boxing over the last few years. Personally matched by me, as I had fought both previously, defeating HOGAN on close points (2009) and drawing with CLARK in 2011. I knew all too well the great skill and power of both fighters. They did not disappoint with a battle bringing the crowd to its feet in every round. A very close split judges decision to CLARKE who had a huge entourage of supporters. · Former Inspector and Academy PSE training legend, Bill “The Bear” TURNER guest judged this fight to be

“fight of the night.” Many may not know the Bear had a successful short amateur boxing career in the UK (and you all thought he was just a great wrestler!!).



boxing Results Paul Forrest vs. Luke Waide – FORREST (Both DCS)


Buckingham vs. Shannon – SHANNON Luke Aimes (QPSBrisbane City) vs. Andrew Morris (DCS) – AIMES

Peter WILMOT Email: wilmot.peterp @police.qld.gov.au Mob: 0419 023 800

Arnold Ehlers (QFRS) vs. Frank Lawler (QPSPalm Island) – Fire vs. Police LAWLER (50 yo fighters) Karl Ford (QPSValley) vs. Breen (QFRS) – FORD Points. QFRS vs. QPS (Heavyweights). Adam Reedy (QPS FNR Drug Squad) vs. Rhys Gadischkie - GADISCHKIE by TKO Nathan Dew (QPSCity) vs. Shane Palmer (QPS Murgon) - DEW Robert McAdam (QPS) vs. Shane Plumb (QFRS) – PLUMB Sean Mcullagh (Family member of QPS officer) vs. Chris Le Ray (Logan QPS) (MCULLAGH as stingray injured eye) Elliot vs. Stewart – (QPS v. QAS Winner – QAS) Karl Ford (2nd fight) vs. Alesana (DCS) - ALESANA Justin Clark (QPS Oxley CIB) vs. Matt Hogan (QPS FNR CIB) – CLARK (home town support, very close).

Thanks to the Irish Club management team and XXXX for supplying card girls. Many fighters and fans stayed on together to enjoy the fellowship at the Irish Club for hours after the last fight.


clay trap Police Competition Attracts Keen Shooters Posted by Anne Miller


he Queensland Police Clay Target Club’s annual two-day competition attracted 108 shooters to the Kingaroy Clay Target Club’s grounds opposite Kingaroy Airport at the weekend. The shoot attracted competitors from Victoria, NSW and across Queensland from Cairns to Quilpie. Many, but not all, of the competitors are serving or former police officers. Many of the competitors camped at the club grounds for the weekend. Funds raised will be used for junior development of clay target shooting as a sport in Queensland.

Mike Stewart, from Mondure, with Senior-Constable Paul Barnard, from Mackay (formerly Proston)

Cherbourg Police Officer -in-Charge

Scott Prendergast with Allan Pearce, from Cloncurry; Scott is also secretary of the Qld Police Clay Target Club

Quinto Porfiri, Sunshine Coast; Bill Weedon, Maroochydore; and Rob Cairns, Wondai

Kingaroy Clay Target Club President Gary Brown and secretary Peter Powne September 15, 2013

Tony Heuser, Caboolture; Jack Zirac, Hervey Bay; and Scott Trafford, Sunshine Coast





n its inaugural year, the QSuper Crossfit Event stamped itself as the event to test the toughest of our first responder fraternity. With five gruelling events to be negotiated, to just qualify for precious finals spots, the pressure was on and competitors fought tooth and nail every step, pull up, hose drag and burpee of the way. Courage, tenacity, strength and determination were words that knew no gender that day. The competitors had to adapt to the Obstacle Course, the pool and a brutal hose drag to just highlight a few events. These were all laced with some strength sapping exercises, of both heavy weight and high volume. Capped at 40 competitors for the first year, there were many people that missed out and won’t leave registration to the last minute next year. It looked and sounded like every competitor brought along his or her own cheer squad. Spectators lined the event and brought the house down with their support. All agreed that every athlete deserved a medal just for finishing the tasks set for them, but with all competitions there can only be one winner. So, the following people can claim the titles as the fittest Emergency Service personnel for 2013.

Results Men: 1st Jonnie Larmore Women: 1st Rebecca Smith 2nd Chris Wood 2nd Mary Whitham 3rd Lachlan Bastian 3rd Aimee Moncour Thanks must be given to the Queensland Police Sporting Association for agreeing to add Crossfit to QSuper Saturday and special thanks to Doug Armstrong for running the day and his expertise in setting up the events. Also, special thanks must be given to his crew of volunteers that without them we could not have had such a successful day and to Gene Suna from Again Faster for supplying all the top class equipment. As the Event Coordinator, I wish to thank Sgt Joanna Stone and all those that helped make this one of the stand out events on the day and with Doug’s help again, we look forward to making next year’s event bigger and better. Get ready, get fit and turn up ready to play hard! Richard Gorey A/Inspector QFRS Crossfit Sport Coordinator


Cycling Results


his event was held at the ‘Nundah-drome’, Albert Bishop Park, Hedley Avenue, Nundah is a safe ‘made for cycling’ venue where all skill levels can be catered for. There was graded road races so that cyclists with similar fitness and experience can be grouped together, including a Beginners/ Novice race. All participants outdid themselves this year.

Time Trial No. 17 8 3 9 1 12 2 10 5 14 25 6 18 13 22 16 26

Name Pauline Guise Rob Boniwell Warren Forbes Tim Hooker Michael Viviattene David Lyons Geoff Cree Nick Berrett Chris Hansson Paul Blandford David Neville Ewen Taylor Luke Hamilton Chris Barnes Chris Saunders Simon Miller Michael Berry

Start time Finish time Time overall (mins) (h:mm:ss) (h:mm:ss) 17.00 0:37:54 0:20:54 8.00 0:22:49 0:14:49 3.00 0:18:54 0:15:54 9.00 0:24:56 0:15:56 1.00 0:17:56 0:16:56 12.00 0:28:42 0:16:42 2.00 0:18:45 0:16:45 10.00 0:26:55 0:16:55 5.00 0:22:21 0:17:09 14.00 0:32:31 0:18:31 19.00 0:37:40 0:18:40 6.00 0:24:54 0:18:54 18.00 0:37:04 0:19:04 13.00 0:33:13 0:20:13 20.00 0:40:57 0:20:57 16.00 0:37:24 0:21:24 21.00 0:37:55 0:26:55

Coordinator: Col Flaherty Email: Flaherty.ColinA @police.qld.com.au Mob: 0412 498 656


Place 1st wmn 1st 2nd 3rd 7 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17


Cycling Race Number Sign On A, B & C Grade Results No.



8 3 1 5 2 4 7 9 10 18 22

Name Rob Boniwell Warren Forbes Michael Viavattene Chris Hansson Geoff Cree Tim McNaughton Russell Halley Tim Hooker Nick Berrett Luke Hamilton Chris Saunders

17 26 19 25 20 6 12 13 14 15 16 27




Name Pauline Guise Mike Berry Allan Sutton David Neville Anthony Green Ewen Taylor David Lyons Chris Barnes Paul Blandford Paull Houston Simon Miller Steve Gray

Name 24 Stephen Slade 28 Wayne Brummer

Finishing Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Prime 1

Finishing place 1F 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Place. 1st 2nd


darts T

he darts events were once again held at the Kallangur Darts Association at Petrie. As with 2011, numbers for the games in 2013 were well down on previous games, with 3 people registered to play, and a fourth added on the day. The first event to be played was the Mens Singles 501 (best of 3 legs). A round robin event was played to determine finals placings for the medal rounds. Close competition meant that a number of games were decided by 3 legs, with some good scores being made including 2 scores of the maximum 180 by two different players. The second event to be played was the Mens Singles Cricket. Again, a round robin event was played to determine the medal rounds. As this event takes longer, a best of 1 leg format was adopted, however 1 game ended in a draw resulting in a replay. All players left the day with at least one medal, and 2 trophies were awarded for the Mens Highest Score (180) and 1 trophy for the Mens Highest Peg (67). I would like to take this opportunity to thank Joanna Stone, for her efforts as the overall games coordinator. Jo was very supportive of the darts event and was always contactable and eager to assist in any way. Thanks to the Kallangur Darts Association for the use of their venue. I have been a club member for 10 years and this is the second time they have allowed me to hold the Police Games events here. They have always been very helpful and accommodating with the Police Games darts event. Special thanks to Ron & Sally Fenton, the clubs President & Secretary/ Treasurer respectively, for their assistance in approving my request for use of the venue, and for opening up the club for our use on the day. Finally, thanks to the sponsors of the Police Games, QSuper, Qld Police Union, Qld Police Credit Union, Qld Police Sporting Association, RemServ and World of Sport, for your continued support of this event. Cheers, Craig Miller Sgt 8478 Fingerprints



Futsal T

he Futsal competition was held at the Inala PCYC on QSuper Saturday. There were 6 teams (4 from the QPS, 1 from Correctives (QCS United) and 1 from CMC). Each team played a minimum of 5 games over the day with the majority of the games fairly evenly matched. All games, although competitive, were played in the right spirit and thankfully no injuries occurred. After some spirited competition in the round robin the two teams with the most points, Goodna Gumbies and Beenleigh Bad Heads played off for gold and silver. The game was a closely contested affair with the Gumbies eventually running out deserved winners after not losing a game throughout the tournament. The bronze playoff was contested between QCS United and the WEPD Bulldogs with the Queensland Correctives Services team coming home strong to take the bronze medal. Special mention to the Bulldogs who were the only team with females in the side and they certainly showed up some of the boys throughout the day. A special thank you to Ben Hollis (from the bad heads) and our willing volunteer Recruit Mark Gibson, for their assistance, including refereeing throughout the day. Thanks to Peter and John from the Inala PCYC for all their assistance in allowing us to utilise their excellent facility and assisting with the set up which ensured the day ran smoothly without any hitches. Also a special thanks to our 2 Inala PLO’s Gus Lako and Doug Peachey for looking after the BBQ and drinks and to St John’s High School at Forest Lake, for allowing us the free use of 2 sets of their goals for the duration of the tournament.

Gary Tobin Senior Sergeant Officer in Charge POLICING SKILLS SECTION PH.32468156 MOB. 0403437441 EMAIL. Tobin.GaryL@police.qld.gov.au


hockey H

ot conditions greeted all players and plenty of refreshments were required. The hockey was played at a very high level, with most sides containing representative players of different levels. Attrition started to take its toll as all sides starting losing games and it became hard to pick the gold medal winning side. One of the goal keepers became injured so Goal Keepers were in high demand as the day went on. The points table remained very close until the end when the team from Metro South led by Steve FANKER cemented the gold medal. Baden PLUMMER was instrumental in attack for the Metro South side setting up and converting numerous goals, some of which were stolen from him by his uncle Shane PLUMMER who was like a seagull waiting for a hot chip near the goal mouth. The entire female contingent from the southern side of the river were all solid players which was of great assistance when fatigue became a factor. The Ipswich Side captained by Paul MALCOLM came in a close second and received the Silver medal after playing some excellent hockey. Paul MALCOLM had his side well tanned, well drilled and looking very professional. Aimee MCDERMOTT continued her recent goal scoring ways and secured numerous goals for the Ipswich side and Andrew TIMMS ran all day up the front. The Queensland Ambulance Red side led by captain Laurence ODLIN came away with the well deserved Bronze medal after a continual good performance throughout the day. This was the first time the Queensland Ambulance Service entered their own sides in the competition and they were very competitive and we hope to see them back again. They were also assisted by the lone firearm Neale GRANT. The female player of the tournament award went to Leslie ANDERSON who showed great skills and a competitive nature throughout the games. The male player of the tournament was awarded to Goal Keeper Laurence ODLIN who was impenetrable at the back and was spectacular to watch and a nightmare for the opposing forwards with his mobility.


big thank you to Retired Detective Sergeant Alex GRANLUND (APM) for his volunteering at another Queensland games, Deputy Commissioner Steve GOLLSCHEWSKI for his presentation of the medals and to James TULL for his help with the stadium logistics. Another big thank you to Joanna STONE for her overall co-ordination and assistance for making another successful games.


The Queensland Police and Emergency Services hockey players will know look towards the Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games in Melbourne in 2014 where they will hope to continue their recent good form from previous games. A real push is currently underway for a first Queensland women’s side to enter at these games.


Kids Triathlon Photo Gallery


Large Bore Coordinator: Andrew BURNS Mob: 0427 768 067 Email: Burns.AndrewC @police.qld.gov.au


he Rifle Shooting competition was held over 300 metres, 500 years and 600 yards at the North Arm Rifle Range Complex with competitors shooting 2 sighters and 10 counting shots per range.

Two categories of competition were offered: Scope Standard and Scope Open. Scope Standard allows only 155 grain weighted bullets in .308 Winchester calibre (or up to 80 grain weighted bullets in .223 Winchester calibre). Scope Open allows any calibre of rifle and any weight of bullet to be used. Both categories allow telescopic sights as well as bipods or rests to support the weight of the rifle



lawn bowls LAWN BOWLS (GOODNA BOWLS CLUB) 25/09/2013 – 26/09/2013


oth days proved to be highly entertaining what with Melanie Stacey and Joyce Lee giving those who had played before, a run for their money (so to speak).

Awesome bowls by Aaron Minns (TCS Gold Coast) who showed us all how the game is played. Aaron took out the Singles after a close match with Alex Wright. Aaron partnered Melanie in the Pairs, Gold was theirs as well, Joel & Emma played some really good bowls for Silver, however no match for the dynamic duo. Aaron Firth had a really close match for the 1st round Bronze. John Dallow won the 2nd round Bronze both players had really close matches and the concentration by both players was great to watch. The Pairs games were great to watch. The more experienced players (even from the other team) gave good advice to the newer players. At the end of it all it was great to see all the players who had finished playing watching the finals and giving encouragement Last but not least the BBQ was a huge success; at the end of the day only tomato sauce was available. A big thankyou to Joel Little (Cunnamulla) and Emma for cooking the BBQ on day one. Really last and certainly not the least a huge thank you to the Goodna Bowls Club nothing was to much Lynette Little Coordinator


Martial Arts A

fabulous event for the spectator as well as for those competing. Boasting high skill level and close competition, each class kept all of the audience on the edge of their seats.

Photo Gallery

Results Demonstration Event 1st James Archer 2nd Paul Hart 3rd David Kolb Kata 1st James Archer 2nd Paul Hart 3rd Tony Dunne Kumite 1st Paul Hart 2nd Corey Lane 3rd James Archer Noel Hatwell Trophy – Paul Hart (Kerrie Hatwell and family attended and presented award). Jim Stackwell Trophy – James Archer FBI attended to present a plaque in memoriam of Noel Hatwell



Jamie CRAIG Email: Craig.Jamiem @police.qld.gov.au Mob: 0414 284 348 Paul HART Email: Hart.Paula @police.qld.gov.au Mob: 0448 885 532


Mountain BIke Results 4 laps Mens 44+ 1st David LYONS 1.12.10 2nd Scott WOODWARD 1.31.41 3rd Jeff LANSDOWN 1.33.03 4th Timothy HOOKER 1.33.57 5th John RUSSELL 1.41.53 Mens 40-43 1st Matt TOCKNELL 1.25.19 2nd Paul FLETCHER 1.27.33 3rd Paul BENTON 1.33.46 4th Ewan TAYLOR 1.35.06 5th Brad CUTHBERT 1.35.29 6th Clay TRAVIS 1.41.42 7th Justin SURTEES 2.11.43 Mens 39 and under 1st Russell DAVIES 1.27.50 2nd Alex SHEPPARD 1.29.39 3rd Nathan SCHAEFFER 1.34.46 4th Lachlan BELL 1.47.12 5th Andrew KELLY 1.49.45 6th Ray Van Den BOSCH 2.07.17 Ladies Under 40 3 laps 1st Emma THOMPSON 1.18.30 2nd Jaine MONGSTON 1.22.30 Ladies Over 40 3 laps 1st Jane LEVER1.29.12 2nd Kate LEHMANN 1.31.04 3rd Leisa TOCKNELL 1.34.06 Kids 2 laps 1st Nicholas DODDS 1.02.17 2nd Mitchell SURTEES 1.20.03 Kids 1 lap 1st Joshua DODDS 34.37 2nd Eamon KELLY 53.00



etball was held at Brisbane Albion Indoor Sports Centre over 2 days. Day 1 consisted of 4 Ladies teams where we saw Skirts win the Gold medal, Kent St Katz winning the silver and Allstars taking home the bronze. Day 2 was made of 6 mixed teams the Gold went to Allstars, Silver was awarded to BYDC Hurricanes and the Bronze went to Gorrie Gladiators, 4th place went to the Jail Birds. Games were held in a round robin format where all teams played several games in 32 + degree heat. It was great to see a variety of competitors from Corrections, Police, PCYC, Brisbane Youth Detention Centre and Administration Staff.



Powerlifting Photo Gallery & Results The powerlifting event was a push pull competition and consisted of raw, belt and wrist wraps only.

Coordinator: Tony GOODALL Email: Tony.Goodall @dcs.qld.gov.au Mob: 0421 928 921 Bench Press Jason Woods Andrew Hale Hector lawson Push Pull Event Andrew Hale Hector lawson Duncan Guy Bench Press Womens Kassandra Adams Push Pull Womens Kassandra Adams

Weight 145kg@102kg Body Weight 145kg@104 Body Weight 130kg@87kg Body Weight

Place 1st 2nd 3rd


Place 1st 2nd 3rd



Total of 375kg @ 104kg Body weight Total of 330kg @ 87kg Body weight Total of 350kg @ 127kg Body weight

27.5kg.@ 60kg Body weight

Weight Total 72.5kg @ 60kg Body weight


1st Place 1st

Road Race S

aturday the 14th dawned bright and clear. The perfect day for a run. 5 or 10km’s of spectacular scenery winding past the historic Westgate buildings, along the Brisbane River, up to the Driver Training Track and back. The only real concern was the huge numbers of kangaroos lining the track. Fortunately they stayed on their side of the footphath and let the runners have the road. The race was led out by Jacob Bragg (son of Dan). Jacob is the current world record holder for 13yr boys in the half marathon having set the benchmark 3 weeks earlier whilst taking part in the Brisbane Half Marathon. Not surprisingly no one challenged Jacob throughout the race and he finished first overall in the 10km event. With almost 40 competitors the event was a great success with competitors travelling from both the Gold and North Coasts to compete. There were a few complaints about the steep hill at the turn around mark of the course, but I think all agreed that the challenge makes the event more worthwhile. Hope to see you all back for another crack at this event at the next games. Results 5Km Road Race. Bradyn Tucker Robert Whitehead James Hibel Roberto Padhilo Andrew Martin Brett Gough Mark Norris Daniel Underwood Mark Lawton Zoltan Sinclair Wayne Stanley Samantha Sanderson Michelle Giffen Linda Roberts Tany Chiotakis Cheryl Stanley

Under 29 mens Under 29 mens Under 29 mens Under 39 mens Under 39 mens Under 39 mens Under 49 mens Under 49 mens Under 49 mens Under 59 mens Over 60’s Under 39 women Under 39 women Under 39 women Under 49 women Over 60’s

1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 1st

Under 29 mens Under 29 mens Under 39 mens Under 39 mens Under 49 mens Under 29 women Under 29 women Under 29 women Under 39 women Under 39 women

1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 1stnd 2 3rd 1st 2nd


10K Road Race Jacob Bragg Hayden Murphy Andrew Virtue Justin Roberts Brett Taylor Bridget Taylor Stephanie Burrell Cassie Stallan Andrea Appleton Deanna Geck



Rowing Indoor Rowing Qld Police Games 2013


he indoor rowing was conducted at the Academy as part of Super Saturday on the 21 September 2013. There was not a large group of competitors but those that were there certainly gave their all and felt the strain of competition. The event was conducted in 5 year age categories and over 1000 metres. The equipment was in excellent condition with Trevor Wendt ensuring all were serviced before the event. With the first wave set to go, they were off and a Haico Aaldering from ISB immediately showed he’d done some rowing before. He set a cracking pace and had the rest of the field blown away within the first 30 seconds. He went on the set a new record for his age group of 3.05.6 Mark Lawton was able to skite his time was 5 seconds faster than ever before and it was great to see the over 60’s Cheryl Stanley and Wayne Stanley finish strong for their gold medals. The second wave consisted of late comers Andrew Ogilvie, Trent Stanyer and myself. Just when I thought I had escaped the event. The young fellows rowed hard produced a couple of solid times to win their medals while the old fellow (me) dragged up the rear. Thanks to those who competed and a special thanks to my lovely assistant and time check keeper, Kim McCoomb. Hope to see you all again next time and bring friends. It’s all just good healthy fun. Yours in Sport John McCoomb Coordinator.


Shooting (Pistol) PISTOL SHOOTING RESULTS 2013 QSuper Queensland Police and Emergency Services Games The Pistol Shooting competition component of the 2013 QSuper Queensland Police and Emergency Services Games was conducted at the Queensland Police Pistol Club Inc Range on the Belmont Shooting Complex, Brisbane on Saturday, 28 September 2013. Six (6) licensed and ten (10) unlicensed competitors participated. The matches shot were the 90 round Australian Police and Services Match for licensed shooters and the 48 round NRA PPC Duty Gun match for both licensed and unlicensed shooters. To provide a level playing field the same standard Glock 17A pistols and factory ammunition were used by both the licensed and unlicensed competitors but were scored separately in their own divisions. Some excellent results were achieved with competition being close in the divisions. A special thanks is due to Retired Sergeant Robert (Bob) PIERCE for his assistance in the conduct of the competition.

Shooting (Pistol) Results Licensed Duty Gun Name

Unlicensed Duty Gun

Ross Patching

Score & Place st 448 1

Benjamin Logue Trevor Gordon Robert Pierce Carl Enchelmaier Percy Castillo

445 440 413 398 269


Ross Patching Trevor Gordon Robert Pierce

871 847 822

2nd 3rd

1st 2nd 3rd


Score & Place

John Fogarty



Michael Lollback David Groundwater Brett Meara Richard Hill Ashley Huth Ben Manktelow Gregory Hill Adrian Benstead Matthew Kelso

392 390 384 382 361 349 342 317 312

2nd 3rd

Senior Sergeant Ross Patching Shooting (Pistol) Coordinator



Shooting (RiFLe) O

n Saturday 31 August 2013 the Rifle Shooting events of the Qld Police & Emergency Services Games were held at the North Arm Shooting Complex on the Sunshine Coast.

The competition was held over 300 metres, 500 yards and 600 yards with competitors shooting 2 sighters and 10 counting shots per range. Scores per range were out of 60 points while the total score was out of 180 points. Super-bulls, the inner-most circle of the target, were awarded 6.1 points which were used to separate shooters on the same score. Two categories of competition were offered: Scope Standard and Scope Open. Scope Standard allows only 155 grain weighted bullets in .308 Winchester calibre and 69 and 80 grain weighted bullets in .223 Remington. Scope Open allows any calibre of rifle and any weight of bullet to be used. Both categories allow telescopic sights as well as bipods or rests to support the weight of the rifle. Ten competitors entered the competition with five in Scope Standard and five in Scope Open. These competitors consisted of QPS serving members (QPS), administration officers (AO) and families (F) of same. Congratulations to all those who won medals particularly Chris HALL (F) for his win in the Scope Standard category with a score of 158.3 and to 15-year old Justin GINGES (F) for his win in the Scope Open category with a score of 168.5 and top-scoring for the range. As a result of his great shooting he took home the Top Off-Rifle Overall Score Trophy – congratulations Justin and we hope to see more of you (and your Dad) at the range! The weather was fine with light cloud and a slight changing breeze that made the competition just a little challenging, particularly at the longer range of 600 yards.

The results were as follows: 300 metres Scope Standard: Gold Chris HALL (F) 52.1 Silver Carl ENCHELMAIER (AO) Bronze Anthony WAPP (QPS) 48.0 Scope Open: Gold Silver Bronze

Justin GINGES (F) Andrew BURNS (QPS) 58.2 Don KUSS (QPS)

500 yards Scope Standard: Gold Chris HALL (F) 53.2 Silver Anthony WAPP (QPS) 45.0 Bronze Carl ENCHELMAIER (AO) Scope Open: Gold Silver Bronze


Andrew Burns Rifle Shooting Coordinator.


58.2 56.1

42.0 57.1 55.2 54.1

600 yards Scope Standard: Gold Chris HALL (F) 53.0 Silver Anthony Wapp (QPS) Bronze Carl ENCHELMAIER (AO) Scope Open: Gold Silver Bronze

Justin GINGES (F) Andrew BURNS (QPS) 53.2 Don KUSS (QPS)

47.1 44.0 56.2 52.0

AGGREGATE Scope Standard: Gold Chris HALL (F) 158.3 Silver Anthony WAPP (QPS) 140.1 Bronze Carl ENCHELMAIER (AO)


Scope Open: Gold Silver Bronze

168.5 165.2 163.6

Justin GINGES (F) Don KUSS (QPS) Andrew Burns (QPS)



sQuash W

ell after struggling to get members to come along and play in our squash tournament we finally got going on Friday 27 September 2013 with 11 players. We decided that since it was a small draw we would complete the whole thing in one night which worked well once we finally convinced Terrence’s wife to play after a bit of begging to make the draw run smoothly with less byes thanks Susan for that. The night began a little later than we intended due to members coming from afar to play, and also some going to the wrong venue on the bus and then RUNNING from Stafford Squash club on Kitchener road to the right club Squash Power on Stafford Road well done Wayne for that and still managed to get through all his games well We had a great range of players, from absolute beginners welcome to squash Tom Paine who had never played before, to A grade and an ex professional your never give up -.Terrence Gibbons. It started off with the draw where the beginner’s got to play with the top players and got pushed down to the next round and the top players got there warm up with the exception of Hayden Murphy and James Griffiths who were well matched and had a very long tense game in the end Hayden won out to James in the fifth match. Everyone got a minimum of 3 games and were shattered by the end and had a great fun time, all competitors were great in assisting with referring and marking games which certainly made my life easier so thanks all for that. Even the kids that came along had fun on one of the spare courts throwing the ball around and practising their game so they can enter next year.

The final results were as follows Terrence Gibbons Hayden Murphy Susan Alderdice James Griffiths Tom Paine Wayne Brummer

Winner Men A division Second Place Men’s A division Winner Special plate Men’s A division and winner of Women’s A division Plate Winner Consultation Plate winner Extra plate winner

Can’t wait to see you all again next year with a few extra players to spice it up even more. Mechelle Glover- Event Coordinator



surFing 2013 Police Games Surfing Results: Short Board over 35 1st Chris Ahearn 2nd Greg Aubort 3rd Ian Williams Short Board under 35 1st Kane Kofoed 2nd Jeremy White 3rd Shannon Kofoed Long Board over 35 1st Greg Aubort 2nd Chris Ahearn 3rd John Revell Long Board under 35 1st Baiden Dew 2nd Aaron Rockley

Event Roundup


his years surfing event was held in fun two foot peaky beach breaks next to the sand pumping jetty at Southport spit on a sun filled Gold Coast day. The easterly windswell ensured plenty of waves for each competitor to demonstrate their skills. The long board events proved challenging with short steep waves requiring negotiated take offs and fun closeouts. Though the wind had come up the stand up paddle competitors showed off their balancing skills alongside the knee boarders with all displaying exceptional skills. Standouts of the day were the Kofoed brothers who demonstrated their aerialist manoeuvres with Shannon taking out the best wave of the competition trophy with a functional olly air floater combo. Not to be outdone brother Kane came out on top in the final showing big guys can still throw boards around in small waves. Sunshine Coast big wave surfer ‘Dicky’ Revell impressed all by competing with a sliced toe, refusing to bow out whilst the opportunity to soak the spit water with human blood was available! The Sunshine Coast Vs Gold Coast rivalry continued with the Gold Coast dominating on all fronts (as self-proclaimed by the Gold Coast organisers…) Special mention to grom Dylan Overland who competed with the big boys progressing through heats. Thanks to all who participated and made it a great day; looking forward to the next event in two years. Evaluation Report


Sport Venue: Good Sport equipment and Cost: Excellent, North End Boardriders provided everything required Sponsorship: Good Timing: Good Competitor participation: Average – numbers were down but it is often difficult getting people to compete in a sport like surfing where people think they may not be good enough. Management support: Excellent Registration process: Feedback wasn’t great from competitors who were frustrated at QPS computers, this may have contributed to registration numbers. Function: Sorry neither of us could attend but appreciate the invite. Comments: All good.

1st Dylan Overland

Greg Aubort- Detective Senior Sergeant

Stand Up Paddleboard 1st Andrew Bauer (won on a countback) 2nd John Revell Kneeboard 1st Rick Liddy 2nd Peter Liddy


swimming T

he Queensland Police Games and Emergency Services Games for swimming were held on the Q Super Saturday of 21st September 2013. The weather on the day was absolutely fantastic. Although only a very small contingent of 16 swimmers turned up on the day we had a lot a fun and a lot of laughs especially when dealing with some sibling rivalry. It was great to see John McCoomb come down from Buderim for the day and have a few races showing he still has what it takes. Also good to see Jo Stone (Games Manager) has a swim in the 50m Freestyle pipping out Nicko by a whisker. My pick for swimmer of the meet would be Natalie Glossat who came away with 7 gold medals and the skins trophy. The ‘Russell Wendt’ skins event was conducted over 25m freestyle with a total of 8 male swimmers fronting up for the first lap. Each lap reduced the field by one until finally it was down to 2 swimmers, Nick Roberts and past champ Geoff Cox. It was very close but Geoff got there in the end and reclaimed his title as skins champion. My thanks to all the swimmers who turned up and Julie (Wendt) for her great assistance in organising timekeepers, swimmers and recording. I would also like to thank Jo Stone and Bec Dale for all their hard work in the behind the scenes work that no one sees but in the end they get it done. Well Done.

Results Name-event -200m freestyle Jason Ireland Terry Wendt Trevor Wendt Steve Shipman John McCoomb

Age 41 50 54 45 63

Time 3.13.41 2.53.03 2.43.53 2.42.43 3.25.62

Place 1sr 2nd 1st 1st 1st

Natalie Glossat (F)




Name-event -50m Backstroke




Jaimie Vickers Wendt Ella Nixon Brooke McLeon

12 11 12

48.87 43.16 46.29

3rd 1st 2nd

Charlie Wendt (M)




Name-event -50m Backstroke Guy Wendt Nick Roberts Steve Shipman Natalie Glossat(F) Clint Herman Jason Ireland

Age 52 33 45 23 41 41

Time 42.53 34.47 39.94 41.84 35.84 51.10

Place 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd





Name-event -100m Breaststroke Natalie Glossat(F) Jason Ireland Steve Shipman Guy Wendt Trent Stanyer Morgan McLeon Terry Wendt

Age 23 41 45 52 30 16 50

Time 1.28.56 2.12.91 1.33.72 1.43.34 1.49.88 1.30.16 1.52.09

Place 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd

Name-event -50m Breaststroke -Female




Jaimie Vickers Wendt Ella Nixon Brooke McLeon

12 11 12

53,97 48.16 49.66

3rd 1st 2nd

Name-event -50m Breaststroke -Female




Natalie Glossat Lauren Wendt Brooke Vickers Wendt

23 30 15

40.66 46.78 40.31

2nd 1st 1st

Name-event -50m Breaststroke -Male




Steve Shipman Clint Herman Trent Stanyer Jason Ireland

45 41 30 41

40.81 37.31 46.75 56.68

1st 1st 1st 2nd




Name-event -50m Breaststroke -Male




John McCoomb Terry Wendt Guy Wendt

63 50 52

1.05.00 46.56 47.69

1st 1st 2nd

Name-event -50m Butterfly -Female




Ella Nixon Brooke McLeon Jaimie Vickers Wendt

11 12 12

40.91 43.59 44.00

1st 2nd 3rd

Name-event -50m Butterfly




Natalie Glossat(F)




Morgan McLeon Clint Herman Steve Shipman Trevor Wendt

16 41 45 54

33.03 32.09 36.07 34.82

1st 1st 1st 1st

Name-event -100m Freestyle Natalie Glossat(F)

Age 23

Time 1.12.85

Place 1st

Jason Ireland Steve Shipman Nick Roberts Trent Stanyer Morgan McLeon John McCoomb

41 45 33 30 16 63

1.22.94 1.09.25 1.10.54 1.21.91 1.13.93 1.26.47

1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st

Name-event -50m Freestyle -Female




Jaimie Vickers Wendt Ella Nixon Brooke McLeon

12 11 12

38.00 37.15 36.81

3rd 2nd 1st





Name-event -50m Freestyle




Morgan McLeon Clint Herman Trent Stanyer Jason Ireland Nick Roberts

16 41 30 41 33

30.31 28.53 36.12 40.63 29.28

1st 1st

Natalie Glossat (F)




Name-event -50m Freestyle –




Joanna Stone (F) David Nixon Steve Shipman

40 49 45

32.15 33.38 30.34

1st 2nd 1st

Name-event -50m Freestyle




John McCoomb




Guy Wendt Terry Wendt

52 50

30.53 34.79

1st 3rd

2nd nd st

2 1


table tennis Photo Gallery

Results Competitor Name

Competitor Number (If Applicable)

Score/Points/ Time/Division



11 Games won



10 Games won



8 Games won



7 Games won



4 games won



1 games won



0 games won


Coordinator: Brad RANTALL Email: Rantall.BradleyJ @police.qld.gov.au Ph: 3364 4142 Mob: 0432 460 605


Comments Gold Medal Winner Silver Medal winner Bronze Medal winner

Stewart MANNING Email: Manning.StewartL @police.qld.gov.au Ph: 3364 4974 Mob: 0414 013 555



tennis Photo Gallery

Results Nick Viles Raymond Waugh Tom Sullivan Jordan McConchie Tony Unicomb Daryl Stephenson

Division MENS Singles

Finishing Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

WOMENS Singles

Donna James Vikki

1st 2nd


ten pin bowling E

veryone had a lot of fun bowling against one another and themselves at this event. This year’s competition consisted of singles,doubles and teams (3 persons per team), and an overall event.

Coordinator: Robert POULAIN Email: robertpoulain @optusnet.com.au Mob: 0412 648 023

Results SINGLES Robert Poulain Cheryl Kelly

SINGLES Lynn Rowsell Lauren Jay

SINGLES Wendy deGroot Mary Ryan Kelly Manalang


Game 1 234 165

Game 2 147 140

Game 3 158 145

Total 539 450

Average 179.7 150.0

Gold Silver


Game 1 95 127

Game 2 94 84

Game 3 122 98

Total 311 309

Average 103.7 103.0

Gold Silver


Game 1 79 105 63

Game 2 133 102 65

Game 3 87 86 66

Total 299 293 194

Average 99.7 97.7 64.7

Gold Silver Bronze



ten pin bowling DOUBLES Cheryl Kelly Robert Poulain

Grade A A

Game 1 132 152 284

Game 2 128 180 308

TEAMS Lauren Jay Lynn Rowsell Ken Rowsell

Cheryl Kelly Robert Poulain Blind

Wendy Degroot Kelly Manalang Mary Ryan

SEXES Female Female Male Total Female Male

Total Female Female Female

Names Robert Poulain Cheryl Kelly

Names Lauren Jay Lynn Rowsell Ken Rowsell

Names Wendy deGroot Mary Ryan Kelly Manalang


0 174






Total 366 497 863

Grade C C C

Game 1 111 88 76

Game 2 98 120 69

Game 3 139 98 89


275 137 181 80

287 178 224 80

326 132 176 80


398 73 67 79

482 99 62 72

388 83 74 80




Game 3 106 165 271

Grade Singles 539 450



Singles 309 311



Singles 299 293 194

Average 122 165.6667 143.8333

Total 348 306 234 0 0 888 447 581 240 0 0 1268 255 203 231 0

Doubles 497 366

Teams 581 447

Average 116 102 78 0 0 98.66667 149 193.6667 80 0 0 140.8889 85 67.66667 77 0

Gold Gold




Total Average 1617 179.7 1263 140.3 0 0.0


Teams 348 306 234

Total 657 617 234 0 0

Average 109.5 102.8 78.0 0.0 0.0


Teams 255 231 203

Total 554 524 397 0 0 0

Average 92.3 87.3 66.2 0.0 0.0 0.0




Games Touch Footy was part of a great Super Saturday again on the 1st of September 2013. The weather was perfect for a great day of competition and the oval was in reasonable condition after some rain during the week. Games were 25 minutes straight with no half time. This year’s competition was split between the Mixed and Open Grades. Refereeing was outsourced to Brisbane Touch Association. Only two open teams registered with both coming from the Logan District. To bolster numbers Mark Ruggeri organised a fill in side of over 50s rep players and a few hangers on. The three teams played each other two times each, with medals awarded on points alone. Four games proved to be plenty without a semi and final. Despite their age Ruggsie’s ring ins, AMALGAMATED, triumphed with gold by winning three games and drawing the fourth against the silver medallists, THEM. Bronze medallists, THE REPLACEMENTS, played well all day.

OPEN COMPETITION RESULTS Gold – Amalgamated Silver – Them Bronze – The Replacements Best and Fairest player in the Open competition was awarded to Tom Fuller of AMALGAMATED. Special thanks to THE REPLACEMENTS and THEM for allowing a team of outsiders to register and play. Nine mixed sides turned up with sides from Corrective Services, HQ, Academy Staff and Recruits, the Valley, and various Logan stations. Two pools were used to thin the field with the top two teams in each fighting it out for a place in the grand final. ‘



Touch Football T

he contest for Bronze was between ONE DIRECTION and VALLEY LONGHORNS. Two late tries by ONE DIRECTION saw them take the Bronze with a scoreline of 4 to 3.

Gold and silver was fought out between THAT TEAM and BLACK SCORPIONS. THAT TEAM must have benefited from an earlier bye and had plenty of juice left in the tank. It was a one sided affair with THAT TEAM smashing the opposition 9 to 0. MIXED COMPETITION RESULTS Gold – That Team Silver – Black Scorpions Bronze – One Direction Best and Fairest player for the Mixed competition was awarded to Sam Hopkin of THAT TEAM. Overall it was a great day had by all with plenty of Super Saturday activities to keep the kids on the go. The Climbing Wall, Mini Bungee and Jumping Castle got a work out with Snow Cones to follow. Thanks to QFS for making staff and two fire trucks available for the kids to have a look at. Games had to be held up for 20 minutes to allow the kids triathlon to finish on the running track. Police Minister Jack Dempsey was kind enough to present medallions to each competitor at the finish line, accompanied by Assistant Commissioner Wilson. Lastly the Bombed Try of the Day award goes to none other than President of the QPSA, Inspector James ‘Justin Bieber’ Owen who missed a try down the side line, but also took a great swan dive into the deck, resulting in some nice carpet burn all over his face. Special thanks to all the Recruits who volunteered to assist, processing registrations, acting as marshals during the day and slaving away at the BBQ.


Track & Field O

vercast skies, cool temperatures and some intermittent drizzle really made conditions perfect for athletics competition. The venue was a proper athletics venue and with the assistance of Queensland Masters Athletics, Track and Field Events of the 2013 Queensland Police and Emergency Services Games were conducted without problems and the program ran smoothly and finished on time. There were 35 competitors entered for the competition offering 18 events. Some competitors entered up to seven events however the gruelling schedule took its toll on some of them and there were some late scratchings as the morning wore on. We presented almost 100 gold medals as most disciplines were supported by a fair cross section of age groups. Interesting to note that the age groups from 40 years upward were the most heavily supported. Our youngest competitor was 6 and the oldest in the 60 to 64 years age group. A total of 23 records in both male and female were broken in the track events and 9 were broken in the field events. A couple of the 5000 metre times were bettered at these games and some of these records had stood for quite a few years. Hard to pick out anyone in particular but pleasing to see Wayne Turner and his daughter Lauren competing, they have been great supporters of Track and Field for many years. Geoff Cox (40-44 years) set new times in all the sprint events and long jump and Cheryl Stanley in the 60-64 years age group as well as Stephen Burstow in the same age group both set a number of new records. It was great to see all competitors having a go although some succumbed to injury and soreness on the day. I am sure they all enjoyed the competition and I can only encourage them to step up again in a couple of years time. Thanks for your efforts.

John Cahill



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