Bethel360 Magazine—Summer 2016

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ies are enduring hardships and paying the price to liberate men and women, boys and girls from the shackles of sin, false religion, witchcraft, ignorance and disease. God is honoring their faith and sacrifice by working through them in powerful ways to set the captives free. This year, Lady Chrys and I traveled to Banjul, Gambia, where we attended the Fifteenth General Conference of Bethel World Outreach Ministries International. What a wonderful time we had fellowshipping with some of the most faithful and committed Christian leaders you will ever find anywhere gathered in one place! We’ve come back more grateful than we’ve ever been to belong to the Bethel Family.

Our conference hosts were Revs. Patrick and Jamesetta Taylor, founding pastors of the Bethel Cathedral of Faith. These two young missionaries are outstanding examples of what Jesus can do through weak, but yielded, vessels. Their lives and ministry in Gambia tell the story of how a loving God and living Jesus are hearing prayers and working today in miraculous ways to bring freedom to people in distant nations.

When Jesus spoke to my heart in 1990, “Don’t be a refugee, be a missionary,” I did not foresee all of this. He never ceases to amaze me. He has blessed our Bethel family to establish more than 250 churches, 25 elementary schools, three Bible schools, a TV and a radio station, and a clinic. And as I write, we are poised to more than double the number of churches in less than five years.

Patrick and Jamesetta arrived in the Gambia, an overwhelmingly Muslim country, with only $100 in their pockets, a baby on the way, and no where to lay their heads. Sounds familiar? Jamesetta had a Green Card to come to the US as a permanent resident, but she chose to obey the call of God and go with her husband to the Gambia instead.

But this is not about lands, buildings, churches and schools. It’s about souls and Bethel missionaries on the frontline in the war to free those who have been taken captive by Satan to do his will. As good soldiers, our missionar-

I remember visiting them in 2008, when they showed me a piece of land they wanted to buy, occupied by pigs, in the midst of a slum. They shared their vision to build a modern church edifice on that spot and transform that community for Christ. I said

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nothing to discourage them and did my best to come into agreement with their faith, but considering the place they found themselves and the limited resources available to them, it was difficult to imagine what they were describing becoming a reality. I promised, anyhow, to assist them in purchasing the land, and I did. Fast forward to May, 2016. Not only is there a very modern church edifice on that spot, they have purchased additional land, erected a beautiful school also, and are well on their way to transforming their community.

THIS IS NOT ABOUT LANDS, BUILDINGS, CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS. IT’S ABOUT SOULS AND BETHEL MISSIONARIES ON THE FRONT-LINE IN THE WAR TO FREE THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN TAKEN CAPTIVE BY SATAN TO DO HIS WILL. The place is just not the same as it was eight years ago! Someone aptly described the job of a Christian is to provide living proof of a loving God to a watching world. I agree wholeheartedly. And I am hugely thankful that God is allowing me to be a part of a family and belong to a church that is taking this mission seriously. While in the Gambia, we ordained sixteen new missionaries. That’s sixteen new leaders in this spiritual army


“THIS IS GOD’S FAMILY, THE BETHEL FAMILY, WE LOVE THIS FAMILY, GOD HAS JOINED US TOGETHER,; WE MUST STAY TOGETHER. WE LOVE THIS BETHEL FAMILY.” [ BETHEL’S SONG] of “freedom fighters.” We preached Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit and received numerous testimonies of divine revelation, healing, deliverance, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, and spiritual transformations. Lady Chrys and I were blessed to be accompanied on this trip by a team from the U.S. Our team from the US worked closely with our international Bethel family to serve over 1100 people through medical missions, spearheaded by our own, Deacon Yvonne Little. Another team of Bethelites, led by Minister Nina Lawson, ministered

to more than 500 Muslim children, sharing the Gospel, feeding them, and giving them gifts, made possible by your generous donations. Those people, children and adults, were all ministered to in the Name of Jesus. And none of them will ever be the same again because Bethel provided them with living proof of a loving God who cares for them and wants each of them to be free.

ages us to maintain our bond of unity. I want to share the chorus with you:

One of our Sierra Leonean members wrote a song for Bethel that we sang often during the conference. It reminds us of who we are and encour-

I love you, Bethel! Let’s keep setting the captives free!

“This is God’s family, the Bethel family,

we love this family, God has joined us together,; we must stay together. We love this Bethel family.” May it inspire you as it inspired us in Banjul to remain faithful and committed to our heavenly vision.

See more photos from Gambia on Page 14 and 15


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I was praying for my husband to get a job. He had been out of work for almost a year and it was taking its toll on him, and our finances. One Sunday, after hearing a Sermon that Bishop Johnson preached, something in me was stirred. I prayed in the Spirit and asked the Lord to bless my husband with a job that coming week. The following day (Monday), my husband came across a job advertisement online and he applied for it. On Tuesday, he got a call from the Hiring Manager asking him to come in for an interview on Wednesday. When he went to the interview, he was hired immediately, and asked if he could start working the next day, which was Thursday. He started his new job the following day! Isn’t God amazing? There is power in praying in the Holy Ghost. God has already given us the power and authority to take control of our situations. It is our responsibility to exercise that authority with great anticipation that God will do the impossible.”- Hannah

“My vision has been blurry for some time. On Friday night during the miracle service, Bishop Koroma (Guest Minister) was praying for those who were ill and he said that there was someone whose eyes were being healed. The instructions he gave were that the person was to touch their eyes. I touched my eyes and immediately, my vision became very clear. I blessed God for His healing touch.” - Freda Allen








“I met Bishop Johnson almost two years ago when he ministered at my Church. I asked him to pray for me because at the time I had a lot of medical issues,and the Doctors said I needed to have a hysterectomy. My prayer was that God would heal me. Thank you Bishop Johnson for praying for me. I had a daughter and I am celebrating her first birthday soon.” - Mboyoi Johnson

to our Ministry Workers of the month for April, May, and June!


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Dear Bishop Johnson, I watched your message on Kingdom Africa Network in Nigeria about our righteousness, and the righteousness of God. This was my first time watching you, and I was blessed. May God give you the grace to continue to be a blessing to this generation.” - Okoduwa Godsend



Deacon Sam Morris Security Ministry

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I would like to share my sincere appreciation for Pastor Peabody. I have only heard him preach once, but it had a profound impact on my life. I had thrown my son out of the house because he wasn’t contributing, but was creating many issues for me. I was incredibly angry with my son and upset at his lack of ambition. Pastor Peabody preached a Sermon that spoke of the parent’s role in a Christian home and one of them was to provide a strong environment. I felt like God was waking me up and saying that I needed to focus on Him and not my son’s behavior. My son is back home and my focus is on myself as a parent to demonstrate unconditional love. He is in Community College and his attitude has improved. Wow! I am grateful to be surrounded by all the amazing Pastors at Bethel!!!


Armor Bearers

Frank Prempeh Men’s Ministry


Women’s Ministry

Elder Mildred Doe Counting Ministry

Jonathan Taylor Membership Team



s a teenager, I had irregular cycles that came once or twice a year. In my 20s, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. (A painful chronic disease where the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside it and attaches to other organs. There is no known cause.) After an outpatient laser procedure was scheduled, the Doctor said that he had been unable to remove the tissue because it was too close to major uterine blood vessels. I was declared medically barren as chances of getting pregnant naturally would be a miracle, and even if I did, I was told that the growths would prevent blood from flowing to the fetus. My heart sank and I wept in Prayer when I got home.

information with him. He decided to stand by whatever God would say and not the Doctors, and if we could not have any biological children, he said we would adopt. I was shocked!

Three years later, I was notified that I had pre-cancerous cells in my uterus and the test was done twice with the same results. I cried out to God in prayer, I had many questions, and felt alone. My situation was getting worse! His response was to remind me “His Grace was sufficient”. After the revelation sunk in, I did not cry again. Three months later I went back to re-do the tests, and they did not find any cancer cells. My cycle also started becoming regular every month.

We conceived our first daughter within six months of the vision. The Lord told us of complications during her birth, but assured us that He had taken care of it. Though she was born prematurely, Blessing was a healthy baby and is now a healthy and happy toddler.

When my Husband proposed, I was still considered medically infertile and my heart sank again as I shared the


A few months after our wedding, while we were worshiping as a couple, I saw a vision of an Angel inserting what looked like clay dolls into eggs and I heard, “this is how you conceive”. My Husband and I could not stop speaking in tongues and I was shaking. The vision came back as a dream that night. A Guest Minister confirmed what I saw during Prayer on a Friday night.

Today, we have a new addition to our family. We now have two beautiful daughters. This is how God changed my story! When they said it would take a miracle, He answered,” I AM the Miracle-working God.” -L.K.

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Liberty TRUE


What is Liberty? Liberty is simply defined as the quality or state of being free. When you are free you have the power to do as you please. It is the power of choice. Liberty is a beautiful thing, but it comes with a costly price. John F. Kennedy said that, “The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission.” The choice is simple, to fight for liberty or to continue to submit to slavery. Two hundred and forty years ago, many brave men and women gave their all to fight for liberty know-

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ing that the outcome would affect them and the generations to come. As Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Attaining liberty is one thing, but it also has to be guarded. We want to sincerely thank and bless the men and women who have served and continue to serve to protect the freedom of this great nation. In the next couple of pages, we have highlighted a few of them who are amongst us. They discovered that having true liberty in Christ Jesus empowers you to be God’s channel for freedom wherever you are.


Name: Idong Essiet-Gibson

Born-again Day: I made the decision to give my life to Jesus when I was 14 years old in high school, and it’s been quite a journey since then. Have you been deployed before? I was deployed in March 2003 as a First Lieutenant in the 354th Civil Affairs Brigade out of Riverdale, Maryland where I served as an Army Reserve, Environmental Health Officer. My unit was called to active duty to serve in Baghdad right after the Iraq war began. How did you feel about being deployed? I had mixed emotions about being deployed to a war. My emotions were a mix of excitement, fear and apprehension. It was less than a year after I got married at Bethel’s former home, in downtown Silver Spring. I got to spend my first anniversary alone in Baghdad. I was however excited to put my military training to work, but also feared the unknown, and I had a strong awareness that I could return injured or even die. What advantage did you have as a Christian over your fellow soldiers? The advantage that my faith gave me was the reassurance that God was in control of my life, and in the midst

of a situation that was really out of my control. A war is the epitome of an out of control situation, where a drive down the road to attend a meeting, could result in the loss of life or limb, not only for you but for the other soldiers who have been assigned to the team that you lead, in a way that is a thousand times magnified from your normal everyday life. What did that experience teach you about God that you did not know before? Romans 8:28 “ And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

THE ADVANTAGE THAT MY FAITH GAVE ME WAS THE REASSURANCE THAT GOD WAS IN CONTROL OF MY LIFE, AND IN THE MIDST OF A SITUATION THAT WAS REALLY OUT OF MY CONTROL. The Bible verse that talks about God working all things together for our good, totally came to life for me. I saw God deliver me and my unit from harm more times than I could count, but even more, how He ordered my steps in the midst of the chaos of war and brought me to where I am today. His faithfulness was real as was the love of the local Church. Being a part of the family of


God, the love of my local Church Bethel- was palpable. People I didn’t even know prayed and fasted for my safe return, and constantly encouraged my newly wedded husband and my mom, who were left behind at home in Silver Spring. I still remember seeing the yellow ribbon in the window, when I returned (the symbol of a family waiting for the return of a beloved soldier from war).

Are you currently serving? After my one-year tour of duty in Iraq, I transferred to the US Public Health Service, the uniformed services of the US Department of Health and Human Services, where I continue to serve on active duty. I am currently stationed with my family, at the US Embassy in Lusaka, Zambia.

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Name: Yemi Adetola Born-again Day: I received Christ in my life, in 1990 in High School. When did you enlist? I enlisted in the US Army Reserve in 1997. I attended the US Army Basic & Advanced Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina in 1997 and 1998 respectively. I served with the US Army Reserve 220th Military Police Unit from 1997 to 2005.

encouraging us in the Word, I remembered Phil 4:13,”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and immediately I felt peace. Therefore, I encouraged myself, and remembered that all I needed was to depend on God according to Romans 8:37 “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”. Since, that day I learned to wake up early to commit my day before God. This was the tipping point that became a secret weapon during training. Some of the privates noticed the difference in my courage. So, I seized the opportunity to encourage them by sharing my secret.

How did being a Christian in the military give you an How did you feel about joining the Military? advantage? What helped? As a soldier, being a ChrisI remember I was nervous on my way to the US Army tian gave me an edge. I was able to draw strength daily Basic Training. I had no mentor or predecessor that served in my relationship with God, and I was able to manage in the military, so, I was not sure about what I was getmy emotions and restrict myself from a wayward lifestyle ting into. As the bus arrived at as a young soldier. Attending Bethel World ATTENDING WEEKLY AND the base, I had my first encounter. Outreach Church weekly and hearing the HEARING THE SOUND The Drill Sergeants looked scary sound teachings of the Word of God from and intimidating and they were TEACHINGS OF THE WORD Bishop Johnson, transformed my life as a shouting and bullying us into believer. OF GOD FROM BISHOP formation, just like in the movJOHNSON, TRANSFORMED Also as a young man, being a part of an ies. My first day was intense from when I arrived, to being escortactive young adult group like Joshua GenMY LIFE AS A BELIEVER. ed to our quarters, to being told eration in Church helped me to have disto eat very fast, bed time being at 9pm and then being cipline and accountability. Most soldiers struggled with woken up at 3:45am the following morning. At 3:45am in being deployed for an extensive period of time and the the morning, we were woken up by the Sergeants shouting fear of the unknown. This led some soldiers to a lifestyle “GET UP!” we were ordered to be in formation by the of promiscuity, drugs, and alcohol. As a result, I remember flag in 15 minutes. Since it took a while for everyone to some soldiers struggling with their marriages and relationwake up and do as ordered, we were punished and told to ships. The consequences of jog for four miles, and our heads were shaved bald afterthese bad habits and poor dewards. My first week was like a scene from a horror movie. cisions led to a lot of soldiers experiencing dishonorable When did it change or improve? discharges from the military Philippians 4:13 “ I can do all things through Christ[a] who or rank demotion. Being a strengthens me.” Christian instilled discipline, and changed my attitude to The big game changer occurred when I attended Chaplife. el the first Sunday of boot camp. While the Chaplin was

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Name: Winfred Ellington Brooks Born-again Day: I was a child when I first asked the Lord into my heart. I don’t recall the exact age. Have you been deployed? I have been deployed twice. I was in the Navy serving as an electrical petty officer when I first got deployed to Iraq during the Gulf war in 1999. In 2006, I was activated with the Army National Guard and sent to train in San Antonio, Texas and New Mexico for deployment to Iraq.


How did you feel about being deployed? During my Naval deployment (in 1999), I was nervous knowing that at any moment my ship could hit a water mine. My activation with the Army (in 2006) was during the height of the Iraq war. I hated not knowing if and when you would return home, as orders could be amended any time based on the needs of the military. Worst of all, I was even more worried if the lady I was dating at the time would wait for me. It also taught me after that eating army food for months, McDonald’s is not so bad after all! What was it like being at war? Scary! Next question! What advantage did you have as a Christian over your fellow soldiers? As a Christian I would say the main advantage I had was the knowledge that to live is Christ, and to die is gain. This brought me solace. What do you now know about God that you did not know before? My experience taught me that God is truly Jehovah Shalom for even in the midst of turmoil the thought of Him brought me peace. That expression became very real to me. Are you currently serving? I am currently in the Air Force Reserves.

Bethel World Outreach Church would like to thank all those that have served, and those who continue to serve in various capacities in the Military to preserve peace, justice and freedom. We do not take your sacrifice lightly. May God bless you and your families.


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Bethel’s Prison Ministry Our Prison Ministry provides opportunities for ministry in local prisons and detention centers. The team is geared toward serving those incarcerated by: visiting them, sharing of the gospel, and providing services to their families and loved ones when necessary. The team members demonstrate the love of Christ to the family unit by services which strengthen the families in prayer, and court support. For more information or to serve in the Prison Ministry, contact Deacon Nina Lawson at or call 301.588.8099.

Why Do You Serve? Deacon Khalea Queen: I serve because I see the inmates as men and women that need a life transforming change, and Jesus is that revolutionary change. We share light, hope, and express God’s love during our visits when we sing, pray, teach the Word and talk to them.

Troy Stewart: God has given me the ability to be a channel. I serve in the Prison Ministry because it is something that I know about. I am a Corrections Officer. I feel that God has called me and therefore equipped me to show Christ.

Apolinaire Tra: I serve in the Prison Ministry to restore the inmates affected by crime and incarceration by bringing them hope available through Jesus Christ. I stand on this Scripture, Hebrews 3:13 “Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.”

Collin Fraser: It is an opportunity to give hope to the hopeless. Many are looking for a way out of their chaotic life styles, but don’t know how to do it. Ministering to inmates has been an 8-year dream of mine; souls are being saved from the eternal pit.

10 Things You Did Not Know About The Prison Ministry 1. It is a secure environment, and officers accompany those who minister. 2. Bethel has permission to visit inmates in Montgomery County and Baltimore City. They visit monthly and are praying for access to more Detention Centers. 3. They have access to the male and female inmates, although they see them separately. 4. They lead an actual Service when they visit with Praise and Worship, the Word and Prayer for the inmates. They also talk to them afterwards. 5. In the beginning, 40 female inmates were present, and 30 males.

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6. The total number has grown to about 70, 30 of whom attend consistently. 7. The Praise Reports range from someone who was released early to healing. 8. Bethel threw a Christmas party, complete with gifts last year on our Campus for the children of inmates. 9. Earlier this year, Montgomery County Detention Center in Clarksburg threw an Annual Appreciation Dinner for volunteers, and Bethel was invited. The inmates performed as a sign of their appreciation. 10. There are more women than men who serve in Bethel’s Prison Ministry.


Think you know our administrative staff? Think again! Look at the statements below, and match it with the correct staff! Once you’re done, check the inside back cover for the correct answer and see how well you did! [Note: Not all of our admin staff are listed] A | At the age of 4, I started designing my own clothes. Later I graduated to evening gowns. By the time I was 15, I was doing fashion shows all over the DC Metropolitan area. I flew all the way Paris to see the Eiffel Tower. But when I go there I was too afraid to go up. Plus the elevator was broken so that didn’t help. B | I visited a live volcano with friends, roasted sausages and made popcorn in an impromptu lava pit. C | I’ve sung on stage at the Kennedy Center. D | I have created multiple Gospel Tracts.

E | I attended make-up and modeling classes to become model. I was so determined to become a model that I had to wear dental braces for two years and exercised every day to maintain my weight. I wanted to both model and at the same time obtain a Dr. degree in Psychology. When I became born again my passions changed and I wanted to serve the Lord as a full-time minister. Therefore, I dropped everything I enrolled in Bible school and started taking classes in Theology. F | I’ve gone skydiving and jumped out of a moving airplane from 13,000 feet in the sky! G | I went to school in the Gambia, and got my first shooting lesson there. I also won the title of Miss High school at my High school.

Deacon Maggie Cruz Associate Director of Hispanic Outreach

Oscar Piña Video Producer

Deacon Edwige Desbhy Associate Director of Membership Services

Deacon P. Khalea Queen Personal Assistant to the Bishop and Publications Lead


Sheba Kereere Assistant to the Assocaite Director of Media

Nicole Taylor Office Supplies Manager

H | My Dad enrolled my older sister and I in a karate class when we were kids. I was having a blast! He canceled our classes after a bully who was much bigger than me tried to mess with me. I practiced one of the karate punches on his tummy. My Dad was secretly proud of me for holding my own :) I | As a youth, I participated in a United Nations Program and won the opportunity of being a radio broadcaster for a day. At the end of the day, the President heard the broadcast, called the station and asked for me to interview him. After the interview, I was awarded a scholarship, and asked to stay on the air as a part-time broadcaster.

Elder Nina Lawson Associate Director of Missions

Deacon Henry Teage, Jr. Associate Director of Media

Channa Guinn-Wilson Associate Director of Events & Planning

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Each year, your giving makes it possible for us to reach souls, equip believers, and impact communities around the world! Here are the highlights from this year’s mission trip to Gambia, West Africa, for Bethel’s International Pastors and Ministers Conference and Medical Missions outreach to deliver medical care for the local community.

Medical Missions: u • 9 Medical personnel traveled from the USA as

part of Bethel World Outreach Church, City of Hope Medical Missions Ministry.

• 10 local Gambian Medical Professionals assisted

them, and the team worked tirelessly over a 4-day period.

• Approximately 1100 persons (including children) received free medical care.

• $110,000 worth of medicine was provided free to the local community.

We would like to thank the 9 U.S.A Team MembersYvonne Brooks-Little (Team Lead), Elder Patricia Noumedem, Nancy Mayah, Sarah Turkson, Salematou Yansane, Nora Esi Lewis, Antoinette Yamsie-Taylor, Alimatu Sangari, and Hawa Fahnbulleh and everyone at Bethel who gave financially and prayed.

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u Community Outreach • Approximately 1600 children attended the

2-day event • The event had Bible Study, games, prizes, a party and meals were provided. • 429 backpacks filled with brand new school supplies were given to the school aged children • Those age 5 and under got a variety of smaller gifts. • Everyone heard about Jesus, had fun, got a gift and everyone was blessed, as Bishop Johnson prayed over all of them. We would like to thank the Children, Parents, Faculty and Staff of Washington Christian Academy, Deacon Peace Nganwa, Elder Emily Mwai and Diana Sical, Bethel Olney, Bethel Minnesota, Bethel Atlanta and Bethel Charlotte, and everyone who gave financially and prayed.

BWOMI Conference u

The conference hosts were Revs. Patrick and Jamesetta Taylor, founding pastors of the Bethel Cathedral of Faith. These two young missionaries are outstanding examples of what Jesus can do through weak, but yielded, vessels. Their lives and ministry in Gambia tell the story of how a loving God and living Jesus are hearing prayers and working today in miraculous ways to bring freedom to people in distant nations. We ordained sixteen new missionaries! That’s sixteen new leaders in this spiritual army of “freedom fighters.” We preached Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit and received numerous testimonies of divine revelation, healing, deliverance, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, and spiritual transformations. BETHEL360 MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2016

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230+ churches worldwide!


Bethel World Outreach Ministries International (BWOMI), is a network of global kingdom-communities with a passion for fulfilling the Great Commission. BWOMI is an instrument of God which brings together numerous ministries in a concerted team effort to accomplish the goal of world evangelism. BWOMI was founded in August 1990 in Washington, DC metropolitan area with Dr. and Mrs. Darlingston G. Johnson as its founding pastors. This ministry is successfully creating a network of missionaries, pastors, evange-

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lists, and Christian workers who are effectively laboring in many nations around the world for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. With a global outreach of more than 200 churches, Bethel offers an exceptional opportunity to be a part of a ministry destined to make a crucial impact for Jesus Christ.


$250,000+ given to support missions each year


AFRICA Cameroon 17 Chad 1 Cote d’Ivoire 8 Gabon 1 Ghana 1 Guinea 11 Kenya 1 Liberia 101 Mali 5 Niger 5 Nigeria 1

Senegal 2 Sierra Leone 40 South Africa 1 Tanzania 6 The Gambia 2 Togo 1

North America


Australia 3

England 1 France 1


Canada 1 USA 20

Latin America Brazil 1

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upcoming EVENTS

AUG 5 AUG 12 AUG 13 AUG 19 AUG 21 AUG 24-26 AUG 28

GraceFest (Downtown Silver Spring) Miracle Friday Service Ministry Workers & Leaders Training Rite of Passage Program Baptism Ceremony Founders Week Vision Sunday


Agape Friday Celebration Labor Day: Church Offices Closed Miracle Friday Service Children’s Ministry Meeting East African Festival Picnic Christian Education: Maturity Class (6-Weeks)


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Hey Bethel! You can now give through two simple text messages using our current giving platform on your mobile phone. To give, simply Text one of the keywords (BWtithe, BWoffering, BWTV, or BWmissions), a space and amount to our Text To Give number provided (74483). Example, if the Keyword is BWtithe and you would like to give a tithe of $5, you would text “BWtithe 5” to 74483. The system will then prompt you for your next step. If you are using Text to Give for the first time, you will receive a text containing a link to login or to create your SecureGive account. After logging into your account and saving the card information, you will receive a message to confirm their transaction by replying “Y”. Once you confirm, you will receive a text letting you know the transaction was successful and will also receive an email receipt. For assistance in getting setup, stop by the giving kiosks in the lobby of our Admin Building (Hall of Nations), and someone will be there to help. You may also contact our contributions coordinator, Eugene Kwaning, at (301) 588-8099, ext. 1114

Bethel 360 is a quarterly magazine that highlights what is happening in the lives that make up Bethel World Outreach Church- City of Hope in Olney, Maryland. Written and published by Bethel’s Media Team, it is a reflection of what God is doing in and through the local body of Christ in all areas; hence the name, Bethel 360. The foundation of this magazine is based on Revelation 12:11 “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” There is power in your story! God gets the Glory and everyone else who reads or hears the story receives a renewed perspective about who God is despite their circumstances, which can be summarized in one word­— Hope. We pray that this magazine shines a light so bright that hope arises in your heart. Editors: Sheba Kereere Henry Teage, Jr. Stories & Interviews: Sheba Kereere Photography: Oscar Piña Henry Teage, Jr Art Direction & Design: Henry Teage, Jr. Interested in joining the publications team and putting your gifts and skills to use? We’re looking for writers, editors, photographers, designers, and more! Contact us at, or call (301) 588-8099, ext. 3002! Guess Who Answers: A. Channa // B. Khalea // C. Edwige // D. Oscar // E. Nina F. Maggie // G. Nicole // H. Sheba // I. Henry

Bethel World Outreach Church—City of Hope 16227 Batchellors Forest Road, Olney, MD 20832 (301) 588-8099 // Bishop Darlingston and Pastor Chrys Johnson, Senior Pastors BETHEL360 MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2016

| 19 Our Mission: To win the lost at all cost, and make as many disciples for Christ as we possibly can in our generation”

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