THRESHERWAY Welcome to Bethel College where you will experience integrated journeys that define a successful student life.
Through your journey of academic excellence, employment experiences, faith formation and service opportunities, you will learn to increase human flourishing (shalom) in your community and in society.
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These shared journeys are
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with a foundation of residential living and community
FIRST-YEAR • First Year Seminar • Campus Community Engagement • Service Opportunities • My Major & Minor Exploration • On-Campus Employment Experience
• Sophomore Vocation Seminar • Faculty Advisor Introduction • Campus Community Engagement • Service Opportunities • On-Campus Employment Experience
• Junior Vocation • Faculty Advisor • Campus Comm Engagement • Service Opport • On-Campus Em Experience
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• Alumni Connection • Employment Transcript • Professional Network Development
• BIFL • Employment Transcript Review
• Alumni Network Experience • Campus Community Engagement
• Service Opportunities • Off-Campus Employment Experience
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THRESHER TALKS “Academic excellence is at the heart of the Thresher Way. By engaging in critical thought, I am discovering my way to live a meaningful life.” “Employment experiences at Bethel link my vocation and what I am learning in the classroom to meaningful, real-world applications. “ “By actively engaging in my own faith formation, I am creating a holistic balance of spiritual, mental and physical practices.” “As Threshers, we are living out our Anabaptist ideals through service opportunities. We are dedicated to demonstrating compassion for the powerless and taking part in selfless action.”
Q. When will Employment Experiences begin? A. We began piloting the program during the 2021-2022 academic year and will have one more cohort in 2022-2023 under the name “Career Pathways.” In 2023-2024, 50 of the 75 available slots will be reserved for incoming new students. Students who enroll in the program during 2023-2024 will be required to participate through their graduation. Beginning in Fall 2024, all incoming new students will be required to participate. Q. Will I have to participate in the Employment Experiences program? A. If you are a student who enrolled at Bethel College prior to 2023, you will have the option but won’t be required to participate in Employment Experiences. If you elect to participate in the program beginning in Fall 2023, you will be required to remain a participant until you graduate or otherwise leave Bethel College.
Q. Are there financial incentives to being part of the Employment Experiences program? A. Yes! There are two different Employment Experiences grants available to students to choose from. The first grant is worth $1,250 per semester and the student will be expected to work 80 hours (about 5 hours/week). The second grant is worth $2,500 per semester and the student will be expected to work 160 hours (about 10 hours/week). Q. How are students placed in jobs? A. Students are invited to apply for Employment Experiences opportunities in the spring semester - for fall placement. All opportunities will be posted to Handshake and advertised widely on campus. Students who have little or no experience will typically be placed in an entry level position. As students start to gain experience, they may be placed in more advanced opportunities that align with their major (to the greatest extent possible). Select students may be invited to participate in the Community Employment Experiences program and are placed with one of our Community Partners.
Q. Practicums and Internships: if they are a required part of a current program’s curriculum, will they be considered part of the Employment Experiences program? A. Students enrolled in an approved Professional Program (Teacher Education, Social Work, Nursing) placement or practicum may receive up to 160 Employment Experiences program hours based on the number of academic credits they will receive for the experience. Applicants for this option must have been enrolled at Bethel College full-time the prior semester, and have worked at least two full semesters in the Employment Experiences program. Students must submit a petition to the Dean of Employment Experiences during the semester before their placement or practicum is to begin to be considered for this option. If for any reason a student does not complete their semester employment experience, work hours awarded will be calculated based upon the number of verified hours they did complete.
Transfer students: 2 semester prior requirement could be waived on a case-by-case basis in professional programs. Q. Bethel students are already very busy, how will this work in their schedules? A. We want students to be “Bethel Balanced.” Students will learn how to develop a schedule that allows for the five shared experiences in a way that is manageable and meaningful. Q. How to 2nd/3rd jobs, gigs, side hustles work with Employment Experiences? A. It is expected that the Thresher Way and each of the shared experiences be a priority to students. If performance in any of the shared experiences begins to wane, appropriate interventions may take place. Q. How is employment experiences any different from previous campus jobs?
A. Employment Experiences emphasizes intentionality and specific skill development for students. It will be rooted in an evaluation and assessment model that creates more of a coaching/mentoring relationship between student and supervisor. It is less about day to day tasks and more about developing an intuitive work mindset. Q. How will students demonstrate that they have mastered the skillset necessary to be successful in the workplace? A. Similar to a student’s academic transcript, Bethel will create an employment transcript for each student. This transcript will detail a student’s employment experience throughout the duration of their college career. The transcript will delineate the level of the job along with skill acquisition mastered in each work experience. Notations for distinction and/or credentials earned will also be included. We anticipate that this document can be requested along with academic transcripts for prospective employers, graduate schools, etc.