2014 Missions Guide

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2014 mIsSiOnS gUiDe mIsSiOnS pLaN | mIsSiOnArIeS | lOcAl mIsSiOnS

A WoRd FrOm OuR PaStOr

2014 BuDgEt Ilya & Janet Bantseev

PAOC Siberia


Ed & Natasha Dickson

Independent Eastern Europe


Ray & Margi Bradbury

Independent Argentina


Don & Marie-Jose Mann

PAOC South Africa


Bible is that God sent His best, His only


PAOC Restricted


Son, to bring hope and salvation to the

Darren & Patti McCrea

PAOC Columbia


world. As followers of Christ, we must do


PAOC Restricted


Mark & Sharon Davy

Independent North Africa


of reconciliation. The Great Commission

Mike Kerychuk

Independent Southeast Asia


that Jesus gave to all of His followers is

Mike & Sheila Middlebrook

PAOC Kenya


Bob & Magda Emberley

YWAM Missionary


Mati & Julie Gali

YWAM Brazil


into our own community and then to the

Smila Church



communities and nations around the world.

Pastoral Staff Missions

Kenya & Ukraine


Youth Missions



Orphanage Ministry



Orphanage Camp



Watoto Children’s Village



Missions is the heartbeat of God and therefore a high priority at Bethel Church. The whole redemptive message of the

the same by doing our best to advance the good news of God’s love and message

to GO into all the world and proclaim this praying, sending, supporting and doing missions. It starts from our church reaching

This brochure is our Missions plan at Bethel for 2014. It is where we start - not where we end. May I encourage each one at Bethel, work of God through Missions, but also use this brochure as a daily prayer guide for the missionaries, ministries and outreaches



that we support. God will richly bless you in return for doing that which is of His heart -

Pregnancy Centre



reaching the lost and hurting.




The Rock on Campus



Bethel Local Outreach



-Pastor Tim Gibb



mEeT oUr mIsSiOnArIeS IlYa & JaNeT BaNtSeEv RuSsIa

MiKe & ShEiLa MiDdLeBrOoK KeNyA www.comewithustokenya.com

The Bantseevs are pastoring a

Michael and Sheila Middlebrook

church of approximately 1,200 people in Novokuznetsk, Siberia; a city of 600,000 people. Their congregation ministers in prisons, orphanages, and to people with life controlling problems or addictions. They also organize various ministry and missionary teams to plant churches throughout Siberia and share the gospel with professional groups such as doctors, athletes,

Michael and Sheila both teach and Michael serves as Academic Dean of the College. Please pray that the Lord would strategically place these graduates in ministry within Kenya and beyond. Also pray that the young people of Kenya would continue to hear and respond positively to the call of God upon their lives.

BoB & MaGdA EmBeRlEy

RaY & MaRgI BrAdBuRy ArGeNtInA www.wnministries.org

Bob Emberley grew up as a teen and young adult in Bethel Sarnia.

The Bradbury’s pastor the Potter’s

He and his wife, Magda, have been

Hands Christian Center, located just

working full-time with YWAM (Youth

blocks from the national parliament

With A Mission) for many years. They

buildings in the Congreso District of

assisted in starting a YWAM base in

Downtown Buenos Aires. They are presently meeting in a rented building;

Recife, Brazil and recently have been working in Afghanistan. Bob is currently working with a YWAM team in Thailand. He and Magda

however, they need to secure a permanent location. Their facility

will be in Brazil, for the months of July and August, teaching at the

is rapidly becoming inadequate to meet the many needs of their

YWAM Recife base. In the Fall, they plan to go to Pakistan for 3

growing congregation. Congreso needs to know that they are here

months to teach at a “School of Evangelism” with Pakistan students.

to stay. They must know that they are a permanent voice and that

Please pray for the door to open wide and for the needed funds and

their commitment to them as well as to Christ will not fail. Their son

visas to go into Pakistan.

Jeff, also assists full-time in the work with worship, teaching and youth outreach.

DoN & MaRiE-JoSé MaNn SoUtH aFrIcA www.reinventingthechurch.com

eD & nAtAsHa dIcKsOn EaStErN EuRoPe Bethel Sarnia has been very involved

After 3 years in Zambia, Don and

with the missions work of Ed Dickson

Marie-José are now based in Pretonia

in Ukraine in the last 3 years. What many do not know is that Ed’s ministry

South Africa is to come alongside

extends beyond Ukraine. Ed’s ministry,

pastors and church leaders with the goal to: “Encourage and equip

Loads of Love, is also actively involved in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Afghanistan and China.

existing churches to work together with emerging leaders toward

The ministry is focused on three targets: helping orphans, reaching

the simplicity of the Acts 2 church.” Another aspect of their ministry

out to forgotten seniors, and sending messengers of light into dark

is to “empower people in developing nations to become self-



MiSsIoNaRy ReStRiCtEd NaTiOn

mAtI & jUlIe gAlI bRaZiL www.jocumrecife.org

This Missionary couple has the

YWAM Recife works with different

privilege of serving in a Restricted Access Region which is 97% Muslim.

on the ‘younger generation’ which

There is a very small percentage of

are children at risk. Each year they

Christians. They are working with

train and mobilize more than 100

local believers who feel God’s call to evangelize and plant churches. They do this by training them in

students and volunteers and have 70 full time missionaries. Although the economy of Brazil is thriving,

at times dangerous.

extreme poverty is very common in the cities and all across the

Pray for God’s protection on their lives and those they train. Pray

spiritism and witchcraft oppress many people from knowing the

country. Because of this crime and violence are ramp everywhere,

for boldness for the national workers as some will literally lay down their lives for the Gospel. Pray for courage for those who become Christians are often rejected by their family. God often speaks to people hungry for truth through visions, dreams, and supernatural signs and wonders. Pray that He will reveal Himself to millions in this way who may not otherwise learn about Jesus.

mArK & tAmMy gRiFfIn gErMaNy

Lord in a personal way. Please pray for people to be open to hear the gospel. Mati and Julie will be hosting teams that are coming for massive evangelism during the “World Cup” (soccer) as the nations are coming to Brazil.

MiSsIoNaRy ReStRiCtEd NaTiOn This missionary has a burden to minister to impoverished families

serve as PAOC Global workers

and children in Southeast Asia. There

in Germany. Although Mark

are literally tens of thousands of

has a background in worship,

children displaced from their homes

evangelism, and youth ministry, the ministry has been primarily been living in Europe as their primary residence since the summer of 2010. In the spiring of 2013, they opened a leadership training and church planting facility. In cooperation of a catalytic, proactive movement which desires to see leaders equipped and churches planted - churches that will continue to plant other churches; thus expanding God’s Kingdom.

MaRk & ShArOn DaVy NoRtH AfRiCa


due to much civil unrest and natural disasters. Parents struggle to meet the basic family needs (food, clothing, shelter, medical). Their long term vision is to develop a care center for needy children. The centre would help meet their physical needs but would also provide opportunities for selfimprovement through English teaching programs, technical and vocational skills training, counseling and more. They have begun the work by launching ESL programs in local villages and in a Bible college.

MiKe KeRyChUk SoUtHeAsT AsIa www.reachingkids.org

Missionary Evangelist Mark Davy has

Reaching Kids International is

preached the good news of salvation,

dedicated to meeting the spiritual,

healing, and restoration through Jesus

physical, and educational needs of at

Christ for over 28 years and in over 75

risk children in third world countries.

nations of the world. Often notable

Most of the children where RKI serves

miracles have accompanied his ministry

are bound in incredible poverty

including deaf ears and blind eyes opening, the lame walking and

who have no chance of escape unless Christians help. Most of the

even the dead raised. Over the past 13 years, Mark has seen over

countries where RKI serves in are Buddhist and so they pray to spirits

2 million decisions for Christ. Mark is a Canadian evangelist with a

and hope for good luck to help them in life. Most of the areas are

heart for Canada and the local church, often ministering in Canadian

very impoverished and it seems that the government works against

churches across the nation. His primary missions work is in Sudan and

them. A true revelation of Christ would break these strongholds!

Northern Uganda.

lOcAl oUtReAcHeS CrIsIs PrEgNaNcY CeNtRe


The Pregnancy Centre in Sarnia exists to provide support, care and

Neighbourlink is a local help line which mobilizes hundreds of


www.neighbourlinksarnia.org volunteers from 20 local churches to work together to respond to

The Centre provides services to women, teens, their partners and

needs of their Lambton County neighbours. Whether it is giving

parents who are feeling these deeply personal issues. The goal

a senior a ride to a doctor’s appointment, tutoring a child, or

of the Pregnancy Centre is to provide a safe place by providing

helping a disabled person with a home repair, church volunteers

education, post abortion care and relationship counsel. The Centre

can express their love for God and their neighbours in real and

does not provide nor refer abortions.

practical ways.

ThE RoCk oN cAmPuS www.therockoncampus.org

BeThEl SaRnIa www.bethelsarnia.com

The primary goal of The Rock On Campus is to provide Chaplin

At Bethel, we believe that Missions should start at home. We have many people right here in our own community who need to know the love of God through Jesus Christ. As funds are raised in our missions giving, we become involved in a variety of outreach efforts and support various local ministries. Past outreaches of Bethel into our community have included: Neighbourhood picnics, Family Fun Day, Kids Adventure Week, The Solid Way, Divorce Care, Cancer Support Group, Rescue Junior High Program, support for The Landing, etc.

services to students and staff on community college campuses. Chaplains seek to “be there” for students and staff, offer care as requested. Dan Helps is currently serving as the Rock on Campus Chaplin for Lambton College.

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