CONNECT Magazine | April 2012

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Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.

Pastor Tim GIbb Lead Pastor


APRIL 2012

This Month


TO KNOW Passover Demonstration Join us Sunday night April 1st at 6:30PM, as Jewish Missionary Steve Hawkins will be presenting a Jewish Passover (Seder) meal. This meal was established by God for the Jewish people in Exodus 12. Jesus, in His earthly life, celebrated the Passover meal. As Christian believers, there is much revelation we can receive on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ through the symbolism in the Passover meal. Steve is one of the missionaries we support and a love offering will be received for his ministry.

Elder Board At our recent Annual Business meeting, 4 men were elected to a two year term for the Elder Board. They are: Darwin Armstrong, Caleb Courtney, Derek Shannon, Dave Strevel. The continuing board members are: Bob Foster, Steve Fraser, Chris Guerette, and Doug Nixon. Special thanks to Ken Steenwyk (2 years) and Grace Celaire (5 years) for their service on the Elder Board.

Wednesday Prayer The Healing School teaching on Wednesday nights will conclude on April 4th. With the special meetings in April, we will recess Wednesday Prayer for 2 weeks. On Wednesday April 25th, Prayer will resume with Pastor Tim leading a short teaching and prayer for the needs of the Church.

Bibles For Missions Bibles for Missions Thrift Store is looking for your support. Donations of household goods and clothing are welcomed. Funds received from the sale of all donated items are used by the Bible League of Canada to purchase Bibles and Sunday School materials to spread God’s Word throughout the world. The

Watch This Week’s


store is completely operated by volunteers. The store is moving to their new, larger location in the Spring of 2012 and will be needing additional volunteers to assist in the new store. For more information, please call 519-337-1614. The store is currently located at 110 East Street in Sarnia.

Encounter Services

JOHN WILKINSON April 8th-10th at 7:00PM

John Wilkinson is an associate evangelist with Shake the Nations Ministries based in the United Kingdom. This ministry began in January of 2006. John is a passionate revivalist, taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world. Hundreds of thousands of people have been impacted for Christ through John’s ministry. This evangelistic ministry is marked by the power of God which results in salvations, healings and New Testament signs and wonders. Along with his evangelistic crusades, John also has a passion to see revival come to the church. John ministered at Bethel Sarnia last September. For more information on John and Shake the Nations, you can visit the web page: Mark these dates on your calendar and make plans to attend these Holy Spirit meetings.

JOHN KILPATRICK April 17th at 7:00PM

Bethel is honoured to host a very special one-night revival meeting with Pastor John Kilpatrick, and worship leader Lydia Stanley. John Kilpatrick pastored Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida for 22 years. During his time there, he had the privilege of pastoring the Brownsville Revival which began on Father’s Day of 1995. The revival lasted 6 years with over 5 million people from around the world attending and with over 500,000 salvations recorded. This is the largest revival in the history of the American church. Currently, Pastor John is the founder and Senior Pastor of Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama and President of John Kilpatrick ministries. On July 20, 2010, a new outpouring began under Pastor John’s oversight with evangelist Nathan Morris from Shake the Nations Ministries in the U.K. Revival services have continued since that day with hundreds giving their lives to Christ and many extraordinary miracles have occurred. These services have been broadcast around the world to an audience of millions through the internet and God TV. Pastor John will be accompanied by the worship leader from Church of His Presence and the Bay Revival, Lydia Stanley. Lydia is one of the greatest worship leaders in North America who combines an awesome passionate and spiritual worship style with some of the most anointed worship songs written in recent years. Come and experience the dynamic ministries of Pastor John Kilpatrick and Lydia Stanley here at Bethel on Tuesday April 17th at 7:00PM (Doors open at 6:00PM).

WHAT IS THE BAY REVIVAL? On July 20, 2010, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit began in Daphne, Alabama at the Church of His Presence pastored by Pastor John Kilpatrick. A 3-day conference was being held. On the last night, with evangelist Nathan Morris from Shake the Nations Ministries U.K., the Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way and a revival began. Special services continued each week. As word began to spread, the revival grew. To accommodate the crowds, the revival meetings were soon moved to the Mobile Convention Center in Mobile, Alabama. What is interesting to know is that Mobile Bay used to be called “The Bay of the Holy Spirit” In 2011, the Bay Revival ministry team began holding meetings in cities across the United States. These services have been broadcast around the world to an audience of millions through God TV and the internet. This revival has been marked by many salvations and remarkable healings. One of the most significant miracles in this revival was that of Delia Knox. Delia was left totally paralyzed from the waist down for over 22 years as the result of a car accident. Delia attended a revival service at the end of August 2010 when the power of God touched her and she received a miracle. Delia stood and began to walk. She is now totally restored from the paralysis. It was such an outstanding miracle, that the city of Buffalo (her home town) declared a Delia Knox day in October of 2010 in recognition of the miracle she received. Outstanding miracles continue to take place in this revival. Bethel Sarnia is honored to be host to the first Bay Revival service in Canada. For more information on the Bay Revival, go to “It was my awesome joy to attend the service in Mobile when Delia was healed. It is a moment I will never forget for the rest of my life. This is a genuine move of God. The preacher is preaching Jesus Christ. His emphasis is on the Word of God. Salvations and miracles are the result. I urge you to attend this meeting here at Bethel on April 17th” -Pastor Tim Gibb

BAY REVIVAL IN MICHIGAN Join Pastor John Kilpatrick, evangelist Nathan Morris and worship leader Lydia Stanley for 3 powerful revival services at the New Hope Assembly of God in Taylor, Michigan. On April 19-20 service times are Thursday at 7:00PM, Friday at 10:00AM & 7:00PM. See Pastor Keith for transportation arrangements.

KONY 2012 AT B ETH E L APR I L 19TH | 7:00PM

A number of years ago I picked up a book called “Left to Tell” that narrates the hor rors of the Rwandan genocide from the perspective of Immaculee Ilibagiza. This woman spent 91 days hiding in a small bathroom with 7 other women while over 100,000 civilians were brutally murdered throughout her country. Halfway through the book I called my dad to ask, “Why did no one stop this? How did the whole world sit by and do nothing?” My father with wisdom responded, “What did you do to stop it?” I had no answer, only empty excuses about being in high school at the time and not being a regular news-follower. I had never bothered to educate myself, to contact my government, to help spread awareness of the 1994 genocide. Following that conversation I began researching a charity I had heard about called Invisible Children.

latest movie (KONY 2012) went viral and in one week over 80 million people were talking about Joseph Kony.

What I learned was heart breaking. In Northern Uganda there was a man by the name of Joseph Kony who for 20 years had been leading a rebel group called the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Kony and his followers had been terrorizing the locals, kidnapping children, forcing them to become murderers and sex slaves. Invisible Children has devoted their work to rescuing and rehabilitating children who have suffered under the LRA. One of their main goals is to raise awareness of the problem so that people will encourage their government to get involved. The last 7 years of Invisible Children’s work led them to an unexpected social media phenomenon a few weeks ago when their

3. This event is an easy invitation for our youth to get fellow high school students to come to our Church. We are believing that God will work in the hearts of young people that night to bring them to salvation!

A couple of weeks before the movie was released, Invisible Children contacted me to ask if we would be willing to host them for one night, I said yes for a few reasons: 1. I believe in the mandate of Invisible Children. The Bible gives us specific instruction regarding widows and orphans (James 1:27) and helping the afflicted (Isaiah 58). As the Church we have a great calling to reach children like these and with faith and action help them find hope! 2. I think it’s important to have an understanding of what is happening in the world. We are blessed and sometimes we need a reminder of God’s goodness.

Whether you are a supporter or someone with questions I encourage you to join us as we host Invisible Children, watch a short movie and hear the testimony of an LRA survivor on April 19th at 7:00 p.m. -Pastor Tricia Gibb

I.C. IN THE MEDIA There has been a lot of backlash to IC’s recent movie. While some have asked legitimate questions, most criticism has come from uninformed sources. The best way to respond to the rumors is to research the answers from credible sources.

Where does Invisible Children allocate their funds? Invisible Children has always been transparent about their finances (annual reports are available online). Upwards of 80% go to programs and services including initiatives in Central Africa and awareness of the issue worldwide.

Where is the LRA and how big is their army? The LRA moved out of Uganda following failed peace talks and is now currently active in DRC, CAR, and Southern Sudan. It is believed their army consists of about 300 soldiers and at least 300 women and children. Although their army is small, in the last two years the LRA has abducted over 2000 civilians and killed over 1000.

What Happened To The Founder? In the 2 weeks that their movie went viral Jason Russell came under an incredible amount of vicious personal criticism. All of the negative backlash compiled with multiple days of no sleep, malnutrition and dehydration resulted in a public breakdown and the medical diagnosis of “brief reactive psychosis.” He and his family need our grace, compassion and most of all, prayers! To conduct your own research we recommend consulting these credible sources:

THE STORY SCHEDULE April 1 - Chapter 9 The Faith of a Foreign Woman (Ruth) April 8 - Resurrection Sunday w/ John Wilkinson of Shake The Nations Ministries 5 WEEK SERIES “THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY” (UNITED & DIVIDED KINGDOMS) April 15 - Chapter 10 Standing Tall, Falling Hard (Samuel & Saul) April 22 - Chapter 11 From Shepherd to King (David & Saul) April 29 - Chapter 12 The Trials of a King (David Reign & Sin) May 6 - Chapter 13 The King Who Had It All (Solomon) May 13 - Chapter 14 A Kingdom Torn in Two (Jeroboam & Rehoboam)

Coming In May Real Women - May 11th Ladies, mark your calendars now for the next Real Women Event “International Night” - Friday May 11/2012 @ 6:00PM. Come celebrate your country of origin by bringing your favorite ethnic food for a pot blessing dinner. You will hear exciting reports of what God is doing around the globe in worldwide revival and we will pray for your country! Sign up at the Welcome Desk.

Looking For Artists Painting + Pottery + Photography + Woodwork + Etc. First Friday is a monthly event that occurs in downtown Sarnia. It is an evening when businesses are open late, live music at certain venues, and art is displayed at various locations. Sarnia Christian Fellowship is looking for Christian artists to display their art work and share how their piece reflects their relationship with Christ. If interested in participating or have questions: Contact Rachel Kilbreath at 519-332-9539 or


ith our Annual Business Meeting moved to after the Sunday morning service, I wanted to keep my report short so as to not keep everyone longer than what was absolutely necessary. So I opted to shorten my report and to use this forum to speak to our members and congregation about a few areas that I want to highlight. First of all, I want to say what a blessing it is to lead this church family! Bethel is a special place. I love our corporate times of worship together! I love that we are a multigenerational church that worships the Lord together! This is God’s goodness. I want to thank each one for their faithful support of the work of the Lord. Bethel has a long history of members who are consistent in their giving which has enabled us to do well financially every year. Thank you also for your encouragement and prayers in the work of the Lord. I want to highlight a few areas….

BUS MINISTRY First, as I briefly mentioned at our Annual Meeting, we have had a wonderful problem with our bus ministry. There are such things as wonderful problems! The problem has been that our van is simply not sufficient for the number of people needing a ride to church. One Sunday the van had to make 4 runs to pick up all the people. They started at 9AM and did not finish until 11:30AM. One hour into the service. Then after the service another 4 runs with the last run leaving at 2:30PM. Our Deacon Board has searched out what would be the solution to this challenge. Our church insurance is making it almost impossible to own a school bus anymore, requiring all of our drivers to have 3 years paid driving experience. We have considered buying a 2nd van, and that may still need to be part of the answer. However, we have been able to make arrangements with a local bus company with the provision to rent a bus each Sunday. Leslie Foster, who is employed with this company, has been helping by driving the bus for us. This arrangement is certainly working for the immediate. We are not sure yet if this will be a long-term arrangement or a short-term and we will have to look at other options. The good news is that we have people who want to come to the house of God, but they need help in getting here. I want to thank our bus ministry

team for their service. Shannon Smith is providing leadership in this area and his commitment to this ministry is valued. Leslie Foster, Bill Shea, Perry Routley and Paul Dunn have also been a big help in driving the van.

churches and orphanages in Ukraine. When I was in Ukraine in November, I met a number of young church planters who are doing a great work for God. A little financial help to purchase land or help with a building project would go a long way to bless their ministry. These are the types of projects we are looking to support. We are also wanting to do this in such a way that we can maintain an on-going relationship with the pastors/churches we help. A missions trip to Ukraine is planned for the first two weeks in August. I will be going, along with a team from our church. The mission will be two-fold. Part of the team will be doing a kids Bible camp at an government-run orphan camp. I, with others from the team, will be traveling to various cities holding services and making connections with Pastors for the purpose of investigating where our support can best be realized. We are working directly with Ed Dickson on this mission.

MISSIONS/UKrAINE FRONT SIGN Missions is a big part of what we do and who we are at Bethel. Our Missions Guide for 2012 is available at the Welcome Desk in the Lobby. Please be sure to pick one up. Our global workers are doing a great work for the Lord. I am so thankful that in my tenure as Pastor, with your generous support, we have been able to fulfill our goal amounts for every missionary and in many cases go “over and above.” In the last few months, the Lord has really put the nation of Ukraine on our hearts. This past November, I had the privildge to go to Ukraine and to preach in a number of churches and to be the main speaker at a Pastors conference. It was there that I met Ed Dickson. Ed certainly was well received when he was with us this past February. Close to $10,000 came in the offering that Sunday for ministry in Ukraine. When our Elders met with Ed, they too felt the witness of the Spirit toward Ukraine. As a result, we have increased our Missions goal from 2011 from $87,000 to $100,000 with $30,000 of that to go to the nation of Ukraine. Those funds will go through Ed Dickson’s ministry “Loads of Love” and will go to help

Within the next few weeks, a new sign will be on the front face of our church. This will go in the triangle section of the front of the church below the steeple. It will simply have the name “Bethel” but will certainly help people know where we are. I have been amazed as I am in the community, with Bethel’s long history, how many people do not know where Bethel is. They know of Bethel, but unsure where we are located. I trust this sign will greatly change that!

NEW PEOPLE TO BETHEL Every week we have guests that come to Bethel. Sometimes they are from other communities, but also many right here from Sarnia. As well, we have a good number of foreign college students who are making Bethel their “home away from home.” We are blessed to

have them! I believe this provides a wonderful opportunity for ministry for the members of our church. May I encourage you to introduce yourself to someone who is new to at Bethel. Let’s be known as the friendliest church in town. Let’s take initiative to get to know those who are around. I believe we have an awesome opportunity right within our own house.

SPECIAL GUESTS COMING We do have special guest ministry that will be coming to Bethel. John Wilkinson will be with us again April 8th through to the 10th. And then for one night, we have John Kilpatrick and his worship leader, Lydia Stanley. Pastor John was the lead pastor at the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola Florida during the 1990’s. Over 5 million people attended the services there, with over 500,000 decisions for Christ. It is one of the greatest revivals in U.S. history. And now Pastor John is leading another move of God out of Mobile, Alabama. We are very privileged to have these servants of the Lord come to Bethel. May I encourage you to do all that you can to be a part of these meetings. People have traveled from all over the world to be in the Brownsville and Mobile Revival meetings, and we have the blessing to have these ministers right here in our house. Then also on May 27th, Pentecost Sunday, we are blessed to have our General Superintendant for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Rev. David Wells, will be our special guest for the morning service. God is certainly providing wonderful servants to come to our church.

THANK YOU Last but not least, I want to thank a number of people for their service in a specific area of ministry in 2011. I do this, running the risk that I will miss someone, but I do want to publicly acknowledge their service to the work of the Lord here: - Our Elders: Doug Nixon (President), Chris Guerette (Vice President), Steve Fraser (Treasurer), Dave Strevel (Secretary), Grace Celaire, Caleb Courtney, Bob Foster, Ken Steenwyk. Thank you for the many hours you gave to bless and lead the church! - Our Deacons: Brian Gagnon, Dave Ouellette, Matt Routley, Derek Shannon, Joe Sit, Shannon Smith, Duncan Tunstill. Your service to the church is valued and appreciated!

- Our Honorary Elder: Ray Worton – and Honorary Deacon: Hank Visser. We love and respect your years of service and continued support! -To Carl and Faye Johnson and team for their excellent leadership with our seniors! - To Stephanie and Caleb Courtney – for their gift of leading in our worship ministry. - To Matt Routley – for his leadership of the visual team. - To all of our soundmen and video team – How can I preach without a soundman and a visual team? Your service is a BIG blessing! Thank you! - To all our musicians and singers – you lead us into the Presence of God. Thank you for your faithful ministry each week! - To Gilbert and Margo VanSligtenhorst – for your leadership with the Tuesday night Bible study. I know you are greatly appreciated by the Tuesday group for your ministry! - To Shannon Smith and the men’s team – for your heart for men’s ministry and for putting some great events together for the guys! - To Pam Lozon and the women’s team – for your heart for women’s ministry and for your leadership. I received so many positive comments about the women’s day in February! - To all of our nursery workers, children’s church, and youth leaders – I can think of no greater ministry than that to children and youth. - To all of our can drivers – Shannon Smith, Bill Shea, Paul Dunn, Perry Routley, Leslie Foster – Sundays can become long days for you because of the time required, especially with our current challenge with so many to pick up. You have served graciously and with a willing heart. It is recognized and appreciated! - To all our welcome team and ushers – you help to make people feel welcome and comfortable in the house of God. A truly important ministry! - To all our offering counters – Thank you for giving of your time to serve in this area! It is appreciated! - To our altar team workers – thank you for allowing God to use you to encourage people when they need prayer! - To all our Bethel intercessors – thank you for your continued prayer support. The ministry only goes forward as God moves in response to prayer.

- To Flo Zink – for her leadership in coordinating the funeral lunches. This is a great blessing to families in a time of grief! - To Chris and Linda Guerette and Steve and Kathy Fraser – for their excellent leadership with our young adult ministry. You are blessing our church by your leadership! - To Paul and Helen Dunn – who provide a wonderful support and ministry to people in our church and community who are walking through the tremendous pain of separation and divorce. Thank you for being the heart of God to these in time of crisis! - To Dave Strevel, Ken Steenwyk and Kevin Hazzard – for leading Financial Peace University. I know this course has been a blessing to those who have taken it. -To Carol Tunstill and Leslie Foster – for their service in the café. Thank you for being available for our church family to have a place for fellowship before and after the service. - To Wendy Bennett – For her faithful service at the offering desk. Thanks Wendy for doing this week in and week out! - To Dalton and Robin Burke – for each month preparing the communion. I know you do this out of a love for the Lord and the church family! It is appreciated! - To my Pastoral Staff – Pastor Keith and Patricia…Your love and care for the Bethel family is so valued…you are loved! To Pastor Tricia – you’re alright too! - To our Ministry Staff – Kim Lapier and Mary Elliot assist Pastor Tricia in children’s program and youth ministry. Your service is a blessing! And my wife, Kim, who provides care for the pre-school ministry. Of all the people on this list, I like you the most! - To our Office Staff – Helen Gagnon (Receptionist), Carol McRae (Bookkeeper), Jordan Ouellette (Media) and Kim Gibb (Receptionist on Fridays) – you each provide a great support and do your job well! Thank you! - To everyone at Bethel who supports the work of the Lord, I thank you! - Pastor Tim Gibb

Marriage Mentoring - A program that matches experienced married couples with couples that want to improve their marriage, fix problems, or are preparing for marriage.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues. nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Kathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. Led by Pam Lozon. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Home Fellowship groups - New to Bethel or desire to connect with others? Join one of our Thursday evening Home Fellowship Groups. Contact Darwin & Angela Armstrong or Pastors Keith & Patricia for more details. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Restoration Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Connect At Bethel




6:30 PM Service Pastor Keith Patrick

10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

9:15 AM Sunday School

29 Newcomers Reception

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tricia Gibb Youth Leading the Service

9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb


6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb

9:15 AM Sunday School

6:30 PM Financial Peace Course


6:30 PM DivorceCare

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Financial Peace Course


6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM Service John Kilpatrick


7:00 PM Service John Wilkinson


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room



6:30 PM DivorceCare

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch


6:30 PM Financial Peace Course


6:30 PM DivorceCare

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch

7:00 PM Service John Wilkinson

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch

7:00 PM Service John Wilkinson



6:30 PM Financial Peace Course

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch 6:30 PM DivorceCare



6:40 AM Sunrise Service at Canatara Park 9:00 AM Pancake Breakfast 10:30 AM Service John Wilkinson

6:30 PM Service Steve Hawkins

9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb



6:30 PM Prayer




6:30 PM Healing School



7:00 PM REVO3

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


7:00 PM “Invisible Children”

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


7:00 PM REVO3

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


7:00 PM REVO3

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


Thu 10:30 AM Good Friday Service Communion



12NOON Keenagers Luncheon




APRIL 2012


Detroit Tiger’s Game-Comerica Park, Detroit





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